WVEDNESDÀY ARIL 2, '1801. STANDARD BANK( OFCA-NADA. cpial pa;jl,s p 1,W000est, $200 ,E O ThIis Bank' kle preparad ta d.o Lejlti'1 mite 8Bankieg ln alls branchef4.1, Parnero aatc dleO.sounted; Deoas t reeîlvedà aul Interrest pîqid an &amauontfs cf l ipwardlSa-"Svilage BenkDepartmeflut Ined andaleojcttous -niade ii, Europe ï f,~. .TJOIES35 CendDiedPx:ssreqe d udepaired by PAT, ,Dyer sud lotheo Ceaner, Gocods warranted to be as qna ans will know thn rmnew when doune, -Corner of King and Ousarlo Sree iBawmanvilis. f~N -10ÂIO BANK rentinues to no a General 3kng uses Eownrnvlie Branch. ,eFDO141S IS * *leesved in SavIngs LBank Departmnt antdo Cail and intereet allowelat U ciýt r at"- No ]nOtice of wtdrawryL ecaeary. Ail rE pst "1"'Ih an J sold rand Drafts adsuetpo~,u Etropo Unted States auncd Canada. aaoGold, Silver and tnIted Stee G 6reen baoks bouelt rend sold. P£CnsItIy made ai--rtutratesun ýoàaIl sari, Oý Great Brttalp, tihe Urited 8'aýtes Band he Dornion or Canada. i M ee crIsuecr innsIIFsinus on a.il pat1 Izertoe hl n l 1ntoba or hNr.st i' is 55 tie tid$.&i,-lable etnce ai h P]uaof taynen t. BýIIDI, Acaounitanr. GitO. MCGILL, Manage Off to Toronto. prupierty, al Of iis inijsry uNemeastie sonssuig o Stoes ouss sd Lois ýaned vlrable Orchlard, Jtire iestead beirig oneu cf thse os comploe it lu tisesarty. Tenuiss ey el'. A OW ES ERRANT AN 'WHLTT OM Ilutise vilag fS ,Psrths ie, iivsl Wllie WadLL , Nwrigbt, joiner sud( cofilu- riraker, &cA doceboeet,hrdokig feiio0w was Wiilcl A esiso o' i cdhup- peued te be 0owrsaor-e Ul ng t Daurid1 Gret's sud fe' imluaarstesho tuec Ilso' a co ia hd Ioediye' a 1turuip tisrougb tise Iicbr Dauwvid isud twa o hisccrso'lu aiboot ftwa miles fi a' S;-, u vsto to bas soinsebawbeC i'tsbak u ubIoughlieho.1d oniy bimrsl uJale,bi iftas kssp, yt the ile' the co we geyý seriouss matter.C A fter lbe hudalîerd o'l 1')uvîd's lamensu- tions, and bcd set cff ou the road bame, ho. thoclittas hiros' lise roglis mak' a guLÈ.1 laucbis owe porc i uvde ifortune'. lu wvas the Irt o' Apil,amud if he couid man-f aetsedWilIe ýcWa.,Lddsiowre tu-e 1vi Gr 1t', 'The treul n'boord on à gowk's errt gurr'c.,]in hih ei eeJne-vs edin-' sta0' thse cen, it wud ho a gran'7 joke. IV ,,as oas onr hctupon thun iit was wrocit tupon. As soou as ho got tas S-, lis gues awa Up teas &ws iddsn erection Willio 1ad digifled Wl'the vname o' the Weel, Wiiio, wist are ys thrang w' tise dl' que' lie, as lis sutered. " No oueke," cys Vllie;" jiet mukin' alwe chalir fîor Sedýie McGregor's younfgest, "Y'l Imbaste l et thiat stan' the e ,thu au' tek' iii han'wvi' a 'job ibt'lin agreeter - burry, bt are ye'ilin;uselike sac wevel, Pro "Oitil ho a ur jolb 'il nlo!iike the inwi' a sair lyse, pir m n'1c, no' I "W at, cilesWiliII, "jeJunt ied? 41ud wthlout witngfor a nwrcniu efi, Wit vetelLrutte -uist hidebe 'e hechk bs2" ' for shie ws a cluIelrbadsdwoan If Jan1et. But I1 enudsop 1bers devenu liaw'owrs e inueu irwn dovn bis ba lmuner, lise hurrisd taestiseisooso, au' ba'Lis imithier rock' hlieparricis ud-et ot bIs Suoday ees as soon as posible, as ,]e mýas 'ntdilnUcIlbrrly a avdGt'ant'eý. lIl.o'Lldlbaslmeltio-led tisat \Wil!iewen mnarnied, bulee vmi' Ibis mîther ilu a bit hoosie off1,au'5 on wi' t]sesio. - Wel af e 1Uho ncd gtten b iÀs lperrC! Iis u him elfclenod11p, laa'lbe gael tIl lvildI' w'hehrdower hie shoiesdw' ii icIe msgaun agoksrrdtin ise mailn l tu ise nue. IWVhu e o tte ltise bose he"leset ltiseboord down at tise dle sustppi'il, gt Dauvid takI1inl' c reo o' tlise pipe. "1'u'l'yeIslea, Dsuvîl' _1o Wile, ceas e gued ui. "Jist rpdln"XVli, jit rilin," Buit taise e seat and t'et y." I'm Ireal vejuei to lboas'o' yr ese,"coul- tiuued Willie, after hch ad taien a seat.t "Ye'hII ses1bersaitI banu d1,ýeoot.", I,,aiÂt bard ljol Pfor mee," eaysllauvi; buWt 1maun try an', tisil. Ye heu e'reI lass> au',1 aIjauenu hikin' o'7 havin' ony bo ber aboot it. " Afterwht lias iai en frorn your 1s, I sep there le no use tryin g to reasoù h yu ; anI 1ani truly 50 rIY tCo üik that sncbl a mu»i as Y" u are -a mnemlber of ;hrc jflt onlýf a nllimber, but au ilelo-a. mrsnl of po10prinoiîpIe, flot eVe eno coroon desn y ; ut I ean assure Yeu, aipy I ail ex-ýpose --()o u cndut, Isha aWlm of the congregtionj, andhaveyou n eld Y ou --an no longer be auleierof ie" IlYeleu ça' Ca 1Ile etiliv Io' the IPresbytery gin ye luke10 exýclain1ed Dauvidj, low fairly7 uettted,c1 Ir onytbg 1 ars;Obt it w=d boù aý Laog itilusbetore ys wutd u', a m'eetig ci' the cougregation Lac behp me tae g~t uitlher, un' 1pi u110 du Iwud be xlackle bctter o't if ye ds. IshW t AY here no longer te be ihest- ed,"ý Cried the Ilinister, and uIakIing bis wa.y for the door, li e was eStoýpped b "Od, Sir, yu cannla richlly leaveh hoome wUntlwu coin e tu o eenderstanding. Ye ses, if that auld beathen 'Il no dae the tbig tsat'seright, eomeoymndotle s-e h-las bongt y o taoi'board, and l'Il awa anid get soe ' t- eyjeors and ,get ber laid cot in a respectable a'ndL Chris. tiauHkeumnner. Daurid "ocýked hie lgeutt hie, ande1d Strancin' boord for a coo! Lay hier oot lui a1hita-hkmne Wbat on-airth- doe the inan milea-n ?h" quo0 ho. - What ,dae 1I mean ?" cried Wiliie; <yer wife lyýiin;, deid! in bers, and you ba the imi- pudence ,,to epeer w-bat rer ey wiefeied Ha1ytaen leaive o'yer sess 'thegithe, man l'III afraid tb eilsoe iiestake hee, eaid tbe m niter.y" e ynirwife dtld, Diéid V" "Guid be tAuit, neçsiru"t ist vie wusnca twa buesyne. .Aiilwb e jebe '5 ()id, she gaed awa ower teacber bt~e 'Js. ce, NeùUI, the dotr jtweatn onth ady, cern aros. The l de dç, aii' 1sf tNelly saýx bunnier pourids, so Jaiet gaeda% au owr tae Iheur ail the lpews. ]>ut wha sent Lye bers wh' thebor ?qçuo Dauvid, tornig tae WýifIIe, uho wLes s;cratuhinig bis head and lookin' a wee Moolie. 1 O0(, Peter Lo w cam up tae the ehop jthis miornlin," andtslt mie to coins a'va wPet wi' thle b aordus yead nmet 'wVi' asait'mlo. ",Didi bsesay Janet was deeod, Willie 1" "No, ho didnaL jiet say thatt, when 1 id;c but of courseI thoot il could be no otei ' e,'oid )u4ifi i'it i" i4 m!W Deeul nt a cairroain'au' laughin". "lcw w was owsr bLure Lthie mo1ý,ruiug, anl 'Wilaetehlinl' LAg aboot the deeth o' a c oo, and, the rogue hiae n Indmalle a gowk o0' poor .W1lier o'sr 1he heed o't, Did it neeru stke you, Willethat this àle ele o'ApriA1 ',Neyer lntil tbis inuiite," exý,Clmuin'1e Wilie,We llat coosthe gowan. 01dh Immassent meona ow (,rrntau "Gouéd-bye , good-by,-"(-ries thie minister, rnui, .out 6' Yhe doo. sud tey heaciW., 0V.le ue Oire e i >tel WWlseNé ie < Among tisereporte presented by tise Bn. tilir t'ealt fàr1mers' dejegetes r(espeïctirng thier visit teo Canada laeV fa01 1,0pone ii be read Nvth Jdj-jpor iisteresV tisanitbst prepael' hd y Nj. J , o'l'flleod Ln sire. -%r. Wood1 is a tenaint ou tise pstete of tise Easr'.cf erby-the historie bousýe wbi-1i lias given us;ouir pissent Gv( nr Geneýri.His lea marc of wide ed1ucâtîii, ud a tissu, praoticelobeve.In dsaliug wlth tiseç efforts of tise Canadian Gvrs monttapromote agriculture, lhe bas this to Say cOnceriing tie xprienaifarroi 'At Ottawýa we biad tlie epportnnity of cuepeotiugC Cetrai xeimne Pro encyiigfulyintO itFi mana11gement uL d aimei, lsud of exaiing tlise work b c .e sud pra-cticalgudace Words are incap- able of eprssugm aprcitO f tise extremie importance to tise agriculturiet snd tus D)tiomiingenerally of tics experimnents; nid trials iu every brandis of buebundry there in progneSe, and, of tise e ,edigcars- fulocsse itismisichtIs i ecrsare ce-pt, to rcender t1ireinformration puh',liled aunualiy relilb. To neethcr coutry lu tise world eau aut Englishmiian emiign'te sud flud tise camleedeop iilteregu taken hy tire Goveun- mleni :t l tiseelfare of tise setniers;: iided, it is dîfficuit0te couccive ithatctiniig more couid0110,he done te rendlres'tsmgrar assac.Tise establislisntf tiise ne- mining ovsnmut erm ud the selo- tien otosieetBadnfrMaltobia, Indian Ilead e ieNortis-mo settenitriesIc and at Aga1seiz for Bnwitisis Colirnhia, s-acis of miics ii l cd-,, nefleoithtie hg rdton l oncrnd wilet tise initelligent supp>ort Prof. Scndrsreeives lun tiese sscondliugof bis endeevors bly the respective manmagers of tiiose farrois avezs neuhîng' to be deslt'sd. I irmaisregret .1 iadnet Lau opportuniity of vistilng tise farro t pai, Nova Scotis, establiihed for- tire maritimne previnces. " Tisat lu Caniada, and epcilyin sm distriîcts, thlere anr erosdabke- liiely lirati-to be oombated, ne-)onie can dleni«y. It le then of t iutmnost import- anice U,tamiau x ac t kuiow 1edJgo of tise va ieties of graiue, fruits, fodder, piaut, vegetables, "Ildtrees eitable foroais ooaity elouild hbc garued, aud ibis Pund otiser informnation ns- lative te stock, ete., le shat is sought te ho obtied anç is atd fror tlises.e tablisie ts. Net tis e st agresabie fea- ture coruected miti mny vst t[ise Central farmi, mas tise entire asence of red tape ,auid ooieroIsn. To mfention aIl tisebace warsin adsntg n uthefror'in- tercSet would ocuyteeocucis spac.lu nsay, homee1-c'e, bemelitoemenumerate a few. Grai aud sd 1o al1ine retsetsd res of cuet t o1e tise oner (f u'p' iefsasofor germlination sud vtlt.Eruprim-eikts iare mnace wiuisalvarieties of miset sdote fer Infants end Çhildren. recmmeditgsueiirtony precpi Sour Stamacb, »iarrhoea, Eructatiofl, irio~m 1o m." rt z. Ao~iM . ii Wrznie. s eep, aund promaoIt df Fou SALE -B y j.IfGQiN B 91FI -q SON PD WqMÂN VILLE, ch'~In Headquarters lu West Durham FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Ohinawar, Glasswvare, O'-rockery- Hall, ±'arior and Haud Lan Fancy Oupe, eaucers, Vasýes, WatIer anid Lenionade Sets, OU R FA M ILY OLEY RV JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SUJRGEON, Ipsact Stirigs Sore Eyes Eruptions- S'or pess qh f < . t es - LL 'ti'n puttin afftiroe. Lu faot, 1 hue my e'e-on eue- alrezidy ; buit 1'11 fearedshe'san'(e ome r auld." "1 maduia tbcbt tisey mrssea easy go-t- teri," idWille. "Mail,\Viliiie, when ye le tw a Cor tîrreUt bawbiee 1' yer pucsye eau get pick ,anî mals ' tI-m11; lbut Vil ho ameccutin alors I taise ansc, e e, misen ise1y're owuer auild ye get litis ,guin tie! ,a tbey're a sng ti h efore tbey come tas ho o'mucke use lil be ceurtine "d get a guid acniae. e 'us at it, natisler'oe Muldor Yom!gJ By thie thai ile' pie bcd ci beyojc nd ossante. lie could oîrly sitaurd starse t Dvdscalieee iiwondser. leWsel, Duvd, t Ieuigtb Irene rkd "lýI'm idedsre d n'vesdaebsc yl epeai iii thuit manner, I tbiiuk ySmv t et tise ans y s bas dccsutiy covc hefors ' timis- o' filin' bier gatisas." IlNVeel," aseeed Danvid, ""I d-ina sas ,hon> thatr'wid nmake aniy diffreuce IIo ever, 11mes juet intesîdin' te)isowis e Isle i tiseyard tan fstuo , a'pit Irer intf. ýWillie, lunaesi liber ueo, folikeare se "J)an'id GrantIq"cied Wilo, "dey epektas ose i' thut marierau' 3w an eider o' tiekirk. Ma ces hie eiderI B'utF l'i netlet tise malter i-est ike that ; l'il1 ame ower taeuthe inî insdgaus iru sai acù1uut o' yeorcuueye auildsamie heten t's i ie keut wmiatot'id eni-s u y as"aud wFMi' tise oo untise due. Tlise meuseue shoot tma issînuier yailds fras Dans id's ses Wille mýasrns laug gettiri' tbiren. Tie ruinistes' sIiis i -Cor Is, n, hse irghm et tire doot' eei "XVelI, Wiier, Jat' e t lsatït- Théi r i sr'sy eonîething svrong wmieaylen are ici snob a butry" "I el y naysy that 1 xiîé Wilie. Ther'e orothin wruga de ta avdGrant's, for I tisinis hegn Mo 'bs judgueut." I minis yen onioud explaîn yourelf, Vil- lie, Witis wrog itis Dbvîd? -W , eses, hile f3Jant caed-ai Sise chk herse l urougis tie uicit, is' I meýýs sent fori tas gue omet' mi' tise etrauotirs' boord. Weel, v1enIaed in, natuirally ex. pecin'tuesosDatvid meretboe-ere judgs o' imy suprieil J,,ho began teihin' mle be bcdvîtise tbo0ist of gttn utîcer mifeseci as po'eble n tat, lirelbas !ris C'c on ans alirsady ;ar' ison lIui ti hlie michit -aye get t ire ans h fo lied amelrtod, if tise man didu'ttelliPrsho wad it ber in e isole in tieyai'd, if ihé coulld siïi lber. But be's eeu ; biýs grief ueturuied bLis -,vaide if.e dCA -1"obeeorved tise vmin- Lert. "iîn roccir snrpt'îs3ed thiat 1 lî.sve not heard of it hofc>ne, and mne seuer bimn, tue. But stay e littis l get Iruiy bat sud go aiog mSyOuM " Wlien tbey get bethesy bound Dauvid stepiuî tb'o hiefiles, ratiser penplexed [I'111gInievPci te béatof yens' ccd affic- tio,"tis mrister hegeni; Ilsud I aini muci suit'rieýed yen did net Fseud for nie. 1 sursicy miglît hae heý-n o(4sonne henefit lu your " 1an unrtn'mstye'r'e makiui' sic a wanlccoo, quoes auvid. -"Ys mmuld bals dorine ne guidsupposîn' I bad sent sor e. It s m cimbs eiseer tis anitmer HLt - - At 1lest 1I)auvid Proil e eyuecu shot ià. - Mien rhey got thons, WiVie as puneds- misai tta dJas ie boord, for he bsd bw'eLs itmibi, as it ,uait ou tliserosdbainue, omé-,ho got it snggled flu shinit tise dloor, aW nhi tey -%int. Willils ot a hearty vmeicme Ufrist týýieaid o, Md a hnçglanes traesNeIils, soe se oui.fe i bimesif ut haine umsng thero. Alter tiey Ihad go t thein dlines', and Neilie sudi Wiiiie clore thegitiser i' tise denr- neor, i' berbaudlu inhie, tise Servant iassie cern innîn' an'cnyi," 'O msres h' "Deed I LeIeis, isse me, lssetees "Beceise Ims iit ie orfor thec an' ye ken tisro's ruse use for it uniesse earne- body e dsed. " By Pbistime tissir atenio ms drsav ktomade arnid, miso yes ti in luhisc chai',wvi'a fcemlieosaromet munenéAt lueýt bhun st eet mi' a greatna 'isol, sm' sereseed and yiditil thsy ,tho-ohlis , 1ise fairlyiylas ta.A fter lhé wlae able-to seas, Ihe cries, I"Oh1, Wiis, WîUîs, ielisse msro.ùy, n' le ,t el temilir, os'l'ilbr1t. "'Tl'eu hero, an', he ksngsýd tiy,"~ Wi Iiie i' tise pet : '"unld moi1 téli thersI. Vise ueo' for t-ý ii- a o'-, It ony rt. Wlesl, atter David bcad toit tseon tSe Atmy, ye coud bms1, d tSein.iW e' u'aiasM, an ié i ISASnirse'caunGiutcfectIo nsd laucbed ce ll olnd as ony ' tisai. Wil1lie isît finharos, si' imeniy ljndivi- tations ne taeelie a eýtrenger amnaiig tlis, -'vhch be tooks evsry dauee at.frh mas thene _ýfoutr os' i iose a v-eek, aud au lest got Neilie for- a mite. He' uo iu Dundes i labig ay s' duels', su',ý rWa acoum1îteS, Nileseau sca ýpoulndes cLý IOUhIed lt-s elf hythis tae Hie nstmesare sietîmes snnrned m ise tey bave oieeOctae gu for tise sitraucbuîs' bloord, tesse VWiIi i tunesred i ' tise, f 1Cec Nelie fa in tac eu1ciîs'; blit ché dina îken wmtyen au' I çiss. H i s tdLIA c ùi'd1ùnu . Lmly-- Thet mss ad aceidnDi- par cn1et i is t[ise othed." 1Dlac loy-"Wist waa that" tnotsedt Mis Pruent ou ondtion tat hé mas te give 1uW drnisg, and tisa oth, dayý hé weut off4 mitlis thé boys sud mas h3rouiglithoeiii a state of intoxicattion." Dumley.~i oyu Coei. ltizit au) acci- deniti" Lumlaey_-" Certaiilýy.Iliefell and hueko Rather ' Difficrilt. Lieutenant X-- ies A.-"'Fietbcanseise bas ne bruine -hoe can't ride, dance oýr piay teunnis. What couid me do Mitshlmon " Mss D-" But lie wiromia; fnl. Mise .-"O, ye-hutouscaî't ksep onee ueh adi uVqoni nyeism" 'She Had No OI)jeiotioin, Mnl..iey- Deyenliket e t miorageýs with a Spouni, Mise Tenate o' Miss ooto ---l e , M"-lNyl' js se sOoon et ian orange witb yen as withl a"nbody es."' smiiiller, -sds conl ', peurs, isd ; tlise ["ue piantiug of cnius puaccirls, esposCas- ly leilrnd thé faruiSsteadinge, Nmitis siiel ter beits otfori)eet sud otissu treese, is e ittes o! iret cniéatornd tisene- fore it is si satisfactuin to tise settier to kuaoiv thatuslie ii, i thceusas' futuire, bc -abe te obtein frorn ise A-ricaltiira1 De- pirniment al the informnation héierequLires lu -ibis isupotant braniic. lPecstry are hepu in ure breedesud firet crossesu for ascertaiuning, tiseir relativ e hardiniees, andib lein monite as egg prcodchers, sudl as teble fomis ; and ise whlaet t hé Dominion te misicis civilizationl ln-~ extsejd being adiiibiy-adapted te tiis inidnstry néndere this a-Woil,of gi-eau stiity. Tl'ise imursuiese intjnset te tise stock reiser iin svery part of tise ùsrrileny' sttaiiug te tise atietactenoy L -iU- Cdo-cv-noft grass lande, and to tise gowth "of foddcer piste le fuiiy u'conisd sd tise experimleutai pioseoetnatie uand toréign grasses 'siider frlImii, i11 unethen yean, sinuble esatisfue- tny udvios tO hé given te tise public. -I1nnay 'tnt tet d (asî cern grema for censîlage 11as-heen nuoeef esiccesetul sacr'ep of 3O toe pet' acre mas behnir ont sud obhffed idunîugi tise periuo f-sny vdfoýrtiugau] excellent 'cviter floid for sok!Tsixenmnslu catteie felng, sud il) tries reistivo musil prodilcing properties cf teise rspec"tive breedes, anseariiefuilly nesd,-snd esclisyeei's experience ir publiihd cr tise reporte of Prof. ýSanidere and by Qtise nespetive liseade ef dlepatnrosts. 'The fonegoigimuistire faloes as rpe teeuitinlg aportion eiy ut 'ie ntitho suýd ieefl mork er'l'mp lesd ise chieri- c'al deatret eadromrabi'y edutdby Mi C. T.Sisuitt, M. A., F. Cý. S., sud tise ho- tnui sulald centomlogloýal setions isy Mn. James Fletcher, iF. B. S. C., F. 'L. S. ; mvlisl Pr-of. Rhnen seggé l ieîuînLg ah partesett ise Doiniio, e prssdýiimg broakdouet41 i1foratCil'y lectu1res nssiIll esebeeit 1wuou rsioofi butter alrd clissesmsin a, brenci et agricultuire for urrici aa te meli da ed, and onsmudseutsooni temever-yinclismoi- r e th ian le il," présenit reie Thc-, Modus VivFiitll. A dmespafolisfrontQttma aye :-TheGe)v- elrumeut iti i uuistod et tiréepocin sessio wilii int-rodi4c8abillrsivio tis modcerimedfarrangemient in 01cnscii witise Atiantie fisheries. On payrueut of $1. 5O)pitonforeign vessoele spsrroiittsd te' enter Caniadien ports 3foirh tispurhuse of 1hai tic e ée C lilses, urrd ail otites' sup- plies', ottnts, etc., ils mel as te t'susýilt tissu- catch euïd te s1lîp e-cme.Tlise modeýsi hl ei nrclity expîrsd a ýkyean ge.It M'iih liées tliseyar by ths Dominion Govesu.mensl as a proof thaL Caniada is not disp osed te carry loto offeet ail tise proviins of thé act eh 1818, psîrding, tise néolîo for a settîsment l,,itise, Atiharîto i0ehes'y qeetioîu. ,Laet season ii9î ý1nican ve,2seeLs teeoketlicriU '. is n'evLssè- frein tis i emre roeeohed l46i Is al1wa-ys well 1 up-pliecl with very best goods at lowest prii Highest Prices for Farm Proci Leadlig Seedsmien in the dlistrii Always pleased to show goods. Inspection sol MURDOCH BBC Vie' oria Buildings, Bowmianville. will be found in bis old shop, next ~coor to E~xpress Office, BOWIIAVI LL where ho keeps constantly on hî A LARGE & CQIWPLIETE ASSORTA -OF- Coarse, arici Fine for ý\.en anid Boys, Womaen and Cliildi'en. ,Rubbers, $lippers, etc. Trunks, 'Valises, lo Special attLertilll given to pRepairin. Arablut Wenien. Pruchre1era y uake ideu lle 'it is a pi'erb aimong tbe Araand eohn, s btil)i theis' pulpits Éliey bided, au~ngthe oslnr, eeraly, that -3sPl to Sp 01lae1u.future. wvosniras V,,ýborui t(e.a sig he toe uImmense 200)CI-tilpupillarç. over-lietbrahetsut brubn7 wiwll reto a pilier (t5 feet i and tiren lieher son - sud it ik xerfietlvto the by f£eut long,lias rereeutly ba full. ýVLwitut ailai r orlun ebjeot lu ;if" n ]r Pterehurg ,. she dr )U'on a miserahIie existn e ~Soninbody as efor a good dflitio dlose10 no lovehr bsbauLd ; ehe ,dure not d hlope. hlope l it, if slbc would, for eeis taiught that i sar, .¶ Ilewesk saud is conteutïed - womlali1 bas nothig toé do wîthi love. Shie boomsi. dreakde aod feare bii, zsud knliowe that, if Vîe- irank, bow (do yon1like i Sisedos jnôt eyi1Ijplicitiy and unquestion- our uew lauI)inrygirl doce up your in bu eIeghtst uod audmeet unreasonulxand cuffe " rak-"Oh irst-rats d lem nd1, oursabes, Iows, rd ieke m»s 0tubie;res.Shie dees thinigsup Ibroir." uIPOn1 er, rrprizss ,ýth, a tkns of Admirai Sir Provo W Valisw' love0, and ourside-re bJerseIf nsglectsd if uny lioe'eUutenant iii te fi lsngth oef time passes witbiout theroi. -Ce abattis, wli b1 (> yeti, the i b-m t.,a u "xf'iendIn-ai 11se B itie!I forces Ib vse 'qried hy i uqkIi asl Pai1g iosen m witil pissa o lý'rt Tilabat, lieer Maniipur. OfL ht udaly.