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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1891, p. 8

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-I REMA RABE F ITH U..r CXDMN Mr'. Sweet is a man of about 35 years A »Â~LIGTo l~~ ~~aiNca Iof age, of fauir heighit andl size; black, eid nt ustache and bar lier droopiîig Mvr. Francis ýý weet, a formier meietnouth and chun. Bis father isFrci of Darliingtc4n township, near Haydon, Sweet, Sr., one of thie counillors for Col- bias a son Fraiilk that dlaia te have re- checter North. -Mr. Sweet, jr.. îqi ell ceived a remarkable cure thiroýuh faith. known in the twsilangboeen bornl The particulars have been sent to TIt lhere, where lie omwns a valuable fiPim a TMNby Mr. John Rodd of Getsto, short distance froim the village. Stvll kno wn to miany people in West Dur- After having conversedl witb Mr. Sweet haia, whio also vouches for the crrectness the reporter called upon a large inumlber of the record. The faith.cured man gives of the neigliborsý arounid including Johin thse particulars of how his sickuess 05.111 Rodd, sr., 1Mr.Barrett, Mr, Baker,a bret- on, as reported in the Windsor Record: lber of Mrs. Sweet and nany othlers, ail of On May 6th, 1890, lie -was ging te lis whomn testified to the mian's prieu cs state father's farmn witbi a teamn, whien the horses, of hiealth and bis sudden recove-ry. Net olue of thom a cyoung colt, rau iway piteli- a man lin tlie tw hpwlio knews ;al- inig lim out on the road. Heie naintained thing of the case deniies any part of t. bis ld ot the uines and was ragedI s The Record rnientionied last Fridaýy a along, one (À the hiorses stepped on lus largeo revival -Jv lias passed over thz ieft arnm and theni one of the front wýlieels place and ameong tliose wlio have pýrof ess- cauglt on bis left armn and breast. Still cd conversion are Mr. Sweet'sfatie and kýeeping hlold of the hles the borses in- brothers, in ail five members of the faxily. creasinig their apssd, hie was thrown up ¶11E ÂTTENIDPG ?fYSIC1MN agait tlie stable bridge striking bis riglit Was also seen by the reporter and, in a hip witb great force. This sudden stopp- short coversation, gave tlie following as age tbrew lis body again before tlie wagon his views: This clearly sliows thse in- nda whieel passed over bis lsft thiglh. fluence of nind over diseases cf t1iat type. B.) neigflibors tlie suffering mnan was con- While saying this lie did flot wish to be veyed to bis father's and then to bis own understood1 as denying the 'efficacy of iiouseo, where lie remiainedl in a higli state of prayera or the ýpower'of God in sncb of fever foir fine days. lie gradually be- matters. camne botter as lie thouglit and went about Several other sunedical mon were seen is work. This tbrew humi back again and one in particular, whbobad not attend- and lie ,as forced to go to bsd, and about ed upon ,thi ma and, speahzing gensrally, theo firateoJun lie biad bis first spasmi. thiat in cases of nervous troubLýles any ex- These grAdrally bccamie worse and at citement -would hiave liud the same effect timea we-uld leave himi able to get up and as bis faith. mov abutwiti Iseai ofcrtcha.Dr. Dewuvýr, c6f Essex, was called upon tciudc- IVIETHODIST DISTRICT MEET- mi thr e isema's suffering and later IN G. on the d,ýoctor, seeing tliat special care was nesdsd, senit for D)r. Tingles, of Detroit. The annual meeting of thse Bowsnsn- The latter, whio is a specialist for nervous ville district of the -Methodiat Ch urcli was covlintold bim tliat there wuas a held in thse Methodist churcli on Wednes- psiiiytha)t lie miiglit recover if the day and Thureday laet. Rev. T. W. gre(atest of ca4 ivais tak-en, but tbat under Jollbffe, chairman of thse district, prc5sidea tlho ma fvralircumlstanices lie would at ail the sesions. 11ev. 1N. A. McDiar- flot beaLe teork for two yeara. Mr. mid, of Oshawa, is finncial secretary, snd 1wceetporae fairly well until about Rev. J. Liddy, of Courtice, recording tliree mnh gwhlie oý(ver exercted, seceretary. Revs. R. MJcGulough, llump- hiimsîf iundJ vas forced to confine hirnsýelf ton, and Cliarlîs E.Sig Tyrone, were te theus toelie r. "Duinig tliese appohited assistants.,O examination of tbree onth,"aid Mr. -wet 1 wus character, a!lIl e iistaîs and prob- unbeto go ýasua as ny bain witb- tioners were foundbiamele8s in lite and out thýe aido crutelies and resting seýverul sound in doctr-ine,. 1ev. J. J.,Ashton, timesý. As t: tme went on m)y sufferîr'gs B.A., B.D., of -Newcast'e, was, on meý- grew e somthingjc frightful. Thýe spusuis tion of 1ev. James Tbom, B.A., seco)nd. grew mnore frequent and on Saturday, ed by iRév., George Edwardts, recommllend- Apjril 4tli, î was taken to bed and did not ed te conference to be continiued on trial1 get Up until 1l vas raised.' On Saturday for the fourtb yeor. A like recommlendL the dco a~ but failed toecase mie. was passed in babaîlf cf 11ev. 0. R. Sing, Evryda atr this I kept getting worse. of Tyrone circuit, and 1ev. A. E. San- Wlijy on Sat1dayIhad the spasmai for darsEa, cf Monitreal !Wiýekyani Theologi- four hurs wthe intermissien. About cal Coýllge. 1ev. W. Sceue, of Oshiawa, six monqtha precý-ious 1 bad con1f(ssed con- waq cenitinued on tliesuprsnuat CdI istý versioni, bt I did net feel fuilly at peace apd Rev. A. B. Duimili. jreuî0iet cf De. -itLi , soiél util Wedniesday the 8tIs. ii Collee, Osbî,liaw, as aspenmeay Onl 'Ilis 1yIet f ully ableto b-ear "'y The reports from ithe vrosciciswe 6 TERRIBLE rnt~sor Ss!EVEN DocTRiS ÂND Two FAL. CURED DY CU coctors lun rnis cuLy wun out the least bonefit ; evýery pres cription of the doctors '.as faithfully t he grew worse %0 ahl tIse imne. For ln'Ieutha 1 exîieadd about ?3 per week for miedicines. and was enirely dscourgeê4 CUTIOtTEA SeAr, and CUTIcUtRA RnSOLVENT and folowed the dlirec. mutted.lie Steadily improved and jen ias weks was entirely cued and has naow as cisar a skia and le as fair a boy as aay imother cou!d wish to see. 1 reconimend every mother to use h for every Baby Humour. MIZS. M. PERGUSON. 80 W. Brooklne st. Boston. humor reeýUf ofmoden tiesinstantly relieve the most agonizIng fora of ecremia and psoriasis and speedily, permaaently, cea n omically anA infalllbly cure evary species of torturing, dnfifguring, itchirg, burning, bissA- ing, Ecaiey, crustedl and pimffly diseassanad humour- of thes kin, calp and blood, with ls cf hair from infaney to age. whether simple. Fro7tulousi or hereditary, when al ot ber methods and beast pbysicians fai. Sold everywhere. Prico, CuTieRA, 50c. SoWP, 85e. RlESeavENaT. $150. Prepaired b;] the POTTER luRUG AND UHEMIOÂL (CORPORA- TION. BostOn. k~eenéfor 'How te cure 5km Diseases,' 61 pages, 50 illusitrations;, 100 testimioniaLs. P LES. btlcelkLead s, red. Crongbi. chappeî a I a-nd 0 1y ikin curICd by CuricuJ?, SoAP. Full cfcomufort for al paieS, infiaîn mtien, anA ekesso Ieaged !s thse Cicura A nti Pain Plaster,the IÏrsi and oaly pata.killing Ltrenigthcnie)g plaster. Ncw, instanraneous, anA Jlufullible. Notice to Creditors Co A C aeof the T'nsýh ip of Olarke, in theý Count1jf Du rhain, fariner, deceas.- shereb3 7asortp'sGtot&irg Iouse. SPECIALî221LýsOMA 1001 TIES 25c.. or à5 for See Our window. $EALIFAX SUIT (o order $S.O00, «-Il shades, SEE THEIU. OT-UR HATS -IreIlle best procurable. Wshwa.11 stylesa and prices. A New Line of ...,ITOP SHIRTS.1 We Show the Largeàt Choice. for $4.75. ",?3..00 HATS $2-.25 $2..00 HATS $1.025 $1.50HATS $1-0OO HalifaLx 8uits To Ordier oNLyé- ;!>OO. Scotch Tweed Suit, fo Order for Black Worsted, Suit to Order for Our Adverbisemenb contains Hard Facts for odr competitors, but our prices neyer did please -them, 0O! my, bu-t don't the boot an.d shoe men love us. See our prices for shoes and you will know why. Another lot of Boots a-nc Shoes this wreek. MASO N'SCL TH-IIU G.ST GR,X EAST SJIOP, NEADS' NEW BLOC (JOUR 71cE.1 Mr. Johns L. (Jeu tice speat thse 24th at borne. Mr. Tuoker, cf Toronto, accom- paaied hii. MsAdairad Mrs. Harris are visit- ingreatiesin Toronte. Mr, John Balmner Idu on Saturday for New Yerk whoeshe wiIl psnd some time with bis son. The D. U, C. Co., have added to their stock cf machinery a aew patent force pump, capable cf liftýing frem the adjoin- ~ing creek te thse promnises 360 galtons cf water an heur. Scores cof visitera fl.)cked te our quiet littie town fer the 24th and 25ýh. We malee mention of a fsw: Mr& J, H. and Master Perey IHicks and Miss Jennie Hairris, Werit Teronto Junctien; Megsars. Lucius Vans)tone and Arthur Doney, To- rente;- Miss L. R. M1. Broad, Peterb ore; Miiss'L. Cade, Scugog Island; Mr. Gee. McLaughlin, Mr. Awstin and Miss Potter, Oshawa; Mr. J. C. Vanaitonie and famil.Y,' Mrs. J. Hellyar and Mr. J. Hellyar, jr., Bewmanville. Mr. John Colwill bas gene oxn a trip te spechilVlei the following, Ues : Dres Goods. - Ml wlio see our stock say: IlWhat beautiful iioods, and so rea-

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