e Note., My Wall Papers are special. Pattérus beautIful, andI prices right. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW FuIl Stock of WINDOW SHADES. P. TREBILCOCE. BOWNANVILLE, APRIL 29, 1891. :WZO ARE THEYPOCRITES? MR. MCCLUmeu, UNVEIL THE MYSTERT. Mn. W. McClung la hecamning s pro- liff c acribe, and hie witiugî iniprove with practice. fis latter inl lst week's Suni is a great lurprovamoent on bhe preceding incansd resolutionapponded,botliot whicli werao smewliat vagua. We fted rehaeved tiow titat Mn. McClung bas writtenl that, l"Ib ta net Mn. Prewer or any other main- ber et the (J nservâtive party 1 amn atten, but te hypocriteg sud scound(rels, for I ceonn their aiamo ia legion. " Se fan se good, but lias Mr. McClung tlie interesta of tireCoan8ervative Parby really at heart when ha laye open btha troublas that exist in the fald as lie bas lunte cencluding paragrapli of hie letton iliera is what hoe irrites: Al 1 will say ini conclusion ta, why wss Mr. Blaokstooç's nomn~ation so persistent. ly objected te by erain nmebrs of the cous'ervative Party ? Wby was it stated Mfr. fllaclratock waa net pepular iu West flurhautai-i tht infrmain ent m to Of t (l Bl&ckotoek,r mraude Bueia a statemont ? No i emphactkally noa1 Why was lb aat. ed by oeeof the Ieadinug ligltitn uena- Ml that lie did ne;t expect 3Mr. Blackr stoc'k vould bae lected, whle the saine insu (pnesunrabiy 3Mr. T. W. Undterwoadl) came up te o lêmanville more than once sud lad the party bore te believa bliat Mn. Bîsckstecir wenM ho sure of is alec- ien ? And wby, on tho nilht tf clctien day, did net oeeoe the leadîng officiaIs of bbc ptrty scea Mr. Bîsoktock- and go with intotte hall sud te tbe station, snd sliow bbhat they had a sympatiinig seul lu thein ? A nd finslly, why werc not bic ieading mon et the party asked te the Conservabive meeting after the elctiaul? 'Were were James Parr, Thomias Mc- Cinng, &ic , &C., &C. 1 Echeo answers, wliere 1 1 willnoct traspassasny more (on your spaca, lheping 1I ai get liglit on the dankunesa as 1t biluirevery igàtacuainsu deaires. M-Nay a kiud Providence shed ligbt on more tlbau Egyptian darlinosa. Youra brtly, ,WVni. 3fvClnng. Did we not Jlnow bh&nt Mr. McIClunng la encenraged by other prQtniueub utembers of te "truly loyal" party ta a3;pose these jealeusies sud dissensions lu the Tony fold, we siould nat give bis lettons se muai attenýtion, but why ail hbiit invoat- ives shculd hbelulad st Reevea Prower sa nd odrw(-ood, hisa ttetmt te the con- bnery nobwithstandiug, la iucomphrensible. MnE. Uuderwood h a beeu ei saly associat- cd. wibh Mn. Prowcr in werking np bbc or- ganiizatian et bbe paty lu Clarke cspec- ially, but al wbo inaw him weuld laugli ab bbe ides etf bis h~gindifferent te Mn. 1Bakstock,'s iiitere8ts. Mr-. McClung andi hieback e wioev? r hey ay ho are ataking theuiselvos liè l4ugiug-sto(ck cf tieir party, su-d thonigli Mur. Bisokabocir was grossiy decelyrd by Web Durhiam <Yoservtives at bbre lat election sud al- lowed to leave towivluinte c minubus on elaction u ngotnen but Mn. Tale going te bbe station ta sec hlmii off, whab good la geinig te ho accoinplisbied hy par- sding bbe party's troublýs lu tira Grit rsiocobs. Tl)ec la cerîsinly semnetbing mtsaiigLc luMn. McClung'8 protenniug te WSin ta bic great Consmervative journal- the News-for venbiiiing bis grievyanCes. Wby la lb, William ? The May inuuuber et thie Delineabor, thle Mostcopet montbly magazine et fashion sud cuturc, ila uow issued. The Ckradian oionh ie dntical wth tâab pubiished un Noiw York sund London, ees us. a co)rrect Ides eofCie pravailing ixodes of dros ùboghout tha civilivda la year aub. THE DUTY OF THEM110 By TRE, Heu. JEIMIÂH M. RUSK, UNI ,STATES SECRETAI1Y Or ÂGfICTJLTIUI Conti,àued from last îreek. Treat mon unequaliy, snd those are tha victiasetfthe inequaliV wil ways and justly complain. qt possible that bore snd thore a tarmei ;rçpreseuitative e trmrs sari a senise ot injury, may se oxaggerate tribulations ot the farxning class as t< claro that the farmoers of to-day are nc woll off as tho fariera cf ua previeum er4tion; but a littie rofiection and a L -argumnt willsoon show that wbat ho bis follows are bewsiling is the unei distribution wbich bas sttouded the gi iug prospority of this couutry,and that burdon ot compisint in net that they -net eiijoy things which were beyond reaclioet their fathers, or beyond their, reach ini thoi r boyitocd, but that, ln goueral distribution et good thinigs, bulk et ail benofits, the grostor propor ot increased wealtli sud prosperity, accrued te bbc benefit mainly ef ai of claes rather than tha agriculturai. the saine tinte, the tarmer, as compa witli fit taon or tw,ýenty yearsago, la gr ing in intelligence aud eujoys botter opj tonities for observation ; sud le in lad te se more clearly, te realize n painfuily, the widening guif bobweeu presperity ot the ricli man ef the city. the condition ot the resideuts et the ce try. Mere than this, lie is realizing n than ever the trutb et the 4tatemnn oton made te hlm. by the glib-tongued ators who bave souglit has suffrage, nsi ly, that bis ocupation, agriculture, truly the basia cf aur national presper .Among bliose who rosd these pa will uulquastionably bha many wba ti tima te time have expreasod thiasentim( Hew nmany et those who have uttarer have thorengbly approciated îita meanii I deenii it te bo eue ofthble duties et heur imposed upon evory patriotie Ani caiicitizen,asa lesýsonoft tbotimoae,to int( limnsoit as te the trubli et a. statuni wbicli le haà certaiuly neyer dispul sud whiciha li as doubtis oftn exprg ad. Were 1 te attoiupt bore tie provo trutb, this article would 'transcend limnita te whicli I am n xious te rastrici Nor la it nocessary, that i sliouid.borei uow undertake the tasir. Tho par i address are those Who have it lu ti own power to satisty theiselves oni point, who have acceas te ai the sour of information frein which I wioidc the tacts in support of tua btribe, but eeedingiy iniportant, atatenient. Asi ing this trubli te ho undeniable, 1I simipiy reitorate tbat agriculture is ndt net oniy blie source of all aur inatie prosparlty, but the very basisand fouri tin of the entire national superatrueti -tbc foundation et bbe dain, the 's'a nas of whiol isl certain te re;Éaî iu gi eral diastor. To yen, public men, leaders et the p ple; 'te You who are lu higliofaice; te y maerchants, mianufactu»ers, bankarst brokers, preachiers, andi teachers; te y prof essioual trien, -all of whose ocupatii depend upen blie aucces8and preaperity dale nefore ; andl tnrepguout your ceu of lite, T implore yeu, lob it nover ha:1 jgaten. Do net, timan, aisk the farmar to bc mat- lied witl isalat au the ground that hy comparison wibh semae othar prod ef tune ha is btter off than people thon were:- lb issan unreasouable ragnoaet. Nor eau lie unequally share lu the moreasse et our national wealthi, lu the general ad- vance cf national presperity, withot seonor or lster, but most certsinly, cana- iug a grave disturbauce lu the equiiibniuma et national affara. The surest guananteç te thie sbsbiiity et sny geverumneut la te ho foundndute impioymienb ot equai pivil. ages by ail classes ofet itatizans sud lu a juot distribution among thein et the ho- nefits, as woil as tha burdens, et the pe- litical structure. Net the weatb efthbe few, but the well-being et the many, must be aur chiot couceru. The tact that tha toundabion et the superstructure i8 nat prezinontiy iu sight ià ne reasion for ne- glccting ilb; indoed, tbbc wiae building iu- specter devoes aveni more oft bis tino te theinvestigatiounetfià than he doos te that et walls or cailing. Iu order te keep the national adifice frein becoiuig top-besa'y ltbhehlooves ns, as WB add te it, ud im. prove lb, sud decerate it, te sea that bbe toundations are streugtliened proportion- aboly. Now, as te the ignorance et Amonican citizens net farinera rogarding the noods et agriculture sud tbc conditions et the' tsmmerI must lu this respect asir my read- era te taire ruy stabeinent ou trust, as that et a misuwho lias had special oppertuni- ics for judging sud who la conscieutionely conviuced cf the nacesity for absoluto sincarity ou this subjeot. 'l ask tha read- er te bako my word for lb that, great as la bhc ignoranceacf bbe average fariner lu re- gard te business uattersansd it y lite, lb la ne greater than. that et bis city brother lu lu relatiou te thinga agriculturai, uer, lu- doed la it as great. This hoing tbc casa we fiud ourseivea cenfrontod lu thc p ra- sent grave acenoril emergoncy with s serions condition et affaira. We baveaa patient whe las ick witli a diseaso aour plxysiciaus do net nndersband ; as s resuit bbck lon insusd ha friands, bliided a litie, porbaps, by suffeing aud synipathy lu thoîr fforts te arrive nt a rua diagno- is, yet audeavar te sacura 'relief front suffering by aucli nana as tbey eau cot- mand or devise;a;nsriwlic abali blame them if, lu the absence et physiciaus wbc kuiow something about btha case, bhey arc perhsps niisled luto the adoption ef certain nestruma 1 The farmens at lenst know thair own condition ; sud et whst use La lb te dacry the remadies bliey suggcat if ignorance et tiroir truc condition and otfbliir nooda makea lb impossible for yen ta suggesteone? For tha asat 25 yosrs yen have beon g!vng bbe fariner sui his ineada littie or ne thoumht ; yenhavo beau ietbing agricul- ture taire cana et ita self and _1dm.AMIl other classes, ail otiter intorestbansd in- dustries, eisting titougb thay deo ony by reissn et the tact that agriculture bas cuit- ed tient into cuistance and supporte thepi, have nocoivori ytQpr eseiden&ation, have been tire objecta ot yriur apecial Htuody. le U~ srprLi4»g, tu, that, us thre reluit I U Ro pf your selfishlneas, the farmer r3haild bc The Bay of Quinte Conferenoe opens lu indispoecdta trust anlyonie but himiself ?1 Napanee Thursday June 4. Even when you talk te hlmn fairly, ha de- Mr. Hlerbert Tyler, son ot Mr. W. 0. iran 'tects at once that, while you talk well 'Tyler, bas returned tramr Chicago wheré t. and know mnucli about many things, YO1U1lhe bas been attending the dental depart- known littie or iiothing of im iiand bis nient of the Lake Forest Univerttty.- surroundinges. If, on the other baud, the In the recint examlinatiens lie paesed his wofariner lachs business training and experi- luior examinations very suoeessfully, Il el_ once In affairs, you, on the other hand, niaking 97'Y. quite who Il ive hothi, lack to ail aveu grocater A M-arshqIItown paper giveg an account roýr extent, and in a miost pitiful degree, of a surp-rise party piven in houer cf Mr. ndr knledge of agriculture, acquahtance j .MPesn omryo omn tewlth its followers, and famtifîarity.'with ville, on bis 30th blirthiday. He was pro- dhe- their needs and conditions. seuted witli 'an elegant rocklog chair ana )tO ho.rI lt hrfrtedt tea agold headed cane. Jack's many friends t8 orfor who have intelligene, 110havei and joiti in congratulations. itecomparativelyspeaking, wealh, wlho have adfor years enjoyed a lIarge shareof et Thedcwe]inghausempowith contents owned qad counitry's prosperity, who have nover lacr- snd ocupied by 7Mr. W. Kerr, cooper, row-1 ed )1ppoýrtunity to nakie your wants and Prospect street, +was3 burned Thursday th rhskon nlgsaie alwo ~marning. The family bareiy epcaped with t doe a word, share in a miost generous degree their lives, sema of them in thleir niglit tde in ail the benieits of increased niatinàl clothes, The origin of the fire lsas cwn wealth, ai-id inail the blessinga attending mytecry. Insurauce, $900. Losa $;1500. the our grand mierican institutions,-is it t lownienvilie Canton and, a liarge num-l the not, 1 say, tho duty of the hour for you, 1 ber of other OdIdfeiiows went ta Oshawa tion intelligent, patriotic American citizens, tI Sndayafterxaooi, when Rev. T'.NW. Jol. lias undertake at once au earnest, thougbtfulI liffe, Grand Warden, preached to the thr tudy of Americant agriculture,to acquaint j members ot Corinthian sud Phlinx iodges At yourself witli the needIsanad conditions of in tha totwil lu Sinicoe-st. churcli. The sro .inrcantfarmo(rs? Rem-ember that there 34th Batt. band headed the procession are in tliis ooutry fivenmillioina of farms which contained ever 200 Oddfellows. por- on whi.chtetn million et workora toil unro- The Toronto Wor]d maires a capital thua mttingly ; remiember that onep-hIaif cf the suggetoo-tha,,t Victoria Street be paved i~epopulation of this country is dependant sud converted imb a tashionabie business nthe dîrectly upon the fruits ot thoir labô,r ; thorouglitare frointKing ta Carlton. To- an buat ail occupations would ho profitless route needs two suai streets, oue running 011-btfor the resuits of that labor, and that eat audlwest rearto andpara"lielwith King n0o te prosperity cf ail othier industries de-. sud one running neortli and south near'ta t 0pends on their well*beiug. Remnemnber and parallel with Yonge. A littie more that it was by the efforts of agricultural attfttion to cleaulinesa of the streets snd labor that yen redooemed tbe bonda ef thùs promnises iu the buksiness Portion ot the icountry troim the handa et foreigu ber city would net ha arui8m, Wo have cf ten rt holdars ; sud roemnber, wlion yen bQa9t been surprised at the filtby condition of eofooir enormaous and growing trade, tliat many oft te alley-wsys, ]aines. and bacir- agea 75 par cent. et aur exports are tihe pro-. yard8 in theo vicinity nerth of King strèet. "om duct et agriculture..- The inary frieuds in town of Mr- ont. lu the face et tacts aupli as these, it lm Jchn Irviui wil ba pleased te learn thet a lt certainily net an exaggeratiou te Iay the5 in a latter received tram hiw at week ing ? it is cear1>'the duty cf the heur fer every by Mr. 11'n Keachie, laie l well aud lik- the mn who aspires te uisefuinesin PubOi~icg Brandon 'Mani., whero lie and Mr. B. eri- affaira te tamoiliarize Ibinisaîf witn the Sithllhave Ilacsted. Nr. Smiitli i. tloes. ýrm nooda% condition, sud possibiities of ing the occupation et gardsnoir, aud Mr, ont Amierican agriculture. Tt is the wvant of Irvin lias get inte *amachieo.st op snd ted, sucli tamiliirity that mars the fulll mes- foundry. fle wishas te ho raeiniberad' .eag- sure et uLsefuiness of tome et the iniosVte the Excelsior Councli, R. T. et T, aise oits capable sud embiantmnen iu th i Aeriesu ta ]3owmanville Lodge No, 99 A.0.TJ.W. the Conizres; and, in spîta 6f a genersi dis- the people of St. Paul's churcli and al JLâ position te accord to agriculture whatever friands. J1i hlas connected biasaeIt with led lagislation mnay be nuocoss'try, we can- th, Presbytarian churcli there, has jol)ued DIer stantiy fi pd suecb legisstien marred, mut- the choir and the bible ciass, blie teacher this ilated, or obstruct.ed by the action of som et whicb ta a sjoit ef Mr. J. Irwin et Pot thof aur reprasentativas, net as the, resuit fHop,, ternmerly of Tyroeo. John la ces et any initentional anitagQnism, but et in- about te put his terrperance principles ul diffoence te or ignorance reg-arding ar-iteeuinb trigasceye ex- cultural initerests. If 1i may ha perinitted tomperatice..11 sun- te cite ant example front lpersoenal o;nerî- O enea vnn eimlmLd w111 once, T eau açld, lin conclusion, that my O ensa vnn euaeuLd leed experiace as $ecretairy et Agriculture go Ne. 31, A. F. sud A. hi., G. P.R.%,, '"ua oiirie what I must contems T an- was honeured by an officiai viait frein R. da- ticipated, namnely, tbat this departm'leprW r.W ilr . .0 .o lithougli representing the grecatest interest Omemea hesides a large sttendauceocf inl our doinestic affaira, la the oeeoet ur bbe bretitern cf the iodge about 40 brebli- >ri- national departnents endowed witli the arn from Taronto, Pebarboro, Ommee, amalleït appropriations and receiving thi1e Oshiawa, Taunton, <rono and Newcastle poco- liatcnieain graced the. evening by their premnce.- oul, ___________ _ Labour being over R, W. Bro, Miller and complimented the omfcers of Jerusslam ou 'ou, Mr. J, S. WillJisoii, ocitor-in-cbief eoftthe the exceal ~leui 9iny, andtierater ln ins Glabe, speakiug at the aummual banq~uet of aan elnquaut addrens of one hem-'a lougth Y Of the Young Liberals ini Toronto lst wéà- aevewad te hitoyand forumation priai- c ,iplea et AncenrFreemaaor., 4 srper srm~ ~ tdllowed wheu with apee.oi, onzt and lave Mail: sentiment a hiappy, enjçýyabIe and frater- irset Mr. Willison respondad l n exculen na evening was brought te a close.- for. speech. Hie said it was daugerous now Happy to rn4et, sorry to part, happy te for a iewspaper milute appear in puirouet agalu, sud nmaIe a speech. lb WUs dangtrous -te Wvrite a pamphlet or aveu te write private letters. Titera was ne party that litd more reason te ho prend et its leaders thwn the Reoant party. (Applause.) Frein Baldwin te Wilfred Laurier they had always kept thair record clean. (Cheers.) Public eica had agaimi sud agaîn beau sscrificed te principle. lien- Alez. MacKernzie had sacrificor office lu the inidday et poer lfor principle, (Aplaue. Reerrngte Hon.. Edward Blak, le sid i woldho a national cal- amity if sucli a great man should retire tram publia lita. Mr. Laurier liad long lield huînaelf bacir. Appoaring new and again in cloquant speeches, ai-d thon nre- ti4lg for a tiiie, hie camne gradually te the front until lio becamie leader siniçat against bis will. lia had kept the record et the party dlean. (Applauso.) Na ansu, perbaps, in Caniadian publie lite lias heen more bitberiy assailed than 5Sir. Rlichard Cartwright, stili bis niost bitter enenties were cempe]id te scknlowledge thab lie could wesr thé wiite fiow'r of' a bîsmelesa lita. (Applause.) U.atarril CÂT&BIRuÂL D«&tENss-HlAy Fk:Eus-Ak NEzw Har.tg TREÂinISNT. Sufferearaenet generally awara bit thae disesses are contagions, or that they are due te the presence of living parasiites in the lining membrane et the noseansd eustachian tubasIiiroscopic reseaurch hawever, hias proved thiB te ba a tac t and the result et this dliacevery la that a sim- pie remedy bas been tormulated whcre. by catarrh, catarrhal deatuassansd bay foyer are permnanautly curar inluoee te bliree simple applications made at home bytbli patient once lu two waeks. N. B.-Thîs tr;atiment la not a sinuff or su aintinont; bebli have beaun disý- cardad as injurions. A pamphlet ex- piaining this naw reatinent is sent free on raceipt et stamp te psy pohatage, by J. G. Dixon & Co., 345 West Kiuig St. Tar- ante Caisa.-Christian Advocabe. Sufferera tfron Catarrhal troubles ,Bhould caret uiiy read the aboya. A GLAzTBm.-SoT have taken blirEeabotles etf Burdocir Blood Bittera and fiud lb a goot niediclua focr ' cý_nstipation poior appetite. 1 wil1i con- tinue taking lb as it la a great blessing sud 1 teel a great change lnu my health since taking it. MR.S. S. V. GREEN, 5 Sydenham Street, Torontao ot,. WB CLnIM TUE EÂmRTru-Wa caim the earth la round, sud wc know itla trua. Wo aise claini that ]Hagyar-d's Yellow Ou1 curas tapralus, bruisos., burits, calda, croup, soe thraat, rheumsatismu, reuralia, i~d ail painful or lu nnmatory diseuses, sud we know tbis la true, Y-eiicw 011l!Saa true family remody ton iamenesporoea nesa i»n Malior beast, MIU&4'IL 4au~CUrQ asltewper, A Spui.KG M£DionN.-There are few who do not at this season feel the ueed of a spring medicine, and t,,)ail suoli we recommend Lane's Fiamily Medieine as the best, This ia a plemanat herb drink made by pouring boilirig water on the dried roots andi herbs. Druggists seil the packages at 50o and $1. It la the best a% well as the plcasenteat cure for consumption and hendache. Are youi sending for your friendO M A. Jamues the agent of the AlianUnLxe 'o? Mail Steam8hipu- haues prepaid certificates at ]owe8t rates to persons wlshing to bring flheir friends from any part of Eugland, Ireland and Seotiand, to an~y raiiway station in Canada. SPE,&KiNo or Tirsa-A tip is a piece of special or vdLiable information such i s this, that Hagyard's YeIlow OÙ1 in a prompt and effectuai cure for croup, coids, hoarseness, acre throat, rheiationm, rieuralgia sprairis or Êoreness of any kind. Known as reliabie over WQ years. Correspcrndent~s Wa.nted. The S TS.Alf ~Wanta correspondents at. Taunton, Biackstook, Ciuarea, Nestie- ton, Cadmua, Lenskard, Kirby, N~ewastle and Clarke. Personals, accounts of acci- dents, tranefers of resi estate, removals, weddiugs, sud scores of other every day ccurrences are of interest to our readers. The editor wil feel grateful tu, auy read- er who wiil send in items. Some may think they oatinot put an item in good shape. Never iaid that, send it in, It wili be put in shape betore it àa printed., Correspondent. are furnishied with a free copyQf Tris STATESMÂrT, paper, envolopes and stamps. Dominion Linie., MONTREIAL TO LIVER~POOL' Sulu-MER SAILING DATER. STEAMIER. FRom MONTREA& FROM QUEBEG. VÂNDZOUVÉ*Ri.TuMy.Wed.* 13- Thur. May 14 SARNIA ....Thur. 21 DOMINION.-2 OREGON ........ Jne 1 TN TO .....il VANCOUVERWed. 17 . .Thur., June 18 SARUNIA ...... Thur 25 LABRADR.... July 2 TORONTO 16 VANCOUVR..Wed. 22. Thur. July 29 SANI .. ....Thur 30 tW6teaiyier8 will leave Niontreal at dayiht on above dates. Passongers eau enibark ater 8 p.ln. ou the evening provioa s l sailing. S, 13, "Vancouver" w.i saHa fromn Quebec at 9 a.ni. on date of ëailig. Rates of <abin Passage, ?£5 to $80; Intermed. ZatLO, $30; Steerage. 82(h W. Mi~. MACPHEZRSON, Agntibc DAVTID TOIZRANOC & Co., g ub Gen*l 4gent8, al'etrgal. F'or fnrther informa~tion app$y tu E1Ait' U~ THE OLD STANqD. THE OLD POLIO«Y, THE NEW FIRM. THE. OLD STAND.-¶-Where? Varlet~y1 THE OLD. POLICY.--What? Prompti andl coursesy to customers and good gains to ail who patronize us, THE NEW FIR1V.--Who ? Kenner 1 The above firm will open out a fine sý of Books, Stationary, Faney Goods Wall Paper, on Wednesday, April 8, 1 En P. KENNER, CEMYISTS & DIMGGJNT S, have just received a fresh supply oi the best Spring Medicines. D~o delay but corne directly to us purchase a bottle. SE>ONGl C"OH E We have an immense stock of f quality sheep wool buggy spon, which we are selling at close pri also fine bath and toilet sponges, Use MTHER'S GILOVE OIEAN Ùest in use, price 15c. It± LINS 0F!, M. Mayer is offering his eintii stock of Ha1ts, Caps, Furs an Gents' Furnishinga at and belo, Oost. Now is your time if' yc waut a cheap Hat, Cap, Shirt c Unclerwear. Now is the time fc a Big Bargain. AUl outstanding accounts mu~st 1 settled at once. I must have moie to carry on my business. THE IEAST END PAINT AND PAPER STORE is uow where will Le found full Ii.aes of Wall Papers from 5c. to $2 pe Mixed Paints-nixed to order and sold by the pound, Ikttty, G Peerless MachneOis, etc. I amn prepared to do housepainting, gr&aincng, and decorating o kinds. >3rushes to lo&rn for painting a.nd kalsomirirg. IMixed Ki muine also for sae-any shade desired. SKIRBY & SIIERI Reid's Block, opposite New Ilotel Building.1 BOUNSALL'8 MARBILE AND CRANITE WORH Bowmanville, Ont. (IEstablished 1857.) En R. DOUNSALL5 Im~porter, Manufactu~rer, and Dealer in Monumntsd, Torr Sarcophagi, Tablets, Headstones and all kjii1d of Architec al and Cemnetery Work in the best European) and Amerii Granites and Marbles. Motlerate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workauhipj Best Materials. WiII be happy to qnote pices e anyki of work. Give mne a call before purchasn'g