T ake Note. Nly Wall Papers are special. Patterns beautiful, and prices right. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 4crCD C> p ff FIl1 Stock of WII!DOW SHADE. P. TREBILCOCK. BOWMANVILLE, AIL 15, 1891. Uozn. Johin Carlin~g will rernainin l the~ Canet,*altheoughi defeated'at the polls. Sir Chas. Tupper, Canadian High Com- rfassioQUC3, saled for England Weduesday. P. T, Barnum, trio Prince of Shiowmnen an2d 1King of Advertiser, is deudd441d leaves an estao vworIth $5,000,00. iThe liberals carried ail three seata i the~ Nova Scotia Provincial bye-elections luat Tuesday whieh shows pretty ejeariy liow thie Bluenoses would have voted fn thte Dominion election if their liberties had not bleu tail,;rec with by unscru p- ulous politiciana of the Tupper and ThompAlon tripe- The announicemiouit that cattle are sou.- in in G1asgowr, Scotland, at one per cent per pound loLs than Oicago prices, will rather cool the einthusiasm of those who have been uglug Canladian farraers to Lde. vote ail their attention to raising cattle fo he Brltieh market. Montreal cattie exportera tiave lest heavily upon recent shipmeute te Great ]ritaiu. A few weekii ago wo sent accouflt te Be ubscriberes a year or moe éin arrears. een $Urpv1s$od wy te meannessgand M'a- h.neety ef a few-m very few-to whons we have sient the paper iu good faibli. We have kept thse letters and think it would serve the.persene right if we were tW pub- lmli hni te let the public know just how mue&u seule im n mact, A good miany people in~ Wasipgten who claim te uuderstand the polit.icah ut uatio)n * are of opinion that Si-. Charlem Tuipper's rocîprocity mission, whiulh end- ed ln such a liasco, was te defeet rociproc- àty rather than tû accomplish it, They take the rounid that, as tii. Conservative loaderei were conipelled te promrise to do sointhing lu order tci carry the eections. the intention et Sir Charles Tupper sud th~e two Ministers whio accompenîod hlm ,was te mnake propositions whichà they knew Mr. Blaino could tnot accept. Blile, te Canadlien reciprocity dole- gatee: "Gentloemen, 1 have a slight head- ache todlay, and doni't feel like tehking rociprocity. Besidebs the President waute te go off on a holiday jaunt, aud ho would lik-e te ho here whon iwe are dincussiug the trade question. Please go home, sud corne back liu a few meinthe, wheni perhape I1 ill liset o whatjyou have got te s4ay." -i Cales Tupper; (bowing iow) "W. ~are cutirlrey t your service,si" Blaine (to colered do)orkeeoper) "Sain, kindly sh-ow thte genitlemi-en out." And soeueded the long uxpected reciproc(,ity niegtia- tious.-ý--Ftree Prees. The Western Bank. SThe ninth annual mietin ti o the share- tiolders ot the Western Bank ef Canada waes held at the head office et the Batik, Oiehawa, on Wednosdey iset. The report whilh the President aud the Directors were able te preserit wassofetltce met pratifying character. As may ho seen by sreorence te ifinlu ether columun, the, con~tents show large and succossef i result,ý. AJL net profit of over *40,000 uponi the transactions ef the year, or 14 per cent -en the psîd up capital, attor deducting giuore than $24,000 for dividlende, sud acldic, *9, 000 tetiie Rest, le indicative ot cuianagerent whielh the Fýhareholders ïi1tuld iu their liard timies, ho thoroughly 13tise5ed with, aud the Cashier prend ot. With mciiexecutivo ability a dts it le etit arprisipg-, if it le giatityiug, that the Westernu Bank iow rnewith the xmut IRdvisihing mnonetany institutions eft o- ¶im RF1TEvrw oe ' REws, (the busy marr's magaine) reviewed lu condonsed 'Çornithe progresa f et o rld in politie, tocial reforine, th.e arts, and sciences, glv- îngtô its readcrs information concornlng the Ieadlxrg event8 of the day, and follow- W igwith intelligen-t intere thte ovemnt TROUBLE IN THEI TORY WOLD That everything is net harmonieus lu the Couservative camp in West Durham le a intter that le well known te many and an influential wing of that party mako ne secret cf their feelings towards some of the officiais of the Conservative Associ- ation. In the ast issue cf the Sun ap- pears a letter over the signIature of Wmi. Mvlhug which cenveys the idea that some eue ini the ranks je responsible for the failure te elect Mýr.'Blackstock and hints that the Conservative Party was either bought or sold, and he promises more light when holreceives it. Mr. me- Clung- also pubishes a resolution reou ed by hlmi at the recent Coneervative Con- venition, whieh le a. rathor dif ficult pioe of composition to comprehend, but it statesý that "there are certain rumôrs lu circuation which reflect aeriously on gomo memibers and officiais ef the Conservative Associatiom cf this riding, and if such are true or have any foundation thoni action should ho takoen against euch individuels, as it has resultç5d disastrouely te the Con,11 servative interosts cf our candidate at the late lectioni. ' The resolution thon very properly cals for the~ appointinent cf a cemxittoe te invetigate sud i Possible find tho guilty parties. It is well Jknown lu Bowmanvihle against whom thie charge le hurled, and we are surpriaed that any one who linowis the mn wouid fer one moment imagine that hoe would de anything te miitate again8t the succeee ef hie party. In our opinion if thore ie eue man mire than an- other lu West Durham who le entitled te credit for pxomoting the iuteresteocf hie party the psst ton yeasethiat man le Mr. Prower. Yeur ln and yesr out ho lias haci this eue object lu view, and but fer hie indefatigable efforts the Consrvatise party lu this ridîu-g would even now ho anl uukunown qtaitity. Who,:,Iot us aek, b t Mr. Prower has kept up theoerganiizatien and given monoy su ad time te keep the Tory machine a-going ? Perhape it is net generally known that Mr. Prower bore almeest entirely the. expenses of two eioct- ion conteigseil which ho was the candid- ate. T'he trouble now seome to h, ho- cause Mr. Prower is lu favor with the Gorerumnent and gts the plume that others wbo have net doue eue theumandth part as nmuch for the party would like te got. W. are told that Mr. McClung la backed by a streng following in Cart- wright, Newcastle, Clarke sud sevoral prenilueut citizene of thiâ town, but we should liko Mr. MoClung te naine a mingle at of Mr. Prower'ýe open te suspicion. We bave net admred Mr.t'rower's Politiý cul career, but we do net like te se. an innocent mn belied or misrepreseuted. It la sheer nomeonso te hold Mr. Prower or any other manlu West Durham re- epousible for Bir. Blacke-teck'e email maj- ®rity lu Bowmnanville, becaume it was the pepularity of the LibLral candidate snd the. unpopuitity of theo Governmont that, infnenced theolectors te vote as they did. Why did net Mr. McClung publishi hi. letter lu the ue w "organ"insteed t lu a Onit shot ? Surely ho le net in bar, niony with the newmachine. It bas good cause te feol. insulted ovor hie9 want cf recognition et ite immense circulation. W. T. LOCKEART, M. P. P. Tii. Saturday Globe Apnil 4, centaine excellent portraits and sketches et the Cabinet sund Legilature ef Ontaie-Cani- adNas banner province. Among the hie- graphical sketches appears the fellowling: William Thomas Lockhart, Wes't Dur- biamn,wae hem lu tho township et Smithi, Ceunty cf Peterborough, ou the 29th No- vember, 1839, eto Scotch pr Hta eH wae educated lu Oshawa sud livod lu Bovrnanville util 1860. lu that yffer ho went te Ertieth Columbia sud reînained for two yoars.' On his return ho ongag-ed lu the grain trade lu Orono. Eleven years cgc ho nemovod te Newcastle, where ho has carried on an. extensive grain sud commission business, Rile father bcd be- come well knowu lu Durham as a tal- wart Liberal, sud the present member for the riding, aitheugh taking ne .active part in municipal affaire uer conspicuous part lu politics, hsd acquired, et the time et hie nomination for theLmegislature, tii respect cnd confidence of aaIl chases et the' pepple of the oointy. Ho wes nomiin-o ated et the lest geieral eilection by uca Liberai panty et West Dunham and was elected oser Mr. NW. P. Prower by a mawj- ority of 51. Rei len graduae of the oU Muhitsny Clege, TIorente, sud for meny years was attac(hed tote i.4Sh Battalioui Ho is a miember eftltbe Masonic Order sud lu religion ie a Preebyterian. In 1880 ho married Miss Mary Reu wick, dauighter et the late Jon Reuwick et Clarke. MR. JOHN& SGUAIR, B. A. Lest Saturday's Mail coitaiuied por. traits et tic Professons et Toronto 1- i n- vorsity, aitong thema very usatunal lîke- nes et Mn. John Squair with tiie foilow- in ketch etf hie ducationeal careor, M. 89uair le a native of l3owmi-anville, Ont. 11,o etaught Public echoole ton a few yeans sud afterwards attended Bowm-auiville 1figh School for a couple et yeare before xnrtriculatiug. At the nmaticulation ex- aminiatioii et 1879 lho ebtained first-clase honore lu ovey subject except iistony sud gcegraphy. For four yoars hoe punsuied his studies lu University Colege, îakiug houeor elaissies anld modernels i hie first ycaansd henor metaphysie ana iinocerne in Lis second year, cufininighumulseif te mdrein hie thiný,d.and tourth yeare, sud gnac1uting- with the gold iiodal lu mod- ùrne, itu 1883. 11e was the irt Fellolu l FreQnch and Gorninai, but on acceut of the ITHE INTH QENERAL MEETUNCI 0F THE SIIAREJOLDERS 0F The Western Bank of Canada. OSHAWA, ONTTARIO, IIELD AT THE HIEAD OFFICE OF THE BANK, ON~ WEJb'NESDAY, THE StIk D&V OF &FB1L, 1SDL. TI W13W1Ný IAEHLER VRE PRESENT :-Joiu CowÂN MILL4N, EsQ., T. PÂTxuSo0ç, EQ. C. W. SCOTErv c, FHN MCIAUGHLIN, Esq., TRiomAs MLE, EQ., RoBusur DILLoN, Esq, W. W. TAiMnLY-Y, Esq, ard DàriNE.L Liceu, EegQ. The Preeldient, MR. JoiHN ýCow.N, occupied the chair, and Mn. MOMILLÂN, the Caehior, acted as Secretary te the meeting. THIE NINTH AN-cNUAL REPORT 0F TIIE WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA., Tii. Directors beg te subinit the Ninth annuel report for the year ending the 28th February, 1891. The net~ profits for the poriod covered by the Report have amounted te the sein et $39, 366. 82, (being about 11j per cent. on the average paid up capital et the Bank) whioh, with the balance csrried forward frem the proviens year, aggregatese#44,9,33 48. Out et thie amount twe haîf yearly Dividende ef 3j pe et, each' have been paid or provided fer, absorbing the enin of $24,341.84, aleco 9,000o tranmferred te the. Reat Account (whlcb increasos thoe et Account et the' Bank te *75,000) and the balance $11,591,64 has been earried torwvard to theocredit et Pçofit and Loss. The business of the Bank ham been active sud progressive, sud ne bases of importance bave been incurred. The cash reserves have been maintain- od at a point lu exce8u of theo bligations cf the. Banik. JOHN COWAN, Pre,%ident. STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES AND ASSETS 0F THE WESTERN B3ANK 0F CANADA ON T!HE 28,ra 0F FEBRUARY, 1891. Feb'y 28, Balance at Credit of Profit and Loues account. .......... Net profits of the year, after reserving Interest due on Delofitm .............. .................. 'APPLIUD As FûLouwSe In paymnt ofDiv. No. 16 ........ ................*12,135 99 ýC iý 17............ ............. 12,205 8ù Carried te credit of Resorve Accout .................. 9,000 Où Balance at credit cf Profit and Loýs account............ 11,591 64 capital paid Up............. .............................. Reserve ....... ..................................... Notes in circulation ... »................................... Deposits........................ Due te othe Bne u aad ,à .. . .. . Resrvd to pay interewt...........«............... Due te Dividend Ne. 17........................... Balane et credit ef Profit aud Là.esi secount .................... 1 -F$S TS. Specte......... ........... Legai tenders. .I......... Noteis and Cheques et other Bai Duo from other Benks lu Canad4 Due frein Agentsinl New York.- Due froni Agents in Lendon, En Cash Asset imnmediatehy availab Bill1 Discounted Cntrent... Faut due 1»ills sjeourd .... rait duo Bille, unsueurd. Other A.sets, Safea,&&o,... 5,566 82 39,366 66' 444,933 48 $44,93348 e348,166 43 75,000 00 273,795 00 982,7î98 78 40 10 8,290 73 12,205 85 11,591 641 si, 711, 888 53 $37,823 15 31,419 00 11,302 78 260,748 23 7,680 88 62,916 66 .......................... .......................... 1 ............ . ........... ....................... ... ................ ......................... Moved by the. Preoldoet, aniseicons40d by thae Vce-k'readent, that the. Report ns read bu SdOptO4I, prlnted and id *1ated amoe"gt tihe Siareholders-Oarried. Mr. MoLaughlin, eeçoDded 1by Mr Mlle, ,ioyed, Thau the thanks of the Sharo- holder2 are due and hereby tendere t the 1President, Vice-Preasident snd Direotors of the Bankr for the maunier in which they baye oonducted the affaira of the, Batik duriug the ppet year-Carried. Mr. Paterson, seconded by Mr.GibBon, moved, That the thanks of the Shar- holdera bu giveu to the Qashier and otlipr offiluera of the Bank for thoir attention t* the interetsj of the Bank. -Oarried. Mr. Tamblyui, ecoed by Mr. Dillon, nioved, Tliat this nmeeting do niow Pro' ceed to elect by ballot seven Direolor8 te 1611 the places of those retiring, and that Mesera. C. W. Scott and John MeLaughlin be scrutineers for said election, and that the poil romain open for ene heur to receive the votes ef the Shareliolders, but thaý chould five minutes elapae at any time withecut a vote having been taken the poi saail o declared cloi5ed, snd that the acrutineorii be paid $4 each fur their oervices. -Carried The Pcrutineers reporteil the followiug sevon gentlemen as having ecived the utianimns vote cf the. Shareholdere,.vLs .-Johnu Oowan, Esq., R. S. a inEq. W. F, Oowan, Esq , Dr. Melnitoals, W. F. Allen, Esq., Thomas Paterson, Eeq., and J. A. Gibsnn, Emq, who were declared duly elected Directors for the ensuing yeoir. A vote of thanks was thon tendoed te the Ohairmian for hie able coudueut iu the, Chair, and the. meeting thon adjourned. At a s3ubsequent meeting of the ntew Board, John Cowan, E.q., was unanimour Iy elected President, sud R. S. HaniTin, Vice.President. suddon rosigntien et M. Pernet j uet bc- fore the opeing et colloge inlu oer 1883, lho assuimed themduties ef the loci-1 urship lu Frecii, anà has filleul the pos- ition siiceo that tinie. IHa wes the eue wbe tock the most active part in the. or- ganlization utf the Moçýern Language As- sociation cfr Ontario 8some years cg,-Otend lie been ites ecrtary dnning the whoie peeiod c f les oxistonce. Ho hias thns been kept in touch %vith the teachers sud echeols etf tho province, whiciilho coisid- ers veny uecoesany for thoe fficienitd-is- charge cf ie duties ase su ustructer lu the national University. A Credit to Canadian Journalisin. Theose pensons who have net seen the DOMINoIOjLixiirÂTuD )silice i1hlias been se muchi enlarged and improved shoulci decure a sample copyet once. Boti frein a litorsry and atistic point of view the, ILLUSrRtATED le a crodit te Canadian journaihumn. Thle prize competit ion, which hue been iuauguirated witii the double purpose of conferring henefit on readers aud pubIishers, consiste lu finding in current numbors ef the journal the. answers te thirty-8ix questions, sixç of wiih are puhiuhed evory menth. The prizes, aggreRateovoer $3,N00 lua value. There are 100 in aIl, the howet biug valued et $5. The first le $750 lu gold. Ou1 roceipt ot 12 cents ln stamps the pnb- liahers (the Sabiten Lithe. & Pub. Co.,, Moutreal), will send te any addroù sa tjaxple copy witi fulIl panticulara. AUCTION SALES, Ç4ÀTtTIiDAY,Aprill 8-nouseheld effécbe ef Mn. Paul Grant wll ho sold ai Tole'e section reemes. MoNDAY, .&pnll 20.-.-Mr. Gilbert Staven., lot 7, con 4, Darlington, haying renteul hie tfarin, sud boght a home lu Etnnîs- killeni, wîl seli wthout reserve ail hie stock, implepiente, seine tunniture, etc,, Sale ai1lp, i~. sharp. Sýe large postop,. Mnr. Tohe, Auctionieer. Miuands Linimaent curesGarget lnCows, Colonel Straubeuzie, ef Kingston, and Capt. P. Rowa, et Pickerng, were lu towu yeeterday iuspectig the armory. Muet net te confcounded with common cethartie or purgative pille, Carton'., Little Livor Pille are entirely uuiikea th em lun every respect. Oa. trial will prove their stlp inty. §dpekinig et Art la Schools, the Toron. te Empire said a few day. ego :-Bow- zmanville through the enterpnis of et 1 Hig&h Sciieol board heu sot au excellent example te all aimiilar mchools, lu having works et art et a local and historia char. acter placod iu the scheel building. Busite et emineut Canadiens by Mn. H-. Mac- Carty have been recently sot up sud now tbe chairmnan of the board, Lieut. Col. Cnbitt, te whose energy thoe fchool ewoe se ninch, lu to e ho oored witi a portait ot himef, te ho placed &ain uthe. col. lection. The commission lu lu the hands of the. emineut portrait speclalieit, Mr. J. W. L. Foster. Tiie haruaeny existing be- tween tiie principal sud the Pohool board le the bout promise cf oentinired succesei. Catarrlh. ITA&IMMAL DEAieeus-HÂY Favimi-A NEw Homr TBATmxNm5 Sufferers are net geaeraliy awene that these disjeuses are contagieus, or that thoy are due tethe premence of living parasites in the lining membraneet the noue sud eustechian tubes. Microscepic researcii however, has provod thia ho ba a tact sud the. result of ti% sdicovery la that a alm- pie remaedy has been fonmulatod where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafuiesau ad iay fevor are permanently oured lu eue te tbree simple applicationu madea a home hy the patient once iu twe weeke. N. J:.-This treatmout ile net a sunif or au ointmneut; hoth have hbe dis. caided s iniurous. A pamphlet ex- plaiuing this pew tl!eatint is sent froc on roceipt et etamp te pey postage, by J. G. Dixon & Co., 345 Weat King St, Tor- onte Canada. -Chrietisu Advocate. Sufferers trom Catarrhal trouhiog ehould caret aaiy road the above. THE OLD STAND. THE OLD ?OLIO'Y. THE NEW FIRM', THE OLD STAND.--Where? Variety> THE OLD POLICY.--What? Promptnec and coursesy to customers and goodba gains to ail who patronize us. THE NEW FIR1Y.-Who? Kenner Br The above firm wlll open out a fine sto( of Books, Stationary, Fancy Goods ai Wall Paper, on Wednesday, April 8, 18c Eu P. KENNER, M. Mayer is offering his entii stock of spring and summer hal at very low prices; Iatest Christ,, stiff hats, and men's, youths' aia boys' K:AJ3. and Fedora and sa hats. ID. straw hatsa great'variel kept. Mens' hard hats for 50c.. Gents' furnishings, regatta siairi good quality for 50C., a large s1toc of flae underwear, white shirt braces, tes, umbrellas, hose. ,AI1 the above stock will be sold at a very low priZcv. HIGHEST CASHJ PBICES l'AI» FOR RAWrFUIR ---- THE EAST END ?AINT AND PA.PER STORE isn wherp will b. fouind full lixnes of Wall ?*pers from 5e. to $2 Mixed Paints-mixed to order and sold by the pound, Putt Peerless Machine Oils, etc. 1 am prepared to do housepaint.ing, graining, and decorai kinds. ]3rushes to loan for painting and kalsomining. Mixe mine ais ofor sae-any shade desired. KIRBY & SHE Eei'e Blok~opposite New Ilotel Building. BOUNSALL'S MARBLE AND O AITE Bowmanville, Onit. (Establishied 1857.> En PK DOUNSALLI Importer, Manufacturer, andi Dealer in Monumients, Toml Sarcophagi, Tabiets, Headstones aud ail kinids of Arqiteti al and Cemnetery Work in the best Ettropean and Arnierie Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmnanship a Best Materials. WiIl be happy to qitote price~s on arly kij of work. Give mai a call before puirchasig. Jan., 1891. .. J. HIgI BTHAM&0so DISPENSING CHEflI~T~. Full assortment of Ricksecker's iPerfumes, Bottled and Chamois, Sponges, Shoulder Blraces, etc. Binge's Compound Syrup of Ibrehioi Highly reconjmended for Coughs, Colds, Croup, WhoC Cougli, Bronchitis, etc. ELECTRIC PAIN DESTRoY: (THEEKING 0F PAIN.) Used internally and externally, cures Cramp, Rhkimat Neuralgia, Soro Thr'oat, Severe Uolds, etc. HIGGINJ3QTHAM' COREN CU' IJnsurpassedl for removîng hard and soft cornts W,