t t.- Take Note.@ My Walt Papers are spociaI. -Patterns )4eautifu1, and i prices right. Pýapex hung at 8 cte. per rol. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW Ck > c: > f Full Stock .ol Wtl'DOW SHADES, P. TIREBILCOCIK. At thé meeting at Bisley of the'National Rifle Association the English team won the Kalopore Cup with a score of 679 points. The Canadian teain was second with 672 pointa., Trere has sldom been better prospecte for an abundant haniest in tisis district thtan exista at present. Aithougistise hay crop vas ligist, wheat, peas, oata and bar-- Iey'are flling isplendidly and the saniplea ,wiii he large andheavy yield. Tise root crop aiso look vigorous. Srnall fruit-s are abundant;- but applea, especiaiiy the winter ývarieties, are going to be scarce, A apecial meeting- of tise Cosntf a' Council us calleà for to-morrow (Thurs- day) to appoint a successor or auccessors to tiselate clark and treasuarer. Reeve Prower la menltloned for the Wardenship, sisouid Wa 'ý,den F'erguson b. appointed clerk as is probab)e. Mr. Prowar us net a candidate for tise clerkship an han been atated. The Timusa isya Davisi Ewiis# Iand Nel Macnachtaa of Cabourg are by long odds the favorit,0s in case thse offices are net divided. John Hagenmesi, Co- bourg, vents Lo ha treasurer. F. B. D)oddti, Hope, and Mr. Eisgiesoii, cYosk of Hamilton torwnship, wasste be derk. T. W. tJnderwood of Orono is mentissnedj but Tom saya ha bas no uses for it., 'T'ho U, ,r FJUiifimn W .NApiUUiim.3 4y. -~ ________________________________ I I ________________________________ I CLARKE, LF. Reed, Port Grak8y,. Gertrude Lewia, Newmatite, Jao. W. Bradley, Clark-e, E. Baliagis, Newcastle,- upton Runnais, Carise,, Jas. J. Ksith, Orono, Kate R. Squair," .0 J. L. O'Flynn, StarkviLte, P Roht Simpson,tonso,. teMr. J. L. Rowe," I MA. E. Warren:, Kendal, A E. S. Fralick. Kirby, [5 Gto. W. Shields, Letka!. iG Rovena WVallace, Orono.,,, jJane Robinsonî, Honda], James Lawson, Kirby,, SSarah M.* Oarr, 'Union 20 Manvers, ,1 Agnes H1allîday, Orono, a2 F, 0. Lintcn, Leakard,. ,3 Union 1 Danlington, 14 Union 18 Cavau, HOPE. D M Fanning, Port Hope;,' E H4Poarce, NWeîsleyville,.. F f Pearce, Po)rt Hope, J RFaun ilig, VsIcome,. Robt Grandy, Charlecote,, B M Tamblyn, Zion, rJaunie G Gist, Ro3smnout, Fred C Phiip, Canton, Emima Tonkin, Welcome, 10 B Vanilemrigli, Osaca,, Il R B Henderson, Bfwdley. ýJean Hl Dodds, Perrytowâs, I3 M (J Tamblyn, Eliza'vile, L4 Editi M Lee, Baileboro, i 'Wmn L Docda, Perrytowv, A J Wnight', Garden IHileý. 7' A MeGregor, ILHamilI, ElizabethiviUe, F0, 00 19.10 17.9P5 27,35 20.70 13,50 )2.15 38s. 40 oo3 ,5.15 . (; 5 19î. Sf 12.85i 8.551 ô 13.00 <r- 32.75> 30.67) 24.35, 39.86, 53ý00 18.6&1. 21 25 15.20ý 49 10 18. dS;ý 11.40 19.201 38.35i 5. 001 8-30 land, and Durhamn have j ustr, uatained'an u s 'irraparabie lbac in tise doath. of thsir "4 I$tatuâ4u, faithful Clark ani TreaaureiçE. A. Masy " 6 - .,---,nacitaü, Esq., w1lo ut 6 'clck Wedne> t 7; BOWMÂNVILLEC, JULYr 29, 1891. - d8y svening quie1y sntored "'the suburh- t. & S 'of the life elysiaawho3e' portai va esIl '9 deatli." In Januare lant,, Mr. Ikàacnachtaviî' 1 ..TEX HIGH SOHOOL > FOR had* an attack of ls.,grippe wbiofi his con- " 1 vas cinfined to bi» residence la a state - As our rearlers ars avare a Higis Scbool's of"prootretion, whicl7r-gave bis farsily and 14 j Act was passed at tise last session of our bilenda great 8nXîetyT, BIe suff(irpd froin '"15 ,Legilatue whch povide amog o îer a, ante form of dyspepsia lie which -16l Legslaureviscisproide amng tisr nndieil science osemc& unabie ts"pirovide 17' ihinga that thse county muet hear a fair a vemisdy. As hoieeId take It littie 18 ,proportion of tise cost of maintenance cf nourilihment, hoeîrad mally lest atressgti -" county pupils et the Hugis Scisools in the andi grew weeker,, uriril in the evening -'20 couty Tisais ua asitsisul ho Te hàdews.peaeetully q nd painlessly 1hntpassed .- 21 'Conty Ths ijus astshuldbc.Theawayv yeaterday, lageali 66 yearai- We 2 -.town where tise Higis Sciseol ha situated lament tiseleu ofl a geodoitizen, .akiind 3' provides'tise building and ail necessary frientir In tiseassmiýs cf tise ehrcb, 2 -accommrodation. Tise cost of maintainance in thseeoncs f -'t iout an tewn, h zia thon dvided htween tise town and tise exereiseti anoh ise nt4 potent irsljince counIty in -tise proporthon whici tise aver- bis clteery voices is gosse eut for eser.-- -geattendance cf tevu pupils bears te tishe os"Pt erd.2O average attendance of ceunty pupils. 5 Srý nia F Yïï. 3MUly SrksraSMrx " .lise.Higi Scisool Board bas now ne pove1 r reade-m bave sither been t, or isead of "- 4 te impose scisool faesupon county pupils. tie tesn. f holawoessi eoniie ' Engiati. f ha a lastïon c-fr oniy 6~ Tisab rihish confined te tise County aot1~10 u h mna ostsr ' 'ýounci1. At tise June session cf tise vitis lamearslimmense. On tisesecond .- 4onntiem' Ceunil a committee vas ap- week 'isn.iuiy eaph y par a big mark et ê'9 pointed and autisorized tedeal vitis this knowms as Peter'aIUFair asl "Gleoaner" '-'- tise vell-known coritpondentûfi thtie u.11 question as veil as te adj ust financiai mat- Exetear Western Tumes f Mr. D. iBtten) 12 -fters witis tisevarious Iligis Scrools vithin in is- excellent reporisthis year 13s-I ' tise mnnicipalitY. Was oomputed that tisera were fironi 600 14 j This committee bas met and as wiii ho to 7W Oherses for sale and a good isssineesa 15 ýýen i or cluinselzwhaeit as e-wae dons frein M$ ite..$315. Mr. Thp son "16 mcc inourcohmuselsvisreit as e-of tise (olden Inis ad, oe eof thàbeat at si n te£rmined thit ail pupils within tise united 60 guhusas. C. M. Ssounders, iDq, had 1.&v counities attending any Iligis Scisool in a âIne span et 300 gsinvas. Thse greatest tise aceunities %asal pay a nnform fee of deili5fd vas for omnibus and ceet herses. tb ieTise cattie fair, vas ase a succeosâ, Steera 75c. a montli. Hors again w thvo heiriist-t ire order cf 3 "e. hrougist $7>m te $80. comimiteoba aced iaey.Ontario Co'y fIes aand calvea, soicifor$ M, to $95. "o- ,c6Ulnotee bas aimposeslike ee.It ha There vas a large aupply of, iani.bsathougkh Z, 'wll tisat tisa adjoining ceunties shonld. 3 te 4 tons of fat lamb, carcases have al, ks lave a niforra fee. Tise feces tius collect- mot daiy heen aut te tise London mar4s- - et. -Store Iambe, madie (20a t,; 25s> )fe,~ ed from ceunty1 pupils are te ho doducted $6,25; fat lamba $8,50 te tMr. Sam'I, f rom tise sum pa&yable hy tise county for Chamubers says. lis bas atteudad this f. "1 maîtcnnct! nb iisSîPos Rate- witot a singe break for ZIi yeara. payera will roadily soc that in seudhng TeBse Tan il thier ciildren te a Il igil Schsoor ii.hain Ti ilyTa ,1 tsoer intorest tisat they patroîîime thse A. page of tise last ine of tise Iomin-4 scisools lu tisir ovu county, etherwiso ion Illust-ated presexts a complete group 1 tie etisbnertcftie o paid inte cf portraits of the Canadian Bisley tenus ' ayscisothein notof e nysde ioof 1891, vus a brisefsketch cf tise shoot- 1 -ing record cf eaeh in pat yeais. Itit h 2C saine- tue have te heip to support their timely and interaating. d 21 cvii ceuxty pupils. Capt. W. P. Milligan, Durhsam Field 22 Wée draw tise attention cf cur readers te Battery, Clark e, Ont , bas nover heen on chs1phs f the nov iaw, hecause fer some tise toamisbefore; isas won numereua prizes this haseit Ontario and Dominion Rifle meetings; inexplicable reason people residing in tise is a good steady shot and excels witis-tise nortbenn part of tise county have hoen ini Martini-Henry rifle. Ne. 1 tise habit cf seuding their cimdren ont- Sergt. John E. Horsey,' 45tis Batt., 2 ide tise countyto ho educeted. Tisefohiy Bovmanvillie, lias been over two years, 3' y1889 and 1890, and is visat la called a 4 of tis jei stii more apparent vison va re- good ail round shot. 4 member tist tisore iasin Bovmanviile a Pte. Chas. A. Windatt, 45tis Batt., 6s Higis Sciseel, nt ouly equel te euy in tise iiovusanvilie, vas over asat yoar, 1890, 7 ceiites bt netiaiis ansd is a rising ycung shot.8 adjeining onisbuon htsa- Pte. D. D. Beach, 45th Baît.. Bow- knovledged -teo aup4inier te any eat cf manville, Arat timo over; bas bis record Toronto -whether vo take into considera te usake yet. tien tis eoeganea of.ita accommodation - and cempleteneiss of ita equipment or the Entrance Examinations. o1 suporier excellence cf its teachiug staff. S2cEs-LCNIASo r NWATE h mey net ho generallv kuovu bey rapid- - ly our Hugis Scisool bas dovoloed, but it Bowen F, 9 Clarke, K Squehr.5 ha a remarkahle fact thlat tise attendauce Chapple C, " "IlI is double of visât it vas twe years ago aud cobledick W, 21 Clarke, A Hallidey. 7 Cooper C, Kendal, E Warren. tise nunîiber writine lor University andi Lee G, INewcastle, Rd Ceutta Deparimental examinatieus is noarly four Rowland R, 2 Clarlie, G Lewis.9 limes visat it was ais tisat perieti. McClung S, Newcastle, R. Coutta.1 As Ibis ha tise lime cf year 1tisat parents Patterson W, 18 Clarkse, .1 Lawacu.1 Pearce H, Newcastle, R Coutts.1 are meditating uponth ie question, visere Soper L, 1 Parliugtom, J Wilger.1 te. senqth ieir chUltren te ho educaeot, Walisridgp A, Newcastle, Rd Coutts.1 vo, ask tisem. te vii Bovutanvilie andi Belferd A, " ses, for tisoxisealvea visat facilitios sud Belgar E, deiigBroati L, Orono, Ri-mpor.1 adysuntages il bas toi offer before dcdigCohbledick S, 6 Hope, B Tamblin.5 toe end tlieir'ciildreoa ot cf tise cennty Coulson A, 2 Carke, G Lewis. visosa scisools tisey have to support and Etwivad Lucy, ô Hope, B Tamblyn. vs' are convinced fiaot they viii .ot ho Eilbeck Ida, Newcastle, Rd Goutta. lu akig u tiehmina t sod t Iunter E, 8 Ciarke, J Keitis. long ,m in ptérmnst edo Moment M, OronoQ, R Simipson. No.1 Bowrnanville. Wo mày add tisaitise Waihridge F, Newcastle, Rd Goutta. Principl or any member of tise Board wiii Waiker A, 1 Clarke, F Reidi. ssîem ita prviiee b isevauy isitra 1ennedy C, 14 Hepe, E Lee. througis our sclisol or give any informai- The OldManWould have HinJoke. ion requireti eiher perenalîy or by bItter. Two boys viso ovned a catielafeaim out West, The; scfly; tg- opsn tb visitera evory Set- CbrlStened Il "Focnc," et tieir oirais roquest; a0liMýnThse oid man thought it qutte a gond conceit, nrday fame.a, 0a.M. te 12. For tisera the sun's raya meet-(theiaS011- raias H meat!>1i) Thse lads prospered, snd tisey and Ilseir O 2i1WW6hbýtrigi ntlok-- famlies enjoyed tise vory hest cf isealtis Ta crop Dr. Pieree's PMasant Pelleta vers alvaya a Manit"ùewIaù tisepNortb-Weat tise Cenati- feimotinl their medicine-cist--tise oniy Ba ~ a~jasCompany bas ordereti poitive. cure for bilions andi sicis ieeti- Suné ,Public Sohool Grants. De low in a statement of the Logisiative Granýâ to the, various ohools in this ln- spectorate, and a list of the teachers, with the a ddress of each; for the year ending June' 3oth, 1891. S S'. Tj.&cnxR. POST OFFICE. GRANiT. DÂnuii«rON. o.IJessie G.Wilgar,B3ow'Aille,,$1875 2 2Ellen T> 1oode, 5.00 '3 Fred Werry, , 22.90 4 B. W. ToLkio, Gourtice, 23.*10 56Elfrsbeth Allun, Bow'ville, 297.00 à T. Kirkpatrick, ' "I 22.30 l,8 Robt.. Lawrie, Courtice, 45.35 "9 K. Morrison, Bowmanvile, '22.0 10 W. J. Orchard, Tyrone, 18.851 Il f F. J. Graat, Hampton, 4.351 Jennie Salibury," <12 8. J. Courtice, Taunton, 16.25 "13 S. E. Sanderaori, Tyrone, 22.90 "14 John F. Moynes, Xnfield, 24.00) 15 Mîllard Gibuom., &I 27.00 "16f JohnYoung, tnnlskillen, 65.65 Enini=a Broviie 6î "17 Maria Maddevr Il 1 î.60 18 j.IH. Allun, Tyy'0e,, 40.00 "19 Editiz Rigga, Ensiakilan, 10.90 "20 Wm. H. Tonkin, Solim. 43 30 21 Rendol Snell, HeydoD, 29.40 22 Union 22 Carke, 8.85 93 Il 20 Manvýers,,, 2.25 *COUNTT MÂTTERS. 1'HE bOWýMÂNVILEBI3DGE'. Tbo meeting of the joint committea cf Coities and the town of Bowinanviile to open tenders for the proposed new bridge took~ place in Bowmanville on Tuesday :hie 218t. As was expected there was a .iveiy time., Ever since the town became ,.ware thar the Counties were lisbie for a' percentage of the ocsts of the bridge, they',bavehad very high-toned notions in regard to the otyleý and kind of bridge thaSt would suit their wants. What they conBidered would be aufflo' ient for ail pur. Pams, before thé pasising of the sct, wont answer at ail- now. Circumstanoeu alt4r camés, and thi8 wa@s imply demnonstrated btï-e Bowmanville town council in the course which they purâued at thse mes t- ig. At the outeet they had prepared fflanq andi specifications cailiug for a steel bridge ta olios over $17,000.. This was too much of a ateai froni the Counties, and the committee would have none of it, b~ut advertised anewr for plans and apecifi- cations. As itie resuit no tenders wero received, and, for eighttbonisa the commit. tee conFLidered. proposition af ter proposit. io looking toea& aettle.nent, withont avai IBowmanville hiiting on the $14,000 tender and the C'ouaties on $8,500. Thse tender& were as follows: L . G. Brown, Belleville, $12,724 Dominion bridge ,work, Lchine schedule rates BrowNv & Fielding, Bel'eville 13,942 F~ielding & Waiterem 9,048 Royal Bridge Co., Bbwmanviile 5,600 H. Waltera, Lindsnyr 7,542 W edde'l Bridge Co.,.- Tenton 8,500 " " 12i350 8,00 14,000 As wil be seen, there is, a marked diffar- e-ice iii the amounta>of these tenders s.ued t-3 a great extent:hi tthe different plans for the building Mf thé anb.struct- Ur. The cosnmittees w2e unable to eaa to any aatisfactory agveement, Bow- 4nrville standing fitm î',ý sheir determin- ption, te have the, bighk att uried bridge the Counties beine (qually itssndl Iheîr intention tiat the cheasper bridge sould meet ail rt quiremente. A corn- 4eedead-lock resulted, aund at 10 i cloclr, p. m.4an adjounment tii suees ab the cafl of the chair, was rneed antI ciýr- ried.-Cobourg 8entinei4-tas'. Ontario Grand 1Uodge. The Grand Lodge of OMtario1 A. F.& A. INL, met in the Tempernece hall yes- '4crcay when Grand Magter W. . ]Féthick dldvered hi% address, whinh>stated that lgrinig the pat year the Grand-; Lodge liad been very prosperous not only in the stzengthening of the lodgýâ; -through in- sce-aâe of thair mernbership, -whiclbsiring the last ye-àr had amountýedtoa, higiser nuber than lias been registes.edi on the roll for many years previtos but by the îe.couragement they hiave- receivea froin offer Grand Lodges. l3ince the set of ,tonfederation eaeh of thse sevenprosvinces Sunder the Governinent of ika own listative body; thse orginization is pre- cîseIy similar te that wkich. exisa in the rsêighb rin rpublic. These provinces 7ere then considered to be MàsonicalyÊ t~unoccupied territory, therefiwe eacls Itý;ginzed a grand lodge of. its own in the .fy'Iowng order; No)va Scotia, 1,W36; New BRrunawiek, 1867; BritMahColumnbia, 1867; Qaebec, 1869;Prîne el4ar Island,1875; O*tario,1876. "We hold that -kâe Grand .Ldge of Ontaclo is tIw orily Gruaid Lodge t4iving j orisdiction iii the Province of Ontario. "-Globe. S. A. NOTES-. Musical meeting at the barrxik Satur- diay night neit. Cadet Hellman latt the Janwison Thura. day on promotion ta Lient. te the Park- hilI corps, At the recent 3a A, denesraatratiois ab thse Crystal Palaeri, Engtand, a brasa bane. of five thonaand inâtrumenzs took part. Large crowds gathered at the barracks Stinday 'on the occaE!iýn @4 the vîsit of Brigadier andi IGrs. Marveàti. They w iii 'be heartily welaome again. A very pleasaint and pro.8table day wae. spent by the Army onu the beach 0ivi2i holiday. Thme meetingI1: vers held', the' afternoon meeting espeeiaally being wvel1. Ai aceoutats du iums must be puicl,on or before Aaguat MlOta save coat, e4,al not ",,il, bf that date will be handedto a 1awye roollection easi1,arn Jeaving triwn. muIss. Dfoi1*2LLEY- . d Change ia Bu.3iness. tiaviicg bought out John Allink-hitereat- in tis, business caaWied on by Cawker& .Aflin I will still carry on thA business i W F K,-arney, Frauk'ip, s i0. 55ý.' J P enny, bi- Pleaasant, 38 8O. Win J Stacey, Spni-sIgville, 23.101 L.Emn-x.a EarI,' Ida, -1480,, TissWXMoLean, I1 à, 541)O rV C E ~ Sarpe, Gva, 19. >i *Jno W Russe>,Miro, 24 30 A lice M Vance, Frazerville, 15,2b LO EffisELarmer, M.hlbroek, 2&~35 Il P Hampton, " 10.7.0 12 Emrna li Ward, " 64 3 Annie Pendrie, 185 4 Rebecca Fair, '-75 5 Emma Shaw, s 11650' 8 M Wittingtoun,, 1'640 9 Maggie Lnniýdess " M.50, 20 Union il Manwuer, 9.55 21 5 ,Soutb lilnagisan, 8.50 2 1 i -16.45 8,'154.00 GAUT WssIOmT. 1 Jas G Pevitt> Blackstock, 19,10 2Isiais Barlayv, .£ 69.35 3James Moore, Cadus, 19.25 4N McDouald, Perpie H1111,. 21.7'5 5, Manetta E Irini, Gdin,18.55 6 Lonie Preuti, " 26.751- 7, Oscar Eiur a1ae, 26 !9 $ B Kenner, Blacksitock,. 25.35 9Rita Williamasne~r, 18.00 $24500 MAE VERs. 1 R. W. Sisaw, Yeiveaben, 2 Robt. Gillies, Ball4yduff, 3 Emma Braden, Bethany 4. Lizzie A. Myeos,' 5 Etivard MrtoielliLifford, 6 John F. Watke,. "c 7 f T.G0. Birchard, Janetvhlle, ,Editis Meffat, j 8 W. B. Hooper, Pontypool, 9 J. B. Jacksion, 9 10 Tises. A. Mille, Janetville, Il Sanu'l J. Green, Franklin, 12 S. M. Shaven, Mit Horeb, 13 lviargaretE. Windel, Lotus, 14 E. A. W.Pavia, Pontypoo, 15 Harry R. Beap, Betisauy, Edili Byere, 19 Union 18 Cayeu, 20 Lizzie A. Dcan, NovPatrk, 1280 25.25 1430 43.80 22.35 58.30 23.55 8.95 3.55 19.40 2500 40.45 14-60 12.051 e402 00, SOUTH lMONÂOHÂi<. 1 G. E. Marahal, Bailieboro, 31,55 2 G, Fitzgerald, 22.2u 3 Hattie E. Sôden, Beusfort, 20.25 4 Mary Creba, 14 29.40 5 Walter Bryce, Frazerville, 23.60 $8133. 00 at found. Ask M. A. J'KïEs about Pake a look at the 5c. ptintis at John J. 3argains every day of the week except nday at John J. Mason's. This Is To Remind You That The Best And Cheapest Line 0f Goods In the Market To-day le' F'oind WI'th Ujs. s-hortening thse credit systeni that.1 isall bi3 encouraged by your continued patron. agro wiich will be thankfully received. Cash nsad-for e3, hides tLloe- gheep a T A T I o N E R S, LADIES! Irs. DONNELLY is giving upibusiness, leavîng tOývpj everything eiust bc leared out by August 15th. Great bargaýîin l Laces, Flowerrs, Silk Velvets, IRib-, bons, etc. ARl the stock wiIl be sold regardless of cost. TEE ENCYCLOPEDUA BRITANNIQA, REVISED AND AMENDED -AND- A comp1ite set of tise very latet edition oftira Mammolis Encyclepedia Britan- ýpica, Revimeàbanti Anendod, consisting of ton largo, handaome bounutivelumies,. aund .ts year's snbvcriptjon te TE zSrÂrEAN ifer about, 'cents a day, A fsv cEnits- more than yen a»e accustomedt 1 pay fer yenr daiiy newapaper securea Ibis valuabie refce- once librar.,. Iu other verds, by paying $2':,eacissmentis for oe year. yen gel Ibis grand verle,, viicis àssuporier le otiser "Gyclopedies" tisai ara eid âaiprices vnrkg f romn $80 ta5$200, aud Tnas STÂTESSIÂN for avisole year, besidas. Mise first five vol- unies are delivered upon- tise irai $2 montisly payment aud tise tiser five volum 33 are delivereà vIthin four months. Tise ENCYCLOPEDLAà BRITANNIClA ItEVISED AND; AMENDED. la tise moal comp ee'and diversified llhrary ef-entortaining ant i lterest Ing literaf ure ever iesueti froni lie press. Yen vili findrsomething te aitracà ant iàitereet you on every pge. If you ara fond of history, il. containis th is uos uulection ofi historius in tise vorît, embracing every natIon cftanckrnt sud modern times. Are yocs inter. oste i in science? Tise Encyclopedia Brilaunia wyutl ue, tan ean, nnderataîadable Eng1hsail about auy science yen visis ir stsady. Are yoen rions abouti meebianiosI inventions? Tise Encyciopedia describe tisalal. Or perisap yen venit inormation about soe indnstfy or mode ef menu fàctn.rng? Again tise Encyclopediaisla iey ta your' hanti; a ulemeut's turning cf ifs pagoea binga tise proper iseading te, yau~r eyes, ant tisere befona Von lies a comple- and exhaustive acconut of tise sutirsubject. lu., short, whietiser yen vaut amusement fer au 1dle heur,, soliti insirnetton for- more serions moments, or quick infertnafims about auy malier as te wb.lch yen are lu donht, yen hava the means iu tisese books cf gratifying yeur desire. -o- The Work Is Illustr-ated. Lasaeven tisousand pages are filled i vt ns phtures, snd il centaîsîs ovar- 8,500,000 vorde. Tise information compileti lu Ibis -Cyclopedia" represents tise, carefl ni ork cf ever 1,OOC of tise ablest vniters ef tiseninefeentis century. Ah olOthe£ "Cyclopedias" are froni five te tiveniy years bhiind tisa dat» cf tise issue of iliE grand verk, wviicisascompleteti in 1890. Our Proposition. We offer te, deliver toyour address s completesest of tise LNC-VCLOPEDIA BltfTrMç- Ni-CA, Reviseti sud Aniended, tegether vils THs STÂrESirÂN, for oue year, aIttua follovîng prices, viz.: Encyclopedia bounti in Cls suad Paper, for oe year $26, payable as foibosva ý $2 on delivery of tise final five volumes andi $2 per mentis fer oeeyor Encyciopedia bound in Full Siseep and Paper, for ona year $31.20, payable as followla: 5 2.40 on delivery of tise firet five volumes aend $2.40 par mentis for one yEa ncycIopedi& bounti in Hall Seal Morocco and Pape r, 1fer eue year $33.80, pay able as follows : $2.60 on thse dalivery of tisa ft five volumes sud $2.60 per mentis for oesyear. W here Fuit Amount is Paid at Once.' WV5ere tise full amnourst ha pvd gi time of dolivery an ailovance is made-thse Clouhsest for $24. 50 instead oet'826; liseEull Libs-ary Siseep for $29.50 instead of KENNER tBROS.,' - - - - - - - - - -- ~ ------------ Dominion LÈn.e Roisyal Mail Steamshipeî iverpoSerMsvice. ainDe, From Montreal j'rom I44ebec SÂRNXs ..~Wed.July S9th TORtONTO'- VANCOOUt I. Bat.. 22th Sun. Âuge, 23 SARNIA .. ..Wed. Sept. 2d---.--- LA&BRADOR-. . t OREGON%. I 6h - TORONTO. " 23rd - VANCOUVER..'Sat. - 26th Sun. Sept. eÇ RAWL@ op& ,sP P55E. Motroai or #eec 15, $60. $70, sud 1$80; Il. termediala $66, Steerago $20 ,%cureaial information and tickets far any put-c of Canada frtou M. A. JaxEns, Stea mýhip Agent, 3owmans.ile. Satisfaction Guaranteedi In Every Sale ~Ànd TInosc Wha iMoet Dâscnlt To Please Feel confident Wili PronounU., MA -v--A-u2 =,-y-