1i'ATEFUL -COMFORTING. BP.EAK 13AST. Byathorou.gloknowledge oftftic,,a~r tor rutritiOn. and b>' a ecret al applico s c' flieprnpertiO3 of weýl-seueeted CGocos Mi -,4 ss provided eur break fast i ables witb ia usi ny h-,av-y dontor-" bills.h Is Lb>'tbe jucosuse ot snob articles of dia' that a ýcnitiutiOu ma>'be gradusl' bult np unti stegenough te resist every teudono>' te jicse. Huidreds of oubtle maladies are ýý,ioatbg arouud us ready Io attack vihere-ver *ijei-e isa vent point.Wernay eseapenmiSny E fatal shaft b>' ks'epiniz ourseves well for-ilt wttb ) Vure bld,,od ,proDerly orsd Maesinisl- v wi hi -iling viater or milk. boJly iin pa oke0s. l1w '. 4î ar. abAoled thi55: J tFSFP1. S C isnlTi5e >'CIem- 90RINT-For ternof years, (e JDhu "-300 acres, 2 miles fro-c Wbtby- roed buidings rand oeil ddmiralile -or toe oIr dair>. Ct aiioj for ging tetnsively inmb tCorcnte mille buaîue s or sock reiitssg ft !nMerlcan mnark-e . Men wtb capal oniy Aeed appis-. J. il. Dow, , Wbstbs-. 32tf IZ FIAVK BEEN FAVORED WITH J-instructions te sel b>' pivate sale by thse axecutors' cf thse eaato cf tise labo Duncia MLtalcolm, tbe south oaat 80 acres of lot 17, con. i Da.ington,cn viich le erccted a bouse, trame barn. driving bouse and stable, etc. About 4 acres cf tirt clase orchard Terns ea3y',as t mnst be sold at once. LEi A. W. ToLE, Lts il 0tsate Agent and Auctioneer. &i--tf. F ARM FOE; I SALE.-130 acre, cern peofseteu i ->part cf Lot No. 19,,Ilrok -t Front, a d is Ibreo miles iforintbse Twcl Býosv>cassvlle. Ti $one e ilebojtfa rl tse doi>' et nain. It le lu a 1biKIhtaec cuIltvation and l ewelfne nts r misres the 0re a si Lone dwoing, tw aGe barinq adother ûo-uîssldings, vwiltI 5iu- tbiskfrcatle anid hnrsneý; -bree vielisan four elsirne. al1>wlnd.mui forpupn soter. For fturtilsr particisi'arrS apply cou ':1 promises or if by ltter te Hsrss- ;7MÏÂN .Bey' acres settuated meit ru ida tIse cor porà tienof ths e wa cfB'.' uvli.Tbere lsas good bousýe, bars and stable ouantisepu ss iso abýout 4ïacrv e ,cf ec oead oebaý e nig le be2auV1i- at 4nairuna ro ' we.ir croses 1tbe propeit>', Evearyhing it good 1condit3ýinad t tcm1iîîmîi. Tas1ý proi)peit>' viliibosolt cIsea, and on easy tartin etfteyment. Arply teoL. A. W. TonnEr Tis STIeRT BOWinViile. eOn. FARMES FORSAE 'el,76 acres $1600 witb purchoaa ane S out buildings on 101h Con., Darlingtor,soil good ciý a>'icnal cleareti. t;'ýMI ill urcasegeod hoe $ D-D43O0 on a, cn. Darlington,con. taialng 100 acre@, gooti atone house, gooti ont- O O ii purehase cone e! $L00t eat faims biete flovimannv-lile and Newicastle containlag 150 0 wil purhase100 acres i avers witb good bulIgalcleareti, good soli. 'Oacres Of land couridered te bi crne nf the bet farme on Con. 1. Darlinlonu. geoot buildings, procti icaitty and muet l e solti. Foran>' Of above propertie" LEVI A. W. TeOLE TLOAN At 51 rer cent. Ineetpayable yearly. Stra!ght Las Apply at or a8to- ïPAVID J. AAS IBanker & Bucrefýr, I9-'n. PORT P R Y N MCILL U'IVR1I A's PEC 1Ail iANNUCEMENL,ýT 0F TffsE la een reardStating the etO l f the 3 NEWi C1ÂlE, LBRI'IISW ir-niseseveran pri us fCivil, 'Min- ing sand Practical Chemiistry, vihieli viIi a'fford iîtho , SSsio 'f4 2 dvntlo net hitherto acceselbla e tud slut coun1ry.- Copuýies my 1behad ou pl caintth uu~-eiued vho ctr i e )snpply d ie aneuceetscftether Facolt .ies(J 'leUnisL-viiy, viz.: L1uv ,1Mc(jýine, Arts(icdngheDsedCus fo J. 'W -e iK.IîG,$.. , 13 26 w Acin ccuetarY àHLH A Prudent Gil 1 wil kil myseif if you s cei," sid Hausinson sf< trthe proposai. "Hom V', asuretiEthel. " 1I vili jump itito the river." 01h, -,'cIlright. That wes't hos ts aie cca peckr., 'SueMIlsay no. DYIITG WORDS. Wemistt Pain. TIsetiyngwods f noîti people bave so oflen doue duty for ibeologicel anti othar iviters in peintiog amoral ou atici-nTg a talc, tIai tle pu-eumplion is tIsaitIch populer anti secepieti versions,>iue stasinces, beer v-ry uittle 1knes te tIe originls ; yet it is probable that is tIse main tlsey ai-e trust- vorthy, anti as in meuy cases they îorcilly jlustrete IltIc ruling passion stneng in death," tbey pessese actes interaci. Converse Cleave cunibuies tise folle iolg cllections: Major Johin Antre: Muai I dia in this Imacuer ?" lReferring te is execution.), Charles Abboti, Lcrd Teentien: sul(Gan- tlemen cf the jury, yen villi non' censiner ycîsr v-anticjt." Mchael Angelet My seul I resigu te Goti, ty body ho the cath, anti my vienidly peesessions te uny relatives. " Dr. Thomsas Arnuoldi, etRmugby tAli, s'eu-yav-al. Jlisn Atiams Intiapeudenca fou-aven. (By e siceuian coineitiacce le dieti on Inde- ipentiauee Daa', andt th sainse day aseThsomas J j deusoc. Ceeril Edwvird Bratidocle:. "1We shahl balte tanoweovi len'e dcl yulthate eanother time." Mai-cee Bozzarie s To dia fou- liberty is a pleas-oreandoits-t a. pain" Mary Beatrice, et Medeca: '-Pr- yfor me snd for tise king, nsy soT, tîml lic uîay serve Coed failhriuliy al bis lite," Bede the Vpnrabla: IlIf essy Maken pleaces, vilo orunetnie ot et nothirua I1cci viuilumu!g le lav-ýU10tIsa iorîtanti go e iim. li:yseul desîntsl i-sac C his,î nu s.~ki Peiy Chuel." a friand lC j i ilet i i t te is ec. as thon sl.' Aaron Buri-: On tai enîjeci I ans ceOy." (Pefieriîug te hi$ -igcu John i Biatforti: ~ -igbilathe gaie sud1 sru-svis tIsa vay laileedadtîiute lita, anti tewtîaeha lIýaI int l.ni non', O L ord J eens, rcelvo1,",Sy piil. iJreti at,,h clairelu 1555, w 1 lse asee i mai-- ,ýJehu unyu: Do net seapfo ebut for yurcve>s. I go l te oFile f Our Lord Jesus Cîs-isî, iecdeIviii receaive use, theuglli a sinuer, rouýgîsls!e ueito et ouLedJescaChis, l-neIhope vie shah eu-e long mchte sig îl ccv sou ant 8romin happy terevan, -n'eu-lt vitli ont anti. 1Amen," i Lord Fi-suris Bacon: "A littie plilose- pby inelicaili me'e mintis te atheisin, lui tepibe isu pbloscphy brinig man' mds about te religion. Tly creehtures, 0 Lest, bava beau my beoks, but Thy boly Seuip- tui-ce mucdimnara. I lavaecught TîsusntIse courte, fleldesud gar dans, lut I fonnd Tise O Ced, lu Thy sanciary-Tly temples." 8Cassai- Borgia: "Iead prevuiet inth e àcourseeof my lite for eveiythig excpl detl, anti oec, alec ! I am ho dia, theugli entiu-ly e uinprepared. " Jcllus Cassr: IlAnti thon, tee,Brie' AunuhueCassef: "Farecwell, Livia, and!C ev-a rnemmubier oui-long union." Cjeo:"eu-a vehanan, if yen tiir it -r gt-lie"(Atrsei n'iLhhboviec -hea)lt'i tcassa ssin.>1 Cleeptra: leu-e ilion art, tîsan ?" (ati- deet te lesp lais1etooki r i ins 'ebas- ket cýf tuut luiihicb i1 i-1i adbasacoîtace bfatlorir.)1- '11,Y yo l i v-se lehappa'; carry mylest ne, mcunh-anocte yoi- Tutiier, ai for yeu, my faitbmml fiand, awveil absent as presemt, recls- Ibs lst anevell, sudwmay yen liv-s Ad -aI L ~iannow njus steelu vi lcus iitiug lusîle voriti cetn disînrb tee moue.]1 em iogaiIfams surs il musl le consola' loi-y teJou, nti li l io loeame, le sec lic 1ia ssc.i oteed (H Chnatuphr Clcnlu: nto thyhimntis O 1od comm-lent i uy spiri." l oit e s Frsel frvei Matie- lna;.I she'ti meel thiea againi in île lanti oh Audu-vi Cmbe: eppyI iîppy 1" TTncCamplaýli Thaniryen-uue obligeti."fy?1 Gore Cialla uu Cd 1lices you I !Ced i vIsra h panaiei 0 1556. JhC.Caulmoun: ' a 1 ani p-rfcly resu- Henu-y .'iey : I ,clu1gil, ; I anu di msg." le 1bsn-stai thîe iCoDsei tution" Danat . ieknen t'~The cuilctiil -tcnballite oter sille on-s. Darius lite GUsuel Friandi, t'iisfii'-S tle ussauraet yifonunsil air net elle te u-esard lsee fou- t kmu»dnass. But Alexauuterwîillnotl-' îibhout a racouspecce, sud tle goda vi-si-ti hm tor ils iumuanity be my u'ol..-, my iife sud my elildricî. Tell ibisse Igire tIeuuy hect iniumis steet, anti eonvey. te him tl.-ooly piatige I1ste able le giî'e et my gratit Lde anti affection." Plilip Dottiriiga t:rIl sam fil cf coud-« deisce tisais- is a hope seh bera me ; I have do.e-T, Istill fy fer retiuge lta n1ihoe. lu King Henry IV., o-f Navaerra: "I1ans .osnfd." Alexander Hiumboldit:- "Rom; gi-ant thesa rets ; ticse ssînte beekon eau-il le ('ras cipiss e secefn l tae fo-m ef tiusy bird3. Colour ini Flevir Garýdon. :)r eny celýclriii foyver orfelgi cfi g-esiIimpor'tanlcevilere hahat1f4 feet l;Sdeitle îl Ileirgardon.l This cif colrse, i l aiys Cansuraeti vIs,!eatIsladseJ ai-e pleuteti under tle immiate supu-lo tendanice of ihose pssaedsioig absiaiiy but tIare ae-e undrade cf isecste hae feut',among the sii aller typa cf gentianes i uero anything lut gootdiatste ilu cccl- mIespu-vaîls. No deIl vwh)ientCIuIra adcaion becemes Iusera generai-l vn'aeshahd ce airerrons in île enrtug cf 11oyer adfell aga in the gai-dwai aii et ny rat, àii lopeýît taisncb viiila0tle caIse.Ilact l)e tee lely pointat(i ccýit it ies iseLI( gardais b tlat ceiaice Hereaete mni glov ing cleur,4 tha't eau ,lel-, grddas, îlie muelbeaitiful o- i , 1 ":-c biu, latIe-rts oea iat lias ils eotoneprodin ,g plantls eu placeti that lîseir Irigheýiina, ifaIs ont deviwn snd ontrastt Ip l ccI mnrn at, Isieanti-a arrange. .îhed-it 'pcso tccdhlai-menions uvibele. Billiani muasetcei-ic, yllon' ci- binaw lu lads, withs rsefellaga er i-t tuaIssa devin, are execuable, aud coltrsar c tlsi matie vorse by wdtavae4Iusgbb fnio Icurissg .A eînall ideýai gednscs le iceicaI ' srpou as a pielure2. Tîte bocmmldary wiella or tance may neprescal tle frame; tIcr-pr, tu-ces sud shrucs the Iack- guouti; tIc gra.ss liu' fôýreguouni. duesi e paicter icîretince fi1 ýgures of men, caItlla or bulig egis'e lnstîe oppertunity c inspariug 11 lfe a sud cýILiraer to e piebsîre b tIc aid cf île regnuita o ... nreý, ce sbuidI the auti Jga etur ,svrk n uilar lices, by plccng ic lauIsi i us oet f lýis raudeed beaut iful y judicAoccstasn cf tletr oyau Ï cdtoP ge. elmu eusibi neetaticcci as n e -soi ou-on abore, glaingcolnseexcpi itegras.No pa;rt eslus'ug lousaent t pattivsr grunuicf greens-Ley --Ar'. s a-aîs Lnck un Od Sboes. 'W 0RLD'S FAIR NOTES. Twety-ourforeigu natfis have wnovi efiilyaccapcteti ýýthe nvt to epariciu- p i u h xosto. use Tsrkey, Deuari, ersa sd gypt are among tIe Thus fur ,an eggregate cf $2,695,000 heas beau ppr ,ri*etvbytwanty-uine states for rapreentaien etthe W-oi-d's Fair. Miite isa1ip a hecopascfîdiu taas or, haie, sit yl ceet lite 25000 te imake a aibt rdiabetehi sti- tuialmethe na(,caeear1y fou-r th cntuCt.icn cf t'isebid ing cf isaI S a'aitheExposition, anti thac Nort!ieruPani, hecagreedi te trans- p)orLtîle exiltfrüea cf charge. Thus Wasbigton s-usexpanti upon it, exihibit tise eurra$0,0 ihl vis pprepri- Lieuenet RgerWelles, Jr., cf tIse Uiei States uavy, Coramid-ioer te eeueaandthe tsa neibouiug colonies, reors ti the aùGe-rser General cf thc i)tsl chCl nie uthe West Indues, rompes- cd,, lf the islantis cfOCuracce, St. Maniocs, -Becaire, A\ribCa, St. Eustacheansd Saba, lias aretdthe~ invitation te participate in tbe anoiiesdlisas eppeuled e coTmmission te taikre charge cf lihe vou-k. inel l papier inache rapreseutiug tIse mc eisd vairos fisheries oun bbc coasi of ,Alaska ar being prapared by thae itilsnn- ian ýInstit.ution ai Washingtcun for ibbc Wols ai.Il isite iin tention, 1byimi Ueiil lpoin auides cof t'e ceai ccsr direat Bu-iternot. cf~ ~ ~~~~ý,e vict as y n lm-grainîs sud 1ras,,lehapur;t lu bondies eight ouches in 1c"dla. 1Hl if cftlhasanuples re"eis cd wul be nteetiforprlusume1 ai thaexFposition ~ndth o'ne-shausd lui daco)ratiug tIl' ~tIaxeo, sys --lt cesssty viii prcbaý,bly ap- %uepite athe s tari , ,50,000 for tiha rap- Uaot.tcon azt. t he ER"ncitin, and that i t Tise Cli1icSe s uea pa1ir ol lieoos vill vU ~ohkl lisrass e lseamnuniLtot losve leesin crus syu-utsspiighs. usiirart, $"",OOI0 Lteronp Mxiovoteti$0, andtleceotociolwisisiigafrierda apy li -tsadet fsr tisei Paris Exposjition, foot -'is eîilobbar-a al tisougls Europe. euteuri ,300,h09hera h gel tîscongh. 'ý'he casuel pliipg on tIsa 1db slica ou thme l1s stîieismus la neniftelei v-en the ru gltfoot, pulling t on unuen ais o ei 55is -tLecag Expcitioc, anti Mexico viilcar- bls stinug lImasioellcis os- lia, laeinit vg, tiuyexelci i-sios fors e-st los ig a lulleu, ara al l ad Sigios. A 1 oi, e, Wuau's Cviusflîrtîc epeac Yeu-ks5!i*'episasii llspit jinlhi- rigfloi lo, e Crstbaepeac foeapus in' ,il oui, visaisgoiuug cul oý .iin- Ulo atiJonian's .Tensperence Publica- psortant business, te lrlng merJ , anctiiiuansy Asseesalsen have sapiiati, tîrougli Joso- z~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~-o au sulosgr a oi toi elagbrpsaR e of e Indianapolis, for 100 Iy bcsont oethîe viludovi on St. Vlenitice,3 f-cu Paeainn lii h bo make an cx- bWi oots hI il. MiesNiclicîs s-oye tese ergeuiza. umightfou- lve luer. it l axhbil ýfiae, bannais or Pi cf. Blackr talls et a sunguIar-superstition sd hir 1icieu b atiusnorss bIek- exist ýicg lu Englant.i iisinsiste liai if mi tisees adnmeos te yeuugsl-st tanghtar of a ta:stily mariijs fl-cl, 1ne, i rpit inaat iet bssu sutaenistL tance et lheu- n edtiîg a-li s'aieiani op araa ospîlal sud nictia selvesing fr r a'tllie eau leave thenste le cati is toc îasy ur-fior ii Iiyse he sigîts. Pcses. Iu Irealandtiîleciaîo f a1 sle-o larlrtepe, thrcughbIse Ntoa te aluiiselau>'office is cou(clutii >t biro -ruincptinM nent Association, p ne- ing au idoiteo v-u i,, ee. us Tocuta aeprî nsonîsmiei74 (ce Thc gypsiaes yt il n h xosto roicomimîe- "Iure thr n ltase, u-lie flIse eltencîpetiýo cfle inagroi l'!'lbhawmai-yvsI sr tte ae Ts laepovide fou- a inge etle pbicîl omeilti 1by ae negro colsiier, anti Ilustise Isie etf Maiail o1liele alvaye I tsrsu-rouudat1et inebaeby breulze,,Sîatueeof thu-u fleýr tîle bri, a viýell astîle grocuo, ILsonLvjo' Jh rovin, Garnisonl, n-han lstsugiai oiies,,, ai in ic e h ipeaniosior Oi-ibreothaere pi-cusînanlt thue ddiît sica-seon le iplanhtaticui, white 4ictheamnptu evan, ou- blonviy Clu-yeanoti e eb ei i s lt M use. Pa tt i , su t e r vln - ax l bil a Bi-o i on lîcim i u 10 na ire 1an sa l iti et Iselmxisisenant tIre e an e hlI ehudig cs lIe sage pu-sesi-CjulttIsaI h ii c Ioso. A ti.epltion utf mcdti eaneflIy tîle boots tIc' -vere ai l rClil nsc- tParliansant halýacsei dabtlu rt ihiihy onueitirlcytneau- Isie Domiiiion iGoveumeut te essisi Ontanlo) ou te fe ih teggmsfuer prerucers anti manufacturersun maiig an sItar. ehîbit ai liso Chicago Weniti's Fair. Favor- able roneitiaraticu vies promiseti. A Freproof invention, e Tulu-ca, California, proposes te turn ielie A teache fthîe camae cf Mlyirhyn cf tIse v-ciy sauvaI exîibit for tisalFair. Fi-omu s clly et Pcv-bd', in tIc Province ci Veroiiej, gîgieubsedtvost trac, 390 tact Iigli, anti 26 lias, inventeti a ti-cropu-c te be ile ls act lu dliamuebar, vii he eut l'o lengthî bacc tested th le Mescevi Inperial Scoiety tou1,-y-flve feet loag andt blse aili ha tuans- et Agiculinre ani provati te le e great su e- freilt oiszt ale"erssb cees.A emîl eani> n'e ImmlI c st-n', I elliug ont tle istaiii-r. TIc rougIbau-k s ites acdtioi-ocf vihe vere iclovrtw iibctheiýecwsll le laf4uiclita noo)f-ation M. iMalykhyusi's peste, ssubject e î l ' e Ihueitelilendste s1auc aos ih sirnmgestidm.Tcc hag oiele-lefi nphsît.The jolanior n iile îicisosed unter iseimucus aten thc style cf Pullman eau-e. Oe ili heatmtunete%'a 'cddisli n, but vj 4, bea.buffet diinmg car, n'iths ba th, ba r- chairing in tise leasl. This ftrapu-ct eetena leeen vll esava ran hae prepareri ai a îniiuing eCOeiaîu tin oce. diuny ci- Ineireav-ll pt foi-ihy kopi-eck-c for a isquare >fs 141fet c'ntt.- sdenetî, uttIse muan of Tuien, n' ihb Thlis iioms l lee gc baslîg ortîciriswiveeut lidclîdraus, Vilîl maire thc trip, tI4 er1 lagrtm ecae 'o utr 1te hicago > ini lae srne coaclis anti ofc ac ue c nisiitia cof 1L fla It s0hur sud lto sli as meen1to)S hic peu-tiens eotits Tiseu- clv procolon u-c fin rosiee ~trac rcut aav ia u 1cm esnctoe eu e caida a tnk cf vater. TcIpna Socil-y bas tierjtedthO il trolimuc',0 his wventeýhr. fui pcem j)ýh oa-Il t0' ilags. îugou ime Empire. - Who flisted That Flag? TIse British fdag se..y b hts be oe ruglileeunees, luti111 5m n vaserletite ny greate etintl Buffalo. Eanly un tu-y uurcing as n'oukiugmncii ln is vay to 1lis place et ampicymarît olîservei t-Ise Unlous Jeck seeriog proutly cv-s u-Bffilo'e ligîi City hall. Ha thougisilh n-as aîv-atIser signai flag autti eoppadt icsecvisatitiiis. A rovit eos lolloviet bis exempfle, acnd n'Ieo il vas diseoveredt tI il nastise Br-ities fiag ticaiing lsaughtily is ir ici- faces tIarewavies , mli tegu-e ut axcilEesei anisaine vary anephalie languiage. Oco mcjant strtet on e run forte 651h rgsuc ai-canal ant i sotIsar lu-snef>' ýpolice heast quartai-. A c cccas t ,l aiteLr cf the Cily bail airisvedlie' ordcti tîute offensive enmbleus psiiic townnas quicii>' as possible. Il vat leken istote e ity buildinsg acti alu day las beaus tIc sgît cf sl siglîs about tle ha]îl, TIse flcg je about six by four tact antinut cf geet i ualerial. flow il rame thare ro ccc rau axplain. Fi-cm île smar in ihdli.il n'es fasteuedtote e opes, il sces uquita evidenit il n'as Iisiei by senseona vh cîdstaada the business, Thugî tnntiful uhicranceais n'ortly' f tise higlasi ýcemmendation, it cennmot le( tianiet ibhat a lying longue %voniti1 ha leilat still. Ilia asessedlal-tet leClerkeacvicl Sc. sions receust>' thc wihnesses incîndeti e Pi-otesteant, c Romais Catholir, a Jevi, e Buddtisjt enta Melhonedaîs. Eace cf tIlas viluessas ioir the catI in lis eonn'y anti it waseonly the Mahomeasuvilecausatj inccnvenseuce. TIse Court luirai-y titi utOl inccuie a Keraus. TIaeavas a funny inscidetiel t Cacsbrîsdgg oms île occasion et tisa necijatirofethîe pr is ex'-rcisas andthtsacontcrringoet houeras-y ~ grecs' e e-hncio a utic1 hiusseeh al- 1e table, wyul al tIsheti spreedti sbelorelite, vlan tIsera n'as a elionisfrocs tle galiryt "Have you leg~ your ave reuniare yul vou!" 'Nol lIse leesti iteresing featile ie fftisa gvi-oe xîjli tai heViîl e Fai yul l th tes,,i -'l fgh of c rnniar pigeons. Capti R. E.Thspeei, oettIc signai cars-hec, lastbIle teaur thof l ispley in charge, anti et is-esuant urvails e hny1li leraba birte tor 11iits te wilîhiTi9-00 mtesceof Chicago. Ceaurga W. Clillus,tIls Philadeipisa philen- tliruopist i hua en a groat iotas-est in ibis lecature efttie govanîsmuant displey cuti offers c priz.e velucelai $100, wiheli viii le ou exhýiî)itîon et île Fuir, te the ovinar oethîe hi'.ing ilagneetesi distanceincne day. 1i ûsvritiog cf tbIse suerCaphain Tlomp- son sysble '~il is lalievati tIsa attention my le directedte10 blsa messaugans je an eeciemanucu- ou a large craie, threngh le ag-ne>'ofethIlse intarcatat inluthîcîn isuogboul tle countny. To this cudti tTa- -pou-'au-yaccommodtions viiilecpi-ovitoti fer tle ce- of a lar-ge numher cf pigeons, sud clubs anti ictivituel cvuesetlirongommî bhc coustry vil lecimmitedto10sendthieis- butds for lilaratlcu nnsasse ou e spacidati day. 'ITo th ose viletr-ainsa aid saise pigeons a meel uc-e nti ompraliausiv-a objeci lesson eau 11,, tionît lagis-i." Ih j etoiusprobable LlIatinlu orter le fcliytieontrate tise preel- ialýýilit>' of usiug cas-iesr pigeons as mesaung- cicgoeannent officials in Chicago turing the Exposition wiul ensploy tisemiun earrying -crain, messages The Silver LiningS. A islarcian set ah hie tioior e day, Watching bhe cloutis Ihai hemv-y antiga-> Obscuredthetsasucflighta abhiniug; AntCi seidte hoBright Eyes aI hick-cea; I noie ycndes- oct in tIsa ve3t antisc TfIselendti vIIsthe cluver licsnng." I think wn uoui- skies ara coud anti gi-e>, Andti vi ll>'eaelta idthbbc ns>, Somevihene tIse ligbt jesbinlng. If n'e Iravel>' resols'e te de our part, Anti heur aur griefs n'ltb a patient Iseart, Anti fs-ectrous nil i-piing. WVe shal le eti te c higer vsa>, Toa bottetr asoîk- thn svo do t de>-, Anti find liess unlilghts ining; For trutbcfipitanti crenglt fseel bilsssc sadarAest-.loubentiol Aud Ites ls ito'eulicing. Selectl e wortlly obtect ie lite, cuti lent ail your ÉTotscnlutIat dire-cion. The Whirftiing Boy. 0crý ta paem n ones tise ,e11hob(,lips a-ik-ar, cheeke ossablon o eap f suri, ut lunes ha Ihitislittie esteha, ohi, .Woî 'or eil'et 5ctien tiine, thecg-te tof ail Wle ou waceu-s JIke an Auýi-l isii,,golden at u-cocus; WVhistla. wbistlc, Ion' hic treble tu-ssl i v-i-ted IncItieceaves, Drwlc ui tise nc'îy chatteu cf thecps -rn -Ailup uta Lliri,; -t tl7ed up tIse a.tepou 1 bava heard ,tse blackifdul istengou a-Ir who-e wviutia i, a vyil., Anti vs-al I kuew ibe vistle cf thse brovin antid bonu>' quail ; Yel mnuacf these nus>- enter lunlthe city's grimy, Whera tIse crash cf wviles is constnansd lIse veliug sunoke appels; Bul tite trilting cf thscheolbe>' seensle bring thete Isack to me Anti 1 ,,-e au elt red s'cloolbcuee b>' a gauleti wvild cherry trac Fur bis whistliug talle et happinass unsuixeti wIîh crta selle>', Auid 1 mck usid ,0is shrilling lilis I -w'bislled "J'an a boy.1 1 11 Bonclo Doon " anti "Annie Lasurie," Van hec, Dootie ceae b ovin."1 Sait or ,-.llorn pipe,, "1OltiDac Tnt-k-r," -Mccc> Musk " aud "Campertiown. " Why, I seen s e rnthbb clover sud lIse base- woceti utidings brigbb ; TIesa c veli sviaeep iu thaetiistan'ce antiau or-isard te bbc riglit, Anthbbcpicknwhile applo bloî:ýcnss nodti iis ,meco.age froin each heugi: - Schelîsool eru. 0v-euii-o." Whisl. wbisllc-, ts> recmu ail te> _Wilh tise O onfetruniniîg wtrandtihIe W wIiuding, w'ctieti vay; WIssýtlc, subs iile o-, ciuaesa- anti yen sun- shatt tuor.i rgleaus Tssrns as gu- a sud celt as wiute - God lhave moere>, 'tii au-cn. The To'ach of a Vanislied Rand. Oh. av-b>sioenidlthe siou-id secte strange, W"itlî ils beasîty arosuti me stli? Anti why shoulthebbc lope of te>' evardoti path Seatu s tiddeci>' cliuphili? 1 hall geno, as 1h a bucysut otcp, Se ciecu-il>' ouns>' n'-a> Huis- coulti I belle <a se calte a ligbt, Could turc te so chili a gray? Anti vilerciore 1 Becase lIse baud TIsai Ieldi uils elas<p my 05v-o- Whose leucb n'as a bauectiin such As ouI>' the hiestbava kuoin- Was caughit b>' the vieviless baud Of au angel, sud upviard tiraisn. Wbab hope, vibal cocofort. vihat guidaence non', Since bbc ste>' otfte>'lite te gone2 But a eLu-enger is loft 10 thea,>' Soeacotsforiug wviper esâih The arun Ihat chall carry thec a eote bicsi WhIen thon crossesltIshe tides of deatb.' If Christ iilis moral hieur Hati neeti cf the chosen ibree. Te n'atch witb Hlm ibrougb bbc avitul tisroes, 0f Hi edaiGecheemane, Oh. ourely IRisIssman iseant Will pib>' anti ucteretaud TIsaI speectolase yearning, toc daep ferivortis For tsethsee t tisýffe vaished baud" fler Last Courae. WiVen I marniiati te>' aviteh Istld ledseu. grepb>', Oct that devi scouid thentookup pbotognapb>', Mae;ltereÈ[ Ihal scince ctbartetigeograpby, Aillu Isecorseet vyar;' She presctiteuD k upie ourse tlheoiogy, FolloveIoi ht p il j)sha tonds e ityhelogy, Oct a d1egnea lu1tIse liiaet of cology,, Stili e- ratmd deeieiclear. Se she teck !l a e cure on ttheeor> fwvit- Swu"e es-,os anti peinte on-ithe cu1bJecte cf ligltng, A long course o ou biling.lmaiing and Iigbting, For ever bier clasinsates sba'd soar. Se she cularetiltIse subjeet cf sistei naviga- tion,' Tock asnrucation in ohurch eticcatien, Anti maslereth Ie stuti>'ofiimpersouailon, And titl ebesite s longiug ton more. 'NexIehe teckled tha tateel gi-cat fati,eecr cil>'. oDu-ea referTu institutces tugbi ber simplicit>', Sougbt tIsa hast via> te encourage fallait>', Oh! sbe as esart as a bock! Sc aailasiteti dup viîlsa course su pbouelies, Gave a littho attention andti lma te ethiailce.' TIse resi et bier lilere ehe ga ee uageties, Aund non' she Ie leariug te ade Summer Moruiug-. Clustering routns>' vwidon'. Roses rand vIsite, Iu heautiful profusion, GOpcu te tIse lighi; Gaaul'entviilg Ou1t Iis suinsmer de>', Wh i1 ie s n teshIiisg WXitb iealiesl ns>' Si inglu ni y windew 0!c Ibis gli-jsorto cc, Shiu1iug on ibe rosesý, Siinig on bIsa cou-c. A Il crea, w ig GoMldnillsacb-a-n Opuis 1cviwte>' inodovi. TIsericoiedroc' breathing 0f mercing tlllyns>'cbanîbr, Wbile the rosas., vreating Round ni>'trelieticaseruseut, Sviayed b>'thsoeil breaze. So u'10 t esv- Foc Ibis ne bloote, SigIsi andiceuse be plo'ase." C'lustering round te> wumdosv. Roses reti anti sie, Watt tiscirsws'et pertiucs1ug; Se, filati wîth calte delight, I sisg. kuceig ai i> betisitia. han,,basc beeu heard te say that ths po IpestAinarriaga viculti Isa tal t l'. dy- aiy.* Thsis is tle viavi takan us ail political cii-des, tîsouglii jenet, deniedti tIsa eoug tle usasses île mattiage of thc lseir-prasuinp- liva vittI a bhemRouinanian iniglii hapolpu lai-. of pure Cod L.iver 011 wvith I-ypo- phosphitkes czf Lime and Soda la -almost as palatableais Mlle. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It le indeed, and the1lttie qlasaid lassies wbo take Cood easiiy, May be fortified against a oough tlsat mlght prove serlous, Dy taiking Scottle Emiuisian after thelrir ea!i8 uKr thse winter season. Be1UUrs of sabseihitionis essd imlitaions, SCOTT & BOWYNS, Be.ievîlle. DYEIC ANDCLEANiNCu Ladies' andGenits wear of ail kinds, Feath- ors, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Curtains, and ail iids toffancy goodsDydCleaned Gor French Clane. orkpoive gai- teed the 1e"t. No peddiing wagon lemlpleyed(. A reiable ageîv -ui)ever-yten Gold 1Medal1ist Dyers. Agent iiiomnvle t . H DOBtON-SlTIONER leane.,I esie uAol-YEAIro ac eti e--to b1 havealrgdyta- t Td ,vas,d -tond wr'muit l oTo o c-arn threo ThouFILd.D-mlar. s ser, ooboPain oa in ove? $3000 a yroreo -ailT1. 1091 atoS eqOLTU. Fo vi,beln onsL1tE. ddeîton iii an. p.ALEve. L0r thi, Auigueta.mpain h Sik e!l datfehaan1d -,reiv i h tobe ni dehn to a bliould btae of thpe!yst, scb mDo iznese, Nt'usea. DrowsinsDisreseainer eainPain ueSide &C18 bie the m'Il i are eqaiIy valele iIin Co slwp0.tou, uri istlthe be f so mand riegultat erib,,;owei Evnfte y Oury red'0s. u ili lrà hÀTerea' s TE Lwbo once t re hes ial h thd.eseaslepilealuabie One omavny ilwatha ta se1er a ick he rvëëabc ld n t gie asseetirse, man y rsthat boele wbsre ve m1ale or great bea. 0cr bnpl) cue t flotie or puerge ut b' tor sentie y wtIe 9mlasûal ib ue bei, -i at 2Ncnt THE >KEY TU IIEALili. Tinlookealtise elogged eavenueo! oflth 3Bowele, Kidneya and Live,0, Carrye. ingoif giaduali'ly iansat weakenmigU th9 systern, acl ia'eimpuritie5 andi £OUI humera ef tiese ccietiene; ut thqe samë ime CSrrecting Acidlt:7 o,&' tha Stomach, esring Bilionane,mm1cya.rs Hleaatburn, Clonstipation, !DxynesM of thse Sldn, Dropsy, Dlmncss cot' Vision, jaltUTilC, Salt Rssi Brysipelas, Scrofulse,, rte crg c thse Beart, NSîi-uousnezz, fLant-iA2en. oral ])ebility; ail tises ani s-'v allier esiler Compiaints yi ;Cdte tls happy influence o! BURDOCOx BLOOD BITTER&~ T.~ ~ aisn- uCQ.ý Pttnl:or Tet> s c 4 fi