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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1891, p. 1

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TERLi~ :-*1.50 P~uANawM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FLRST WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES Enirosa ÂND PRoPItu!~oE. Ni EIS~UBB677. BOWMÂNVILLE ONTARIO, WE ~, AUGUST 5. 1891. VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 32 During the Month of Juiy lpu JO NSTON #< CRYDERMIAN 'Will seil ail kinds of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices. A lot of Summer Dress Goods at haif price. Ail Parasols at and under Cost Lovely FI]ouncing Embroidery at Crmst Price. This is a Genuiine 0,learing Sale and kthese goods will be sold exact- ly as advertised. COUCH, JOHNSTON & OYDERMAN, Bowmativillee July 8, 1891. One Deer West of Post Office.1 FOR THE BES .Make of and Go To S SEDSALL, BOWMANVILLE., ,~ r have fine goods sold for lowcr prieus than we are now rnaking omý)Ë aia' Gen.tlemen's, Misses' and Childeen's Boots and Shoes. ,Coma see and wonder at the value we give. Fine goods and plenty of thern. ~You arae sure to finit what you want. Corne in and see the ýbest of everything in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, IRubbers, Trunirs, Valises, etc. Reliable, Trusty, Serviceable Goocls marked at RoecUBottom 49. tsign of thle Big Borot drawn by Two Horisez. PALACE. When you corne to Toronto, bear in mind that 190 to 200 Yonge Street is a meeting and restingand waiting place, as xvell as the biggest store Lin Canada. There are reading and sitting rooms for you;- telephone, telegraph and mail facilities.- Your parcels xiii be cared for without charge. We try to make you welcome whether you buy or not., You know that, there is no worthy thing for xvear or home use but we have it. If you can't corne to the store, wvrite for whatever you want, sam- pie or goods. Shopýping by mail has corne to bc simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen., and alI the facilities of the store 'are yours., In short, we shop for you as we wotuld -for ourselves, and such 3serVICe costS you nothing extra, TEAToN a&CO. 190 to 200 Ylnge St., Toronte. 0 1119 eoesy enîOugV1 -the Bail corset. That's be- c ause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. 1They "1give", but they corne back.' So does your money -if you've worn a Bail corset two or three weeks, andfipd that you don't ike it. For sale by COUCIIH nsNSTOCxv- DRRMÂN. .HAMPTON. Mr. Ambres Trenouti wunt te North Bey lest week te joiebils old tchand Mr. W. A. Mertie lu tiei miction cf e large brick achool houai. Succeas te eue Heapton boys. . . .Rov. R. Sanderson preached au excellent sermon Sunday uxorning at ter which a large numbîr par- took cf tie Sacrament .... Mr.. Enouli Stevens ha ecetly diaposîd of two val. ubli herses. - .Me. and Mrs. Thomas Elliot ntirtait-ed a large number et their friandsaet a lewu paty ,lat Wednesday afternocu. An exceedingly plissant tImbé, was spunt a&l seeming tae mjc7 them- selves toe if uilest extent .. . . Ms. H. J. Hoidge and sou rîturued te tii city lest sveek. -.. Kirs. Alfred Guliy and daugliter' have bien viaitmng friands bre .. .. Saer. ai from lire lave gene te Scugog this week te recoupera te. True Eeonomy. No mtter iow iaeny hundmid doses et any other medicine are offsred for a dollar, De. Piîrce's Golden Mîdicat Diîcoery la tie chuapuat biood-purifier sold, througli dîuggists, because it's guaranteei, sud yeur money la neturned if it doseu't bunîfi t or cure. With its use yen cnly puy foc tie geood yen gît. Can you ask more Do yen want e suit, a new liat, pants, or a pair ot booits ?2 un'. aa teaiglit tip -go te Mesou's Clotiiog Store. Tbîy bey only from the best makersa'sud bey fer cash. Go te Mason',sud yen wil eavi mnoy oeryf imu., Minard'a Liniment for sale evenywhere. egthe visitori:--Misfs L. Dean, Nem Par, Mr E. Davey, Pickering, MisK. inhami, Tyrone...ý. Rev. W. ~M lChcccid the palpit of the Pre yteran church on Sabbath last and. deli re-1 a capital sermon ... . The Me- thoat hurliwas.crowded to the door on uday eýeiing. The Quartarly me, eýg vwaacouc..ducted by the Rev. R. ser in. A goodly number participated ii Saýcrameniit.. . .Tle. publice chool ,vipen ou Thursday the 13th inst, unthe charge of our popularMr. J. In Training. 0~ are a good rnany in active train- inTkr aq(jatic sports wlio wilI do well to re e opinioný of Mr.. Woe. Beach a cha ion oarsman of Australia. whosays: 0I found St. JacoA2 Oil the greatemt Eerviue For stiffncPs,, cramýE4, muscu- lar n and ree, it is inivaluable. J1iyskr a bottlie with mne. Ih curesý Jias.ReynWs l t;Ili3.g a pulput et iln. . . .RUecenir Viaitore: FI, Jeffî'ry of P;ckîýring,: mia. W. woti of Ignsi;the M~isel n of EF-i)i2klctn; Mr. and Mes.' ofgarth and fanaiIy of Gnelph; Mr. emir B. A. anid wife cf Smith- rLevi Wa2hington cf Toronto..ý LDivision No. 40 S. cf T. will huch in a body on Sunday Ang. ,en Rey. R. Sandenson wil preach ion Temiperence suitable for the .Tlie Division wtIll mardi from îHall te Eldad clurcb. Quite a wiLl ne doubt be present feom )CIgIes... .Mis Nora Werny lias 2iting et Enfield. . .. Mr, e. as et Cobeung last week attending ral ar County Treanrer Macoacli- NILazra John aud James9 Vice and i lef t for the Prairie Province k. ... , Qnartecly meeting wlll be ZIîorî on Suday nmoeainz next of lest Sunday evsniug as was 0d lu asat issue. TIONS OF SOLîŽý,j Seaooe, -En- o fligli Scjaeol, Mabet Pascoe, r 4th te Sr 4ffh-F Sliortridge, rry, A Awde. Freini Sr 3jrd te Jr PaEcoe, Lea Nodeii, E IRsynolda%, lak, UShoctrîdge, EH Vice, R FronIaErs nd tM Jr KiveTll1 Universal Tes3tirnony. o i sprited, aed thie case î3 yet éard f rom in whicl Putrnem'a Pain- Pn Ex4ractor ha, failud te perform ýüLcuri, This witi painlesa and ç,tý1 iadfredom feom aunoyence ý Use. Tii get cern and bedion ands unnivallud. Sure, safe, pain- -Bewae ofetfrauda offunîd aa aubsti- pr tie gneat cern curi-Punam'a ,s Cerîà Extrector. N. C. Po!son, Iintoproprietome. Use ne T YROIE Cha. Potter, B. A., cf Port Row- aiitieg at 2Me. T. Creeper'e. .,.. Mr. aveûy, Whitby, visited frienda humeý naday lest .. . .Mr. and Mm.. A. E. i-gÏ, Hlamitton, are apending their- mi lire. . .. Tîrie new membersa d- iTyronEq Division on Thuraday ev. liit ... . Mra. and Miss Warren, To- L ave been vialting et Messes. Chas. ainel Hooper's.. -. .Missj Kate Elh- ;wnanviiie, lies eein vlsiting MIFsa Brent ... . Thi quarturly serviesg Iath we vemy helpiol ami weht et- f reTtaail par-ias cfîtii circuit. An it di;scouirsa we delivered by R-ýv. Oliver, formeuly of Hlampton, foci- Iy thu usueal love.fîast and Sacre- ) tie Lord's Supper., Tbe btack- llsrtosby Rev. J. J. Ashton ie poastPonîd for some date lu fhe iture c)f whidli ennouncew.ent wil e.. - .-UsEmmia Werry lias ru- tcfom a iengtliy visit te Toronto.. ors oniberli: Ms,. T.A. Cliari. 1 son, Toronto, Mr. Chas. E. and tertio Brown, Hampton. Mr. J. ias Gilfitiea, Bowmanviiie, Rsv. tSing, sud Mr. and Mrs. Camer. l, 0euctice .. . .Mra. S. Dunn cul- 3 the S4th enuivsrsary etflier bith- Thurscdey lu company of a numbur tives and friend .... Tyroni achool ýions3: Frocu îr.4tiu te 5th-C. Seu- J. Welcli, C. Campbiell; jr. 4th te -M. Petter, T. Ryen, C. Brauton;' te j r. 4ti- r'.Moore, O. Pollard, eL. MloLeugihlin; j r. 3rd to sr. 3rd omcE. Branton, J. McLaughlin, gliani, sr. 2nd te jr. 3rd-E. Skie- 'Bond, M. Clemens, E. Curtis. J. IY, teecher... .Miss M. Weich la lier asiter Ms.. ocynîs, Osliawa as Mebel flaris la visiting fienda utoJuncien. . . Mrs. Skinner, sr., ... Tee),r were failiug yesterday he bravE beys went away-Mr. oyse in addition te tiose mention- week bound for Manitoba. . .. The ii enjeying a brutf holiday ou the w ,aters e'oftthesnnuy Segog. NoT COMPirEr.-MiES Maud Grant atain, Ont., writis: "I caun ecem- r. Fowlîr's Extracir et Wild Straw- ýs nothieg te compute witli it as it e aven lu the sevîneat cases." cd'a Liniment cures Burns, &c. NE W HA YEN. CIL A RKE UNION. Master Walter Clarke of Pickorng is Mrm H. Mclntosh has heiu in peor visiting bis aiter Mrs. John bilt.... liealth rerently. . ..Mm. Jas. Berry i. Masters Wesley and Hlerbert Manu of camping at Rico ~e Ms Viola Toronto are enjoying thoirm lidays at Gilihîlan, Bowînanvirle,is visiting friends fluer Uncie Ilenry's, Rabyllead.... ,Miss hre.... .Misses bannai and Mary Green Lydi-a TrulIlihas genc e t Omaha, Neb., ti, of Orono visited at Mr. John Panker's viait lier aiter Mra. C. L. Vancamp.... Èecently. As Mm. J. W. baruden wes driving do wn----- the big hli the hrmes bîcame umanage- K BY-. able lie was tlirown out injuring hlm Mr. Geo. Lang, of the Western States severly.. . fira. se. ithuidga lias h.bien borne on a visit to bis parents, been te Toronto visiting lier son who ha. Mr. and Mca. R. Lieg... W. Staplea, bien protratud with Typlioid fevr... formurly cf this place, new of Detroit, la Mrs. Wmn. Bennett, Miss Ethel and lire on a visit. *-. Miss P. Green, Toron- Master Jame3 of Taunton sp3nt Snnday to who lived witli Mr. S. M. Biliigs for witli friendi iene..Mr. E. Vancamp ubroyeai vitnhr...t of Brantford is spunding lis holiday. at nmeroyeri.iitghr...t theoldhomsted ...Thepieie that Mrn Thea. Powers wil nection witli Maple Groveý Division came ethsfriadonouacrptr oil at I3urke's picnic grounda on the shep in Mr. Henry Theruf on'. cld stand. beach on Thuraday. Tlie day waq ail that coull be deoired and every pinson .ZEsTLETON. Young and old £pont a pleasant time. Miss L,)ttie Robinson of Huntsville, Font bail and ecquet was indalged lu Muekoka, i. ývisiting frýends liera . ... Mr. but the chef attraction was boatirmg. 1 Will S. Veile who lias lieau rusticating Munit winq, as the marvelous auccess of aronnd hnme ruturned te Toronto thia llood'a Sarsaparilla shows. it possuases week. .. . Mr. A. J. Veule cf Toronto, 1, true mudicinal menit. S, id by lli deug- visiting2 the parental fimuide... .Mr. Rlats. Michael Chrioman has leased t he a t- Mr. jas. Trîmeer, principal of Lirnc,-1n ceuuty flighSohool. and wife, have beau viaitîng frienda liere.., . .Mr. Goo. Tuck- er, Tomrnto, i. sEpending a fîw weeks with, lii. unelp, Mr. L. M. Cortce .... Miss Squiresanad Miiss E. Everson have bien vibit'ing witli Mca. W. H. Jacksona, To- rente. . .. Mra. Liddy and Master Wilson have bien visiting with relatives iin Or- angevilieý. .. Mies Redfisld and Misa Spencer, teachers f rom Omahae, Nebraska, wlio attended the International Convent- ion in Toronto, have corne as f rc eat as Mr. jesne Tintl's where tbey will remein for a few weeks lu order to tae advatit. age of the fiahing and boeting provided by cur faim lake jrst et this pint.... .Our Division of S. et T. ce-ognizsd about 6 monthsaugo in deing nicelj We have 90 members and have placed a new Domin- ion oegan in the hall rees cf debt ln that time. Iutereeting debate tii. week.- Mr. A. S. Tooisy, the euterpri8inig pro. prietor ef the People'. llus, lias been extens1vely renovating and adding new maclilney ... . Croquet in becoming a very geme witliý a Preut many of aur citizens.. . . Mrs. Squires sud Miss Florene Courtice are spending à fîw day. with Mns. Bey. T. Brown, RosQ- neath, l "WVast in lire f. half se sweet, As the heur whsen lovers meut." Nothhing la sweeter te the youthful aud robust ilu heatl, bu,, sais!tee many "ICourt in poetmy, and liveiluprose" ater mametage. This la especial]y true cf the wives whese chauged relations bring onl weekuesaes and derrigémonts peculiar te married woen, se that theïr livea be- corne "presy," To al sacli, Dr. Pience'a Favorite Prescription la a greet boon. It cures weak bsck, huadache neuralgia and "bearingY-down" painé, diopiacemants and irregniaratiia of the fumraIs organe. It i. likewii a nîstorative mand iuvigoratiugd teule,1 strengthening thi nervis, and lm' parting new life te the tired and dîbulit- eted, brinigingback the roses te tie cheik and the rainbowa to the eyeî. Sold by ail druggista,unadir gtwsantee from its mekera ef satisfaction ilu ery case, or pnieu (81.0) ruf unded. CARTWRIO UT. Mca. Moere wlie dwteliiug was humn- ed e short time ago ha built a new' edi- ficemcl sprioe lu appeemance the old eue.. ..jas.Holma' cerclage bud- er, ies eÏkted a finue building te beusned as work shop, paint ahop and show roons ...Soma ot our farmers havefluiahied barley larvest.. The cherry cmop ha. bien abundnt ... . We are again callîd upon te report tii deati of two ef Cart- wriglit'a olde3t inhabitents lu the pensons et Me. Jas. Malcolm and M, E. Gynu. Me. Malcolm waa a micci respicted citi- zen, e good neigibor and a steunci sup- porter of tie Priabyterian churci, Black- stock, where until liii infirmities oept over lim a lie wîae rgoler attendant. Mrs. Gynu was aise au attendent etthi mu&nq ef graoeia thîe Preabytimian church. Thuir remains were iutecrad on Wednesday and Tbusday lait respective- y. .... .Diplithuria bas bien vi8iting seme Cartwright homnes, namuly thote of Mr. Jas. Archer and cf Mr. Jas. Thompsen et the routheru end cf eue towuhp.... Mr. Matthew Siith and Mr. S. W. Me- Clung are ou the aick la.. r.R. Graham and family ef Toronto have benu viaiting lier mother, Mes. G. Wilson... Miss Ranton of London is spendieg a few days with lier aunt, Mrs, John Beecoc-k. Somns of the other visitera efthtle wîîk are Dr. E. bowe; Misa A. Hast ings, Hampton; Mr. W. Moore and Miss Watt- irs, Tyrone; Messrs. F. Phillipo and W. Hall, Port Pîrry; -Me. Georga Alin, Bowmunville; aud Mm, MeTa2aret wlio appîared lu eue village on Suraday witl hii bicycle. A CURE FOx CONSTIPATION AND HKADT- ACHE .-Dr. Silas Lune, while lu thei Rocky Mountains, diacovered a root thet1 when cembined witli othir herba, mekea an casy and certain cure for consumption.1 It la in the ferm of dry rmots and heaves, and la known as Lune'. Fîmily Medicinei It will cure oick-headaclie and la the beat sprng medicine for the hlood, liver and kidusys, and fer cleening up the com- plexion it doua wondena. Druggists seli fit et 50eaud $1 a package. eon farn, .',r Jas. McCrae liaving, pur- ciased a farrn in MWdlaud Drtrit rîmoves thither thei cominvr winter ... . Sàveral piontera have died lately, iMe. Hall being the finît ceident, Mr~. Jolhn Greau, Mn. Wm. Taylor, Mr. John Mauntjoy and on Tuesdey 28th July Mr. James Malcolm. Mr. Malcolm waa a- native cf King's Kett le,, Fife shire. Scotland,and emigrated te Canada with hii, two brothera and their wivea lu thi falof J1846 of wom Mrs. Malcolm, widow of the ita Jamsa Malcolm, i. the only survivor. fie ettlsd on lhi&f arm ou lot 17 lu the Stl can., Ca- wright, lu has primeval etate and lias by hi. indnstry and thrift aucceeded in amassing a fair amount of this wcrld'a goeds., He was always a good neighb3ýr, a mumber of thle Prushytunian chiurcli which lie Iiberally supported a eauncli Reformer and naed hi, influence in putting d4wn the wcong and upholding the riglit. He leas-es a wifî,two non& and a dangiter te inouen bis less. They lave the sym- pathy of aIl in thiiu bereavîment . ... New arrivais reperted at Mn. Sam Carr's, Mn. John Dickey'a and Mr.Robt. Ra'mm'a.' WiIl positively cure siek headache and privent its returu. O&ter's Little Liver Pilla. This is net talk, but truirl. One pili a dosie. Se33 afvertisemeunt. Sinal pill. Smiall dose. 5mai pece. anrdMrs. ±Robt.ioteratltectcd the funeral of her father Mr. Wm. Gibson, Listowell ... Mr. Willis and wvife, Oshawa, have been vi.siting lier mother, frra. filr. .. Mrm. C. E. (Juttle anId 1rmily, Toronto îviaitEd Mr. Johin Outtle, iast week... tMiss Minnie Hall is visiting- lier sister îMne. JobtiMoat, Toronto. .. -Mrs. Tice and f amlly, of H ita , e esiin er sister, Mrs. Amios Samnis... Mr. and Mes. John CheBter, Toronto, werev tlgMr. Thes. Vickers ee3 l....Iev J. P. W unans preached iin theohnlis-tian chunch- hemc Sunday last. . .. Melrb, e (orbuitt son of Dr. Corhutt, Port rrore lias bei visitingý at Me. NW. W. TeU,... Mra. Dr. Riutheriord is viîiiing lier aliter et Tilaonibtrg,. .. Mr. 1arey 1Beat liasretur- ned homne from Califon. . . . 14r3. Gmeen, of CJobourg, waa. viaiting eat Mri. R. A. Giffords last week. ... Mrs. Wmi. Hullen, who lias been very ili for somie timisi f not expected to recover.... Messrs. James Bell and John L. Rowe were at Lake Scugog fishing last week. .. . Mr. and Mms. John Elliott, of Woodlbridge, have been viaiting at Mr. Philip Biglows. . ...Mr. E, Bounsaîl, of tlie Bowmianville Marbie Works, put a hanidaome ed Sweea Gra- nite monument ln the cemnetery liere, for Mr. S. M. Billingý. . . .Mr. 0.. A. kanmsby will play with thle' Cobourg Inde'pendent baie baIl club in their matclied. gâme...; Deputy Reeve, 0. J. Thornton, of Kirby and Mr. and Mirs. 'John A. Gairdner of tliis place, on Saturday lest attended tlie ffuneral of the lete Mr. E. A. IVIlsNacli- tan.. . .Thieves ontered the Post Office Sunday niglit, July 26th snd atole be- tween twenty aind thirty dollars wonth of Stamps, and ab3uLtotn dollars ira coppers which were lu the till, carrying tii! and ail away ýwith thiemn. ELie thouglit an cutreece xvas gained with the assistance of skeleton keys trhrougl tlie front door. Nothing was iin any way larainged, the work was done quietly and. stealthily, and satisfied with the haul they made, tliey as quietly depated and ra-4oeked the door, leavinky no trace or cluie. This is tliethird time the Post Office bas been burglarized withi-a as many years. Pain fromn indigestion. dyspepsie and too liearty eating i. nelieved air once by takiuig one of Carter'. Litirma Liver Pis imedistely af ter dinner. Dan't forget this. If you are tired taking thé large 'Old. fashioned griping pilUs, try Carter's Little Liver Pillsaladtake tsoins cmfort. 'A men cen't stanid everytig. One pill a dose. Tny them.ý Oh1, wliet-a cougli I WiU yen lieed'tlie warning? The signal ponliapa of the sure approacli of that more terrible disase Consumpti. Aak yourselves if you eau, efford for theý sake of 50c-, to mun tli0 clak and da o tling for it. We kýnowr from experience that Shioh's Cire will cure your cougl. It neyer fais. tL., Farmeca or threshers wanting a barcel of beat machine ail very cheap call at, STATES-MIN office. We havetha bar- rel.% for sale. s ]BEST ON0ARH. 1"Surpriseway ON WAýS1 DAY. Trakos out tbe dirt; makes '"the vwash" sweet, ean, mwhite; leaves the handa s oft and SMooth ; withoUt bingor s3ealding~. Surprl bSopcar euser! on aunthi n.g; everyivhere; ni an y wiy; t any an d very t..le. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIF401t, Y, AUGUST 5, 1891. VOLUME XXXVII. e'eI*ï NEI WIRE

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