TERMS :-ll.bO %u iAxoaum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNT' Njcw BESi ; sNumBE 676. BOWMÂNVILLE O1NTTÂ hie - THE WORLD AJTERWAIRDS. M. A. JAMES E»XTOÛ fAND PRrUETOB ESDÂY, JULY 29, 1891. SPECIL SALE 8zîmmer Dry Goods Duriftg the Month of Juiy JO-HINSTON & CRYDERMAN- WilI seli ail kinds-of Summer, Goods at greatiy reduced prices. A lot of Summer Dress Good s at haif price. Ail Parasols at and under Cost àrice. Lovely F]ouncing Embroidery at Cost Price. Thîs is a Genine'Clearing Sale and 1these goods will be sold exact- Iy as advertisecl. COURH JOHNSTDN & ORYDERMAN, Bowmanvila, Jnly 8, 1891. One Door Wet of Poit Office. Make, of R'I FEnE Go To S.Se.beEDiiSALL,1 BOW MANVILIJE. The 'Profit. is Down Neyver have fine goods sold for lower prices than we are now naking on Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. ,ý,0Corne see and wonder at the value we give. Fine goods and plenty of- thern. You ara sue. to find what you want. Corne in and 'ee the-best off everything in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, etc. Reliable, Trusty, Sorviceable Goods rnarked at Rockl!BDttom Prices. 49.f Sign of the Big Boot dmaoen by Two Herses. DROP US A POSTAL Ir? you want samples and prices of anything in dry goods or gen- eral merchandise. Ours is the làrgest retail store in alil Canada, with over three acres of selling1 space and haîf a thousand emn- ploy ees. And a postal card is enlolugli to bring ail the faicilitîes of the store to your home just as much as thlough We were lOcited ini your town. Thinik of a cek-de tO know fashli nchangeýs, mecrchan- dise, qualities, styles and colors- being at your beck and caîl wher- ever you wishi. That's shopping by mail. 11T. EATON & CO. This is th'e 7w«a7 iwith the B' & C. corset: if yoil want case and shnapefiness, you buy lt-but You don't keep it unless yout likze it~ After two or three weeks' Wear, you can return It andt have your mioney. For ia!e by CoucH JorieýroN & Crty- DmitRM. Thre residence of Mm. Richard Broivu (Browu's Hill) lias been groatly improvaïd of lata by, a Gothie in front, sjiingling aud a fresi ceai cf 'paint, ,... Tho base- meut ef the churcli las 'heen undemgoing repairasu.idis beiug haudremely decorated. ..Mr. Thos. Henderrs'm aublas beeu re-shingled., .. Tho nov wbell lise been placed on the achool bouse. .. . Mme. Henry Bircli, et Pontypool, sud ister, Misle Bovîjuson, cf Kinrueuint, have beau visitiug la this sectin,... M. Fralicik, env esteoured teacher, is spending hie liolidays at hie home... .Mr. Bicli. Laneg conducted the funeral et Aibemê Kelly, iv ie died in the Toroto hospiltal, trour1 conznuption of thn bovels. The reurajus vare brouglit per G T. B. te Newcastle station sud convayed frein th'euca te the Orono cemetary. Tha deaesed wae a brother of Mr. Jas. Kelly vie lives north et this place....It is rumored home that our eeteemed Depnty Beeve, C. J. Thorn- ton, Esq, will try a falvith Beeve Undervood for the Civic Chair in the uext Municipal couteet. Mm. Audy Mer- row lias beau appetnted goemal iu chief of Kirby post office. No botter successor te M. A. Lang, vie le nov lving: in Britishi Columbia, could hava'býeau soblected .-.YVei4,ïCor. UNBEÂABLE PÀIN.-DSAJS Sia,-l auffemed for tliree days very severeiy from summer complaint, sud oou.id got ne relief. but kept gettiug versa until the pain vasa almost unhoarable, and 1 vas very veak.> Atter everything, elso had failed 1 tried Dr. Fovler's Extract of Wild Stravbemry- The tiret dose gave relief, aud it did uet fail te cure me. Wmý T. G.LYNN, Wilfred Ont. Minard'lsTLirtment ia usod hy Pliyaicians .31APLE 'GRO FB., rai hiere have commenced harveet r. C. Bond, Cobourg, ie visiting here. ..Miss A. Cole, eiocutioniet few days in Toronto recently... 'iii Power, Toronto, hias been visit-i tives here.. . Mr. T. Kirkpatrick, d his driver to Mr. S. -Rundie at !% rice.. . .Quarterly services will ho ýre S unday morning; business meet-j >zday at 2.30 .... A, pleasant timeE nt at the DivisionWednesday even-1 'lie brotherti treated t'a ice crean. .1 annual pionie will ho' heid tû-ûmor-1 hnr8day) at MAnn'ej point. Everyi B being, taken to make ita succeso. g, foot bail, base bail and other e amusements hava been provided.j nds are invited to attendi. n Dollar G>old Piec(e for a cent.i time ago, a gentleman bet th at if )d at the corner of Broadway and ýenth Street, -New Yoik, and offered agies to the pa8sers-by for acent e would find no purchasers. The ment was tried, and it turned out hoL said. No one would believe es coitis were genuine. It eeemed d to, be t ruc. An equally ranmark- fer is ruade by the proprietors of erce's Golden 3Medicai Discovery, ierign cure for coneumption. Think estoration to lif,sari health for a ong. There is no case of lung- a-mn other Nwoids, conum-ption-,. .11 net yield to it, if it le taken inI It is the greatest blood-purifier nown, aud is guaranitced tu benefit ýe in ail diseases of the throat and or mongy refundedi. Only extra- y curative properties could warrant tain its makers in seeing it thus, 00OUR Ti CE.i tBeattie B oi evisitiug Miss1 Walter.. . . Mr. U. M. Courtice was st to start harvest in thie looality, ent a fine piece of faîl wheat... 1 ara planning to go to Manitoba hia vicinity this ........ MIr. John Taunton, called ou a few of hie old nioDs hiere Iit ...e... AMrs. and ýSanderson Enniskilleni, Mr. C. rand i5ister s ad Mr. Waltera$, n, weré 'the g-ueâtqe of Mvr. Jas. For Tbirty YBars. jobntstown, _N. B., Marci 11, 1889. vas troublod for thirty years viti iu my sicle, \which increasad ueho v 1ezy bal. I neclSt. Jacoha 011 was cempletely curori. f give it aiti e." ME'S. Wam. BYDERF. rley harvest liase egicu sud the pros. is geori. -... Mns. McTaggýart (siteor cf te Mrs. McMilben) and lier grand. :hterMrs.McSpe-arui of Brantford have visitiug relatives lier..._.Mr. Levi -a-mp lias gene for a pexue tt ings... . Mrm. Mary Amsbery Detroit m a jeud anudnrraster Ueo. mg their sumnmerVacation S-.severllef ou r farmars Le new IHedge sud Wire Valter Oke intenda exten. bie residenceu. Mr. B. is ding lie 'job... ..The ion with ulie Maple Groe off to-morrow (Thursday) 1Burk's elegaut asummer heeci. Toothacheh In hleard every heur in lache ie the most comuron g sud old, sud lu the agateiflicts nmore aufferinq thani sp5 any other singir'e complaint. minute (cureje juet iviat evemybody os te pos2ss. Nervilineo-nerve, SCure -atet alinogt iustaut]y in reliev- lie ageony, sud a eample bottle afferds ýatity sufficeut for 100 applications. ete fille the bill. Polson's Nerviline ýe only positive eiedy for toothaclie all uerve pains. Sold by ail dealers edicine. IA YDON. pitrs: Mm. Samuand sud meet Van- 3 ud Mr. Richard Vanstone, of ering, mpent Suuday her .... Mies I Jeveh], et Dundalk, je viti hem father, Mm. Wm. Broad, P. x.... ifant foot hall tearphayad the son- idl junior teas at Tyrone ou Thuma- ýveuing sud socumed oee oal te none. vas net the refereeas dilly b The, vould liko te play the fucll seuior at any time 5cenveniet... - ar ) spout Sunday at the lake fiehiugi week... ,Mr Thou. Maloney, cf igan, psid us a flying visit aset week. )t ue in twenty are free freux some ailmtnt c e. d b,,lh inaction of the HAMPTON. KEND.ALL. Rev. J. Oliver is expec tod home this Miss' A. Orchard of Newcastle Lq visit. week. ...,Mr J ohn iarris lias beau Iu- ing at Mrs. E. Orcliard'... .. Mr. David dispoeed for a few days . ... Messrs; Good- Walsh of Starkville occupied tihe pulpit man, Avery and Robbiiis start for Man- of the Methodiet churcli on Sunday even- itoba this week.... The Cheese Co. sold ing week ... . Rev. A. A.> Dru nuond of and shipped the first haif of July cheest, Newcastle preachad in hies eal excellent to J. T. Warrington, Belleville .... Miss mannar in the Preabyterian churcli on B. McCuilocli ontertained the S. S. in-, Sunday leth mst .. .. Mr., Josephi Henry faut clase Tuefiday af teruoon at -the Par- of the 6th lina viii retire from the fazm sonage., The youngsers had a moërry next falsud ive in Orono. . . .ev. AI.ex tinie. .... Recent visitors: Mrs. H. J. Leslie, M. A., lest Sabbath occnpiad the HoidIze, Toronto;Mrs. aud Mie Andrews, pulpit of Parkdale Presbyterian ohjirch, Mr. M. Cryderman and dauglitors, Bow- Bey. A. P. McKay, Pastor. manvile . . .. A borne. balonging to Mr. Thon. David broke Ioosa in the churchiBVIL shed Sunday snd damaged the buggy con- Miss Mary Ashto-i in stili very sicli siderably as veli as cuttîng hie heels bad- and Miss Eva Manning had a severe re- ly .. .. Mr. S. Thompson got hadly fluet- lapse last S3bttrday. Mrs. Tonkin je rated one day aset week, but hie nerves very loy vith bilions feoe..r. Dan have eettied dowu bo their normal condit. Tramner lias moved into Mur.. Orniiiton's ion egain. The ahock was caused by a honso. There is not a vacant houe. in large ram threatning to bunt hint our village now. . .. Mise Roweus Hezzle- Thedeclining powers of old ege may wood, of Iowa, wae viiittng friands haro ho wonderfully recnperated and enstained aset week. . ..Oar division in stili preeper. by the daily use of Hood'e Sarmaparilla. Ing.; threu juitatieus lait m.etin'. ...Mr Wh-en are va te have our civic holiday and viUla2eopicnic ?. Mr.J.ll.Tremeer'a nov resideuce ia nearly completad sud will bo a nice home, indeed..Messrs T. Stainten sud IF. Peeco ach disposed of a herse recotly ... . Meuers F. Ileatlie, L. Lander aud F. Moore have gene by the C. P. R. for Manitoba sud the Northi West .. . .Recent visitors:-Miss Tom, Mrs. J. Smith and Miss Addie Smith of, Toronte; Mr. Jas. Goard, Mr. S.- Wash- ington cf Bowmanville; Mr. Martin of Raglan; Mis3 Etie Washington of Bay- don .... Sohina Division Sens cf Temper. suce intend having a churcli parada ehortly .... Mr. W. Fursey ii now improv- ing nicly .. .. Net for yeare lias the prosopecta been se good in thus locoity for an abundaunt harveet. Farurera are jubi!ut .. . .Why net have a bicycle teureament in our vilge civio hoiday? _Miss Kate Elford lias returned te Cambray after s prolouged visit around here. ..m. Chas. IPasce lias returi home te Toronto acuomipaniedl by lier sietar Miss Edithi Argua cof Maple corners -... .QuaýrtePhy ïmeeting will h ld at Zion on Sunday evenaing ...... _Mr. H. Tinenr- mhlnmakr..toalks of 1. n j W113 have tuaed u ru yes u tu ror egrippe aud espocially for the cougli that hangs on altor the disease iteoif seame curod, there is nothing equal te Kemp's Balsaur the epeciflo fo)r ali thmoat sud huug dises- se,-, sud the hast cure for coughis sud colde. The3 firet dose will cenvinco yen ef à3s excellent affect, Ail dmuggista sell it a', 50c aud $1 a hottie. Sample free. ENNI-SKILLBN. Messrs. Walter sud BRI. Oàbrnýe, Saur. Ceurtice, and E, Tonkin have bpen visit. ing, at -Rev. -E. Sauderson's, Mr. Phiip Pollard, Macwon, Mo., U. S., Mme. D. Lockliamt, IM]r. Jacob Mitchell, Mr. sud Mrs. Geo. M Aitchell snd dauoghtar, Misses MesoseNvoil, li-ýVe houavisiting .t Dr. Mlitchehl's Mita ,3Hooper, Oak- woodt, je visiting et Mm74. Jae. Gilbert'a. Mrs. WdacSugg s vîsitîing lier sis- ter, Mme. Jese illi, iis. . . Rîv. J. A. MýJcLe1Liu reacliecl an excellent sermon in the Preshyteriqu churcli on Sundal'y isat. .. . Mr. J. NV, Virtue, our f)pplar miaohinoat, ije yery hu.ïy juat nov. Ho 1 had over ithree luudred movers, rmpapers and bindore under hie eiliful treituront this se,-sson, . ,Mr.Tho 1. Eawliose hand vas lacerated soe timei ago by a frisky colt jegetting ail riglit again .... A, junior foot ball tosux vai orgauized in this village ou Jnly 27th. Cspt. Wm. Potter, Sec., Fred Meroney, Trea%.,- H. Pye, Cer. cf management, the above nsmed oifficars sud Mauiy Crydemman sud A. Mitchiell. The teaur challenges any other junior teaur in the country. Fou MANY YEABs.-We have used Dr. Fovrler's Extract of Wild Strawborry fer [ many years in our family and flnd it au e xoellent remedy foralau nrmercomplainte. John A. Valons, Valens, Onat. Fowler'e Wild Strawherry, Prire353., sold by a Il druggists, CARTWRHIGHT. Barley harveet lias cemmencei-.-the strsw ii net very.,haavy but the grain is plump .... Blsckstock ia the husy place for urasens sud carpentars tis season.. -Our' village je cf ten eniiveued by plcnic parties sud campera passing tirouglion their wav te sud frexthe lake .. .. Mm. H. R. H. sud Mies F. Kenner, sud Mr. Wy. Craigliton are homo for their holi- days .. . .Mr. John Axworthy coutem- plates taking a trip te St. Josepapl Isnd .... Becent viaitome:- Mm. W.Veale, Miss Emiy Mason, Miss Liuriman sud Mme. Hobdeu, of Toronto, Mme. J. H. Phily, et Forest, Miss Lublie Pickard, et Hampton, Master Cliarlia Werry, of 'Se- lina, Miss K. Elford, et Fenebon, Mr. E. G. Crawford, et Ingersoll, Master Nom. mnu S. James, of Bevuxanville, Mis English sud Miss Susie Davis.... .Mes3rvs. B. H. Pmuet, W. S, 'l3eacock sud M. C. Prust mcently speut a tev days in To- route. Use Carter 'a Little Liver pille. A SPRINQ MxnîciN.-Thera are few 'auît viii hea a pleasaut surprise.-, vie do noet i s eason feel the need give positive relief. of a spring_ medicine, sud te ail enci vo .E USUÂL Wky. -The usual, vay je' recourmend Lane's Famnily Medicine as -lect bsd blood until hoils. bbotches the beet. This s apiessant herh drink emea make its presoncefercibly kuown ruade hy pouring he)iling vater on tha y vise paeon ought te ho caret ni te drled roots sud herbe. Druggistes sou y tia blood by using tha hast bleod the packages at 50o sud $1. It is tie ýer sud tonic. Bumdeck Blood Bittera beet as vel se the ploasautest cuma for urrfying power ln uuivalled. consumption sud headache. BEST ON EARTH. SU RP RIS E ThCSurprise"-., ON WASU DAYr. Takes out the dirt; makes "the wash"I sweet, cdean, mwhiite; leaves the hanis soft and smooth ; with eut boiing or scaldins. -R ].A ID o1 th 'ý SvrpriacSoap car, be roaed,l a-thrz; everyVw1ere; ni w9y; at auy .... yt...e. .~Savation Army Who- never , ara hehi'nd in attractions, was favored with s visit froni Brigadier sud lMes. Mîrgyetts and D. ). Spooner. The sýoldiers turuad eut weoli u had a good ma n,4rdi but the audience was rather sliu. Thosa Who at- tendod vere waîl pIessod with the ad- dresses of the asuperlor nfWcsr but most ofaillwith Mes. Margotte'. Their viait seame to have inused, nov life iuto tiu cotp3, the meeting on Sabbatx beiniz n- nussilîy iveiy and iutorestinc. . . .Mrs. D. Smarr,, Petorbore, suuompaniad hy lier hittie son HRowardis visitig lheaoths waoûk prier te loaviug for Calif ornie, wlire Mr. Smiart is engaged in 'eu.ltivating ant orange groe. . . Hes3re, T. T. Jardine, J. Collacutt, T, Gardiner, j.r., and W. 6 ,rdiner lu tend I(if their lheàrts deofnot fail thei> )te beave fer DeboQrainoi and Rol-. and, Manitoba, ou Tue3sday, Auig. 4th. Succees te you ono and al...r Philîp Pollard, illacon,, Miqsouri, U. S., snd hiie sister,Mrsi. Sophii L)cklisrt,New- tonville, vihitod frienda, liera duriug the week. Mr, Pellard is the oniy surviving brother of tbe old Pollard famly sud Î,, makinga a vîsit hoie for the fire3t titna in many years. Ho hlikeas bshom)o in Ma- cou ef whicli city ho ià a waFilthy and ra. sected citizon .. .. Our iseond l.evon ware defeatad by Haydqn fooýt-bail team ou Thuraday ovening but thay seacra te take It ossiar than miglit ha axpoctd.. .. The différent organizations o£f tus village were faeod lst week on threa successive niglits, sud'nov purpoao, taking a vacat- ion. On Wedneeday eveniug the Ladies' Aid led off vith a gardoen social in Mr. T. Creeper's heantiful grende, at which s quiet but enjoyable timQ vas epent in feasting, social con versation sud- croquet. The genial host sud' hostees are deerv- iug cf mucli praisa for their pàins.taking efforts te 'tiaka their guoste cerufortable, On Thtirsday evening theu3li thae ky vas somewhat tliraatning a gaedly numbor, principalhy yeuing folk, assamhhled in the Son's Hall te partake of the fes 'et, intel- lec tuai or etherwise promi4ad thoin. The Lîterary part of the prograin came fix'st cousisting of iritnantais by Miss B. Brout snd Mise E. Coueli, songe by Misses Cors- Gardiner, Risie Qade and Blioda Waltere, the sweeteat, muet paili- etic of any given by the lait uamed lad- ies being "Papa core thue vay." Mm. J. Collacutt, sang in riih-f4il touies "Our Jack's corne home te-day" sud the Glee Club composed of Misses Gardliner, Cade, Walters su 'd Binglisuxasd UIzs. B4ent, collacutt sud Gardiner sang sevemal gos.ý pal tomparanca songe, Boy. J. J. ÂAsh- ton ga.ve au addrees vhich if brief vas de- cided4ly te the point sud ýcail forth hjearty applanse. Mr. F. Manning gave variety sud pîçasure te the concert by parforra. iug soug raceful sud intricate, exarcises in cluh.evinging. Recitations vere giv- on hy Misses M.' Werry. N% Binglisuxaad. Mesers. W. Bingliar aud E_ Mguuing. Altogethar the affair wa3 higjily crodit- able te ail participatiug, none eto the se- lactions given boing et aill bjectionable but rather hreathing a heaithy, morahly elevating. toue, than vhlch na botter test - imouy could ho giveu tgq the cultivatiou ofa taste for the beet thinge hy the young people of the O rdor, With. the taleut avaihsble, the task ef clbearing off the me- xmsiningsz sall debt on the orgau viii ',net be a difficult oeeasd i't' LIexpec'ed:"Mil be more than accompllelied. on Chi;istmals. VOLUME XXXVII. Nu»mm 3 Alex. Rosi loat a valuable horse luat Su'n- day.. . .. Quarterly meeting servica3s l3re next Sunday at 10.30 a. m. TYRONÇ., Mrs. S. and Mr. A. L. Woodley visit ed Maripesa friandi hast week,.. . .Mis$ L. Reynolds, New Park, was the guest a! Mis Ettie Camupbellhast week. . .. Mr. Thos. Peufonnd bas been suffarinY freux an attack of qniney. . .Mre. Scott. or., je Blowly improvinrz in heaith .. . .Mr. J. Rysu sud Master Tommy, have beau vis- iting Pickering and City friand... .Mrs. M. Cryderman, Bo iraanville,, vas the guast of Mrs. S. Dunu on Friday.... Mrs. A. E. Clamons lia,% been, viaifing friands ini Torontoe.... .Misa Riroda Walt- ors is guest at the Parsenage, Bhacksteck, thii week .... Barley liarveet Ï& pregrs- lng rapidly in, this neighhorhood and there are prospects of s good yiahd in this sud ether grains.... .M-isa Anuje White who lias been espendiug saine menthe vith lier grandfather, Mr. R. tiodgeou je at prssent at her home iu. Maripesa .... Ta-, merrow (Thiur.3day) evening the junior debatoris of Tyrona Division ùnder the leadership of Mesirs. T. Paufonud sud W. BinghaÂm respectiveIy viii discuse the folIowIng bread question t'Reaolve4 that WIRE