______________________________ I I I Tf ake Note. My Watt Papers are special. Patterns beautiful, and prices right. r'aper hung at 8 cts.rper roll. No TROU BLE TO SHOW 9c-C : 0fl Full Stock of WIHDOW SHADES. P. TREBILCO CK. BôwxÂNviLLEc, AuGOUsT 12, 1891. '.After, me the deluge, was a saying of $ir John's, aud it has corne sure enough âlid without deiay. The revelations at Ottawa go on apace, and if ail the irregularities are to be in- vestigated this session, the members may get home for Christmas. Canada will have from twenty to thirty Millions of husheis of grain for expert, nald that wiil mean many millions of dollars ini circulation this faîl. If the ministers were very anxious o <',%id in the inquiry" into the Langevin- MoGreevy scandai they wouid not have Instructed Mr. Osier to keep Mr. M. Connollyoff the witness stand.' Michael miust know a great deai about the doings of himself and partners. No youug mni should hesitate to be put on the voter's ist frorn the f ear that lhe iùay be taxed on bis income, if it is unider $600 per annum. Alincome upto that amount is exempt from taxation un- der the Statute of Ontario. Anyone who is of the age of 21 years, and earning $300 R year mnay vote, and net bave te psy one cent., The Canadiani farmer who is more of a business man than a philanthropist wili bear with pleasure that far-m produce wil ~at last reacb a fair value. For several years grain in Ontario bas ruled low-ex- cept barley in 1888-and not oniy waa the price alrunken but the yield amail. This year the crops are extremeiy large in al grains, and withbig prices and consequent- ly fat pockets the country wili bound forward with new euergy. What a hollow sham the loyalty cry of he Tories is in face of the corrup tion that has obtained under Tory administration for ton years past. They bave been loyal only se far as it would keep thein in office, for eut of officc, as Mr. Laurier said the other day, they wouId ha no more loyal than they were in 1849. The jobbery and corruption already uuearthed during the preseut session at Ottawa brandls our fair Dominion as the moat cerrupt nation un- der heavento-day. 'Loyaity should begin at borne. It has leaked out thatthe special con- signment of Canadian eggs sent to Eng- land iast autumn, for the purpose of test- ing the valuae of that market, was bought upby Sir Charles Tupper, no doubt with money provided for the purpose by the Canadian geve-rnment. 0f course good !.he, names of a large number of prornin- eutpeeple, it is sai, wiil be implicated, and. the, revelations are likeiy te cause a bigger sensation than anytlting, that bas yet4,eety divuëýà. If Conservativss are net humiliated by te revelâtiens of the Iast few weekg ut Ottawa, we should really like Vo know what kiud cf wroug-doiug Would cause thein te feel ashamied. A mernber cf Parliamient sÈated in the flouse last Tuesday that te investigations now beiug beld at OVVawa, shewed a state ef things that could find ne parallel eut- aide the City ef New York. Caniadisus may well blush over the cal- dron cf corruption that the investigations made by te flouse of Cemmeus bave te- veaîed at Ottswa where it bas beeu shewn that frein the highest Vo the lowest offic- iais in some Goverument departinents misappropiiatien cf public funds bas pro- vailed Vo an asteuuidiug degree. Before te evening cf the 19th century ends, Euglaud snd Canada will bie under LiberaI rule. Corruption permestes every departiùîènt cf the Dominion Goverumeut sud the downfall is at baud. In Eugiand Liberals bave won eigbteeu seats since the asat general electien. It is evideut Glad- stone's heur is near at baudaise. Hon. Mn. Laurier ennncisted the doc-t trine on wbicbi the Literai party in Can- ada base their policy the othen day un at sentence. He said: 1'there is ne restrict-1 ion Vo te power giveu by England Vo Canada te settie bier înterests in the ligbt ef bier best judgmet-tbe ouîy lunit to Cauada's igbt is Canada's intenest. " That's genuine loyaity; just sncb priviloge as any sensible parent would give Vo bis son. The W. D. News bas net eue word ofî denunciation of the beodie brigade at1 Ottawa, btut ne honest Conservative who bas the sligbtest regard for bis country's hoîter, bis country's credit or bis couutny' interest wiil aloew partizanship Vo blindt bim whou te great issue is bonost or dis-. bonesttmntagement cf public affairs- bonest Reformens sud honoat Couservative must "pool thýir issues," aud consent te siuk ail other diffeences until the bood-1 lers bave been cieaned out root anda braucb.t Mn. G. Frankland, a well known Tor- onto cattie dealer, recoutly sold un te Metropolitan market, London, England, several Cauadiau-fed steers at even 15 cents a pound, dnessed beef. The cattief competod in oeeof te beit sud iargestt markets in the weld against Engýlisit, Irish sud Scotcb-fed stock, aud receiveds the bigbest pice paid in the market, Thiese steers weigbed seine 1,400 lbs. dead, or 800 its dressed, and, cf course, soldt for $125 a-piece. Mr. Frankland submits' frotu this that if Canada desires a profit-t able sud, permanent trade witb this greatc country the eue true sud ouiy safe plan ist te make a usine for noV only cattie, but sheep as well.t Thene was a big î'ow un the Sonate com- - mittoe ou railways asat week wheu the' Baie des Chaleurs nalway bill came up. Walter Barwick, cf Toronto, represent- iug the. estate cf McFanlane, a contracter on te nead, charged that eut of the $283,.- 000 subsidy received from the Quebec gev-0 ernmeut, $100,000 was devoted to peliti- ' cal purpeses. Hie was proceoding Vo ssy that an additioual $75,000 was givon fer some other purpose but the hubat iu the committee cnt hum short. There seems te be au errer un Mr. Barwick's statomeutr because hoe said that eut of the sutsidy, $68,000 was paid te workrnen, Mr. Arm- - strong, the. contracter'not baviug paid their wages. ,Mn. Armstrong te contract- er, said ho had received $175,000 frein te cempany. These Vwo amounts weuidc make $243,000, loaving oui>' $49,000 Vo bo accouuted for. IV was decided te post t pono final action on the bill, whicb bas already passed the Ilouse cf Comuions, under Mr. Currau's charge, until tee statemeuts' made by Mn. Barwick cati be investigated. 1Principl1e, conscieilce, _purity, loyalty--r in higit office at OtVawaho wouîd be sont to peuitentiary, aud yot tho wiilon ber- mtopbnodite News endorses al cf titis ter- rible robbory cf public moueys. Minard'a Liniment curez Burns, &-c. The saying that as the old bird sings the young bird learus, finds exemplification un the present McGreevy iuquiry. ln bis examination the other day Laforco Lau- gevin, the son of Sir Hector, said lie' thought it was quite the thiug for Goûveru- meut centractera Vo belp itg members with money in their eloctieus. No doubt IàQ learned, this doctrine of 'Tory moràlity from the father who first obtained iiotor- iety in this kînd of work by getti ng e 320. 000 of Sir Hugh Alian's Pacific scandai money, for the disbursement of wbiebl he refused Vo account te any eone. It looks as though Nlorth Amierica wiîi this year rehieve the world from estsrvatien sud that wheat sud rye wiIl commiand a price double that reached last yoar. The wheat crep of the -Canadian Northwest will be enormeus, sud, sold at'fziiine prices, will pour millions of dollars jute the country. The eue great cause for the bigh price prophezied is the coemplete failure of the Russian crop-a failure s0 marked that it is estimated that instead of cempetiug with America aud India in supplyiug tbe world'sa market witb w heat Russas will actually require Vo imiport 150,000,000 bushels of wheat snd rye Vo relieve the peasants freinactual starvat ion. The inquiry before te Public Accounts couittee is being busbed. Se long as the committeo confined itself Vo investig- ating the irregularities whicb concerned= the clerks of the dopartinonts, te Gev- erninent allowed it te preceed buitimi- mediately it began Vo take evidence as te the cuipability ef its ministors, Mesrs. Fester sud Chaplean. ministera tbeinselves arose sud objected, sud called upon their supporters, who form a majority cf the Commission, Vo vote-down any fit-ber dnetaid. Mr. Cbsleauirecnly dechethat insigM.Clation un tatdi ectio, wic they ministers wero in a différent positien f rein ether public employees, sud their doiugs must net be iuvostigated aftor fthe samne mauner. Where is Sir John Thompson;- since the burking began ho, like Brer Rabbit, is 'iying low anàd aiu't sayiu' nuffin.-M ontreai Wîtuess. The W. D. News should understand that the Reformera cf Canada are mierely the brothers, sous, fathers, nephews, friendsansd ueigbbors cf the Couserv- atives cf Canada. Each political party bas, or ought te bave, the saine interest in securiug honest GDvernmerit. The prop- erty sud interests cf ConservaVives and1 of Refonmers are jepordizod wheu pulbi affairs are rnismanagod, wheu theo publie; reasury is robbed sud when dishon-Iest or incapable mten are kept in office.- Row utterly absurd it is therefore for the News snd other journalistic apoligiste of Lang- ovin, Baggart, Dewdney, McGreevy & Co. te appeal te home Conservatives Vo. Cash for eggs atWest End flouse. Hat found. Ask M. A. JAmEs about Crash ceats sud vens selling off at haif price at Couda Johusten & Crydermau's FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance RoBT, VîlTltrs, Agent, Bowmanville. t f. Piip ana Edger bas somobhiig pretty for farnors te see at their "Veicle Hos- pital.,, Genuine. asie of summer goods now going on at Couch Johnston & Cryder- man's. Keep cool b>' weaing titose Flannel coats sud rests at Couch Jobuston & Cryderman'à. Ail paper bougitt nt Sherin & Kirby's wili be trimmed free of charge b>'te best sud latent mmpreved trimmer, "Wauke. gan. Morris' Carniage Worka in one of the bus>' places in town. Tbey have a great rush of werk on baud-sud new orderu are comiug In aplendidi>'. 85 Reward for Information titat wil iead te thte conviction cf any poraon de- facing or otberwise damaging auy cf Ma- son'a advertising signs. We want eveny one cf our aubscriben. Vo geV lthe PFAriznv ERALD) 3 mos. free b>' sending us 25c. for the STATESMAN three montits for a friend. MiDi «l'a Liniment relieves Neuralgia. This Is To Remind You That The Best, And Cheapest Line Of Goods In The Market To-day Is, Found With Us. V~A..RIET~Y K ENNER BROS., S, T A T 0 N R FL&LL THE IFIRESIDE WEEKLY PRIZE PICTORIÂL PUZZLE: _______________TUIS 18 THE PUZZLE: KEAD, 17.iiir ALLANRUN TI\E-VVe. ROYAL MAI~L STB.&MSHIPS, 1 0 7r(T-ýý Proposqed iIMg S.ubjf CC ag iLiver>S.I. q<I ued mMonrea1 Service. ~-:'Q 4v'-' Put- f r7,,-... .......... 1f :' ' X ' -2'îI,'-....... I-- - -' -----------, e - ý ýae hhi - 1~ f -. il t t d'sr ,i-4 th, ehlbt.imeýf the 1ic' f, "i - fi-j t i,-sr,-j.-s eil--,1,-llbe ,Vef,,.va 11Mat e,,and ahi b(,~ j - n- 'r,;.11,yi - ,r-, ,t, .,. N , c,,, a-" îI. h. een o t he 1er-ky subscribersil sE&L 1 1 -1,îI t 'h- 'i, 1,'l,- ht,', , l , r-'s e"te, %r.dthe pîutt ,swiillbe Iorwarded fort C-, oe f -k t' -ki ,-- tiu-0r't l'e correctly read tesecure a pr-iza, and nie- tl-i' îubreriplIozi 1icaI' womjnp a cah e-e aniissd solutionsmulit be sent Fo that one- lo,!ality niY ,ot have a, v ai,'a,îtep-e ar L; ,cLther. If yen v'ielate L'et a @amaple cci] freni your newsÉessler, or Eeec bc. te tihe c1là e and a cc py iuili be sent you by reture mati. -THE CANADIAN FIRESIDE WEEKLY. 9 Adelaide Street West, Toront keep tnose tncttvîuuals in power. Thne first cane cf te patriotic eleetor slteuld be ,Tbe New Yort sud Paria Young Lidies' that noue but bonest sud capable meni are Fashion Bazar for September is a spieudid are piaced un office sud that public number full cf lte latest fatitions sud servants who bave violated teir trusta coutains some excellent articles ou sut- shouid te prouiptl.>' unned eut. jecta whieb ever>' eue sitouid nead. Lad- ____________________ les, send 25 cents Io Geo. Munro, 17 le Mn. owatbasteeuin pwer 27 Vandewa.er St.,- New York, fer a %amn- twenty years uow; who over hieard of i cp boodilers or scandlais under bis adminis- Great interet is uiow taken in"lA Trip ratiou ?asks te Hamilton Turn-es. 'Piere te Alaeka," b>' Dr. Victoria Scotsud wss a grTeat bowl atout linge fraude irý the Emil>' J. Bryant, in PIIANÉ ELi's carryînLr eut cf te coutractsu for te drec- POPULARÉ MONT11LY for August. The art. tien cf the new iParliamient Buildings. icie la prof usely illusîtra ted. Other bigiti> The Toronto Empire tvas te author of interesting iiiuetrated articles in titis te eutcry, sud titroug thVie circulation cf number'are: "Dowu te St. Lawrence on te story tat te Commissioner of Pu~blic a Raf t," ty J. J. Bell;; "Mediieval Epi- Wonks bad been guilty of gross inalver.3a- demie, by Joe1 Bouton; "The Older Boa- tien caused a great deal cf aik inu ViteIsat ton," teliig cf au aiscient Englisit town Ontario electoniai campaigu. Wblen te frein wiih caimete feunders of our new Houae met, Hou. C. F. Fraser, te "lut"; '*A. Maagassy Man," b>' Lient. Minister slaudered, confronted Mrl. Sitnfeidt, U. S. N. ; "Wemen as Iuvent- Creigitton, M. P. A., te manager cf te ors," t>' Frances Stevens-, " A Black Empire, with a complote denial te thitala- Giaut," au interestingi>' toid stor>' cf iow legatieus of bis papor. He weut furthier ateam engluas are rni; sud Neliy Hart sud ssked titis respensible ConservaVive Woodwertb centributea another of ber agent Vo formnuiste bis charges sud pro- cbarming bird articles. Titere are six coed te support thon b>' evidence. -Mn. short stonies, 5besides an exciting inatai'.- Creigitton sud bis associates sat t dumt.'meut cf te serial, "Joehn Maggs, Bartan- Titein silence witen dared VoaVite preef was ian," sud several pretty poees. a confession tat te ster>' was a siandter The Anena for Auguet preseuts ne less nsanufactured for campaigu purposes.Vhugperfonepeet Wit a centrast is titis incident tote t n eigit leadin aesfrmepsnt revlatansýwhchhave fer weeks been atîve thinkers among wonien cf Amertci reveltian kwbiitasd Europe, discussiug political, eda-ca- dail>' made regarding te admistration cf te Public Wonks Departutent at Otawa. tional, social, oseeologicai, ecouemnic, sud ______________________ centific thernaes, togetiter with two liter- ary papere, oee b> Miss Amelia B. Ed- Escit number ofte Rzviw cor REV- warde, te titer, 5'Old Hickory's Bahl," iEws centaine an extended iist of portraits by Miss Will Allen Dromngooie. "Wbere cf men sud women cf conttrtuporary in- Shall Lastin-g Progrese Begin ? b>' Eliza. tereat, sud tefertbcomiug Angust nuin- betit Cady Stanton. "Iudividualîty ýin ber will be quite np Vo te standard iu Education,," by Prof. Mary L. Dickinson; titis respect. Thte reader wbo tuvs and "Psycbic Experiences," by Sans A. keepo te copies cf te RBviw0e R R- Uuderwood; -Working Womeu cof To. viEws wiii fiud biniself sccumnulatiug a day," b>' Helen Campbell; ý"A Decade cf portrait gallon>' of an exceedingi>' inter- Retr>'gression,' by Florence Kelle>' Wis- esting citaraeter. cbnewetzk>'. Rev. Minet'J. Savage re- plies to Fraucia Belamny's defence cf Na- TEE NNEw CANAISiAN MAGAzIN.-CaiV ionalien in a briliiaut, witty, sud ver>' adiate literar>' Monthlies have been short- able paper.eiaitled *'The Tyranu>' of Na- lived ; tut CANADA, te new eue dollar tionliien." 'R. B. Hasseil presents te magazine, bas evidenti>' come te stay. cause of te Farinera' Alliance lu bis pa- Since ià was started in Jauuary, it bias per ou "Thse Independent Pari>' sud enîarged sud inproved witit ainest ever>' Moue>' at Ceat. - issue. Being tnoadly national sud titor-_________ ougiti> patrioe, it drsws its subscribers fron al ever te Dominion. Its artic'.es Farinera onrtreshers wsuting s tarrel are short sud bright sud ail b>' Cauadimii Of test machine oil ver>' cieap cali at writera or oit Canadisu titemes. Ta tit6se STATESMAN offica. We bave tbree bat- wbo remit eue dollar tefera Sept. ILat, rlais for sale, ite pstiisies wiil send CANAA î,for For 25 cents TniE STATESMÂN and ie eighteen month-f rom Jul>', 1891, Vo FAmiLy HzRALD sund WEEKLY STAR cf Dec., 1892. Acdidess,. "Canada," Benton, Montreal wil te sent to an>' address for Èew Brunswick. 3 menthe. Sutacnibe to-day. The ATLANTIC MONTHLY for August bas ARE YOU DEÂF or do you sufer frem senial atonies t>' Mra. Catbenwood sud noisles Iu the beadi Tien enmd E cent stamp Mn. Stocion. Henry' James coutnibu tesansd I1'will seud a valuable trestise couîainuug a shrt soryentitied "Thte Marriagea"; full partieul@rs ,for home cure whicb costa s shrt ien' comparativali' uothing. A splendid work ou Mn. John C. Ropes bas au excellent pa. deafuessansd the car. Addre3s PROP. G. per ou Genenal Siterman; Editit M. Thon-. CLASE. Moutreal. 06 as wtites exqnisite "Notes fron te Wild Gardon"; Oliver Titorue Miller in 'lTwe LittVie Dnummers"treats in ber ususi way i n I.i te yeiiow.beliied sud red-iteaded wood- Dom11.'iio Lie peckers; Miss Hanniet Waters Preston sud Misa Lousie Dodge under te title cf Royal Mail Steamships A dispated Cornespendence, diactîsa 'wie- 1>' sud deiigittfully te lettens witich are Lverpool Service. SatUngz Dates. sai t hvepaBe btwenSeneça sud SANI Fron Meutreal From Quebec said V have a..ed.et.eeuWed. Juli' 291h- te Apostie Paul; Agîtes Repplier conitxi- OREGON....... ..Au, 2th.----- butes a brigitt paper on "'The Oppression TORONTO ...... 1th- - '; sd W D.McCrcksa d A NCOU VER.. Sat., 22th Sun. Aug. 23 cf No)tes' n . .MCaca m SARNIA .....Wed. Sept. 2nd----- cites effectivel>' Six Centuries ef Se4lfz LABRADOR ........::ý, 9h Governint in Swîtzernud. Hougbjtqçm ORGON.... ".. 1t Mifflin & Ce., Boston. VANCOUVER. .Sat. "261h Sun. Sept. 27 RATES OF' PASSAGE. Coucit Jobuston & (Jrydenman's awàys Montreal or Queber-, $15, $60, $70, sud $80; la. olean out their stock at lte end of hs tenmediate $30, Steerage $20 seamn ud ite' wll ou inegooa caeee1 Secure ai information aud tielcets for ans' seasn ad tey illsellfan godaceno 1 art of Canada from M. A. JAmgS. StealiBhip tnsu yen can u>' ytrau eewnere. , &geDt, nvwnlnvltUv i verpool. Steamship. - ralQuebee, July 16 elrcmesia'.A\ug 1 Aug 2 30 Sardinian. 11 1, A iug 6 .,m0ugoia..... 2 Sept :1 Sardinian .... 13 20 17 Paa4aan ....Oct Oct 4 2J 24 Nuümiian .... 14 Oct 1 Cicamlan .... 17' 1 8 Sardinian.. .1 24 25 ý4Gwk: 15 'Mongolian. yV 4 22 Panisian..... 7 Nov 8 29 'NZui1dîsu .... 1 SNov 5 circasen6... 21 22 Li releivedi the secon i Mates or Fassag.-mEentiral tatt Queiec e~~~~ ccne alservie during the Cbnt onodryo Liverpool by S, S. 1 1frsix aud $150 Returu. By other Steamshipe $100, nt by mail, $45. $50. $55 sud 96> Single, $99, $95, ý1 suad py buy one $115 Returu. Aecordlng te accommodation. Cbitdren 2 te 12 years. hait fane, under 2 yeare, itO*.free. M. A. JâmES. agent, Bownauville. beg to announce to the people of Bow- manvle and surrounding country, that 1 have bought out the Tin and HEar- ness Business formerly carried onI by L. GEO QUCK, and intend to carry en the same business in the same place. Any person requiring anything in either ulne will do wett, to give me a cati and compare prices before buying etsewhere. «You may be. sure of getting good goods at right prices. Eavetroughing done away down Particular attention given to furnace work. We would be pleased to refer you to some of the foliowing who have had furnaces lu for years, and can speak of their qualities :- J. B. Fairbairný Esq., Thos. Paterson, Esq., Si1m'1 McConnachie, Esq, Francis Bleakley, Esq., John McCle]lan, Esq, J. J. Mason, Esq., John McMurtry, Esq., J. A. Johnston, Esq., Mrs. D. Galbraith, Mrs. Moorcraft. P. S.ý-We stili have the reliable Hamphrey in the Harnes Business Change in Buàiness. ltaving bctught eut John Alii's intenest in te business earried on b>' Cawker & Allin I will aili carry on te business un ail its branohes. 1 an tbankful Vo our numerous findsansd patrons for te literaI patronage we have receivcd lunte past, sud respectfuily aak for a conttinu- suce oftheo saine, witich b>' strict attentien Vo business sud keeping te test stock te market produces I shall aVili strive te, menit. My intentions are Vo give special ad- veuVages to "spot cash" customers. AI, accounts wil te rendered montiti>, sud if net settled wititin 30 days afror beiug nendened, ipterest wil te charged on te sani eatte rate of eue per cent. per mentit. The profitseivill be reduced so iow tat te customers wil receive te tenefit t>' paying cash. I feel confident freinte benefit te public will neceive t>' payiug cash sud- sbortening ite credit system that 1 &htal ho encouraged b>' yonr coutinued patron. age wblith wiIi te thantkfuii>' received. Casai paid for eggs, bides, Vallew, sbeep- ekins, etc. C. M. CAWR.ER. Bowmanvilie, June 10, 1891. CONSITLT YoUR NEiliol.-Any oe ma>' find ont juat what Bundocit Biood Bittera lnansd does b>' sskiug s neigittor who bas tried if. It ranci>' faila in mak- ing a compiote cure ef dyspepsia, cousuni- ption, sick beadacite, tilionanessud diseaises cf te stomacit, liven, towelaï,sud Wiood. LAND AND VILLACE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN HTAMPTON. 46kacres of land and three dwelling bouses. The whole wlll be sold in block or In parcele to suit purchasers. as follows; PAItCELNo. 1,-10k. acres on whýleh are a good orchard of about 100 cohoic5'>%ppe trees I n bearing, a first class frame 1à&in.,rey bouse of 11, rons and closet. bard 4nd soft water, andshdsd driving shed, istable for four homses, and drivlng bouse. uew cattie bouse, piggery &o. 21x2t wlth hay 1oft over. A very choie varlety of fruit Iu large quantities apples. pears, plaims, cherries, over 20 grape vines, five varieties, five or six choloe vsrietie of berries aud other smail fruit, PMtCEL No. 2-251 acres of land, a good trameocottage, 6rmoins, summer kitchen. lbard snd eoft water, a amati barn, uew, a lot of choice fruit Iu the garden apples, peare, plume cherries, grapes etc. PÂsicEL NO. 3-101 acres ou whlch are good, dwelliug. new barn 50x30 buit last summer. fruit trees sud a sood Weil. the laud la good sud under good etate of cuit! vation, If not sold it willt be reuted thia fait for a terni of yearB. For ternis etc. apply to'the ownver. CAPT. 1IL H. BUNT, Hampton. 32-51n. e.o.w, F AM FOR SALE. -rbe estate orte lae Mrs. Xvery, contaiig 50 acres, be- iug compoaed of the S. W. quarter of lot 10 lut the 2nd- conf. of the township of Pickering, frouting Kington road. 4j miles from tlte towu of Whitb%"y sudlil miles froni Pickeri=. village. Good soul, good buildings sud every couvenieuce. This le very desirable property-. Title ludisputahie, For furtber particulars soply on the premise3 Vo A. A. Poar. County Architeot, Whltby.1 14w* -OR SALE OR RENT.-House sud FJL li acres for sale or Vo 'reut. aituate on scugog atreet north. The premises constt cf a Rood bouse with cvery convenlence, dM"'ing shed, stable, etc. -Tue arden containiv2« cfo the choiceat fruit of ail variaties. 1nfie âte poseOion ean be giveri, For srticulars apply tOV. FîssMGil. aBQwmanville Onit. 19tf ary, goodwatereas.y acees to market, achoolg. etc. APPlY to AXI'Uar & CuIAMBERS, t4len,. boro, Lvi=, 5-tf. m1Itit!R'M 1*lAI uî meWIn- la isUàncllF sulefies, ýü any otiters, ait aoi>etll.ng toute snd fsr)lfiter. j t Sàisfactio, Giararitee-1 in Evec sale, And YThose Who ,Are Most Difficult TO Please We Feel Confident Wili Thisi v I