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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1891, p. 8

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iard'o liniment cures Burns, &c. s~ Thom, mho hias been lu Toronto, ýturneî Jas, Fisher bas moved imb Gion. nges shoip. et ire kuair cf no uaw caillesý going sseason. Robt. Filbeek, cof King3ton, iras laýit te hie father. îSel mood, of Syracusme, N. Y, le ig the0 Misses Hçdges. Cliarles Wilson, Bonud Headi, Is, ftoni Rachester, _N.Y ýKribbs, d.-uighter af M ru. E. Bon-. las gone to Victoria, B. C. ffeit8le Fieli Haîcliery hlas sent 150,. ook trout ta Otan geville., 5. Brdioéli, of Toronto, le visiting but rMr. C rihbarrister. B Jeesie MOINaughtlon, cf Sudbury, ishort visi' to lier fionda hure. nember Mn. 4. Fergus.on'a tale ou day- boueliold effocta, bes, etc. iMiler, of New York City, is hure g ber aid ff-ahe3r, Mr. GeA. Baker. W. T. Lackhart le homne front To. tbe Legialatuno having adjaurned, rw dàyB ago a littie maiden arrived e thie biessihige<ofr, Rtherford's R, B. DFraser sud Rev.'W. 1'. iii excù pulpite next Sunida>' Ug. 'ery gco& piature aofMrt. Win, Me- i's i on exhibition lu Glendeuning's te~ damuage suit of Farmer Mason ýt Dr. Iaruconib for ?2000, lie Sot a tL of $200. a Matid Miller, of Whitby Collage, iiting hon grnudfathLer, Mr. George wbi je meiousill1. Wlbeloiuging ta Messra Gralham hp#,et, burued lutla w*ek; lame- Ulw.They bath are farmers. î.GrA owers, cf Toronto, aud WW.'iamW>', of Whitby, are c*of ihir fathosr, Mr. A. 7.rguleu. Mil 4' '1301 luinmpure blood.- ilatifet>' in takiug Boad'u Sarms.p- the grsht blood purifier. 100 doses qmaille Lodge S. 0. E. sud Iheir icousins sud aunle are goiog ho ~iaille n.uren'a Birllida>'. Givo aots of sport. John Crairford, liquor dealer, lu lea leveB for Bowinanville ta tale c f the Station Hotel. The famnliy tiempan> hlm. ,,. J. Aaltoi, B. A., rooenttiy ia exem-inition sud received the of B. D., at the Weloyau Thea- 1Collage, Motresi. I-1. B. MoÇaty, oeeof Port Hape's (g muarchsnts, pasmed hhraugh be "y> laut. lHe roconhi>' bouglit out 7s %tooqk ilu Qno. orotý uyaI atbath the nministera ou oit magunificeot met af double car- ,res' ver ptauufactured lunthus bas jiist boen cempleted by Mr. Barfeth far Mr' C. Wilmol, of eiie. )et HuLnIer, aged 85 yesre, died ioavilie, on SaIurday, and lte proceeeded ta hhe villagye cemehery ,, te lth, from tlJi.residenco of [liam Giluer. trelief ftam indigestiom, bilions- eiisipa.ion or torpid liver withaut jg the slomavh or purginug the tâke a loir doses Cartor'a Littho Ils, tbe>'mill pleame you. )y Hayes, 85 years of a '2'e, waiked Wednemday, s distapos of 3 S'he looks hale sud beatty sud ty net lu neod af Burdeel Bik. ater's Liver Pille. tichard Warren is puttiug the f aitbruali Vouihes an Dr. iVri houe.. Mr. E. Sinnioas a new tence around il mich adds thie improvenient of streot aP- A. TIIE P&OCIIC COAST.-W' quote tter recently recoived front Mise Pope, Port Heur>', B. C. "FYor 4;%, couglis, croup, bruises, etc., [s Yeltow ir Vi ithe best hhing I ýr L3ed." trou ias vessel "Muiskoka," of owned by Cook prosi' Lumbet d in aur b.a.bor over Stands>'. mier "I.vai," of Quebec, ile tom- f roiinso $Rao oTorouto, irbere -un.rDEnr, simo. attacked mt a ver>' ough. She resolved la ecloral Balsain, sud, ou [t did hon mono good thani ne Bhe even trlod. MNa. lton ouI. as8, of l3owmanviiie, Mn. buyer)ofa Port Hope, trvth, of Orana, are do. a cttle trade mih aur gcar load aller car loud. s. sold 4 very tine bead, Go lbs. read aver Ithe commun. rniig iben the uems of e's wife's sddon deai She ba e locualliug- for nane titouglil dealli mas fe has bee.-u a nobia onu. d christian sundono mita d and kipid W the paon. e luerred ln Boaii- turday ,aItern'oon. uer, our -aniiious anud rer, eute qitite a E well You Pull the Cork "HI-arvard"ý Does the Reet. -I have used i4RVAnD B "-"" l SRIW. 1 t ls the puost sa,%t.a~try 4Cough Rewledy 1 have ever tried. ard 1 Iwow that tbrough its use 1 bave recovered fi-on, a very badcld- Ros Mackenzie, IC. P. li -l.oesO, ?Mctre&l. There is nothiug la theworld equal to thÎs reoeedy for Sors Throat. '(3augheanadi(oils. Pleasiant to the taete-G[ves instant relief-Ah. soluteil' harmiess. Large boules 2c.-By al dealers- A. J. Lawrence. Montreal. Sole Proprietor for Cana"a ing paroseugera ro and* fr ou Newtonville any mare., And thie seat jeso contruet- ed that the hot steain arieing froeilte bread cari be utilized lu cold ireather ta keep the driver warm sud comfortable. 'Titi doubtful if ils oqual wiii be on exhi- bitiori at the World's Fait. ASi YouR FRiExIs A11oUT 1.-*Îour dltressing.*oough eau lte cured. We kunow it because Kemp's Baiaam within the past few years has cured 50 many coughî sud colda inthis comm unity. Its reniarlable sale has beenwion eutirely by ils genuine monit. PAk some friend who bas ued it what lie thinka of Remp'u Balisan. Thoe e s no medicine eo pure,, noue sio effective. Largùe bot ties 500 sud >81 at ail druggiste. S&<mbple ottte frec. Catharine M. Milleon. the dearly bo- loved ie af William Paynie. daughter of the late Henry lMillson, aged 25 yearo, iras buried lu Orono cemetery Fnidsy last. A ver>' inpreselve service was held lu Clake church by Rey. S. T. Bartiett, who but 15 monthe ago joiued them lu tho loly bonda of ivodlopk. The churcli was richly daraped lai respect ta ber ment- any. She leaves an infant. Her fronde bave the. heartfelt syînpathy of the ithole cOQmutity. The fariner irbolives uear town sud sella cattie by the pound ha> an advaritage over hlm irli bas ta drive thon. 5 to 10 miles, far thoy Jo ie na much in travell- ing. Here are two aese, Mr. Millet, of Orono, drave one in receutly sud itlosbt 40 pourida lu the 5 mile jaurnuy. Mr. Sol. Fligg took aue to Bowmauville a short hlme ago that gol a littie mld lu go- ing aud wheu weighed iras 210 Ibo. loes than Newrcastle meight. Figure that at 5 ceuti a lb. sud Ilie loua la cansidorabbo. 1 gladden the heart of man sud maid, 1 set constipation'$ esutîve froe. A&nd allure bot 1er fat takiug me. Thus spoke0 oue of Dr. Pîorceii Pleasaut Pelleta. (They are pille that speak for themmoîves.) Vety amaîl, veny nice ta take, produce no nausea or glping, yet are most effectuaIlunail case si Of consatipa-. tion, bilious or alik headachel or dorauged lieer. Only 25 conte a vial, ai dnnggist. A perfect vet-pooket medicine. Ou Suxtday-morning Mr. Chas. Coombe, of Boirmanville, delivered au able sud very insàtructive sermon lu the Methodiet churcli, te a largeo ssembly. Hie Jabot .in the service of the Lord i8 appreciated. He jeana iad, tiume chritian, sud aithougli ho rus>'nol bc quite s un tce<a1'sa ome that are yeunàer, lie alwsaYB cornes filod with the love of Josua i his heart, and~ mitIho 8ys mialr'es a lastin- impression.' Outr prayer 15 that hoe may long be spared te in ul~ws f1or the Kingdom, and irlen the Lord sees fit ta call bim home hoe may méara t ahrt>'cromu lu Heaven, CJLA RKE 7NiWN. Mrs. J. Fox lias beer il1. Mr. Blas Betry iras at Cuburg ou the jury lasI meel. Masonis are building the cellar of Mr. J. Connel'a direlllng. Mr. Jas. Betty, Slem,has been assial- lin, hie brother lte pabit ieel. Mnr. H. R. Rame initends moving his barn sud building a eatoue foundatiori. Mr. J. Tarmblyn la buay digging hie celiar; oxpoecr the mamaons shortly. Mr. H. Jemell, Bowmanville, was eaul- ing on frieuda prier ta bis deparlure ta Aubuirr, Newr York. Marks ofo± atriotism. The old war*irouudq of voeonas are iurel>' marks of patroiatimm, and the opeedy snd permanent relief of snob la ase surol>' a berief action. Mr. Harvey' R. S tates, of .ndalusla, Pa., U. S. A., January 31t, 1889, irrites: 11I mas wound- ed in the hp ini the late mat, sud till Within a short time have euffered ilh ni> ivounds. 1 have been lun the handri ofE doctors ofteu, but St. Jaoob's O libsa beon of more benefit, as after ils use 1 ha, ual had pain for monthe. 1llens becfactor. Mns. Wni. Thiomipseo fas beeri visiting fiende tin Toronto. Mr. Walt. Chartraù, of Bowmmauville, iras lu town Iset eek. Miss Jene MoCullougli bas haît a se- veto attack of La Grippe. Mnrs. T. G. Tliompsou bas been viil- iug lier siater, Mns. Win. Hilien. M1r. John 11. Cooney, KCirby, lias goiie to D3etroit '.a tale a situation au office clerk. Mr. Thos, Vinson retuirued ta hie sit- uation lu the clly on l$turday. The Boston paper whioh reporte the games of the Ealeru league, B. B. teani, credfit Mr. W. W. Audrus, vith piayiug lu brililaut ferei te ssaon. Farmeýrs report this the fineat spring for seedîng in their rememaberance. Mrs. IP.lNairu le very sek at timeo o writing. Robert.Moale, wife and faiiy, from Bristol, Eng., are maaking thoir homie ln Osrtwrilht. J. Malcolm, sr., lu atil very poorly. James MoCroa got one of hie large horses badly kickcd'receiitly. Mr. and Mrs. D. Marlaw burie& their infant chiîld on the:2nd inat. Jame s Maleohit,,jr., and Jawes Gordon have etartod cellars, for noir large barrns, While Marwood, ton year old son of John Veste, iras walkirng around orne fat eteers, the animnais became frlghtenQd and began ',kcking, gettlug the by under their feet. A heavy bloir on thie head, cue&ing an ugly gash, soun loft hl mesonue- leua. Him father, who wua in the barn, received several severe kicka before ho could, get the çhild out. Tihe boy irae badly bruîmed, but lis dolgg au mdi au can b. eýýpected. Nature lias Provided à xemedy far every ache and pain, aud science through ceaseless ativity and ex- perimleut in constantly *r-retlng the secret of lier doinain. AÀ nov and worderful dimoover>' hais recently been made by ineane of whicli tous of thouoands "I bte freed froin pain. Nerviliue. or nervo pain cure, reprem@ntm iu very caiceutr'ated forma tho.momt patent pain relieingLugb- etitutes ý kuown to medical science, aud strauge to say, it la composed of subatan- cea solyly vagetable in origlu'. Pol.on'a Norvilins le the mo3t promlpt, certain, sud pleasaut pain romedy in the world. Try Nerviline for toothache, nettralgia, crampa.; &C., always safo and efficient. ENNISKILLE.N. Gilbertt &evernu sud farnily areeattlIed down lu thelr noir homne bore. The ehidren of the Methediet S'uday achool are making groat progresln their preparatien for tlieir anniversar> Mtay 24 and 25th. We conigratulate our friend Mr. E. T. Slenion, B.A., of Ha ydon, on carryiug off the gold medal. in ie i n al 5 ia tien at Výiùtari.a University. Wel ou. Darlingaton.~ John Staitn, bere, has 'lrgenu% ber of Soung pige fo sae~T. A hya of superior breeding they thould be i good demnd.-Advt. Arbor day was oberved at the suood here, Friday, Sth lit. Mr. Young and hie faithful amitznts the mholars put in a liard day's work. That tired, languid feein,, aud dul headache is very disagreeable. Take tvro of Carter's Littie Liver Pilla bofore retir-. ing, and you miii 11o4. relief. They never fail to do good. Rev. S. T. Bartlett, of Newtoriville, so fayorably kuown in thia part la to f avor us with a lecture, " Peuple Worth Imita- tingý," lu the Methodist churci, Ytlday evening next, May 15th. '4 silver collec- tion la asked to assist iu circuit experises. Mr. Bartlett has attained a good reputa.. tion ae a gifted and forcibie speaker an~d ail who cari avail thenieelvee of this op- portunity tu, hear hlm lecture miay expeot a ricli treat. À large audience expected. ON FIRE WITH EOZEMA TERRIBLE SUrratuNGS or ,LiTiE B BY.Ir QFEN D IoCORne Ni Two IUQ8prTLs FAIL. 0UPtEI 13Y OUTICURA. My baby boy, 5 mon ths id. brokeonet with ecz11qia.The itohiiug ard buriing wias intense; th. cozema opread ta bis limbs, breat, face and head. unatill he as uearly coveod hie torturu agonis rere pitible ta bebold; ho liad npeace aud but SIttUe restniglit or day Hoe waa under trentiuent at differeut limes et tira hospitalsansd by soven doctora iu tia ciry wItà- out the least benet; every prescription of the doctora waaasfaithfully tried, but ho gei raes aU lim âe. For montlîs 1 exvouded. about e3 per week for inediolues. aud was eutirely dlecouraged. CvUBIES0LvMz.T and followed the diree. tilns ta thle bIter. Relief ras îmmediae . is more eaaed and test aud aeep pot- mitted. lHe ateadlly inp)roved and uin nin weeks mas entirely cured aud ba.s nom as oear a skia aud leaa fair a boy as any niother cauld wiah ta see, 1 recooniend every mather ta uae it for every Baby Humour. MRS. M. FERQUSON, 8G W. Broakline st. Doston. The greateit skia cures. blood puriflers, aud humour remediea corumodernt timep, tnstantly relieve the moat agonising forma 0ofceozema and psotiassuan ieedily, permanently, eo no olyand infailibly cure overy apecijes orf 4ason's OZotMtg Mousi SPECIALITIES FORM IY 1 TIES1 aje.. or J lfor Sec our winýPW. '00 HALIFAX SUIT Io or4er $S-00, «111 SIR des. SE E TlUJEil. OUIR HATS arc-ilie et procurabie. We 8how al syles and priffl.. A New Line of TOP SHIRTS. We Silow te L argest Choice. TWEEDSUIT for $4.7ô5. ý$3* QO HATS $2-.25 $2-00 HRATS $1.,25 $1..50 RATS $1-00 . IM -3 S % lHa.lifaxý To Order OINLY $ oo Scotch Tweed Suit, to Order for Black, WoÉsted Suit to Order for Our Advertisement contains Hard Facts for our competitors, but our prices uever did please them, O ! my, but dou't the boot and shoe men love us. See our prie5 for shoes and you wiUl know why. Another lot of Boots and~ Shoes this week.' MASON'S CLOTHI1NG STORE, EA4ST SFIO1P LONYG SA ULT Standingaf ptupills, S. S. No. 13, Dar- lington for A pril-nirnes, lù order of uierît: Jui 4-L cap r, Msggio Hoaper, M Hoaper, 8 Woadley; Sen -R Uodý-ou A J$o9pon, M Elooey,; Jun 3-M Qolmeli, J Burgess, W Edgerlpn; Sen 2--C Shaples, L H lin, R Davey, L Virîno, E Strutt; Jun0I W Hamley, V Hoopr,J Burgess, F Edgerton, L Reynolds; Sen p' 2-E Woody W Woodly, M Htodgsou; Jun ph 2 -F fIaoy, A Hooey, J Byoru, M Vît. tue, E Wilson. S, E. SÂNpxxeO. teacéier.___________ COBOURG. At the AseIgiea lin Cobourg last meebi theo as an aciie by Johu~ Mamon, a fare residipg in Carkeagainst Dr. AlfeýFarnconbe, of Newrcastl,far xulpatie nnot teduclng prop .ëIýa,îocallan cf tI l ntl>'esha id j Ât. he ispte t ued piincipali>' upo e t questiow of fact as to. what lia te ah Mason'e hou8e irlen the at steuipted to reduce thefractture. ~Ttejury fouud the aofendant guilty of uegligence lu bis treatment of not proper- ly redÈcing the dislocation of the plaint- iff'a jalodansd gave damnages ho the plaintif ho lte amaunt of 48300. Hiei 1,ordship ltrected judguient ha be enter. ed with oite. -- --m-NC Our annîvermjar>' i8 ou Junie 21st aud 22n. Efficient comnmittee à have beeu ap- poiuhed. r. John Wight returned from Ca- bourg laul Thurïeda>'. We bave beeau roubled mih trampe latel>'. The>' shouid ba iooled aller, as vagrano>' le punishable b>' usir. M ~lest Fr'iday iras ArboDr Day lu thia section, tbe tbachet sud pupils uncdertook ta clean bath echool sud grouinds, four trees moeçplaûhed sud Ihings are decid- edi>' lmptoved. Lagrippe le fashion4le iroj thke des eriptian given af the symphonie. Neanl' al l ib is vîcliity have flished iowing snd soai commeuced plant- ing. HAM PTON. ITaimpton Lodge S. 0. E. are going ha try ta capture Ibat pnîze for thie 1lrgeut turuoul. Mr. A. E. Peltoi and ile, Courtîce, more viiting Mn. sud Mns. Frank Part ah the cheese fIsoaiy lasI meele. At the regular meeting of the quarter. 1>' board here ou the 4th iriat, Dr. J. C. Mitchell sud Mr. Il. L. Bromu more Sp. pointled delegahea la the district meeting lu Bowma.uville. Mr. Thos. Elleit au gaI hie mill al freshly equlpped milli tiie most approved machiner>', sud le nom bus>' turuing out choico roller flian. Hampton football team oexpecta ta beat ail farmner records thieseksason. Mn. R. K.ateteou le mahiug sainie m- provemenîa ou hlm buildings. The Epirortit League gave a good pro. gramme Frida>' eveîtngc. ~The pburoh trustees halk oaImhprovlng the church Ibis season. Miss Saileburir>a ver>' popular mlth ber pupils as e mosus omie of tlie adulte. Cap- Eatori Iato of the S. A., called hore ou important businces lest week. Mn. *Thas. Ellioîl la able ho ho out again. Mr. -Hart>' Cani au discarded bis crtitchesansd ou Sundla>' ir coucluded lie mas worth twlaene mo. Onr cheese fautez>' started oporallous for the season lest moek-. Mr. Win. Everson, Courtice, preached bote Suuday mornIug. Mr. J. Y. Colo viited fionds aI En. N.MAY MTNLS,"1, ut sll muen des ogre. as toe ia sarits or ls, a5mailand swgajr.«t4. NEADS' NEW EL, Every year two.wheelers are becooring more faiihionable. What is to b, the best p.oton cart in Canada is for sale b>' Phllp and Edger, Morria' (Jarrage Works. It ie a dan~dy and la very cora. foriable. Will carry tira passengersi. Don't buy tili >'ou seo it. Special Valuie in liues: Dress Goods. -Ail who Seo, Our stock Say: ',Wlit sonable in price V1" We have ail the ziewest shades,> with tmmings tLo match and we Iknow tbat you willSave money by bjuyittg from us. Anywayjj ýWiii oost you nothi,, o ee what we have aud thonu ise your own judg- meut. Ordered Clothing. - On account of the different ar- rangmnents in our tailoring departmient, we can make you a suit froin b) $1~ cheaper thau the oxdina.ry prices, WVe guarantee that owr fit and style is equal ta anythi»Dg in town. Rats.-This is one of Our leading departuients. We have just reoeived a fine stock of ail the ne'west shales ini stiff feits. We have hundreds of hats ta se- lect from at ail prices, and- eau suit anyonie. Staples.-As usual, we are away ahead in value iu grey and white cottonades, shirtinigs, &c. JohnJ. 3Yason Dry Goods and Je welry Honse. IVrs. DONNELLY has just received a large as- sortment of SPRINO AND SUMER GOODSI' A. DAI inlu bithe ats 'JU the best in the SHIAMPOOING* sud IAIR CUTTINQ 0 don* as usual; aise STAMPING in al its branches. Nead ' Block, over Mayer1s Store, eôwman- ville. A1 \ J. XTRAIIIU FBUM NO TASTE9 nORRHUOL prmt in lR ne;' tie tvi iL Soie Ibronta ,An-et$ dbciaiarges rrom tue uirmn Iiu eltber sex in 48 hours. It la auiperlor to Copliba, CubDI lIo nsd freo freal 'l td i"U Ki T Anv an l v çe M Caîl sud ueo ber large stock oai- Lace, Strair Hale, Ladies sud Children's Dres Rat$, aI 35 cIa. oaci ; alza a large stock Thuir geutIoe s of Freuchi sud Engiilihflowrs ah ver>' w ll rstsellrua plices ; Blbbons, Laces and Postiers inlu >tl1e pill. The:' ailth Iteatelsiadeii. Itotu. Carter's1 lease. all and inspeot belote purcbas. mli. be termed f ug elewbere. ,Ladloe nd ChilIdren'ea stair Aud fel S11 FOO R balta saped u in&l tho isteal ly.qtsaad eàtrve*es (',),l1Ci p ts i i i lt e 14

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