ýnalia) as a Tonie aitérative aud Dia- tic la s0 universally ackuomhedlged ueed neproof. People of ton require bing te toue np tiseir systens, semne- :uhichl mii st as a ,81-001)PURIFIER ay ay. Il beiug gated that SÀit. OiLA iis undouhlédly heneficial, the queetion ta wich 13 est ? Whihe net advising evéry auf . from lmpurity of thé hlood sudits dan ailiments, Cutaneons Emupilons, ic Risouintilan, Sorof ula, &c, te tmy ée préparations advertiaed, me euhy or faim investigation sud ii mail s blet, giviug tbe chié! therapenîlo sud funll directions lu regard le treal- sud thé use 0f ANIMAI'S AR SA PA RIL LA te an3. address, on' application1 -and guarautee uinquestionable ameliora- tien if tha directions-are adhered te The WINDSOR MfgCo P. 0. Drawer 2050. Montreal, P. Q Having been cured himself he is now belping others. Finley S. Johnston who was no well known in ]3owmanville as a great sufferer fron rheumatism and who was comple te- Iy cured by Stott & Jury of this town vites te thora as follows-'I1t la with pleasure that 1 drop yon these fe w liues te let you know that your miedicine ia performlng, another-wonderful cure. A zaun in this city (Belleville) bas been Iying In bed proatrate with rheumnatic fever. W'e had te lift tl in our arma, ho waB completely helples for 7 weeks. The hest doctora in the city did hum ne good anà ho was about giving liimeeîf, toý die. 1 aaked hlm ÉD quit the dootor for one -week and try your cure; ho did se and 1 gave him not quite half a bottîs snd he ia now able te ait up alone' and to feed bimaelf. T waut you to send me another bottle." A month Ister Mr. Johuston 'write:-A few weeka ago I sent for a 'bottle of your medicine for a man here. It has doue a great thing for hum; he la c-u and going to work next week. IPrice ý <nly $1 per bOttle. STOTT & JU7RY, «4holesale aud Iletail ageuts,Bowmanville BOWMÂNVILLE, JUNE 17, 1891. Local and Otherwise. SÂTRIS-MlN reat of year for 50c. to new .sbscribers. Miss3 Neadg has beenl guert Af MIr&. H. -noso;vear ut Cabocg. MIr. Butchsrt sud fsmily of Hamilton, intend residing in our tewîs. Cal sud ses Mre. Donuelly'o lateat novelties in bats sud toques. Mrs. Frank Lino and Miss Perry, De- -troit, have been guesta at Mr. H. J. Dob2on'e. Dr. W. E. Til!ey was in Toronto luat week assistiug intho examinatiouî of the LIormnal School. A levely assmortmnt of Parasols and *every one of thon new now showing at Couch, Johuiston & Cryderman's. 11eve Pro wer,, Mr. Geo. Porter and Mkr. aud Mrs. J. Ruebotten attended the funeral of SKr John Macdonald ai King- ston. 111ev. Canon Mscnab, D.,D., aud Mr. ýRobt. Virtue attended the meeting of the Syuod of this Dioceso in Toronto, ast week. A millîin cooks wanted-in Canada to use Imperisi Crean Tartar Baklng Powvder It is perfection, aud far superior to al others. Raya. M. Pratt and G. Purkis and Mr. W. Bunney attended the annual meeting of the Congregational-Union lin Ouelph. last week. Membrâ. A. Mitchel, J. Maynard, D. Gilbert'atid R Allunwere delegatea freint Florence Nightingale Lodge te tho Dis- trict meeting of I. 0. 0. P. held in Osis- aira hast Wednesday. MnuNsInvE.-HsaVe you seen the noir atock of cbeap bats we are selling beloir tc& If net yeu shouild at once, ire have, a very large stock cf Rats9, Toques andJ Bonnets in the lateat Noveltios. MRs. Doc you irant a suit, a noir bat, pants, ,or a pair of boots ? Hlere's a straight tip -go te MaIson'ïs Clotbing 8aore. They buy" only fromn the beat makéers sud buy fer cash. Go to Manon's suad yen wül save money every time. At a conecrt given by the Central Pres- byterian ohnrch, Toronto,, recently, the Mail in referring te the p!aylng of Miss Maude Faîrbairu, daughter cf Mr, J. B. Fairbairu, P.1N., of tbis town, saa: Miss Maude Fairbairu playod Vieuxtempa' Air Vairne for the violin, lu excellent style. She producas a fuîl round tons, sud pîsys iil marked attention to tochuical details irbicl i auonly be attained by conscient- jousa tudy and practice. STa PUESTm ~AN BuîT articles kueiru o iediQ d science are uted lu prepariag Ë'ood's Sarmaparilla. Eyery ingredient In esrefully seiected, perionally exsmined,1 snd onhy tho beaqt rotainod. The medicine la pt-epared under the supervision of thoroughly comipétant pharmacims, sud every stop lu the proas of manufacture à, carefully watched with a view to secur- ing lu lio-ed's Saraapal-illa the hast posa. iblo resultL M. A. James has eue of béat nine-roons bouses lu town te ent. Mm. Thea. boar la on a tour te Manit. oha sud thse Nerthmest. Mr. Chas. Hili as accepted a position ou thé Pickering Newrs staff. James Donsîdacu, agod 50, widower, mas dremued at Port Repseon Thursday. Rov. R. D. Fraser, M. A., atîeuded the Preabylerian Asesbly lu Kingston, last meek. Bowmauvilie citizéna are ail iuvited 10 pasticipate lu tbe blg te& party at bsydon on 'Dominien Day. 1Rey. G. W. Wallace, B. D., 'pasier cf Bicor-at. P'reabyterian 'Churcb, Toronto, aailed hast meek f or Enghand. Mr. E. Loscoushe sud Mm. Morris, cf Trinity Coiloe aSchool, Port Hope, apent Suesday at Mm. R. B. Loscutuhe'E.. Juil arrived aet J. J. Massn's the lateat sud uobbiest styles lu gentlemen's bats. They are dandies, fetansd strawn. 1Rev. Mr. sud Mms. Warren, of Lake- field sud Mr. P. Hutchoson, cf Torouto, are guesta cf Mma. Hibbert, King St. Misls Ida Hoshin iras pesexted iith a nice dressing casa hy a numbar cf lhem yunug frieuds ou Tuesday eveniug cf lait week. BICYCLE FOR SALE.-Rudge--56 inch,snitable for a tall porion. A bargain. Apply at once te W. E. JAmus, Beirman- ville. Cadet Orchard faréwelled lu thé bar- racks hst meok te go in thé field. She gees te Acton. Tire more cadets arrivedl at the garrison aud tire more are expected sbertly. Have yen séen tisaI Great graudmether bat lu Mrs. Donuéhly's showeirmndomi Sse iris made lu Paria, Franco, sud iras sent as a preseut te Mms. Donnelly. Shos a irbeppor. Mmm. Wm. Mumdocb, cf Port Arthur, Mrs. Locke, cf Merdein,, Min., sud Mr. aud Mme. W. H. bolland, cf Tomnto,ara visiting their usetier, MIma. Hoihaud, King St. East. LosT.-A issul bundle cf sale papors beaded, "Article, Purchaser, Price." Parties finding saine wmli be auitahly' ré' marded by aending thé saime to LEYi A. W. ToLLE, auctioneer. Thé Promotion Examinatiu mLiii hé bold ou Tburaday sud Friday. 251h sud 261b Juno. Notice of membara te irrite, if net slready sent, should hé formamded te thé Inspecter hy the coacher at once. The Ladies Aid Society cf the Mot bcd- it churcb will give a atrswbérry social lu thé lecture rocs on Wedvesday eveuing, June 24th aI 5 p.s , afier mhich s imaI chasa pregras viii be given. Tickets for tea sud program 25cts. Rev. T. W. Jolliffé paid a high tributé te thé memcry cf Sir John Macdonald ou Suuday mcming lu thé Met bodist chnrch sud lu the evouing bies3armon lied spécial refereucé te thé ifo sud deatb cf thé h %le Thomas Westcott cf this town. NOTIcaTO CRýEITros-Ali acceunta dueom nmus ha settléd hy note or othér- irise on or befeme July 1, 1891. Every- hody milI réceivé their account hé it hig or litIle, tbrou,,gli thé post or othemmisé very ac00.. l W. R. R. CAWXIER. Mr. Jas. Rosi mas oibediént te the pro- clamation issuecd by Mayor Allen te ring hbelse duing thé fuineral obsequl as cf Sir John. bis easît inner bell ias beard te b lu nmeasured touées wutsthe buge achool hall sud te striké the 76 strokes aI thé end cf thé boum. BuSsS &8-CHnlxrE.-WO direct atten- tion te thé announicesent iu anothér clusu cf the dissolution cf partnerabip carried on for somq yéama betireon C. M. Camker sud John Allun. Mm. Camkem miii continue thé business l i ciraw nasne sud as hé bas long beeu noted for keeping the béat méat théecuntry produces, us melI as keeping thé pureat aud béat grocéries lu thé market, sud frein hisemolkuowu strict buasin3sa principle asud accarmmodatiug snnem, me predict net only a continunue cf the large patronage 'aocodel the laIe firin, but an iuereasiri nee specia1Iy witb the luduceseut ho holds culte othé cash cutemner. Give is a cail sud yen iii réceivo thé henefit. Thé News hast sieek tied le ocuvéy thé impression Ihat our dais te beiug thé eadinz local papor la net eudorsod hy Rowell & Co'a liaI. Tise lait ratings me have receivel frosn Roweli's office quote3 TriE STATEMÂN as " exoeedinR 2,COO "; thé News "'excéédiug 1,000" sud thé Sun «"exoteding 7 50. Noir as s mal%,ter cf raai f-aicthIis meék's issue cf thé Noms weigha ouly 8,U lbs whihe THE STATE5MkAN'P editien meighs 215 lbs. Thé Nomes ia priuied on irbat la kuomu as 10 lb. piper. Tat laeue réasn or 480 shoots wighs 50 1bs.> Theréfore any schoci boy cau by proportion teil theé'ex- sct circulation cf thé Noirs: If 50 Iba emarkabiésle b%16las ben mon eutireiy by ils geunine menit. Ask serné frieud ibo lias usod . .i wat ho thinika cf Kemp's Bia.Thtcé ane medicluése pure, nouée su effoctive. Large bottlés 50ac sud el aI al dmuggsts. b'ampId kg1oWefree. VhIIden Crfo Miss Editb Allen is homse again frein New York. Miss Eva Trowin has been viiting Oshawa friands. The Wérry family pienia la heing held~ at Solina te-day (Wednesasy). Particulars of Templara picnic Dominiý ou Day at Newrcastle next week. The nom S. A. Baud miii appear on Thnrsday eveniug te ho swemn lu. Mr. W. Rt. Brook, of Toronto, apent Suudayat Mm. J. B. Fairbalmn's. Mi. John Bunner, of Albert Collae, Belleville, mas home over Sunldsy. Mr. Toinssud Misa Georgie Fairbairns apeut Sunday with their parents lie. Large numbera of citizens will attend Providence anniveraary tes next Monday. Mr. R. Beith, M. P.. after a short vis. it at home returuod te Ottawa yesiterday. Mrs. Frank Brmmacombe, of Rooheter, N. Y., is visiting relations sud friands bere. Mga. R. 'H. Turner aud Miss Borland have retnmned frein a plessant visit at To- rente. The Bridge Consmittee of the County, Council méats here Friday te inispect the King St. wasb.eut. Miss Ida Bingham left ou Satiirday for Marahalltown, where hier sister Mrs. J" W. McPherson la dangerously ill. MIr. John Matthoms caughit Ime saluon trout lu his gi net the past meek wéIghý ing 20 sud 22 pounda roapectivehy. The Sun office bad soume typa lu il last week upon whlch there i ne mortgagé, bow it got Ibhora frein TuE STATESMÂIX cliiceifisaiiystery. Wbo stolé ilfronsus? Rev. D. C. McDoweli irbo bas hee placed on the retlred liaI of Methodiat ministers having preacbod 45 years visit. ed his dangbter, Mmi. T., E. Higgiuboth- &in isat méek. Mr. Richard Souoh of Providence, left yentérday ou bis annual viit, te bis chihd4 mou at St. Mary's sud subsequeuitly ati Newmarket. Ife expects te be absent five or six weeks. Messrs. J. B. Fairbaimu, chaimman, Col. Cubitt sud M. M. Fenwick, B. A., waited on tho Countieis Council last week in the interest cf High School gratt under the neir regulations. On Tueoday evening June 23, a Drama wili be given iu the Town baIl, Bowman- ville, under the auspices of the RoyaI Templars by some of the mombera. Ad, mission, Gents 15c, Ladies 10. A fashionable wédding teck place at S t, J'ames' Cathedm al, Toronto, yesterday, when Mr. barry Brook, eldeat sou ef 1%r. W. R. Brook sud nepbéw of Mr. J. B, Fairbairn, P. M., cf Ibis town, mas wed- ded te Miesa Maud Cawthma, eldest danght- or of Mr. beury Cawtbra, cf Collage St. Speaking of Rer. J. Liddy's, (cf Court~ ice,) tire sermons lu the Methodist church Port bope,iaat Sunday the Guide sys:- I'They were emiueutly thoughtful, pract- ical sud evaugelical diacourses. DIr. Liddy is snuch abové the averago as a preacher, and ho wihbwlh réhoe whésn ho sga:n visita Port I ope,." High Sohool No tes. Tuesday eve'g June 23, Mr. J. W. t Forster oeeof the profesa ors lu the Art achool lu Toronto, iii deli ver au addrems lu the tligh Scho on "Art lu Schools au a meaus of culture." Aftem tihe lecture Col. Cubitt's portrait wiii ho presented to the Sohsoci. The public are cordiahly in- vited. Last weak Miss Stcughteu preaiented to tihe Higis School library the complete 'works cf f aunah M1oore. This irork mil ho appreciated by those wbc iia te e- caîl the pust. Leas than a 100 yeams ago baunab Moore' was eue of the meat fameus chamacûters cfihem turne. Durirg lher life she made thece distinct reputations ; fimt as the brillant cenversatienist and compaulon cf an illustrions galaxy of authors, artisti, sud actoe, coînposed of suchsmaei as Johnson, Reynolds, sud Garrick; second as a paet sud noeliat; sud third as a writer of moral sud relig. loua essaya which lid au enommous cir- culation. Se farnous didse hecomo Ihat people fiocked frein ahi'Cornera cf the worid te get s sight cf Ibis pions ph ilan- tisopist lu ler ld age. But,, ahs,lber naine is scarceiy hecard noir sud hem works atill more soldes read. Sucbi old merka are alirsys valuablo lu public ibrarios, sud ire are glad. that se many friands are remembering the bigh Sohool. ]3OWANVILEMay 9th, 189L' Muts. M. A. JÂ EIans equeated by tise Board cf Trustees cf the Bomman. ville bigl SchDool te tender yen their thauIka for the timely sud appropriate gif t te the school, cf Studer'a Popular Ornitbology,The Birdis o! Ncrth Amerlos dram sund colomed fron nature by Tbeo- dore Jasper, M. A., M. D. I ueed net "'GiveUsaLf' "Do seud dem amomething te help uiI'" lTisose 11111e Pleasant Pelleta, yen sent before, more juat misaI me iautedl"Y- "Tbey helped righî uheme me mémé meak- estl" "Don't aend anything else!" Nature, abuaod sund neglected, doos bei. hest te overcemne exhaustien and mardi off threatéuing -disease, but somelimues cahîs for help, sud kuoma ýjuat irbat she'a about, thé systeîn takes 'kilidiy te thél uild, irboiesomo influence cf Piemce's PieasantPelleta, sud oflen théir timely' assistancecorrects evils which mould soon iead te serions résulta. Witb tisefiît signai cf diatreas, nature mliitbank yaui for remembering ber request. Thereforé if langnid, easily tired, bad taBte iu mentis bemela imeular or contipated, givé na, tumé a 11f t hy talng Dm. Piérco'as Pelleta,' BBat ilver t'ill made. Morris' Carrnage Works la oeeoe!the' busy places in town. They bave a great; rush cf work ou hand sud nom ordersa ar comaing lu sphendidly, Cooking Schools, "I arn convinced Cleveland 's la the purest baking powder made, and 1 have adopted it exclusively in rny cooking sehools and for daîly house- hold use." Prinipal Phîladelphia Cooking SchooL, Minard's ,Liniment is the l3est. Cash for eggs at West End Huse, Minard's Liniment for Sale everywhere. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance Roui,. ViRtTuic, Agent, Bowmauvlle. tf. Philp and Edger bas something pretty for farinera to see at their "Vehiole Hoa- pital." Ladie rail at Mre. Doncelly'a aud see her Ladies' and Children's drens hats for 85cts each. Ail paper bought at Sherin & Kirby's will ho trimmed free of charge by the best sud latest improved ttimmer, "'Wanke. Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman are showing a fine aasortment of Man's Sats in aIl the lateat styles. Their bats are ail NMrs Donnelly bas just received anot- her large assortinent of, French çiud Amierican fiowers. The- beat choi- in town. $5 Reward for infornmation that wifl lead to the conviction of any person de- facing or otherwide damaging any of Ma. aon'a advertising ,signa. A fine range oU Blscek Lace Flouncings and Rusais Fiah Netts juat reccived di- rect from the manufacturera snd uow showing ab Coucli, Johuston. & Cryder. mnai'ai. Young men aud- old men. if you waut a suit of clothes that will suit in price, style and fit, we can supply you. We have an excellent choice of cloths to select frein. John J1. Masoni. I LADIE'S,JUI WORD. DOYOU KNOW That "Sunlight" Soap dloes more work than any other, 1and therefore it must be cheaper ? That the labors, of the Iitchen and wash-day can be made easier by using "Sunlight" Soap ? That you need flot boil the clothes by using "Sunilight"5 Soap, nor use washing powders and yet they will be white as ow That "gSunilight" Soap is so pure that it cannot possibly injure the most delicate Ailn or fabrie ? These are sole mn facts, which you can prove by testing. Hîam--pton Roler lYilis. The undersigned having fitteci up his milis with, the full rouler process, isnow pre pared, to fur~ nish both roller and stone flour of the best grades in any quantities, Gristinçj will Stili be a specialty; chopping done on shortest notice. Ail kinds of Mili feed and cehop kepb on handi. THOMAS ELIIO"TT. Our stock cf black coloréd dréis gooda is thé large3t sud best assorted lu tewu. it iiine oel yn nytingtetak ~ Hampton, May 19, 1891. 109k a, theut. Thé values sud t."yîes are -_____________ correct. John J. Masen. Pbiîp sud Edgem are selling thé ropu- - Miss ~ F. Willias, 445 Bîcor as-ceet, lar pUtson cirt liké bot cakies. i>. h ~Tor'nto, writes; "bavé used yeur Bur-1 cart that "ae"evemy tisé sud Î, .é déck Blocd Bit!era for constipation sud le havé a largo sale. pain lu the head wuth gréaI £uccei-;. I___________________ impové frin hé ecod dsé.ENERAL SERtVANT WANTED ai i Artistic fituesa ansu uhtautial dura- exOnce. Apply te Mrs. J. Mayuamd. Divisi- hility ame thé chamactemistics cf Miss Shair, on st. (laie Bible Christian Parsenage.) thé nom miiiinem'a womk. Sse bas alréady réceived groat encouragement, bsving T IME FOR SALE.-We have roceir- beenfavoed wth svera ordrs f Lm A ed acar lest of frésh lima., béat qu aliti,. bee faore wih areri edor f omLimé alirsys képi on band. BRoOK & TE héading familles. ,Hlem aismiilhé te gîve zeUTH, QUéen St., next 'te High 8ehool. 25.tt. ént Ire satisfaction lu evemy transaction. 1 Sherin & K imby are doiug su immense ]VOR SALE.-The property occupied busiess lu alh apes, bcaue thy nrîhby the laIe Mme. Anu Borlan d, situated busiess in w!l pper, boausethey no t fthé oéméiéry gste-goad tire %tory have a maguificeul variety cf paliers, da_ brick houpe, stable, orchard sud about three. dûes frezes et. For ceillugsand ball&a cmeo fland& For particulars aprly te Rîcai. dees frizesWINDATT Or GzoRQz MCGILL, JixCcutors ef they have soething uém sud j ual the B omiaud Estaté, 25-3m thé correct thiug. Tbey invite ladies le 1call sud sce il. Reid's Blocks, Ring tât. -flOUSE ANDi GOOD GARDEN TO Est. LL1RENT.-.A yery cifortable bricki hanse of 8 rooes,*ou Bromu i.t, excellent gar-, 1 Oh, irbat a cough Ii!Will yen héed thé 'den of ï acre or land. choiceat fruit, hard sud 1 wmringl Thé signal perbapa cf thé anme aoft mater, brick stab'e. fient loir. Apply to appmoacb cof thal >more terrible disease Tnios. BuEDEnN, Bammanvillo. 21-3w. Consutuption. Aek yonraelves if yen cau asford for thé saké cf saving 15Oc., toe mn (14 RAND FARM FOR SALE OR TOI the imkanddo othng fr i. 'We now%-XRENT-15o acres lu ail. south 125 acres thé isksud e nthig fo Il ~Vekueroe lot 5i sud 25 acres cf nomth 4 lot 6, con. 3, frosn expérience that Siiob'a Curé will Darliugton. Fine brickj hanse, spacious barrna, cure yonr cougis. Ilneyer fails.'If siplendid soil,excéllent muter satésmasd mails, fré mood on promnises. Tire miles tramn Boir. Mliuard'a Liniment curés Colds, &c mnanville-great chance-sale on' easy terms, or wii ment for s ,témus-plaugh possession giron aftr hsmvest-residiniz Posseasion airon Noticee of ilirtis, 25 cents; Mari-Sages, 5olaIs March ne-xt. APPIYtO MRS. JANE WIGHTr. cents; beiaths. 5oe ent, aci Insertion ou promises, or te D.. Bt-,KE BSîssson, of Boir., -but ]PUBE OF EiSIttf.E, mien tise manvîlle. tf-25 funerail cardaý are Prtateti at tisis clice, EIRTHS JOHN RAWFORD, JO TTIONH0E' ýBowzzN-ThClarke, Juné 10. the wife ct Mr. D PisLu set Whitby, on the lith imat., thé mité etf Mr. William Davif, Of a daughiér. DumÂs-ARNeLD-In BOWmanrilla, JUne 10, "Y fiev. T. W. Joiliffé, ai thé résidence cf the bide's parentsMr. Romaine DamasotBerlin, Ont., sud Adi S., third danghter of Mn. Sami. Arnold. of Bemmanvillé. IEwm-TuIOKsox-At thé résidence of thé brides parente, Bowmanville, Wednesday June 10, by Rey. T. W. Jolliffe, Mn. Samuel Irmin. ot Cambray, Ont.. sud Misa Auna M., HÂmiLýTÇ-OBoENE4r-At the résidence or thé brid's pimentsB, Wednesday, Jue 3. by fier. L. Pheipa. ef Tyrona. assisted by fier. A. L. Adams, Millbrook. Mr. Jé W. Hamilton, of Millbreok sud Misa Bertha, second daughtér of Richard OsborneBesq.,Town bine ef Clanke. VAuAt 1NOwoastie. June 12, Caleb Norton Varsé. denteat etOshawa, aged 61 yeare WESTLAIE-At Solina, June 15th.Alet Ava Pascoo. baloved irife -tf Thos Westlake, aud daughter of Thomas aud Margaret Pascoe. inulher 2kh year. Funeral te Eldad cemetery, Wedneaday ai 2 o'clock. BOWMANVILLE MABEETS. Slrrected by .. Hcluitry, every Tuiesday FLoua, V 100 Ibs ........82 40 to $2 50 WHEÂAT, Fall, V bush. O 000 oi 1O0 Il Sprlug, ...0 00,,l1 05 EtRii, Pbuah, No. 1... 0 00 il 0 55 lé ý i il2....OOO00 0 45 -41 a ail3.... 0 00 ,0 40 Rtyl, ".......O0O00 0 65 QAT4, t.......'0 40,,045 PE,Blackoye, e bush... O0OO0oi 10I sSmall, Il ... 000 le 070 BluBine, ... 0 00 i 0 75 ~Bu-rrmu, heEt table, V lb . .. 0 Q0 il 013 EGSe, #1doz ............0()0,,s 011 POTÂTOES, V bUsh........O0 60 Ji O065 POR, t wt ...........S5 0 u000 HÂY, eton ...... ......5 00 if 7001 IN BOWMANVILLE FOR THE Massey IYanf'g Co., Sefling Machinery and Imnpie-ý mients aud Binder Twine,! cheaper than any iii i 1 the market. 1 Bemmanrille, Jué 15. 25-sm T HiE NEXT- EXAMINATION FOR outrance ta Bemmauvillé Hiub Sciso ai mil be held an Tiisrsday Fritiay andi Satî&riy, .Tly n ur5 and ti h, At thé Righ Schoal,,Bawmanvililo, coýMMsnRc. îuig ai 9a.M. Candidates wili present thein capy bools sad drawlug bocks the tiraI day. Noere are! The B'lh School Primary Leaving and lloivlersîty Mal(iciiaieft EXAMINATIONS. WIII be héld ilu Bommlau'ill'e Hiloal TUESD4Y JULY 7tli 1891, AT 8.40 A.M. Read Master, 21-5w. W ETD-HUS The New Prints have arrived, and they open Up very fine and are sell- ingfast at 1221c. & 10,per yard. See thie new fine of Summer Si1ks, .Amrerican goocis, 10c. per yard. Remember our Em broideries are reduced in prîce and are also get-' ting reduced in quantity. Cali and get a bargain. A very large range of Corsets, special Value, nice goods. A full range Black Cashmere Hose just in, We have markedi them especially Iow,ý prices ranging froni 17c. for Childreia'S ta 30c. for Women'se Don'tlfestat Our GBOROY.- Department is k1ept up to ,)the me- [qmreentsof t1isetiim. Pricee aeright, goods ,3are r.jght. flighlest price paid 'for aifl kinDI of farm produce, JOHN MCM ýïURTR'IW toltaricle, andicene id aflsts 2Ma ruosteffcctUally. 'c, J