________________________________________________________________________________________________ I THE BEST Tho value cf SÂBsAPÂRiiLL (Smnilax 0,ffcinalis) as a Tonie alterative and Dia- phionetic is ge universally acknowledged as teoieed ne proof. People often require zQjtbing te tone up their systemne 40111- thj which will act as a -OBOPURIFIER aas tluy say. It being granted thala SAR- ý 'týrPfILLA is unpdcubtedly beneficial, the <' o}>'.queýtioin is which th best i Whle ,-net advising every ouf- £fen fnom Impurit 'y cf the bood and its m~tndat almnts OuaneusEruptions, Cb4ronic URheumatisua, Sorofula, &c, te tny ail the preparatiens advertised,, we only vâàfer fair investigation and will mail a pamphlet, giving the chef therapeutic fmta and full directions in regard te treat- zget and the use cf a ~ IIAJI luiL AR SA PA Rit LA îo wiý address, on application aDý gutarnt"e unquastionable amAliora- tiin.if tha drcin are adhered te TheWNDO Mfg. Co, P.0, Drawer 2050. Montreal, iP.Q. 11RY, The Druggist THINKS WOUJSHOULD TELL VOUR thaî, f ho wants te gr o te Mnitoba or if Le wants te tend any person thore, the .best place to purchase tickeýs is STOTT &a JURY'S Drug Store--The Grand Trun-k and Canadian Pacifie will run special ex- =u1sien trains to ail points in Manitba- A1ug. 4-11--18 and Sept. lst. R ETUR N Fa RE $28. Get full particulars at STOT & J URY'S DRUG STORLE. < N. .-LADIES' should try Stott & .Jary>s L1ghtnlng Fly Powdr-it Milîs ail ýthe filesi a noomn in less than i]_heur. Are you sh1arp eeui hte aee tee mis- takes in spflinlg in this paragraf, if se Rend 9et s', stmps te the Medical Ad- viser, Bowmianvillo, and the(y will tend you fer tle blaneof ths year one cf zthe 1naoatvaluiable Journals (16 pages) tJht lias evenr entered yeur home. GRAND TREUNK RAILWA«Y. 11OWMAN'VILLE STATION. GuXaNG EAST GOISTQ WEBT *Pssenge....84a Mi Mail .. ...... 55-5 a M axpress.10 Sia miLca . 827 a m zÉxedl. 3.B23 pmro Express* ... 937a nm Local .**«7 07p i ixed .....323 V M Zal. %10,9 p M Mail .. .....821,P, l BOWMNVILEAUo Lse 5, 1891. Local and Otherwise. Twn weeltly paqpers 3 mon)iths for 2e £ece offer. Enjoy 4 heurs on ihe, La.Ize to-merrow nighit. Ses notice. A large areà cf barley lias b2en hârvest-, ed and the crop is generally goed. A lot cf summer dress gooda selliug off at haîf pries at Goucli Jolinston & Cryde'r- mnans. Ladies, yen eau get a nice hat very theap at Miss Shaw's millinery store, !Bowmanville. Mr. Gee. 0. Haines shipped a very fine covered phuton te a gentlemen in Cern- -wall, Ený., enFridsy. Sen4 T'VUE STÂTE5MÂN 3 mouths te a fredadget thie FAMILY BE ALD 3 Mos. for youiFelf, ai, for 25c. The talk cf the tcwn is about the bar- gains now being offered at John J. Mason's dry geods and Jewelery store. A Wsi-coars MNtNONmEaa.-Those whD have tested it says that for the grippe and eâpeciaily for the cougli that hangs on ai ton te isesse itsîf seoins cured, thons is ntVu equal te Keuap's Balsain the speci ie for ai t bloat and lung disea- 8ep, and the best cure for cenghsaud cldm. The firat dose will cenvince you it at 50c and $1l a bottle. epafe 25e-SÂTESMAN and HExuÂL-3 mes. M. A. Jamnes lias one of best nine-reom, lieuses in tewn te nent. New Parasols selling off at cesb at Coucli Johnston & Orydermnan's. 011 f olkts if you wanb a pleasant sail,ge on Ihe 4-heur exçilrsiQni to-mernew nigitt. The factony cotton sold liy uMfor fats. obhers soi11 fer Sets., we ask yo'u to ,comi- pare it, John J. Mascn. Call atPitilp & Edger's te tee theý new impnoved Roe.d Cat-juit tue thing. Something eut inely new and yeny cbeap,1 We want taveËy one of cun subscribers te get the FAair.x HERAL» 3 Mes. free by sending us 25c. for the S-TATESMÂNr titres moubhs for a frIend. Titere are great numbens thinking cf going te tha Northi Wes ou lit liarveat excursion, Aug. 11, among them amorn f our promnient citizens aud w. expect te have a car reserved for thein accommoda- tion. Calat O.P.R. ticketolUce, Big 20. THE STArE5màti(te new subsenibers) sud te FAmiLT IEiuuo f frintreal te anybody, bot weekly papens, will be sent Three Montha te any address for 25 cts.' TOI all your friendm and neiglibens. StanM Çe.)talion. Kldress M. A. JAMES, B0'wý"*InVillel Seme Western Ôjýt&$iO contii repent 40 bushels of Fali wh,-%b tot the acre. Some WestDurhiamifarmjt aa., oi neacli that figure., More Fai. wheat is liing îwn in thiedistrict Itan fok, wver,- al years jFast. it is a question if it %9 net pay te returu te the old style of sum- nier fallewing and naisin.- Faîl wlieat. Mn. Thes, Payne, Divisien St., whule helpiug te naise a emoke etack ai the Plane F'actery on Wednesday evening was pienced in hie nighi foot by a crow-ý bar that foîl on him infiicting a deep gaîli ou the top cf the foot that will 1.ay hlm Up for semae lime. N-I-o bones are broken, the iron hiaving entered betwes'u tlemn. Mr. Ira,%F. Pearceocf Southi Parlingtoni brouglit us in a sînill sheaf cfGos wheât lait week that ineaSUres ft. :3in' in? lengili and ho lias a field of it. The growth ani thave beeu vory rapid am this was the lasi wheat hae sowed. Hielias a very fine field cf FaIt wheat a sample of which lie left wiuh us. Tt l3 the Olawoou vaniety and a splendid samipbe, The Virden Advocate -la a roenet re- port cf a Sundîay seheol convention isys, "MnI. J. W. Higginbotbhaz fol]owcd with an addre.as on "Sunday School Manage-. ment. " Mn. tbigginbetham. is a fluent spoaker and dleanroasonor, and ib was a% surprise te mauy thas we liad such a use- fnl 'worken n ud brilliant erater in oui milaî," Mr. lliggiubotham was a formu- er residoni cof Oshawa and in well romanm- beredhreVidat. At a special meeting cf thoe(Jeunties Cocunciil Vai.Tursday Mn. N'ail F. Mic- Nachitn cf Cobourg va-a appoiuted cdent and ircasuirer iiipaceof bis fabier,' de- ci3ýeaso. aving a hall knowledgo cf the dluti D, rn e btter appointint ould have been md. Tho cýther applicants wers E. E. Dodds, John Otiakson, Port Hope; R. Mnlliiand, IL. O. Webb, Cobourg; Aiea. Ea1gleson, Ooîdspriogs. D. Ewing was4 applicant for tnsasurer Eparately. Mr-. R. A. Lee, the pppular'beaclier of the fi!ut forrn cf our publie acliool, ba% just retunnedl froin a trip te the Niagara District. Ho aise was preseut ab (h3 greaht Teachers' Convention in Toronto, wliere lie waa plaatsed te reuew lis se- qeainiance with Mn, D. J. Gegg-in forruý erly h9admaster ef the publie sobools bore. Mn. Goggiu read a veîy cdorer paper ai the Convention, and hie gre-t ability ai a teacher fuilly qjualifies lim for -the respon- tille position hholdt in uho Nonthwest. -Port lHope Timies. The News made aOuoeso.luh Iast veeAk on the Licenise Inspecter and Registrar o! Watt Dnrlîam fý. the part titey are allegedthve tkeýn in revlsiog the voters' lstniu outrasi with t cîIn- duot cf thres DomIIýiîin GoVeraMent officiait residiug ii thus towu. It says the Licenso Iuspecter's cpondueat le iniquit. eus and calîs the Rý'egistrar a Reform pur- isb. The Sun joti.ingIy retenti that t'he News is mad dlean tîrougli and that the oubburst iii wind sud 'aotbiug more. Yea, tlie News lias a bad osIer about it since it'get su badly Apnil foeled by the Tony Convention. Menni3' Canniage Workt is a busy place week in and week eut. lan idiitîin te the immense nepairing aud peinbing bitai-, nets, tliey have turned eut saomeliandsoma carniages;,hiBsteason, includiug oee ry fiue business wagon for Mesrs. Northrop, Lyman & Ce., Toronto, a su perior Glad- atone wU to p for a Torcnto docton aud an improî'ed Gladstone with Symons' jnmp seat--a mest convenient family canniage. Northrop, Lyman & Ce. have 8sent them 'twe othen basiness wagons te lie re.paiuted and fitted. This Toronto profit wil le made on the substtute. - Insist upon hsving tlie hast medicine- .Hood's sapsanàiLa. lbis3 Pecolian te itaI!f. AS .A IEALING, LSOOTUInGapplication fer cuis. woasnai, braises& and &ores, 5isej-ç £s nothlsîg betUbn th:t iaitila Cs45eLoz t lalve. PERSONAL- Mis% B. Shenin in vititing in Peterboro. Miss houie Johinson in visitiug ab Port Miss Loba Potter is viaiing in (Jahawa. Hope. Mayor Allen was in Port Hope in Sat- Mn., Thos. Batten, Orono, spent Son- urcday, day in iown. Miss& Dingmsan lias been viîitinig f iends Miss Joaie Williams la vititing at Mn. in Pizkering. Law'u, Hampton.. Mnf.ý W. Scott of Danfonili wss i7ni town Mietes S. and O. Cherry are visiting on Saturday. friunds la Toronto. Miss Zella Bimiacembe àa '.isitïtjg Tocý Mrs. Haddy of Torenlo in visiting lien rente friands. s&nmMn. Fred Haddy. Mn. Lexispbyof Orono, Wag o l'twn Mrs. L. Cornisit and Mastbn Arthur 1 lunaay weQ1tý I"'e iolbing at Markham A. W. Briner, ' .:--;ing at Old homev. Aj o.- uneU nville, wfti MIeS fattie Boriana home u~t eek.Orchard Beach and Portland. Mn. Woodwonth visitod Pickering Mn. F. Brimacombe of Roctester in friende necenbly. visiiing ai Mn. Geo. Bickell's. 'Mn. Herb Kenner,c f Stratfend wal in NMisses Hetheningion ot Tenont) are town lover Sunday.' visiîing Mes. S. Washington. Robi Beibli, M. P.. was home freonMr. Walter Lanite cf Tenonteolias beeu Ottawa oven Sunday, guesi ai Mn. Richard.Allen's. Mins Ada Kelly of Tileonburg la gnu t.Mn. Thornpaon, Pont 1Hope, in visit- eof Mns. R. H. Henry. ing lier daugbiton, Mrs. W. B. Coucis. Misis Emily Baikerville visited Port Mrs. Bowermanlof Fenelon Falls in vis- Hope fiends necentiy. iing lier dauligten, Mre. J. Maynard. Master Jeohn Piper, Cobourgis vistiig Miss Ratle Jeffeny and Miss l3essie Han- liii grandfather in tewn.. per cf Whiiby are ai Mn, J. Labby's. Mrot. Pope lias goe on a vil te rela. Miss Louie Jelly'cf Dainoit in risiliug tivea in Syracuse, N. Y. lier sisien, Mis. F. Browu, Lov'er's Lane. ,Mr&. D. T. Tees and mou, cf Montreal, Mn. aud Mrs. R. Gilbert ancl'f amilye ana, visiting ai "Dunduru." Kingein, are viîiting at Mr. Jae, Morris'.- 1Miss. Haun c f rororonto lias beaur Mrm. Geo. Peacli aud grandeon of To- visiing Misse Jennie Adamas. ronto are visiiing ai Mis. T. Legg's,Kingf Messie. WilI and F7redl Grant cf Toron- et. te wene iu icwn o-'er Sunday. Miss Addie Waitens of Oshtawa lias r Mît. .Jdlin, Fleming are visiît-, hexi pending a few daya with linufs in ig fninds li Meia1V .towri. j~4astr Pîsy CsHs Bufao las IMisesIda 5Me Arthur lias neiurned home vistfn' ii a'.O. . Musn's OCI e+sÉ an cxtcnded visit with lier sier i Mr. aud is. Chas. Davey Port Hope, Ottawa.,"f bln b. Colantize aud B. calcd on fnlends hene necontly. MIssrs. . , ping ai (lie Bahl Miss A. Wiiams of Action was guest Dobson wers Bacls cf Miss Faiu.ny Heilyar lust week. week.' oitelhsbn Master IRobent Meuiliacceompanied Ilia Mn. iltudeîscu of . 'l t the lis ben Uncle t0 Ottawa Mendsy xstnoruing. vicitinz BMît. S. S. E.1sa- Miss Bertie Biait, Picter'ing, ià visit greeinse,"ver ing lier bister Mis. Thos. Os3brne. Mis Jeninie F,'aser enteîtaiuen<d na M.-, S. Manning bas heon visitiùtg her ber o! lier young friends on T".esdav dlaugliten, Mrs. Ohm nai Newcastle. eeîg MissK. orsth f Ietriît Mih., Mrs. HT. W. Burt suad grandaughter,~ isnuat K . A . yth eeteroit,SMel, Miss Nomle Hall, are rlstlng finds in visiin~et n. MuFatas',Salns. Liudsay M,,oulight excursion to-nt!oriow night Migs A. Thompson and Miss N1. Couchf on Laite Ontari-fine anusie, jolly lime, arevisitiug frîsnds li Torento and NewV Miss May 5mai! cf Pont Hope is 'Viiit- MearIol. ing at taon grandi ather'p, Mrn. Gao. Web- Mera. S. 9. EdzalI gaaýe a rery large ster, gardon paniy Wednuday evening ai tue -Mr.J.N. Fairbairu, Master Ford Rsn! Evergneena. M.ipss Rhea, of Toront t, are vîiuing frienda Mrs. W. Trewi sund twe dhiîdren have liera.beau spendiug a few days ai Mn. J. Mi.A. Davis, laur-dresser, is speud- Slmns' lydon. iug a couple o! wceks witl friands ini the In addition te tle fine gne'ps disp'ayad West. in Tait & Oo's gailery wiudow thora is Me. J. M. JoDes aud Master Lorn-%a quite a baby slow. cf New Yorkt lave licou viaiting MIpit . Dr.j W. Garrett of New York ibas been Burt. viaiing lsislr, Mis..ý S. S. Edzall, ai Mn. D. L. Morris of Brainîford w-stt te ILvengreens."1 negisianed ai bita Balmoral, Moutreal. on Er ýD.M. Mclntosh,of Iunionville, will Friday. fil be puipit in Si. Paul's dhurcI duringt Mr. sud IMis. J ohn Sadars, cf Pický- te, abseoýce o! Rev. R. D. Freser. ernug',spent sandsly with i 1', Re. T. W. Jlifewiil piascispeciai Saide ns. sec mon te youuag nr exturiuday even- Miss Ormikton cf Whtby is vîsiiiug in*. Ycung mn espàc;ialiy inviied. tle Misses Simpiou ai -Acrnu Cottageû, MnI. Renhn Weany, Orono, las gene le Seugog eBt. Lcuido"ý, England, He wis funisted Mr. T. C. Jeweli iatiug au cutin -g witl a retuiu ticket by M. A. Jantes. adi-est the lake viaiting Sandusity sud We were plesscd to tee Mn. W. E. other places. P>ollard iu tuwu again oui Monday suter Mir%. S. Hughes, Lindsay, sud Mizss is recaut llues. Ho iâ iinpnoVlng slow- Wiiliamsou, Toroate, have beau guesis cf li.. Mes. H. W. Bnrt. Rer. T. W. Jol iffa dispensa-i île Mie.ses Bertie anct Lilly Welch o! Park- Sacrament o! île Lordà Supper to about dalle are guclt!s at Mi. John 0sborue's, 350 communieanti eni Sunday lu his Laite side Cottage. charcli. Mr. R. B, Audnew is making s tour cf Mn. J, B.Mitcbel las gona te reside Manitola lu îhe initeresi o! the Dominin iin tle fiue bricnie8 cidence on ils 1111 Orgarn &Piano Ce. wett o!f tae iowu f umunly occupied by Mn,. James H. 7McGill sud famniy of Mn. Johnu Wesley. Washington, 1). C., are risiting ai Mur, Rev. W. M.' Haig, o! Bal.timore, passed Wni. McGill's, Chunualist. ahronglih Bowmanvill on Friday eu route Miss Steveus cf Toronto aud Mn. WPIl-te Hyde Park whoe a is indtac ioni was te ismsau uf Lexingten, Ky., have 1beep laite Place ye4tendaY. guosus ai Mr. S, J.I'. Mn. T. E. Hlieginbothain base retunned Rer. R. J. Hunier, B.A., ibel, frn camp .ing up île'Ottawa River'abiva las beau uiffered aunuanimious caili rte lePeblie H (ta ksthant tse fissi Presby teri an Churdl inluRidgotown. sum ertntiii Canada.1 1 Mi. aud Miss Bond of Rocliaater, N. Mn. Job a N. Laýwrie le!i Tuieaday aven- Y., and Mez. W. Leaitofo! Irondetoit, ing for Manitoba weele will apand a have beau guest3 o! Mn, J. W. Ardhibold. few wceits vacation visitiug relatives af Mis. John Beilamy cf Mooeja, N. Winuipag, Portage la Prairie, Souris sud W. T., in vistîug lier brcilen Mn. J. Il.ciher places. Oryderman afiar an saseceo! savon Among tle Canadiaus whD have rocant. lycars. ly regisuenod su tle London, (England) Rer. J. H. Oliver ef Malten circuý-it effice cf THE GLOBE, 86 Fleet St., E. C., wil eopply tle pulpit cf Graca Ojiuneh, ara Mesis. Thoraîas Paterson sud Jac3b'- Brampton, for a few weeks for Rer. . Pollard, Bewmauvills sud R. B. Wiliam- Browna. soni, Pert Hope. Mn. R. Windatt, towu clan k, sud E.ý- A Columbus correspondent wies:- Mayor Youuie have been making s tour Mis. Lewis Gras, jr., rcturued te hanr cf île back towushîpa wiit herose sud homo lu the Northwesi on Monday ladi, carniage.1 aceempauied by h rn altier, Miss Isa Me- Mn. has.Clife, frmaîy odtor f Oullougli, who ailitoly make a lengthy Mr . Ca. CBowen, ontPen, arAlinato!isoaaranRfloefi in_ -ou uThr, s d- ieiu onddasdBsey olud uy.4 n Miss Anuie Coleman, hoipital nurse a- NOTICE ne PÂ'.--By muWual cousant Sagiuaw City, Midi., lias iseen visitin'ithe boks cf Cawleoî sud Allia will re- lier parents Mn. sud Mis. W. Colomanî ma n n . M. (Jawker's possession for i King St., East. As a souvenir o! he; collection untîl Oct. 1, 1891, sud afterE riait aIe Presented han tsisswith à,(liai date ail accounnisnet stfei wi a asu beauiful Dominion Piano-price $600 - outof thou bauds for collection. 1 p~ho.3fbr~niaMi. Jas. Dayrnin, t7ie1C . M. OxWKP. cempauy's local agent. 32-ti JOHN ALUIN. CNIdr@,~ Qvy for PitQ~Ier'Q;;oj:I,~~ Make two cakes, one with Cleveland's baking powder; the second with 'any other, Note the difference.. TheCleveland cake is fine griained, keeps, its natural flavor ti oisture ; «"the vütfler » is course1 grained, as if the sugar xvas too coarse, -4es Qut and becomes husky. Cleveland's 1eaveng best because its strength is pro- duced by cream of tartar and soda only, not by am-' mnonia or alum!b Bargins every day of the we'ek except Sunday at John J. Masen's. Young man, talie your best girl for a sail on the Lake to-kuorrow ni.cht on the "Steinheif.> We notice OouneiIlor Porter training a spaxlkiag young carrnage mare that he bas recently purchased. She's a beauty. Ail accounits du me mus' be phid on or before A.igust 10bh t save edAt, ts Ail .ot pid by that date wiIl be handed to a lawyer for collection as 1 amn leaving tewn. MRs. DoNIÇLLEY- tel The Dominion Organ & Piano o. have already sold the handsome new Ro'll 'ibition Piano-prica $900-being bufit - ~orQute Fair, to Rev. D. F. Gee, ,îai Minister at lÇewcaitle, h ,egl Mr. Jaa4. Dèqmanl. ilia Alfre' ffl 'àretturneJ Corpl. AfedH"ks e,,- frcm a pleasant vMt to N -X -- city whe-re hie was gust ci JobyO& a. a we'e]thy GotIismite, vwho,5~cb the Corpozaf »round the meûtrôpolie in style. Hie made several sales of «Biaohý An elusiana while away mnd has selerted zolie verry fine birds from Mr. J. Riece's pens to fill the order. Notices of Biptbts, 25 cents; Siarri ages. 50 cents; Ibeaths. 5o cents, caeh Insertion -but FREE OF ECHARGE, Nwheât the f'ancrai, carda are printed at this om1 ce. HuuMPnERY,-bn Bowmanville July 21, the wife of Mr. Wm* Humphrey, saddier, cf a scn. FENIwîcniý.-bn Bowmanviile, Jnly 20, the wife of Mr. M. M. Fenwick B. A., of a daugli. ter., AYaa.-In Bowmanviile, July 29, lthe wlfe of Mýr. John Ayre, of a socn. TuCriER -btu Orono, July -"i, the wite of -M. M. Tncker, M. D., cf a d1aughier. McKAY.-In Starkvilie, July 2. the wife of John McRay, of a ton. LEECH.- Iu East Whitby. Juiy 30, the wit'e cf G.'Leech, of a son, ELvontD.-Iu Oshawa, Jaiy 23, the wife of Isaac Eiford, of a daughter. M.&N" «N -In OEhawa, July 23, the wifé of John Manning, of a daugliter. IILif-bIn Cartwright, near Bnrkston, on the 28th uit,, the wife of Mr. Daniel Hail,ot a son. Tourlipp-Near Enniskilieu, Juiy 28, the w1fe of Mr. 1.rcd Tordit!, or a son. TAIyLOr-bn Cartwright, near Burket on,Au. 1, the wife of Mr. Tho3. H. Taylor. of a son. Quitte,-bu Bowmafrviile, Axag. 3, the wife cf Mr. W. Quick. cf a son. MKARRIED. NEAiDs-CLAnacE--By Rev. W. N. Jamieson a the residence of the hride's father, Louioa Annie. eldest danghter cf P. H. Clarke. Esq., and Charles Edgar Neads, (son of the late Charlos Neada, Bowmanvaile.) ail o! Rat Port- S3TANLE-SANrERS.--JUIy'22 at the reBid. once cf W.* Poak. Eq, of Pickcering village,' hy Rev. J. T. Caldwell, M. A.. Bý D.. Wm. J.' Stanley, formerly cf Bowmanvllle, and Miss Grace'Snrs danghter cf Solomon SanderM all oiîkering. DIED. QuaicR.-n Bcwmonviiie, Jniy 25, Jessie Gertrude, youngest danghter of Mr. William Quack, aged 1 year 8 months. RÂYNEs.-AV Fo-'den, Cote St. Antoine. Jaly 21, Capt Roberffaylor Ravuez. iste 23Md Royal WVelsh Fusiliers, in bis 71?t year. Formerly cf Boc wman7iile. AYRn.-bn Bcwmanville. Aug. 3. Jane belovcd wife cf John Ayre, agod 37 I'ear. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. <'errs'cted by J. MH!lrtry. every TuesInay FLOUit, P 100 Ibs ........ $2 40 te $2 50 WHE.&T, Fali, ie bush ... 0 00 eti1O0 il Spring, 'i........0 00,il 1 05 Býi.E,ý bush, No. L. .. 0 00 et 0 55 A I2....0O00U 0 45 H A n3....O000 je0 40 RyE, là...........0 00if 0 65 OATS, ".............0 45 jeO050 BUTTER, best table, P tlb... O 0 00 lO014 EeoS, #1doz ............. 000 l 0 12 PoT.&ToEs, tý bush .......O0 OO etO030 POna, P cwt ............:5 00,il 000 HK2, qtonu..... ........OOO0net10OO WANTED.-A Genersi serrant te go to Toronto. Boquire at ONTARIO BAS R. TI R'2-2w* JOHN RAWFORD, F URNISHED ROOMS WANTED for a' small famîly.* App!y ai STA&TEsým-i. cilice. 32 PHAETON FOR SALE,-Goodseond ..hand Phaeton for sale very cheap, ueanly new. Apply te M. A' JAMES. 32-4w IITELL DIGe~NG, CLEANING AN]) VVropairiur doue at moderato prices by JAMEs ALLIN, Bradshaw St.. Bowmanvill3. 7.tf- ,'W~ANTED.-A gcod boy, frein 16 te VV20 te learu the Hardware Business. Referenees required. Applï to THcs.E.1 bleÂn. West Toronto Junetion. 31-4 w STRAYED from lot 13, con 5. Darling. ion on 5ta July a red and white eow. aged giving milit, loniz borne turuing Up and baci over bead. Information of ber wtereabouus will oblige WESLEuY OKE, Hbampton P. 0. 30 TWO HOUSES AND GARDEN for sale Tor roui. Belug about to leave towe b ofier for sale my t-wo dwellings on king street. The housa now occnpied by me contains 8 mrnem 2 halls, 4 elosets, beaied hy furnace; liard and softi waten and splendid fruit lu gardon. The othor dwelliug centaine almo 8 roome 'with ail neteFiaary conveuleuces. gaod collai, Bathwll bo sold vory cieeap. Mas, PONNELY. millinen Bowmanviile. 1= (STATION HOTEL) as TUE IN BOWMANVILLE FOR Tifs Mas sey MYanif'g G. Selling Machiniery and Impie- ments and Binder Tw-'-. cheaper than any ini 1the market. Bowmanvilie, June 15. 25-2m FAMFOR SALE.-Imnproved fanm, Senouih West quarter'o! 28 T.7R.6 115 acres V.n~o; 15 acres pas jre, hay ansi wood; 75 acres ready for crop. te-rame boute. 14l8, icen, l2x20; Good stables, good sprnn water. Easy terme paymeni. 3â miles froin WavssnesaA Price $2.500. Apply to AXI'OR Il CeIÀmBE5, Gienboro, Man, 5.4f, REQITLATE TUE RIVMR GanflTI*bWtlif 1y the Juicosna t1a.tiIî hey-gne p 5fYvgtale ',ý-~ LADIES'!. IVrs. DONNELLY is giving up busixness, leaving t own, everything muest be eleared eut by Alugust l5th. Great bargains ini 'Laces, Flowers, Silk Velvets, Rib- bons, etc. Ail the stock wÎil be sold regardlee of eost. ALL AN lL INmE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Proposed Sailinsig Suljecitet Chauige. Livcrpoe,Quebec and MNoutreai service. Tram From Tram Lirerpool. Steamabip. M' tîsal Quebee, July 16 Circassian... Ang b Aug 2 23 Polynesian ... 8 9 30 Sardintan .... 15 Âng 6 1,Mogolan. 26 13 Pa itan..... 29 30 20 *Numidian.ep, 1, 27, Circassian 1.... 2 Sept 1 Sept 3 Sardinian ...... lu 20 10 'Meugoian 3.. 0 17 Panisian ....Oct 3 Oct -1 2t tNumidlan .... i Oct 1, Circaasian..... 17 la 8 Sardinian ..... 24 2 15 aMngoiu...Nor 4 22 Pîsa 7 Nov 8 29 'Numidian .... 18 Nov 5 C;reasilan.... 21 22 StBat of Pasm.x-Ueaotreal andi Qiebec MSail Service Cabin to Londonderry or Liverpool by S Sý Paeisian. $W, $70, aud $80 Sangle. $110, WA3 aud $150 Returu. By cuber.Steam8hipe $SI, $15, $10, $55 sund$60 Single, $93, $95, g105 andi ?115 Returu. Acoordiatg te accomnmodaion. Cuh idian 2 to 12 years bai! fane, unden 2 yeans. fiee. M. A. JàwEs, agent, Bcwmanîille. Our'larg,,e conigairent of' vo1- alived(1aUd We are nowV pro- M p e to deliver any, quantity5 Ver-y ~ lo "otatie.,is per the, Barrel forCah I ri o Div Goods Departm'ent we are makl"ing sorne sweep- ing reductions, Wýe guarantee to seli Dry, Goods cheaper than you cari get thein else- where. Remember Pro- duce is as good a cash t us and our goods are as good as cash, to, you. Look at the&ad- vantago you.hav in dealing at the West End House. G'ieusaeay