M. A. 3JAMES EssIRonA141) PE*PM3Cr0EJ B :-S1.5Oj~w~a Âs~rIrM. OUR TOWN AND OQU1~TY WORLD AJTERWÂRDB. Sxuiue. NumBicp662. nni ir'u N4STON *cCRYDERMAN UuuuI HÂVE OPENEI) OUT 0OF NEW PR/N G and SU M MER shown by any house in West Durham. B OWMÂN VILLE ONTARI SHOPPING BY MAIL. A smart f-ellow lhas made popular the phrase "a postal card will do," applied to shop- ping by mail. Tinkl, for a minute of the time and ex- pense and burdecn of a railroad journey, and then consider that thiere are no difficulties ini theway- of purchasinig goods by mail, cither iaiayor real, whichi canntot 'be over- corne if rppr care is exer- cisedi ,lManvyw-loha-vebecorne familiar wi'th the simple de- ta'ils find it oftentimes less troublesome than shopping in person. 190 to 200 Yonge St., Toronito. ÂPI'L 22, 1891. -NE W HA YEN. work lias begun. ohn Piakell'a healtls la improvin. sr9 snd fisahernen Infest the %1 are prostrate wvith la grippe lui lity. ter Bros8., tise populiar drovers, faýt caitie and hoga last Saturday oniaina of thse laie Ale-x. Trul rred in thse family burying vround ruesday 14th insL., the e mueraI gely attended. nger presented himif for service ýr a sýhort time mnade bis exit, tais- i bira apurse eontainiîng mUeOIy, papers and a quantity of ciotising. by was overtaken, the pur8e wlthi iand part of thse clothîxsg recov- Men That JumiP salons, are generaliy "011 their Because there are nrab6rleisa iediciticB of queâtionabie vaine, it follow that ail are worthises.- usa Dr. Sage'a Catarris Remedy Su8ual ru ai suaisremnedies. 1I, aboveandua beyond theusl IL la hat~ others f ail ta do! iL le curing ýt cases of Chronlo Nasal Catarris. doubt it try it. If you illake a h. trial, you'hl beo ured. 850U r an incurable case. Tis o aler, ,'s.Dispceusary Mc1dical Aswoiat. ïalo, N. Y. At iai1 druggisùs; 503. OMBUA WA. V.J. Thompn lis as gosse ta Cal- Turner spent ber holidays at ave beau guesti at [and wilf l tbt -NJIJOA $TLE. Tise farmers are piowing and seedin. Business lu general la dull. Miss Editis Bicisard, of Whitby Coleoge la home for a few days, lookiiug mpendid. Robk, Lavek-iaii t five puce a' tise up1c per mardis Friday, eue weighed 8 pounida. Mr. C. M. Eddly our professionai horse trainer, was lu the village the other day,f driving a nagnificient span i fgenerailý purpose colts. On Wednesday tise 15th iat. the re- mains of one af aur oid and eateemned citizewsý, David Grieve, were laid ta reut iu tise Port Newcastlecoemetery. fie ad reaaiseî the ripe old ugo of 84, Barry Garwood wbo some three years 4go was sent ta West Africa V) preacs tise gospel ta Lise beathen bas returned ta eiain isi bride. fIe was stationed at Beeabca, Oavahry River, Siberia. Wu wiah tise enteiprlsing Allin :Bros. goad success ln their new undortaking. Thay have bought ut an enormoa prive a bag of wheat, tise focaL ever lmported t. Durhinm crauty, intending ta try t ou their farm .tisseson. The mnany friends ai Mr, Ernest AllUn, who bas been attending the Dentlat Col le'ge lu Chicago, are pIeused ta kuow, he has returned. lu tise recesit exa'nlnaîlans there hac stood very blgh, býing excelled by noue and cqualled but by one. He hias unotiser terni to put in before he be. ginis bis professioriai career. The recent concert lu tise Music Hall uder the auspices of iNewcaatla Musical Society Baud vasi a grand succesa as f ar as thse programme vas concernied, but the village people dld nual showv their appreola- tion by atteiidîng largely. Whuatis te altter ? D) you tiik thse boys are not talcsited, if 50 you are uistaisen. Any other town wouhd be proud ùf suý.hI a baud. Miss Fîddler, ai Whitby, sang sortie very select pieces, se fias ani excellent voice, lear and weil cultlvated. Mr. J. fiai- panyaynsd Gea. Barfatt the celebrated lrisis coiiedians were very good, Geo. àalsnn ed bis VOLUME XXXVII. NUxBIM 17. PRO VIDEFNCE Thse Bible Ciss held each Friday n'fght under thse direction of tho difforent teaeb. ers la blghly appreciated hy those who at. tend it. If moure couild c me sad help it could be meade mor~e usLful Choir practice waa4 resutmed ist wed. nesday night. Farmaers are avain propaýring thseeil for crop; but they do i with a feeling of uncortainty, the, McKitnley bill seemu to say we muat net sow our favorite emal~, barlejy. What shail we gtow i Pearu drown out, wheat riwie and "Early ie- rings" generaiiy prove a failure. Though4 our Goverrnmene was going ta heIp us galve thse questio)n. Considerabie building i8 ta be ezeouteci this year, in aur section. WÂwrxE».-A good iippetite. You eaui have it ea8y enoughi by taking Hood'ui Sarsaparihia. Et toues ttaw digestion sud cureBsick headache. EN NI 8K]-L L 1RNA. Mr. Jas. Stainton hqa Ieased thse Deau farrn for the preseit; year. M4r. G ib,.rr Staeng of Saleým, his pur- ohaspd thv' bo ise susd tein acres of land in connieý* utherewith, iying just xorth of the) viii'ga, from MNr, Wrn, Pollock, jr., for the ri'uAef ICOO. Wo heartily wel. cord n Mr.steveos iaud fà1miýy. Our Census Etuiiierator, NMr. Fred. Rogers, is very busily enguged these days. He rep,,rts a very ple.tsans time viBiting thse ladies and siya Ihe aiways gets a kind rùcerption. The newr store hure is iuov in full blast. Thse aniniveraary af thse M'srh diit Sab- bath sohool bereý wiil bu hA~d as uaatori thse Queen's Birthday. If you once taise Oarter's Little Liver Pilla for alois beadactie, bil1iouaness or c5nstipatiors, yon will ne3vM' ha withouta theem. They kre purely v,,getable amali sud easy ta taise. Don't forget Lis. T YR ()N B Mrs. Downs, Bowuvviiaývlle, hia. beau thse gucat of Miss Jeunie Mooro for a fev days. Farir are busily ensga1ged in seeding operations. La Grippo has seized several tof aur in. wvith the F want cas( youbuy d to Cati and eeat JOUNSTON & GRYDERMAN, One Poor West of Post Ofice. )PLE 0FP WEST DURHAMiý o-- a.-ain wi11i our Ywag-Orsi->oaded wiUi ods, 4Groceries, Tiuwiarc, utlery, &c. Dry1 To .&LL iMY CUSTQM2ýES,-I wish to tha.nk you for your iberal -onae inthe past, 1 stili ýsincerely solicit, your furtlher patronage thefutre.On accownit of getting in my accol, uts so well last yeàr n aible tso pay cash for niy goods antd eau pl6 (. thein before you at rown doors, at the lowest possiblo price. 1 want one thousand 0 f R~ags, 13onüs, JIron; Copper, Brass, Tea and Heavy JLead, Wool, es, &c, to be ta.ken in aehango for Goods. Your bumlble servant, rOH2S-T a%.3-R .IG-a Travelling . -Ierchaiit, Bowmnaflvile. m1e roi Down., feinue goocis sold for lower prices than we are now vafcng Gentlemen's, Ai~Usses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. Corne onter ut the value we give. Fine goodIs and plent~y of thern. ýuto find wb.at you -want. Cor-ne in and soe the beat of i»ý in Bots Shoes, Slippers, Rttbbers, Trunks, Valises, etc. ble, Trusty, Serviceable Goocis marked ut Rock Bottorn, Sigu of the Big ]3oot drawn by Two ersas. .ND TunN.-Sit Olawx and Couch, Johnstoai & Cjydorsxai are ýha d4ypepBia, la caused by shawlng a finse assortessent of Mans H Uats - .~f these touiach; 2nd, that in ail tihe latest styles. Their hats are all rôood Bitters fa desigrmc& la, new. regaJate thse stomach; Srd5 ?lsilp and EUger are sellleg thse popu- <iî cres 4rspepeia and cot lar pheton oart lijie hot cakes It la the rent a dose. Can yon afford cart that "tabeîj" every Limeans sd la sure ýpticto a ve a large sale. .ii.ter two or tlirec wei-s wear, you can~ return it and have your money. For sa0e by COUCa JoHŽrSTON & CRY to LOAN at 5/5ý and 6 per cent., to pay off OLD MORT- GAGES, advances on SEC-. OND MORTOAGES, and to purchase farrns. jNQ COSTS for applications. NO DELAY or inconvenience. Loans cari be arnged AT ONCE with nmy Local Valuator. FARMS bought, sold and exchanged. AGENTS WANTED. WRITE or cali for parti» culars. E. R. REYNOIOS, TO RON TO. CONSUM PTION COU R E. The succeas of this Great Cough Ctlrc i$ without a paraliel in thie history of mnedicifle. Ail druggists atre uthorized to seni it on a pos. itive guarautee, a test that 11o other cure eaui suc. cessfuiiy stand. That it inay becometne kwwn, the I'roprietors, at au enortucus expense, arc piacing a Sample Bo)tte Free into every one mu the United States and Canadla. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Pronichitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your.cii(ldlias thie croup, or Whoopiug Cough, use ît promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread thiat insidious disease Consumption, use it. Asic your Druggist for SHILOH-'s C'URE, Price 1o ts., 50 cts. anad $z.oo. If your Lungs; are sore or Back laýme, tee Shiioh's Porousý Plaster, Price 25 cts. IMroltTÀ T n~DTui-No better evi. dence of the Laet ",Iiit]urdocz. Bioad Bitteru ia 1 certain remredy foi, ail b]ood disorder can lie aslked thant that of Mr. Goe,). V. Thomas, druggistofaiHuit, P. Q., whose wlf e was oured oi cancer by Bý. B.R he family doctor ie certain that the disease was cancer and that it li, now cuired FRTrimTmTEurs.-Woodi, Hay, Oats, Ap pies, Potatoos or Pork wiii lbe taloen in exPhange for $10 lto 2 worth oF fruit trees af your own eole3etioii for Spriiig pianting. Ask M. A. JAms for particu- laro, aud 1be very quielk aboutf il, if you want a bargain. lbinson visalbas beeu vîsit n Montreal, bas returiied hs who vas visiting ut M-s as retarssed ta ber ihomo lu î. I4orgau, Bd. GUY, sud ,j r., hnave arrived aafiely at Lori, of Iarmnoy, dlied at bis Lencu ou Monday April 131Lh. oor hleaitisfor some ime iL, S Aggie McLrocn, acftise senior chams suilî Collage vas sunimtaed ta bier in Renicv on Tuesday wçeak by tisa )n îlluesaaf iber brothier, visa ivcd w heurs alLer bier arrival. iard'sLinimmeuLLumrbaruan'3F3riend. *William Joell, Ojisawa, bas beein g aL Mr. Gea. J3eer'g. 1. jas. ;lliett, Toronto, vas home ay vaak. John MeCuasoie lia gosse ta Lthe Wesit. M,. M. Tuoker bas brougist Mr. R. irutaui'i bouse nd lot. 5,3 Bell Russell, ILondon, bas been jg ut Mr. Win. Pringie's. suad Mrs. 'P. Bull visited lu Oshsawa ag Addie Mouton lýa homeu rin De- içllege, Osbsata, accoonpanied by MeD auald. W, W. Audrus, nililapiy bail in astera Leagne, Nev Have". ,Tisas. Yinson la home baving got ie cf fingers badly eut, visile ran- i saper lu a Toronto factory. ,A. R. Gamnsby iutendq mcvlng into hrisîlsu Parsonage sud MiU. F. W. ison vihi ocaupY tisa bouse vacatd VGanmby. Tsuredîay yack Tuekcr'ti GristL mil for tise first lime lnu')0 Years, gave iaavlug an opasting iunLise roadway, ut 60 fauet lu lenglis and 25 lu depuis. id bas beun raceivad oi tise deatis T. Rtolison, at bis home lu Kin- . Mr. Rollison waa for maay years dont of ILeskard. . Cowai, Mss, John A. Gardner, Lizzie Lirtton, Mra, E. Lang, Mrs. Gaiinsby, Me, .WIII. Malfatsud son becu on tise siak it.- reltizena lamour for a tisird teachar Publie chiool. aud Miss Cosoper have been visit- n tise 6tis liste. )f Kendall basa tart- 'h R. Faster. manvihle. Thse pioeceentitleci SiEgea o Paria" could not ba played better and thse fe'w oid vtarana visa vere present vero aaruwd and imnaginied theniselvea onthtie battie field, it wa s o real. Their others places recelved lond cbeeriug. Newcastle band piayed good miusic. Thse hast part of~ the programme being tise "Trial af Fïnwisig," need but bca mentfouedl. Notwi thstand iDg tise rapid growtis af our texrpuranc loIge and Lise streisous efforts put forth by itas mem-brs ta ralse tise falen, we arc ajorry ta say that dzunis- usas prevalhs Ilu aur miid8t toata aarnitg The Raw Qutting -Winds briug ta tise surface evcry latent pain- A change oi aven a iew degrea marks tise difference betwcan confort and pain ta muany persans. Happily di8aes~ naw hold leas swuy. Scienice fa continuualy briugiing forward uew remaedies wbicb snûceeasfully combat disease. Poison's llerviline-nerve pain cure-bas proved tise moat succesaful pain relievistg remiedy knowu, Its application la wide, for iL lai equally efficient lu ailforma of ainwheisa- ber internai or externai. 25 cents a baILle, at druggists- HAMPTON. Thse eradie: Born tb Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Martin, April 17-a daugister. Congrat- ulatiors. Mrs. Tisas. Eolli la lmproving but ber Injuries are palinfui. T, G. Stonhouse, Esq., bas rented is iarm Lta Mr. Enocis Stevens. Tise farju la stîllinlutise market and yull be soid oli very reasouable termis. 1Posessioi Oct. 1 if desired. Mr. James Clark bias gosse ta Oshawa ta work. MIr. Lewis Ruse a baugist Mr. Jas. Lanie's blaaksmiiti-buiuess. Mr. Harry Canu bias aufficeutly recov- ered ta bu able ta go ta Bowmianvilie. Tise contractor basj started operatians on Miss Trenio uthi's iiew isouae. Our ussitant tamiser, Miss S-tlisbtiry, bas already b-comie quite popular vîtis ber pupils. Our sports have orgýanizesd bath base and foot bal L eama^i for tise comlug suason. Wm. Cryderwans eoretary. Mr. Franis Parr aud vife inove luto tise ciseese factory tisis week astd vilsisortiy be ready ta start tisa business cf tis eeaas- oïl, Mr. David Brunt bias rente& tise Parka farll lately vacated by P. Brenan. The iatsiiy bave nmove4 jcouth visera tÏho clm. utc vil bunmore cangenial. Mr. Wye. Alun visa lias lways boeau looked upon as E6 sober s»an, got a borii Gentie Springvwith it8 attendant jay, Spritl- his2selesaistg, is once more oursa La ecjoy. Tise S. S. anniversary May 241h la ah- ready belng talked of ta tise uiifeigned dellgbt of tise youug ideas, In houar af iLs aptirahy nuw uppelrance tise Nesara. Gardiuar's pheasiire boul uow Aloating proudfly on Lise uajeati-, waters af Vanstone's inilli-pond, bas beau re.christ- ened 15ashti." Tise sew orgYan af tise Epworth Lcague "Tise Aclvauce"-Mr. J. HAl~liv, Bditor -lui-chiai-la cisaracterizod by brigistuess, spicluessansd a largeamrouut of rua], sol- Id, intallectual, moral and spiritual food. Little change bas beau. made lu tise S. S. fuculty wiLs tise exception af thu ap. pointmnenta oi Mr. and Mrs. Tisas. Creep- er as assistant Suparlutendanb and assist- ant BIble class tamiser. rùspeatively. Mlaster -Earry McBurney, Perrytown, visa bas beau sparxdiug a fow veaka vil bis grandparent, Msm. IR Davey, Er, re- turxsed hooewltb bis fatiser on SabbatS liat. On Saturday lat tise boys met ln the Son's Hall aud organiz rd a foot bail tuiani wiîb tise fallaving affleora: Cap,-Mvr* Wmi. Moore; Secy. Tirea.-Mr. J. H. Allin; Mauaging coummittee-Niaasrs, W. J. oroisard, J. C. Waisers aud A. J. Soucis. Ou Wedueoeday last Mr. Jas, Kelly asnc ai tise planeurs ai Dïriiugtass, pasa8ed away lu a gaod aid age sitar a ingering Ilîness. Tise uerai on Friday ta Oah- avwa R.C. coeatury waa largaly attended by fiendsansd neigisiors amaug visant ise vas iigisly respected. One of tis addasl proafaai tise degen- eracy of tise age la ta sec a venerablu Methodist preaciser atlmpling isarse-raa. ing at a fucral. fI wqeau ha ezpoci aught but disaster to overtaka hlm, even thse grardlg off 'ý f tise chariot visuel af thse persan vison heatutemptcd ta pgse. WE) trust it viilhacisis+iast axperienco ln tisis expansive mode of driviug. Tise progra i oftise Epworth Leagno for thse second quarter, 1891, ia as foliowa: April 24, Sacranents: Baptiani sud Lord's aupper- Rv. R. Pilip. May 1, Review ai Bust1yau'a Pilgrim'a Progress-W. J. Orehard. Ivtay 8, lrpi.-The prayer tisa prevalls--Question dreyer-Chas. P. Sing Mesy15, Missionary mieeting-Miss Nelie Blugisan. May 22, Prayer mieetng- Miss M. Welcis. May 29, Discussion of aubjecta-Fasision aud beauty--Mefiç Couch. Jane 5, Bible Qha.rtel-JQisW tise Divlu.e-Rev. Chas. PW Siu1g. Ju~ne 12, Tapic-BaLleor Iban Gold-Mr. J. H. Alun. Juste 19,arden social. Bvery. gard Marais 2~, 1891. OUR TOWN AND COUST.Y' 1 WOWiD à7TERWARDS. ek, AOÏOÈzam 1