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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1891, p. 2

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ThiaBaa isprepsro tado Legiti- Farer' noes iicuntd;Deposits IsudadCoiiectiojs s ade in Europe uJitUed SýtataS, and Canad, W. J. JOYES, Ae Gents' Clothing ClaeDied. Preseansd R6patred by THO1-S.PAT Dyer and Ciothes Cleaner. Goade wanted ta ho asn one willknew theui fram uew when dune. Corner of King and O n tarie Streets, ONTARJO ,BANK eontlnuas tf0 o ra Generai Bankîag Eut),- ans notice ai withdraï,wai nacç,essary. Ail11Oh m5ily "s tedaisi and.l3etrateo u ipon Ens pa o GeatB~ttan.the Uniteds taten and the bo s sf on et fCanada :rsca Jic ,m sia IlhUMBeon ail p'f trd.Thu l epeiii aivn age ()a ra ss ivctalýnîoar th-ýesh.îe-st s s.surs:5e arOtsivalabeoi-asthe Othr pîicu]ars eallattîa ha- k. 13) (tilt, Lssconntant. ,ho«. MctILLt Manarge - -eidlyccdionocily iytiens of cit se,. ensor ldanSla i.eiýr ows srcilcoie, h0e ic5il,,.A» ose ce dc ,i w or. Ins ic ke We frnlh eeryin~ e ,crl os.Xc. i. os rsFulsl yoroe r.nn craiyn ie0tc v.iIa, %(,CALAEN'For Dominion Organs LEEINARýX SURFOK Sore Eyeýs Sore Fýeet Sorenes MÔ4ô-squto Bites nE S P)T-IVOTL PUO' D's EXT-RACtGOMPAWiY wu E> E,,BnRîTI8, NE 8s,, he1Saenak r!a fseat ne1a867 iat f'ani- onsdeaeritishad igntas beoldfu Duslag lces des se Saa i Bcs whard bas fan tic , a16, wbhegt ldes CosmedFrnas e lu 1867 cfan els. " y lain 1890aua Enolnd rdue 1173, 00Consofer ale its2digationtlasa Sarned 24y1c78,50y drnsandbaila ndia0la Aîidhofliersdre wsed a feudi itharas wsd taA dsne e îsadriewilaigland ladis oystumed. as "rltanoft auems." Dorn ing190Egln roud11,3, 000 o etou i co, \altave 2est49,000- s tscoad ,2As0cfnot. Icin 1 i h 267 e tons.anaprpse o e A ail Slaearog i w liatked byafdlir wecl s nasbotre iv thinatlas dygcc Tbeen oall t n A ousîntolans, whasa brie career on wsy amine sb qettn halohveli £20 TIc Qîseen yRuiani a Iproosasthe- vissit"cntaud alylu ts e enuma, md île w il pfais dabot alîinetweks lafIa ig- TraisedRoy a Comisay s tappoe !ta n vatgao Wmainstoier Abbeyawltl a i.en gein caseri the elrgîen uw ead .rcîmud f 'atheplansr wsch w'il bas ta h dafcrmianed îbeqaot:IlFy. in, oar.hilludScnfland las-e ra;fsyitu og a sihf i i , animai flu tha cf aguard- Treanfped dyafsitday fot Isathupoe, bTe 'ithout Malcesai htlewssyt Aec omm qaesacdn ofcstai enat ie Bristi ciebaving raes ted s i ii r- gofeincerin fIearetlginsicw"s ose tawtrcrait te-atterfwEre pîrcdedud- iEngeyar nd messoutfe 1rsglof Romanth Cpolica ou f hled ait;caiofnyor jreiionst ified oneas e i he 1", i 5 sTo a friand2ittinears, eath dTis O'Gorman Miý taling pd ublicbveoryt selue siioeqarteraf a ateteeaf iat ha lad reugrt o i J oves 30thduels Ia nmbr, cl addied, sonlye ridge teptrttheangocf oisaveonreoa engL lassuidur onesalg o ther bis andiu ia Si i r lil, te plie courts hedescfoiti for oin-re1 ie aoteran3n7 fater,2stapmtîr 1 gA shdoerga 3 nrses, md 1 the TIse Br a a ý, vligo.publichaabu plu oage u n stte fa i graf eixwcemeu y thon pre c SirsJohn Fies, isa juemiccut ciilaier , nsî rders is Bvigtn Railwe ay ompan. Alu con seu ea f fat repot fI camany avarsove t byiod thes fIt te brdge of tla raiwayco paies;oarc lu oftes stata. o' l D A bciasccnint oearPresdoet DuagLas or so nen hvebeen e;-rnpioyýed at aa i it Coruhili, w ilato h fa1 edqarc a ba,-nký; ,auà lareîeý , om ight1een teet bha the sufc, atou fRman pavei- havebea fondthoglinot of suffic:1 beauy t prsere. t adepth of pM1 tnyfii efet owadistinct portions Roîan wall wr(a discavered, joining i i V-Slsaped angle, and some Romanopaf wzss u-neartbe-1. Perhaps, ths-m tcar:l finid vas tacs f 'tI bed a a Cr tho ngh a godî mi any -c-n turiea have,,as sinceaer1î azctul1-l y lw d tIare. How7 or$e Beome Ma-Etes Oý u I1ith, at fIa villagýe ofHbal the Aniko)la sub divisionsi'fthe d cistrici Kanara, a large tiger was k*lied nudiier foilowing strabge and tragic circama-ltanl says a correspondent af the TieqaiI Shortiy siter suns-ef awoïnan ai theclIG ing dlas uas gattlier ing fallen fruit us a smali clump oa i mngo tracs ,on fia e qfa rice field not i'sorc titan 100 pace fi ber dwelling. Saddeuly fram a shaI]ow ditch, which rau close by the spot, a ti, which lad apparentiy sfallked the w ýoi under its caver, sprang on her, seized by tbe hack ai the n,-ck, and iborelbe., bar to the graund. Rer shrks a f iag brongît ot a ueighhour wisose hansie Blot mýore thaa 50 paces away, :auDlwhi,1 saw the tiges standing ou the high groi abao e the ditel at anme little distancre fi the body of bis victiau. Thara the auj seems ta have remaiued until tIe arrival. the patel and a Mahoamedan wilh a lna gun. Tbh.y lad heard the outcr y cf aya.witness framn whare thay were si tt lu tIc patel's lianse, n las 'thiian aIq tes of a mile distant. Theý Mahiomate witb consmendabie promiptitude, caonn and pluck , auccaeded in stealiug aeana tc the tiger ta kili hlm wfis aasht axamisation aof the colpsesbowed un il marks of injury save thnte cusdby teeth oi the figer. l11e bad liuigered ual ta drink the blodi nor ta tast the Il( For soea ime paît Iha hadI been fa j slaughtering cattle lu the neiglib)ourhc ba va easattacked a h11uan beiulý was apparently uwuddand ilu lealth. May it nat, then, ha firiy surspi askG thecrpne nt tat n lu te iun tain iight, nwiuig ta tise dar-k dre.zs stnoping posture ai tise ussor-tunaite Wffn the tiger mlistook bas for iaiqnadrnpecd, was himseli for the marnenttaeabc eiarmad at bis own act,! That hae wo soon have sccoved imnie(Lli and hava selt ad ta bis ma l ad h eaunisfb Gt caIs ha littiedobt The North Bal tiC Canal; As wýv.or an ftiie North B-Lif i Caa l11rri1dfoýrY.vcdnighandday by theKa(is goveram inent thal2Danisîhape(a f1a110i1u v Sýchleswig, thas survived t 1wenty.I ycrsa of sapareflue, sl sinkiiug. This Il bas beau f la cora of aIl political iacti vitIN Daumtark ssineatisa nnlncky wa i the anacouc ofsansa ailpr ies, 11 an(d reccýtsl1aasy. Rý,iht asîd Lait, halwe the"ay m>,,it !diilfas0an fIaquestîicion o do tic paliy adparliameufary La-w thilt h divide e llocouutrýy ilnta two botliey c taudcing caps inuc 14 Gov-esumen"nt uni teal ta raise tai by r1,oyal aseauil iý constitution "an IRida ndrfo1 River Eider, wich he rec7cnal folle, Was3 the bound1ar y oý ems tsot ubousaud yaairs ai blondy wars 1, German ina. TIa1re tendsal-c onesîng 1 èedtarriva ii ui otoyad Icomne cuecw lgtgeerithks ment aifIe prosecutrioný, caera la e f(-c us'cnd heai lelischyof at dsî,ppaared from tihe câf.jSutaeShesif sinilia' A Li-agie suicide oc nrred eatyifI fidtcGrndmîd aesc Cairragli Miitary CasapiluIiad, wîsa ýIin a the treat -y ai Prague, ifhataaua privata ai the lst Wiltshire (ue iEdn hhtat f orf ShesNo Ia bnsgh's> Regimient cammittadscd a cf Ie cosigby piabiscifa cteIn Pu rIfl sages li plcedflasîszzl aibisDcuark, fIe cry sud flic hope sui, rifle into his month, pkiled a cord sftsc !ed ls hfwssmccsfo I f0 if, and shattered lis akuil. j stes hfIesl l fNa.podeo"n )Lut s The abstra.ct ai thc cenus for Scotldifs-lý,ggerýLng blaw. Stili tîey have s laid on fIe table of thea base ai Cosîseaon bthada n Iclna îegrs recutu shws hatfI poulainî aiSea. pon wîich wnrk la carried on wzitî lansd aosfIe cenaus day (Sf1 April)ivai 4- fIat caes aga, sl eve notice n De,!!ý 036,103 peross-bcing 1,951,461 male, audl od foliermany wli cave vlufei 2,081,642 famiales. Thasa numbars wlcn mcde if at wrc .oa u coosparcd witlî flicratureýs aio881show an place lh ame a iai orifctos ooase i297,530 -tIe mie icresse ebeing wîicî cli Europe mgîrage lu v'ic 151986 eu flc finaa, 45,54.Ths Ecrin nnavy, that the j 'oke ai tise I gives s perceiltage aifncrese dring' ethesoeOuaa- S1 Ioig lest deceusium ni 7 9C-tise asMile lucres a cr0 iyasugl rwu 0h 1laing 8d5 lper cent. ,h Icfaal 752- iïflicUoiSpow,ýerfii- lu Erope. '.\ if] goaî atnI Kises Iuil, il A tuait usiuel Ocrenetnkpae;sjprgaianvltflassdpassage St. mos.n.ts.Sa c ay a t og. gra.raacîmssopen f rom ithe -Noril' A w eddiuig î'sty dove p ta tis Pi Isj il tati, erau ii lie master Chur,- f he isîi amlemsî bingpr et ca a !0 til h îres- Eu rope 'a it and avesytbingraiyfrIecasoy putfi i a appearsasýeý , sdfsipfams caf ni age, being oly igtcej Of tWiirS Stîcasl i!n2,s;lt tIr a cne u i-patent ,ex _haio Tho olda'rafe, tIare wa sotiiîs ori btWifir' av oVcldrnTs f0 re(-tire with as gond s agraceascipailla I alna wlîsterreewd isyothlu la asîder the circumistaaces. iovarcoat ai the puraîflter patteîri iitî wlicîs lae tteuded a ehool e Thare acema littia loulft isat lufore lonsg ion up eamoalg tIsahile aý-o dais fua lini Southampton %will give place ta Plymousthc iaskstanding leside ftheacaw as flic final. port ni dopartere aifrthe WXest catech_ý iiaimlad litf la do1ingcoCgr India Mail steemers. From tIc rcpiy tIse , ' _ht ara tIe provin e, ailt Pstaîtnster Ganceral niade ta fIe deputtioi s aked f'ie teacher. whielî 'aitcd upon hiîu thc ofiser day lun " Potatoas, whîskey, lrsc fhe bouse ai Comisons sud by fIe wordiug tîsm,'1 legan fis chcild. ni fIe despatcîadresscd to fIe Treasury " No, u,' iutermupse ise euache j-in April lait, if la evideuf that le is lu didn't issea producta; I s proil favor aiflihecohange. Thec Paît Office ivili Oh),' sad fisc girl, 'Cauniauglîs, iccur an extra coat oai anâsetîing undaiemMets u-n- £1,400 a year for a apacisl frain irosu Bris- "liarcîljbe stuck, puit ler hu toI ta Plymouth, bat. lslieving f1îat fIls s ilto iser rseudioufîs, asd mgIt wauld le wall speus l11 seccsing s0 cou,idar- tion anceaa' -iylilhes soas, tIecoans île an edx'antage, Mr. Raikas rcomniaudi lier apsaý, flic ceiliug, and thc poat. la Tmsssrv ta sanction tila cpeuditus-e. chlhdren lvathe aid 1qakerpoet's k Ireland îvlîicls e Jew yeass ga waai ust ani udiscovered land lu tIe fouriug world, la fat coiug lut o favour as s hou-. day sesost. The influx ni tracs-Afientic fauriata whe bagin Europe iwtl rean, greater tia ssu sultfIls yees. Sinca ,Jane began, flic xvctbcs lhms bepau lovely. Passi- bly s pîcnoineually fisse ssîinuer susy follow fIe plenonsas wiuter, whicî, lard and bharsaI aimnî ail os as Europe, ivai uilid aud dry lu Irelsnd. Strsrcge fa say, the la- fluenza, î sd l Jinelaul, did net crex'. tIc vaf as. Preeching -et Ca rnarvois, o niglît Le- cantuy, the Rev. E. Herbert Evas,'D. D., clairmaîs ai tIc Cosîgragatiossal icuon af Englaud sud W'ales, strnngly coudemuasi the prea lenca ai gainlliug in aristocratie circias. Thc Princca aiWales, as lais f0eflic tIsane sud tihe future Iaad aiflice Chus-ch ai Es'gland, lad diqgraced hjmseîf lu fIe eyes oi the people of,f lia countrsy. Hie raiused te open a hospitsl if Hull, dnsiug Doncaster races, excusiug hiisli o' tisa. grouud fîsaf ha lad n tir-n. Yat tisaf vesy weck la faunsi lalsure tfajain a gemiiug Party, dc- sueîcing hinîiseli ycesenting ten bld tise implamentsoaigamb lig Remains ni Roman London arc coutinual- y heiug turuesi up ini fli city. For a mantî s cof in :tye algu, ige her ber, t a 1, of ml hled the thor lear-1 Iany ais, allgî Some yersZagoi-p3etlived iin Pai h infuene aougric au repatablepeie aL porn whe i e rvatIl:,ht lma ltter from an old fin sighýini to find emloyen "fith ere. hepe toid1the ser-,van1t to shw he eaorinto lis s ldy i1e was an lderiy ban, tail, stoutiy htaJsrpuoa]ia, witb a il 'M'y findtlsmsidte ot Yes, sir," wastlcauw'r IL-,y did you lae your ýUtiion Tha anhae ttrian:tesad ia efot Ileft becanse of an ufortunati;-,e But," sad e poet, '" wiat ila th discovaýryl Inulist kobeas f I racom- meud you to a place 1 hiltk a certain 1I will telli)yon, sir,"ý said the manl, look- iag foulu nbis face as if he lsad suddeniy tatken a resolutinu to speak frankiy, I was in that bouse six monthisnd none a ldhadut any fault to find wlth mie, when oua day t) ey heard of lt-fond out that-that 1 had been a convict at the galleva." UTiS ONLY FRIEND. "Ah, indaed 1 ou ware a convict at the I galicys," said the poat, lu ach the sama ftuama if ha lad been saying: -" Ah, in-a daed Sa y) ou danc2ed last night at court bail." "<'And how have yon beau living sinca you laf t ynur situation?1" IIOn a1littie rnonay that 1 saved when 1 was in prison," III thought," said the poet, I'that vou- v'icta wýera forbidden ta taise money fromi "a hey are2, monsieur. But thiey ail do it if thley cin gat a chanice. It sems un1 great harin ta tale it if we eaui do so withoat dis- cavery." "Hl low do you umanage ýil, V" parsistad the, paet, who wascurijons ta laMasomnething of isd "We hldseveral ways,'the mac replied. ca-"Mine was ôeelt citen nsed, but it always ndinterested visitara. Saine of us asesi ta fama mice aid tiacdl tham tn hring us any coin aut1rowu dnwn for as by a viaitar. XVa always. suda kecpt these mice in aur clothas, where fbey uId woald nastiaaIleday withouf stîrring, ansd Swhien a. visior dropped a littia coin for a !,,,e pr'iantestîsaouse, et a faint cbirrup fram Itsîn.stssvoldcamle ont af ifs hidiug place, slip d Iown the icg ai lis trousers, se- curethe ïcovi)n ad run lad ta its mastcr's breast the way if came." ia",Wbat an ingenious trick !" said the Sur'S poet much iutarested, but hardiy alla ta sihbalieve the thing ivas truc. Il I slauld lika e tasee if doue," la addasi psesenfiy. 1ape "Yeu eau, msonsieus." yu "What 1 Do yen carry cîsy sraiced mica ~3 bout Yau ?" aIl Oniy oaile,Gnsiur, but 1 neyes eau part erfrom ber. She h i the auily truc friand 1 bava fes- l ," laadded a adly. ae"Will ynn sýhow me V' CI i- "Crti imonsieur. Please ta thsaw acr do 1acd- ,enit, five cents-what you rIe TUE i'CýT INPERIL. b lc c ottheloni a cent piece, whldh ise 1,,ý oiidaong thie floor. Tha man gave a Ru- !liî chiap liithbis lips and tisleeve on b,,-ilcinws;agitated. Then fhe mouse cas sihs owni the ieg of hie paufaloons ~.il5 and~paare anaent lafer an the carpet. Buttýt, f0otcgra upiof bath maen, if stand sf11l1 aud saa eiciinad f0 rua b 1jack Ifs mnaster IIeelng ifs hesýîtatocirne te maiele I manieobeyed. i '1d tuci bcd rAollad ,unîder a-plce(affurni. ana iu cai(rnies nifIe sfndy. J uif as thwlivttie moiIcewas abtl itopick if up a dc-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I pia1 qel vslad las icpoat'a aig tAngraes lad b1es iying asleep WhendtWbeu fI cnieaw what pari lisheaf- ene euhie lit L< fýie riandhatnrned as paie as Ydeath aud gave a ery ai terras., 5.aPaet aud coiet spsaug et onîce ta the vedrecue. Thec caf -wisa drivec away, but not mal efore ble ýldseized ftha prcy, lu is sharp eidawi, Tlic p uttie iusne lay sf111 witb igo iop cf blodîke e shining carbucl on lii materpiced f p and ýheld if for e iosufl i Iandi jui lu! h li i ou ic wsitin able, draw ~ise hisafu alsfulIigt dulc is lis ýi( itiadsprang npllou h pa, lo eei i- lt ac k wlthgresfcamp n.i osure1ý , ysaLy - tIcIo lzhc j Ls ssc ypirfind'aidts si 1 oat, "iflu oo itie mnu!,la certa-'iuî I ss urefIs ci ho ealfieri rucd who yaîpathzo iln is con-, lesisain I a vmw for tIc injuy f " i only truc .Ali slnd ( lv fac. e snle; is facýýe brigh1teýn.e, symlpalseelly. Tish utf e s-di ld hie ulafer sigifïocutly ; a okle t inqirsngly._ Be uaîded sidIste burî.Lt wifh: " 'Oh, Miss Simaioseu.I, o .u Thay ara Cannaugi't, Leinscluster, sd Overcoaî l" Born en tise Ietreat from Mocw TbIealias just dial is Fresîc a State penrIiouer-M. Thoîîas-whýo ,w as bru i t tisa terrible passage of îlth eisi durlsg Napolaou's ratreat fio -cm osco)w. IHi mathes liedl foiiowd liser Ihand, en ,officer ai tlîe Isuperial urd, and g ave bIsth to lier salis wiila tIc Bisiaiisbellets feuil lke Jîeîl amnsg the r'-creafiîsg 1 Pecl ots ahe and hem hcssbassd wesa HlaI, bthfle wailling infant xvas kiuidly shelteredbytile! Cosaiks, ansd %vas nitimately brongit %npl and educstcd hy tise Russian aufisorifiea. Wlîan lae attaissed bis utajnrity, oevr la tool ouf sau:Èalietionu pa su bean s Fresnch sclject. M. iîoîîîas's id cerfificae carmes the womida as Beresîna." Ha wasin u ecepf fepsso oi 2500 francs Per aussussu. Mnsty Hay. Saine ai çyoa, throssglslait xx iutcm ad sproissg, weefeeding that liaI f0 o,,o c hrscs, Wlîesî ,ýyou pitchad iid, hed uet ý'sIwaald !111 tise ais sud se. yan te îneezî,ng, Cns perlapa drivayou fafIe cdoor fora smore deccut idraeuglit for fIe lsîg.Whn u put if inta fIe horres' mnanges tlsey wossid sauf af ifv, tisai blvv fIe air s'osa tiseir nostrils su a faelamannes, aid, wif h ais eiphatio sakeaitIc e ed, would îsowatheim dis- satisfaction as plîialy as csîy power mou speech cotei permit them ta. Son cftcr same aoflihe rsas îad a troubhle aonme cougis coma ais sud thon t-le dos ing bc- gan, and you bl a otiser vexiag glimpia of fIe tact you lavealaiys kna %vu, fIat if does nt psy ta ieed mnsfy hay. Naw is fIe tfisuc ta decida ivîsat kiad of Icy yna want for naxt Wiîîfr's feeling. Nat apeu wîli le found musty if i i praperîy cascd 'awhen put into fhe barn. Thie essiy cnt hay wiil requise suore finie for cussng. Bettes le dries a lit fie tfaomach flanle put into fIe maw in condition ta spail. Giva iftima l ic leunch toi weat, andmftIls mosture fa escape, sud ifwill hbaffter tîsu wîan axposadtf0 fo muol sun. If itgef s wctin fIa busîci will re- quise more came arn- jaIg'rent la drying if ont, lut needly nbaas le furccd oves ta the realm aifsnold or dccay. Beay wiil stand a goasi desi ai wettinigald stili may be got lu such conditioa sishah tascîs0e,11t y good andd aweet isay ilu ist cm. tIc practice nifIe wif'm alwas. a liffle saItoexes sIc ficy whencý inta fIe laria lu ce' :i'o i teuexcite asy es picîi- -, - i y .dry. Wbare- Cisc -- -.1cve riglit now te h. c t wuster for nus i~~~ ~~~ wDti,- .. -. vrking hbries. YuPull the Çor'K qb 1ve iisd IHATVARD BfSFILSa~ hava ever 'rlod. and I know tttruhU u8e ~have recorered. fran 'a vry hb ood." R0s3 Mackenzie, C. P. R. coff-,es. M intreal, There, s nothing ini the iwo'ld equal to this .. il fefr Sore Throat, Ganghs and Calds. pleasant to the t ste-G-ves inetan lie b soiute &mis.Lirge battles 25c. B5 ail d aler A.,Jý Lawrence, Montreai, Soie Proprietor for Canada. Bowmanville, Ont. (Established 1857.) Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in MVonuments, Tclibýs, Sarcophagi, Tablets, I-leadstones awnd ail kinds of Architectur- a] and Cemietery Work in the best European and American Granites ai-d Marbies. Nloderate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanship and Best Materials. WiIl be happy to quote prices on any kind of work. Give ime a eall before pîîrchasing. TH1E EAST ý END PAINT AND P-APER STORE is now open whiere wil fie' fouud fulll unes of Wall Paliers from 5c. to $2 per roil, M[ixed Faint'S-nîixed to order and sold by the pound, Putty, Glassý, Peerless Machine Oils5, etc. 1 arn prepared to do housepainting, graining,, and decorating of ail kiuds. Brushes to loan for painting and kalsomining. Mixed Kalso- mine also for sale-any shade desired. aKIRBYï" & SHERINS it'Gih's Block, opposite New Holtel Building. 14 will be found' in lis old shop, next door aoor to Express ,Office, B OWM AN VI LLAflE where ho ,-keeps constantly on]hn A LARGE- & COMPLETE ASRMZN OF- Coarse and Fine for Men and Boys, Women andChdrn Rubbers, Slippers., etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Special a1teilion. given to Repaîring-,. The old Porter iouidry is stili booming. aýre ready t.o suppiy ail oresfor Csig of every dsrp tionthe only paewheire al yvou can ho s ýuppIled oa Che shortekst noti e , in tha shape oF Castings, large or smnall, PIow P'oints, the elebrate-d diam-ond steel mdefor aauy po auard Large FurnaceKeIles alwvays il, stock. We- pay the Highest _Prîe for SrpIron ýaod reqturo Stove castings of ev-erv de'(scription supplied. 71=Machsnery of al kinde, &Agiri-uius plýaImnts, Stoves, Bicycles, aiî chuie8, in fact evarything thait can, dn not have f0 k'eep anypaddIans sud uispply ral sîle agents. S. J. HOSKIN, HiJ.WE 'LK - uorn K n aidLiherly Sts., Bowmarivilie. PRES . CATAiIsIcUÂn ,D.EAFNESS-BAY FEiIE-A N rNw HOME TR',ATMENT. Sîsff,.,rars ara not ganerally awara fIef fIsesa isse are contagions, or that they are dite to the presunce ai living parasitas in th,-Ilining membrane ni the nose andi austach,£iais tubes. Microscopie researoh bowever, fhae praved thus e falea lacS sud tisa rsent ai this discovery je that a sim- ple ramedy bas beau formulatesi whare- ly catarrh, catarr-hal deafnees sud hay i..vas are persnanentiy cured i nnfat tîrea simpla applications made if home iîy fhe patient ance in fwa weeks. N. l. -Thus freatmenf je noS a snauf or an nintmssnt; bath lave beau dis- ý- dad as injurions. A pamphlet ex- -,:,iiing f lis new treatment le sent frae srecespt of etamp ta pay postage, by J. G. Dixon & Co., 45 West King Sf. Tor- oufto Canada-Christian Advocafe. Sufferers fiom (iatarthal troubles shoulsi cerefully read fhe above. s Ilow ta Cur-e- vilSia ulDIiseases. Simpiy eepiy "SWAYNE's OassMEsr.'> Na internali medicina required. Cures-fttar. amzi ima, itah, aIl eruptuongus nuhesface. hlidïi, ni-e, etc,. ieaviug the skia cer, whi e sud heaathy, Isgashaii a uaiepaniers ara passessesi by n atlas mtmdy. Ask r druggist for SwseNus IME Lvss AN bsas&Ca.nsra Waeai g Foi, Oier Ff fv Tur Miss. ILW"rawaSOOarIiNG Svasra lias Isen used by milia of c, others fan thelr h'7 re whilo teething. If disturbod af nigît a.1S broean oi your rst by a sick chuid suifrl-nsr and erying witls pain of Cuttleg Teatti seni v once ansi gef a bottie of "Mrs. îsiowý' 1 Seafhing Syrup"far dhildren te'îthingf. lsU l rlilave fie pon littla suifera ,nmdaay Depenu n onif, motions, there fa naoitaE about it. s cures Dlarrhoee, ragunates e Stomadli ansi Boweis, Cars. Wiu, Ci saffeus the Ggstm. redatces Inflv-mmatinc cuit gîvas toua ansi encrgy tuth fr 'ole systens. "Mss. Winslow's Saothiug Syrnielforsas ciison teeslsiug la pleasasîsi f0 tie tasta and Ie île prescription of ane ai île oldepf ansiboasf te. maie physicians ansi nurses in the Ussîtei 8tates: Priai 25 assite a bottle- 8Sud ly ail drgiete thssan haicithe 13. e surs- ansi ask tor Mut TmSraw 'sýt -'asNn F s BAVEZ

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