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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1891, p. 1

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TERMB ;-81.50 Pxi Âiqrn. OUR TOWN AI~iD OO ÂPTERWkRDS. M. Â. JÂME8 EDITOR ÂKD NEcW SERIES, NUMBEBî 66'd. BOWMANVILLE 01 JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN IuuuuII HAVE OPENEJ) OUT 0F NEW 8PR/N n S«eU E ever shown by any housel in West Durham. EKverybody Invited to Cail and See IL COUCH, JOHNSTON, & GRYDERMANI Bowmanville, Mandli 24, 1891. One Door West o! Post Office. WIRE ~We have WR WJRE~~ust received WR fieunes of Barb, Annealed SS iron Wire, ,WB AV AGENTS FOR TUE %ÊXNPVC;Ou BAMPIL OI1UPN A&ND SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED -Pai-nts oi1s Bruhes AZLE GPVEASE1 5 Boxes for 25c. Kalsoimine Banderson Pearcy's Pure Mixed Paints S. S. EdsalI Neyer have fine gooda sold for lower pnices than we are now making on1 Ladies', Qertlemen's, Miýssesj'andl Children's Boots and Shoes. ý%Cowe see and~ wonder at the value we give. FineB goods and plenty of themn. Tou aré3 sure to find whiat you want. Corne in and see thelbest of everything 1j4 Boots, Shoes, Slippens, Rubbers, Trunka, Valises, etc. -_,Reliablo, Trusty, Serviceable Goodg marked at IRock Bottoma Sign o! the Big Boots dnawn by Two Heorses. NEXT 1100R TO YOU. WVeve hunidreds of emnployees, three-score separate depart- ments, and sales are couinted by the hundred thousand. Our business is dry goods andl Fhome outfitings; that i s, everything for personal and home use. "fou and wve nay be quite a distance apart, mecasured by miles, yet, by recason of OUr mail order facilities, we're vir- tually nlext door to you. No- thing in the entire establish mentbtat you can't have pre- cisely as if you stood àn personi before any counter-, and at exactIl' thc same pricc. We send samplcs of ail- mailablemehadsfeo course. If yuwa.nt ia house- fui cf carpets: or dr-aperie, ai new bonnet or ai tooth:brus,< 'We expeot you to buy in per- son. But you don't know what a help sýhopping, by mail is tulI you have tied it. 198 tu 200 eg tTrn. to plain facts about the B3. & C. corset. You can't break the bones-for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'Il have your moniey back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're flot satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get youi money. For su'e b>'Coucu JoUiNsToN MAY 27, 1891, tephiewsrmii! will soon be iu ra! ber its long Ilînes. boys liad a maitclied gaine o! 1Betb-esda iu whicli Betýhesda but the majorit>' of Betliesdmt fromn Tyrone. No wonder ve be-en ra-ther inconouent man te get out of lbe buggy a f euce whicl was acros thýe ýrefuI boy s. 3 ud Kate Squair have been- s ister, Mrâ. Geo. Steplis.; ,l mother, who seems lase ah. suffers f rom womn, s hîcli naps vampire, and baffles lily ph-,ysician), Canibe g tbe proper remnedy. Dr. Pierce'3 Favorite reatest oo, e on- wesk sufenngdes- [t ls a s pecific for al weva'innes8, no miatter $LEVA, arod Wllimsbrokelbis arr rse>' ias sciatica. t Carpe ver>' neari>l( l eon Snuday tb' idi hoe.. )Pascoe sud S. Souci idc friends near Wlood 3supports three rnilk. leavy frosts have don tage iu tbl.s locality. -gue wass scowbaRt iF innin1g away vith liii , Teniperatice intend inuent ou Juuei 12. a ioaci mL pore ma te Eldad S. S. snui- day and Monida>'. Grand Se bills. aud Mrs. Geo. I. Ho- Whithy; Mri. Suider sud )Ids o! Toronto; Mrs. A. Scarboro JFonction; Mn. 30iowanvilîe; Miss iAlunie J & cny#j to LOAN at 5ý1 and 6 per cent., to pay off OLD MORT- GAGES, advanees on SE C- OND MORTGAGES, and ta purchase farrns. - NO COSTS for applications. NO DELAY or inconvenience. Loans can be arranged AT ONCE with my Local Valuator. FA1RMS bought, sold and exchanged. AGiENTS WANTED. WRITE or cal! for parti- culars. E. R. REYNOLDS, 53 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. geM11. W*L. WARD, insurance Agent, Hampton P. 0., or to hlm on Saturdays ut Beninett Hlotl B0wmauville wifl eceive pro>mpt attention. to tell It. 5way Il begins lu fierers: 2026 Vine U. S. A.. Januarv Mnà to visit Our' fin7et ai tle hi Svigii A. Gili sud M'~ S. Gre Toroult Mr. s trip I future. A nn narted NEWCA>STLE. ns e The Royal Templars of this place li- r,.st in tend hlding a grand Demonstration on large i Doininion Day iu the way of a picnic the Su \-bicli is to be held iu tbe afternofin The MessColwill's woods. lu the eveIngpile tbey wsil give an excellent concert in the i the drill shedl at a very lowr price. AÉs the mornir Newcastle Society's Band are now compos- ing. ed of the mnembers of the Templana they will reudor a goodly amount of cholce On music. tlroughout the day. The counicil Englax' iutent extending invitations to tbe neigh. ""d H boning coundcils ta join them. church Miss Jessi e MoNauglitoni, of Sudbury, af capit; and Miss Mary Thorn, of Toronito, are of peop visiting frienda here. Ou.) Mr. H. Garwood lias retuirned from 5I!3ld t Eastern Ontario. bsm Quite a liumber of our citizeus weutt u Bowxnville asat Thursday to hear Mitsa ý o Knox and were highly pleased withi lier. people Monday was duly observed b>' our local the>' fe sportsmien in the woods with rod sud gun. ations, Mr. akerville, sr., was buried lait of the Thurada>' at Port Ne'wcastle. The Roy. Messrs. W. F. Allan conductedI the funeral service Laren, in place of Rev. J. Thom who was absent Churoti in Bowuxanville, attending th. District sud of meeting.Ile., of lu exce "MAINT NMEN, MXY IiNIS,- but al mon a laing andl ail isauagrce a% ttu le lablIt 04 Burdoed nule. smna» aud iugttrtme44. upw5I' Lwlce tae naturaid z. nas sccompanied b>' pumas .ble, extendiug to tii. hip ossible. 1 fil>' used St. fouud relief from îthe firat )d a permianent curd a! ter ýottie. 1 wouild net again if lb coBt $5 a bottie." J. à a remedy is beyond prie.. 1 TTrBIG-H T. ýeacock lias gene te Toronto ugliter Mary. s are pnepariug te orect r str-ucturesonïlb.he sites o! recenti>' deatnoyed b>' fine. te week,-Mr. sud Mrs. aniten; Mr. Wmi. enuer lit, o! Bowmauville; Miss Miss D. Axwortby, !nom Swain coul emplales laking I'a North West lu the near 4 Gari ýht's pioneeru has Mr. John, Green ge of 89 ;ars do. wed te their final grouud b>' a ver> re sud friemîda ou ,gregstiou whicb had lime tniug te Mrs. W. Kennen lust durci lait Sunda>' a sermnon well wortli lear- evenling about î3 Sons@.of LCartwright, Port Penny, mnarched te the Meblodist Eev. W. Kenueardeîivered _. Quit. a large numben unabie to gain admittance. Milay 25 being lb. aunivev- s e.LIthodist S. S , numbera weuding thoir way tu the e churcli wlene a sumplu- itedt11cm. Af ber1h. cnav- rmnuwene stopped, the led lu the chanci where Loi intellect from. the recit- es, aiugiug, by tle ohildren sud speeches b>' Revm. de, o! Poutypool, Mac- ýyterian sud Creighton, ond, niinLstnaof Cartwright rny, which wene reudered 'le sud wre higîl>' enter- as instrucling. Pnceeeds VOLUME XXXiVII. Y, UMBR t2--. OROSO. Mr. A. Green lef b last week for New York State., The uew cheese factor>' lu uow runnig. Mro. R. Foster is visiting ber father, Mr. Wm, Gibson, Listoweil, who is very iii. Mr. John Cooper and Miss Co-.per are home froni a visit to Port Hope. Miss Belle Russell who visited at Mr. Win. Prnligle's lias returned to London. Rev. Mr. aud Mrs. Young, of Toronto, ba ve been visiting old frienda here., Mr. T. Hl. McLeau, of Lindsay, waa ln towyn last week. MisRiddel!, of Cobourg, sister of W. R. Riddell, Q. C., bas been gueat of her co3usins, ieo Misses Linton. The offIcors ef Orono Lodge, A. F.& .A. M., visited Jerusalem Lodge, B3ew- miauville, on Weduesday evefning of! Issu week. IVi.F. M. Carpen.ter, of Stony Creekc, isa home at lier fatber's Mr. Jobn A. Gairrer.Mrs. Carpenterc cones here fromi Ottawa where she accompanied lier bubnF. M, Carrocnter, M.L P., -.ho is a ttendiug sesioilal duties. Dr; Jo)hn Tbompson suid wifo cf Orne- rme, bave been visitirng lis brothier Mr. William Thomipson. iss Lizzie Jones, Port Hope, Mrs, Geo. VWtagg, Crooked Creek, and Mrs. C. WecSlnwere guestsaut Mr. Razlph Sut'erecenti>'. There is a hig land boomn in Victoria, B. C0, this spnn, oid lots are bringing singa hglifigures. Mr. Lihwr-ites thiat be hetuglaspucad four lois in thG centre of the city, for whidli lie psid $3,200. hhave Orono is likeiy bu have another Bhoe stock. 8ho)p. Mr. Bart>' foopex-, for s number *draw- of yearza an empioyee of Mr. Win. Jen ings, BoNsmranvilie, is talking o! hangýiug Le con- out Lis hingle. Ife will likel>' occupy the 1cr Vactedb>'1D. Callahan, Esq. n~rd Mr. A. Leigli returuied home from n.Belleville, (nl Saturda>', having ,efftcted -1 1,ld- a satisfactory setitlLieet of lis datim E very 'agasuait the Eiecinic Liglit Co., o! that cil>', for trespass on bis propent>'. nd at Rav. U. Garýwocd, o! Cape Palinas, Africa, formeni>' of Clarke township' preacbed in the Methodist churoli Sab- Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Vé6nosmp, of Hastings, speut the 24th with his parents at Stony-Hnrst. Mn. Sain. Everson hias teat a valuable, Miss Mlinnie Witheridge iýs sp3udiug" a week witli ler uncle lu Greenwood. Farmers lier. inteud sowing a large ares cf buckwlieat.1 Quito s number from this 1 ocality at- tencid dthe Queen's Birthday celebrtilon aI Bowmianville. Somne unkuowu person (suppesed te lic trampa)) set tire to a barn near the G. T. R. owned by Mr. John Melcaî.lb h-1cou-. contaîueýd about two loada o. a ,a tbrea2hing machine aud sQveral agn:icul- tural implemeuLitq. Totally d1estroyed.ý Loss partI>' covered by lusurauce. Messrs. Werry and 'Toukiu), te-adhers of No. 3) aud 4, sohoo;l section, attenlded thie leaclihers' convention. Mnam. John 1.oIt la apeudirig a fe3w daysj withliber parents in Pickering. Mrs. Johinileard, Sslemi, spent Sun- day with lier daugliter, Mrs. James Bellamy. The recent rsevere froats daiuaz1ed tle early vegetables here. We regret te record the deabli o! Thos. Westcott wlio died at liiimotlier's, Mis. Samnuel Wood, B]ase Line. Ble lad been ailing fer some time aud lias spent a por- tion of liis tim n usoutheru California tryjug te ixuprove ha lihealth, bulte no avait. Doeased was s kind hearted aud industnieus youug inuasd will h. miosed amoug hi@ fellow associates. Mna. Wood sud the brothens have the sympathy o f tbe neimhlbors. 0811 WA. Mr. Wni. May', o! Rochester, fisin town visiting friends. Mn. J. Douglas is able to get eut around town. Miss Gussie Carson- o! the Whibby Ladies' College, lias been visiting at Rev. J. W. Totten's. Mr. R G. McGnegor le! t lait week for Chicago. Mayor Cowaii sud part>' neturued from their California trip on Frida>'. The Mayor la mucli improved in health. CapI. Edwy. White sud wife assumed command o! lb. Oiawa contingent cf th. Salvation Army. Mrs. G. F. Thompson, bais purchas.d the lot on the corner of Slincoe sud Col-- borne Street. Mr.' Wm. Weeks while slaughtering nome days aizocut bis lett'haud almost severng Ibe flugers froin the band. Tihe mexubers cf the A.OJ.W. attend. ed, divine service lu Metcaif Street Meth. churdli lait Sunda>' menning. Cul. Mulligan lias neturued from a trip te Winnipeg. Be reporta the season as fan advanced there as lier.. Tu rTHE i r n;n ansd ail Christ-, fan people arc fait finding eut that the ouI>' reliable is the Imperial Creama Tartan ]3skiug Powder, mnade by E. W. GîlletI Toronto, maker cf 1h. famous Royal Yesst Cakes. STUODOIS CIUILDREN rnadiiy tal<o Dr. L.'s lYorm byrusp. It pleaNes Ib cil4l ausi 4stroyes the wormfb, The Benson-Blake Nuptiale e6t Porit Hope. A BRILLINT GATHISRING. As if lu response to man y -,ihsrty ,wish, the sun ehone out with its usual bright- nomsste greet the happy eeremnoiy which was to take paoII no Tuabday morning, and which se manv had been lo-oklng for- ward to with sucli exp..tant interest Quite a large number or f our toWuspeople 'and others from a distance, ssembled in St. Johin's Churoh ut th-) tims annoutsced to, witness the marriagQ ot Mis Ehel Mary Benson, eldecat dLauglter of Ris Hlonor Judge Bensýoni, tII) Mr. Edward Francia 1Bake,, scond soui o! the Hon. Edward Blake, Q. CI, of Toronto. Tha church was handsomIely decuzated with an abundnoa of coieaud beautiful flowera, arraugedmoat t.astefully b>' frieuda of the bridzI, pro~eniug ,1, pleas- ing evidence (À ber wedrI itdpopular- ity, and the f riendl1y iAerect taken by them in tho happy event. Mrs. Sh,-oed asud the ohuîe were pres- eut and ma1teriL1ali SSistts4 in adding te ihe ca~y ~'l ipesiveeesof thIc ser- vice. Amr e ga-stIm wie oticed Mrs. Benon NIM .Edwad laeparents of th-e iri îe adgroomtýt. Mr.ild Me.ilurl3l; Ak), Mrs. S. V. Blake, II. M. a 'Irs. (I. M. Wrong, Mrjs. S. B. BakMis a k,Judge Benson, Co).. Frd. Boao, Cv R A. Benson, Miss Beu8n, Mi;s thelWhyte, Mrs. Heinnemn,-o iss Burowm, Mima MoLaughlin, 1\1s. MCal lMssMCaul, Mr. suidiffir. 'T. IL Meritt,, Mrs. T. R. Fuller, the MsssFale, iis Wilkie,, Miss Maud, Yarker, iMrs Armoumr, Miss Cooper, Mrsaser, !iss B'raser, Miss Shortt, Miss Shaw, Iss Marumion, Mr. sund Mrs. L-auder, Rev. MIr. and Ms Daniel, -Mrs. (G. C. Ward, Mrs. Reaýfd, Miss Chisholin, Miss BysEII Mrs. C. W. Patterso)n, the Mis!s PatteýrBou, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Bie~Mr. cand Mrs. Leo WIilliams, Mr. C. B. CroDyni, Rev. Wm. JoeMr. A. J. C. GaI1etlv, Mr. Louis McàMuera, MnA. J. Daintvy,M.J.. williaînai and Mr. I. A. Wïsxd. Shortly afer the appoiinted titne the br~ide, 'acconanied. by her fztthar and theý met b>' the bridegr,>um, groomusimian sud offiiatiug clergyman, t1h. Rev. Wm. joues, (uncle of lb. bride> aasiated b>' theo Rec*oir. 11ev. E. Déaulel. The bride lookeýd chermlng'aud vwas,a s ual on sudh eccAsiîons- the centre c!o attraction. She was srrayed in a meu% t eoziig fawn colored travelling cositume, snd eviden- ced iu Ian person Il.einsu>' beauties sund excelleucies o! obaracter sud dispesition whidli bave distiuigu'isheJ lier through life. The bmridesmaids wenc alise dressed be- comingi>', sud rccdel any flitteing enconiumiis both ai te their appearauce aud Élie graetful mnner ln whidhl hey diacharged their dutice. Mr. S. V. Blake, brother of the groc>m, assistedl i thie capacit>' o! beat man%. Af ber the ccremo;.y -wa-s iover, tli,3 brid- ai part>' consiating (of as number of th. re- lations o!f the bride sud goomasd a fevw o! their more inlimate fiua proc2eed te Élie besutiful rsdueo! Judge Bon- sou, on Dorset atr-eet, whrohe>' piy. toL- of a vvecddng breýakfas3t, sud spent the nmoing lu in irenldly greetingsansd in admlriug the. many >'beautif ni preseuts ce- ceived b>' the bride. Shorti>' beftune Il o'cloc)a, the bride sud groomi, acmaidb> s few frienda; proceeded te the G. T.,1R. Station, wliere afler nu> a good wish sand "Qeýd speed" sud insu>' waving o! hadlenchiefa the newly msrried cou pîs boarded. the ex- press for Montreal on their wsy te the continent whcre, we beliave the>' intend be speud lb. summer. Both the bride sud groo4m wene moafi highi>' esteevned for their insu>' vintues b>' their nunienous frieuds, arid the>' uow atart out uthe voyage of thein nxarried life e ccompauied b>' il. hearfelt wislheu of aIl that their wedded Iiie usa>' b. a long sud Ihappy u. au that il may, like the decorations, ha adorned b>' mauy oje th. roses o!fl!f, sud f ntw froin thorne. Hon. Ed ward Blako wasj unable bj at- tend tlie cencmony, as heie s now eugaged in the arbitration proceedinga between the Goverumeut sud 1h. C. P. R. ln BritlihCelumb ia. Hon. S. Il. Blake was aise prevented from Atendiýng b>' rea- son o! the Toronto Street Uiilwvay diffi- culty.--Ponr Bora TimZvs, June 19. E.LYIED. The debate lu the Division was decide~l lu favor e! the men Ibat wili do more for womien thian for mioue>'y. Mn. M. J. Gibïen atteu&dilb.heleacliens' convention lu Bowmsunville lat wek. Messrs. A. acC i-ig sd Chas. Tait were lu Toronto for the 24th. Holiday visitons liene. Mr. LAdgaFr Bradley', Faiwhhlam; .Mi3Nettie Brsd- shaw, Toronlo; 2Mn. Benj. Wiunacott, Sunderlaud; Mizs Forsylli, Whibby, and Mr. sud Mrs. Vaustone, Pickeriug". Our blacksmttli'aj pig reeutly neceivedl injuries from the baiuds o! pensonis un- knowu whlch reaulted in ils dealli. Minard'a Liniment relleves Neuralgia. FROM Titi PAonneC Co.-tmn-.-We quoe from a letten recentl>' riaceved frein Mies Eleanon Pope, Port Heur>', B. C. "For scre throat, cougbs, croup, bruines, etc. Hagyards Yellow Oil la th. boat lhing 1 have ever used." / AFTFàRWARDS. A. JAMES ÉDiwoË. À24j) pitoiRUTOR, OUR ýrOwN,&N'D 00« the * #4k'ý,e»t *-U Pýq21

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