OwE~51 -MoRISE' Br.Ci, JioWMANýýVILL E Dr.J.W.MOeLAUOitLIN,1 Dr. A. BEITH. Gradu c tntiL-,e of the Royal1 ate of the Totontô poellee f Phyiclans nvriyPyil ard member of theIUieitPyCi. il Yl College of Sur- Sxn'geol, &o. g cons, Edimburgh I Dýr14 MILLIER a Lt%»IL XWIMAI'. î bIYSICIANS, SURIl 0 L%, ETC GL Qflce :-Cor. Church an i Tfemperance t. ~h eils attended lrorn Dr.li]ir eidenée. *C. 1HFER, M. D. B. LÀMimimAN, M. D. C. M. Trin. Univ Fellow of Trin, Med. College, Memiier Coi. Phys. Surg., ont. DR . . HnITCïntî. EMBHR OF COLLEG~E OF PHYSICIÂ'NS ý n d Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ûfflýie a.nd Residence. E£nni8killenl. 4 nB 're -,%$IMPrM@N, BA PIISIlR 1-i0LCITOR, &o. MOFItIS PIOCK, up6tairs, King Street, Bow'D5.f- vile. Bolictor for flic Ontari Bank grivate Xoievs loanedt tha iOW31trate DIM BNGIKAI, TSSUER 0F MABBIAGE LICENSESt J- eedence, Euisikillen.a S. C. IflJKING1 T- WENSED AIJOT ION E E P. FORE J the County of Durham. Sales attendedt s hortest notice and lowest rates. Ad.dress ccunneo P. 0. 86tf1 A UCTIONýEERS for the County ofa A .Duham nsurs ceand (4eneral Agent@.N Naluator auxd Real Estate Agents. Sales and tiser bnsinees jpronpt3y5 attended to. Box 712, ][»Iano.s Tuned axil e1R paîred. t P %ARTIES 1SIGTHIPAO tl'uned or reparea can navethlei attended WÔ by leav5ing we,1 et tis DOMINION ORGàti Os'wcnBow.anvlleA first-clas mano 11w ùl"lnp hi thelrir OmlyS IIOE. VOTNGV. 9, M Wilb culnd frum S8a.mi. to 9 p,mi. ight calisy nt reeidenoce,diirect!y opposite Dril Shed. Calso IY telegrapis Or tlelphone wýijl receive prompt i attention 171.yr t A UCTIONBEE, APPRAISER, Real J.Fate Agent. Bowmaýnville, Ontarlo. Sales tttended ln any prL of Province. r A RORITEOT. Plans and Specifica. 1 !Gglosirepared for every class of building.a SpcCial attention g yen co heaîing by steam. sa'd hot water. and to sanitary arrangements.e fie :Goîrte Blocki, whitby43-ly R. PETE, ailor Gentlemen's COthes Made to Order. C. SA R ND0ENI L. D.- ÇGraduatoeioflie Royal Clleg of Dental SgenOntarlo. O 0IC OPOSITE EXPRESS OFECE.,, ;tu -LLNGA SPEOIALTY Ai!zcÂ.TEETEI INSERTED WITHOUT PLAITES. GRetradaci-ions lu pIce ou allent», WrVitaiized Air, con8tanîly ha use pro ucnrainsîeso Operations. panuflir allen sereid ttise eglaton ! iildren'a Teatis À e (o'Ifisc. h ]îuItimrd'sOQrono VETX.aLNARY SUROFEO. ORONO, - ONT. Ofc.-oi Oice block. eisby telegre.pli or telephone receive im lire diate attention. JAR BlIIMA C OMBE IM NTIST. -FETrOE :-iRear o-f Messrs. EigginbothIlam & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVI. LE SP- GOe. e ayr1, ýbeh.g made by John . \coodw,mroy.3, NY.'hork u.Itaer, Yo- n,7 flt ma b"as.ac ,o a a terr i, j,, qieik]y hsw t or, from $5 ta ste aday a t i tfsu'd mo-e5P yCQ go o,.. bo sxe, al agr, I.. y part of Ymrc, yIl an comrsae 'one hmgr- isal OO timnesr Spar. mments Olyto Ab sri. Al a1. -W. <ret psy SR£ for er ok-e.r. . 10 o, fosathi.g eeyhg.EAS ILY, SPEEDILY iearad. FAiICL ltt FE. ASeaI ane, E ÀNE THE-,,CVYO'S BErSIFRIEN!D, -ýiALE M NCANAUA. 11OUSEHOL . tise eye oi a judicieuis teaciser of caisthenie le an excellent prevent ive of defermnities. Tisa neck eheuld hbe carried etraighit, Ibut The Word Blie Remembered. withmut etiffueise3; iiuci a ayinfaef, "You remembered the sermon you heard, my thef tise f lsy part bel ow tIsae jaw rnay f orm , deat ?" asIf es, edîhi-hn The littie oua blshed, and tropped lier eyes, If walkiugýý and ho ,rebaCk prtes i- Thon lif ted thaus bravely, with look of cheer, stand of bing-, as nlow, wll-ii nh ieard Eyes tisat were bine as thse summer skias. oIf '111ong ouir g"irls, wýere e\,ary day affaire, "I'm airaid 1 forgot what thea ministcCr sait, 1 and thlere Ivae not a point of iu1terest with 11e sad so mucli to tise grown-up mcan, 11tacten mýiles hc every girl, anid womenat, And the pulpit was way up oVarr my hit~toc, Iid lot kuiow well, it weuld1( prove a But 1 toitmamathat lhe said -'Amen. befi to them which oanIld a lm "Ant'mn, ornov aniLti h, naclbe Watvrour Lord may plense teo f eieteehns bwl aemn And thet is sermon aneugis for me,,t,,t ns iimu-a aspossýibleof the lime ef e (ach If 1I mmd and feel so, thse mislceak ' 1 Ilirougli.' day lu whijcb e e ittogdownl, she w, ill 1 took the little ones wort to heart;51 it ie ea adnekup rukerect I ish I cul carry it sal day long, nnd ý1 1sisods t loir, a i tisaït11hene e is h Ane"spirit, wisiah is t,,a rt, tîd r lIlie vl tai ie To meateach, cross witi a ihappy sng prîghv., he xiiiebrtyfiuid thàt shle s -2Wr.. 11 Ji E.SaagtC r. getting o e. ertaig1Liter tIsailS sie wabs,ý and ilftse bas a larget and fluer cliet than 1 she' bas silmply bau uiig eue f tiie menurs to get if. -To IL y l Me." The Habit of 'lorrowinz. It is tis a asiast thiiîg ianflic werb ld teie- gin by berrexviug a nawepapar, tisena pet. teru, tisen a racipa, tiscu a bock; ýsoma day a gown le borrcwed te look et :au-tisar 1day eue is berron cd te try en te sec iflwe' ha beccnîing , tiscu a litle ilote goes. a nig fliat a fan lia lent; and tisa fan once be)rrow- cd if bacoînas tisa ceoief tloing in tise world te gat a bcdica,a bonnet, or an enubro;idereti petticoat. Now, whcn yen began, ift ny- body had teid yen fiset yen w ercea moral thief, yen wonfld ha-ve beau most indignant; and yet thisaI e unt wlset yen are. If would hacmi useri ila iseneet te borrew yonr uieighbor's iuonay anid nover te rcîurn il, tha lte apnpaassîn broiîgc your naigbb-or's e blougings, u1 fIng ocf Ilistisa w-ear tisaIis netyoutro ud tisae pleasure tisati sby rigiso enr ueigsbcr'e. What flic mistrase dosathe maid doas. In tIha kitcc hay do net isasitate te ber- rom, a patent coffée poT, aud neyer raî nran it a pudding dlisis, e lit fie flavcriug axtreiafý,, soea saing poweler, or soeaou. If tiîcy were askad 1if thay returued aIl tisis, llicy weuld answvr : -"Certainiy _isot, why we îvonld bejuet s -ýgled te lend te tliem." And lise resuIt is that ycur servants,- imitatiug, yonr exemple, become sysemetic plumntars of your uciglîbors. My friand, do iset get loto tisa habit cf isorrowiiîg.- It le eune of tisa meef vicions ycss cen pessibly accnmre. Il makes yeot oealal respect for tise riglite cf, teti- people, and if cen aartainly giva ypu none fer yonroalf. Tise persistent ber. rower le a more or lest wnell-spokcn-of thi. Tisa borrowar doas net bide bier ligbt under a busisel, for lu time lietr frianis eud ne- qualutauces grow te know her weakneseud nveid bier. Se stop et fise book, andt do net permit yoursalf te drift loto, wbaf if 10 cbarity te caîl, a vary bad habit. Good Maniers at Home, Tisa presanca of good manners te nowisare more naaded or more effective flan lu tise isouseisold, an eut as nowhera mere rare. Wlieuevar tisa iamiiiarity existe, tisera le a tandancy te loosen tise cheack upon telfisis conduel wbîcis lIma presenca cf strangars lu- voluntar-ily producas. Many partont wise are kint an(! cour it eons ln couspeuy, are rude and cerelas, w'ith ise whism lia ova -basf. Emaerson ens: "Gootmenesara matie np) cfo ct rfice, eut ertailnly nts '111 Un oetooghly ser lciamn and penwc cftise amily circle 1ti,11,tiselhabit of mnaking sascrifice, eue 1fer aniother. Chuîd(ren fishus leari good menuiers lu tise beeet ost ulut jLjra wy, eu%7,andhabite thus atcqirad 1will scrr ana ia. cornrfaesy nudï kiinas willoce lose thaîr, power or tisair aiari, ,wiileull spurioni itations ýof them narecteha espsb d Hlow to GowPlimnp, Any wonanisetprdipoedteextrema fisinu-asndlucmaiegnd iseelti Ceni, bý y cea e br dielt lier esspr tnai tise tatea oflupestise yarnls fer. But firet cf aU isc mu1et not orry. Woma wiso ar nerven eut uorryfever evet'y rfs deiigte gel faf nst take hie ,calmldy; birry about niotbing ; eut as fer as possible reel aiigreat, da1 If lier îsarenensisis extreni-ie, thoen tse must apply te lier pisysi- cio ws ll iva bier a sadatire and e prpar ,ý,diet. Bat 'ralof green salade put upon themn as muai oîi as yen lîka, but giving up tisa rinagar. A man wise counuta gaetrenomny as n flua art, recommande, firet cf aIl, tisatbse wiso wisises te gain flesis ssonît a s misaisof lise crumbe of tflic brcad as possible, laaving, the crLite for people wiso ara rcdnciog their, flashj.- Drink chocolata or cocon,eant eggs, antîcte, or enytising ale fanaiet for brenkfeýst. At dilnar fake ne mucis sonp, flis eut ment as Voen hike, but aroit acids and cisoose al vegetebles isaving farinaceons, qualifias. Eat ns many sweets et you cisoose. All dlisises contnining fleur, eggs and engar lu qunnil"y kre suot desirable. Do nef taka cold betbs co o muais exeraise. Let tise air yeni brenithe Uc pure, but aboyea allcon- Erol your lamper, ans uetiing ,will make you se ang-uler or'give your face suais an undesîr- able look ns1 lie frac indulgence of your own ,wll, Exeroise for Girls. Tisera le ne grenIer iellacy curieut tisan tisa belief thiet tis a obufttof exarcise whiuis s1lould ha banaficall leonly houndat by lise caacify of tisa person te take. Wisatier it bae takepi witis a view te strangfiesstisa mnuscles, or le inrigorate tise narrons system exorcise sisoult always lha graduell il s lu- crease and accomniodafet to flic actuel state cf tisa vital powars cf lte indàvidual. WVe are net te coneidar lisat, because we wera once capable of svalking so meny miles with - ont fatigoe,.or pari orming soe gymuastia feat, wc are te lry and kacp np fUis -poer iudaefluitcly, wben lise body bas become les robnsl. AUl tisaI cenha e afely borna leragularand easy axardise (cf ltae body, aentinuad orer ae long period, se as gire toiale tis te vital fuaI ion wit boul produaing tisa exisausttou wiic inaritably fellows upon enly excessive dcmeud upontliairpoîver., A physicien enys : -"1I1amn inalinadto re- gard'pro perly coniducted gymuasti,ýe_ exarclýeai ns tecidedly baneficiaI te girls. Tiare bis beau lu: some instances lees hna inl ofise mnrked improruemant where varient disturbancet to italf id existad. ,I1look for banefit le nîl wiso praclice reguînrly and fait hinlly. Gymnestice streugîlian more sels of muscles than walking or rowing." Tl Itera ll ' tiltse veryx. iera Anut s "Ifelcos- o r fîntuse Cecp, Alla soli tly1Itetisa fuiser room Couse: -, ow1I ay me town te slecil." Ant soselo i,)qwitlit'?little prayr AnttiaoWistfeble ino my ear, -' I y fisul . 9,t goas ack thdistant ycare AilesI i î sc 1 Isiit oaroneicîs, AnSnielerleio ny lndeagan.Tl Oh! ! fo anlons'iii etisaI te1rplace Qîs! for tisa? aidiistruîst sh 1m Oh! fore giimîî,e of mollets face1jl Yat ns tise sisatoxrourit(mecrin p 1 do neft Scin te haluon" Sweet nmagie of fIat trelile uboj" And " Now 1 lay me town te -'e. Two on the Terrae. IVarîn iveciofla iis mouligîsf, 'lhoCapitol anoiS. As ia ridher mnooliglit Batliet ifs wbite walls ri ths goît. Tisa greef bronza Freetom shifiisig- Her leat in oflîrr ~siis i'eers eatwart, e" tivining Tise cciv tay fron tise oit. Markthbloc Otp'auef potriog 11cr spieutor oct tIse grount;- S"ctIse wiitc oiseisk senring Te pierce thisalepreount.1 Benieati tise stiiil essivens t axming,1 Tise ligîtet towi leieaming, lu giardet sienîber trasng- A& worid witisont a sount. No leugliftr anS ne sohhiîsg Frein Ilose dim roofs arise, Tise mriat puisas fhrohhing1 As sie nt as Ilie skies. Te, us tisir pe.uxe j, giresi, Th isa usûtocispirtis sîriren, 1 sec tisa wita, pure lies-en Ref] ctet isn your cyces, Ah, ole! A flousent taons Sîtail range flair treoping e-rs; Tise nseorniug stars fiseir puans P Sisail siug te couniities s. Tisese mas-et. Staltes neysocrer, But ]ove shah l ýi? rv, And loyers' Isopes;cnicafçrs,. Se let us sent ont gracting, A wisis for truat and bSils, On fer-off nigîts like flig. Wl, iu tise -wialis uotoing Perforce of Timeas rougis wooiu, Ai-thtie crnmiling ruin Shliu meef, ciasp liants eut use. ScaiBNER'e MAcîuisi. Sisimber Song. Tise miii goas teiling tiewly asont , Willi steaey aeutsolemu creack Ant niy lit tic ïeeisars intlie k1nitiy111un Tisa voîce of lise cit sili speak- Wisuhie round eut round tisose iigwiawig Grimiy eut glostlike arecp, My utIl e ea itiar tists i iisneO Sicep iitthe tiip, ieep) Tisa salýi arereefdaneuthtie nets are traýn Aýudt cranlis pot of isear. Tis li, r genthtia uornox' dimn Lsii icdkels ebeer; 11 mak ,c0isa w1iuds tist caper aieng From Il" far off cameons deep. But we,'u love flair iullaliy song 0f"', ,,ep, lit tic tuhip, -Ieep!" Sisaggy oit Fritz, in sinnîher sosînt, Moans ef tisa souy marI" To usorrow isow proudiy lu fret yen eronunt Hitaisat te eut naw uilk car?! And yen shalliseip uenie nket the lkine, An fodt tie geufle seap cnt set tisa ierring c soek in bs-e; But now, ittia luiip sieep! A D)r6amnm O ouses te isutton tise e Tînt weariiy droop eut bink, Whîîe lise oit mili buffets tise 1frewinug ke And scolte et tisa stars tisaI %wink Over yeur face tise misty'vig 0f tlhaautifui Draam iOua eweep, And, rocktng your cratie.,tIse,,oftly h sine -'Sieep. littie tuuip. seeep 1' A Life Lesson, Tisea! itlflgirl. Sent es-y! ThE isyhvriten yeur dc1 iifkow, And yîî te etb (ne And your playisousa, te, Arc lhinge ,ýof long cge; Buit chisiliroubiles wîl soon pas isy Tisera 1I iltthagirl, dont ara'! Tisera I littia girl; tount ry! Tlay hava broken yens- sia, 1 kntow Andtllcglat. wilt weys 0f your saisool girl tare Ara thiugs cf loag cge; But lil! a n love wili soon cama ly7: Tisera ! litle girl, dont cryl Tisera !iitî'girl, Sont cry! Tliey hlie broken yctxiseaf t,]1 kno; Andthti raiuhew gieem' 0f yrour yentisfuitcm Are flîngsofcilong cge: Buthieaven bold,, aliefr wiscliyou.igis Tisera !11111te girl,,tou'f dry JIAMES Wmum'rCOMBElsrîamcV WhereIs heaven ? What s Heven ",Chit, isow cen Ibal 0f tihtiaufy tînt reste on," lise cityoï f Ged' Mine cyc liera nef set it, îy feet bava nef trot Its geidenpavedtrettats set witlijawclswliosaý wortli Onthi' nd utvtalue tise janais cf carlis. Anidt is le Havan ? 1 knew oniy flic: 'Tie tiseirfispiece of gios-y ;and, flic essenle of buess." "Wiere il eaeru " - Dear, iow d1 kcowi ? WXe gaza isoespaca liougii tise bine fhrobbing air, Sin-rownadetsa-tmsid n asy I is tisera." AboyaU, euid Icycunivoteigisntd more iigis, Gio's ,ýpace, wlio-e o o-i euisauiflsky, AutD( -wlera is Haaî'en h I know onfy iy fs: Tit tise hoepe of i'Àl oce wisu1eaer 4t le." - A Scotch gnlea t ortune ouisi tIeali-bat, astedthlie miiister wdiether, if lie lait a large eumi te tisa kirk, 111S enlialin raspnedt:-" 1 wonld nof lika e hac posi- tive, but it's weeb wortis frying' Ao Tr --ao laigls A;e- bl is a -falticessday. Tisa sun's iseaf le teletiret bya :rnoist breaza ; fleecy cloute go st4~gliugacr e s ky eut tise prairie al arla-nt use is iragraut witih flowere eut g î To' ou 'F i ,fatis 8ý a ke with rlipplas lb;1ý daii2nca u qirýrinig sihvar bines, anti, tu olii iLît, wa sec, four brokan eut fabling xv~l-ise ms fofiscthebti sot siack."ý n ieyer conte te Ibis spot but I seesu te hrasofin usic flaing eartisward. Ah, m4nýiiy eut mnasy a lima I hare fenciet I1iseerd tiî, sentt fLonesoma Will's flttla, misty, tmtl u co)mîog-I knew acf wisence. 1Bot Yee onet kuow tiesearsy. 1? le short utd I will ftaIl if. Tea lls besida us, tisaI are now a mare bienp of debrie, once siscîteretl a set eut sel- iiary an Hie name was WillI "Loua- numne ill,"ha wes calldat eut nvet a wh-ieper ct'f another fitla passea is lips. Ha lisd no mpaniens ; b hssiunnadth ie sociaty- cf biis felîowsueindut ireti ouf ahic tisaI waes heauiful lunils very saduese. I siait hlic bat .ne companiions-buf tyat ha ~1d( bava eue-a cotupauton thet speke f0 iwtd 2omnfortet hie griaving iaart-a fiddles. And the tiste fiat oli struimeut knew hast tirs " Tsa gosaof'Allantale."1 Onci,(j 0le Louesonie Will bat lovet n fair- lgIafit ifl girl wisose anie was Rosa. s.loeetong ais fettars of iron, yef soit as à gosSa"nwr 7ab, ihal sps-ung tup batwecu dien. i.lIctlisy livet for aacis otiser eut wýisei, 1;y GoTs inectruitable tecrea, lie' 'erîihly Posa wae taken le ble)ssons lu i leaven), fiset lever coinuaýtle lira foriei Howý long etdrcary must hava beau tisa Scrtitslcwl pessat ovar tisa beat of eLnesoma WVýill! Witls onîy hie fiddle f0 solaca hlm ent ddisfract bis mind from ils lIces, -wiat wontar tînt lie pourat forth his soul lui E-srmouy tisat grew divine banatis hie inspired flugars? Thie Peelmissi enys tfit Ilweeping may enidura for a niigist, but joy, comathinlutise mes-rning." Andi se -it was with Lonesoîne \Vil],,Ha waefouend euoe day, wiîhisi flttla in 'sua haut and isis how in.îhe ethles-. neee douifedt t I Tsa Rosa of Allen-, Ita le "lied beau tie lest lune npen tisaI fait i. fuil ol d instrument. Sea-,7-yontan by tise lake le Lonasoma Will's grave-is i? net a beauliful place? And flief flttle wes buriat with is hl, upon hie brenet. Yen ana a stranger te tisearete anti, m1aybaýp, ýwlll not hock et Ibis peanrnnrraIire wiîb im'y sentimenut; but yet love le tisaI grand thing (granent isn tise pbilosopisar's etoile) tin't reflues tise basenees of evany human heant eut puts if la touai witisf Autd now conte wits me te fisal sotl wall. It w-as iu tisis itlîf area tint Lonesesue Will bettIled 50 iserqically with bis fte, ant ilt risthen-e, lu t1isaI cornier, jue4t aller I lied heent t iesa eory ofIhie Ille, tisat I fend a foul bourose! \Was It lont lle euarn- islam of tisaI suparni ibssem rihiais ha nt gainiet, aller miauy yeare, lu Paratise? Ahi, thiesa oit(-,cars nîey not ha as kean as caca tisey wanc', but, straugar, rihan I Loieut tisaI rose, I bas-t iebursi cf music. Il was tisaI olix'iolln pleying "The Roeaof Allen- Tise ietnimets-opolitei a ai ona lîttas tocs uo los hre. Fnom arery dlime tiey dama, tisa Tnrk, tisa Portuguesýe, tisa, Spaniard, tie Norwegian, tise Swiss, tise hitisa Asietie, flicïiiskyAfniaan. Lonton raciras îcisem ahI, antd, aies for tisa tiffiaulty of wusa alms- gîiuig, elarves eeme. Many e foreigner secake goît, and fints buta grave en Tînmes- sitle. Tiare le a prefount paths, an e cl as a causa for marreb eut pride, lunlise lIbonglit cf tise fer ente oftise earth gather- Sit ot Ont City, of Nations.1 àIGTI 1G A ADWOLF. ~~~~~m' BagresIsss igeaetn aaewMx irait Hlorse. My room livas ýat tise eud ef a long hall. I asfaiiaiir witievery crook and turu ablout the b lote aind didu't ncad a iligist, -se Jp sdinito my room and1(11closed tise d(oor. It oourred to mne thien te take a 1mks ,(el" aro-und in the dark ande fould a cigar, andl striick a miatch te lighit il. Thse next inlute I t1link vyen Coliu ld havekuocked ime - dn ithi a fe:athe r. Awey dow lu tise dalne uder týie bed twe oflery ceshilone ont likabutingcolejust for tis-abrief momren't that t ,ialimatcli was bluriug and then i- wno ut. Baera I iedtime te tiik the cre-atuire was ulou mie, and was spign t my iront, tise mopt savage anlii iimaJ hd ver amet. I felt rather than -lw iat it wae. Thie creatura wa a wolf, auid it wsas mad. Several aimîais afUîctccd wili hydropio. hie_ had been sean luintise neighiborhiood d ur. jing lie past few monthes. There le neo ani- mal moru formlidable thani a Wolf whu it liasý rallie,and1Ikniew with whnat 1 isad 10o ,I cfend. 1 ivndIte truggle with a,-,large woIf shiut up ii, lua rk room, anid iat wisen the elightest woundf fromite tshalzrp teeth mn crtai andhorrible death to me. \As it camIe terne firel I thirew out iimy bauids, and( by soinse good fort une bappýeued tio stÉrJike fis .1ck. I get liisoiy lbauds about ifs thront andl maoag,_ed te hlold it away from My face, buttt ws ah that I could do. is ua nrveus, I suppose, aud the wolf was fer str onger than il would have been .auder ordiuary circumetauces.ý The frotis ivis drJipig frein its iinouth and flew into m;y face ai it etriîggied. It was tise meet desperata strnggle of my Ilfe, just te bold thali welf aîd keepV it froma my'face and ibiroatd, et whiich if cousfauatly leaped in tise mlosi fusionis mne.Ail the limae, frem the., io st il sreg t me first, ir had bane2 sisouîiuýg ;eud caliigaet the top of mny v olte. iae wes vcryv litîile hope of doing eM)y god (with If , as ltie servanits were tee fer ayaud my r joom wns on tise opposite s;ide of tUe b, ouse from ithieir i [aters ; but tisat liwas v-ery Ceidenit thesi I cenldnlit let go tiiy- hold feor ninstat If weejuet as avi- deiat 1htI culdn't hold eut thiis wnLy long, andý tîsat nuiles help came aftar awbila my st rýngIl wenld eventnehly give wey, and tise welf I)inld tear niy tisreat, as it wes strugg- llng f,in(te do. Aud hew loug de yen th lik thlis kept np? Fer two heure, for twe muortailiheurs býy tise ock. I stood tisera, flgbting fjgor nIylife with thet savage welf, ani. sisent tug for help every msoment of tise dîe.A undýreçi limes I theuglit my stringth wsgene, aud that my arm \%ould snreýy sink down powerlase tise neXt myoopiut, land yet Ialwaye menagfed te hold 1lest, juest as I was almost in complete de osIreneof tise saen te wes aroused by my cntiuedsheuting, and camne rnning wl Il hie gu1n uhi baud. I mauaged te liold flic welf until ha made a ligisI, and thein I held hlm wisile flie man put tise (Izl f [lis gun againet tise wolf's hcad and(l k'illad ]hîm as deed ns Hector. And than I "ntote my sister's romr and hed a speil cf oselething Ilint would have bean hiysteric:- if L ad been a wemnn. Being a n tilwas nothing but a case of narrons china ail1 BOWMAN vILE Headquarters in West Durham for FI-NE, Dinner and Tea, Sets,. Chinaware., Glassware, Orockery, Hall, ?arlor and Hand Lamps, Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, Water and Lem onade Sets, etc OUR FA-MILY GROOERY & ROVISIONi .L. alaswl uplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm Produceý Leading Seedsrnen, in the district. Always pleased to show goocts. InSDectiOn sollcited MURDOCH BROS. Vico oria Buildings, Bowmavill.2 HAINES' GARRIAGE WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUYACTURER 0F- OARRIAGESe SLE1GH8. GUTTERS2 WAQOHïSý &OC KING STREET. B-OWMAN VILLE 110w on hand a nuinher of vehloles land la manufaottiring a great many more or lates, Patteras and best finish, whloh 1 arn h rn o sl tielwetrc osstent wlth due regard 10 workmansihip adqnaliy heflolng t îOt u 1he prinoipal vhse mn6trd brme Double Covered Carrnages ...................................$l.........850UpWand single FhoetonS ................................ ........... .... o) i . 0pen Buggy...................................... 70 1T op Buggy....................................... g Demorat Wagon ................ ..................65 E umber Wagons.. ý.............. .................. Light Wagon ........................................................40 E xpress Wagon .................................. ................... 1 1S a-eleton ............................................ .................. 5 tS .lky.................................................................... 1 po ýsslng supardor faclities for manufacting 13r]l,I 'ntend to sl, r bapfor Cashs 1a proved cgecit and byso d tgIhope u rtlyfre Y nbr f W% sel1 he' oparSly o t1 gearluge of buggies troned.. .Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired, At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmied If Deulred. itise Factory I aise do Planang, MatcàajTairraî n nS -g"'ia ni aor F, Saws, and prepare ail kinds of lumiier for Carpen.tegrs nd othe r orbuildin.g prpades Ornamnenaland Plain Pickets for fonces In every stYl eomired. made to order 1 PIMP The Old ESod, Shack. for Infants and Children. gCa4w ao wefladzpted tocbfdeta atacrsCle Irecommieud it as aUpetjqr to an y p eci ou r Stomacis. Diarrhoea, EructatiocU. âaown t mc,." H.IA. Ac=,n M. D., ias..Worms, gives saleep, and promotes l.. lu sBo. Oxford st', Brooklyn, N, . Y.1 à rn mdotoi ETnUmR neCOMPNYe, 7,7 Mueray Street, NZ. Y. FOR SALE 13' J. HUGGINBOTHTAM & S;'ON, BOWMNANVILLE. 1