_______________________ I I ______________________ s ______________________ NERWCASTLE. Last Tuesday evening between ton and eleven o'clock thore was censiderable ex- citernent in our usually quiet lhamnlet. Tho cause was a fine in W. T. Bonatlian's tin aliop. Aitheugli many wiling hands were quiclrly on the scene the building was; entinely consumred. Part of the sto& -was saved but Mr. Bonath8n lest a 1ot cf ,valuable tooIL-. Tho building beionged teMn. Eddy and was insuned-. Hie intends to rebuild sliortly. The mon- of the town deserve g.reat credit for tlie way they fouglt the fine and preventod the adj oinlng building f rom being destnoy- ed. It Was aaved witli difficulty the -fixe having cauglit sevenal times. ...The re- paire on the Preabytenian chuncli are COMp leted and this will now be a very liandsome little churoli. The re-opeuing services will be held next Sabbath, Aug. 2nd and will be eondueted by Rov. John Hay, B. A., B. D., of Cobourg... Numnereus visitors are in town who seem te think Newcastle a vory pieass.nt pince in which te sojeurn..Dr. T. Farn. comb baî gene te London, Eng., te walk the hospitais for a, yean or more.... Messrs. B. Davidson, B. A., and R. D. Coutte h ave returned hem nthein fishing expedition back of Poterbor ... The High School building ia being nepaired and some ton or fifteen hundned dollars wili ho expended on it duning vacation. OBE1A WA. Mr. C. Gee. Pediar snd faily, Cern- wall, Eng., are visitir.g Mns. W. T. Ding- le.... .Miss A. Rarris, Guelph, is visiting Mn. R. King .. . .Miss Louie Mackie lias returned lfrntm Port Hope.... Miss Jen- nie Taylor, Orme, Wis., is guet cf lier aunt Mns, A. G. Sinall .. . .Misses Birdie, and Lulu Hunter, Toronto, have 4~en gueste of Mrs. M. E. May... .Misa Maud Brewer, Cobourg, visitoti Mrs. G. Sim- mos ... . Mrs. D. C. Rcstiack sud daugli- ton, Orangeville, have beon visiting Mns. Robt. Roes. ... Miss Jean Eider, Eiders Mills, Ont, is visiting Mrs. A. G. Smaali ..Dr. J. A. Mov'bray, New York, is spending lis liolidays vt the oid home- btead in East Whitby... .Miss Maud Mitchell, Boston, Mass., is spendin2 lhon holiieayse t hume... .Mr. and Mn. Van- Vecten,, Miss Ida and Mater Freddie VanVecten of Rochiester, N. Y., have bten guesas of Mis. B. J. Rogers... .D. Hepburn and W. Morris are on a bicycle tour th~rough. Esterna Ontario. . .. Mon- day August 1th lias been proclaimed, by Mayor Cowian, a Civie Holiday in Odh. ..... i. Rev.ý S. R. Eastman and famiiy are epending iheir vacation ira Toronto and Hamilton ... . Mn. Robt. Mackie bas purchased a liard of fourtoon Jersey heif- ors .... The fiast sampis of barIey cf this seaoons' crop was brouglit te towu by Mn. Robt., Giersor. It was a bcautiful, biglit colon sud it will weigh well .... Miss Maudo McMiilan eceni-ipaniet Mise Sutherland Lhome te Tilsonburg ... ).Mrs. Saniueo Coulsoi, WMonitreal, and Mn. fI. Brion, New York, bave beenl goasta (f Mrs. W. F. Cowau.. Miss Douglas, New York, Mn. W. A. Douglas, Toronto, visited at Dr. Wiiziiuson's recenty..._ Mn. Walter.Bnay, Detroit, Midli,, was gueat of Mn. Ltd. Northwoodl recetiy.. ..Mn. W. E. O'Brien lias eoid lis photo- grapti gallery te Mr. L Stedha.. .. The 34th Batt. Band wae awarded firet pniza in the firat-olseos baud coxpetition at the Uxbnidge Tournament Thurdlay .. .. The foiiowing brethren attended the Grand Lodge of Maeons at Toronto last week:- R. McCaw, A. McMillan, E. O. Fait, 3. S. Beaten, G. J. Scott, Dr. Rae, Alex. MeLean, A. E. U1enry. . ..Tliers is talle of reFusictating, the H.qrmony Division Sons cf remperance... .Mr. F. W. Glen formerly cf Oshawa but uow of Brooklyn, N. Y., will it is said leadta t le hymeneal altar a lady cf taste and cultur .... On Fniday July l7th, Gordon the 6-year-old son cf Thom. Consul, Esq., Cedan Daîle, feil off the fonce, tearing both boncs of the atm eut at lbow joint. The little fellow is doing very wel . .. . The schelare teachers andi friands cf the Meticaîf St. Sabbnth Scbool liad their annusi outing at the lake xyn Tueadlay. TLey irado use cf Mr. Robiiraon's grci-iids, in the grove, ýç et, swing, play aud est ir , iFi,çlhsd a iod iwe~c ,1ýrally...., ,A son cf m",. J. Beigitor, who resee Qsonlite ]3areLinc East Whitby, nceived ai-, gly Wod fiera the k-,ck cf a ose hclad hie leg bars te the bons for, feveral incise.. .On Thunsday niglit a fine breke eut in Williams' Piano Works but by liard w.;rk the firemen succeoded In gtting the flamas under control. The damage te the building wili net be heavy. The great- on damage was by water. Insured forj 830,00Q .. . .An Oshawa correspondent te the Globe says: -Barley harvesting juat nortIr frcmnthe town will commence on Saturday next, weatier being favorable, sines several farmers purpose euttîng on that day. Tuie crop heneabout is a good oes, but every grower feels keenly that Cartwright ,Agrioultural Society. A meeting of the Dîrectcrs of the Cart- wrighit Brandi Agriculturail Society was helti at B!aekstrek July 18th. Thon. were presenit, th.e Presidout, Secretary, ¶iireasuner and Directors Phulp, Dsitt, Manlow, Campbel and Taylor. 1t wass nealved that our Fali Show be held on September 3th aud October let nèxt, andi that the Presîient, Sezrotary, TIos urer sud Mr. Marlow be a tommittee te solicit bpeciai prizos te be awarded thore- at. On motion meeting adjourned until tlie aset Satunday in Auguat at 5 'o'ciock in the afternnon thon te meet for the, ap- pointment cf judges sud the, revision of thes prize liat. JAS. P,&RR, Secrelsny. Toronto, May 29th, 1891. Mn. Mason, Bowmanviile, DEAR Su.-I am well pleased witli the suit you made for Jme; it knoeks eut any fit 1 ever gel in the cily. Keep my measure, I will requins Yours-tnuly, j os. P-1 349 Doyen Court Roand, Toronto. The original cf Ihis anti msny imilar Dnos can ho accn at Maso'sClothing Store, Bowmanville. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance RoBT. ViRtTuE, Agent, Bowmanvllle. tf. Cash for eggs et West End Rouse. Cheap bats at Miss Shaw's nillineny store, Bowmanville. Crash ceate andi veste selling off at haif pnice at Coucli Johueton & Crydenmau's Phulp -and Edgen lias something pretty for fanmera te sec at their' "VehiceoHos- pitl." Genuine saie cf summer goods now going on at Coueli Johuaton & Cryder- mnu's. Ladie cali st Mn.. Donnelly'sasud 5ee lier Ladies' and Chldren's inses te for 35ats ssch. Keep cool by weaing thrse Fiansi conaeand veste at Coueli Jelnaton& THYE AUSTIIALIAN COMMOWEALT.- The Australian Commonwealth wili have grand neenits bu'. the resuls cfuing Bur. dock Bloed Bitters for tisssse cf the stomaci, iver, bowolsansd b1cond urps ail expeclations. Dyspepsa, heatiache bilieusnuas, scrofula. etc., are,pnomptly cunsti by B. B. B. Ail paper bougit: at Shenin & Kirby's wili be timmed free of charge by the beat sud laelt improved trimmer, "Wauke. gan ." Te ho free frein sick licadache, bilious- nas, constipation, etc., ue {arlsr's Litle Livon Pille. Sticlly negeotable. They gently stimulate the liven sud free the stemacia fr-oin bile. MUorris' Carrnage Works is one cf tho basy places ira town. They have a great rush cf work ou hanti anti new endodrs are ooming lu splendidly. IT SAVED RlisLFE-ETEM .I cen necommienti Dr. Fowlers Extnset cf Wiid Strawberry, for il saveti my life We have usect it i our famuily wbe.n ne- quired ever saines, sud il neyer failedt t cure al semer complainteý. FaArs WALsE. Daikeiti, Cnt. $5 Reward for information liaI will lest te the conviction of any person de- facing or olierwise da3maging any cf Ma- to'. advertiaing-sîiina. Asu Youp. Faîicus elABouW l.-Your tiatnessing couglx can be cuned.. We know il becus Kemp's Baisain within the past few years lias cnred se many couýhs sud colts in thiecomnunily. IL% remanitable sale bas been won entirely by itagenuins raeit. Acuk soesfriend *ho lias used t lwliat lie hinke cf Kemp's Bai'am. Thez e is ne medicine se pure. nonesos effective. Large botles 50oa-nti $1 at aIl druggists. Sample bottle free. Mns..Donnelly lias opeuidanbrandi milinery store lu Newcastle and aie in- vites al lie ladiesa of Newcastla anti viein- ity te caîl and ilospect honr stock. GJLI)WI-N SîîîTT,-Goldwin Smrith is ep)oed leSm Chiarles Tilpper iramaiuy waslytilliubtlesgly hoth wüti:d agres that ne botter reniety for dyspepsia, c'D- stipation, bilionaneas, headaclie,,kldney troubles, akin disease, etc., exisf g tIn Burdock Blo id Bittons, lie besl faiiy medicine known, Coucli Jolinslen & Cnydrmnan's always dlean eut their stock at tie end of the sason sud tliey wiii ssii fine goode eheapen than yeu eau bny trasi eleewliera. Oh, wliat a cough 1 Wil yen lieed the warning ? The signal periaps cf lie sure approaci of liaI more terrible diseaso Cousumnption. AEk yourzelves if yen can all'ord for the sake cf ssvîng 50c., te mun lie risk and do nolhing fer il. XVo know frein expenieuce liaI Shiloh's Cure willi Pope'.1- . oiei ickeU.nlianifthe!.Ra Edward iLinlef of St. Petons, C, B. oay-"'Tiat hia herse wrs hadly tomn by a pileifork. One bettie of MINARD'S LINIMENT cured hlm."' Iivery Stable minuaIl oner tie Domin- on tell oun agent liaIti tey woti dnet are the perfection of art;, yen are the per- bOift " )ýIJtIL UMiýI XIVLrý 0 fection cf nature." This coulti net haveticthcol been saiti if lie young lady was auffernug frein tisasse, anti pain hati lef I ils signa ou ths festures. Women wie want te keep beautiful, anti liethe perfection cf ------ nature, shoulti use "Favorite Prscription The Rev. Dr. Henry van Dyke, of New te assiat nature wlien needed," te correct York, whose article on Tçnnyson pinteti irnegularitieg, aid circulation anti diges. in The Centtry sevenal yeane age attracteti tien, andt hareby dlean up lia sekin mak- wido attention, has wrilteu. a paper "lOn iug il acf t anti beautiful. Dr. Pience'e lie Study of Tennyson," whici. willi app. Favorite Prescription le tie only metiîeine ear in the midsummer number of lias for woman's peculian ille. soidthtrougi same magazine. Dr. Van Dykebelievea druggisls, anti gv.araiiteed te give astis- Tennyson te ho "lhe cloaneel, aweelest faction in every case, or money refundeti. stronge8t noies of lias century." OLROS&O. Mre. 1anskiver hias raturned from Osha*a.... Mfrs. Hugli Mclnteah Who has been -very iii is mucli btter .... Mrs. Robt. Morton, sr., sixth lUne, lhas been very sick.... .Mr. Robt. Winter was visit- ing frienda in Toronto Iset wek... Mr. David ConiellIis home from- Chicag.... Miss Ettie Linton has been visitinz friends ini -Newematle. . ..Miss Maggie Rooney, Perrytown, was in town calling on frie.dui rccently .... Nr. SamuelMili, Eniniskil-# len, was in town last we......Misa Edna, May, St. Th -imas, is visiting at ber grand] faher's; Mr. Lewis Clark... .Mr. E. T. Simon, B. A., of Victoria Univers3ity., h4s been the gueàt of Jas. Nesm.... ?ors. Hockridge and family, cf Coàourg, wére visitirg at lier mother's Mra. D. Krkland last week .... Messrs. S. S. Gamoby and Fred Iockhart,0shaw, were iný! town recenty .... Mr. F. L. Andrus anAd family, Mr. and Mr&. Pepper and fainily have been camping at Scugox.. , Mr. Frank S. Fairfield in visitiLeg friends at Betheny, lie aise intends visiting at Màine... Mr. W. A. M. Beilwood, Little~ Cdrrent, Ont., in home spendlng vacation ..Mr. Chas. Baker was among the~first to 'begin harvest-JuIy 16 .... Mr. Jas. Gilfillen, Bowmanville; preached Sunday' mornlug in the Chiristian churcli. . .. Mr. Jas. Cuttle, G. T. R. agent, Annisworth, Ind., and Mr. C. E. Cuttie, Toronto, are, visiting, at their father'.... .Mr. Jas. Linton îs spending a few days arouud 1 Lakefield, aud Miss Ada Linton in visiting frionds ini Toronto and Scarboro. . .. Mr. Alfred Moment, is home spending bis hoiidava. ... Mr. R. Hall Was a delegate, frolu Orono LQdge, A,. F. - & A. M. to the Grand, Lodge of Canadain Toronto las t week. M~r. Wm. Thompson aiso at- textded .. .. Mr.Edward Culls while hiving bossr recently got badly stung about the face and bande..... Miss Minnie Truil hias beÈn awarded the prize for Ocono, public ache1 ol offpred by the, Montreal Witnes 3 te evqry school for the best Canadian story' or essay... .Dr Moment, New York, lias boeut speDding hiq holidays among f riends bore .... A teamn of spirited horses belon g- ing' te Mr. Josephi Henry ran away on Friday woek but were stopped before much damage was dons. Mrs. Donnelly lias just rscelved anot- lier large ass3ortmsent of French and Anierican flIvýers. The best choi-ý. in towfl. You liardly realizq that it in Medicine, when taking Carter'. Little Liver pis: they are very swall; no' bad effecta; ail troubles from torpid liver are reiisved by their use. Phiip and Edger are selling the refpu. iar photon cart like hot cakes,.h . .lie cart that "takes" every time and is re to have a large alt BAD EOZEMeAON BABY1 11,11) o TFIL TnisHNDS v O CnÂuDa. CUR"ED LBvCuTxctnRÂ. Omr littie boy broka out on Ilis neadi tb a bati form 0of ecezemna, when lhe vas four monthe n id. Ws tried three docteo. but thepý dii fot heip him. We then uiseti ycu h CUtIvCURA REMIEDIES, and after iusing thora' eleven weks', exactly accerding te directions, ho began te steadiiy im. pirove andi after the lise e t temi for 7 nmonths his Lead ws etlrely Weil, We e began using it oye brows. It. was aise ail over bise ere. miost of bis faceand nmait * Y ~.~ plae n tifferont parts a tbis body. Thore were 16 wesks, that we hati te \ I ~ keep bis bands lied te the cradie and hold theiu when he was taken up; and had to keepmitonsl tled on hie lhands te leep 1MF fret>ails eut efthIe sues, as hie would scratch if lis conld. in any way get his bandes oe. We know your CUTICURA REMEDIES cured hlm. We feel safo Min. ecommendjng them bte thers. GEO. B.& JANTTA iHARRIS, we)pcsterd. The new blood and Ekiu purifiecr. and treatlet cf Htumer Remetiies, cIl"essthe b-o-t01et.a imparities and poisonous elements. and thus remnoves the causpe, Whiie CUTIcuRA, the great î,kin cure, and CUI'ICURt.&SeÀp, an exquisite~ £kin beautifler, clear the >,kin sud scalp. and restere the hair. Thns the CUTICUet REMED. tEs cure every Fpeoies of itching. buirning, acaly pimply. and blotchy skini, frein pimiples te se. refuis, frein iilanctoe o. wlicn thiebest phy. 'ýIçiaue faili à olé éryIl0hee*Price. UCI-TcuA, 50C.1 SeAt'. 3c. ; HsLET $150. Prsipared b the POTTER Due A ND CuatucÂ. (.OüRrpO TIeN. Boston. ds~end for **How te Cure Skin Disoases, 64 pages. 50 Illustrations., 100 testimonialg. B B SSkinandSca uildabeauti.ed 0f omlesintaniyrelevd byta toPin.Infsmmtie. an dWakts the uticra Ati Pai. Paser Ton For the Wonderful Success of Hood's Sarsap>arilla, the MVost Popular and Most Extensivoly Sold Medicine -in America. *Hood's Sansapanilla possesses great *medicinai menil, whichiti positively demonsîras when fairly tnieti. 2 Il is most sconomical, heing tie o nly medicine of whiici "xc Doses One Dollar" can lruly ho sait. 3It> is prepareti by a Combination, ý1 Proportion anti Process Peculiar te -Itseif, unknown te other- prepanations,' and hy whici aIl the medicinal value of the varions ingredients is secunet. 4It effects remankable cures wiere ether medicines have utterly failiet te de, any goot whateven. Il is -a modern medicine, oiginateti Sby expi-iencet pianmacists, anti stili carefully preparet under themr per- sonal supervision. 6f I is cleani, clear anti heautiful lu qjappearancïe, pleasant te laite, anti always of equal strenguli. It Illas proven itsîf te be posiîiveiy I the hest remedy for scrofula anti al biot tdiserders, anti the hest tonic for tiat tiret feeling, loss of ;ppetite anti generaldebility, 8t Iis unequalled for curing dyspepsia: ricumatisand utail diseases of lie kiti- neya anti li'.er. It Illas a goed namfe at home, there Sbeing lucrecf Hoed's Sarsapanila soit in Lovieii, Mass., where il je mate, than cf alil other sarsaparillas anti blooti purifiers ce:rbined. * Its advertising is unique, original, IVhenest, anti thorouglhy hacked up hy the meticine itself. A Point for You. If yen want a blooti purifier or strenthenig meicine yenshouiti gel lie best. toki 11b bcd's Sarsapanilla, anti insiatt !i h iil.Do net lot any arguin : ti.sioilinfluence you te bny v l o i cnet vwant. Be sure to e 'e î 11L mdiCine, 10 0 Dollar A PUIRE GALLOWAY BULL ie hept £.lor service on lot 19, B. F. Darlingin T'ermas8250- A. MANiN. 21-tf.E.W JOHN 0CRAWFORID, <STATIOX HOTEL) 18 vUM 1N BOWMAN VILLE F1OU TEE ýý Massey Man'f'g Co., Selling Machinery and Iniple- ment s and Binder Twine, cheaper than any in the market. Bowmanvllle, June 15. 23-2M MAXARTIAIL FI E X AND CHILIS are brokeis flp and prevented by usIngllburn's o.- inatice quinino Vtne. iEL LINS0 M. Mayer is ofl'eiag his entire stock of Hats, Caps, Furs and Gents' Furnisl'dngs at and beloir cost. 'Now is your time if yonu want a- cheap Hat, Cap, Shirt o Underwear. Now is the time fb:, a Big Bargain. Ail outstanding accounts must tu settled at once. I must have mone;,ý, to carry on mybusiness. Fire! Fire Owing to a fire about a month ago in. the large war,4ýuse' of G, T. Burnett E& co.-, M,1antùfacturer of fine clothing),1Mont- meal, they were recently- cornpelled to assign. The stock waa sold at,33e. on the $ and divided. WVe wiIl have our pore , ina few days. We have samiples 110w in stock. They Q without doubt the maost wonderful value ever shown in Bow,. manville. Boys' Suits, Good Tweed.................... Boys' Worsted Suits.. ............................30.50 Men's Woî'sted Suits. ...........7,*..3... Men's Worsted Suits............................. 8.50 Men's Worsted Suits ........................... IOMO C"'Do -not',fail to see these goods. Many good judges have pronounced them the greatest value ever shown h-re. iRe- iiember good sound goods at about haif price. T.- GEO. MASONW.,'8 ____ ____ ___ Clothing House. Jly Sale, OF TRB Gran Sucess. POPULAR MJNISTER C'UEST, The ast wo weks ave On accourt cf a veny decided theugh been very busy ones1 for us, tandy opposition te our proposais tu giv, Th <ere has been a steady flutter a $100.00 f ur cat toe iasmest pûpulàrý of exciternent about the store mnse ubn vrht hcihol and a. continuai floching to now mace Ilsoîf lnown we Lave very our counters for bargains as reluctanlly 'decidedti t discontinue this, announced. in these colunîns contest. We reàret exceeding]y Laving for our JULY SALE. thue te apparently break faitia witli 1h.. Thos 5 ent rins hae fpublic; anti we hole fliat they wfll had a great deal to do with. e innestbeieththi There are a few p'ieces still1 the opposition heen frnt auy leesinflti-en. lef1 liaI quarter Ihan the beal known -sudc This eek ou wiL se ~1Irespecte i ministers lu the nlding ~ This wek ' ou wil see ou l d have taLion ne notice of il, Ae lt our counters such bargain s as u these. in we feel we have A right ce say ithat thseobcljectionsa hoult in lual faïrneos Ail wool dress goods at 101) have h'eeii cifereti during.-1h. two wee&u il and 15c., worth 18, 20 and lui which wo sekedth lrougli these odlnne 1A few pieces of miouselline (warranted to hoi) at 10c. worth 15c. (A job line.) 6 large h'd'f's for 25c. Pure' linen tabling at 221c, worth 30C. Uhat factory cotton worth 8c. for 6c, a yd. We have stili a few pieces left. Best Gibson shirtings worth 15C. for 12ic. Warranted to ivash.J Ladies' ribbed vest3 95c. a pair. C ottonade worth) 25c. or 18c. (Special.), These are new ai-d season- able goods, bo-ught cheap. Our Stock of dry goods, gents' fiirnishings, clothing, etc., is well assorted as usual i BARGAIN DAY each day1 in the, week.. Sundays ex-* cepted. JOH N J. a iiSOFN, DRY GOODS & JEWELRY. fer opinionse regarfding oulr proposai. Ae net a aingle word wss rceived ina oppoai- tien we preaiimed everything wa,) agee.~ able and woul have carried eut D"ur purt of the contnaot te the letter altbough, cestipng a large sum of money. But not- withsjtantding that we feel, we have mot been fairly tnsated, wue loleion acount of the great respect we have for those who are opposed te our goiDg on mith the centest wu hsnsby announce ilsa withfrlaw. ai. JNO. J. MÂSoNX. lWntiy Irlzeq or rois an.i iii tr, The "Sunlight" Seap Co., Toronto, cifen the folIowing prizes every menth tuB further notice te boys and virls underl16, rssiiing in the Province of Ontario. who send the greatest number of "i'3niight" wrappe: lst, $10; 2nd, $6; 3rd. $8;4th. 1 &hto 14, a IHanfsornieBook .n a pretty picture te those 'who senti nçt lesa than 12 w raripers. Send wrappers te "Sunlight" So ap Office. 43 Scot t., Tore]] t flot ister th an 291h iof eachmcnerth, n arke- Ccmetiion; asegivelfuli nae, addrese., age. and numbar 0f wrappers. Winneem' names will be publisheti in The Toronto Mrlî on first Saturday in each month. "My Adventure with Edgar Allan Poo'7 is the title of a strarge story written by Julian .lawtliorn'for the August Llppbi. cotes. Octave Thanet will contribute te the next number ef Harper's Bazrrpublislied July 24th, a story entitled. "A Mlefi Conscience. " "The Sailor in the Navy" là the Fiubient of a four-page ilinstrated supplement to accempany the next numnber cf Barp£r'", Weèekely, publlshed July 22nd. ClEMIST S & RJGG1ST S. AFRESH SUPPLY 0F- Pure PARIS GTREEN For destroying POTATO B1105, Pure Inseot Powder For destroying Flies and all kinds of lInseiàs, Inseot Powder Guns. Fly Paper, ail ýkindsl Do yen want a suit, a new hat, pants, Farmens on throshers l'Yanting a hare) er a pair of boots ? Rore's a straiglit tip cf beat machine oil very clieap cau ýA -go te Mason's Clothlng Store. They STÂTESMÂN Office. We have tiaree. bar. buy only frem the beat inakers and buy reliq for sale. for cash. Go te, Mason's and you will Bave money every time. Minard's Liniment curesiGargtInCowug J .4 ..i OFFi