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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1891, p. 7

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CRATEFUL-.COMFORTING "'By a thoroig{i know!edge o! the ,,naturel law,ýS whLi-ýh goverro the '0eration of dZ.etion and ntiltîin and by'aeereful application 'o! the fIine plrope5rtie; o! well-s3lectpd Cocos. Mr. Epj Saa ~revdedonr breakfast t abtes wiih deiatz~' I~-1e baverage which "aY Save lis lïs1lý h' avp oto bis. It le by the Iudcicis se ! echarticles' of 'diet thAt a nensituionmaybe grauuely built up untd. trongf enOngli te aeis vers- tendency t (ilseaýsý- ordrdse subie mialad;e, NJating w4un uready to. attack wbj seV 5h'er0 is3 a weak point. We may escape, A ý,j ,ai at by keeping ourselves well ftitte ith~ pure blond and a properly iourîîu ~!rme. -Civl Service&Gzte Mae im-ply with boiling water or milkl ýoldolyé pankets. by Grocers. labetled îbusý J4f lp E aP ~Ce., OomSopathie Chenk TORENT.-For termn of yearis, "len) Tb *"-300 acres, 2 miles froni Wbitby- grodi bu1ildigs and soil Admirable eor elOclt otr dar.Ci aune for 9oîng extensively into Toropto illilk business or stock raising fot amrcnmarke,. Men with capital oulIY Aeed appl.v. J. H. Dow, Whitbv, 32 if' Tili)V\E BEEN FAVORED WITH .Linstructions to seli by private sale by the execultors of the estate o! the late, Duncan 1alcolm, the south east, 80 acres et lot 17, con. 4 D)arlingý-ton.enWhich is erecieda bouse, trame barn. dîrî vîngi bouse and stable, etc. About 4 acres oArs clasa orchard Terus easy as Il ni SI e sold eIt once. LEvi A. W. TOLE, Rteal P. tate Agent and Auciioneer. 35-tf. f ARNM FOR SAT.E.-130 acres, ceni pof e!Soth pari of Lot No. 19, Broken Pirolpt etd là iircee miles frem the Town ni Bevemanville. This le one oftihe best tarins la the ceunty of hem. ht ls ln a high state et cjultiatien. and is well fenced On the Pre. mises there Ise a stone dwelling, iwo large barns2 wd otber oui-buildiings. with stone s3tablinz: for cattle and hnrses, ,hree wells and tour cisrerois, aIse wind-mill for Pnmlng wate, Fer turther partictilars apply on th premises or if by letter te HEtNRY MANN. Bow- mia n vill 1-t F~~~~ ,R4FO~SL3-Con iting of 31 tien ('f the towl et B.,wiianvilte. There id a good Ilse barn ai stable on the promises, alsb abou 1 acres of young orchard nnw be. gining tn bear and a small running creek of water cr9s).seR the preperty. Es'erYthiag ln goced condition and siate ef, cultivation. The propert y will be sold chaao and on easy terme of pa"yni.ent. ADPpY ta L. A. W. TOLz,or THss SRTQ' Bo0wmanville. Ont. 45 FARMS FOR SALE. 0 will purchase 76 acres, $1 ) Nv iiii gond honse and good eut bidings oi, 101h Con., Dariington,eoil gond t day Iceni o It cleared. 1-ý1,ýl will purchase good home 1$ 105u on 4th con.. Darlington,cn tansng, 10t0 acres, gond Stone haeuse, good ont- ( wiII purchase one> ef Î -3.'.-~ 0 0 the besi fartas batwçeoe BowmabýnviU'le and Newcastle connîitng 150 acre"' '~ ~~ 01,'(~' will purchase 100 acree ~ in Manvers with gond buildings FAl cleared, gond soit. 4 iacres of land considered te be -14 onDe of the besi farmsa on Con. 1, DarliDe9ton.ý gond buildings, gond locality and utbe Fod.lor any of above properties bEVI A. W. TOLE Real Esiate AgRen t and Auctioneer iVris DOGNN4 riLY hlas Jttst 1 eceivIed a larg e as- sortm-ent of ïPR qRAN SUMMER 00008 cail iûuid set> ber large stock of Lsce, Straw Hlais., LAdies and Children's Drees R-ats, ait 3,) cts. each ; aleo a large stock ef Fîrnch - ld Enliýsh fl wers at very Iow prices ; RibnLace> aud, Feathers ie ail thei'ateaýt shades, PleaîPe caîil and inspect before purchas. ing elsewhere. LatsL t>di'esu-d Chjldren's straw and felt ha s r haped in ail tht> latest styles. t per Cent. Interest payable yearly. Straiglit Loans. Apply at once toa-, DAyIDJ. ADAMS, Banker & Breker,, 19~~3m. PORT PERRY, ONT. K PECIAL AiNiOUTCEU 'NT FACUT 0F APPLIED SCIENCE has hbeen p)rer ared, stating th> detals of tht> --, 'W îRs LÀnouReAPOES, WORx sHo P;, API'A1IASUS and other iiV~rovemeniti in it.e se3vtrat Dý,artments .'f Civil, qit, ing, Mechanica and Elecettical Enigineer. Cong, Set> Trea, erBronhiti, use it, for it will cur~e yen. If your child bas thie Croup, "0i s~Whoping Ceugh, use it promnptly, and relief L. l sure. If yetl dread tisat insidieus diseese Consumnption,' use it. Asic yeur Druggisi for $ HILOH'S CURE, Price Io ets., 50- $!.eq. If your Lungs3 are sore or Back, lamne, ,'m se Sliilott',î Porou, Plaster, Frice2 U s s DEATU IN THE ]DERT. lfoiei awful elxperience when hle reore,,d 1115 BURIED LEU. strengoth elingh te spcak. '"My God,,,,,he saidJ_ "Itought1 )t ]Isho die fromntbirst "k '110w tihe Iliteesse Pain ife Fell Was sngu' Thes liecesi N'arrawvi, I aitlemer t~apperd hthehdtrnvelled ail tht> Way Ilarly telievedl. Mie BeaCh Valljey Expelittees. fromi Indie undet, the butrning sun1 and " That reminde me," si the> man who is A ecouple ot the> members cf irtht> Death throuigh the hot sand, a distance oft corne always being remindcd e ofmnething. Valley exTjdoring exped(itioni have recenitly j hthrmies or more, and had had nothingi "Wbat is il that remrinds enadw undergonle anixerel on the desert whicb 1te drlink fer'somethiug like cigisteen heurs. o? oadwa serves ns a striking illustration of tht> dlan. How1-1 he uvived the suffering was a wouder. "1This item about a manu having> bis leg gers attendling these wýho taes that r-- No ont> who bas nteprecdtt thirst lburied the other day. honeî' if hievill. gion iwithout themoseamlple equipinent. It 14tlia besets tire desert tveercen have tht>,,sv th saine expcrerice as a friend etf aippears thatii Prof. P'almer, -wbo is the leader leasti idea of its ter rible intensýity'FThe larg- mine. Strangest thlingIiý eveýr heard of. oï the Lexpedýiin, "set oeut f'ro]lI eath Val- et aten -ht aub crre wtlb e You se>ttrepoor fellew had suiffered untoitld ley, for Dgetthtearee ailro ad point, hau ste t bi aft eurso-n1. Qn011e 1ma y (drink gnIo ro oeatrijrn i ,or tOLoefuple.Hie toekatw-ios>bi iladIlbnle iu e tht ltirst right Lleg hy fatlilng di.sars ad ially Wagon andws copaid yadrvr.wl ba hda ee.Me hohbtuly h>mebr)eae eseaeed tat amtpu. Whilë in campnF on tht> way ini somne rman triavc rse tiisregion train tesle t ain a eesry. Tht> otian nieaýrly tht> herses ,gel away trom theni auod strt c vwth uater forlheurs aEt a tirne, adwhndied idler tht>operand, tb 'IoiFtghiis jenet eutforbone. This, by tht> way, eadagrinrdett ardbIlteysifer ltt. tht>llecurionrs part et tht> stery. Tht> removed that ail old depiert traveltere guard against.. Buit thet> yre finds it impossible te resist tht> poýrilIon ie h>leg was takenji away and Herses appear te bave a perfect understaud- dusire for repealed libations, and wheiin herîed. I teili knowti, et corse, te ing et tht> dangers atlending suds jeurneys, supply etf water bccomee exhaueted it neesîgclsetllee that wsuamac has had a and neyer loe an opprtuniiy te run away. but litt> te dr've him insane and end hie 1 l IbcLofh utsfes rtik i Witbîn tht> writer'e persoual experience a' lite, sifent>, pain-which ameounte te tht>camne teama broke loose trousi camp on tht> Colorado Soettimee tht> suiferng preceding dent thi ig-in tht> part ot tht> member remioved. desert eue evening, and by sunrise tht> uext is et tht> mest horrible klnd. MecnJbave been tb was se in tiis cnse, and as my friend came mnorning they had reached home, uearly sixty found who badl tomn their flesh and sucked ha:cký te conecieusness his constant cemplaint miles distant. their ewn btood, others have resorted te in- wse h>me eeepi i h>bre Prof. Palier and bis càmpanien being describable menus for allevinting thirst, andfot thus loftI on f oot ini tht> midst et tht> deseri, bodie hv entudwthtt nl o There is sometbing pressing upon il,' their only resource wns te push on as hest np for n dozen feet ini tht> dying struggle>. hweuld sny iin what seemed lîke delirium; th ey ceuIll te their destinatien. They were, .Colmeîngth fldwthtewti ý' packed tee ightiv.' et course, unable te carry sufficient food and antheuticated tales et suffering anct death "New that tht> sufferer knew nothinig et water, and for two dnys they were obliged frem thirsi that bav e cerne within tht>oh- Wliere or bow hie lest limb wa'- buried, but te subsiet upon the scantiest supplies, altt evjne ta aryraeetponeswea n matter et tact itIhad been swathed lu a tlne toiting tmnvelled tht> deser wih tearnand stageloeteypcedigtynnbxadh> TYN,'DEI A BRLOILING SUN, long before n, raîlread w-as th 1ouîî t . 1,l u,, put uindergr-' ond. IDny atter day over the> bsrning wasie. Tht> driver, ns ile thoc usthr n ermr ufering- wu-rt ou, tht> sufericg et tht> man with tht> usually tht> case, 'hecarne partially insane. and tha n tow, and undrede et lives were lest, i oI iebg et gs row intoeraleu the il was with difficulty Prof. Palmer wnc able hucli n thing je net possible now, at îesas t îa o iiy e begg felts rohe te daiig phi te retauî centrol ofhimn. Tbey finllyrcacb- atong tht> railread lines. Train ernpioeees re le>e lteeefesrmv tswnpn ed aggîttsoevtrin n amoi t>baut-under orders te pick up smen wîîo lup r tinmd change ils posionin tht> box. Onty n ed condition, aud trorn tiere Palmer went by be sufering ou tht> desert, anudd "e l e rnsace r esn cir-s n' sigi v i, ttîubatt> brlow ther, h rail to Claremont, in Les Angeles Ceuty, t iav>saepesnet e u fftsecr W ureing tht> unfrtue ellew. tili, which ite bis fatht>r's residence,. Where li i 1between stations uhile att emptint te"betiwyh oldnyreatn bc eteedowas sse reupentig, and je undecided whether! their w-y." These tacts, by tht> w Iay, knocke reuu an Vlleytht> fonodation froni beneath n grnp 1ctae iinvaldishedand then tell i buabout trietl te, o1'h aleý,r net. i t ile efciaiigbýtlibe a relief te tlt> eick Ths xerenebrà.mfge te mmd1nlong iel rýýecently publish.ed,,whicb purpo-eriedte r- o Ie-ii ,I'hte)a cpnswerernol tlaie tht> horrible deatît et a tramp whe waes ' md it',s ilnensense,ofeourse, be so ortmae ptb1erandIli,ýcompanieni. ejected fon ettn ntht> decent for neot saîd te himiiecî, but be weut oeenighti, just 'lht>e numlber t. er. w-loho ave lest their having n ticket. .tibe camie, duig u isle ltmb, relieved il et île but s ideansaybe tomed.trem ht> act Te - -lping, tuirued it over iu the> box, and lives on th> eserl -will ieever be knoivi, oeîors.bridtegwen tnggantitig th~ exilmoring lhe would tell bis brother that in a ingle censeni tht> writer kepl a InuIbis; addreste tht> youig minurcul ail abeui'The firet thing bis brother said recerd et thirteen -hothus perielîed. Inadmitled imb thtew York Conterenice oet t hhn w-heuIlhe-saw hbu was: 'Somelting tht>eld ante-railroad dnyvs il w-ns a frequenit tise Methodiet Episepai Chuorch, Biehep (qsecr 1happeniedlest night.' 'What w-as occurrence for tht rie ainsiers and Iilzgeraid strongly cenisured tht> preclice et that '.,' WTlIyenknow wbatlIhave beeni stage drivers te tell tfndn ytht>rond. these ministers, who, lbaving changed Ibeir, tejg yen aboutmpy bunied lirnb, bew- aw- side tht> bodies et men w-ho hiad evidently creed, continue iii their fermer relation, futlly il nched, and hew itfeu ns if sometbiog periebed treî thiret. Generally tht>dis- niolwithclanding lte tact thal their pulpits s pressing upen il. Welt, juel about 10 ceverene et such ghnslly remains would dig are held on tht> conditioni that doctrines in o't>lock ýlest uight, when thet> ling w-ns ach- a shlnlow boit> and give thora burial. Tht> harrnny witb certain standards chah bt> ing ils worst, I ail at once feu n relief. Tht> Coroner was never catled on te offic 'iaIt>, and proclanied from them. Atter characteriz- ,pain -wns complehely gone, and 1 bave net if btie nd been il le dosîbtul whelbcr hie ing schb conduci as dishonest and dishonor. telt iil ince." would have risked his lite by geing.te tht> able, the speaker centinued :-" You may I 'The bUrother w-as astoniehed beyond ex- scorie. say in reply: 'Our views may change ini pression. Il wne juel exacîly fivt> minutes A notable case, illustraling tise danger te spile et ourselves. Our deubie îaylbecu ee bcoro 10 o'cieck ou the night previeus that whidi even the meet cxperiencedl desent settled convictions. What we believe to-e- hiad changed tise position et tht> hunicd traveller is snbjecied, wns Ibal 'of a resident day we may net believe le-merrew. Hew 1h b, and hie had neç.t-tld a living seul et et San Bernardine named Corunsan, Whîcb do w-t know what ive shah de?' l'Il teli l 7atlie hll doue. Raîher curions, îen't il?' occurred about fifteeni yeare mgo. A young yenî. If you have auy double, keep tleî ________ man w-ns seul oui by Coruman te viiltishe te yourselves. Don'h preacb aboutithemi. remete mioiog camps et Ivaupais and Reet- Don't even mention tbem in the privncy of ing Springs fer tht> purpose et obtaîniug tht> yonr ewn home. Lock tbeî in yonr lisait, Roveîr in Ohurch. cîcctiin relumus. Atter hee bad becu goet a and kecp tbern there. But if your doubîs 'Twas a Sunday merning in tarly May, tew heurs il struc oua h. h>0t5s pre orieart, if yen find tht>m a A beutiful, cuuny, quiet day; songer bad neyer becîs on tht> deseri, burden on yonr conscience, then come te And ail tht> village, old and yeuog. and was in danger et being lest. As bie was tht> conftrence, risc lu ynur place, and sny, Ratl hroeped te churcis wben tht> churcis bell biniseit familhar with tht> roules, hie saddlcd ' Brelbren, on sncb a day 1 cnlcred !rie a 1 ung a herse, filled n canteen, -and starled out. soetmn conîract wils yen 10 maintai and -Thet windowg*er penl, nnd breezes sw-ect Overiaking thte iscenger, lie cent hiîback, prench lise doctrines et tht> Methodiet Epie- gedo 1sIie(i and then icentinued ou w-bat was deslined copial Church' because I believed in theni; Fl,tsei thyuke re sent te icent te prove but myviews bave e ieand 1Et-en tht> birda', i th ahel a bri RIS DEAn-S JOIŽtxvE. ablete opreacit teisciinylne.Icno t> reachcd tise camp, eltifanect me retumne, break mry contract. 1 nsk yen tor an bonjor- I Rgit l tht> miidet oetitht> ministt>r's payer and then stirted bac'.k for SnBernardine. alerelease.' Tht> bretbr-en w-ut lrelease , TIîce>came nakockmithe door. IlWbo's But lie neyer reachecd thlat place. you wils maniy tears. but yeni wiîî relain 1 there, Soie lime elnsped nnd faliy pa' lies ar- the0ir respect and th.eir leve as a truc anid I ,yoncder '" tise gray-hnaired se-,ion tlsoughl, rived in 10w-n w-be bnd lett Ivanpah several honeet mnn." Wîtl Ibis opiniion every IAs, Ihi-, areftul car thet> npping catIgbt. days atter Cmmnsdeparture. This aIt air-miuded person it vl agret>. 0f cure ap rap, u rap mp-a lollr eounid. once cnuscd mninvstg toebe madle. those w-liewieb te have an fiiug at tise Tht> boys ou tht> back sente lurnied nromnd. Experiencede trackers were put on thet tail, chtsrches will conitiniue te dleouncl'-e tht>1What ceuild il mean ' for ne\ cr betere and they tound sI vbere C'orumiian, evidently potîcy w-hich requimesa that ministersi shaîl: Hl any eue knocked ah tht> old cbuirch deeor. crnzed with thirst, hiad leftt> rondlin senrch sîbcribe te any standard of doctrine asj et w-ter, hnd wandered aimilessly about for nanrow and as teuding te finsincerity nIdl Aýain tise tapping, and uow- se lcd muiles, anud finally had ceome bac-k wilin a dicboneeiy, but thse unprejudiced will St>t> iiinister paused (lhengh bis 'iIcad w-as ft>w- yards cf tht> bighw-ay. Coîpletely ibat only thus cari a churcb connexion bls bow-ed). iworu out, lhe had tbrcxvn himeelf dow-n Sy cmsiaîd. Il w-as infunite widoi that de- RnýIppeLy rap! This will neyer de: tiseside et a boulder aud Slow-nont bis clared, "lA bouse divided againet itsect cari- T h e girl sert> peepiug and langhing, tee! braies wilb tise six-shooter te- which lie badl netstand." So tthiesexten tripped o'er tht> creaking floor, ciung titrougis bis iîsdescribable sufferinge. i Lifieui the latch, and epèned tise door. Ht> lefti n ndehy scrawlcd note stntmng that A Sad Story From Vienna. 1>1 lie w-as lest, tisaI bis horst>baid gel a way, Prap'Ior ietu tl as r l1 here trothed a big black dog, and that there w-ns ne other refuge excepi benbl has onet> -hi ale bas et o crdAs iýg as abear! Wilb nsotemu jog, >suicide. entl hnoewihha-js curl Riglit up tht> centre aisie lie pmteed: The singulan tact that tIhe beiicf oethtie in Vienne. Tht- porter o!, a bouse in t'ise People migbl eiare,-it ltte mmttered, victirn Ihat hie is elt je almeet immediately suburbs heard n report fronthtie coller, on t Sîigist he w-ct ult a uitIle mnid, productive et insanity bas been notedhin, Tuesday îigbt, and a girl w-msfteund lyiusg Wbo bluslied and hid, as thosîgîs fraid, scores et instances. Tht> preteund de soin. on tise greund in tht> cellar ber forehead And there set dow-u, as if te say: thon, lise appnllhng quielude, tise trenten- pierced by a bail froî n revolver, w-hichs sie '41l'ino"ry that I w-as laIe te-day, don bot o th su, ad te afultorure istili held in lier hand. Ai tht> iospital te Bt t ier lait>titan neyer, yen know-. et thiret combine te upeet tht> stontesi iu. w-mets she w-ns reîoved ehe gave birth te a B;esides, I waiied an heur or se, tellect in ais ncredibly short tume. White I cbild, and then died. Her Iislory se a very And ceuhdn't gel theî te open tht> door eueetfIbe surveying parties w-as -g sad ene. She hnd received a very god Till I wagged niy tlau and buotpcd the floor. the ines for tise ailroad acros,; tht> deserti uaton, and, w-len lier tather and moiher Now, uifle misîres, l'in goicg te stay, soose uweuîy ycnre or more age, n yen]'g died, shewent oi as -agoverssess, and ýacnt And lhear w-bat tht> minister bas te say.' ian connccted wils hic pairiylb is litesicers ý)Sh had hrsibohesad in ainmiier !i soe wa sisers.Shehadbeen 1w- e -ars in tht> bouse Tht> poor, utIle girl l liem face, and cried iii amemanable anner b soe w-n Nvlseishie becamne acquainted with avyeung Bu1jthtie bigo, tshe ls e e d> 11E BECAME 'ARt],TLED bnok-keepm, w-ht> premised te mar-y br nsai nd (o kiscedele ir i4e troiniIis enos in a setCton that w-es 'ceeu asltbrey had.savede tnoug. Ts ongà-bedgtioenry 0ausdIvaln et hew- bv ille. * otn. ho-everc eiiiadha l~->~is qdsn -a ise malter- coldlbe. travemred by alrange1Wbale gi\eii iileo at throuigb tisesermoon and heard il ail. lie lessi igîtof Itht>wagonls and ie le-psimdgot iv vth a sist'2er. Tht> gtl The (dog Seing large and tht> sexion eal, raeestt-y w-ei'e Illa position iin tht> w-me seon afterw-ardc iisntissed mcd w'Ive"t ' st s alt lind Nwise as any eue tee hiis w-Sert> îhey couild sce> iîtt in tht> vailey sevie s a bsouse îaid. Hem mistreeýs kn'e"'W- w --iycii)tescoal Sl-.For a while [lu appeared te Se oftlber condition, but sire wasse hrdw-orkînc, ~ eydgieshiryar wakn lrg fllwn h r sud neat that she keptiber until a week ea nd nia e cligtt iise ad wakcgaoneeiytolw-u ht raieA l, sle laid Ibis band on tt> 5w-veci chtîld's isead,ý hoft by tht> w agenes. Thien lie began to'w-heu ehe anuounced bler intention et "geiVlAetr tht> service, " I neyer knew- w'ander aboîtt. Atter -atching bu throngh F te soie tniende. InsteadofetIbis set sold Tw-o ISettr liet'nems than Rover and you 1" 15cm gîmses for soitetinme thcy becanit cou- bler hst belon ginge, boog!lhl a rev\olver, and, vinced that scmelhinig n'asw-ong and locked herseif in tht>cellar, wbjere shte lioped -OuirDiSi Animale. sevemal efthtie parly bemied doîvu into tht> te dit>etfcol." and buger. Whnta tht> end valiey ater bm. When tbcy renched bu Flet tht> week, deatb had net cene ltefber slhe The National Bird. ilîey found thatSe w-as clark crazy, havinglattempted suicide. She gave a tie et(to _ bedome selhî-ongh thirsi and tht> entirehy tc conteI bs ett ecoewoIA. correspondent rcvives tise sgesin Sutdid ht>sae igsta idin tebi 0-nclla. hn- fa euly tentye Irt. (>na ht mbatcbrd ow Iiseun- LAS SAGE 0 ST1SATIŽeFweddy w-s on -his firat sea veya e. i pcemntpisn. 1S pale, limnp, mand remdy to dit>, Selygrn- Tise obd rickety veisicle w-s coered wilS a ing un hbi Stck. I 1w to Cure uil Sia Disease. ragd sheeli of cauvas, and )on tumiing thlis " (ho101y, " beeidfeebly, at terln aret-xysi Snmiapy"wux'eOrms' N 'bacS ean old mais w-ns teunmd. apprentiy oh n)sual vioeemc hâd epeul ieself assd ha lnteLCUal i todicline reqiatsed. Cmeestetter, 'dicd. Examinationoer, show-ed himt had Secomie comparabivt>ly cam, ii, " felon -CE snis, i'ch. ahl emuptiossa on lh- r ý- b 1d to be aive, and semestinmsulant diluîted wils ouiglit tl e Se dsid tisankfii e idenI a Co." tc' , tCleaving thle> stii ec , '"mm milk wasqtickly oislined andcpoumd deNin 'Wiiy !" %sked Cliolly. '4st bnelhr c-. yr hi3 parched mand blackeedibottroat. Il was "Beceust> a cew-waugh i bs gt osn 'fOrSNw-¶2ES OINMZN15e i hieavtreàiding te Isear tht> pooerfellen' heU etomsechs. 4os't y' know 1' Ly botes & C.Mnru.Wocý1 s One Touch of Nature. Leepold-" I day, uow-, Algy, bond m asa shilling, n'en't ye ? I'd likc te give aime te tisat blid fellah. I teel se eermvy for Slimd men, yc kuon'." 1Algernon-" Se de 1, suy boy. We don't weaise w-bat au affliction it is iïtvah te set> tise w-ces and w-oses, and mil blinI, yeu snow." Leopold-" And fasscy selectiug 1wousers 'sybersyorFe 1Simd V Ti ise,, leio e ie ur : Iitat lime isI Tise eporto tie Maice Court, -icS iuir ie th> olisonbct'w-een tIsu- isi seamr to i antH.M S, Ansen, nw>s elà,iicly puh,-iished e n Salurday uight., Tht> C rtfluds tisaI tht> mastero etteamener Utopie, John MKeaguîe, eomiitted graveý renoms in judgusent, but does ntt btink iine- cessamy te deal lu auy nay ivitht tht> maeter'e certificate. SbIWmTsIeS Misture; intense itchiu-g.andl stinging ; mosiaet ntgt; isorse r-y scatchîeg. If eH ,)wed te continue tupir eroni which e'ten hlepd and uteetate. heccming very sort> W-AaES OINTAIENT, stops lhest'-hing ad btt>cdicgIeale u1ceratin. sud iii'most cases remos-es thc tumors. At drugzists or hi' mii fer 50 cou tsý Dr. Swaysse &Sbon. Philadlphia, Lyman Sons & Cnsl'>I Vhs esale Agît>. Justice Stepisen, w-ho has juet etired frotI tht> Englisis bonci, 'miii redoive a pension of $25,000 a, year. 71kn Baby w-ne sick, w-e gave bier Castorlà, Wuenasew-as a 0h13à, site cried fer C'ateria, 'Ï10eu sbe becamne Miss, she clung te Casteria, ems-i s she badi idren, sbe gave tien, Castoria, Tise Occasion toe Much fer R.i. -My dean Ellen, - said Mr. Sot tfellow- te a youug ladyw-bose smiles he w-ne seekiug, I b ave long .wished fer Ibis sw-eet eppor- tuniity, SbuI 1 hnrdly dame trust myseif non' te cpemk tht> deep emehions et nîy palpitaI. ing heari. I decinre te yen. my dearesl 1Eblen, tisaI I leve yenmset tendcrly, Yeur smile w-euld shcd-would shed-"" Neyer mmnd th-t> wodshed," eaid Elier, "go on wilStisaI pretty talk.." For Over Fifty Tears Mas. WINSLsOW-s ffec'ruNG Svaup bas beau used by millitons of moihe'sfer their ciidren w-hile teething. If dissurbed at nigisi and broken of yoor rest by n sick childsifl'ering and cryicg witb pain of Cnitting Teith send et, ence aud get a bote eof Mrs. Wineiow's SoelbingSyrupi"for chîldren teeibing. ht i wlt relieve tht> poor ltlle sufferer immediateiy. Depend upon it, mothers, tbere is ne misiake about r. i cures Diarrboea, regulates tht> Stomacis and Bowt>is, Ceres, Wiod, -Colin, seftens tht>Gis, reduces inflammation sud gives toue and energy te tise w-bote systcmt "Mme. Wtnstew's Sooihing Syrup" for chîldren teetbing Ce pleasant te the teste and le tise prescriptionuof one> of the eldeet and bt-st te- maie physiciane and nurses in tht> United Stasep: Prie 25 cents a botte. S13 by ail duggisls tisrecehoi the w-rld. Be sure and ask tor *MRS: WINSeew's SOOTmEI-NG ESaUP , A BEmy Morniug. "Muis business Ibhis -momning V' said tise drnggist te ie unew- clerk as he cntercd tht> store. "Yes, cr," repliced tht> youth, I' v> had, n buy orningoe t il.Tisent>have becu six' -oîen ini teo 4k aItht> directory, and 1I have sold egtpsnesmuebesidesr%."-1iv Y. (jatarrix. CxARRIIHAL DaiÂs-Nas-HÂv F.ivEa-A Nain' enmaiTREATMENT. Suffitrers are net gent>m'ly awnme usaI these disease are contagions, on tisat uey are due te the> presecce et living parasites in tht> lining membrane efthtie nose sud custachian tubes. Microscopic esearoch however, has provt>d ibis te Se a tact and tht> resuilt oethiis discovery je tisai a sim- pie remedy bas beenformuiated, where- Sy catarrh, catarrhsal deafoose and bey fever are permatsently cured in oee l three simple applications, made at home by tise patient onîce in 1w-e weeks. N. B.-Thsis treatieni is. net a anuiffer an eintmt>nt; both havt> Sesu dis- carded as injurions., A pamphlet ex. piaining this nen' treatmnenz is sent fret> eu receipi et siamp te psy postage, Sy J. G. Dixon & Co., 345 West- Kinig St. Tor- ente Caniada. -Christian Advecate. Sufferbrs f rî,m Catarrhal treubles shonîd cn'ef fiîly read, tht> niove. Kost UntrutfUL. Tht>, à-u1thorities iin th> istand et Crete are aI Ibeir w-ils' end becanse efthuislyiu g pro- pensities et th> popuýlatioýn, w-hicS are Seing given veultet espccimlly 'in th> courts et justice and in th> ncw-spapers. "lCretansi hmave ne respect for tht ruIs," reports th> Governor. Th>Apeette Paul is by4nemens' seo tender su giving expression le bbc sainet tact . H> telle Titus in th> fret chapter:- " Th> Uretane are nIw-nys biars, evil benete, and slow bellies." And Paul telle, mise, tismt a Crelan, pmopisei-ws it Epimenid>s ? -bnd smud lise sait iing et bis country icis long betone. Frm îtume immemomial, as il w-ould seci, tise Cretans have hnd th> reputathon o! Seing tise biggeet tiare. Lumbnhago, Backache, Headache, Troothache, Bore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Br'uises,_Burns, Etc. Seld by Druggets end Dealers everywrhere. FMfty Ceutr a boltule. Diectieus in Il Languiages. THZ CHtARLES A. VOSEý,LEII CO., Baltimore, M(t Claai!an Dapt: Toronto, Onlt !What! Neyer!1 Only 5ef Equal to auy Package Pyt> in tht> Markcet. BIR1GHT AND 1 FAST., Scnd fer Saîple Card te J. S. Robertson & Ce., Manufacturera, Mentreal. A. A. BOWERVfAN ]RAS REIIeVE» tht> w-boIt>et bis m achinery, stock, etc., ta PORT PEIRIRYj on account ef tht> recent flood, .nd ise aw prepared tom business. Tw-enty-biv> thnuoand peunde et w-el w-antt>d, for w-hicb tht> higisesi price w-ti le pal a. C ustoî w-nmk a specilty sud ail w-rk guaranteed te hc dont> in a dIrsl- ases mauner. A arge stock o! ianutaetured w-eehed gonds, prints, coitons and general dry gonds always on baud ai reanable pricess Bnund te kees, t up with thetimtes, Cmli ab tht> w-t>l-knnw-n Mille, and yen will always be ibemally deali with. 23-lyr A. A. BOWERMAN, StickIHeadache and eisemitm>tobe n denttCea bilions sdate of tht> sysrdem, sucb as Dizzint>ss, NausteaDro ssnsDistress after eating, paiin t" id, &. it teir Mest t-emnrkable succes bshenshwn u ing Itendache, yet CARTEa'a LiTTLz LivEa PiLUi are equaliy vs-abtîtin Constipation, cirin end prevt>ting Chie anney-ing cernp teint, wbll( Chey mise correct aIl disorders o! tht> stomac1t, stinmaIt> tht> 'l'ver and egulate tht> boweIU aiseu if they enty cureS Ache tbey w-nu i b almeet piceless te those w-ho sufer fomi this distressing ceiptsstnt* but fotucately their goodess dees flot ens1 litre, and those w-be once try the willI flnd hIt> pille valuable n so many ways tst tbcy will net lie willing te de witbout thisu. But aSter aIl sic;! hend, le tht> banc eof se înlis-es tlIa iber,, 1e;w-iere w-e make our g-çgt bOasl. Our pillseuere t w-bile other ent CÀanERaýLT)'sLri.z is-sa PiLLe aIl'(s-cry smial anS s-ery easyCtai.()t>cor tw,,puiis make a dose. ,They re o tric-tlyvegeïtable cd (do please aIl who ose th 11m. 1lu smis nt 25 cents; five for $1- SolS es-erywbem7e, or sent hy maiL CREAM TRTAR PURE5ST, STROFJGE ST, DEST, C0NTAING NO AIlum, Ammoia, Lima, Phosphates, OR AMY INJI'RICUS SUBSTANCE. E. W. G 1L.LETT, reAo MANUFACTURER OF 'ECELEDEÂTIED» YAL YEAST CAxELý .yýqsjRj'?£F YOUTH4. eosD. bmtySand Prenituxe Decay. rompt1y ansd permuaneutly cured by M w * ; Dees ilot interfere withvdik3t erssuaS ocunailois and fully restores lost vigor and nuejrfo maeh"ood. Price $1 per b x. ;3ole Propitor, H. SCUOPEIiLD, Ich' Iid's Drug Store, £LM BTEI5T, TQOEO. .1 - The Ood That HOlPS ta Cure The CoUd. The disagreeable k QIPure CodLivber OWt 1HYPOPHOSPHITllES The> patient suffering from CONSUMPTION, BIRONCRî'r18, COUS1H, COLS, 0au IWASTING DISIEASES, takes the l eeyas hoe would take snilk. A per- fetcusiee, and a ut> tderl'al fleih predecer. Tacke ne ethler,.4! reAsl,5l, .0

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