T'ake Note., My Wall Papers are special. Patterns beau tiful, and prices right. Japer hiung at 8 ets.'per roll. #GO TROUBLE TO SHOW Ce C C X fl Full Stock of WINiDOW -SHADES. P. TREBILOOCK. BOWMÂNVILLU,,i'UGUS'.r r, 1891. Of course tisose contractLors for goveru- mosnt supplies wlio give tise moat vain able gtatetishensnswho make tise pur- clisses stand te get tise Largeat share cf patronage. flsvng uspededMn.Arnioldi forac eepting gif ta frein contiractera Sir Hector Lang'eviu sisouid niow suspend iiiisacf. Wliy dees lie ponsist in i -)lislinlluis suis- onrdînatea for fellowing Iis exampie Wisy sheuld net 'Mn.Arii accept yachts, herses, bratsa doga, watclissasd ether vainable gifts fnom tise parties frcm y~horn hlpie c sase spplies fo)r tise gev- ériinaint, wiser bis echef, tise uiiter cf public werks, aýccepted cashi "testimen- ias" frein cotractera i If wu, are te cendemu Mn. Amuroldi lhow ecan ue excuse Sic etor wibl nremiber hlusfienida. 11r. Arnioldi, chief mieclianiical enigineen cf tise public worka departinient, Lias been suseudd.After tise iuquitiry inte has case is moer Sirc Hecter Laugeovîn wil probsbiy proniete liissuad inicrease Iha .n n.Sir Hoctor appreciates tise serv- îces cf anl officialich folows has exauspie in ail thingas. And se -Mn. Lafoee Laugevin waa able te aw 150s mntis as enginieen on tise Qaebec- haibor improvemeuts, sud $5,000 ror allbeec erie on.the Levis gnsving dock lesÏt year. It is a fine tiing te bave a ftieriii dtho Dominion cabinet. La- force ws u a btter ps tio n tuhie contrtonsýl(-ý. 'T'ise luatta oiy"oncles" te bock af ton thein initel cîtnz N-icliolas Connolly's dreuadfuflly bad memony led in te swear t1isat lho nover 1usd auyconvesation witlisLaforc2e Lange-C vin aîbut ecetion niatters. But Laforce, toýld tlise pnivileges asud Electionis cern- issitee tisat lie talkied wýýitis Nicisolas fre-: «,ýeitly about eection meittons during tiset camptilgucof 1887, sud that on eue occas-' ion lie hinted thiat lio wouid luke te have $),000 te hielp lis fathen (Sir Hector) in thse Thnree Rivons figlit. Trutl like nder will out. Acconding1 te Mn.Dbeitise Minister c>f Public Works is a regular "do-mn of detail." Ho ku1ew everyting thiat was being, doue by Mosan's. LrlCmunolly and Ce.s Ho1c kuew tise texact amnount cf dredging 1 per-forrned sud was folly awane cf every mnoveusent made iu cennection with tise p)rotituted their position te maie mouey irregulariy sud llegally. Tisey isave ac- cepted bribes frein contractera for betrsy- ig thein trusts; they have certified Poï seaccounts; tisey have dnawn rnoney te -Wiicis tisy wcne net iawf ully entitled, sua, ini varieus other wsys have made thiei-nselve fit candidates foGr s provincial peu'itOntiaxy. Tihe Lindsay Post bas reaclied the con- COUNTY MÂTTERS. clusion that National Plunder is thse def- I>rt1eCburg&dn-t. ination of the letters N. P. at OtVa wa. -io»t4Cbr For particulars read the revelations before Bowmanville, a stirring littie townIl ly, the two committees that for weeks have ing on thse western liusits of the counity of been kept busy listening to rascalities per- Durham, is just now ini sore trouble, andl petrtedunde th prsentregme. in its greed has nearly killed the goose petate uner he rosritregme. tisat laid the golden egg. Tse magnificent steel bridge, whieh was to be the crowvn- Down drops the high tax majority on ing effort of thse municipal career of one the trade question. In 1888 the major- of its prominent aldermen, don't pan out ity against reciprocity was 57;i 89i according to calculations, and this is al > 7 in188 itowing to thse determined course of tise was 44-, in 1890, on thse reduction of tax- counties committee in not allowing Bew- ation resolution it was 37; now it lias manvilie to run the whcle show. Tise dwindied down to 26. At this rate the firmnness of the stand on.the question of end oftis moopois-cotroledsysemexpenditure taken by the counties repre- mustselo arrve.sentatives, has been a surprise party to mustsoo arrve.them, and to cover the route of their liorse foot and cavalry', the Sun niewspaper Thomas McGreevy, M. P., says tisat is shouting boodie. Did it ever occur to lie destroyed or lost ail tise letters that the Sun that there is a good deal of the "Satan rebuking sin" business about its passed between him and Sir Hector Lang- line of actionI If our recollections serve evin, and that hie kept no financiai rec- us ariglit, the Sun is the selfsame genitie'. ords, Sir Hector inform > investi- man who liad an interview wltli a special, gatig cmmiteetha li, tol as es-committee of tise counties in relation to gting cothemttee hadtele oo, is vde'Sott Act fines, and it may be possible troyd te lttes ad teegrma ecevedthat in being compeiled to settie. up and from Uncie Tliomas. How convenient, pay over to the counties their rightf ni and how very suggestive? dues, has somewliat embittered his mind ______________________ toward committies from tise couinties council. We feel sorry for the Sun mian Thse straiglit party organs of the Ottawa that lie has aiiowed lis wratli to get the Government liave ceased denying tlie ex- botter of lii j ud gmient, and would strong- istence of grave scandais and compromis- iy advise himi to'firat cdean out bis own ing tlielionor cf tlie Gcvernment and the Augean stable before finding fanit witis lis neiglibors, or it inay bc possible tliat reputation of tise (onservative party. lie wili be cailed upon by another corn- Tise many grave irregularities brouglit to mittee for tliebalance stili due thecounties. liglit, and the venality and wrong-doing It is openly stated tliat some members of exposed, mnder it impossible for tlis or- the counties committee are taiking, libel. buf Preposterous Tlie idea that anything gans to porsist in the gamne ofuf and th, Sun may say being libellous ! In or- denial. der to sustain a libel, it is, necessary tot prove damage to cliaracter, &c. Ail the No wonder thse Dominion treasury bias writing that tise Sun inay do frominow ývte f to bo fed by iigis tariffi taken out of tise tlie crack of doorn would not consti tut e at whe semay mllinslibel, for the simple reason tisat no faitlit pockets of electors, we oiaymlin is pîaced in its utterances.t cf dollars have gone te keep in power thse But what are thse facts of thse case seo miost corrupt governmont tisat over dis- badiy distorted and onjustly deait witl graced any country. ilere is oe single by the Sun? Tise ceunities comirnittee cf- instance. ,Tlie following figures sliow tlice fered to submsit tise plans and specifications of the bridge chosen by them as ample fors amounits already -proved- bofore thse for ail requirements, to any disinterestedt scandai committee as isaving been paid ongineer, and abide by the resuit,, whichis corruptly out of tlie Qoobecisarbor works j offer was deccined. But thiey dlistinctly1c 'refused te subrmit tisernto the Bowmiani-i ville engineer wlio iad prepared planss Tliemas McGroevy r$ 25,000 'and reportod in favor cf a bridge tisat do do rrrIîI,;, 7,000 would cost $17.000. To expeot thiat lie To Le Monde rrrrrrrrrrrrr 14,000 would stultify lis own record, aud rep)ort T. McGreevy rîifl, Il- rrrrrîrrm 20,'000 in faver of a bridge at liaîf tise cost, ne Electien Fundrrîrrrrrîrrrr 7,000 matter what this mentecf it wvere, would T. McGreovy rîrrlrrrrurrrrf 16,000 be stupidity itself on tise palrt cf tis e oun- The same for Sir Hector iimiri 1,000 ties committec and a farce cf ise first Courrier du Canada ,rmrn;nrî ,000) water. In relation te boodie it latlise first Sir Hecter tisrougitNKCenelly 10,0)00 timei that we have isoard tisat tlie iowest Thse saine througli O.E.Murpisy 10,00o tender reqoiired aid cf tliis dsrpin Engineer Penley (jewlry) tiumnnn 1,885 IL is more latural te loek-fer isis way cf Te tise samle (ah m'r'nnmrm 2,000 doýing bsns wbeýre tise hjigliesýt tendeora Lighltfot 'mm rînmîmmmmmnînnm 100 is accopted. WVe ropudiate anly initeionýi Pelletirr (Sir Adlpie's nebw) , 644 cf ovon insinuating tliat tise coju uties Brunelle i ...îrir!mlllmînlmmmmm'nnmmnr 1,660 coînmittee are iiuohinced in tise coursýe Germain it ..........lI ...... 44m 5 that tisey hjave pursued by anly undlue Paid a judgmýenit cf iie Sopremie moans, as wo know tisein te o m-en cIf court for T. MGevmmrmr 1>700 onor and above beîng bou,-it W\elev theso dlirty charges te tliose wise are pto- $1274ving t1ieuomelves adopta in tlie art. Aind this is oynly abgnig~ It siseuld be remiembered toc, that, ini addition te The fciiowýing extracts are takon fremi the amnounts set down above agsinst bis a letter receive f rorn Mc1 . W. verson, naile, _r. Toma McGeeý- a 8 <cf Hoilai.d, Mau:- The flics suid nmesqcul- name Mn.Tismas cGrovy isetocs havo donc tiseir best te eat me Lit) received $ý12,500 a year aubsidy te tise&sirvo. 1 tisuglit tisey were bad enoil steamer Admiral for eight or nine years. in Ontarie, but tisey are not cne thostud-t ____________________ th part cf what they are boere, Weý have had a let cf raie in Jue and July IiiI TH1E CASE IN BRIEF. tise lois land is covercd witis iater, whiih la tisouglit te account for thero beiiog se Tise works constructed by Lathin, Con- pientiful. a"tise begîigc uew neily &Co. were tihe Quebeco harbor im- isad aomesee frost, se mucistisat ailt prevemonts, tise Levis, graving dock aud email fruits are str%,ycd andappiCs tise graving dock at Esquimaît. Dried apples are' 20c per poiindc. Laterr Tise actual cctt of these works wvas $2,- in Jonc we had a great liailptorin wvhiCh 184,000. did great demnage tetisa w-ieat cýr(ý.op. eO 1 The cost te tise ccuntry Was $3,137,000. man toidmebie isad 50acres cIf ih Leaving thse contra.cter's gains $953,000 that iras beaten te tise ceartis The cropas or ever 40 per cent on tise actuas cost. are iooking well, especial ie11 rIf, ownl. Wiseat is iseadcd eut. \Ve have fiad frestl 0f this $953,000, tise contractera Were evory meurs h is year. A great pa1),rt Cf i paid as salaries $48,000 and as profislmu iayers wiseat was frozen aud was ýs ld $735,000 whisttiseir "donations" came for 25î" per bossai for ciicken.feed. lici-. te $170,000- u is 49 miles nç rtis cf tis e buidarya Uncle Robert received tise largest indi- hune and Dakota being 6outis sud se cofll vidual ahane cf tise profits., fle did net I have corne te tise conclusion that I arn put a dollar cf capital in any cf tise works. a Jlittie toc far nortis for any comfort inlu fle is oncle Thoemas' brother. wiuter or summrne. Tise Ameorican neyp UIncle Tisomas is an M. P. la Sir Hec- 'is in circulation bore. Tisere is 'ne rettue-a ter's intimate. Xas tise treasurer cf Sir tien on notes or silvar sud riscre are ne Ilector's bribeny f und for tise Quebec dis- coppers and uotisîn eau, be purcisased ba2s triet. ta 5c. ,Tise î2th cf Jo]y was cebArat-n Tise officiais wlio ailowed tise firrn te ed by tise Oranigeman isere and an enteýr-n maie 40 per cent. profit ou coat were: taiamant sud steregrapbîc views cf (a) Smilecten, tise M initer-Large Stan my's travels lu Africa, isere givc n in suies wore paîd by tise firin te tîsis gentle-tieMtodtcsucintseveng men's bribery founds, te bis uewspapena, Oosx TE AaNIC-o ts aud, according te Murphy, tehIlasifin COSN IE'TATC-o-tei person contcrmplatiug an ocean voyage r perscu. tise question as to wisat lineocf steamisi (b) Mn. Ponley, Clief Enineer-Con- h1-sha1 patro;ze-is eue 9cnidrbl 1 buildings, aud $12,000,000 for other pub - COîçsuav YeJUs EiGniaDp.-Auy cric, lic wonks, or $42,000,000 in ail, exclusive nsay firmd eut juBt wisst Burdeci f1cwd~ cf tise cutîsys on maintenanice, repairas, Bittera is and dees by aêking a neiglibor staff, etc. H osv mocl cf thia lias gene te wio lias tried it. It rarey fails lunrnak- thieves or inito reptile funds ?-Globe. ig copteorcfyspsannu- (Jeudis Joliisiess & (ryderma'saways pticn, ici iseadacise, bilicusnessansd ~ eu tiani, sockat tse r.dcf isediseates cf tiese tomacis, liver, bowela u season sud Itisy wiiisalifine geeaieprblood. ________ ___ tisse yen câÏn boy trsaiseho,.M". -s 'aLiaaet relleves Nzuiaa:,,ý Bowarauvilae's rate is 181 millà. Gentleman's walking cane fouud. Ap- pby te M. A. J.&mEs. Ciif Jarvis was appointed Truant Officer by tise Council Mouda5 niglit.< Couutry people, comae in t,> morrew niiglit sud eujoy a saii on Lake Ontario. Wisy do people spesi: of anyth(ug said coufidentiaily as bein "nder tise rosel" Tie rose is sure ta blow. Tise towu bridge commitan sd tise Counties' cemmittee have corne tc an tun- deristauding about tise Kiug-st. bridge aud tise tender wiilbc awarded in a few days. Tise Salvation Army people examplified in a practical mauuec this e ympathy with comrade Thcs, Payne on Sund-%y by holding two open air sertvices lu front cf hisresideuce. A person eau coUlct a civil dcbt freina, person wiso lias eft Canada aud gene te tise U. S., by seuding tise account' te any person for collection who lives under tise sarna court jurndiction tisat tise debtor ENcidLoEDi.-By payiug tise sinali sunu cf 50c, a week for eue yesr we offer te place iu avery home a comploe set of the Encyclopedia Dritannica, 10 velu., rcvised and ameuded. The moant com-. plote refereuce Jibrany aud work of gener- ai reading lu tisa worid. This great offer aise incindes a year's subscriptien te Tuanc STATESMAN. Cali at tisa office whene sampie volumesmnby bho accuend foullpar- ticubars given. Mr. Nathan Hemnisad s minaculous os- cape frorn instant deatis Monday after- ucon, sud tise injuriys received wilil ay hini up for saverai mouths. While on- desvoring te i!tmosan tise' hoiat cf tise oie- vator wisich lad becoma fasat at tise top cf tisa ft, tise hislt suddeuly dropped te tise ground beiow paEsing thnougis four atorcys. Mn. Hern was on tise top cf the hisiansd jomped te tise loo cf tisa top flat, but feti bsck ou tise top heant cf tise isola, tison fel te tisefliber cf it, ne coubt recm-iving tise force cf tise concus- sion witi tise ground. Ilis beft arin wa% bic-heu nesur tise asoulder, two binesa cf lits forearrn tractured sud bis wriîýt b tdly smasised, te that 'tisehouas protruded miscougistise skn. lie ueceived abad est in tise foreisead anud aevmnrsi bsd brui es ou ha hbody. Tise i octets dresed mise injuries aed the patient is deoiiig as weii as cauobho expected. Grand Moonlight Excursion. BOWssÀNvImtaAND OSsrkWA. Tise Osisawva Fine Brigade have chrter- cd tise fine large steamer "Steiuisoff" for s 4 heurs ui.uicisit excursion on tise laie tomorrow (Tisureday) ovcuing Aog. 6.1b. Boat leaves Bowmanvil!e 7 o'ciock sud Osisasa at 8, returnicg hosera t Il sud Odisawa at 12 p. m. Good muaio provided. No liquor, alloed on Steamrer. Dophbe ýtict (for lady sud Lent) 75-, single ticket 50c., chiîdren 25.-. If weatisem is unifavonable the tickets wii ho go -,d foiir 7 t1l or S!uhs. Tickets f or sale by members cf tise cornittee on tise whsarf. The AlIan-S ýate Line. Tise agnifiaient new stetaship tise State cf Cîa1liua, 5000 tous.. iighted throughout by electricity sud vith ail tise lateat improvameuts mdapimed fin tihe passenger bsineàE,, las just beau added te tise Allan-State Lino fliet sud wi loava NaewYenk for Giap.gow on Sept 3rd. The State, cf California las very fine accosimdatien for 200 caii passengena. Ail tisa steamers of tise Stite Lino service are noLm c nrnanded by Ailan Lino cap- tain,, sud o[verymising ls abing doue lu onden rte) maie this oecf tise met populan pamaîn1ger hues mai1ing frei Noi rke. -.ÀA JAM4Es, Agent, Bowman-ville. Change in Buainesis. Hlaving bougist eut John Aliin's interest in tise businuess carniad on by Caisien Aluin I will atili carry on tise businewis lu ail its branches. I antisanifol te our nonenous inoendsansd patrons for tise liberai patronage wo have recaived lu tisa paat, sud reapectfuliy sl for a continu- suce of tise samne, whicis hy strict attention te business sud keaping tisa best stock tise market preduces I shah astili stniva te menit. My intentions are te give apecial ad- vantagcs te "spot cash" customers. Ail accounts wiii ha reudened monthly, sud if ot settled witii 30 days alter being reudered, interest wiil ba dhsnged on tisa sanie attise rate cf one par cent. per mentis. Tise profits saili ha, rcduced sea sud oitwate, aamal h .ne,«,a .lot of choîce inuit iu the gardon applea, pears, pluma cherries. grapas etc. PxÉcan. No 3-10î acres on whloh are good dwel.ing, uew barn 5ox30 huilt hast summar. fruit tracs sund a ooed wehl. the land la gop d su ad unden gond atate of oultivation, If net sold it will bu rented thia fall for a torr o.f yoars. Par terraas e. app]y to the owner. CAPT, 1R. H. BUNT, Hampton. KJEENNER BROS., This Is To lRemind That The iBest Cheapeat Line Of Goods In The Market To-day Is Found With US. B T A T I o N E R s, Satisfactîon Guaranteed in 4Every ~sei Ana The TO please we Feel Confident Wili This A Fact. USI EÊoSCHANGE I beg to announce to the people of Bow- manville 'and surrounding country, that 1 have bought out the Tin' and Har- ness Business formerly carrieci on by L. GEO. QUICK, and intenci to carry on the spame business in the same place. Any person requiring anything in either lune will do well to give me a, e allancd compare prices before buying elsewhere. You may be sure of getting good goods at right prices. Favetroughing done awav down Particiular attention given Io furnace -%ork. We would be pleased to refer you to some of the following who have had furnaces iliu for,,years,, and can speak of their qualities :- J. B. Fairbairn, Esq., Thos. Paterson, Esq., Sam'1 MeConnachie, Estt, Francis Bleakley, Esq., John McC1el1an, Esq., J. J, Mamon, Esq., ' I'I MlMurtry, Esq., J. A. Johnston, Esq., Mrs1. D. Galbraith, Mns. MoorCrait. P. S.-We stili have thereliable Humiiiphrey in the Harness Business SUCCESSORS TO TliesJOILPHU.HALL Ia'fctrg Company, s},4ANUFACTUIRE THlE I1VPR%OVED CHAMLPION M-VTOER- It la hudlt almoet antiraly of Steel sud Malleable0 bon. 33 inch Drive ýWheeis, Wude Steel P'rame, Steel Axles. Solid Steel Guards. with 4ý sud 5 feet out. THE BItST AND STIIONG- EST' MOWERt IN THE MARKET. Wa are offeringata close iprices togmeet the competition in the market cf lighter audjcheaper machines. ockeeMIoea owM dlid HaitrTfurcar Eegmnesec eas eol tdrCln E n g in . . H o rse P o w era a d a .l i . et f n y m .k r. s d i f . . . re a r o n s m a h r aota etc.,h e tscloselpnicea aGrentin imurovedt p" empeee asuddchaspas; eý n e rd0và oe fer C Hs rvetu BoitaCanch..attachodet-O sus ores, Iproved lovMrwerlswindHalltTgrassrs coaty mpo S. tachei, reched te, n ord$12. QOwnMah BICYCLES1 R. WOON 1REPAIRED, BEEHIVES, CASES AND SIECTIONS. &e 00., William St., Oshaw;,> F RM FOR SALE. -rise estate cf tise lIata Mis. Every, coutainlng 501 acres, ho. lug composcd of the S. W. quarter of lot 10 iu the 2nd- con. cf the township of Pickering,. frouting Kingston oud. 4,1 mileà 'frm lima towu of Whithy sudlil miles froin PieLiioso village. Goodipoil, good buildings sund very conveuieuce. Thiaisa very desirabl i,.repenty. TMie indisputable, For funther i -rticulas F OR SALE OU RENT.-House sud -Iliacres for sale or te reut, situiateon Scugeg atreet uorth, The promises conasttof a gaood house wi-rh every couvenieuoa, driving shedi, stable, etc. Tisa gardon couSsins a lot gt tise choicest fruit of ail varietiea. Immediate possession can ha givon. F3or particulara apply te W. FIanILzIGi. B owimauvilhe Ont. 49-tf supiy on thése prmises tu A. A. 'oý r. Ceuuty .chttWhitby. 34-1w" fJ M FR SALE.-ý--Souti East .iquarrer cf sgecotion 32 lu fine founteen; 27 acres brelca . L-ag house, 12x26; stahle, gran- tIILDBS'S ARO1WATIC QUNINE 11YINE ary, goodwater,easy acceas te market, achool3, 18 dIstlssatly suerten taany ethex as au. etc, Apply te Arcp'mu & rkugu (P deu. à #&pSumaiattotaa.e u a« O-WS osr. bero, lMais. t