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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1891, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY JULY 29, 1891. STANDARD BANqK ý0F CANADA., CRapIlat pald HP, sI,eO,OOO.Betlt,$264 0. 1 1. TFhis Býank is preparod t ïo do Legiti- ~h Ianïking in ail itsbrnhs - ýrmer's notes discounted ;-Dcposits receiveýd and Interest paid on accounts -f $5, and upwards in Savings B3ank Departmnent. D IlRAFTS Iisued and Colectious made Iu Europe unlited States, and canada. W. J. JTONE2S Gents' Cilothing Cened, Died, Pressed and Repaired by T H0ol. l-P.EAT, ý Dyer and Ciothes leaner. t3oods warrauted to bc as no one will know theni from new Whou doue. Corner~ of King and Ontario Streets, Bowmlanville. ONTARIO BA1M K ,c uinuem te tic a General Bankîstg Business Pownianvilie Branch. D E POSI TS ec31ved In 8avInzm Benk Departmeut and oný f51 an lnterest allovied at current rate, No Wict of wthdrawal neces8ary. Al d poités ileou demaud, EX CH A NWE RQght aud eoid and Draf ts lssned unpn nropo Junited,9tates and Cauada,alsoGold,Silvoi and dtEd States QGreeubacks bouizht and .old. C~OLL ECTIOUN ,-rmtly made at curret rates Upou aliparli G (reat Brittein, the United Etiteniand-ihe non am cf Canada. *Telcgraph Transfers sîle I be r cimali s o nail pa'tý rnada. This b. especially advautageors o Cc]' ne IVIEn luaiutoba or theNorthg,, est i Lkea the lInude aalableatcne e t the la ci ayment. Othber particulars eil at the han-k. REOmE, Aýccmotait. 0110. McGILL, Manage nb.earned et orlEIVine fworh, -,if - e oorbfy, by.thoe f eihr s., yongor oa, nIhr ce end he mwork. Eas . lo you sprenooetiOr51170r ic,, t. iii-. wri. hi, i. M.,o.r 51o $50p y-e1-k -d pnds ,»tya t e oah Yo u :E. Içoa- o -opleiti hre. Fu FRonoton5OEE. TIU & o. tl5À XNE. LCAL AGENT FO0R r-g a n JOHN s p E eC0ER,î VETERINARY SURGEON, BOWIliA1N VîLLE, O0NT.e Sûre Eyes Eruption 's Sore Fc-ýeet Sàr&-%4,ies length evercenie, and after great danger an fatigue thse efige of thse lake waa reacho( and the beat waa fouud te be but aigbtl injnrod by ita rough journey. It is probabi that Mrs. Shelden, if ber health pormits au sne is tack lu England lu tise, w"çiil read paper> descriptive et Ibis incident in h( jeurney ut ltse Cardiff meeting of the Brist -Association in Auanst. SUMMER: DRINKS. su Tlise final preof ot s mn's incspacity tc is auythiig is bis eude avouriing to lîx tlIs il usa etfalure upon others. -fB. R. lIsyloi EV ELEER SISN E very country has its traitera as well as ts patriota, and levery country bas both traitors and patriots in times et peace as welU as intimes et war. Traitoriasm and patrie- ismi are Dot confined teoriltary classifica- tion. Besîides the traitors and the patriots fr campsamid atttiields there are those ofl parliamtents and also of polling bootha. Tie mterae the more censequentlal teabiou1t he samne degree thiat '% cat'a head1 is cf iheîc m11por'tance than its claNwa. The beat f riends and worst tues ef the state are te beý fouuld in its -ommon2ýialtY rather thaniiin itsý armly. A. tr ue patriot thinka -as well as fiighita for, his counitry. Hie atrikes-ideas-as wetIl as' blows. On the'other band that mania more- to lie feared who cast's a traitor's vote thlani le wvho simply wields a traitor's sword. The old national pastimes cf war and strife are fast geing eut cf date and a new field cf w.o1'k la marked ou5t for the modern patriot. 'Ais work is te further the interests cf se- riety, moraliyand miateriaily,aitdc te strength- en and support social erganization and give etabiiity te its iawa. Iu every natien there are te bc. tourid m~en who advecate or passîveiy submit to certain politicai me.rsireis which are fsaentially hurtful and dishonouring, per- hapa suicidai te the itate. This may arise from sheer lack ef patriotic interest cor per- hapa more frequentiy fron unthiniiing, (traiterons,) and submuissive adherence to sonie untea;ted paýrty dloctrinie, however sucbi doctrine 'has arisent. Thse dangers -whicbi threaýten aiîy state lie, net soieluch ithouti as within. It is evi- dent ini the lighit cf rescuo aud ef experience that it is qite po)ssibýle for a nation to cause its own mrin b)y a wrong course cf polie. And it Ilnay therebyý forteit its own indei(- pendence which, are essential tp etefl prosperity sud growth. Ilu-hi nInMsr great emipires soîneýti]ns east thCe!vsess upîst eoks.Snbcurmr ruet lvthnth upovoked dsrcin o on nation by ainothIer. Hsoycoulrmlis tis fact. Tl'le greata dynlasties of the Past! feli by their oýwn baudns. Arnong dead empires there are net seinsany miarty rs as- suicides. Uniwise 1,pecyalorrg \ wli t mral decay,t(otten resulting tromi the formnec cause, brougit upon them their miin,aind thus they p)erishedlhaving stel-e-ýd thenîsel,ýves upon therefcffdestruction. he factcf this great national danger renders uece-sary file highest paLtriotism anîd intelligence attain- able by the people ef a nation. The prieci- pies of a~ order, progres and erganliza- lion and the conditions of national develop- ment shouid be" intelligently interpreîed andl patr-iotically at; wilbered te by, each indiviiual of the nation. To reach this bîgh state cf soc-iaI l e- elopmient ila oeegreat aim etf secular an moral education. Patrio)tism la,, the first necesoary condition, intllgeceisth scod.Wbesothese twe qusalities are presenit lu the pe~ople, the malerial safel y and of ae ti lie stale are insurefi. Add te these, bigb phlysical and moral'oculture and we have Ibe national ideal. We bave aI present to speak of pattriotens. Abstrl et qualifies ar e trouleseme things te deal svith. Let us' talk iin tlie .cencrete andl define a patriot. A pal ne is a mai or w,,ooun-a citizen ftb tae(Àoloe bisý or lier culyiii returu for the befffitat derived frons is or rcitîzensbip d eenereusv acta o i 'saionl go anidin nefeie 2o, ato .d ig1 s A ntina1ody mauy well tecompredte an "individial one. Tt i.Î,,,ade n ýop et different part eromegdff-et edin et al organiz.ed for ý-the dfnead wl r cf tbe whole. Eacb part tlisisev aphiere et action as ntie ndviueuoîgn itor.If an uof thdmef'r e t riatior.ail body tala te do b;ý,ius or hcis prt as such tnaI person ih like 9a paralyzed in-mor dead ners e, useicas and unprefituable te the whele. Such is a traiter. Patriotisn, is eule of Ille rubleot qtu-oîties possessed by man or wemau1. 1h is essen. tialty the quaihy et a genereus sudntloble- Till selfi silncSo. l'i lotism siiîspiies che sac- rifice oft soif if necessary for the geod o] al, and i- thu. simpiv eue phase ef gof or- e)sity or useifishness. If -ie wish te ilistil patriotisus inte thit biearts et men we must cuis ivate unselfiat. nkesa, and patriehisus wili uahuraily' t oilow. Tbe seul that is uatua .Susela wiii be nahuraily patrietie. Thus hiov nleedti it la tht tbe iera1dI ulure otgrow. iug generiationis be failfny atterded te that ahi that is noble]uanid g rositithq child lbe developed lu accor dance w itis h requiremen-lta eofsecu lar ucai Love, liketh ghfrnnbuiosed etnaini al!dircionsaud the sul tbsî ý loves ,its bhouse ali ts Imeiae nrVouud inlga wili uat'urally love isle ;lldlef tsnav ity. Ini this trntb we icer teguidiu1 iight t of iat culture as te tlIe developmenci 1treetheulgbit, ~ etc., are aIll ne-eessary te thI buiilding uip anld fitting ef the individuial te soeiety, but abev ail let mera cltreb advanced dfatties be as fal as o posibl cutiv fdl the mid fetthe prc gency'Oet the land. 'Hen shah lithe s>ýtato b upon a site teoidatien. A nation wblieýh h compolised et faithlf ni, suselflsh peeple wi 11inisht and prosper where its selfish, ni patriotic nieiglibors are low in thes dust. BELLE IRfE, P. 0, Ont. Onset the useast remarkabie incidents c Mrs.-renc- 4boon'sjenrny-te il- a Mixtvre, TisaS TasSe %WelI blut Are Nt AI. Ail tiese lare brses osse iss o use un bt weahher. Net ne et tIes .Coni- Almiond mlk is iadelioiusteverage. Take thiree dez7en fresi irnndbaniched, an-i peunsnt ho paste: tu-o bitter amelInda, bhanicled,su pouosd te paste; twýo loups cf cugalee plut et water. M onee gi et boiliing atrwith hthe almnouda. Wblen Yen have pnde lselu an m Iortar tatn return te the mioitar and pound with umore water, unltil ynhv sd apittin al sweeten e aie Frit sheretsre neov 4ei1g ald at con- fetoes tores, buitt ise au te a ls esl mad'ie lt bouse. MaýSis anty ripe fruit and pas4 it firaitlog a coarse, then tbrouighi a lise see To every quar t juies '1add1 qulat et n aterfand swee lt'n itb powderedi s.ugar. Wbeu thie angar fa dissoledsrn again and keep listhrie etrigeaahor unrtil wanited. Mule ider is a cecl i an refreshing dirîin, lut or der te mnaIe it taIre eue quairt cf eie,igiit eggs uda few graîlS ofe a 'aie f the eider is b-ard reduce it witb water auid put it te bell with Ibie asie meanwhilc beat the eggs ligt lualag pitelier, peur the eider'oi the eggsauf peur fuo.n eue pitchen te another unil I bas a fine frotb on 1h ; grate a 1ile u e ou each glass ag it is poured out. Ruasian les, another ceeliiîg d ink,,l malse ike ordiuary tea, but seri lu am ýnal gl asses witb thin slices cf lemen fioa til)g lu1) lbem. Itla ste be sugared le aste !ardLtakenl Camibrie lea la made tront euie pinit cf treat m ilk aned the sa ia et ofboiling watsr awaeteu te taste, lut 1lden l iimes tia n-ais Iuown te Western peepie as tea kettle tell. oC((oa iba il coposed (et lee quart ci boilinig water, tweou inces e ocof ctaand eule oîart et fresh nihi:. et tise nîbba wtýh at lit tie cold wa-ter,ad<ïl to e oln water, ceook osastie our and l-liait, strain, asdd' the mnilk, lhast le teiliig and taIre tromn th- lire. Lemon wvlater iýe is rmade ýfroon t1]e3juice cfsix lemona te escis quart et water: the rinsi cf a lemon grated aun tpd luj allit - hie waier ; the wahor straiie, suad a 11itîle efthIis added te the jicoý impreves the fias Or ; sugar le taste, alwaysý beariuig lu ni d thal freezing dimiînishes lhe streugtb et stsgar, sud thattsoaler reqires more sugar tsan elthser ci cas or s-ilk; Itbet,; iheai, atmr and ffeeze as fer les creas,.1 Creme a la rose is a e(,Iieus icî-kv, sold ah the confoction1ers'. Takie toquarts5 et rich, fresb creans ; augrsd rsewaler ho taste ;cochîneslinl uflle q!uaitity le giL a fine rose coloo;-elsof tev g~ Reat Ihe ream biiig Ibol, atslutt! anar f1avoriiug and cloring; 1have ready , lise yl well beaten ; add 'the cireani te, liîe yolks, litto by littie, stirning conitiuaily ;airainl, cook a b - mai-wiisesus lu eue ,ves- sel loside eOaF he-ntlil tîsirskenis, asud when coid. ree i storacis os made by takýîug 'a pourîd ci wld pluma, unssIbeon, take ont the tonles sud crack thiensi; tbrow IteminteilL a gallon cf brandy; l[et ithes a teep mssnlb, te, ,sudý yl its mes dillotul eus [q) Orýgeat ,is ruade fions laiIta pouss etofal monda, lled sud pouudd1inlui,,uta,, su n ix itii a ile rose wate'r u s aIrain, aweetn u faven itiro>se vae Te The Triple Alliance. nseass aliane'etîhres) lias ba eee forsi ys.A s laWeil lIrîsossu ite al auiirwithoumnieuit hisýtory tie arties hi t isle j(agoe lare Germauy, Au7stia ai Itiy Theallanc laBissiarclïs conception sund waa cnmd smmply for a defensive purvpose, fth.e elatsma- telîeviug tIsaI a triple .lea.ue ttw ntIse conniriesteveuame] sunuitiug formidatble militasry asud niaval e forces %would te a goarauls(,ofet peacoeii -Europe. A dIlat the lim elIet ge i W ýaf ei1eiei i teG ern aufi Italvy s ire ix- Itremnely ;auxiontisa 1it peace sould te ainl haine,,,t1-he frmer ini enfler t]if ahabsmi -ie ssue efit-ns osesofet Itstrr asbfilacqnjred isu 1870, the latterta siete mibî trenîhen bIold on1Rmea e rriteiry et ne great size Lttoet aupreus importance1 t !1,e othe S " 1 tQe. Nu bIlas thIle Ireaty failed iluIbe objeet for wbicb il was formiedi Ibo(ughl in enfler te raise hlir armysund 1nar' te the stanidard re-quimedi by its termis - tly blas Isad te neraeverybs' fittlnauciaitï urdens. Si liIt eoalI te fn It quecsîlers Ihat the respihe tromn war wbieI luopias eujoyed fer Ibes wo d1ecadeC le bas benlularemear oigte tIse.ex )r i.stec et Iis, ormdal lliaiie. Ai Ii leas sisle aflirm, Ru.ýIsaiUis lafaSa areacin anl interniai revelution thalt wi!l rlciCIý Change thelrsodition eft ibingailuibe Czar:ý 'e emiesd France ligewugpoorer bot! nilie1 u sdn sudnioey, year lty year, u cu II It uty bs able te lay thej pU lart(oft Il ~aggresser, thre cn onac f t1ise Inty fo a Tew yesrs longer will affect tue J a ii of Eutrope ; for whiie it boids togetiser Ruïs sia mud Francs unitefi are isardiy a ble t1 atlsck il. gourae ehertain tis e tar tho -f Italy wiii te disposed te break away fra-ii l- thse alliance, Ibat ewing te beur fermer uv, e ple-aant relations yihbt Austris, t)iIe 'tedi I ference lu rave hehwo-en te tchaflsus o0 thse one baosd and teGersans ou th la other, te tise differenice lu the popuis L'lie ver y changé notefi steve shows itpelf1 usainly, St praseut, libm infabrscs suiitefi te hi lieated haeini, and constitutea elleJcf ile prieýsl snd miit desirable et dise effeels cf gar itur tatfashion lias issued fou nsauy moisha. l mluay, iudeed, truithifuilly'ha aid tIsau tsdevelopsneu t fatis tic kuiOw'ledge et Ir italIflus dandemonstratsen, sliowing an Si zol vaitce iluflic perfecting cf shape, thetrunec oenu f garniture as an aco'esaony apply- a iugÏ Isainly te co0lon, bt eccaionsily usef ni asý to torns, sud(etofnausy minou yet impor. rihe cisarachter et waissla, in tlite main, uniangefi, sud will prob1aly remlain so 1111 tisa f-11, tise adoptei efcîs teing, ibu this- "e ct evaniefi alueady tihal thene ilaa -i4e fieldf on eboiýe sud il would sees tIsaI sl sititable Ishapé mii t e found for eveny Fronts mayv be gutîlerafi across thesou.r da s a lagc an sd lsp under a bell, sud, ci]i ipoh a ctosiug, a wVife filîl nmay te dis- W pLaysod, ct, vith selvage finiishi. M Wifiehaeks, snobI as now are preferrefi, aaofteil shîiruefi at h s ell--ins,ý A nox el mode for dressscf silIr shows a tulii pleatiuig on the iiigi shoulders, aud ne k darts, thiere babag s single unde1r-ans teon on tihe ide. 5EEMS T'lsse svhicb a re tull ah tise eltow bave a ga,ýtherefi fr111 teLowv. The pagoda shape is- ,,~i,ýý ly tavoned. Tise aleeve la still extended as finls it is possible te bring 1h down, sud la sýeal uite down ite thre kueckles on many- Ii'asdresses fer berne as, well as treet ce- herples, ibis efceot JvbIng pnoduced by runfies et Lilee, nisuain, or flutefl1gauze, net, or nib. Ole. Psemneie, on dr esses et a fabric :ldpithing etIfit, use, ila tmuught down as low on1 tiie buda eau lote dnswithout absolule 1teroitioii of hhle siceve.N Flat ceat akirîsiare set on tIse hipa wbiere 10ie bodicee raleugtibe ni'aneffeot already 1uoied by us beIl îlu illustration anfid escrsp- itionr. Titis very full gslbeieg )ol the edge et of îe svaisl tendls ho maIre the Waist appeau 1 usel immiien sa sppanolly gsiing Lýse ns' l'oi asr asilii te liIreiy to e uenleem d i oil( tlrof lettia trl effecls. ~.elt abta ae mut sen. Tse mteri- SssP t a Stll ow bll over whicb! lsa a dep ge la uIdus silik wtere îlIe.toflice is g-sýt hen!d ;sullas several uiowa cf shirrnqn anodtlîowaist sud tise efidoubeinuder te oeutr iilla. a tli akIint la seaaviug Ps nillier"IadafsY slengtbeiusg etfthe side- bu~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i tflswslb r ie ropdl lighh afc et f fiiingý. OnsobsIirîs, a raceuit etl Ise us l"e oi wo or tihue rows et llu-eto rîlcuasgaunlitur e at île bas, teicw willicil IImfng eule, hwo. ou Ibrces unfies en flueaare ÀIenunsed, giviug te a silIr se tiIini as the Lidis on China more body sud Thîeefige etofa akirt may bave s uitIle trili of only u or two incIses lu deptsud tIbis g Ïailittorla rss losig these soiý,tusd lise affect t:fcoupiete plainîissaisud cding- 10mtaiieflii latIs sud qlte otîsu as 'le gowua et aiilla, las et aside veuy et oten w au ibmtti % itnil re sada usefetolegive thsegreat. oransd lihes sd tuIl affct abh eieIresthe off-iei abnige y' ail thetuiluss etltc in t upendise iower ',1efge eolsf bficwb'ib la alsvya langtis- -Ie u uc ca.eoeuiug weiîdown usion th1e trou b sud 1baýk Ilupeints, et wlehl ~iiere are fneqIeautly four, isveo beissm ou lise T[his affect solves thse prob,ýiusby wicb a intysdbcmn uîes la te e ladl -in s t1bimateial, sudcl as uege, gusua. fciltle, înet. anoîsesd m Nuîlivile tIse ig gro tesque unhigatout tise very lins cf sy tc tabeit itacî, wee an ie ifigure st ~ a~tcsqui l vertai. Lai lis hope Ihat i il li eer etenuot t lc archives et tasis. -ioný, as tIse annfeesssd i5051 ginlisis feiguebsa azhI grace, picturesqusnassansd r iihus y ilIs adoptionî. S- ICOAT BOICES. Ie The coat-todice h neiw cul ont, ii giany n eest affects--as noteflinlu his' nuster on ~.oîlien pagea-inho five well-definefl points f tqlinig teneýati tise tot-lins sither witb or nvtl w itt u ii etoflace, silIr or muain ta. e (i u iîlises. These. peints ara trequesshiy ývtîa troafi or uarrew trimîing 1ofietigimp, or witt scalapa, serolla, or o siil'e traigist uowa ot braifi* Veny ms winute rews ef veny uarrow lacs are irîso ,, uaefl, Ibrea or four taiug lise nusten, on, >1 t gain, ou plain gingliamis, rowsfethtie pretty Scotton or linen busida, id FOR s' xDRESSES. sý lut duesses eto chad'geatle sut ilt is, ah t-_ pr sent, very nob hthe mode ho use s e4 Ï yocf lacs syýhicis daeply curvofi benesth 1- tise armas. -An efige et passseesterie la set i- ai, tle part vwhenýe the yoke joins tise fnes )- miatenial. TIse fulluesa aht thep ofthtIe a, aleeves m byte ormed imb a Iltnase-love's if lknot " shape by shiruing, tIes hirring teiug sa ciruiefi down.toneath lb, quite as lcw as the lid el bow in styliat, exaniples. 5 Tisera la a great deal cf varoebv lu tise 1) topofaleauv es as slrsafly a tatefity unain tous. id el, inmiens whaua illustrations sue givan in of crannote axamplea whicb ara now meadoptefi. 35 MINeR DETAILS. SOM.E WQ1US or FÂSHIOR. TUEEXITisNGMODESý. There isý, as a general rie, but littie elhange if any, am this tinse of the year, wlch fa grapiiically described as the 'Cdead seatson,"ý yet, no)wadaya, faahionI's Variations are s numrousthat certaýin oifctin oceur every nionth in shapes and shioaid, as is ahways our habit, be inoted as they pre- sent thIemIselvea-. For example, there is an apparent ch- ange fl the length of thesidle-I)ieces, yet, On thorough investig-ation cf this seemingalter- ation of long ide-effecta, it will be founid tht it ila the h ouse (dresses--now termed "jot harpec" dresses andof whýich thiis nuonhelr con- tablia4he novel eape-nutbe street cotme Ln other dresses tha,-t are thu. shovtenied at the sides, and that thiis cýhange is gmply tei admit of the additional effect of long lace ilounces added around 1tuie waist, or if pieatedl or gathlered( ruffles of a second miateriai, as, for e-xamiple, chiffon onuslin or pleated silk. will be found iii lis old shop, nex t door aoor to Express Office, where he keeps constantly on hand Aý LARGE & COMPLET£ ASSORTMXNT Goarse and Fine for Men and Boys, Womien and Chidren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Repairiug. The old Porter Foturidry is stili booming. w HZID n are ready to supply ail orders 1for Castings of every descrip- tion, the only riace wheIre ail you can ha supplied on h sote o ic n the shape of Castings, large or sinall, PIow Points, the celebrated diarnond steel m'ade for any plo wv mar-uf'actured. We pay Large Furniace Ketties always in stock. the llighest Price for ýý.rap Iron and reqtîire 50 TONS AT ONCE. Stove Oastingsof every descri:.,Lion supplied. SMachtnery of ai! kinîs, AgricuIturai Ilm piments '-toe s, icyclos, Sewing M chines, in fac. everything ihat euan n R E P A IRUGm 1 worth rap a. ig, we cep do it. W' do not have te keep any paddlers and oniy supply reliable agenis. S. J. HOSKIN, H. J. -WEEKES. PR4WRIETOUS, FOUMUIRY A' U)M CIESG Corner King and Liberty Sts., Bowmanvil!e Po LE R, S 1Il - <atarrh. CATARRUÂAL DEÂT.NESS-HAY FEvEit-A NE'W HomE TRNATMENT. Sufferers are'not geuerally utware thsat thase diseases are contagions, or-that tay are due te the presenice of living parasitas in tle lining membraneetftIhe noie sud eushachiau tubes. Mlieroscpie research however, las proved this te ha a facl sud the resuit cf thie diseovery lta ta sim- pIe remsdy bas been formulatefi wbere- by, catarrh, catarrhal deafueis and Isay tever are permaneutly cured inluoee te bîrea simple applications made ata home by tIse patient once lu twe weeks. N. B. -This Ireatment is net a anufer an efatoneul; baths bave beau dis- cardefi as injurions. À pamphlet ex- plsiuing tbis new treatmant la sent froe on receipt et siamp te psy posbrsio-, by J. G. Dixon & Ce., 345 Wast Kimg St. Tor. onto Canada. -ChriiansuAfvocahe. Suffarer tfrous Ca' rrisaitreubles s hould oarefully read tue 5abovo. Io.w ta Cure iMI Skia Dlseas Sjmply aply "SwÂvNfsOIT£E'a N iniamual sedie s îquîred. Cames tetter,, sýeema, icE. h ertm-w sounOh, acebads, nose, etc , laavingg ha s8kiù, clsan. sç)ieue nd healthy. Itsgreatleaiog sud curative Desse ýrs aire pessssned by no oiler . .s' e y.Asit yesr dreiggtat for SWÂ--AYNs <INTMENT, LymAN o Na & Cc,.Monsue &l. WVislesale.Aga For Siver 5'irt-v Tsars 'oser MISs. W W >'anws JeO-rHINe afYmo'iý as been while teethinit. If dia ubzd at nigis: and bs br of e your uesat by a sick ehilfi suffeulng sud erylng with pain ef Cetiug Teetts seud aI' once sud gel a botolaof * Muls. Winslow's relleve the peu f ittle rtiffsuer immediatel~ Depand uponl, motherna tisereab.noelta&oiI aboutit. It cures Dharulei s.regulaeste Stomach sud Dowe1 s Care-sWind, GioOt .5 sof tens the Gums. neduoo "s ma ammsiwn gives tne and ene.rgy to tise wiole W. 1i ~li "Mus. 'Winule n'8 Eoothiusýap (oPfr.p1~ffl »jîi 'os teelhiug ita pîsau 'ol is aAte anci laàta prescription oetoesof tise estauitee maie physidiassasd nu--ses lau n. United SasiPrices25 cao a sbfalel e5-5 i'5 Ž drugglstg îhreugoet rue wiruldlie sure sud aek fer "MES, INSsLOW'S 5eSOORNVç Sykpnjp l You Pull1 the Cork Harvard" Does the Rest. ,tI hava 1nsed UÂRVARD BRONýcVXAL SYRT r, IEi .the mOSt satlèfactory CuhRe3mqiy 1 "a ev-or tried. and 1 know th36t lhrou4li its U88e1 Lave recovered frolu a very bad cold.'- Ruas Mackenizie. C. P. R. offices, Montreai. Thora is nth~ing in. the world eqilal te this renvedy for Suo, Caughs and Colds. Pletaut 5t te taiste-Gives instant relief- Ab- soalely har-mis. Lrzo buttles 25C. IBy ail dealers, A. J. Lawrence, Montr8s6]. Sole PYOIW$6tcr or CGAa,. '-J 2 1' BOUNSALL( 8 VIRBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, Bowmanville, Ont. (Establitshed 1857.,) B. .R. DOUNSJL LM lm-porter, Manufacturer, and Dealer in MVonumenîts, TLomibs, Sarcophagi, Tablets, lleadstones and ail kind's of ArC11iteýCtur- il and ýCemetery Work i» the best Luropean and American Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Uýesigns, Superior Workmianship and leýst Materials. WiII be happy to qnote prices ou any kind of work. Give ine a cail before piirchasing. M1E EAST END PAINT AIND PAPER STORE isnow open wiere will be found fulll hues of Wall Papets from 5c. to $21 per'roli, Rixed Paints-nîxed to order and sold by the pounid, Putty, Glass, Peerless Machine Oils, etc. I amn prepared to do housepgintitig, graining, and decorating of al :indfls. Brushes to loan fr painting and kalsomining. Mixed Kalso- mine also for saîe-any shade desired. Reid'a Block, opposite Nýew ilotel Building-. 14 DAý'l-Vis Du

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