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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1891, p. 5

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T FIRfE doni a concise buit mphlet on treat- constitutioflal 4isea9es WITU- HAIS ARSAPARILLA y, giving, correct name and Lè'e WIND)SOR Mfg. Co. 'Drawer 2050. Montreal, P. Q., ote This, STILL CONTINUE t-a guaantee every pair o! e;peytac- sl and va viilretumultise mney ri pan sot perfetlhy sable ied. STILL CONTINUE~ to offbr ipeciacle2 for 50c,.visicis 0 satue qualit as tisose soid by pod- L CONTINUE 1 our Pobishe Tester ta thoso est tipi glassea to Seo If represented ta tisent by ped- ýave nat yel seau s pair that L CONTINUE âitifiscshy tand proporly ei. îeight 0F OHARGE, Il our gcoda on Ilseire seit. LT & JURY. A&IRIL 22, 1891. Ja.nd Olherwise. rville Pair May 1. y ini Bovsanivihle May 25. igi Fair Tiusunay tiseyak. 5 ilI continune ta SeOU 50 cent for ?2. Wesliington bas returued froni visit aI Stratiord. W. Jolliffe viii promoS lu OaS- Suuday aftemuoon sand cveniug. m. Saundevorsepeut $unday lu ritl an old !nlend frai S tratton, A. James veut te Torôinto on tu spexnd a fov dsys vitis hem Dr. Bray. L. H. Welli, Pisenologiet o! vas gUet o! Mr. Jas, Marris esty heoo ,Coucil, Johnston & Crydor- I,ýiga euperb stock of Prose 11 flic laestyl'ves sud colors. n. H, Eyre, registrar o! deede Northuniberhapd, died lu Co- xitnrday. IR as bora in 1826. ýd Mrp. Chas. M. Cavkor and hIsve ratued !rom their viil ithomu StlýtVe geatly beneflted tnent lunlthe Nova tva veeke Rev. W. Coomibe vas senloushy ýounded ,thû e verend gentleluai ,uomna îs fitue voiservat- îVe vigl Dan eitecess. ýs o! Wall1 Paper Were e- et "Big M0" Also their ,f Baby Canniages. Soe re buyiug andi you wil e-Sure, ing isutcher, S. H, Rey- ýh out Memars. Hall & sInemsesud vili nov ha Il l3owmavillie vithi e- suit. Leave ortiems at Edition o! use Daily [5tb o! April ta tise close n Sessiou o! Partiament ly Globe for sanie peniod Subscribe nov, aITDits Pure Maple Syrup, Qtl.bec malte, at Port Rope has j?.ziew businssu college. Carriaýe HUoppita " now open. Philp McMurtry's. Port Hope wiUbave no spriný fair t~~i~~~aae5 Mr. M. Mayer lias been ili the past year. Order your crurupets aud muffins ,ab week but is on duty again. M~iels Bertie _4'hl'envs i~ K' enedy n ~Qcss Mr. Oco. Hlarvey, o! Oshawa, haA been Oro.uo f-nd -m hsbenv tn li loth purchàsed at ou1r store will be vlaiting at Mr. Alexander's. en.W11. Pry f lgluh sbc ut Ire of charcge T M- - Mr, Wll. Prey, f KRE, LIFE, ACCIDEN0 _.T Inua. Use Mather'k; qiove Ci- sur; beat lu home recuperating. R , YITU, ACCEnt, Tow nllle. tf ug, rie 5e ~r1, .J. fliggîibothani Farmers, plant larger areas of potatoQs, UOBT. and Ed genths omeng pretty. j &Son. They almost always payf02 fsraners listonthi pet Mr, , HIM mU»jg4 apsrian, of Tyrone, ].lead the article on an inside page heaad.for» t sec at r" Velaile Hoa- tffrs8Ôooones - besfor sale, wlhad "The Tenanut Farniers, Lde a tMs.Dnel' u e hive8, etc. Lde ala r.Diiel' n e Nev Cobtonq, New Prints, New uni-. hihWnlrxt as 'oee11visit.bhu Ladies' sd Vildreu's dres hits for broideries just to baud et' Couch, John-1ing at Mr, . T.,Ç osworthy's. 35e1ts ,,eqha ston & Oryderman'o. Mr. Adani Fisýher, Montroa1, camxe hcre uoMpoSmpvr iejs Stott &àJury still offQr to lend their tihmunrlopisbohrGere nortod by John MeMurtry f romn Que- peel~e teater to the publie and by its use M.A assdn of Toronto, bas bec. Try a quart. any person eaui test their glasses. beau viiting et his borne on Beeah Ave, Ne Prints ansd Sateens the mnt ale- Mno. Exusley wili recîte "Jimmxy's If you en joy readlng a good story. read gant designs now showiug et Coxic,John. Sister'a Wcdding" et the '"Oldo Folkes' "A Rustic Comedy" sud laugb.heartily. stois &Crydcrniau's. Concerte" on Tuesday, April 28th. , Newcastle Fiah Hatchery han recelved Ladies German mtade Jackets for Spring .Alil paper bought st Sherin & Rtrby'< 'i million fry f rou the Sandwich batchery. wear. A choicec as8orLmenit just opened wili be trimmed froe of charge by the hest Canada nhipped 98,400,000 pouiids of ont at Concis, Johutton & tJ'rydornimn'ti. and latent improved trimmer, "Wanke.' coene ta Europe durng the year ta April Gentlemen visa appreciate a, good fit- t a 4W 1~ ltf Oothies shonld Rev., J. Liddy, Courtice, vil prcach in Mr. Howard Pratt, U5?son rt, eveter rerafCni, ouL0 the Methodliat church Sonday evening lias recovereti from. ilt» recent severe ilii Crydermani's. next, M r. Lid dy is favorite w th Bow- 'n ' ' oris C rng e W orka is cre of the, mauville citizens, That'is n guidle Scotch story vo publi,%h boxsy places in town. They have a great Mr. T. E. Iliû.fyiuotham was lu foron- Ç'a u a inaïde page "A Gowk'g rush o! work on hand sud uew orders arc to over Sunday. Mrs. H's many frieuds Erranit. " -' comiulg inu uplendidly. wiii be deligisted to hear that bier health Piko and Suoker fising are now the Mrs. Donnelly bias opened a brauch la niuoh improved. ~order of the day. Look out for this1g lnllinery store in Newcastle sud she in- J. Eiggiubotham & Son have just re. fish yaru., vites ail the ladies of Newcoastie aud vicin. ceived a fresh aupply o! ailtise best spring Mr. C. A. Sando hias talten a position ity toe all and iuspeot herstook. medicines. Do flot deîay but corne di- as uight opeiéator ou tise ýC. P. R. al; PToo maw enuits sud too mlauy overcoats. rectly to us sud purcisase a bottle. Owen Sound. ruices are nov very miucis in tise favor of Se tise larae cholce of nov printe ab Mr. John Bond, of Toronto, van in tise pureaser. See T. Oco. Mazon's John J., Masoý's Dry Gooda sud Jcvelry towu recently lo)king the pietureo! heaith Clotinig Store ad, in another coînrn. Houso, Tisey are selling fast, eall and sud prosperity. S. H. Reynolds butcher shop will bo secure some of tise choice patternus, Dr. J. A. Philips, Pontypool, hias been c1p2tid every afteraoon in future elçeept Miss Pridisan, a flue soprano singer, appoiuted Medical Healtit Omioer for the S4turdlays or dayg before isolldays upatil and Miss :Archer, a young viollrfist o! towuship o! Manvere. 1fnxrther notice. 14-4w, great promise, wili appear at the "'Olde , Miss Haig, of! Baltimote, vas guest of I! you are thinking of goiqg tô thse Foikes' Concerte" ou Tuesday, April 28th. tise Misses MeDougail and other frlend3 North West, British Columnbia or Manito- S SPoNGPS. -We have an immense stoak iu to wn over Suuday. ha get your ticket froin the 0. 1>. R. of first quaîity sheep wooi buggy sponges, Sans of Engiaud are mîiking groat Oonipany's agent at thre Big 201. No visicis ve arc aeling at close prices. alsoefottoupssaypcedg trouble to give rates. fin bth ndtoietspuge. , Hggu-Birthday (jerioutration. Q Yn ou eaui bny Watcis, Clocks, Jewy.31ry, botham & Son.Th essrtnaAtay that for Silverware, etc., 15 to 2.5 per cent ciseap. Mr. A. E. Cleniens, of Hampton, went The ces nfusrationao rfu't o asys er at John J. Masoni's Dry Goýçodmansd to Toronto Saturdaày ta zoe hie brother there shall be a penalty of frora 85 L $40. Jewelry Hous tissu any other place iu Frank 'who received saerions injury by be. town. Calaud sec. Ing tisowu froni s ladder by a wornan Miss Needier, Miss Msud IM'cCartnoy, Miss I. Fair, Milibrook; sud Miss Me- When you commence cleaning yourè driviug a baby carniage. Camius, Miss Lucas, Miss Wood, faillie. huse kin a spe a t heBWgl2pap rei Several new subscibors wene neceivod boro. ikn Leilyo alpprti laot veek. Wc have eoîd more papers tise yesr. They have alread"y received two ý hast mouti tissu for sane tume in tweîve Mr. Erusst Loscombo of Trinity Col- tbpeî. Mr xetdeeydy montha, Thre public appreciate a godlgPr oe ssedn i holidays Corne sud examinine bofore buying. paper thatu serves np thse news fresh and at home acaompaniod by Mnr. Jeffemson The largest sud nicest stock o! new 0 don11t ateal it. Davis. Tweeds and Worsteds cau ho seen at John To nE-um;T.-Tise uorth part of Lomue Meaars. Sherin & Kirby have received j. Mason's Dry Goods sud Jeweîny Villa, Centre Street, occuii for past ton avery fine collection of plants this ver aunseM. We have macle arrangement hy yeare hy Mn. John Mayuard, jewelier, vhich they invite thse publie to eaan ,d wviîcis v cani get np suite for hesa mouey snd former>y by late Iey. Cb. Ba»rker. inspeet. îblIi you have becu itise habit o! psy- Possession April 15. Appîy to M. A, Master Fred. Burden, viie inspecting ig~. UEowuer. a revolver too coos.y, receivod auu giy Trhe Bowmanvillans invited ta thse An- Our first clasa papor hanger,Mr. Weeks wouud by tise contents eutcring bis hand. nuua Assemnbiy at Cobourg Thnurday weok lias been engaged by "Big 20" ta bang lise vound is doînignîcly. vae'e-Mr. sud Mn., D. B. Simtpson, thse their paper this aeason, ailî tey vili charge Lovera of tise national gamo (Iserae)Misses Simpson, Mn. sud Mr$. S. S. Ed- you. for hsnglug papor hongist fron thoena are urgently reqnested ta attend tise tire at l , Mr. sud Misses Fai.rbairn, Mr. sud wM1 be 8c. per roil. Seo their papems be- practice o! tise season tisin (Wad7iieday' is Bingbam, Miss H. Burk, Misses fore bhuytng'sud yau vill find thse prices oenig. Gm ouud in fine order. Glvo, Mr. Mrm. sud Miss Chume, Mr. rigbt. Fine nev stock. Mina M. RicanrI. han been engiec b Mý . . ordon. ,ion. Etvdwad ake,,Q, o., -acc;bat~. the S o E gd orMy 5hadil r. n. ensy v dlftOrolast ad byMr. Ge6rgo ate Bl40kstoek, Q. C_ sho plasgliem owuaccompaniuient on ui- tU. s d atrying eax eriece eon roaeh- aud Mm. A. Munno Grhr, ieft for Britis tar4sauietiîg good ia.y b. cnpavted. lis desinatonRga,N.W T.Oth 1 Clolumbia Satnrday evening ln the 0(. P. Tise ceebration commtittee for Queen'a way' out biseiorses took sicle, eue dylng.1 R. private c!sr Chamuplain. These geutle. Birthiday promisea grand ah day's sport Osn ieching Riga sone parties had carried1 mien are tise legs!l repreentativesofth!ei with s gi!t concert at night. Alil knovoff evewy vostage o! tise dwvelling viserein1 C. P. R. in tise big arbitration betweeu isow tbe committeeoajsîribte t.beprments. ho expected kboter. Ta malte things that compauy sud tise Goverument. Bowmanviîîe has loBt atiother pushirtg vorse, bis daughiter Lizzie, toto iek sud1 Mr. S. L Taube, aptician o! Toronto, young mnu, Mr. Thou. Nauverthy hias ha. ta, bo sent ta fiendi in British Col- bias appointed Mr. R,.1J. Shaw as bis voue ta Winnipeg to beek ie fortune. unia. agent for Bovmanvilhe sud viuity, sud tomin i bound te suoceed visemaver hie W£ CLAIM rHiiuEAwRTI-We dlaim tise persans visising to get their eyesistht goos. earth le round, sud we Iisua it's true. èuited to perfection viii do vehi ta leave W locam wlayrdsYlo i thieir orders witis Mr. Shsaw sud Mn. ill be !ound au excelt ermedy for W lodi ia aym' olyO Taube yull coma sud suit thema hi'isif ick headache. Cater'a Little Liver cures aipraina, bruisse, humas, coids, croup, moolf.sBre tismoat, rheumatisui, neuraigia, sud Perfect sigist guaraniteed or money nfun. Pilla. Thousauda of letters roui people alpi!u nîfamtr ioss n dcd. Orders by mail promptîy attend.ed wiob sdte roetss!c..-we kI t v iis is tmue. Yeli'owf Oitla an to, Toronto address, Si Denison Ave. Trv tissu. true farnily remedy for lImmess or sore- l1-.8w.* Misa Annie M. Jisynos lbas gone ta onslu mari or beaet. By a tttr te hie friend ae, vo eanu tise Domill Ladies' Ollege, Oshawa, to Tise Guelphs papons Iast veeli oontaiued1 that Mr. Wm. Saudercock, visa la lu Riv- pusue bier studiesalu music sud fiue arts. a notice of tise deatis o[ the father o! Mms.1 esido, Cal,l is mucis improved lu heaîtis We hope that Miss Anniie vii graduate M. M. Fenvick o! tisis, towu froui wviia aud speaks vcry iighy o! tis elcixale. vitis bigh hionore, ve gleau thse fol!ovlng: Mr. Robt, Coul. Ho for warded a sample o! barîey sovu ou If sick boadacise learnlsory, visat are son viso han becn oonfiuodl to bis liouse Jan. 23md sud picked by hlm ou April 1,3t Carter's Little Liver Pilla if tisey l for over a year died on Friday moring tisat mieasured about 4 flot lu ieugtis. positlvcîy cure it? Peophe viso bave timed lothi lut. He vas be'ore bis illnes o Mr. Sauidorcock ls sa lu love viti tise thse- speak frankhy of tiseir worth.--.of ti, se b o wn~u figures on thte atrcets country that ise speaks o! buying an Or- They are amaîh sud easy to taise, of Guelphs. He cama ta thi coauntry as a aunge plantation sud aking tisat bis fut 1 iiies Siw he3s juýt opeuoed out a very repr(sontative o! Robt. Stephenson ê& une home, flue assortuseut o!f rencis Flovers. Co., tise ceebrated raiinoad engineers o! A rather synaillaudience gre8ted tise Ladies' sud Chiidrcn'e hats lu ail tise lat. Noe\vaaia-on-Tytie, Englanci, ta huiild Coigrave Faihy ou Thusday uigist but est styies. Cali sud ipspec hier ndw stock bridges on tiseG. T. R. lio took tise tisose vho vome ualtishere missed anc o! before buying laeweee. em sim le ta contrant for building alithtie brid-es on tise beet musical treats o! tise season, pioase. thse Grand Truuk. lie retired on ai ý farus Mise Ada's singiug csptlvsted the audi- Tire Ontario Expreisssud Transportat. nean }ockvood about 20 years aga but once sud s110 vas voci!erousiy eueored. ion Company have ap)poited M. W. Gi came into Guelphs about 10 years ines Misses Belle sud Mabel Rosa v ore aIea G oe.steraen tBwsul1 : whemc ho resided uttil hie destli. lHe iseartihy received sud tise handling o! tliseTisis l a uew eoirpsuiy sud no donht viii banves a wldoa sud eolist celren, ail o! different Instruments by John sud Wil.- do a good business sud give generai at. visoni are nismied oxccpt tise youngcnt lani shovcd tissus tabe tisorougbly se- isfactiou. Tiscy wOl commnence bilsiue daugister vbho bas liad tire car. o! bier gusinted vitli eaci. ou May 1. faliser sud motiser ta a large exteut. Tise "OIlde Foîkes' Concerte" ta be Atistia fitnses su ad substantial dura. lu hast vekl's Scottisis American ho- gienol Teda vengA i 8tnlubhiyar hecsaateisia !MisSia,Àru ie-uliaio ! ic udfscn an on a is Dr. ierce's Favorite IErecript- SPEÂEKiNG are Tîrs-K hp 1e a piece o!f aslr faiIseau Ian poaeeingcurtie sd rguttin orvs~b1 ~oma~n saisa. Wheu you have te go ta nmarkçet p iopoei craiean e altii peciat rvlal norainmc s WithaPbasket uyoum anm. poe tie oasrernarkable degmeo. Mmlde Ibis tiat Illgyard's Yeltow Ou leLa__________ for his urpse hnc-..reomxendef~êpromipt sud effectuai cure for croup, colda, îno olerl (Jotinuafly growing lu favor isoarnesa, soro tisoat, rheumatiami, NO ACYLN sud nuumbering as ils sttaneh friende, penrslgia, sprsius or sorcuese o! auy kind. If 1 vere 1Quoeeuof France, W tisonssnds of thse moat ilitelligent asutKnwnasr iaIeovr 0 ej .Or wh4a tt, ?Pope .1 Rorne, a refiued hladies of tise laud. A possAivû 1Ivould buy Imperial Creani Tartan 0 guarsutes ocnianasqch botte-ab et ise sIewa etr pour druigglats. l&Mld ii. Wn*1J eCOîd by usg-Drde Ot*'»S Ipjur Sep Por my Cook, and take il hioue. r. .ftid!UIIL.U Schoolso "I arn conviruced Cleveland's îs the purest baking powder made, auci 1 have adopted it ccclusively in1 my coQking schoels and for daily house- bold use." P'rincipatl Philadelphla Coeking School, Notices of Birtis. 25 ceutg; Marriafges, M2 cents; Deaths. 50 cent, caeh insertion -but J1R F0 4cIltRGhl, iheu thse Ikueral cards are printoi t thts oiNtce, ICÀxi.-ln Bowmanville April #th, the wlfe of Mr. W. Canca cf a son.1 QÀRVIN.-At 23 Victoria Avenue North Hailton. on April 14th, the wife oÏ Mr. M. Garvin, of a daughter. ArLLrN.-In Bowtnanvllle, Avritl 1. the wlfe of W. W. Allun, of a daugh ter. SVwRTuz. At Enulskillen on thee tklh fast. wVlfe of Mr. W. J, Virine, 0f a dasIKhter, RoWLssoyý-Tn Kinmnnt, April 14, Trnnian T. Rowllson. aged 59 yoarl, Ili mnths 8 daye, Formnerly of Cla~rk- WrnUTINO-At EXeter. April 3, Edmond Whit- ing, aged 82 yerfrs and 10 iuouthii. Father of Mr. P. B. Whiting, Bawmanville. PAnsoNs-At Exeter, .&pril 12, William Par. sons. aged 77 yesrs 8 months. Hozoes-Near Oahawe, on Sienday April 19, Charlotte, beloved wuire of Mr, George Hobs, aged 7" years. formecrly of Darlintiton. LF,.-In Port Hope,.April, 20. Phylina Virtuie belovel wife of Mr. R. A, Lee. teacher, aged 33 years. Interment in Bowmnville cemeteryr to-day (Wednesaday) on arrivai of rnixod train from the East. about 3-23 p.m.. COUL$ON-ln 0GUellob, April 9, Robert Coul. Bon, aged 79, fathe--r of Mrs. AI. AI. Fenwlok, 30 WMAN VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J. MfclWrtwy, Ceer Tuemday FLouR,iP 100 1bB.. 2 6Oto$340 WHR&Ar, FPs, f bush.... 0O00 1; 10 té Spring, il ....0 00 fi105 BÂItL.BT, #1bush, Nô. 1....00 il 0 55 il il il 2....O0O00,i0 45 lé i il3.... 0O0Ori0 40 Rvu t,-il-......----..---00 14 ,6 '15 ai lue, ai ... 0 00 fe BirerEn bûst table, r lb ... O 00 ff EGe;siedaz ......... ..0 00ai POTÂTMoS, e bush ....... 000 ai Peits, Pcvt ........... 500 ., HIÂX, VItan............ 5 00 a Red Clover î, bhi...4 60),, Alsiko ta 4m' ,........à 00)'a 0> 0n 7 00 5 00 800q E GG$ FOR HATCUIING. -Pure bred .124Plyniouth Rock egga. $1 for 13. 'E, ELmus. Barketon Elevator. 13EES FOR SALE.-80 colonies of bee3 for salecheap-mnust be BoNd; alsa Wivs aud fixtures; J. il. MAN 1iNG, Tyrane. 1l-w. BULL FOR SEPsYICE.-A Jre Darlingtou. Ternis S1, J OIIN ORCHÂRD, pro- prietor, Solina. 17-4w.* A CHIGE100 ACRE FARM~ FOR A SALE-Lot 28, con. 2. townBhip 0f PloNr. ering. Por particulars svply ta Mis. J3 Tao>4 Cherrywood, P. O. 17-tf. MPROVED LARGE YORKSHIRE IG OISALE AN'D SEVCE.-Stoclt registcred. lot 2S, B. Y. Darllngton. R. EU. OsnoRNE, Lakeview Fsrm, Bow'psnyllle P. 0. SERD BARLEY.-I have a quantity I~of Csrter's Prolifio English seed barley,fraeo trrni ail noxiotis seeds, Thomas Pascoe Hîgh. fiel Faim, near Solina. P RIZE SEED GRAIN FORI SALE.-- 1 have black Prolitie or Tartarlan Oas and a qnantity of SxrwdBarley. La, 25 con. 4, Darlington. W. L. LAw, Garden Hill Farmn, Solina. grOUSE TO LET.--On lot 15 con77 XL Darllngtn. l acres land with gond dwelllng houea s te.bling, Apply to D, TAYLOR, Woaoen Mille, liamptoa. U-1w. 1B EES I BEES! I-For sale a number »of s3warms8 and also a numbe-r of hives for the swarxning Besson; aud a lot of aplarisi supplies-aIlifur sale, cheap. A. FEnocusoiu, Newoat~e.11-6 w. requlrlng should cali early, JouN 1,MAy. Caiedonlan Mills. flOUSE TO RENT.-That part of Lerne Ville, nom occupieIDby Mr. May- nard, jeweller, coutalning parlor. stttiug sud dlialng room. )wie bodrooins, kitchen, pautry capital cellar. olosatu sud wood shed. j-jard and soft twater ikdoors, gardon. Possession April 156. Apply te M. A. J.s.r4un. 0wuer. IIHOP TO LET 11V MAY lst..-The 8C ehiop and dwelling oceupied >y J. F,Mann. lng asGranid Central,inextdoor toP. O. .&pply te W. SANDuncocxtK, Executor. or ANyr COLE, Esecutrix. L~ook Box 25, Bowmanvlle, aryI goodwater,easy access to market, schoolg, etc. Apply tae.&xWpo1D & CauÂml3Es, Gien. brn, Ma.4-tf. W~ÏE~ HOUSE Remember the -GRAND Inducé- monts we gîve to buyers DURING APRIL. COMYE everyone. Stock fully assorted and marked very GENTS> SeeoOur Tweeds and Gents' Furnisix- ings. Suits to on order the shortest notice aud at the" ~very lowest price. H-ighest Price paid for all kinids of Produce MCG ILL UNI VERSITY MONTREILL A SPECIAL AINNOUCEMENT FÂCULTY 0F APPLIED SCIENCE has been prepared, statlng the details ci the NEW Cf-TAIES, LABOER.AORDIS, WOxuK- smors,APPAUÂSUsud other inprovemente in its several Departments of Civil, Mn-. ing, Meohanical and El>ectricaI EngineQr- lng and PrRotioal Chemnistry, which wilf afford in the Session of 1891-2 advantsgeFi not hitherto accessible te Studentii ln thiii couintry. Copies inay be had on application tothe undersigned, who caa sio upply detailed annouincements of the other Facultie3 of the University, viz.: Law, Medicine, Arts (including the Donald Gourse fer, Womien) and Veterinary Sciencee. J, W 0U5~ . C 1'. Acvting Socretary TO0DRENT.-Fr terrn of yas Ge or dalry. CL suce for golng extensivcly inta Toronto milk, business or stock x'elsng fox .&mercsn market, Mon wftIs capital onIy need apply. J. H. Dow, Wlutby, 32 .tfi FVAR-Ml OR SALE,~-130 a.res, coin -2posed of eotth part ot Lot Neo. 19 Broltoet Front,atwd is tbre mile fromn the Town ot Boivmanville, 'This is onïa of the beAX farms lu the coonty of hama. ila in l a htgh state (l oultivation snd ta well fenced On thw pro, miBeBý there is a stone dwelltng, two large barns sud othier out-buildlngs, wlth stoxuO taLbllng for cattle and ltnrses, shree wellsa ari tour c sterns, 51i50 fcr vpumplng water. For furthex, particularm sppiy on tht premises or if by letter to jIuNhy MàNN,. low- J RAVE 11EEN~ FAVORED WITH instructions to Bell by private sale by h executors of the estate of'-th3 lat Duncan j~X icîni th soth ssi80 sores 0f lot 17, cou. 1 arlington,on whic ils erected a house,fraîne barn, drivisng house snd stable, etc. AbouV- acres off trst classý orchard. Ternis easy as ili must bc solS ai once, LEiv A. W. Tozz, Itéà, Petate Agent and Auciionee'r, 8-If. F acres siuated j s uâd hoorpora. tien cf the town 0f Bowmianvilce. There l5aet good haeuse, barn and stable on the Pvamilsee. also about 4 acres of youug orchard now be- viuîng te bear saiuta ti l1ruunluz oraee c wster crosses the property.Ev tbhJg ira good condition and sitate or eultivatiep, Th1e piroperty wlllbe sold cheau sud on easy termp of payxnent, Apply te L. A,. W. To.uýor T'Eeo, suoitT Dowmsnville, Ont,4à FARMS FOR SALE. $1600- wl prou 7 am outbuildings on l9th Cou,,Darliuln,satl SALE OÛRNT-a aand SonUgog street north. The premnisc8 conast o f s good hous1-e with every 0eOniece, SIrlving shed. stable, etc. Vie garden contains a lot orf the ohoiceat, fruit of ail varieties. . ImmIe'diate Possession eau be given. For partieulars apply to W. FxSuLsî'is. Bowînmille Ont. 494tf FAMFOR SALE.-100 acrueD Iore o n.0 building ue o ihar nSa tht 10 r. G.o~o " op tie pxniie r toL j acre, W.adi O l ,maesaeaenBwmnil

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