)ST FRfE Cutaneoits Epuplions, 1Hercurio Syphi1is, scroguiIa, n. application a concise but pamphlet on treat-1 other constitutional diseases WITR- DRAI'qSl AR SAPARILLI lgiving correct Zn t naine and1 Ehe WINDSOR Mfg. Co. I 3rawer 2050. Montreal, P. Q. loto This,- ES TILL CONTINUE te gurautee every pair of spodîso. vos ssu ad vo viii reluru the moeye îy pron neût perfoctly matlstied. SSTILCONTINUE te offor spectacle. for SOc. vhlcli tesaea uality as these Eld by ped- at frin $ to 5. E STJLL CONTINUE ta lend our Pebble Tester te thoise >wish te tet' their glasmes ta es if rare as represented te thent by ped. sud vo have net yet seen a pair thet E STILL CONTINUE ta sieitiflcalIy sud properly ex- ne the eyeight REE 0F CHARGE, ,we ssii s al ur goods on thoîr nerits~. STOTT & JURY. Demili Ladies' CoQlege je quite full e! atudentei. Fore Maple Syrup, Qnebec niake, at meMurtry'a. Oshawa lias a flouriehing lodge of the Sistere of Uebekah. ýRev. T. W. JolIffle esasistiug in spec- Wa services in, Oshawa this week. Rtev. DYr. Potte jse egaged to be in Bovananville on Educational mattere on May 17. Mr. J. H. Manning, aparian, of Tyrone, e ffers 80 colonies of becs for sale, with ives, eco. Mýrs. T. E, Higgixîbotlxam returned froni Toronto on Friday greetly benefltted in health., Mesers. Archie Blngham, Chathem,and Norman Tilley, Toronto, were. lu town over Sunday. Mies Maud Wilson, Oshawa, Ladies' College, is the guet of Miss Winnie, Osborne, Lekeview. Messrs. Hall & Williams have 400 heed of fat oattle for expert. Their first ehipmnent wiii be on May 6. The annuel meeting of the Bowmeu- ville District, Methedist ohurch, wili be lisld boere on Weduesday May 20. Tho steamer Eurydice will begin ta run from. Port Hope to Rochester Monday May 4. ln place of the Noreemen. Miss Olive Morrison bas retixrned front Syracuse, N. Y., where elie has lisen tek- (ng a courae in Mead'e Business College, We publiali thiis wesk another very in- teresting lettor froa Mrs. Marshall Por- ter who has been enigying lifo in aId Vîr- ginia. Ah peper bought at Sherin & Rirby'a wll lie trimimed f res cf charge by the best and latest improvsd ttimnîer, IlWanke. Mr. and Mrs. W. Manning, of Southi Oshawa,. visited, Mr. and Mga. Thon. Orseper and other Bowunville friends lait week. Bowuianville Oddfelows 'attend divine service next Sunday afternoon et 3 p.m. ln the new Methodist churcli, Rev. Bro, Jolliffe te preech. Morris' Carniage Works le one of tbe busy places lu towrn. They, have a great rush o! work on hand and new ordere are ceming lu splendidly. Young men and old mnu if you went e suit cf elothes that wili suit in priée, style and fit, vs cen supply yen. We have an excellent choice cf cloths te select frein. John J. Mason. Te RFNmT.-The north part of Lerne Villa, Centre Street, occuipied for pait tex yers by Mr. John M1aynard, jewe1ler, and formerJy by late Rey. C . Barkor. Possession April 15, Apply te M. A. ~JiM5, owiier. Ocr firitt dams paper hanger,Mr. Weeke has begu enoeaged by '-Big 20" to han@ aen,elFi Çeywviicharge sper bought froua thei 1. Soestheir papers i e- 'ou viii flnd the pricom Stock. tan complelu. tht the4 M$ last week irepre- Thanke, Mr. W. Evermion, for Manit- obe pepers. Remember May 25 et Bevutanville and the presents. Mr. Douglas MoArthir,',ef Toronto, vas home on a visit. Mr. James Geard spent a ew days lest week IiuSoline. 1Mr. Arthur MeLaughlin, of Toronto Univers ity, is honme. 1The Misses Eastwood spont Sunday at their home iiWhitby. The Misses WilkiDson, cf -Newcastle, vers viitiug hero lest week. Mr. W. F. Prower was in Mountreal on Importent business yoterday. Mr. Heriry Gale, o! the Coiboriie "En- terprise," was lu towu over Sunday. Oddfllows te the number o! 125 para. ded te ehurcli et Whitby Sunday week. Me. David Stott, cf Bayfld, vas in tevu thie veek, looki>ifxg as happy as usuel. Mr. H. Hlgglns who lias b ' en living, willi Mr. Jos. Jeffery, bias returned te England. Mr. John Burnuer, o! Albert Celiege, Belleville, lhem been spendiug s few days et hcme. Mns. Bowmen lias returned to Fenelon Faîle al ter e stey vitli lier dauglter, Mrs. John Meynard. 1Mr. Adeam Fislier wha hem been on s visit lu tao, retus te hies home lu Mentreal thîs wsek, Sens o! Eniglend are making greet efforts te surpaqseauy preceedîng Queen's Birthday demonostration, The pat veeh lias been meet favorable for apring seediag sud many f ertinera iu West Durhiamiare veli thrcugh. Bey. J. Liddy, o! Courtice, rreached an excellent sermon Sunday nîght te a. large audience lu the Methodist otuncli. By calling et 4Cauçh, Joliston & Qsy- dermen'a Ladies cani alwsys depînd dpcn getting juat wliet they vent lu Dreais Goode. Messrs. Sherin & Kirby have neceived e very fine collection o! plants this wack whicli nliy invite the public te cal! and inspeot. Thera lies b(-en a great rush cf vcrk et the STAtIr£smÂF office for Leveral weeks. Business iîs splendid but money le slow Cooingi. Mrs. M. Porter arrived home front Vir- ginie yesterday sud Aldermean Porter blooks as plees3ed ma ebey vitli a nev paix cf top bootp. The death of Charlie Milce lest Wýed- needey nîght vas very sudtden and unex- ~pected. ileant failîre le eaid te be tht cauiio of duath. Miss M. Bicard with lier favorite Song entitlcd, "Only e picturs of hen bey," witli Gaitex, accompaniment, vii li eesuuî 8 t the S. 0. B. concert May 25th. 9 Remember the S, . O. E. yl givoe way e oliçi gld vatches and 2 silver çnes at .the concert May 25 andi besldea about 200 other vauble presents. »Don't fornget. $3 vere received a*t the $i.ýumhA Chillren'sachool hbts 50oach, et Misa Shaw's miilinery aEtore. Master George Jcblin, of CS earea, ln visiting at his unclo'o, Mr. John Joblin, Liberty street. Lace Cutains and Art Mýulinsg, elegeut designs, in aah prices et Couelh, Johusten Quaiterly services viii be held lu the Methodist churcli next Suuday. Sacre- ment vii lie dieponeed et both services, Love-feast viii be liold Iwo veeka front Sun day. The xnany friends o! Mrs. M. Odeli are pleamed to eosacier lu tewu egain. Her singiug et the Oddfeilow's poncrart wam a greel deliglht toalal who- heerd hier sveet, well-cutured voice. The third illustrated lecture on the Tabernacle vii lie given by Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., lu St. Paul'$ ohurcli next Suuday evening àt 7 o'ciock. Subject:- "Tho Holy Place and ia fnrniture." The W. C. T. U. la offeing two pnizes for the best essaya on Temnperaneo for the Public Sohool. Finit pnize $5 gold plece; second prize e2.50 iu gold. E8seys te lie lu by end e! present echool terni. ~AXNOTIu'.-Mýr. F. 1. Rowland cges te Brighton as telIor, and Mr. Hicks cornes hors front there. Mr. J. N. Gor- don stays Iu Chatham. Mn. E. Morris, o! Toronto, inspeoted the Ontario Be6nk hore lest week. The t*itterlng swallows camne bore a week ego Suuday nxrniug. They are a sure harbinger o! spring. The veather ~hais been fine and varl, faeros are eeed- iug and severai citizeus are aiready work- -ng in their gardens. Rev. A. Parent, e Frenchian frora Quebee, vili lecture lu tlie school-2o' o! lte Methadliat churtrot-niglit (Wedne3. day) et 8 o'clock ou "Lifa Among the Frenchi." Silver collection. Attend sud enjoy 100 good lauglis. MEOHAN4 108INSTITUTE. A14NU&L >tExvxIN. The annuel imeetiing of the Bowmelnviile Mechenica 1instituto will lia beld on Mon- day May 4th., at.7 'clock p.m. vben the repot ts for the pat yeer viii be prcsented 'sud the officers and directona elected !>r the incomiug year. Ltlthere liee, afoh attendeniox'. 18-1w, F. MASoN. Secv. High Sohool Notes. The Litenex'y Society held a very plees- sunt meeting ou Tua,,sdey, April 218t, ah whicli an excellent programme vas non- dersd. The antertilumont nsas follows: piene sole, Miïes F. Tilley; readinii, Mfiss* A. Armioun; instrumnal, Miss L. Me- Lean; necitation, Miss V. Osborne; piano Mon&U 111Puxity-Strength-Perfection.o Ab)solutteiy lte Best, Ail the ingredients used l n making thie powder are published on wVry label. Tho pur! ty of theingrediante and the scientiflo' accuracy with whichi they are combiiiedý render Cleveland's superior in atrength and efflcienoy to any other baking pow- der. Food raisedl with this powder Joes nk dry up, as when made with bakin-g pow. der containig 'ammofnia, but keeps moiet and sweet, and is palats.ble and wholesome. OLEVEILÂND BÂKl O PwDEU Co., 81 and 83 Fulton St., New York. DR. . N.HOAOAM, re.sident. BOWMA.NVILLE MA.RLETS. FLoirR, 100 Ii... ...2 80 to $3 60 WHEÂàT, Faîl, f bush ... 0 00Ue 1 O5 14 Spring, sJ......... eOU .1 05 B.RiE, Ibushi, No. 1.... 0O00Oil O 55 le 41 o 2.... O 00 te 0 45 le Ji il3....OO0,00il040 RYP, i .....0 00le 0 65 OÀT$, l.......... ..050,, 0 50 PEÂ,,Elackeye, t. 0.. 00 O tUen1i10 4' Small, n 0 00,, 0 75 il Blue, .J . O0 0 075 BuTTEs, best table, #' lb.:.. O O0 t 0 17 EcGsP doz ...........0 00 ,010 POTÂT0is8, hV buh ...... 000 ,0 70 PoRii ,eWt ........ ...5 00 ,000 RAY, e totu..... .......5 00,, 7 00 Red Glovér. 4b*sh ...460 i 5 00 AlBike ti "p , ....5 00 le 8 O0 A bstract of payments made by W. Y. Allen. Financiai .Agen' of Robert Beitb, M. P., on acouont of expense at the Dominion eleton heid iGi March 1801. To pald for printing and advertising. 963,58 telegrapblpg, e,..... .... 1845 lige of halls, t ........ ..40,25 liverv ........... ...... .... . 50 W. Y. ALLUNt. FinaIIOial Agent EGGS F3OR HAI!OHING. -Pure bired EPlymouth iiickreggis. ?1 for 13. E BYOR SALE.-80 ooiies of hiv.i aul fLXtUres. J. H. MAS NIN(4, Tyrone. STm Remombor GRA ND Induce- ments we give to buyers DURINO" APRIL. COMYE...everyone. Stock fully assorted and, marked very low. GENTS, See our Tweeds and Gents' Furnish- ings, Suits to order on the shortest notice and at the very Iowest price, Highest Price paici for ail kinds of Produce. John McM- ,ocal and kowmanviiie Fair Lindsay Fair Sali lu Dy nBovi Mr, Fred. .Roa, me. N, George Sixeri Lnday ah humet. Mr. Chas, Baskes ut Sunday et hot Mr, Fred. Coudh 5 wlaoel $unday m )rt Penny Spring- Joseph Smithh( .1, 4diedFutddenly M'esrs, W. Keddc sa vene guese A, Scotch lady asgow liequealli eth for-hie Salvi A. Joiv'ely assorti ry -oueof lheu iucl, Johuston & Mtr. Iliymer, cf1 xgern, o! Ennisi rJ. M. Jouess' Just arrivee t J. A uelibieet styles lyare qaudies, f We congratulate Aon eceiviniz Arts frem uo ei OU. Tw shiptrxets oC ived lset veek at ing stock o! pee gouds bof ore ýt nome lirgains- Our - suterprielul Ad haes boughl rlams' ilesbusin )le o pply al Squantities t10Bu i butchen stIs. Prof, A. H. Wel ih excellent satisl lihas beeni reque oe gave the botij a 5phienoogisti Yad ten heatim a>tei timnd uethat the man oriving tee cjurcu 'J buggy vas slely tu bleuie for the breken 6 ~~ ~Tho speoiel services lield rcely lin Sthe Southi Ward Tabernacle resulted lin A4PIrL 29, 1891. mmcli good-swxxo forty persenq profoss- _______________ing conversion. Tho meeting vas thon transberred tu the ohurcli, msny o! tlieet Otherwise. members prafees te have been much ien. b ofitd and several pensons wil!lie laken r May 1. inte memiberahip as ,the resuît o!fithe turdayMay 2.services.G ~urçay My 2.The Town Council are taking action 0 nernvilie May 25. toverde the enection o! a nov bridge aven f Toronto, la visiling eit the streant et Vanstone's Relier Mill.f Enginieen Biley, of Toronte, vas liens in~fPetorbano, spent lesit veek sud In preparing e repont a! his eunvay. It je certain tht s bridge of 120 rvilo o!f Woadtack, teo130 fotwviiilienecoseary. Thoreaeist me. nio lUnre ta sparo lu getting ta vork If the1 h vent tu Whitby onbridge la te be complted thusauntmer. t amning. Excolsion Ceunoil B.' T. cf T. heM e4 LM. P., attonded thie very succeseful dme concert Friday o ves- fair lest veeU-. lng. The hall vas cemfrtsbly filled sudd the progrnn a an excellent ans. Vecal àotol keeper, Canning- solos by Mm. J. J. Mason snd Mr. J.a ylest veek o! beent D. Keechie vene splendid, as vas aise a, duel by the Misses Baret; Piano dqelst die and C. Bales, Osli- by Misses Tait aufi Coucli and Missesà t Cherry Cottage, on~ Olive Gulloy sud Stelia Marion vere very cneditebly nendoned; 0soéasewero vielin wha died recently lu sole by Mn. W. Mornison; duet on finie el $350, 000 te Eien. snd plane by Mise Cotton andl Mn. E. C. tien Anmay. Coeman. Splendid recihationa vers mnt (f Parasols and given by Mlisei Mabel Tait andl Mr. Geo. inew ne w shoîvinc t Henry and l istimental duet by Misses Y Crydeniuan's. Coten and Belîman. Rcv.1 R. D.Freser, M A., ddressed te compannylu a Ivony Nevuienket, sud Mise fitiing mariner. Froceedo $12 lu id o! killon, vers guestsa t thoîr nov hall fond. o ver Sunday. J. aao's lieletet Mayor Allen sud lady vers iuviied i. n.emesn'te lte guealà tua egreat Assembly et Peterboro luas has eek given by the Edison Company felts andl straws, et the formai. opening of their new sica- &tUr. Neil MoPliersen, trio liglit venls. Nsarly 2,000 peuple se- izte Degraes e!Mater ceptediltheliespitality of the Company.. 'n'î Univenity, KiCng- At ninoe olock thie inspiring &trains froua Oorleft' orchestre sounded threugh, the f WalPaper vers ne- hall "mnie arose vith i 1hvoluptucus "Big 20." Aima thoir avel," end-"'To bisk notes la cadence1 Baby Canniages. Sec beeting, glencecl thon mary tvinkiing fost.1 abuying and yau viii The Examiner akli: 11evcen vo picture - Sure. the bnlliant seno l-thernc"tle feir vont- gbutcher, S. H. Rey- ou sud brave mon, the ravishing cest- Sou~t Messrs. Hiall & u"Mes, the exultýant stoépping, the shuffing nos sudvi.l no, lie cf sippered forât, the o sft, 1evtoues, the Bowmanville vâtli be ilvery tremuions laughton, th e weet oder it.. -Leave ordor, eh o! roses sud violets, the rythmi loeldy of theomuicl, end the noise endl motion of Ich, phrenelogist, gave tbe moving hundreds 1 sfaction in Osheva ltaI Standing, with relucteni eet. ieptedte etun tre. Where o nnhocel sn4 cildhood meet. satisfaction aven given l a supreme moment! Tia a criticel in Bowîuaville. 0 parlodi No inaiden shoud attempt pars-. ir spporthe igitasaurance o! Dr. Pience's Favorite Pros- TLE cr eiptien. Ilfs lelpfulrie8s lu tidlng aven ULT. 1 eryingredient the perils incident te y aung woonhýood, ucing Hooce'.Sarzapar- in univernsely ackuevledged i Na mollier , aud is the boat of its cen put vithin thie bande o! lier dauglter, ho boy,. All the reeti anything thet viii prove more va nable abfuhiy eelected, perseu - lu meeting aeh lien requlrments !IDr. 1 only the besb neûtaixtee. Pieroe'e Favorite prescriptionisàamade time of purcasee until expeeosly fer ail dimeases peculiar ho la le prepared, every- voinan, snd in te auly medicnesof t is e'atihed vithalit)w te kid, muid Ilineugit dnaggists, sud guarain- reauit. Why de't you tu e give uatigactîou lu every case, or monoy r7 eftunded, ÇhIdrn Cry for fn stock of bj.russeA3, '4aegtry, hJM'an 1 WVool aud Union Carpets in ail 4ualitie- ii îeo botter velus auyvhere. Mis ahbas luat epened out a veryJ lune assonimont o! Frenchi Fiovers. Ladies' andl Ciildren's bats in aah the lat. et stylos. OeIl andl inspect lier neov stock befare liuying elsewliere. Hler aim la to please.1 The Momning Edition of the Daily Gliobe front the 151h o! April te the close of the Dominion Session c! Parhîemont 'on $1; or Weokly Globe for saLuo penied fon 20 cents. Suliscrilie now, ah Tair SrT,EsmAN Office, 1Nov books lu Meclienios Institute.- 1990 Morley's Edmaunel Burka ; 1999 Por- ten'a Bocks and Roadinga; 1954 Fennifs Black Blood; 1926 Oox's Froum Breadway :e the Bosphonos; 219G Hawthorna's Our Olel Home-, 3195 Procter's Flovers o! the Sky; 2191 4rtouxus Wand's Works; 2193 Paîgraves Anlglo-Saxons. Ou Thursday mrnring lest the barn sud stable o! Mr. Heory Joues, Lot No.,6, i.th con. Clarke, vas consnied vith l their contents -about 200 bushels o! cals, a lot o! sced baliey, secd Jýuekwheat, bey, agniculturel nmachincry, eac"l!, &o. The tire le suppoed te have originaled frolu a lot o! quioklime depamited in the base- ment, 'Partially ineured. The Town Hall vas fiflod with invited guestii et the concert giveu liy Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, 1. O- 0. F., commemoratîve o!flthe 72iUd anrveneery of the institution o! OddIfelievsbip in America. Mrs. M. Odeli, Guelphi, sang iu a vory aveot andl choir voiesud vas antbuisiasatically eucored; Mrs. R. Barrt sang 1 Only Tired," very sweetly; Mesm, J. D?. Kcadhioe 1IL J. 1Kuigli<t sud Je%. Helpany vore varniy greetod sud naptu- rousiy enoned;the quartette lay the Miss- es Glover, Messrs. Kuiglit snd Çimie captiveîed te audience sud e trie, "Oh Resteme Ses," vas aise highly appreclat- cd. Bey. T. W. Joiliffe, Grand Warden, gave a splendid address ounlthe prinoipies sud benefitso o beiugc an Ocd!lolc. Several selacticus liy the Quintette Club, Mn. D. Momison, leader, voeo pleyed lu goed tine, The tableaux by the I, O. O. F. vers velpresenteel sud illttrateel some e! the principles o! the Order. TFhe lest number on the prograin, a chorus, "Excelsior" by the Faceaphones, vasý memething new sud olicited great appleuse. iss Mabel Tait, Mrs. W. O. King sud Mr. Hanry Glbert nenfonmeel lbe duties cf accompanie3ts. hey. M. Pratt pleas. antly offioiatedl as chairinan. The co-eu cent vais one o! the beat o! the season sud the cominittee are te lie congratulatod ou ils succese. A Cuns Fou CoNsumpTzoN &ND i) HÀD. ÂcRE .-Dr. 511cm Lane, wviule lu the Recky Mountainse, disocverod a, necit that vhen couabinecl wltl othen herba,iniakes an easy sud certain cure for consomption It i% lu the foentaoo!dry nmots aud leuves, sud is kuev as Land's Fanaily Medicine It viii cure s4cl-hieadaclie nd la lthe lest oprnug medicine for the blood, liven snd kîdney8, sud for tçleaning up tlhe coin- plezion it dos wonders. I)ruggistm s se ît et 500cand 81 A. package. Pithrl astri,. good. Little Eva's acting alise wonî ad- miration and on the whols it wman a en- *lrel>y atisfactory prosentation of Uncle Tomn's Cabin. The Daily Sentinel-Democrat nay:- The plot was wel supported throughout every player being master of hie role and carrying it out with the reality of life. lUncle Tom jes a true negro who seemed to beel every Act Wich hli played. Little Eva was perfect in the performance of lier parts. The flight (f Harris and pursuit biy the blood ho)unda vwas thrillingly rond- ered, and the crueltiea of XLgree aroused. indignation in the hieart of every auditor. Topsy vas famous in lier rele, and ehe led the comedy, whichi ran like a ilver tliread througli the plot of the drame aud kept the audience in au upromu Notices et Uirths, 25 cents; mawiages. 50 cents; iseattils, Se) cents, eaeh Insrtion -but FUEE OF CH5ARGE, w1ken. the funerai carde are srintet at Smis ece. l3IRTHS. jÂhdlee-Ât Fairview arm near Columbus, Avril 2s, thc wife of Mr. Thomias F. James, of a djaughter.-still boirn. ,GxraGeRY-Ixi Oshawa, Avril 23, the vife cf James Gregory, of a daughter. FAIR-In Oshawa, April:23, the vife of Jas. Fair, of a daughter. nowi-Inu the srd con. of Pickering, April 15, the Wl fe cf Capt. Rowe, of e denghter. GoitiLL-Near Tauton. April ii, the wif e of John Gorrill, o asoli. (JooEDG-In Darlington. ,êprfl 20, the vife of John Cooledge, cf daughter. RicinAxDsoz-ln Darlington, .&prll 17, the wife cf Rd. F. Richardson, of a daughter. Ior-In Toronto, Avril 17, the w of Mr. Alex Xoyd, 190 Seaton St, of a daughter. VÂNNsTa.-At Solina on Wcdnesday April 22. the Nvçifs cf Mr. John Vanh1eet jr.. cf a son. BOUNSLL.-Born to the wire Of Fred Hl- BounsaIJ, SuudaY April 26, a diiughter, PROtrr-MOLI0N'-In Bowmanvlile, April <aIth reece of the bride's prnt.by the11111 ev '1 .W Jolliffe. 1f.Maz<rr-. of o Dariing on: and Laura V. A., third daughter cf Mr. Ëugh Mollon, of llowmanville. BIEIL iBov) -At 1W9 Seaton t Toronto, April 20, H:elen, Ïinfatlt daughter 0f .Alexander and Lizale Boyd. 14îLE.,-In Bowmanvlle, Tuiesday, April 23, Charltes E. S. Mine. youngeat s3on of ttue late John MIine. aged 21 yers. CaWLIN-IUBcwmanviile, Baturday April 18 Itarriet A. Norrîs aged yeurs, beloved wile of John Chaplin. si'ar.-In Eovinanviile. Saturday April 20. William BSpry,,aged 34 years. 3 uioiths. CavnsmMAÂ.-ln Bowmanville, Aprll2O, the wlfe of Mr. J, H. Crydermeaenof a son.-Stijl born. POTTS.-In Clirke, AyrIl 19, Llizabeth Gib- son. reliet of the laie W m, Potta. aged W0 years, DEvIýNEY-IIi Toronto, Monday &rril 2a, Jonathan en»viney, aged 27 years. MILLER.-Iln Te8kard. April 22, James Millier foraierly of N ewpar1s, eged. 78 yeers JAMxES-At Rcetr N. Y., Friday, April B LI FOR SE1RVICE-A Jersey> A SPECIW Bul$l kept for servie on lot 25.,-con. 7 Darlingtcn. Tenus 81 . iJo GAcunD. pro. pnietor. Sline. 17 4w.* FACULTY OF CHOCE 00 CIIE FARM FOR lies bowa prepar cr-ryvcart ul rsapply te Mas, . THoas, se~~ - - lu is several Del TMPROVED LARGE YORKSHIRE( PIQS FOR SALEftND SERVIC&.-Stock registered, lot 28, B. F. Darlington. R. E. >,EnN, Lakeview Parmi, lowmanville P. 0. 17-4-* EED BARLEY.-I have a quantity o3 f Carter's Prolific, Englslh seed barleyfree trom all noxions seedB, Thomas Pascooe Uigh. fleld Farim, near Sýona. P RTZE SEED GRAIN FOR SALE.- 1, h ave black Prolific or Tartarlan Qats and a qcuantity of Six.rowved Barley. Lot 25 con. 4 Darfiigtou, W. L. LÂw, Garden Hill1 Farmi, Solina, EES BEES !!-For sale a number &Lo swarmis and aiso a number of hives for the swarming kseasoxi; and a lot of apiarian êupplies-al lfor 8sale, ohesp.A. FEnGtTsoN, Newoast~114-6w. T0 FARMETR.-Seed Barley, Seed Buliclwieat-I have asquantity cft'bath on haud. WiII sell reasonably. A-ýny parties requirinig should coeilearly. JoHx MACK«&X, CaeoinMilîs. -"OUSE TO RENT,-That part; of J.-u. Lorne Ville. now ocouplel [)y Mr, May- aiarti. jeweller, contaiulng parior. sitting and diniug room, flve bedrooms, kitoben, pantry. capital ceilar, cloàets andi wood shed. Ilard and sofr water indoors. gardeu. Possession AprIl 15. Appfly to M. A. JuMrES. owner. SHOP TO LET BY MAY It.-The shap sud dweling oocupied by J. F.Mannu ing as Grand Centrai, ueýct,çoor te P. 0. Apply toW. S iDECOQR EzeecUtor, Gr ANKTA COLSe, Ececutrix. LoQie Box 25. iPowmanviile, lED SOI] xg the dot uromEs, 1 country. Copies maya be lied on application tQ the und ersigned, wlho ean also supply dotailedt announeienets of the other Faculties of the Univerithy, viz.: Laaw, Medicine, Arts (including the Donxald Coursesfor Women) and Yeterinary Science. J.WIV ERARENRJDGE, B. C. L, 13-26w Acting Sectetey> T 0 RNT.-For termnof years, IG1ou good buildings and Soit. Admirable for Stock or deiry. Obance for golng extensively inta Toronto milk busineis or stocke raising CeN Amertean nmerkerlý Men with oapitâi çnly need apply. J. Il. Dow. Whltby, 32 t.i F ARMI FOR SALE.-130 acr~es, ceni JL! psed cf south part of Lot No. 19, Broken Front, and is three miles frqtn the Trown et Bo'wmanvilie. 'ibiHsleonecf t he begt farinsii the county etfhem. IXiIs in a high state etI cuItivýtion and la well fenced On the pres misues there is a Etone dweltling, two large bars a nd otber out.buildings, wlîh Stone stablin; for oattle and hnrses. ehiree wels 'auc4 four materns aiewlnd-millfor Puiing water. For, uriher 1,articulars epply on th preises or if by letter te H P.iWr 2MNN, BOW. meanvilUe 1t T RAVE BEEN FAVOILED WITIX quarter of sectian 32 1l1 llve fourtasu; 27 acres brokmIesu g hou-as, 12x>26; stable, gran b erg, goadwater,eaay acesas ta marknet, schoold, eto 4fpply te Axüuo & CHAMBERzS, l. VOR SALE OR RENT-Eaouse sud .JL' lacres for sale or te rent. situate ou Scugog street north. Tho etoiesconslitcf a good bouse iLîh every convaeico, driviug shed, stable, etc. The gardon coniaina a lot otft the chalcasit fruit of ail vanioties. Immediate9 possession cen be given, FPor panticulara applyr te W. 1t'îeuLEIGE. BOvuxauvllle Ont. 49tf 9 lu '. R AE.10 or b gond condition sud statet c'io ARMFO SAE.10aces being proverty vilibe sold cheap andI Floi 19, con. 0, Darlixigion, on vhiohi thora 0f paginent. Apply teIà,L..W. are gond buildings, flue archard sud about 10 811ORT Bevmanvîlle. Ont. acres standing timbar. Situated j mile ncnih of Haempton an gravel rond. Wii Ilbi sld lu onc lot or divlded te suit purcixaser., Apply T. G. SToNxsHou8E on thes premises, or te LEvi A. W. TOLE, reul asiate agent, ]wiaiville. A M FOR 4zè1 Ç d. '%viii punch T-IOUSE FOR $ALR.-My nov brick 60 0'.J-3 ith aoe contabing kitchen, ua soit vater. fruits. &A )o thebet nd Newcsstl, 1 Z4 ig