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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1891, p. 7

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yHsP 1, Horsey,s B3loek, Town Ua11, ranville, TEARD OP *r'7V zShoes, lothing, etc.,ý thinçgs too mimer- a blood d(isease". Until tho poison la expelled from tle systerm, there ocan no flOdtr for this loathsome and daniger ous malady. Thierefore, the only ûeective treatrnent is at thorougli course of Ayer's Sarsap)arlla-the best of al blood purifiers. The soonier you begin thie better ; (dlay le dalngerous. "I1 was troiled,( with catarrli for over two yers Itried varions rrvi Aies, and wias treated by a inumber Of AYI clans, Lbut received no beneýfit zotil 1 began to taire Ayer's Sarsaparllla. .A few bottles of tllis ýOediciue oured mne of this troublesomne complaint and coin- ç tely restored iniy lhalt)."-Jesse M. ogHo'lman'ýs Mils, N. C. <When Aye's Sarsaparwilla wasý rec- omneuded, to mne for catairli, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so mauiy remedies, -çiith littie hei- euit, 1I had ijo f aith that anythlng woutld curen me. 1 became emnacated fioml loss of appetite aud impaired digestion. I liad uietrly lost the sense of semeil, and my vSysteni was bialy deraniged. I -Was about dliscouiraged, %wlhen a friend urgodl me to try Ayer's Sairsaparilla, and re- ferred me to pros whomn it had cured of catarrhi. After ll!talng half a dozen botties of this xneicinie, I arn coivilnced that the ouly sure way of treating tis ûbstiniate diseaSe is thrýougthe blood." Loweil, Mass. Ayer'8 ,%Saîsaparillai PnE1I;DPÂR3J Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LoweII, Mass. THE GANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISIIED 1854~ St pera suuin luadtanee, othetwise $1.50. Snsrpinslaspybea h offlce of Publc~~sh.&verti rates uclosby con- trat, 0 clit pe lionouparlel, irt iiser. tien, sud 5 cents par ino oai ubsequont iu- sertt'on. Local.4, 10 cents per lino. M. A. JAMES, Publisher VETERISARY 8URG£.ONq. ORONO, - ONT. Ils 1 ohe U u ý1t(l erU4 oL . o ' en-'Ile 11 'uIlu. t Accom)irpauiied by AIvr. lewitt, aLi liagitratte, he made mn expedition fourteen miles up thre Quarmleta, river to tlireVillage of Nasau, at which place tirey founid _Mr. Fliut's, body, a whIo, it sern ad beenl klled by Um'pal, the chief, of the ditrict.TIlle latter frl lied1 h iimielf in hie houeih waas urround- dI b'y water. After a fierce flight, Umipla9 aid 1,'D of iris followers w,.ere hîlled,-. AIorse hiirwas bitten hLy Lamad cdog at Doe unNvmber 3, dlied dunring Satur- day ugt having apparently suifered gr(uit agouy from ydoirbi.People living near heiard Ire poor. eatplunigini f].n uttering extraordinary noise:s, and in theh morniug is mne was founid bâtton to pieces, and the wafll of ite stali wreclred, evidently h)y is frantic kicks. The carcase t was wouiided ili u buised il over. A cbidiid Who rvas bitten by the sane dog was treattedii by Dr. Pasteur, amdle d ioinig well. I Amougst the passengers wiro crosýsedI fromi Calais te Doter on Moda-as a cliiid irsv- f ing two hieads sud two bodies, but ouly o11L pair of legs. The child, which wae conveyed in a special kind of carrage, was proceeding witir its parents to London.t During their adveuturous journey thre pioneereý of tire East Africa Company camre across a creain of tarter tree 97 feet in ci-t. cuiference. If tire luterior were taken out9 it is saifi, leaving barh sulicieut 0on eitirer, side, te keep tire trec staniding, three wag-à gens could pass abreast through the sheli. b A Calcutta corresponident statos :--TireI edncated Indiane are inucir agitatod over I thre present political ituitation iun Eugland. f Tirey expeot much froin thre Libeýral party,t and they are auxiotrs that thre prospect of tirir coming to power soon may not slufer bytthe resuit o the O'Shiea divorce case.a Tirey have had slilcient experience of the couiduct of tire Conervative party to- i wards India nt te expect auy rosIl beirefitf frein tieir asceudleucy. Somle congrees lead-à en3 point eut the expedîiency of allowiuge In1dia to be utaade no Part y question, but tirev opinion of the rajority of the Iiidianl politi- 1 clans is tirat thaiis a resuit impossible te achieve. An intereting case under tire Burials ActV was heard at Lougirborough, wiren the IRev. .* Smlythies, retor of Hathern, was suin- mlonied for refusinig to permita Nonconforut-c it funoral procession to psss into theù cirrci-yard. Mr. lSroaton, barriser, in- l structed by Messrs. Slirpierds, of London,8 proseecuted. Ife said the funleral1 was delay- P ed 20 minutes, Mr. Smytiries lhaving loukLb g the gates uintil a certificate wvas handed over o to which ie m'as lo net tld until aftor threE funeraI, Tihe prosecution only requlred a alir admbissi.ontlat tire doemiand wae aeumis-d taire in law, and Mr Smlitirers to exýpress te- t gret. Tihe rov. gen ilemnasi sroed te, accep)tb tirese conditions. P iree bilmes witli uuze about to ire fired for tir it 'was found that oeeo ho1p01)S ac "dlsié ition. The gun was unu rals discotinued. Tir 11.ioadere were tested 1witl S. cruisoer Barracoîrta, re- FE on1Tuesdavafter tunder ,rracoita, w rIset w5att te bo at oui xpeiC, fr tw ave to be pý ae beaugr .uonee .'l~. t. n. atlt anrtssd n Pioheregill asud WN. ots Guards, ilu te played by theut ou01 i took place at tire ncdon. ithe fiai -in tire0 le ir e h 1. Five of abîýIldoniDg ,the iii leeiras died way. Tiren, agalu, mwe fiud a t endeilcy te adopt gored irts1sudround w 'it ' ire e of suchl a waist may oltirer be 'oncoaled ail rounld, or b ire ldeu at Lthre baIroly, oudor tireboî,t of the shirt. Tire front is pointed Nviree Vhii s lthe case, sud s princesse front nay be adptdiaving a widle backr lu whvlicir ne seames are se(2n, the skir-tbeg se-wed on in very large gathers. Somnetimois a uarrow bjet is ulsoJ, which ls e e un lit tire side seames, sud le croesed at tire bacir sud net displayed at alIlu front. Such a belt ldecreases thu apparent size of a large waist, as seen looking at tire haci. The round clwaist is more becom-ing te a slighit form tiran to a fil oue, as also ta the gored shirt. Where tis shape le preferred, there willI be ne more fullnese at thre top of tire shçirt breadths at tlire bac'-, but at the foot the shirt will ho rounld. A seain of stoping f ormlun tire centre of the back mairkes this shape, as it reduces the hacir breadtths to iralf their width at the top ; the front eýdges are simply straight selvages. It lse nessary to inahe thre reet of the shirt after this shaping the two bacir breatdthsý, by uising two straigit hif-b)readlhs with panels of a comblustion fairrie on esch. side, each oue of wilrih should h-ave ua width fof iine or ten iuches. Large collarettes continue te be worn, sud are frequently emblroidoered, the shape bourig flaring sud oftert double. Both eùdge are wîred. Bline, wiii for a tinue gave w-ay to tan, dark green and gray, lerostblshdis a tylîsli favorite for- street costumes. Many dlIfereut sirade are worn lun dresses for tlire promenade as well as in wvrape. Imiperiai bleu, is one efthtie slirAdes môst lihecl. Coat hodiçoes, as they are called, are seen lu lotli suite of hiîgh fashion. These wvaists have soames whilh cross the hipe or corselet rente. In dresses ef camel's-lialr wiricir fair- tec is much uwed thie sefseon a ruf- le, e sceos at the foot, or fut- whieir scntito a lest-shape at the top, thns ýeaititu]ly trimiug iiitire lowe-- edge by ite raiglit portion, sudl furtirer adorninig it bý his cuittinig-oult of the top of thre wide baud 4 tire fur, wbiie thre weight of suoh a trimn- ing heepe the sirt wvell nud undlis- utbed by the miotion of walhing, or hy le wîuds se prevaleýnt ait tis time of thej Lon-- Tlire bacir breadhs of camel's hair shirts "d ai- Should ho bedraped on tire eeof a bodice vici sIgirtly po'istedl as te its front. Tire skirt Leen's irýd hest ire of themui-kd habit ehape'. raterl Your eleevesc may be esttireiy of tire fasirion- 0,tr ablo e seenterie or your vest onlly. th ,n For dresses of Bnalnwlic-1ir tylisli il' PnPe ieave now adnntcd. «ha trilmitnilfs ýare, purities from o 'Pirple ta the worst Scrofu loua Sore. ALWAY8 AT THE /M Block. )r telepirose recelsi FOR HOME DYEING. sa Only 3E reqtirdl i Usiug. as snd, J. S. ROBERTSON & Co., Montreal, es A. A. BOWUVERMIA tie ried, RAS R~OEjAI the f hi inalilrery sl ok, t.c. t livei tirewhoe c hi tncirnesy, toc, ee., 1 hi P5OR~T PERP-- cýaî :I Stoer,~, îuie -JtîrasÇle and ai "".rk 5U.ra1eed bc o sn a ffIr. class manner. A artge steak of maLuutfaturca wooled goods, Prints, cottous sud general dry owu mnaterial maude 900,18 alwaYs 01, baud at roasonable price ke g, Irs-CwIý stleand, iaounci te koep it ep witir the times. Cali at i ~~tc1&tt Syl tire wel.irnown Milb, aud YOu wlll always ho nteed. ibratly deaIt'wtir, - A. A. BOWERMAN, YOUT. tosD. 203-lyr PIOp)rittor se sdPrmturQ Deças. LEVI MORRIS, é-Tl isu fuliY prcpared tf)aattend fuserais on the sirorteet not ice tirhe loWest Possible rattes,. Ceuhkets and Burt-al Cases readKcyn short notice. Ftret-cltass Ilearse au very moe eres rts SlIrolII nde(sudCe iIicoost ntl hgu bad. (lFuserai carde sumppliei at once. , Furetturel Siro sui Sow aon Bousele c-wBlooti. RICORDS SPECIFIO (TRAPI: !MARK INE0IST$1&.) soIn hy al drugglsts. sole Proprietor, IL. SCEOPIELD Seoeeld's Drug Store, EtLtcrST., lioemro. o le ouly Remedy which wil pet. disase, n iattrho~egsttndngwatsleng sud euuceSEfulliy 1ueed iu Frouan~d- Englsbi irespitalfs. TWo bottloS guarauteed to cure tire Yors as. Pries, $1 b t Ev Il 0 o Staiueai as te drive tke se gne-box lu w i,So impris(mi brohe tlir asteai-ý les et steinissuf nasu wio wu q i suid leste beri Edwa t 40 Crsbt letiou -f. . , et tire1 0 oie',cof' siotelir torie2. 8. soute gaod Scotch aie hear tels.One le tira Airer wviro il a aneatteri ý aineid froii aeeýociatio1 zy. I il gang te tire ninister e: te baptize tire bairu, but ve clin,,a Rz. av rn if, Taylor, quantitry corore lne cueceverect nie tel mIistaire. Hie meuthrand tirroat were s ingly burut, sud witimu twenty miinutc died il)tire General Hospital, te wiic] stitin irle was taheni. Tire press Acseociation's Liverpool oç pendent telegrapire;--Tire bolier( hitchen lu a hanse lui Aufield, ole 0e suhurbe etftLiverpool, explodled ou Su afiernoon, owing te supply pipes ft02en, Tire hitliren wats completeiy re edl, sud Mre. Summes, wite of s commii travetter, aud tirir daugiter Maud, aý years, were se ecaldedC and inljurýeLdtirai died bcforaieceical assistance arrived. summlere, andi iis nlioco, Ellesl Madd(l aged smoll, wore bohuiadiy soalded. At Waudswortir PoliceCourt, on Mou James Ponitoni, herse dealer, et Streat was esddcagd3;i hotn Harowchot ler t tie Wandswortli rin iRailway Station. Early ounS moi uing Harrowassisted Pestera home tire station, Poniton bietng tire watt driir, snd whie they reacirod tire 1 Ponton prodnced a gun, whilhlire eh Harrow, sud thon pinteti it at hlmii 'wazi discirarged, sud a Cdozen sirote werts -cd in Hstrow's face. Harrow will Pl 10;e iis sight. Iu 9Jrling. '-1ep tirere was a geioea. mter1oed tir itwa eptht les a flea ial, The oxaminartieý eus, tie atiug terrible sud fatal a( weeh, eirowed tirai initie o Ihout avMl wI~ flOt ,h lu- le reverend par-son ire began hie ie says Ye air te coma e ver sud ;ie-" tiebairu yameau, John ? La, it'e nloo tirat at a', "eSaidjoiru lui ose, "'I etit's t'stire oe. 1SeotehStory is tinS A Scotchr clicl ot belotve tirat iris owni mis- striotly ortirodox views, wîsired te sire baptîzed, but would neot rielx aliweltare by lirattg Ihlm ipcrtorm i aniy ireterodox miassier. So lire >suotlier tewu oiily te lsnd tire Le soui-t was sway fisiring. Tire e wvas direotod telirad gene ircut- id wtir indignation ire ssid te iris à : gang to Mai-3ter Erekinie. Tirat i ivill neoire fis31iisg or liutiug." und the ireuse, but as ire approacir- ard tire sound of music. Wheni it lassie opanied tire deer liere t- Sirer: ývecomipany tire ighit. f 1 'tire .," sre neere buehug "Rob- a Play lir7e yen, but tire minister 9a bit store ho goas te bcd." d niasu went away witirout mshlug [iruowu, No minister wiro piayad could baptize iis hairn, senire wast sown, wiro neitirer lislired,, lirnted I forhidden music, sud lot hlmi thild. Ela P asha's>Wxeeati. costume. By ripping glie spart,, 'anc~ model Several of tirese pretty artilsuo ttre patteru, sud mae treu istaron fairtics. Jackets et brilliaut colore, forvestr at home, are made in tire Figaro sund Zoîuave shape, botir of wicir are short. Many have a frînge falitig around tire bust sud are rioirly embr-idered. A irigir listing collar je tire lateet addition te tirose gracel'ul jack- ets, thlouglir many are, seen witirOnLit at tire gatireriuge at wiinnlumny bouses, tes je tili eervedl at ite or at six, but alîneet al show the pointed wiug puif ou tire top of tire leeve. Sucfir jackets are tory couveniont, ase they maire a Iltop etof enficlent warxrrti te a wlt tiat is ent low. Somne ladies have adoptedL as a ceuvenieut iarticle feras "ltop " a kTiudetf Plastron of lace sud jet, or narrow bande ef velvet witir lace puffed belween, Lsud wliir tQrmýisasdeop poinit bacir sud front, sud le aise supplied wvith a ful ruif or collar, sud bristliig irutterfiies of jet, or a couple et blacirbirdls percired n p on pulls of jet, net tee large toe o ddled, wtiout pro- ducing au affet of exaggeratien, ovar tire higir leeve cf a low drees. Toa-gewns ratais tirh oe !backin lumet of tire elegant modale but lu some, as lu tire nqlgetire bacir litsi l aiftigiri effect. Ntiriug le toc, costly tot tiretritiug of soutle ut tire lmported tea-gowus, wirile tris pretty germient iras tire adlvantage of heing if properly shaped, effective and grace. fut in a great varîety of simple fab- rics. Fur, as well as tace, ribirons, tulle, noctai beads of aIl kinde s-et upon bauds, sud silr passomenterie, are displayed as welt as haua-worir sud velvet upon tire lateet teaý-gowns. In some leglit examples tire passementerie formns a dcep yoke, ase on ax drese, On otirers tirera e iai corselet effeet, sud passeeeterie le again dirpiayed up tire ides or tire front 'oiî,cf tire gown. Vîsîting toilettes are lin egalina or, faille, sud show bars, tripes aud large oval spots. Tirese aset, lu soeaexamples show tire spots reuuiug frointire edga of tire por- tion~ to ho useçi for tire skirt, and gradually deoreazing lu size toward tire Itue, wirere thecy stop. At the edgeo f tire ghirt tiroi fMr. Stanley%'s e- taIIýýcriceethuer aine or-tort, sud sleaveg of ymany. ît is certain - lvet, o. whici a lest or fiwerlewrougirt I pa-is wio roe smcairing tire corselet, but sparsely scatter irey as heen - ailur ïecbut tis dis- aeppïiei3tly, almeet inevitable ale ýae arises fri ie etisat eineue of the thirty, or tirereabouts, nirOsu treaty rigirts machines empiloy)ýed i lu iing a fuli3' eqnip. .frica 11 renseote ped great guiraus caueed 'a roactioîs luEn- ýdg,'t preba lder laiii mu vor af emller guns sud oft doiug teu Germas Ga',ver- atwaIy vvithras mui maci uetyaspossibl e. i l tirai course. Ou Tire Tirundeter's 100-tonnera have becs; o, t1int Emin le tee tahen eout aud repIacd witli 29-tonners, carry est tire uretir. worked estiroty by iand. runet.Inquisitive peoplo are the tunneicls oet con- versýation1 ; tiey (da net taira ir a ssyiimm for eue et t!t gieteettiir own uil , hit merely te pase it tu es- irope. ther. -iSteele. IEcHSI STRK 0.9[id. 58 & 60 OHURCH ST. TORONTO~ A Hamilton comn1111sion nmerchant lis impýlorted firomiN'ew !York 535crateie of eg,,j They -were selling there at 23 cents a dozen, while in the Amnbitious city the prioo was 3 The death of the Pope le expected to pre- ipitate a great effort te select onle of the Freiich Cardinals, of whem there are ton, mjore thiariare in any other country except Italy. Those regarded as " Papable " are -Ngr. Lavigerie, M gnr Zigliara, and Mýgr. Moniaco delta V&lette. The Je suite aSç thouglît to prefer the Piedinontese Cardinal Oreqlia, whoni the Italians are estrongly againat. Thre Dominicans are for Mgr. Zag. liara, a Corsican, and tire youu)gest meomber', of thre Sacred College. Tire Spanîtýh Carcli. nais are expected te aid the Frencl i ,gainst thre expectedl opposition of the Italians, Ger- mans and Austrians. .A ri-on fflu-ant's te CprisonTIarg Orgsutzed tely in- to tire coucln1uive testin.i isusses, an association eou ol thre purpose of tieft. Ail tire mebers v-se irogit te tire of tire association1 in tire Ch was there et)ted sund apprad elassilied, se thlat it migiru ie eut oxitingssico.Th, dlvided according ta tire I ment o e iespec-tive nts c Ile resuit wse tirat ail tire snecsvar-ylug frein ose t( prison. oe. -Pi 45. "Iletjj . 1

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