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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1891, p. 6

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sspes~ osutiae 0 tie oyallato e 0ftise Tomeznt illiege cf Plisiolan8 hyicIn aud member el tish nvrstPyii Rasyai Coilege 0f Sur.Ijugon Fsns Einbnrgh. RIIYS I CI1ANS, S UR!,' ) NS, <ETt ,A- OflIce :-Cor. Churclis n ti Temperaun StQ. Night calls sttended Iou Dr. Lt illes B. ÂaalMn, . ID. C. 2M. Tria. Uil MlesuberCciPu. rgn. D. J. f. MItfl É ',He. 5, Y EniBER 0U CIOLi -MG C-7RYI 4vààSe Oens, Out16ani orone, btc. Ojf ,th . 74-ià o c ;ores.ntie astIqwstraéssi, r CfL> }5itTIR - LIITRP. JfOMi ville. Ohiitrfor tIPSe Onirithe 3 nty -Usvate >LIo: Mts ioane4 a tia Owsst tP e idse, ss riskly ttten e o 1 P. t.,RÏINKIN o on lsheta niedandontris dme the DomixioN t CO., UCTIONEERS for tIse Ountma Vatutor nd Rai EiateAgens. al3es s Bo'wnfavit11 P. 0d.36-tu PCinosTîaed ýian4CI pic 'srepaitd or enver laagA fhtc~ uis npca t te n t in gStn10hetPlOTsea an otw t r. nd 'o sa iir rr. gemn. O-ffic:GICE, Ti.kIE W ST DUBJA evg15otv ir heetiu ass cý't Redloc 17r;-,ib o.,,_D n Bcwm-snvjtls.-O1tai AR d llte --11 T. Plans hian Spest;i brL e ijcprpse D r tuteveyoraa 0ftsuidn1 * EEI1rY Uîi~ ORONO, -- ONT. Cisby teiga i tlpin rciel OFFCE -iRa~"of Meusrs. lligiboùam & 9Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE o-n oroiy An-sS~. îtn 'mx, dti nTId -s Ohlo, -ono, d.uo ther -oke Se .- ' i i 5r iau ner f'rework- NEW and oarftl'rotrfoe. $6 000.0 a -i etigmueb on5 yoo ioy îq n~im o, iiot, bt ,uv oa ba.yu5i tyh-s ;î. Cay.5.l I $1 a dy a tIs strS,"nsluoPUYai> ou g mn. Boi iicî~aitngi. li o i rt amerlo. youî ri rOasil.raSssegv lis, a il orilOr ,iîr s tilss ioss ii ous. Crisa tli i IvrryMo Oî.,M'î siol î, srisi THE H1OME. it was a custad baedi in a pie dish, with IL Jewela iu t1iq.Britiah Leal delicate film--like crnlst at the bott 'in, juist bl suficint c hld t tgeter henit as ewpeople h)ave the idea of the _1L e l icfalue Dithe jwl ot i in the reg-lia, W~ordt ,~ther n n evdi tinlsipefrm.3.his f the Britisfi crown. Let islo ist-q ab GoA ih %v%, conrerus cns a. robab>ly fuomed by sirig ea- pies, sponful ofcoru strcf in ue cnstarpwcshthe ron eels proper. The crownit self ovree f retpoul i u to theSIhitt',m and uthe is composedh " o)f a velvet Capi Surlrounded bLy mender of nmirlous hose, ogiveereofca reasilver Sboops. Theo ht op 1 are1 setgvwitblijewels province-a houseboid rest a luttin, advises of ti ,is.iihtcrst sd p The Ji ijajeelstdddhl, a writer ini Living Issules. Have a chair by -i lgtcut n lolte i ljýe-t((e' al , the stove and lvhen you peep into the oveuf Dishes for the Tbe urnddwithil *liau,)tsý in tlie form o (f a sit while youi look!, yea, eVen a momentc rýafter; yout will 1o, ail the faster for the Apple tapioca, pudd-',ini a detlicioiily e,!gihtyt-three. diamtonds nioted,( in the dsrp shrrtchange olotur.Wbile nnding dainty dish whsn nredpronryiiti t to c he crown, heside eai, aphrs ha- orchair in the ýcos3iestecamer, wlicrc Wben servnd a few heurl ftr it has ) neu rubies, eer.Ialds sud any sîýiiller dia- gond ]lighit w1 (Iil cornein, and let the Sun cooked. Soak hali ia cupf iocf tpiocau over moude)L(s, the wcevalued lat be uv rdVu str j!ikupnynif o sibesethat yon may uight tu three cupfuils Iof covditer.', I ýonk sxytothousiaud ldollars. geý,t teshe ennheslté-giviug influ- the tapioca in thI luewater Ise' ext !lu thle juee eo efindhsides ,this entýe cf it. D rlip your hanfis occasion ally sud moruiug for an hor, aud thentir iinSo it cruown, thle ipr crown of Charles il. the ýS lett tem Let, your eye wauder eut hsaif a teaspeouiiful of si ',:, ll a cupll cflPrine cf \'Wales' erowni, aud the Cro0wu cf thrniugb tht wIndo glass as far as possible sugar, a tablesý,poonfl cof lemnoitjuic, udtencntqe. and rest ycur icyes by ,vlooking at Something bu quiart cf prd sieai cored 1tirt Lokngfurther, wn flnd he aptsa int~nstug u tcf oor. Du'tmieailibeappes.fout ,wbich M'as used at thie baptism cof both ~timie. 1Dr p t diereins cf] hausehoid goveru- We hereiwitb gvethe rce(i fArria QneVctiasdhernccfWes men fr a iîttie -while, innboid yourseif andi ereain, which bas ý,lumuseisvrl vlned at twe ndrdthoufsaud dollars. sitdon oui the rug and play with tlie tirnes D Iissolve" bial a boxful cfgeaienAfrteecemay alepiesam g chidrnand s i ~vre bcomle again a a quart cf miik or cream. , el vrawhich'are St. Edwaýird's stsaff', Ith, royal child. Eooizyon,,rs e;b iwcubtfr hn 15Ovd tir jInlhe aoksscepter, the rod cf equsty, ,thtswrd c yi ye au. Do not hoid the'l baby wbeu it enu cf four eggs wheu thîs bas b)oi!,led nd fur justice, temoa u clsatcl h retand grow just as Weilllu its crib. By tabiespoonluls cf white sug'a1! he tkaQnean's scepter, h his.f,; ey mouinted rstiug when y on cau, by plauing the work frot-i the sto e sud stir into thî1ýs jto f 1in goid, with;Ia(dove of ,%biti Ionyx,, and-Ithe te be douie, and by besng systematie and four eggs beaten stiff, with fouraiespo orb, edged witih peirIsis andiiinrmoiiite( with I ordriv in ail thiogs a wemsun's work at fuis cf coulcctionery sugr. !,iaor te taste roses cemlpesled of dismendus. home is morseasily dore. with vanilla or a littie cil cf aou. Keep Thre arc Imanii other's but wn,- williy11c ,sa ~~~~for a few heurs before Li:ng. ntice euec mlore, iaud lthait i', fie dsp(oI cu se A1lu' "ir ofth Ftue."MODLCAE'S11 t-Ct tinsuesîro a orattio, cfi'aBritish sovereigu te Allen' Gil of te F-aare." 1'0nlreceime ,th(-on-zsec-rat e'I cil froi tise0recep- forunteforth wmansufrgea previoosly cookcd. caifs head%; "iii 'ce bc hisiin uut.It is cf It is very fruit o h oa ufg a gond eut of cooked -su' llal a1 oeng i brdre wtl gmssd iýs saidteb of cause that Mr. Grant, Allen bas beenÏ 's ezcgs for twelve minutes; 1break t,ýHe b,15tto g peeite coletinhain ~notoriously reccgnized as an oppouent, frandi eut the yrll-,sie bahlves, ts hiejt be db dwr h Cner h 'd hafi it beeon s frieud cf course who had adSesontItleaew-tbpepersai, i îoio vocated snoblilcense in the marriage relation sd utme!!Ig. ud spinichof mc.Srcd Ttîainn cf the Etirecollctionislari as has Mr. Allen Meshould net-cm havebeard ever ita abfspofo f Jfinely cioppr' thelastcf it. !lu tise May, issue cf thse paseley. Lay tiseyolli iladitcscf o'slyesimltfi.buts mdhIumestimate U 7li , -iReiw, cf London, Mr. Aillnbas eg1on îhckybte-i n ot ttotfute ilons, five ait article 0ou -ThoeGirl of the Future." He pattern. Then p'suthe veadl ni bm Î hnI'n udteu hnsui olas S seshr wlleducated in avaried curriculum, t !eruate layers, witil e ile, b li vd abletoenaru ber owu living without a Ibus- th-ere; coultlue this until teml -, f'.,.lirbl Sicd, Sbautd. anld consequently emaipat):led fron Pour in haîf a intc ntdseýjh h oril anrKtaieWl tise esýtablisheti moral order. This j-c)iiditio 1 ds1 , -Io~~byte u~m uds' u. 1îerlod cmîtdsi idea is te recuit in theirregsrding mtcrnity tasa A diZoolcwai Grden n fraIlortl-tb religions set sud tis hei chùlý f the t tht lieryi sao ode ruois y FiecueMi. ~ol eoeîinght cf jiue'23 father for escis of thir eîre a ssci e'1 ;, ont cftii"wachne ead cies ,orhep), li dsty ;sasysten, of pnlyauydr-y beinrnayu hausecrc1doiled poaofi oibwii asej isdronIu, - itihebe caetabiished. NI-. Allen ldoes uer tellilyn. aehppt fuectisasnti* icae le sv-Ct tcmesfr eitlyou Iwygvnthe samne education, n fe"t aise cold ,boIeti c9btc', c Lpdfi' 1 atebsiero ht<ts ee bata lawygie luuflWhe tlese are al it a MQ Pt independence, religions cneto f Inbtpaealyrc tstoi urgh i bsngestiafn tIirely thesascred tinties cf suaternity, thte sornan wameetetibte-alyroPcnke cvnl5bspas leakdte àietato udiu 4t mt nnvtc),s ,1wli migbt net exorcise tht samnedsriii-iiating ,te itttef hnc abgsesyi h ae o choies as te thse prospective father cf lber su'oo stItedssi il oti s~e~i 4 uwr ,tieeat iIn ber cries a elidreli witheut breaking np tht preseut sPeuy posbe.s s " et tbtt o epas eusi bmt ho sytemofi mouogamy, but rather carrying tete is utematmettwthnu it tcwarti perfection, Heretolîci g ON'INu Hve byingpan ot, pu± riigadFshd urdt iesne teor uiornats Imleuai;u, o e u-gi i ,'"ipiece cf b Itr( i eattyal eflF u rcgizt nth as C I prse~ ivecdroen. Te tiCatd Ouib pour iinu a littie hbot water. over eoywna îdtehtioerdesefin thse S., Womaul o47, tie fuiture wilite a ump se'let cok tweuty itnt 2a,14ataseu i cg n'b opid -htasked him te throw sive(2 survey of tht relationsi1ip, ian ti iii of ciflou r lu a iîttle milk, mi wbeui ss le'tisrp oatebabeesvee- thatui tLil, chce is for lufe l, w1 i il u u j osre itia ready te serve, lnlIoste ta1sc iebstat caebseectio)n sud consequenwtly nmorte bar' 5TOCA C( ý RErxsir.-Scait eue-f_1 eplicf lhorrile det- .But ise the daitucas tht meios arige.Mr. AIllen i eeceetiigIy pear itapiocla in watcr ever ighýt. poti , 1tope coulti flot be found, and tise bear, prob- unfortuinate, but evidlence, Iii,-;accustoirsefiquart cf milk in as aucepsu e et , brai ably divining that they were tryigte soob style cif easo0u in argiuig poiyandry for tise yelks of tismue eggs sud twotide ois, f hies ictim, comînsîsceti 'bis awbul -tiseeduc(ated " Girl cf the utue"rom tht cf s'gas- with tht tapioca Wssstsenit orFsrAt btatiacket tie wosnanbytise poilyaudry cf tise tisenegescsof Jamasiaass hot. stir in sud h',l two niniute,,tiruing isair anti seaipeti hem. Tison be began toeaet isimpl,>ybeae the feet cof fïinaucciintiepsu' colis tatiyt. Set on the ice, sud jiss befoeli-e' i'east. Next lhe tort opelsi, with oe ecesor wili beo'c' m le tehtu. ser-vnîg hat in tise whites cftbeeegg ',iee, ,tricabdomi1e,î and swvallewed the, -- b~~en sstiff, anti seasscu wit'h lsn i intsie.Ail tis uintht peseuce of the ýACtrigýoyoiaT-nhflj1 vanili . iwatchmli 15,, oras elpiess round sud diti A Giarin Stry f Thughfu Gil. FPIfsiT CAKE.-Tis ellknuits o e-ILsne no-Mw7aMisat teIo. After thse-quarters< A banusggil ati a ifins pair cf solitaime te 'esteerluepuu [g',cis o urS"deiay thsey wtre chile t e cere diamonti esringas, she lest eue Iý'cfrue, Iiesput io.eepoîîst7ctrnce pue te memins ciftise wemnan by ksping tise auywee sdatr roh c re nt jnisorov5 '"1,1).tlm'w ipnbm. A'cordiiig te onue stery spsode7ari hersgîeihe',lrej i4,&e555nIeubttr l.otusIh tecme usIel-ers.ll wsc know whatte d aviis ssioge stsse, 005' ssssssante i btl u eimteoni. p"ltn ieu e irb sd o st eutimcuIey-, exýcept-wlisat hebu Leti, sud inu- wlpt rmi itisehosdss ".tts cn uiasCrsy vIeilsheC low- able ,te bestow diamîtIs I2upon luhs kli". Mleas " ih lreci f "Igr ti e.i Isess,,elinto t" ise agethere snsms)te'b One day abs was waiking with liesr sweet - aseaut ptlutcfjttr etts srpcon e cît.ih1b;vrqtn atha heart, aud, suddnssiy pansing, aslenpoite te tolis bilgponta ti euraily 1cten lle eoPlteopes iseioll's cage se that a o n f lig t lu tie st eet an t sa in r nî 1 c ti th n a d gillP 01 s no he e id' e t eL sk by tie lio. A t d i- tim e 0 estoopeti anti pieketiit usp iisit . inib sce, si Ml rve. itu-tselvu&s b at. suad surprise. wcvrls stbagn itise smnpis cnliserve tise ,viaas1ih'"" __ advertsse it," he said. lucre. tIelicuss u etencî 'lls 'Thhet eBlire. "Weil, yen ketp it," Sarai aise, ustsl it la simup like this tissu with aw sugar rase advetlsd fr, sd i itis nt yn ci ae aeesptcisdly niceseut up anti serve i ilu ';il5 s e y elwiii agmet witi tisat Most ad- it set lus ring for me." '1 way'. Omit tise wraschino, ho-wev c. 'j m"bs îsicaticu', the Ycels's Cosepaioi, She wears tise risse now ancutibe dcccsscet raugna. but fiavor tise sirssp. si î wi l, l'ebscy'cle bas coule tte day. [t car- tavi !u sablisheti ilself -urong tise lkuowI% yet wiîy tsat dianiont wass utativer-wÎth a itltîsgae oransge peeî. tiîi' i ies.l aanin'ec tiseti for orwhy53 that bis sweetbearl dreppeti t vwi lali'e be foini useful. Net tisaI it it lu tise street fer bim te fluti anti bavet set Buildine. Hom'es in Z!laai sever 'cen Iieti, t may kssowiedg, ilus jute thse ring she kîsew he was net ablet t ieZi "ris sts mlietsduehi tbsfgteitavnaenla _____builder of tise Ztain soiuse, aisdi 1t stle ila<l anti pretty wril evcry *niodern archiecture i-s kssoiwssii n ti-ruosesa-oia tsiiy i cops. A couple ciof On Flea an'dTarta. as " wattle aIl tass"I oslt udosuoi Maspessunt -it amilitsry ex- Tise averageinnsuif astelti e Jene lies' exag5teeibrîie o ts uuîsis is s is ' ieSisi iE in t biIeb ideas of plain, wiîolesousie living wcult ie1> is enimttsui snf me ie'set teiMa iset iyav likely te inelude icleti heef, whealien breat i btcalun orm. T,tis arco.:I -ttiep'onebpauItwshorsswtend qidýliutsposisbiy fruit pies, ill naje tue T bulilebos tb rmni etry ie'Mthalti-ietryl briseias, sponlge cakes, lc'eas eu-Il-'-l ai -ýce f ts rutfj-enletmgî tlstosa~iiliwsnapocis ail other sesueati a a orsîifetaa - gat nt "ics'ccks'. isreisne ingl saee, nigigaloiu., ,~seg fr r iu.suy posiionIrea .vr si more d -rfcujtyteTtise o me loi , III edl- prejiiustelo 'u matte!buseboky hais ,ot nitsuieits ie os vr h aui uealne îthe refl ssussteit creprsir,"ossIy'obs 'asst s5c5'tes ntii.o itcei5t epctc msiy lbe witlièn tote ostae is an c ises' she twilrses tîsI1Cin ripr i atIul plcil sliay"rîeu a niutr'imesît in boietbef C eaeîae lu tie IsIesud ci timie anti malte iser bost. that cSc ehEnitt s cnmcl tbt-t then tatiug uattie alt tutu cf courel, Sass desuttie ss itrni nwi 'îri o end), ss i'îcssteediclsîu i" lt îîe , istiissg ino lban ud methotis cf cookemy. I/ct tise scisîstifis- isct s1iaîl tde e ietl o îhueyat u1nt,50gocis nin utla roanbasetionlaits tb.ut ae etirely i therhiole t1see fre uet- er1torlucse ii cisa machine, tise stlilp sas- irrefutabie, that there is smore sittrit ion ~i osi cf<Ii sie i is ca1% tiess ita at a pince of bief boitet.i. t is apoisît1a1j toutuof<'7'mis lie bM5Y , kisnarisis. T eounutry loctor flus,, ti simletetie ieiean a tis asM'O anti j . Lwrdabouit titresfet.iimd tu, twcsîsaIets oure nti as 'lificuit tend-exilrsor cf tiseisunse ise inishsfeitil pIv) 1 tI t iu- e'uitýedt teis needs, eatiyst tiseS usenmakraîfoutise pnjas iiorlo e coatcf " taîîb 7or Imud. i uol itiei aud urgenit eau, andst able te S moraut Sisettentheetstise usesî ci tise whte sut Mal et tisepptieut's door withî neorsfrom gos mig-1- bilte a Palagoniate set ageofst-hile toc custart i pe matie by tissu oll-fasisioneti ule, usakes ais excellent certilal cuto'uiiibe l ~ mnires, anti it bortesearly a quarter of a IIM-us a self -formuin' eut." This was theise lualinfer ssuser -'eplaint Tate umillion touts of ducit. But alisougs tise favorite rois cflan olti coloret Il"suanmy"IltM e qetarts cf julcesof lmesiuhi-shermislite exteudedti teneasiy four kiiometrea, cf oiur acqusietaîsce, Mho bas long ince pas- att GeePounti of oal sîgar a,id st oud nly tMenyul bo sed meree wrecked by il sedto lelie lanti shere gooti cotks go. fiHer sacluof ltse follovi'sg spi-e tP i tietis l six persons killet. A tisird avalanche, pie ivas a pie te u'iieis nuualifiet ps-aise inU"g, eýýCilnasuson loles j rd cl p it. wich bell at Maif,to, snd wcsconeputed to cuiti be given beea'sse it Mas neye- l- BcJ oterier a short time,, tt1 tie oitectain 11111e lesa Ilsan 1,600 tees weigist cf clostti ii auy ialer sotitien,,icrust. R evas udt ru pint cf bestr brandy. leue ni1, Mas mtiu c re destructive, kiiiing a chisisi t'cuvre anti she -tas ted lte eescre, ainister severai tisne a day istes 'os-aventeen perscîss anti testroying cîghsiený ofi saking il witb jealoius cart lus e'liîy, fui doses. nolises. for Enfants and Children. "Catoias o ellaslaptedtocbire iaigCtoria osures colic,Cotpao, L[recommnnd t aasuperir± oanypu.epou Sour stomacb, Dsarrhea, Ensistait, know tom." IL A. Aszctms, M » Rs Worms, Cives sieep, and prompteS di-u 111 e. ktor S& Broklys, N Y. gestion. U l o. xfo d S . B ook M N y . W l hou t ln jsriou à m edicatio . Tm CxwrÀun OoMPATia, 77 Muýrrayt retM. Y. FOR, SALEý BYJ.H GIBT M & SON, BWAVLE 'ina B OWMAN VILLE, Headquarters in West Durhiam for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glasswa're, Crockery, Hall, rarior and Hand Lamps, Fancy Cups, 8aucers, Vases, Water and Lemaonade Sets, etc OUR FAMILY UR"OOERY & PRýOVISIOIUÏ [s always well supplied with the very beat goocis at lowest prices. Eighest Prices for Farm Prodùôe. Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. lnspection solicited MURDOCHBRS Vie, oria Buildings, Bowmanvilie. 2 HIAINES' CARRIACTE ,WUOR-KS GEORGE 1C. HAINES, Proprietor, -MANUFACTURER O0F K~ING STREET, BOW-M4NYILIE ucow on Iiausd a number nf veolbe, (and Il a tau «ufctur!in a jrcqnaî mny morecof'ats puattemna an id best finish, whtch 1 arn offemlmug forsal I ie lwn'riec sstn wilh due regard to workmauship and qnallty. Tisefcl i ,t'dl5 O thse prinoipal vehicles suufoue by me tmaleOoere Crnge...............................1...0 UiýUpwn .... Pueon ........ ...... -........... -..................O > i ne Buggy............................................ ...... 70 opBuggy .................... ...................... 9 emocrat Wagon-.......... ............................. 6 eumber Wagons ..................................................... i ý glit wagon ....................................................... 40 in, 'ress Wagon, ................... ......................... 1............l 3seleton .....................>......................... ........... ......5 .................................................................. ... 40 amaisa aontefacillttes for maufaotarn orI le, ateod te S31ii v-amy a 'mic for t31% 1u.osdcrdiand by sô dolug 1l pet rs.l n M yae s'n'inb3r 0ot~ d aî asil t'he wood uants onIuisr t'sO gearingla or biu<sorie i rne. A\ 1 Kinds of Vehicles Repat'r'--, A t the Shorteat Notice, Paînted'anti Trimmet If Desireti. s nntrscrylasod Pisntng. ?atchiaïr, Trn4eatisi .sais rii,5ut o-Ir' Raws, ýuid pere xailknd1f ib. frcapner dotesfor building parfseae, îîmuamentai and Plain Plokets for fencseeinl every sty' eotsined. maCsse nri,, s' --'-4 Sa s. Hall;

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