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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1891, p. 3

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N - eelrî Snsrdsehnp1hui nefs innnl urnse tsnorceisa lean d al!e.n.u-s s disase, n xnttehp Sf 'gstnCe g.. C'n a' f . îitCe .B. OA naue laAe tMAR1170ITS1, bel.oleneroutoriH gS-cu IEl D et sfll aD S tet edt0T, T1r emse ^^ývT11 ise onlyRcmedywh buh tl pa- hoaptadiLi s. iahflsgaateit uets wos-AT cas. Pnice, $ - DECIDEDLY CLELIER" "ONE OF TU/E BEST ofth Stade -F,11 Ji i --Lct val, M vsne.,neleewihail xneêi - s"', lven nt encrntî irrlisIlvu,'ar thecas eStr , etd ifp ili f a tilnsep f51lt eaas by ~ ~ ~ ~~ n Lspes, 5..'o h baace,asel,ý, se xla nats afltengaonetteal is1es SentiEfri 320SpageIsRie lamol NeVok Cky Sep.-,9,188; rate ni hronc Brnalstissnd iseerly stages cf islsisdhave ieenwel piaseiti hureýsulus. ïroîdyn.N.,., Pcb. iSti, 1889. 1 have sd cr âuSion iu a case cf Pisîhi (cconseupiinani s henoriaesulis, wisere patient ývayforc. ccud nt ue ed is' H.L'ROGE. M. D. ProokluN.V., Dc. lOis.M888 1 cen trongimr-r 1,at Iz edEulina Bronciil asd.Nvo'usAffcinada go00d gea- V mj HNFI TLMI,, .MD SteCidyn, Ný. il., Oct, l"tis, 1888. 1 regeici lax e SeeI" uslon a raî uairto tie COCd LiVer Oil Em"ulSionls se gnerain use. ~bes Faz-eedEmnîsion Cosnpeur.'i sevee qae o!Mal-utriion nitise recuit watt tbre tisse isopeýd fer-stu as-areoos, sud c tnd bussjaiity t lre.M jt ILETMD Sold byDrugtPie$ .0 WIIEA.T MUJST BISE. And thse Fariners 'Prospects Be-1 camne Bridster. CAN OUR NORT IWEST GROW BREAD FOR MILLIONSE? Thse %'Nos-bUs 'WIeat Supply Fssllng O; ff Whitle tihe Beal-atn Ppnlation Ineveases-11î. 1895 tIsa Lnited SatesE 'Nul t'Consumîe Every iusle et Ras "Sncb chantge le impenlng, sud canuet he postpoedheyond 18P95, unilees population shahl cessa te increase, or tisa aveage stand- ard et living schall honedliced greatiy;: sud witisshort crops ih may o(1,r a3yesr or t we esciier, and wseu tiseavîtahia change comas, tise ara et cisesp hread sud vworl-d-' wide agri.culturai dapresion wiii end, and tisa price et wbeaf sud ail othier fart pro- ducts ecsi a iigisar lavelaI tisu at kusown dnriug sud iusssndiateýlyý affar tise Ansaican iCiv-il X ansd w tl ise lAdint 'of sncb prices tise many mnillions et ofpeople cmpioyed or suïjpportad onutise f ofsettise United Ststes, iuow byig e ittleoet tise ,producete et sh1op, :ilîl sud factory, wili have thiens ofinrasn tiseir purcises many fold, giving ofsnese ail tinde an impetue net tssown snetliseclootsncb purioc cf iigis prunes, sud cauce ant activiiy in tIsa excisanga et produc iAse yemsnïger hait cf tise busitnes comesnniityba itittleconception et; and liomie nmartets %-,il tbiqaiorbs an immense volume et wnftgîiat isaýn, protessional iis,tanpotrtader, miner and maln- factur1er a!iple ksud remiuertilva ousploy- mont, itfi i nwle into consmerciai, fluancialcal, Li2terary sud artistie circ-lea. Sncb wilI ha coma et tise reeits fleming frons a greaiticeaein tfise pirchasing power et animmnerciua popula. viaw, buý t wiihbttientrisqnc et coîvertig n gea)t and ipvrse riural poulai uto ons tilsîg ample1 1:0an te -CnifHt lu leir cofoisd ats shonî,iscc te par e for isa raiifictiion et sncb iiglisir iseada'and 11 lougngastare tise commnon iialtag( et t1iserae. "Ifl isaî'ly osible (te\cencaIorua- wbisih ili atenld anl sdvauce et 50 Ipeî.ent. in ti rat urus teisalberofttise fermer, sud suc1iis avacel ikly te ha a lisundr1ed ratherIti Iinifstypaent. Tise 4,ab ei remaahie quttien iýs freni au article in th is ay nmber o e aA rea s magazine et a seemuwýiat radical cisaracter poblished isn Boton. Tisa ariter is C. Wood Davis,' a niisuwhibas imade toc hlm' sait a roputatien as a sttitiisusuad wrttec ou political sua eenoicsubjecte equal te tisat et Edward Atkiison. Tise article in question le headed, " Tisa weat'eoppiy et Eorope sud Anricai," sud tise hurden ofs if is te show tisat tisa amount et wiseat in America for expert je yeariy failing, whsile tise increase in populatien ou tis continentt is sncb tisat bera 1895 Amanica , wili net have cie ubssai cf grainoron eapound, et meat fer cale ahroadl. Iu ether words, sae wiii consuma ev cyssing sise gs-ew2an sd as tac ais thie Uied States lie coucarnad tiat ceutrvmue ii nver fw y ear sj, nef more tissu tou r, pcîlisapc lae, hecome an importer et mseatasud mat If tiisnha4truc ýCaneadipiss ili scewisat anl ii-îputa.t hebai iug tbq,,ituaiii las out -ise piedusete ttiie ouna ry, sud tb(iserefer le.t prhatput tormard by NMC. LDavie ', lae wortie i se attuticî etfecry Caaieni poli;icsofetc riferer, etevay Iinsu wisebas n ii t ltse cuty Mc Dav1", set of y cisowing ultia"Tisa produtive om or t fisc avieaf ilae Eaurcpe bs du ing tha peftan yeatH laf created. front 1, 17600 ,00te1,200,000,000 huseis "par aunu't[ or tav pr cent. ; pepu- lafion i lu ii muanlme h, aviug iuncrcascd ues2,0 a oul l u tiese cmaeIed tise111- ltan 2 par cent., ;sud uxpra rye tisumieat' haaing growu, ilf flloma tisat tlise E n supp;ly oet ome rown breadstuiffs 1,ni ls TSICW EURsOPE 15S FELS. Af tiseprasent tinta Etrope requires, Mr. Davis sys, 1,400,000,000 bus3hala, and tise sources et suppiy are ase olom Average Ruropeen crop. ..-1b5JOOthuis. Impotefrein tisaeUniteci Sits and Canladu .*-------7,Ol0,0OO Importe from nidu.........0st8t Importa fre ih ther cousu- trios. .. ý............ ..... 3 ,o, Delit-------------------..,...... Wihan averngcyieid thseUnited States %ud Ca adacn nom spare seule 88,000,000 hisipa susaunt,but tibi 1,00,00te tise tr1op-,ical isiindi;, Cenitral inericasud Mt~stern cis, sud o oxvunedsaugmnent hy mlortissu 8,00,000huisi aunlly, 'w etise ares is is -leat ije ne great erins 1890t thisuin 1880. -Q "0ý f tice wheat caxpornted in i India, aivc-. sging 33,001,000 huchais pet annt, I10 te f2v par cen t, gees te coontries enteide of Europe.a "Tise oniitput o et tsameat fidet 1 ft isa worid ln pears et average yieid le uow elear- iy insufifienie etecarrent ce 1iraenits, sud tise geigdefili bas leretefore heen mnef hy drawîViing upînu reserves accumusiateid dulring tis ecalitar partù cff htise nou h decad e sudI frein tise exceedin gly large crop ot 1887-8, sud tise tinte whiestis eucrren t deficit chahl mata itseot apparenst in a faintul sud start- t ritE V<ADIW aEAT FIELDS. Aa ferCen iid tisis is et gruat im-t poraiscete andiesMr. Davis doeo N exeitistis e ili haaieýte dca groatS dcilu) 1ibis drcto.Whilema egiLrea aifis hieý deductionl ex ade nef agrea wiithIs is statemeas(i t ,'Libauture whetsticpply etf Canada, sud iu ordar tisai me may doe hlm ne0 injust ice we quota IIs ramlants -in fulli: tisose et a bsiiting angine. Tise lc)cousotiva willrcen on 100 Pound rails, lu ifs compiatedI state tish ooie is týo heavyfr os cf tise bridges if wivi!bave teossa ot frees tiePsldill oe te tise tunuai,ý; se tise cal), tise tantes, sida rode, "amd1otise parte will bvae to ha takan cff te ligisten bier weighf and be sisipped %eparately. "From auaverage crop Canada Ittis ýable te spare 2?,500,000 husheLs, of wii about 2,000,000 reach the United Kýingdcom iand Continental Europe, and it is safe to assuýme tisat Canada wîll ln 1895 send flot more tisan 3,000,000 bushels ,to Europe, as the population of tise Dominion le incraing abu srapidiy as wheat production, "An unfounded impression prevails, tisat in Manitoba and tise Canadian Nortiswesit there existe an ares of unlimitefi extent peculi..rly adapted to )wiseu at growing. and Norti D aklota le a tract extendinig ont i-o(se four, or five degrees of lonigitude sudl laceýs thanl two degrees of latitulde tisabisl adapted to tihe pr oduction otthlis ceeal Nothd of sncliite summier fruste aýre a bar f0 roftabe weatculure asjearidity west until tihe wejstern clo(puses f the CascaLde Mountains areeaie. tde of tisis district, wetgoigis sucb an textrai isazardous buscln"ss tisat ne prudenqt;mawulli1 embarit in it, hence triee baifot been that increae"ý in the output prediceby entiuci- astic Canadians. Seclaio -bs ee ise sole hais if 1nsanlyof ts lwtgeeet put forth iii relation teithe liiiese extnt andl fertility cofithisditc. IlIn Briti6is Columbia Ltie Paille oCoýsr je tbie-waters of a wai mieq utsto, ial current, r-etssdering tbe climnate rild iand equable, and nîaking it 'psil o tn wbeat culture fer northwa.rd. Tie soi, le feril an ts ditrctwil iijutisn1atel'y add iaýrgeiy to tise worid's 11pP1Y, yvetadion ilromitis ssource wil] ha sEliow, asithese ]rich lands are mostly covered witb aqn imnse torest growtb, the remoýval ol wisich w ih a tasit for usure than une genetion.iii" TELUNITED STATES, WDHEAT FI1ELD5. Mr. Davis'noxt goces'hu*y ioto !-ise vzbecat, productioun and exportation e aUnited ,tates, aud hashows is eli mit f wsaa production lu tisat i otryy bas baieabd as alltise good Land bias beýi11au ten upi and a large and evrocecîgqatt f land hitiserto evte o tise cult ivatàion of sgiset. ls ein- cgesydfor the poutofe Othsreîe- ut a mneaproCfi table ca tr ausi1 especial1y is thie tis ecase of land sur- ron ing le ecantias of popullation o tite ive yasfrei:t1188s0 4 tie av erage aar- iy rudctin va(s -463,000,000 ef huchis aid tise 01sntofe-xpert cf ta rdute o5f0000 thuhls or tiseiast ive h)usiels- and tise annual average exportation 118,000,000 huchais. Iii thislaet fiveo ears tise curinikaga cf prodluction lbas beau i.14par cenjt. and in expertoar40 lparcet Mr. Devis 1nevtge nt e shscil tisat with tise p)robable ,rusa iiiiseie of ý wet isera will net hbaë etesofettise a aeset spart for ite cultivation itt1ie Uite(d ta as5 it will ha found t itoea moneiy eau ha miade eut cf other grow)ïths. Frons tit'i; re- viaw oethtie main wheat-produeing onre Mr. Davic je t iss aaled te show lt Iat ie te a, tailing off 'in tise production eofiviseat sud a steady increace in the number et con-_ suming populationi, and that therecfore et ak very early period a point wiii ha rcacýied whîere tise censuoption cf braad wiîi axccad ti-le production et wlscat, and theretora cause a L ste;ady increase in tise valua of wbaat and a lo;wer standard et living reserted toi hy la-rge numbiers of ppopie., Mr. Davis pute tise year 1894 as tise time si ban tise grmowfcfpopulatieni in tise Unuited luýc tiesaeyar t tise precenit ratecf cn tunte.Eu1rope wi1 lfidt cfi i6,lOMi( f uhasof wea.. ore je a, very sgiiant pararapbi Vbiatwmstd aeîce alt 45-,000(,- 000o( b1îssiels etfrye, ada ishe Uuited States weii bave' cPee te stt pl ie people cf tisa trepice tileY -ia% ohabu 0,0, bufelsetIse quaut1ity ncasigncd and 1iseate- fera e e Euirope, ;ce that in 189ýý5 itle pi chabla tisat ttishe l Whillhaýva te face a deficit et soe0,000,00 ettise'ars pr-in cipal lrea. ainsý,;andtisat t,îsereatter no deficit wi augmnt by miore than2500, 000 busiele e nu. WEEECANADA COESON Mr. Dat is gives foul benefit fer cprvd rne -tbods etsofcuitivatien, et tise ireductieni o7 nvwbeatfilds and otser sncbcosier ations, and tiserefore wo sec very iteea con for nef agreeiug wilis hie deductioneji. We do however, take issue wltbiim-inragard te Canada's pros8pecte a ietpoductng coupn. We de,' not accapt bis s1ttaeu1t that or lwbeadt flede intise Nertisweît ara ce$0 itd seussoartalU1as lieallge.Tiare ile every'prospect th iat Canada wiil11ha tise great itieat exporting oenr f tie world witsntnxt few vecars Tise )niy ls .,ing that anbusadagaisst o ur wlie-,atfieId-, lu tiseNlor-tlwestis thisa ibty le free,but we are makinglheadxxayagainiitisi iy tIse initrodluction et sîew variet; is et wlieat, andc as tise country le epened uip atsi arsai e teý iundrstand tisenature et islisuae n soui tisay wl, nedonht,sccediine tee euit ettaen iniaiusga irg harvest. V tisat tise proloniged per,odfgictua derassion is abo vec1, asss tisa iievau cf lu1and andtho eepsfottripouto wilgatvaugmýenit il] tis cmig ea and tisat tlie position cof tise farmier wLe îmmlenlsaly imrprovad. Heavy Locomotives for tise St. Clair Tisa approacies efthtie St. C lair Tunnel, couatigtie rndTrnkRiiayo Hent diseasae, the cympt'i omffetwhlichar falint sp lpri)e ips, nmnsplia teSkip bhase, bof flushes, r'ush cf blood stcug, rapid and iirregular, tisececod hart hast qu(Ilictar than tiseh' firstpaiu abeut tise breaset one, etc, cnposi-tvely bho clurd. No Cure, 1ne psy. Send foc he'bois.Addac M.V. LUBON, 50 Front Street Eset, T-*"r outo, Ont, ABOUT HANDWRITIIqG. Ait Expert Explains 17asy H iEs teTell Chalk Irons Cieeso, A profession wisichis l an cidl and boneced onie, but wbicis lias nef ceceived distinguisis- ad recognition unfil recantly, le tisat et isandwiting eipert. Tis kind cf tectimonv iu-w carrnes 'more weigisf wis judge sud jirymentisan itdid cone years age, bytisa mlïatîner lu wiich tise testimeuy le given. Tisa expert nowladaye doaos net askthtisa ourt andi1 jury teoacepbiis private opiinin:as te tise ganuiinucce et a sigI nature, btpoue s1lucis prouoef îtiseree wiisbav niad hlmi ri tIsae conclusien by lmeans of 1dua- grae ioorpe etc., as te ieave ne (loi 14,in the(itrmunde(l "Evarypercon," said D. T. Anses, tise ltamo(ue Ibandwciting expert, tise other day, "bais pacuiiar obýIarac-terîstie, and no twe handcitngsaraexactlo-y alike. Porsonali- fie-s enter ass3uiinto a masnh panmansbip asel i icdaily itareutrse wuiths friands or c.cuaitenec.Tise forg-er, tocr instancpe, can neof kInwhie; owvliahtsor contrii e l ýowas IlIatît i s te set it ace otraiy atvi. haua, t' tisoerstlîful ega cano whl blide ie eiwisindvdaiy egre r mPore trequenctiy conifissd te a cingla sigssa. haforebieascopy 1u11:)n wiic lcI i;, ma% prac iee uil h ieasacattaileed erneugli sksil to rrpcditca lis, o e lha my atusie e îttise varýices misanscii-ýI al maos oricaurug sior retoutilna by whicis ha wil haw giîdad. in, raprýoductnilg hiccopy. Wcc islefre isctIsod l jSe emloyed tiseýrae s luaiy afaa l ait cf ïaccuracy as tto mn. Tise etiier nsised usua lý1)IIY leaves signeetf tise slow ;and ssis imov emntrequtirec tor- cscetu]ly foilýowinig an outiine, aise caverai ratouches et tisaehadd nes, wbtich wben examined under a miicrtsoce are st once apparent. Foýrgaries tiseis malle imay generally ha de- mnonetrated frees tise very character cf tis xvr witisotsny retereuçce wisafevger tq tise genlerai signature. "Antssniusing instanice cf tise detec.tion eto tiisciae t smuatinsoccurrad lunmy wu ex.%par.icasema time ýSiince wbleis csled te a cer tain law office fer tisa purposa cf examtin- ing a coîtestedv.wiIlisejno mmeo tJise firm itoolk occasion te cpcct kdisparin iy cf exper-t examina;tione etoxvi itinig, sayitsg; tisat aclrk cf hisc ctld copv iseown iga tuire Se oiosely that ho wassunabl ia seaif te date t tbe' difference uer did ha belie ve tisat any exper t couild do se. 'I had neyeý,r sean t ise wiing et tlisa iawyer or tOat et hie elark. Aittrar sew iniutes tisa iawya isaed edime a Ibe et jlagali cap covarad f ront top) te bottent witb bfis na e roarkii n Ia a port [ion1l efthtisesigniatuilres had b ýeauI 1wriftcln hy -iismi asperltien by bisieck :and itieratiuig hie eatthaf if was yond is bic suld vwhicis tisa ccrk-'c. Tkigtise papar tinmy hisand I iooked aftesiaue for nef miore tham ncn min- ute. 'Von)i wrote tisai, tisa,,auiidlthat,' 1I saldI, dcaigtieaet tise signuauesý, 'sudt yeisr' lark xvriots tise ret,' Tlise lawýec ad- nîtdthse crr 'iee f imy aesýwer, aedt exIpreseed great surprise autie readinese andc aeulracY, and astad bow I hsadldctarnisinadi if,. 1 axplainad that lu looking dowu tise% patýe I 1ebserved tisat +tise writing oetoeue oicsetnames ws%;e atiraly homogeneous.? lur ifturne, sisades, grace et oflina, sud ail,1 1 Ira was apparent a t il, ntîscal menvemeut Nvlilil noterSettiserawraeeaîyt tteins an lesintite, place et rounid turne, cis8de%-arinýg in place sud degea iffler 1n eatndgenleral wank"t e omogencus- tueSc. Sc i',wae vrveaýsy te teilthees salrt acaîiiýfjus acreùýs tisare leritory et L'ru- guy eveal nctb)ing etf vary great i ts t) thse tenriet. Tisa'l adscape u arts l prqtty oma ie inely ititdtea i re te ha eenlongtlisehait fettise Uruguay; fise výiciity eft tsie(, agro, teeis cape- ally aitnatng sd cisaîrac:teristie et tise fertcile v-as o f tisa tarritory w ic tres;eut s siuhnilar tnbin ationc etf wara, weo , sud cîliing prairie.s Butý afl ti, oua eeu onweafies et lîoking at t lies came ki i et o vicw heur after heur, icaigue at'ter ceague, sud province sltar pro- vinCe. Tise tances et pestsa nd wirc are vat1ie-d sometiss hy tances cf aloas sud cactus ; tlise eucalyptus, tise poplrnr, sud otIier traýce are aIsoplantecdteoforesftances as tii qlisli ; tue reada, ivisare eue scs long taeviset oxen toiling aieug with isuge wag- ons, arc aa terrible as tisose of thSe Argen- ting ;u tis!e prairies ara detîcd with innumar- aa isards ot cattie sud hess; eccasioeally you cee tave er tiree peasants xearng bro i pesresriding aîsd çdriving snintaie hefer -tiat; islong intervals yen i cee eue ý) ,orescîh, or buts, wiser fisc peaseaute lix %-,. i u 1te Argeti ine tise uanchesappeared eass , î!aven sea plsiivlieaLInts ot hiagk ilsud, witb a coofli mize etraw, -s) floor'oft aefeteclis, a doorway, but not alnxway-4 a window Tisae ai ofettise Iruis pesnry gis a soeaides cf tise ' Ueguazy. rb~mtcdwelling, lae civilized tissu tisat et Isle Esquimaux, ard more carcleesly but tissu isba meef ordînary bird's neet, The Head Surgeon 0f tise taubon 1Medicai Company te now - "Harry is a daisy," said, Maud. " No, ho isn't,» said Ethel. 111 went tu the theatre with lîim last night and 1 discovered that ho is 'L mixture of rye and clover.", 1On Juptliter, wbich is aý much larger and heavier body than the-earth, a man would weigh about four hundred and eighity-four pounde whc se weight on tihe eartCh would ho 20,0 pounds. This man would weigh 218S pounds nSaun.(oming to the smnaller bodies we find that he would wveigh lees than on the eartb. Ris 200 pounds would shrink te 174 on Vénus, to 92 on Mecury, te 60 on Mars, and to 30 on the mon, wbila on the li Ltle, asteroids, or telescopio planets revolving between Mars and Jupiter, bis weigbt would ho from twe to four pounds ouly. Tihe matter dépends on thse mass and attractive force of the planet..-[Rochester Democrat. >- 74- $I par nnumin advaeee, otar Isa 10. Subsoriptions always'payable at tIsa of1ýýfi ac publication. -Advertising ratanees b)c - rac 't, 10= enspr lina, lnoparel, flrct insart. on' and 5cns p rlina eaots subsjeqoaat an se 'tien. Louas, 10 cents par lina3. My A. JAME,,Publisher T H E C 'S RBEST 7FRPIEN,1D I-ARGEST SALE INi CAN,,ADAý. CIt là np gsc fiZ uopl ubîsu. euebo n; t1;andÏ eo ;ri u el- bad omell Qr o Inmî -ý £Sgsouv TAL-M:1Y" stai e-mi elVt 615.11 'tot i ch au.& ar e îîsszu o ssî ~ir~ ouludud îlll1Vi f~IU.0 3f' .0, MRS. A. DAVIS, Manufacturer of -t~5 9 inilIthe latest styles. TONICIS thast un thse SIIAMPOOING ind1 ilAIR CUTT1N Q dune as usual; also WTAMPING lu alI its branches Neada 'Bleck, over -Mayur's Store, 1Buwmian. yille. THE, CUTRATIVE AcýTIvE RINCIUSE EXTACTD F~A COD LIvER'c promipt 1i - acutlsan i l fver 0;1 Yoa ho, a stisma Y C 1 GUL10 fA OOFL ri AML. perfect reguLftiîsg powers over ail the or gans of the systemr, and coutrolling their scecr. tiona hi sc purifias Ilse hlood that it Ail blood humors and diseases, from a, com-. mon pOmpia tesaworst sorofulous sore, and this comubinled with ifs iunrivalled re-guiati ng, lenngand puiritying nlueceoli the s3cretiolns of tise liver, kdes oesaJ knrander it unequallad as a cure for aI diSSsesof tise Prom one te twe botti es wili cure boi1g, phupies, blotlce, nettie rash, couirt, tetter, and ail tise simple forms of skia dis,,ease. orezoma, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, abs i3ecesses, cunning sores,and alcitin eruptienh, It le nef iceahie tisat sufferers frein skin Are nearly alwsys aggravated by intolerable Iitcbiug, but ibis quictly subsides ou tise removai efthtie disease hy B.BBJ. Passissg on te gravýer yet prevaient diseases, suas uceretulous swellings, homors andà We hava undonhted preof tisai froint threc te sixhetties uaed lut arnally sudJ byoutward application (diluted if tise stin le b roLie) to tise sffected pale ill affect a cure. Thso great mission et B. B. B. le te regulafe tise livar, tidneyc, bowelaisud biool,-te corrýct acd nysd wronig action eoftthe stomiacli, aud te pentise luice ways et thse qsystom te carr:y off ah Clogged sud impuire sacre- tiens, aleOwing nature' thuS te aid rtacoVes- sud caeva without fail isadciedopsy, cheemnatisiasdevr Species et diseasqe aielug .-front disordiered nliver, itiducyýs, loais owelesud hiood,. îWo guananieseecie7 11tile ef B. RB. B Sbeuld anypcsnha diýsatîifla atela usiug tia inttffe, we wv'ill r tonlise 1money or. ais) e agid ed teî( mnuiais sud in, frmtusproTilisa al, ffects Cet B. B. B. li- tise aboy nte aa Us n applicatiorâ tu T. MILBURN &C. ootOu;" s~ f~S9f Ç4p~ tt~he,~q Casto~ia.. In Black and Wh*t A1l statements concerning Burdock Blood Bitters are :L' made on the evidence 'of testimonials that can nlot be disproved. They are strictly true. B. B. B. Purifies the Blood. B6. B.B. Regulates the Liver. B. B. B, Strengthensý-ý the Stomach. B. B. B. Regulates, the Bowels. A11 such diseases as Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bi1iousnies, ,Jaundice, ýî;rofula,' Rheumnatism, Catarrh, Bouls, Pimples, Bl1otches, Skin Diseas,ýes, etc., are caused by wrong action of the Stoch, Liver, Bowels, or ]lood, aind may be cured by correctinig thîs wroog > action anid regulating and purifying ail the organs, thus restoriiog perfect health. 13.1B. B. will do this promptly, safely, aod surely. It succeeds weeother rueedies fail. Eveni many forms of Cancer yield Io its cura- tive powers. Price $î 1per bôfftte, six for ,or Iess than- a ceýnt a dlose. B. iB 13, Cures Dyspepsi.. B. B. B. Cures Bloses B. B. B, Cures Constipation. B , B B. Cures Bad Blood. àfl THE EAST END PAINT ÂIND PAlPER STORE is now open heewilI be found ful l imesi of Wall iPapers frorn 5c. to $2 per roll, 1Mlxed Paints-rnixed to order and sold by the pound, lPutty, Gjlass, Peerles Machline Ois, etc. 1 arn prepared to do housepaintiing, graining, and decorating, of al kirkis. B'rusbes to boan for pahsting and kalsomining. Mixed Kalso- mine1 also for sale-amy shade dcsired. KIRBY&SHRN Reid's Block, opposite Niew,-Hotel Building. 14

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