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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1891, p. 5

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THE BEST The value of SAItSÂPÂRILLA (Smilax Officinaiis) as a Tonie aiterative and Dia-1 pIioreCie in no universally aoknowledged aiMto need no proof. People often require Ilûmething to tone up their system, some- thing whichi wili act as a B1.OUD PURIFIER &R thèq'y say. It being granted that SÂRt- WPÂRrlaâ la undoubtediy benefiiai, the Qaly question in whlch f Is à" boat î While not advising every ouf . jEter fromIn mpurity of the biood and its atteiaçlflt ailments, Cutaneous Eruptione, iChrýonia Rheumatism, Srofula, &c , to try aU the preparations advertised, we oniy pUk for f air investigation and wil mail a pamnphlet, giving the chief therapeutic -faotsand full directions in regard to treat- tuont and the use of 1~AIMAI'S ARSA PARILLA to an> address, on application M_ >Umw immimL and guarantee unquestionable ameliora- týon if tha directions are adhered, to The WINDSOR Mfg. Co. ,P.0. Drawer ý2050. Montreal, P.Q. JURY, The Druggist THRINKS TELL TOUR that if he wants to go to Maniitoba or, il lie wants to send. any person there, the beet place to purchase tickets is STOTT & JU RY'S Drug S tore--The Grand Trun-k and Canhdian Pacifie wiii mun special ex- cursion trains to ali points in Manitoba- Aug. 4-11-4-8 snd Sept. let. RETURN FARE $28. Get full particniars at STOTT & -àURY'S DRUG STO RE. N.,B.-LADIES' should try Stotte .Jury's Llghtnling Fly Powder-it kilis ai the Ë in a room in les& than 1 hour. Are you sharp) enough to see too nmis takes in speiling in this paragraf, if a, uend 9cts. ini stamps to the 4edical Ad viser, Bowmanviiie, and they wiil sen, you for ths balance of this year onec ~the mot valuable Journals (16 pageE that has ever entered 'Your home. Two weekiypapens 3 moutlis for 25c. See offer. The Saturday evening concerts o! the Baud are veli atteuded. Try your skill on the Fireside Weekiy puzzle in another columu. A lot of summer dross goodes seling off at haif prioe ai Couch Johueton & Cryder- man's. Rev. D. M. MeIntosh preached two ex- cellent sermons in St. PauI's chunch on Sabbath. Whitby people have endomsed a prop- osition to devoîop the natural gas fields near that tovn. Send Tiff STÂTEam.&x 3 months to a friend sud get the FÂmily HERÂLD 3 mos. for yoursell, all for 25c. Mr. Thos. Payne in able te get round again with the aid of crutches. The lu- jured foot aeems to be heaiug veil. The surplus vheat for sale lu the North West le expected to bring $15,000,000 ln- -to that country at 75 cents per bushel. .The churches vere very thinly attended on Sabbath evening, owlng to the atorm, whith vs very hosvy just as the church- es congregated. The ohools in the cities tovus sud incorporated villages, viii open ou the st Monday lu August, sud those of the rural districts ou the, third Monday iu Auguat. Did you see the rky an Sunday nîýht? about eight o'clock, sfitbm the storsam had speut, the whole western heaveus seemed to bai on fine. It vasa grand sight, but lu 2ô minutes it pansed away, Mr. Thuc. Stacey o! Bluavai,, Huro6E Co., ha. sent to his brother John sample o! fali vheat grovu on hi. farm the heads measurnqg6j luches long, aud tiie berry very large sud piump. Word has arrived from Mr. M. Tmelevei from Stratton, Cornwall, Eng. H. ha( a delightful voyage, neyer mtssed a mes aud hie appetite was almost raveutous The ses, breezes vili toue any mnuup, Our reeders wili be pleased to Iear, )1that bMr. Nathan Horn vho vas so se, iously iujured by the fslliugof o the houi Jat the organ factory isncJoiug niceiy ethough it is impossible to say vhat tiib Tpermanent in3ury viii bai. il of es) GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂNVILLE STATION~. iGOING EAST eoiiae WEST plfffenger...4a~ Mai........ 555 am EXxpress ..10JMa mLocal ....827r6 m 31ixedi. 323piviEBpress* ...937 a n Local .....70p mi Med .... 8.23p im nal,. :lpm1iMai.. ..... 827p nm ExCepMondays. BOWMA&NVILLEC, AuGUST 1-2, 1891. Local and Otherwisel. 25cý-STÂTESMAN and IRALD-3 MOS. Satùrday was the hottest day of the year e0 far. Sunday night's storin did great damage eouth of Lake Ontario. Over 1300 faim hande from Ontario are harvesting in Manitoba. M. A. James has one of berit niue-room bouses in town to enti, New Parasols seiiing off at cost at Couch Johnston & Cryderman 's. Chas. Cliffe was defeated in the et- Ions for North Brandon by 173 votes: Mr. D. H. Lent, ýB. A., ia the new Sci- -ence Master ol Porb Hope Rlgh Schooi. Miss'Jessie Keachie enterlained a num- ber o! hier youngS friends to a iawn paty last week. Rcv. D. F. Geai of Newcastle viii oc~- -cupý the puipit in the Mqthodist church eiext Sunday moning and eveniug. Sophie Handock St Faimbank ib is nor found wask 'lied bya bnlst;deepest mystery stili enveiops this terrible tradegy. Cail at Phiip & Edger's to see the new Iinproved Road Cat-just the thing. Something entimely new snd very cbeap, too. The man found floatinq in the river 4iear Pickering bas been identified as Mr. Kartie, a Conishman, who formerly lived In Peterboro. We stili continue to seli watches,clocks, jewelry, siiverwame, &c.. 25 per cent lower than our competitors. 1Call sud compare urices. Hurrahi for Qrimsby Park and Niagara Falsa Thursdiay Aug. 2th.' Cheap rates, tickets good for two days, pienty of time nt Niagara and SanP, Joues at Grimsby. See posters snd ask G. T. R. Agents. There w eme over 250 on the wharf Tues- day evening iutending to excurt with the "Steinhof' on the lako. The steamer was timed to bci here ai 7 p.m. but did mot put in an appearance till 10.20 p.m. Saine fty went on bosrd who arrived ýI >ack here the following xoring at 2 s. s. ' While the families of Mr. H. C. Tait aud M. J. B. Martyn were holding their regulat Thumsday afternoon outing at the beach Master Willie Tait lipped Into the vater off the pier wheme the water la about four feet deep. He had sunk twice sud vas going down the third tine wben res- cued by Mlisa Matyn. I~~da Lii ~f~,sale everywhere. i i ,As au instance of the neputation for turulng out satisfsctomy work anjoyed by John J. Magon lu connaction vith his Watcii sud Jeveiny Department vs vere showu vatches sont to hlm froin British Columbia sud Manitoba for repaire. Mr. S. S. Edsail bas beau awarded the c,3ntract for putting lunove Pease fumu- sces lu the Newcastle Higli School. Mr. Edzail undetatnds tiioroughly the pîso- ing o! fumuaces sud suy sncb vomit en- truisted to hlm viii be propemiy dons. The ramns eo! Mr. Tom. Nosworthy vho died lu Winnipeg isat wvert ve brouglit home by bia father sud intermed lu Bovmauville on Mouday. A large number o! citizens vent te the station sud !oilowed the cortege to the eemetery. THE STÂTESMAK (ta neW subseribers) snd the FÂmiLy RERALi, o! Moutreal to anybody, both veekly papers, viii be sent Tbree Mionths to any addmess for, 25 cts. Tell ail youm friands sud naiglibors. Stamps (3c.) taken. Acldress M. A. JAMES, Bovinville. Mr. W. H. Osborne dslivered the flrs b îosd o! uev bariey et Port Dsmllngton = 1teda. t vas brighs-, plump and veihed51pounds to tthE bushel. He lbas tbreshed over 1000 bushels off 22 acres, or n.arly 50 bushels to the acre, and bas nesrly as inucli more to threi yet. Tii. Coîbonne ErÀtempuise, tmus ta name gave tangible evideuca cf its enterprisE last veek by pubiishiug a wall vritten article descriptive o! the. leadiug mercan. tile establishiments sud proninent busînesE mn. The citizans o! Ébat lively little hamiet should appreciate bighly th( publisham's effort to boom its businesi institutions. The past month vas the coideat Julj recarded duriug, the past bal! o! a century The oniy Jùuly at ail to be compared vitl it vas July, 1860, sud lu the preseut yea: July, wiiicii ought to bai about two degreei vanner than June, i5 over hlf a dogmei colder on the average ; tbis bas ouiy oc curre4d twice before. jIn 1841 June vs bal! a degmee vanne3r than July, sud ii 1884, whan it vas uearly a dogmae armar Glencoe public achool scomed a -remaîrk abiy higii record lu the receut proio examnation-the highest va beltev-e ii its bistomy. Speciai c redit is due to Mr W. C. Alun, the principal, who succeede lu pas sing tû the Higli School thotreates number o! pupils aven psssed at any on, examination), wile th3 Ross pnize fo: blgbest number o! marks at the Entranci lu the Glencos Higli School district vs won by a pupil o! Mm. Allîn's, LVzzi, Bartltt.-The Glencos Trsnscript. 1NOTICE TO PÂY.--By fuutual cousen tus boots of Cavltran sd Aluin viii n main lu C. M. Cavker's possession fo: collection until Oct. 1, 1891, sud afte that date ail accounts not eettled viii pas out o! Itheir hands for collection. C. M. CÂvVEEn:. r 32-td JoHN ALLiN. Bovinanville 111gb Sebool seems ta havq s big lead on the others lu these countie lu the attendance o! counutry pupils s tindioated by the couuty grants wbich. an as f ollova:. Bovinanvilla ................. $588 6ý Newcastle.................. 226 6ý Port Hope, for bal! yoam ....... 331 6! Cobourg, for bai! year........ 215 31 Coîborue..................... 54 4, Brighton ............ ..........28 L Campiiellford................. 330 41 PERSONAL.: Misa Ida Worth in visiting fiiends m. Ottawa. Misa Ellis of Trenton is guest o! Mis& Mrs. L. Munson le visiting friends l Coborme. Miss Vannester of Oshawa i3 guest of Mien Wright. Mr. W. 0. Wells of Toronto was i tovu lest veek. Mises Alun of Providence is visiting her brother at Shrigîey. Miss Bella 'Shav, Turouto, has beený visltlng friends hene. -.1 Miss Rena Adams, Oshawa, in visitiug at Mr. J. B. Mftohei's. See John J. Mason'. special bargain adv In another colusan. 1Miss Eusa Peardon of Toronto has been visltIng friends Ilu tovu. Mr. Ernest Loscombe hss been visiting. Mn,. Dr. Hoig, Oshawa., Mr. H. 0. Tait, vife sud f amily are~ camping on the laite shore. Misses Editb aud Carnie Allen have returned from Chautauqua. Misses Millie sud Ada Lyle, Petenboro, are vislting Mms. John Allun., M. sud Mrs. Thos. Hobbs, of London, are visfitiug at S. W. Sanders. Mise. Annie Hlaines han been visiting j-____________________________________________ Breakfast Fruit eak BY MARPrIN HA1RLAND. i=uatof four, 2cups.of milk, 2table- spooul of butter,, i tablespoonfÜl of lard, -1jteaspoonfulsaît,, i quarto! st raw- berries, buckleberries. blarkberrie or- raspberries, j cup et sugar, 2 teaspoon., fuis of CeveIand's.baking powder. Si! t flour, baki-ng powdem and. saIt together, chop in the, shortening, stirmn the milk with a wooden spoon. The dough should bc just stiff enough t& handle. Roll into uwo sheets>. line. a. baking pan with one, put in the berrnes, strew with sugar, iay on the other sireet. aud bakte. Cut inte& squares, split as& eat hot with sugar axici butter. UIse only Clevelemd'saingpode t/w J'rortions are made for t/lat. The lcavening power of .. '. ~ Cleveland's Baking Powder cornes cduilu#ht f rom. creani of tar- 'tarwith soda, noth- ing else; thatis why Cleveland'% is perfectiy ,whole- iù L ' some, leavensrnost, and leavens best. the Misses Baulch, Port Hope. Judge -lnonws utwnystra .-.W. »E.Jameooga son. Nead su Mis Lea Nads re issBigsn liasinetmn e t Otav. DvER-In Oshawa, Âug. 2. the vife Of Mr- MiaNaaadMs eaNaaaeMis rdmnhsrtundt taa W. B. Dyer. o! a daughter. 1 h ie Orlrecnirmn visiting friends iu Pot Hope. Mm. Geo. Porter was iu Port Hope over GILLIS-In Bowmanville. Augi ,tevt u ag osgreto Miss G. Risdon, St. Thoma", has been Suuday. or Mm. J. Gillis of 0 son. o! issMau Nowomhy.MAYNRD-Ifl Bowmnville. Âng. 4. the Oom% guet o ï adNeoty Miss Lynden of Toronto in viiing Mis. wife of M. J. Mayunand, j ewellerof a daughter. EU Miss Maud Flemri has been guesi, W. Peamu. >ARE.S u GR o! Mrs. Ellsworth Anis, Olahawa. Mrv. John Sinclair, Toronto. le visting GR Mr. Wesley Neads o! Cleveland, Ohio, relatices iu towu. HUNT-CAxMEOe-In Blacketock. Âug. 4. by 11ev J. roethton;B.D..MÈ.Reiiselear W;-Huut. have arrived and we are, now pre- vas visiting friand. hene last veeli. Miss Eva Trewin lias g 3ne on a visit t'> and Mis41 ra C emon,aill o!PortPemry. Mms. MeLenon o! Berlin lie been viBit- friendaa lu Toronto., OLEM-GÂET-If l Al Saints' church, Brook- aedt eivrayquni inu, herm otheri Mis. John Yeîlovl ees. Me;ini olif . tngwtilyn, N. Y.. Jnly Bo., by 1ev. MelivilleBoyde. prdt eie n uniy MiL.s inne Jllife s vsitng ithFrancis Wayland Glen. formerly o! Oshawa Mrs. Walter Staniick o! Oshawa -hz. friends in Toronto. and Malry Fi. Gant, o! the saine place. Yery low quotations per theBarrel been visiting Miss White, Wellington at. 'Miss Mabel Waltera, Courtice, i. vieit- LcELECE.I London, Augf.frCah Mits E. sud J. Knigbt sud Mm. F. ing frianids ln town. ofhy 11e. Mm. Siseitti M ri. osJ.Boel or Csh Hoarspent Senday with frienda in Whbýt-I MissEliza Yellowiees visited !mriends at of London. Ms nileGogtaeeo by. LieSno eety 4WALKER-WIGIT.--n Bowmau-rille, Âuq. . o r Mm. and Ms. John Helîyar ore visit-j Rev. R. D. Fraser la usticatlug am ong 1ev. T. W. Joiliffe. Mr. W. A. Walker, au~ r o d in ith frieude at Lakefield sud Poter- th e back laites somewbere. lu is atie daughter o Stephen Wright. ail boro. I ~~~~~~~M. sud Mrs. Bd. Bassett, Toronto, are o hsîw._______De at e t~ v r Mrs. Millîson o! Port Hope, vas viBit-j vititing at Mm. T. Bassett's.CRDMAAt on.Ag .ar mak g so e sw ep iog otheleyhnsiPrtFry Mm. Wes. Shaaw o! the telephone Office Boley, beloved wife of John Oyderman, aged recuty.spont Sundsy in Pont Hope. 80 years. Mr. sud Mis, E. L. Fortt a.e spend- M.aaMs r Baeaevsn TouiN-In Darlington.Auig. 2Em'ua Mille.lflg reductions. ing their vacation at. Lindsa y and the hMm. sude Mr.Aricl. Brare viiti beloyed vite o! Thomas Tünkin,aged 79 years. back lakes. Mhem § fate m. Rlc Da. _______________________ Mr. Frank Pethicit, ible electmic tonsor- rM is Lttn ie Sadsi erc t etumed BOWMANVILLfl MARKBTA. gu r n e il artiet, isquaffing the salu'nious ozonie frm vsitng nieds u Nwcatl o! Peterboro. Miss Ad.i Robin' on, Toronto, bias been corectei by i. Ueliurtry, every Tuesday Mrs. W. Reuwicl', Centre st., visited vîRiting ber s-i-tam Miss 30 to $2 3 o e l r Goods hiem sister, Mrs. E. A. Macnachtan, ab Mies Roblusund Miss Nettiebi n fFOE 00u....20s i Cobur lstwek.Ingersoîl are viaiting Mrs. W. P. Prower. WREÂT, Fali,P buoh ... 0 00rDry Cooug se voi. u ~~SpingIl .......O0 105 ce ap rtb n y u Mr. sud Mme. Jts. Smith aud Ms. Mr. W. Allun sud Mr.J . GroBÂRLY, 55bush, eo. I. . O Fesnk Smitb, Reintacit, Iowa, have Leen o! Clathana, were in towu over Sundaiy. 0 00 OQ 0 Q45 e t m el -< guesta of Mis. Northeûtte. Mr. sud Mms. D. B, Simpsom are r3_..0 00 0 O40 eau g ttben ele Mr. A. B. MoGili o! Trinity Medical spcucing their vacation at Old Occhard X, Q j 0 here Sehool, Toronto, vas visiing Dr. McD w- Beach. 'i ýB' il0 050 whe ail, Port Ferry, last week. Mm. sud Mrs. Jas. Heys and Mr. T.j BUTTER, best table, P tb. .. 0 00 i 0 14 Mr. sud Mrm. C. H. Clarketansd Mr. Meteaif, o! Toronto rire guests o! Mm. A .1 Eocs, P doz.............O0 00 ri 0 il Geo. Brimacombe o! Belleville weye vis- J. Hook. PoÂoS, P bush........O0 00 0 25 itingo relatives here receutly. Mina Nettie Siieppard, elocutionist lias PoR, Pot t............. 5 00 0 00 Iimei -je rPro- Mr. 3. G.Fsmrweli, of the D.0.&Pd. beeu appointed to a lucumative position iu HÂV, t 0 1 < sud sister o! Detroit, Mich., are spend~lig a eTe,-âg ctqlega -- s ë-ôô .a their vacaton at Bar Harbor. 'Niss still, teacher, RatAaI1ana MIVr$ ANTED.--A General Servant to go Mm. sud Mis. mank Bnimacom e eJohn VanNezt, je., Soliua, visited friende VVto Toronto,. Enqutr iO1TRfBAI. a h roturued to their home iii Rochesterac- in tovu thiis veoit RO 32-2w* cas O us and u rVLA acompanied by Miss Joanna Biokeli. Mrs. R. Sma*eeta daughter o! Racine, FURNSHE ROMS W NTE f g e Mr. Rich. Lawsou sud Mis3 lMaagie Wisconsin, hias been lu to wu attending the o32e iaifnt'Apl o o s a ~ ~ g o d 2Lawson, teacher, o! Bobesygeon, have funer&i o! hem sister the late Mrs. John i1 beeu'gueste of Mr. Thoe. Bingham. Ayme. THAETO N FOR SALE.-Good second as cash to you. il Misesr Etta sud Sophia James are Dr, W. E. Tilley, Pnb'ic School Inspect. Lhand Plirton for sale very cheap, neariy vi8iting their uncle, Dr. Jas. Bray, 411 or, sud Mr. A. Barber of Cobourg Model new' Apply to M. A- JAMS. 32-4w ____ Parliment St. andothem friands in the ci ty. Sctol ave. yoç rp hohgMn ELL DIGGING, CIEANING AND I o k a h d Mr. J. A. White o! Oakwood, student ioa earn osa oeaepi43b o k a h d k- o! Toronto Sohool of Medicine has bieaueJAE .ILI.Bmdha t.Bwmuil 91 visfting his graudfatber, Mm. W. W. Travelling Daimy Coming . ta 7-tf- from 16 to Rhiev. T.W.Jolife udMriJolifew ANTED.-A .g:ood boy. 'van age1y u hav 0 litW 20aniie.ta leamu the Hardware Business. ea --- ----- - West Toronto Junetion. 3 in d a iig u s ýy r st le )s re Lt 1- Total .... $1774 83 Taiz PURzST AND BaUT articles tuovu to medicràl science are used lu prsparing Hood's Sarsaparila. Every iugedient is carefnl[y eiscted, pesonaly examniud sud only thei best rstaiued. Tii. nedic. ine 'l prepared nuder tii. supervision o! tboroughly competent pharmaiets, sud weay step lu the proceas o! manufacture is caretlliy vatched vitb a viev teo secur- lug lu Hood's Sarsaparila ths best poss- ibis resuit, AS A HEAELING, a@.vTUI»à ipicatok %.oer ents. veuRsid, bruMÎs anige theve Is nelhtng better tlti Vtot*ft*s Carb.e balae. Sîaford, Avon, sud other pacea lu ýthe creatiug sucb intemest lu buttsr-making la tihe West. coming to Bovinauville ou Thumsday, Mr. Albert Fauson, formely o! this Aug. 20, sud Orono Friday 21. Begins tovu, now o! Dauville, IEl., passed at 2 p. m n rllm1 shed at eacii place. through bers on lho G. T. R. lasi t ek Every farier, his sons,vi!e sud daugliters ou the way homie f romn Englsud wvnb 35 are esDecielly invitcd, it wll liç a big flue borses. day. 'Pull particulars in next veeit' You Éwi'1 M9neV ou yoU r pUrt.ýaSC-3 STATESMÂN. if you vateli John J. Mason's advertýs- monts sud socure nome o! the speeili bar.- The Allan-State Line. gains offaed fron vwesitto wesit. Mm. W. J. Joues, Manager o! tii. The magoiflintt new feamship the Standard Bank is spending bis vacation Stats o! Califomnis, 5000 tons. lighted at Port Arthur aud Duluth. Mr. S. B. thoughont by eiecticity sud witb ail the Gearing, Brighton, -incfflciating lu Mr. latent mprovemeuts adapted for the Jone4' absence. passenger business, bas j nat beau addad 1Another former pupil 1of tha Editor',, te the Allan-State Lina fleet sud yl Mr. A. W. Bell o! Toronto, gava THE iseave Ne w York for Glssgow ou Sept Urd. STÂTESMAN s e al au s t veek. Mm. B. rap- Tho Stata o! Califomnia bas very flue esents a ieading violesale medcine accommodation for 200 cablu pasaengens. bouse lu Motreai. Ail the steamners o! the State Lina service Mr. Jo3. Brittain o! Hem Majety's are Ucw cinmauded by Ailan Lins cap- Custons, len aking au extensive trip orarsu ad evaytbiug in being doue lu thmocg Manitoba, the North West, Brit- re to make tuis oua o! the mont popular lsh Columbia sud Califomnia. le expectspasengerliuasirailing froin New York. to eturu by Portland, Seattle, etc. M. A. JA&MEs, Agent, Bowmsnville. Mr. sud Mrs. A. J. Locithart. Mise locithart, Miss Mabel sud Miss Bridon -Mn. Mark Muuday vas the flrst fariner visited Niagara Falsaiat eet snd are to deliver uew vheat at Vanstona'e Roll. vary mucb pieaeed with their trip sud or Miii. t vas an excellent sample sud apeaki ii gioving teims o! the. sceuery o! veigbed 62 Ibs. fRe eceived 95o par that place. buoshei. Mr. John Morrison o! Columbus, Ohio, Alsocounts due me must be ai id on is home on avisit. John bold a epons- or before Auguat 1O0ii to Bave cont, as al ie position lu a large printing etsý)lieb- not paid by that date viii be handed to a meut lu that city sud neyer looited botter lawyer for collection a. 1 amn ieAviug towu. than at present. He received a h~aty MES. DONjELLEyT- ý,td velcome fron bis old acquaintaucez. ,EmaCYCLorzsr.-By psylug the sinal Mr. W. Woods, the genisi QGrand sun o! 50c. a weet for one yeam va offer Trunit Station Master, ha. returued, from to place lu every home a oomplete set o! a trip to Ottawa, Sudbury, Port Arthur thh Encyclopedia Britannie, 10 vois., other places. He speut sons tins in the mvised sud sxnended. The mont con- niotie mines about Sudbury sud gives a pios reference library and vomit o! gener- veny interestin- and intelligent acpouuit aýi reading lu the womid. Tis gteat offer of the mîuîung operations carid ou theore. aiso includes s year's subscriptiou to Tink STATBSMAN. Cali at the. office viiere iilood Poison. nample volumes uusy ba seen sud fulil par-- la vsry liable to !ollov contact cf the ticulars given. bauds or faca vith what le kuowu as 'A CUit FOR CONSTIPATION AND HEàD. poison ivy, especially lu botweather or ACHE .-Dr. Silas Lane, vbule inu'the if the body is prespiring f reely. The Rocity Mountains, diseovered a root that trouble may subside for a tins, ouxîy ta vben coinbined vith other barbe,.- mates appear s ggnavated !orm viien opportunity au easy sud certain cure for conumuption. offers. Tii. great pu.rifying power o! It la iu the form no! dry moots sudleaves, Hood's Sarsaparilia tboroughly enadicats sud ia tnovn as Laus'is Famiîy Medicine every trace o! poison froin the bicod, as lb vii cura sick-beadacbe sud is the beat the cures it bas sccomplisbied concluaively sprîiug nedicine for the blood, livar sund sho w. It aiso cures Berofula, sait rheum - kidneys, and fer ciaaning up the comn- and ail other affections arising from. i'n- plexion lb dosa wonders. Druggietà oeil pure sud poisioned blood. it at50oc aud $1 a package. QhîWt~qn~Qryfdr PIt~het's Cast.rla. SHEEP ASTRAY-Come on niy pro- mises ecently one ewe and one lamb.- Owner mutst prove proper% .psy exuenses and take them away. W. R. i. CâWKERI Bow- manville. 3 w STAYED fromn lot 13, con 5, Darling- kTonon 5th July a red aud white eow. aged. gtvingmilk, long horne turning uP sud back 0 erLad. Information of her whereabOUts Will oblige WESLEY Onz,HamptOn P. O.80ý West End House. G cive us an early eaul. Notrouble I-L - -,#- - - - . - -r C4 4,TTLE AS,,TA-tra...y.ed fnlot tO SflOW 0Q( hina; ne rinîs i~ oue.broya heifer sud jIiee ,. [ ý.._ suit ablyJO N I ilRY Information leading ta their reco'r;:, forsas, My towIle en kiungce; re anTh sott w ater, sud splendid fruit iu gaiden. The other dvelling contains alfto 8 rooms with al necessary conveniences. gool cellar. Both viii be sold very cheap. Mas. DOxxELY. millinor Bovunanville. BOWMANVILLE. HICH SOCHOOLU, ESTABLISHED 1851. WILL RE-OPEN MONOAY AUO. 31. Location beautit lansd heuithful. Accommodation, UNSUI6FASSED by aur achool in the Province. -A superiar staff a! teachrs--candidates prepared for let,2ndand 3rd close TEACRERS' CEETIFCATES sud for JIATKICULAflON into University with RObERS in any Dépant- ment. Special attention given te PIYSIC AL C&TE- TITRE. A practical COMMIERCIAL course-Pro- vinciai Diplonas grautsd by authority af Educattonal Departinent. First cIass facilities for instruction la vocal sud instrumentailSMUSIC sud DBA WING inu ah itt branchas. ILUGIOITS INSTRUTCTION condnctedl veekly by t.he tovu cisrgy. N, B. It la Important that ail pupilS shouid be pressent the flrst day, if possible; it le speci. ally desirable that those vho purpose vrittug at axy exanination lun1M,2 houId ,be present this tarin. Goed Board, in hounses appmoved by pin. cipal,oan ha obtained from, $175 te $3 per veek. For cniuar qtving tuEý information as ta ternis, tees. &c., apply te, M. M. FENWICK, B3. A., 33.1wPrinoipal, Mrs. DONNELLY is giving up business, leavîng town, everything must be cleared out by August l5th. Great bargains in Laces, Flowers, Sllk Velvets, Éib- bons, etc. Ail the stock will lbe sold regardless of cost.. JOHN 0CRAWFORD, (STATIO N HOTEL is TUEI IN BOWMANVILLE FOR TUE Masse y lVan'f'g Go., Selliîîg Machinery and Imple- ments and Binder Twine, cheaper thaîî an in the market. Bowmanville, June 15. 25-2mn F~ ARM FOR SALE.-I1ipe bein South West qUattEiM 28 T'f. 7 R, 1( 115 a r loken; 45 acres pasture. beY ant wood; 75 acres ready for mop. Frme bOuse, 14x18, kitchen., 12x20;,Good stables. good spring vater. Easy terme paymsst. 3j mies frau Wawanesa, Price 02,500. Apply to &xrôR & CHAMBERS, oesnboro. Maý IZEWULAflE TE LIVEJIR ýt9bd wb4b thjue ý1 J4e e 0£useaitsurai PfI»$hyr p 0 ~g je EXPL-ODEDI- It was a noiselees explosion, and came about 'graduaiIy, but it expioded aIl the ~ eame. Tis is how it happened: Certain peuple got the ides (vithout having firat I ~ proved its correctness) that because they could'nt buy as big an armifuî ot " Sun- light" Soap for 25o as they coula ot other V. soape that "Sunlight" vas congequently dear. $~>'S ~ This !des is nov "exploded." It bas j ~7 ~been proved erroneous a nd mlsleadingan thoos who were obce under the falso ii- .Spression nov admit that there is iu fact _,el more real value, more pure Soap and les. 1:~)vater, more savïng of labor and leas wear and injury to the clothesud hauds, aud A oealrudstsfcini sn Sn light" Soap than ln using- any other Soap in the markeL. T'YL) -n3 Il AH8 . teWl Mr. AsnTye.e daughte. 0 OUSE T  y L O B ~ 4 f l O 5 Y l W m I g t i, g , t h e w i .~ f y y ESo fD s 0 b 1 Lo t«A Cry fdr

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