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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1891, p. 7

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~IYGIII S2UNDÂY READING. frsi gfem a tanodr u0niB BLOCt 101"ANVLE pz)ce,; up znd down befolOit. It is iiR' ight-iiit in file syrkh In iojii ~ ~ ~ t n thse hearta of jI-il ov delllenýl1m 1hsûvnl Y ysiscel& Y HETU fl'IXION. Tencher. AIl hope lies hrle lwit1 Him ~ ~ I bond sweep ~1They Ihad takenmitobe is esiai, ra>L 1ugolO jt Iesk.Drn15H s They had trutud thiat He woiid. rgh, sadews il fceof the ida ~.A~~i ee o eIre.They lsad Lset ~LUER~ ~ aerm buge oet ecrh h id rwtbeýir fIitii upon ii .And noslews mucar.1' ( LeI. And that wiis thie end o vrt ~IAN, SUR (JN ~ TC Slci~ fais upis te ccipaiy abut tse Ad thy knilno tha tt wsratthel, -4 cr. Clircil jian ci thin The kCv into heaý,ven abveljAui.1Ai,l ieIc acstnot tIs. alti;trai Fsdywild be insssned taMd) ~ n~ j~ ~f~ uystry ae cosstouhes~t '<oodFria, to the e ud of tiric.The 5M~IMA, wl cris. TIse lace cf", (, le"idd ickeac o svryiyU 1f hi Fellow of TrinC)CI. ColUge, "yGd yQdH re," iloulek hecofs Cd bKV anish»l on e. i miniber Cofl, Phys. ur,, ont-.b H Êuý -- hst Tscu orsascitMe ~ Before the cross wve ne, l, ndthIcos C*HTiiL .l ilo u;1hIi-;rytcry f uf ritg- we rn, flot eans hope etc rnahi OF C0LLIEGýE OPYIIN xtr le h pk iusesod Dos it rettlly nîcanthatDoosit reaily ~,unQataecronex, etc. HMm. Reve renit slrebe. eiTi i isean that for, us ekneel beforýe thie est nc~.)ij5ntskl(,il, n of th l i sue rk' si. heidcrs;w ouIilijto1e Is e 'eof, lmi bB rïtJt[PIW Cridied for os snstht, aI't, ý ho lhong tfiereon. Theo hande iltat ce ff~~~~~~~~~ le, SOI~O,&.M? o.1eoffercd 1HillJseif l tseaita'p: rcd initeus. nd wat issd cf 7', lqlrs, Xlng StreBwai-- Ie rsa asciieforîer buina il hub i ncrhat Ad oto ~to %~ heOnarBaek th1e Lsbof Ged lthat taketb aay he '. aeswr d o \%gIve? Crstwa 1tii v-,ý, el ri sti your1 l iel1 la lie te ieuillr.cf1 ou sell OF f BîlAGEi1 , SS"s keledtheley abLe te fad cff amleuetfri Hch,!,,, eartb soprme omen, tIs was tiathurcf The 1H1abit of atiEdng ED K-UCTTQN E E RFOPhjhtIe -ateIl lis life kleoked for- sisiy f ssha.Sales a.lttended wrti wsteahivcn f Ris pr- prhap ,hr S neuaita e sai sin notice ad ) oest-ratee. w 1ddr-s oseiNcw]sebeas th budencf oriinaptcchsa ie sthtc id1 ilg feu ï". 1e6Itt Ili Las rAilcwasLas ~. ~rEiEM tCO. -. his Ailtheainadshmcallinltfrio caddeed ore t ud broken up sue )NIEF.S for the Oomty of ~drdealts bp uinisalbre humc ietsSmgbh cu nt :Insuranrce Red <Cneral Agent'-, tigbeiesi eee fdsresîoe.hssm osimboa ihcre [-,0 Real Estata Agete. as aed uiscabe."opie; h t,,,it apasvery ealVinljfe,ý eSs promiptly itternded to. Box 712, birSu Haciesastheerss passeS. land gem ne es scc nrass e lia P. 0. St Aednomeodyis ,quicis, s Iotegive Hum pro xriigti at isba nw tixwn A~ rn.Aitll earatlsa're ltoncbed,(. They ta e datroy for a bfetime Ltise daiy peaco of LlNAR~ SUaGON, BL0I vlwh, sittil.(,domw1, hnd atcb Hm ter, a eitirearily. U-_ O-NT, Delsr secat ave been imps1eeed wtstselceue f O I ae u indaneghc wepose;,ssd m I ruee o htmceiu pnu. Ou fti antl earsbedgee;ide k. April 13, 17-tf tIs ldiri shcsv'grj poie sgo sdhis fauit-findi o em S Tnned aud Repalred. rom , t udof Pa reed(1cf lysp htsatai oectbswoefui It lsssbe l TIe serilc jeefere,andwonircbablylis-e ad tIe ere afec tise strnge agoy le osar, tIs missio cf tIs e 1, Nthigsias igb rnstise Suce he l rose sgwvor&ant tiiDomrîNsORGÂA "Fa ýthIei liste Thy badILnndd m 10tsmnringutlheuwentt o IbedLatniight, th.i Bowmnvlo (2-ia iOc rS"celecis. Aild jesus Chl rist c[ Iave kInown b ise te ýget up at dule n~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" tbrOPOý_____ Sedee tlIse crss.lclockil e eeveehsrg (ereie vr ery FORET. YouxoG, V s Bho ise o c Qe, Who foir love ucfIo ,oiL1pLi1l te esy fathert hIat our noisedi- TEE WST D H lisn, cmetuelerth aed oisma ntlîle on tere l wsnw er iyîg ce cc HNTEWSTls ic1 , ndthatweight live, became oei wsias sts modgs.lNtsn a Nlcck, ahere himseel or assistantetenedahe-ntIse deatlîfcf ts igbnooywcs igt.Afire't hisfret'- tnd from 8Seiii. te 9 pji. Nlg7eibOi~cos ues solsedu-bsniboste e,direet]Y orioste.Drtil Shed. OIl aedts okc i bi rsaeFcIsduce tls ere sdwr pli or tcephono will rucelte, üe (; sic !Thipcr, s i i ïlyr plmnted. Sine ied tIse hammar wheis Sheereiult oc c ubn e srt ~ .~ ~ ~ n aI;tls were riven, S:1I rouglîýIt this LcgonLy ig isaiws vimpei ecuet vi ONEER APPAISE, Rei ise Iscovegbar(o ed. Assd muLarebarnit te Agent. Bewrinavj'Ile. ontaclo. ,s rtakerstle1.Ohwet ain'grlet'obne i wfecul okeofe uthm Led tel anly part ù1 proi.nce0. lsomets raflssso iiTs o fadeale wreses d ithe)r i tc ely or toc ____ c~i'd crciledtat we îigb!t lba freed! frouslat epac l.A ne bnh ac -A.~~~~ A.P T tlAnd we tii sometinse s gltyaotheba gase(Ise wa l eeaie, hbegan in stan- ITCPisinsand i çtp,>edlicn-ce es potly se chaerl, tkg frjoue I( S, i ct imy diiiire," anditu f ETEC usnocth wors uon or lis, wrkie di- filad r o ho c(,slthý table whren ha eac prepared for every clase cf bidig onatly -with cur bvande for wbicb Chi2riststebus Ieaflwdaue enilan gi-sen te heating lsy steal) badswîe iaiel frida enaecacioe eeigts ter. and to sanitary arrangmenttîprcedi, ig On dliiidiniug-rooesl ste Boak, httbp13 .,.iy atlsswithtIs-e feet for. stIien Crit's fSet îdîgts wae en edwousdBlHrewelcrku f urnet on the tala, te ver "eiil w0!oIýupedýite mastterýs, hale z (ize I be! ced Ile ~~~rv, wIat i ieies. lbread ke ife ced prc fied ont thse brecdI. Aleickineco5oateTha d e TIe kefe baving bc~ cli had beel sha rp- rlluV Ootiei ra t o 'c, ec har' low m11ucb ovfer Christ cr0111, ie ts mnie, untclulat Saior ow 1mu1ch relrtitude ta Humfor issg 1fer tiles cwjftniss cf ia s1ia i kfa, oiin- ali lHis ife aed lH ie death for us-,? 1HoW fsitdnighractses-eced tise thumbil * ~ k - su ch cf tIsie i k tfer woebasish- 1frum Iiisjet ae. rYeeI bealrd c lU I ' ~ Li nferdcAwycoid but"'ILrecIice, lsointg tilt Isle son thuiiis în le saCity t e grecSalvil us tIse tlemple i15 lttiee otelis s iable wjfel, blut il (l f ' t i i s e t e d t e S e b t l t ro r n ~i a r e a i lia s n e s n c bf t o l i i i a n " e s-il whjcb ha ebti etg siypaen ie cli fillr,lise was a ust un- tile inist lhly. No longer need tIse higis esnbocetr. ogusld hu >-~I pia a gi iii emd tho vs-il niaise atone- meyws ederi fort ii lde otIs- I mss or ise-norse'sius Thre l ieu( in vSo. et if. tIses v e iot well-dresseli le J,. C. ]1avî7s, Rector of St. jailes' EtýýpisQopal Churc!i, ~fua l. '4M- 5o1 11ias ben badly amficted with a fearful and threatenling c.,ougli for several mnonths, a nd after trin-g several prescriptions fromi physicians w7iîcLi failed to relieve hiii, le lias b2en perfectly restored by tie vuse of two botties o.f Bo- An picplseesGerman Syr- up. 1 eau recoin- ieto. end it w ithou0ilt: hiesitation. " Chronic Eevere, deep-sea.-ted couglis li1ke this are as se-vere, tests as at resniedy eau be subjýý,ected to. It is for these lou)Ig- stan--iding c'ases that BoscJaee's Ger- mail Syrtip is made a seiiy Many othiers affiiCted as titis lad w-as, will do well to miakze a note of tis. F.~. Ariiold, M,,ontevideo, Minui., wnrtes: 1 always use (Germina Syrup for a- Çôld on thte Lu-ngs. I Liave uever founid an equal to it-far less a superioD GaG RE.Si anfeduyNJ T'lROU GH AO LONE, À sai qaisght ss a-Stoý.ries m (larsage W 4i(ow B'oçI sucd SI ouàeeof the a c-' 4o11gescIji' A dsacsfrom san Antloi 'JTex., e s :Tosepn c'uehes, the Honsluts cdVîllejo, ruiug iiibatwees tIse City cf MexceSas Atolo, ced Wash;injgtonj, D. Ciq tIse Mexien NtionIal cailr'oad, reaced bre eetedayle a ilapidajted con- dit jeu. TIse Mxcetraie, te wbîcb tbiey wer sstacedpcc'sad 1trough acyclone cend isailetorui near Torreuon, Mexico, on Satur- dayLiw t Se larýge were thse Isalstoises Lttts eagî ft O Ise anginecelid evary pana ýof glass on ee'il deof tle train were cmaýcbd Ias if beylbcd bacc sruisby rock(ýý-s. Isie thu ceefs aa tterad c bIadIy Iht Snet a particiecfJ paint cesuaiued. Sev. ev~larecesletIsa day coac2hes weru iejnred, anod a Meiale Torreon station ws iill- od. Thse traie wczs forced Se sýtop foi, haîf ani heur tntil týie stormpns ac. Tiose ce tIse sleeper wbo rcched Isere, eay -tIse cyceee musthas-ece,%eedgrecS blas-ocý. H-1AINES' ARRIAGjE WORKb8 GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprîetor, - - A N U F Â C T U R E R N 80F RING STRNEET, WAN VILLE. tswon baudnuinber of s-chice' i and i leinisarturng agetmaymr cf 1ýtest patts ncd becSnshwhlc ai i C oOsii5 fcr fsabo aSt he oae rc o~5ei rli ue regard to worimsrn hlp e(qally.The a bwlg15 15Uit t'ho principal vahicîe mnfcurdb'm DoubleCovere Oas-ssages................... ,...-#10Uwr. Sngle Phiatous ....................................... ... ...c Opon Bu'ggy.......... .........................0 -Top Bugg«y .................... . . . . 9 Democlrat Wagon...... ....................... ............... 65 LubrWagons ............. ........................ .........5 ....... 40 E...p.e...Wagon ...... ....1................ ....................e ....k......--................................ ..................0 ...ulky............................................ <................ 4U s Pc cesg supenlýOs'facllttes for vmann-dfacaring cerrlage8s,1InItond to eilaliry ohoap for cesh ýccos-ad aredit, and 'bY sBp ùýn inIhope to groatly tuacase MY' umbors- o!sales. Wa sallirh wood varts oniy, or Lie gearîngis of buggies lroneod, Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the Shortesit Netïco, Palnted and Trîmmel If Desîrecl. _%. thelaoIIedo. Pbnn, ?atohlseg, Turan nud Bsa a iS*is bOrel5, Ban vor Sscwr, sud prepare aU inds ci lumbar for oas-pentes-snit othera for buildling pus-poses ornanantal ced Plafin Plaiorai a-terine lu everu' sty' souired, Msade Sp os-des-. uThe <ihôrt s pri 119 (-Y uaws eRv ilu u05?. S*yM, ï, tc nc, tc gtss escietsedr sdty ttapr rn n Eves'nsg prccie. e-nerw là dmeSAC a hyitIepecebut i mdan dfcnc; oImute sy wbete R a ben Isetarurce baths luebdisnay neisg.potiatoawslwyscutigsgrwabt.tapope srate cSm h hu Acc thtLez- o ec o-sn orccw,ý. Ts ecgotePat d Oawudspose tisaS the1,1 man whonin 1cett,o egb ies ýand tee fernales. Four a"si lecre t"In Mnad ute sisasof tj se d aara uneS bicsebae aiSour a w pectius were adntteddnrig tce year, t1iree cerucilild cee suecrfl St c Iasrnador e innatios e. o acnethrbu il omCaa oSletIOsc,,tesu uounty, influai i telylijttlui ilttshp lecass e of theinii5 l tel y!posed before tIsewsvrld (ot limenite 1New BrunsicklTIea smfsedeethe. great ýSe cruLpilulceabout thIltter CotIshe gbr)a odmas iahepecbyceiac iecatrl îlaw, ansd yet crncifying t1lii essîch legbos sago -11111 he o ieo L" ntO ý Filiea i v cosent. Tbey uay the S!lasve knuwn pe0lpba 0 whoacYt rose ie sbowe le. a pmjmrph e in emreport, wbere g brea mernig cros or "crarlky." After pr.,SmithrelatautIaegirl au Tarcde is boules cf thse cdyicg mto and end their miser-S-iegfcd 'i wt verybdyaid usp t lcfbeîg tfectad Miththe ais-fui lacwit tIe bsut o a per. But Chris3t, Ias-ring tIs a Isapenedthe cone e thir iset cf er e abe iudrc tIs soidiers lied, ladead Ralreay.Se they wrtoygra i letili cnin, pence t b-at lied a erftenne fromuie e break wtheir l,ulis tI lgsof tsth o ed Sceenlei,cnd fer ttisec ent cf tIse ('ydayigts r s yaa thias-as. "B t eesey cameteJ^ ,and l e sa1cgraei e. dspice snobs yepie, mpatient. cii saw tisa-tLehasaadeuded m tIses- bre ak psd.1Ibelles-e Q'aStIsU celitblihaored if liet Hie leg, btcisc o f tie sMuli h às etakien IiiSte. They ouloit ot te ha ndeged spear pierced iesida, ced feshwîth "c-in etheir netsoahie blnhtcIui oct bbod ced ss-aer. WA ieha tSsaw it bore ha sjecd for a whila te trecînent 1 Cf h recor," ýadlds St. Johutting tIse esupheie ow, kid, or ilencerne ay ho exhibied 1te 7ii&Bey was sic, isOgaFa hlier Cq5tarta, ceci cfilis uown personi Mitîsiensete tghet îeseîsei bîtuaîkt nîtsruh ue asusiva Chià, sb cs-sed fer Csol Ilha tIsaScsa il borecord d ic recordi ly csblaîssed, tbaly gis-a up this bunable slien eue uscarne hue, s fi)ongteCastes-le, le trui, aedho uoetb that ha saRuIs tue, habitcf fiudieig facît.Ir1()]Ocelîcard c 5(:e"hhdCu.ixn as')visn asos tIsat ye migt beiicsFua peForbtbece thiîsgcsunareictaamchip captain who, sagsva mesSn deitght. doettehct tI s ipwause0a ibtuInfilhid. fni lmant, scaiyexcapt for ace heuw r otu A boellc f Houisc.hanutlbehbroken AndtIsemuing ii"; tho, witIseloea excotes agaisu, anoter Scrpturasa-hm liey cualwhe-rmehit(pceeroier ioGok upen lsisonsthey pieccadl.' lor cre) wre oLi,ugao.te lha cnapFped ansd Ail moceryMaseciclencad len tIse preseecauid aS ; it wea reaiiy cumafeteubld umm le the StaSe cf Tansanipac Mexice, cf that deacb, ail latred ltbuhe.'T'ise Cal-p-ooil.irnrngfuHiemas the icule cfa tyranS dcc gbt jekibing teucande cof catt, ies tanc Iegadc elesi rfudyfor, a elurt5-me LaSer jie Isa dy tIse uni- tIsaerope are chuocSta total icce. ne-d "Ci-,[taieiy uthis sacsa rîteo s anad rasa coulli net have wiched oi r a Mafi,"ha smye - "Truiy thhWMau Zan tbeoe conideasate maser, luer çenid Iepa-jt es ! Icing Pion. Sn!on n."f "And ail tIsepeupla eS egehave deelce a e sucetbugbfsil ors5urcc1oîsr;intense it(chosg andc carne togaýther 10tt ssighit," Is d i e , entI ensanly oapitan. st'in"isîegs:ssetentgiht ; Nsacs-ce , ycrah reles, tIe btter eassaiies, go Isacis îth a TIse " exception "Iapusuer-wcs cP rî'] Wedt cntnca tunr>s- foraiahe strange fcebcdieg ced uissonig éin tisas- uildie-egalin oflnf iiseari, sabose Otaîn bled and ulpes-ata, becomteig -s- et(ra iserta Wat asit neasN hveabiitylebislia mIeitl, iffienî e cpy ,a-stsOiNTMKETsuT, c lope otlg aril W h 1 e L i i i i V h at h v eb enb ieneI t a p ytin . b e u lee r ti o n c d t a lu n s c a se s tiey onc? ,TIseaare tears inL tIsais eyac, Lis place, adMoi sacs persoiiy hlos )-ad renoivse thse tuismas. At druigezilts ir b", mail' ala ce hey go tbcy cSile tIseiii brecs, ýf as- ald, epe by is jcaptinl-seeeote bc-e fir50 ent e D.Sasna &luots.Plsailp ta, off' tanid Ris ecqulaintancas, tisese imIob S ai nete ~sog~ts ir lsma ns 4 & o.,Me)ntreat,Wlaeh gs les-dm, býleho)liiegïwtIs st Ag&he 1sefurîace cf tIsa captain1s u1 te saý mratis. O daiskystanot flise tbceecrosses witb i 1sqIry hbasod hston10cocaio'Is theiir hulase. Es-eug fabi, tuIscîbosa atinblmsSujciyflfai i The Head SnrZeon cf tIse eigbst bgie te einigla iSitIs te chaI- - tisa prer-,wis eiatel lckad.- h,,,, f tise uboîs -4edici Cofl1Y s ufow osas of diseday. After acidIe tunuit , strofccl~amc epefs ud 5tst STorocto), Cantada, ced seay lha cen- db Isanoie o Iscodaut ics, S lcS e uaner offe e hkeys SWtlie çaptaln, et tIsu ItaIJejubar lu porcon or by ltter on AIl siene.sie maransarkiieg that efrcatWouid ebroilci liseases pecluar te mcc. pull, Tise bues 0fIsle ructibl saere oeuussîs* cetaliesa Lmi. acepst-f ssdin aleilusYounig, cl, Or nidecewiso fissî Shan I, ibuiel bifciadby bu i eg jeto a tu-ce, tIe prper Siliieo f hbis I ,nty; misSwen ss-c ners-cu, eý,.ek Mded. hxlistel, ,Tho und 9yated over siSis eaârth.lcSBeuconerleaieeiteperu . n iltIse duties asgedte are broken bsn d oMl -e aines ou 'overwork, wcc ~ ~ ~~u J esdc hntaacamle tLiPilate au in lie msaclaccept tIse reprooÈ wsabicb hie resltinig j suyc 5 owu yp mneupherof tIse Sniadlsa a c ca'2vjg laxtyigbit lasers-e. IHaclosad bis toi-listome: Montai depreesüi, peauood asseg tise Jaas, issisn among asîl3 '1 juetwiIsa oloraqceet chtIsaSois reclgnatlon ca, -bec cf0.sitaity, Ionc cf sniery, bad ,n1 u od id egdts cyoSeiitIecc ptdsiiotliy 1For a!Iv anis, lmaeof siglît, Palpitation cf thse J"à. oep SArsasati_ýa was a s u'eretitua tIsa reculit of LtIsainerviewsa ceemal I1eart, eieiceis, lack is feiergy, pain in the discýiple. It hIslil bete a bttr ay Son ie. slntcry', hut tisacaptain aon lfeel backi site ibcshedchpimples On the face or- lxo'aend !cars Isdatrsggied for Étise matery hjsoid-tinshabit o!f icolieg fauit ; hcveverb Jyil cim n r peculiar sensation about tIse ot is uic art. BtSa bdcnoae.h wecsarko'i.eutr ntss'wr crtm Oat f L'iue organe, izzalese, Jospb cd sep slene. ow t mylave of odissatiaf action teIbis Sitifu inrsas-. rspeeke baera e ee,1' uhigcft kesn essesewhichd.ov et oc'.At cny; Tihabit cf sarilig anî finîing fanit mu1le,%yp1e e d disesahere, bashrfrileu, -rate, luea only s MaseleS t, He coull m[ake 1chenil ha ssiipped lu thehudIlë.Mn av cti epositsiletIse urina, Isn cf wlll power, a fneir eosardice by a let tender re. apcelSenoce for Ils a cke cd peace, saban ternense cftIsescalpsMd ppewek au- ai ucot sas-e VRii, ani ho blcd ntreet hn ithavaabte afc naflabhy muscles, dcslre te eliip, faxilure se ha d rcdshow hl ieymathysu-bie lie wae dsagrecrabe grosale. restaoI b y dep ontpt on, ds 1c cliv suS ho coui.east bous-y HlmIlie b , oietcida eyour elidrn u- herin, bc f sddeSira for sou-ue x Iegs thue body cà Jeases. YceecabNy, aed bewmccailelwing thin-tW Mt Q eyo!temal sesunisen plus eurrosued- Pilate glaIy "conseorts. Juselpbi bas afrts a bi lichsli1 sal ear aoIe'saoat cAElouei>ey looekingcS"le, tomraly iii a gardaiscf bis, net Sas- freinlife-, a urb sts osatdope fec5aacisysuiptemat of nes-esJIbiit~ tIse~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~e plc fcnliin aatiasbsi ac jiscsaeoe IsaS ladto iesanisy sud. etlm ni cr ocils b Trok.iis is esale iealy. Ais- LIMMS Ž4ÂYNtE. TIeprn orfuvital force sasirg lest ils o'ýtîsar Jesaisis c lcsc a usaîsîber c< ua ',tenionevey futieus sacs jus. onseqnueo Sesbdrmce bsa si csece je ulajis T tts e aS anec . Tbose gsaol tcough Iabuse coammsittdl iii blusi. Osce ha iaIoceoeeIbylaghtelul nueelÉinorancensay haperssscently cuiraI. Seul pslàtc(ue gajîssI iiejuiohe adllea, Afutf zs-sc asiswispor niou lraefrbookeon ailbdieacec.peoulair 'Ï isî, -"DuotI u bsajulge Man macefora yo11111_1ubioilcreasîUng thse saght of h e to man. AlîresM.LV.LUBON,5W) Front il suer Isso ?"becet 50,Ilpounde s a tweiveunh. Oune St.E, Toronto, On. hocks gent fra sead. INsaINcoenescotues alicong hring arecf watas-, pre clyutd., saliproe e~es~iesieyspos sharefaixst cc aos fcHi bril.Afew ls-1,0 onio csa eS h nbspoe, purp ieiS nmubsest, Palpitation, tlisyrli Tlu a tt, ff4 1i s rush cf olnd Oblete liete uethoan -ing asud fit1ifun wmen icosnfront afar-, jeice 'noS inclulA L u mtI e m ingto f eip beatso, *.o.. a"Ss I 1o 110I ' u ody3 f asstahaie by rworant Lisse. Oaac r, aili o scgut er a, dcii pain uWtho hcart athbeats ctreng, bauds frei n tIse crocs tu tIse t 'F. ile cc- equsi a. be orec isîg lisanIdbod. rapil ced srreguslar, leseidhaûbn relMbdisirmippad. le 11ciofliner, cndl- su'cal rpgtoas itisroc, begissei- 0qLisker tlhaslutIse iret, pain aboult ise brecet lidi tem(larly uLpon tIse groInd. A grcS u4 oIarrcle1 eus, Ise antis-a bottocurfaue bueceneatvlbase.Noecur. stnlerlldplut t.etrscet Is ! I trae estIse")ec, accd c tu n ei pcy. Snd for book. Addirase M.V. SemI. Prsenh-y saa leset pon t t toc ca i a cle te yiaid ccclzin u tsiLUBON, 50 Fil ,SreOesIToit, g Ii ag P e t i l a p oss ie et r io u t t r t o c ria Rt' I O .o ro te XVhIere is hie sitopb11, Necs>Blocis, Kig St., Bowmeuwibble. What do you knoesaabout sim ? ieHafis te Mercliant Talles sale hse mae lthsing for meeiiy yi2a-r& for the best fawîilesin thi3 tewnalli vicinity, Ia ho a s-tyliFli cottes- and gool tit*er ?i Oan't ho becS buintowa. Doe ho keep a large stock cf Fine Worrteda, Twveubs,OvosigPune Ild Gents' Fuirni8isig, Qirpete, Etc., always on blaud ? Ile Jbecs. IIow about his ps-lcs, dcla esoli dheap i Kosie lwer, qsselity bîgtise tandard. Al sighý. I shi a eauose him for sny now solt for New Yesr's- Th'le old Porter Foidry is stili boomnilg. ire ready to sîpply ail orders for Castings of' every deýýcrip- tion, the orsly pl'ace whsre ailyou can be supplied on the shoî'test notice in the shape of Castings, large or smail, Plow Points, the celehtrated dîimonid tteel niade for anIy plow mpnanufaCtured. Ve pay Larg FuraceKetties always lut stock. the Fihs Price for !Scrap hron n requlre 50 TONL"S AT O-NCE. ;tiove Caestnrgs of e very description ,ip-plied. Im-achistesycf akleds, Assiccbtural mi, lI1 iu, in Sacs elves-ythiisg ïhtIsScase, and1 Rl i A lit L4I sl worth repis-îug, we car, do0it. W1 do iot have tûekea sy peddlersandaclny suppiy -diabia agente. S.J. HOSKINI .J EKS Cornr King anud Lbosy Ste, Bcwmanvisi. PORTEWS OLD STAND PE'S'W.A.. Bcrcity cf Tige ta uini.t TIs Enis euiyaaeoio eas Isl omi i, 6'y - G al,_ tibn tes Sijr same-uel e greelcieca cf tIse il~~~~~~~uke o!fVeln"e i akacIaiigIage oinixS ge- lnn oblielite arlier lgbiv s eiu ear bilelat(e expelitieu ets eta rsis jus~~~~~~~~~ am tedna-aetiagosang ecccityof tgce. TIs aicet la, TIeGoveror-Gusaif lnlA, is ic- 1 bgetiýgats s-e yIOnut0. l Iseisland dloncstIseSinclu de a gorgeccs Pahace aere sOc clmey tIsaStluy ceectsontalts b cailutta sanssiiiiue recuca, allil sakiiig population. snl scarcly toierae a vilagei hjics position saortb $8500,000 s year. emlai c ber. But tIse imprevausantcof thse M 1. tilIrlalea, a teibon, ,raisel $85., - ontie rve, ccýlà tIse artlty cf tIsa isbanbcè 000,000 le feus- beys,an-eli e hawae nlot wra aet Ietgso u cvw bsueticgsaiSs e 'ios tebyig bis sifa 0, scS tIs aS Sir Riva s3-scnp-ou rsaaara lEeter lbonneit. lis sacssimply c biness ut Iai utgoieslfor rewardcs, kcul relceà tranactonle Ise nteeetcf ani B 1th L'l ise Ieaul ieessay f-es u pee te25. The~ JohnBleI, chseplayer, prpoes50lesas-ing lf tlise reNvacc leneolegreae lieckclà rasolstlniz tse aia h nskig tsaIhedt se I,) aedwtirieeof!itistîas; inledc, it nina square aleand aelig, ba4ls a ais soreîtI the r saly'lisaviblaýgers peasn, anme)e lae, te ha eclel tIsa "pro- ceiinel asl.engagýe1 profe'sclona tiges-. colier, poscecssiiug Sthe cminIPesrcof saayere;-1allua iou tIsa iicîsîs saiero once qceensi çlght. tIse Bengal tsgar mscscupeme haoccceei Queis Victoria reSales tIsa oyalty of lier as-ar precents lirnýelf te bc liooOr trpp e subjlcls te a nmarklAe lags-e. Wbenva nhe visitaLonîdnshe se greatel iiitIse Aduknscepke pstieSrt -populce IsitiSue-reesincry nthssicens ~Even Eng ishmen ara actolsel by tIsae! Seltte, Wcesk aentIan1400u warmth C bis dccome. 1bu.5coti. 4ACOMB1~ TIT E :-iRear of 7Messrs.1 l'lu & Sor's Vrug (dôwin stair"s), - .i ou i *~9,I ~i9. la seves-sti y asages cf tise reecits. es-e patucu W. M. lii. TAt.MAdtI.M. D. s. 6 1.

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