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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1891, p. 6

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WVEDNESDAY AU'. L12, 1891 STA-rAB D BAÀH1 0F CANADAa capital ai p, SOO00et 26e This Býan k is reparod to do Legiti- mate Ean1'kin1g in ail its b)ran1c1esý. Farmer's notes discunted;'-Dcposits received anti Interest paifli a couint of $5 and upwards in Savings flan] Departirent.' DRAT Isilued r ad Cllections matie ln Europe United States, anti canaa W. J. JONE8; Gents' <lothing Ciened, Ded Pressed and Repasred by Dyer anal Clothes leaner, Gcods warrasstedtaelbe as no one will linow thoe i rom new wvben dose. Corner of M1ng and Ontaniê Streets, Bowmanville. ONTA.RIO BANI eontinues tb do raGeneral Banking Buslreei Vowlansville Branch. flec 31Ved In Sa vhing Banki Department andI on Cal and intereEt alloýwed at carnent rate, No, aOtloe o! wthdraýal noessiary. Ail d(posýisF Payable on derand, ~lught and sold and Draftsl1ssiued npon E tnapo IlU ted States an~d Canada, aiso Gld Silves anc M1ited States Ureenbacksbouoeht and soit. P Omptly madIe at eurrent rates upon all rartb o Greats rittaln, thse United States andtheus Vo rsïlcon a Canada. Teleg7rapîè Transiers c(ee1 ue (r inall turne on al pa-t <anda. This lseepeiaily ativantageor s a 1eS- cils living in àMantoha or theNortj.-est,ý 1 -n lies tise fluncis availabie at once ai tise pla , tf nrm s Otler parthcularseauaise flck BromE, Acceentaxsî. t~EO. MoGILL, Manage Ey n ho eo ~Eeeutu 5W nr f wnk, El ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, pil n oou]*by thono.o UU~ ~ ~~~~â 11c r, ou rni» 1 hir atarI yo. Xthrik. Yucndvti . j ýegurr ar ane o, 24 5 ewriaduna LOCAL AGENT FOR Dominion Organs nowiiANVILLE, . ONT YETERINARY SURGEON, BOWfIANVILLE, ONT, * FOR ýnsect Stîngs, D~o reEyes Eruptions Soré Feet bÂTE FOREIGN NEWS AL Peculiar Rumnor. T"ieFreàsch watch praduet. for 1890 A Taîstai commuustiy at KhrofCon- loi t liity as -becu;spp, sse l'y tise , Govruet. -.1mtj)sIl oneso 'E lle s c o t is îl. M is s io i, i a s > ls b o d - afi six J'ews t'rsyehn at a coît ai The ofnleaEr a tlMay 1Day vlabor riais at Fourrmse,.1 as Iccis coudemued ta six 1yeans' salitary imipr-,iisýreut anti ton years' lais i fcivil rights. f: M' . Ader ai Paris, aïer e11putoi mar tisan ',00,ffO0on a flyiciýg tmachine1bs ro dutced. oanc in wiiCishoiew abou 00yrs Ho says it is propelled biy "a comlbiniatiani ai vapars." ýDr',Laulneiougue's troatzmcnt ai eblaridec ai zinc for- tuberculosis bas received a. gooti deal i airaise from Dr. L'abbe anti Dr. P'oyet;zIsle latter, a sýpecia1ilt, regarding il as a',gre'at discovery. A Frencli mechancoai53 cemmitteti suicide becauise he hbatilait tise power ta drinkIl.Ho iet a lotiter sying,: "ne imal glaIss a i liquair imaSos me 111 naiw. As 1 eau- nat live without dnrinkýIug I am k illiuig my- golf." SA marbie sînis bheeni placcd a,,tise hau nseluwii Paganini tiieti in Nîce. Tise inscriptiorn oucrutes witis,'"lThe poweriul baw thalt dl forth magie sauntis now lies 11e1t, but1 its supremne swcctuess îtill sur- vivesiiu tise ,-eeàted breezes ai Nice." '0 A Fei prov incial ucwspaper bas been 8 ade et t pay 200 francs -damages for callin)g several residents ai its tawn Froc Mas.To oall a man a Free Masan lu oFrance is ta rin i hl jta isatred, ridiecule, dandti <'ntempt ai bis Romian Catholie tawnî- Dr. Lauiresst, a gtudeuit ai crinsingls, bas exlainie Bouianger's skull, witb tise sesuit ai pronaùnc iilsimilar in construction ta tie iuîsa availîne anti several atisen assýassiauàs, anti thattise "moral àesei rndimentary, foreiseati veny iweak, anti ïSelfislisesi enarmous."1 b Tise Freuici ariny'bai' 131,000 hanses, là,- 000ofai wbicb areËstîbsLtitts. Tiseappro- priation for tiscua this year is $400,000 mareý tisan it was lait yea1r. Obsrvtio ioatieriý are tise lateît in- niovation in iitise Belgiatsi fielti artiilery. They ar'e ine tic t enable thîe commander of a oncealeti battery ta boýtter d.irect tise lire ai, tise guniier.3. Evcry latitie is about 71 foot lisigis, of irant, anti weigiss about 65 poutisd. AIl amimunition wagons ivill carry tise lad- A ccortiing tao tise "Ancal ai tise Freucis Atrmy for 1891," tise standing army, will cantahu uex t ycar 5 70,603 moue, anti will show3 au inerease aven Ibis ycan ai 324 ofilcens, 7,418 mon, anti 1,018 hanses. Tise aunual gives total number of officcni, tioctars, anti oîbcr officiaIs ai afficors' nank as- 75,000. Tise estimateti expenditure for tise armny next year ih $134,000,000. Ail duels amang officenaof tise Italian arrny are iseneaiter ta ho matters ai special is- vestigation by.tise corps commandons. Tiset circular ai tise Italian War Minister ta tiss effeet sites tise abject ai the innovation ta ho tise limiting ai duelliug tai affairs ai isnor. - Magy duels af Italian officens are uow fan - trivial causes. HoneafLer oficens wiso f ight for sncb renions willliceseverelyçýisciplinled. Iu Paris asociety bas been arganizedtet encoragýe artiîlery practice lu tise territori- alam.SpecàIa instructors ai tise society sl wili also impart lu lectures sientifie iiîfon- e matian as ta tise mnking anti ianiliug oaip big guns. Officetrs ai tise negular anmy may have tise henefît ai tise saciety'î training an Iý tise paynîont ai $25 auuually. Antilleny C practice will be helti by tise socioty at p Vincennes eveny Smstiay. ( Three tieserters froua the Austnian gar- t] nison lu Krakau brGke itiste apartmients si ai tise corps commander anti wcro casîgist steal ing secret documents tram bis diS, C Tise tools witb which tbey forceti au enter- a' anco andtihie civiliaus' clotises wisicls they n' put onimmetiiately aiter tise desertian anc o supposedti t have been given ta themi by Y Russinofficers who nwaitedti tbemn tise1 o bonder. Tise ViennaNoerl Pse inys tisaI evideuce ta Ibis afflect is iniise bsandis of tise Krnkau autisonities.4! Tise Paris grave iiger&sIiSe ai some- m1onjthi ago bas been lllowt alrally by asIiSe ai thfislneral mules, tise Pas-leurq des Popes Fuebs-e, as risey a-re Snown f-iaîsciilanlle caumîh. Tbey want malre pay, sisorten imou1rs, andtýi n necs ai grievances. Tise iew tisaI heýre atre ailiscu are an dUty frano6l'cGckin is e 1ma)1nnîug -till 8 atI niglit fan five francs a dy Capt. Kiltoe tisouglit tisaI ho woii make £200 oasily wisou MisDnew prausisedt l give thtism o t im if ho woulti finti a Mn. Ewing wisom selisatlest sigisl ai anti sanl- cd ta marry. Ho ativerliseti anti gaI news imnmediately, but Miss Drew relusedt t pay anti be sueti. The Cojuurt ecidedti hat an isanosl man woulti have sait simtply, 1"'Why don't you ativertise?" Anti in -îmucis as ho failoti la givo Ibis simple igg bia c owai guilîy ai imposition. Between tise years 1884 ani1 1888, accord- iug la officiai statistics, 949) soýldieo atlie Prussanuannîy have commniltet suicide in, tise TweltisSaxon'anitise ,Tlsiteeutb Pressian reginents. Tise largoýsi number afi suicides occuned inlutise campaoy ilationet lu tise province ai Bosen ; tise next was in lisat aiflise Bonus icampany. Thje affichai literany statisties oh Turkey sisaw tlisaI turing tise year 1890 only 940 books were, publiahet iu Constantinople. Of tbis number 497 were in tise Tunkisis Ian- guage, mostly navels andst isatnical piecci; 120 lu tise Ameican tangue, principaliy1 religions contents; 86 lu Arabie or juris-f pruadence, philology, anti religions daguant-0 isua, andthie nest werc lu oIson languages ai Eutrope. Tise lateil lasisian in Parisian-soioty lu ta givo ".entertainments ion young maisons," la wisicis anly young iv arriet couples are lu. viteti. Tise dance hecoînes ai secntan oonsidenation, anti auly square tances aren lolenateci. Iuitead ai tise cnstomary favori S in tise eatilliou, oiildresm's Ioys are tiiitrihut-e cd, whicn thcyouno ucotisers take home. TheI following day tlise participants of snob enletamnmentî caîl wihbtiseir chiltren an a c visite de reconnaissance. f Tise Russian Agiulual Depanîment af i tise Minisîny aiImenaiProperty bas Ibis yean planletipappy seet inl variaus points in Caucasia as an expeimieut ion tise culture ai opium in tisaI regian-. If lise expenlînt proves succesîful tise culture aopium wie be fanmaliy inîraducet next year anticricr- getically praîssteti in tise districts suitable for tise purposo.b lhe Cass noS Posiskov, wiso atîmactetip îiteuls ai iseciyc rygaubsns îfh'lis lsane vim, as isenetofone. Tley anc "ry setn,!iin tise, heatres, aItiseé'race teks, or ini any place oa'f amusement anti oenn tise market lisey appear subtinetiand rny ait their business -iili great resenve. Tovoye Vremya holieves that Iiscy inteni La avenge, on Wansaw this h iicis tiein atbren infler i olier parts ai tise cm- tisat tise sympatbyant i influence )fi Rogianz would ho witis the powers keepingtise peaýce and au4'sut t hase'bren akiîsg the pence; ai that Euglish interests wauld bo chiefly cusultet inl any cancerteti action wbicb mniltbe necessary temeetunuioreseen eveuts. Iu thus tieciding ta stand k y those wisa are for ponce the gaverumeut lias but echaeti the sentiment othte entîiro people, wisase lave ai peace à anc cfi tieir straugest passions., general notice by ts long jauuicy <ou1 litîle gray herse froým Caucasia loI etei hung, iwaî outtione byaulofficen a ieil Regiment ai tie Riffleen srlîy I Lvaviteb Bakimutaif, wblo anniveti an Ju 28S lui Moscow franc Vîndlivaîtoll, Iavil travelleti ah tÉie wny aunfot. Tise tiuitar is 11,000 sti, anicilà tooS iim ancl aintisixte(cu Inystamae l Ho ati pais Ibûrougis tis wltsi hoefaanti ance tie lhoSpeult forty tnsuCuccei Len Ile pra-irie2s lu vains atistori.. worc oun ulteetu pairs ai iboci an bis lai walk, antiloti mansîly an ernekens, gettirl, plece afiimont very slonsloly wkrenl camle ta al large eity. Ho lait fIfty-eig pounis luiist t'uring ]bis tailsor -VEadivo.stolk of'SLtPeesugsatit romnrtliat ilt, ieM istor ai Finance woul sue tise bouse a of lIiiItifor isavinig nef i £te lieew býan, wbivli tise Ruissian Gavésý nment inteuii ta -,- îkaiii tise foreiý market. Tise paper is dhi)XOUS ta have tl Goverume.lsî conifiscnt e Étie napitiraprini whicl tise RotIisIsiltib wn in Cas caisin n1il believes that Rusiah is fuliy entitîcti ta Ricis laycns ai ilver or e'have becu disco, ereti on tise MediVC7fIsiy Jilani, :Il tise ýVhii -Son. Tise Russian MNinisi-zof Iîn 1Peiial. Pr, penty bas therefare issuietilu rtier thalt t! wbole territany ai tise isianti sisoult bo lli cd lu tise eatcgory ai Goverrinent prapentit wii caunotnder any consideratioW Psw imt tise possession o1 pnivalparîseS. ÀMini wiIl hoe snnk an lise iîland during Ibhis siu mer, 50 tiat by next spriog everythiniis ou] ho in onticrfor-tise negular exploitation tise mmcmerl wealtis, Reparti frontall paýrti aioftise cassnutry' fori tell a wans(e crap Ibis yean tisan RuisýsiehI- bati for se in es,. Jo tie soutsemu pr( vinces late fruits have sp)oilet tise wiuitf crop, ant iiacity oai-inal in an i uuall pancipijg bI;abave stuntleti tise spningoCroç Iu tise mare nos therly pravine ibail star i anti unseasenable weatiser bave teto. aIl bapes fon c gond cnap. Tise pnico grain is niîing te an alariuig extent. Tii varions communal assemlblies <z aers)a holding spoi eetiigs ta devise te-u praiie bratifor fticasan ny, antia tise govoromentswtbpelslhons tga uiF tisons wiîh subsitiies for thieir ajc.Th only fortunate circumî)tancee is tisaI tie crr ai fruit, esp-ecially hernies, apples, anti pjennr is abuntiant lu tise Cnimea antiadjacent g ermm ens,- andti Iis wartis off famnine for Il, present. ithétie isgieie (cabinset ai tise iuiversit, ai Kazan samples bave heen collectet ifiÈ "isunger brent 1 i" pan whichÉtie peaý;iîr livet i r ii auspars i t)fise empira. Sce tiflo anhysisibas shown rstataIbreat3i matie ai forypauntis oaýiiilaonufu it1h, aducixture of five te Ic o pantis i nye fa on saitboiletipotatoos. Tise pesats proe tise atimixture ai patatoos hecýause fil make tise breati ligister anti gives il a w%1iier nj pearance, but subi breat mauldthtie faste. anti tievelapi tannic aciti soanes-r thisnlish breati prepaneti wits rye flour, lu caoi case, bowever, tise " hunger brenti" cor tainss, heiýle tannie aciti,nesinaus subýii)stanc.ej -whici are citier intigestible or bi in l juniaous. Scbbreati Lai not been usot(ili Ruisia inciie 1840, wbess tîsre wnî mmmiiiii in tise Govennment ai Toola. T'ie Medica. Counicil ai tisaI Goverumeu.-t athtie tim( apiniedtiIsnItise aconbreati was neit injuni. ans. andti iat tise pensants sh; prohihiteti fnom eating il. As tise iigisest tiguitanyoa i le Eagl cal National Cisurcisaf Pruissia, ie,Si,î lpsouKaiser Williami, is d(eve'lopiog, tentiency ta nituailisa. AlleniAg.1*2 Uo Lisis yoar tise prncsipal inunctionaries ai tsli i)hurusb, tise Guoerai Supcintentlent ait fti Ecclesiastical Provinces, maril wela to suspeuddti-oui.a a înok aitinroul i K~ultur Miuistcn bas snta cr ois,,,[cï verJy Generai Sopfîntot ,nt i ts iigicm s an'nulbonily i lu ie Obrcisiam bal no standing ouls,,iduofaiPrussia, lscruier af every oIon atobigls rme psa sus ai bis own tiominion., A Gortion-Cninsig case isappienietlieo Napoleon III. A veny bnilliaut staffl'Captalin. Count dAutiîau-wso wns oneuah islim penor,s equonnies-waî cauglst cbeaîing ai Campiogne. Tise Lnperar Waà informied bhat CapI. ti'Andlau sati long boosendosile uspicion. To prcven a scandai Na,ýpoltfor imposeti secrecy upon tise accusons, snd j'Anilesu pletigeti hiieli ualtaetoucis oantis again. On Ibis condition isewiaiallowcdto emnin anl officer luinse nmy anti a Knigisi f tise Legion ai Houer ; but ho iws sent itc ain tise Freuis expediion luiiiMexico.- )'Antilan fou glist well antica rineti prom! noti oný. lewns senl froua Mexico t Agni ben even permiltedti areteuita Franic isl thempire Insîti), anti is secret WE se fitisfuliy Sepýt lie cui- aoitieBtn-- GerucasIl wan bh ati isen taaLoue, y ati a yenrti or two nfterward bi ,,'allea beneral. 'T'len ho lait ieiîapn rta anr- tiser chargi, i wisstling anti wa sontencewed ae lwo yeslrS' imiprisonînenit, Iati t ;is sbiy ame ont. Tise Goveýromeýnt aurisnniticof ahBcisaoare3 xeisgtise ewbýs IttaI cityvey nen- etcli. ia -Jew isl5 ouii -s hase ngiti- ian papiers are uisy an y douistvî(so,' n itely altacid oti ais pàîspant, anilho hiý 3bigedti t leave tise pince wilhln tbiriy nys. Miuly woaltisy Jewiîb nesitients pi -akoo seîl their- prapenties andi aetire ?lace ai their own accord,,antai snyimail aders iiw auidbho uineti ly ex,ýpuiiac abrae Chist~nilolagel tise privilege ta :nay. In tise mtiie fitiesiteuiscntr hs TEESE MEN fiAi TATIS. ne ng ofA ldsscover'y Whîch l';l udsbtdypro _eofinuinceuso interest toethu foistas bhi ar rnlae atdie little hamletof SinaIca, Mec at groundt for a large-cofree plantation, wh 1i .e Th'le flnd cnss of thiouisassdis of shkeletos ngeither of large apes or ofprhsoihm a eings of avery low order. hie If theleninýis are of apes, thieywreof 'h gs tcszo ad of a v-ariety ino longer e ~ ant, while, if lhey are of mlenl, thie nm were prvddwith distinict caudal appenl heages, very thick andshort, and ourlecjIl idi like a squirrel's. Thiat they are the skýe: ki.ý ton'ýs of apes cau hiardly be doubtedl, jnidgii ,f rom thec,,arnus, -whîch reach nearly lhall foot below fihe knee, andi te trnbs, wii hoare also abni11rlally long and cnrved, Wi. gsexceedingly shiarp aud powerfufl nails. lid Tise feet, too, show that they wer:e nteni do ed for cliiu-ig, rather than aliu ani are aLis pro vidied with Claws and prehienIsi Staes of uniusua1 egh It is probable tha ite thse large number of ikeletons fassndc are du ro- to a battle between t wo bauds of the animil he b aviug ake place at tisis spot, whcli h 9Lc- further evidlenced by tise numrber of broke e, seulls aud otiser boues amaong thein, and th l S fact that several skeletons werc fouio les liuielu l-'a(detadly embrace. No wao lu however, were dissove>,ed, but as these wer ,d probably of wodi, they hiave perishied ini th otf course of tinie. The work of searchïng, for other remaim e-stlllgoes on, every hour seeing hundiicredà InGlilfragmentsilo ceasionall ~whole seeosunate.It h caleulate or thiat over- four huuiidred entire onecs ha', ýjy aiready been iitet d A few of the mos ~.perfcect have beeen sert to, the l3ritish Mus coiu,, and otisers will be presenited to th. d SmtsojnI5stitute by the owners ai th, îc .r 1 A'-"OONG TRE FORTIES. ta ul A Stinday-Seholl esson l tel Whlch t!i it AnÈSwers Aý re Nearly Ale he How long at thiedcluge, childrcn, dlid >P in ? Forty dalys. l{owv long till the ark was opened ulaftc, thonFortiyda. Tlow long uipau thic mounit did MoS* yfas>t? Forty dayî. 7e HIow long dlid the ecmbaliugi' of a boi:1 ty litForty diys. ilsn-~ long in tise wilderniess was Elijai il en orty dayse le How, long gave Joniah ineehtarepentl ix Forty days. r How long did Jésus lui tise desert fastl es Forty days. P- How long did thse wandering oi the chilik ar reu of Israel lasbt? Forty yearî. le , lh How long was it said Israei shosld l've in sin ? Forty years. 's > ow long did Sauil as King of Israel reigu? Forty years. ýn, How long did Davidl for his people grieve le Forty years.11 i il Haw old was 'Mes leaving Egypt's land? Le Forty years. i. How long did Othuieil keep bhis Lord'a le commfiand î Ferty yecar-. How long niu houage was Judea hied? -Forty years. Il ow old was tnit lamne man vehom Peter a [healed.1 Forty years. IlHow long dlid Eg,-ypt's desalation lait'? Forty years. ow long dsdIsrael kecp lber idois fit ForIty yecars. 1Io lonýg were these pies iu seaýrching Cnuau's andForty days. Hïow ýol was Caleb wbeu he joined their baud? Flerty yearî. Boot-J3uttons hywilL. not iomeaif t'he numoerous ivnie genises lu tise warld, witli tht g(ood of tise publie, especially the feminine tpublic, at hearti lveut samethiug to banjîli 1 -booit-huttous froni the face of tise cartis. r Somebody says there are elastie gare boots, and laeed boots, and suiggests that there is n law te compel us ta wear but. stoned boots. 9 Very truc but congroîs boôts are an abom- - isatian iu the sight ai man ; and as -for laced eues, why, wba eau wear a pair af tie a wekbefaro the eyêlets will came oui and the raggedl edges mnake thei;r appea'r. acand thle laci-ugs wa rougis and fagy'aii then tey are contiuually Unitysug, ani streamnig eut ftheir dirty tin- tippeti i ength from nier aour- ru fles and flutiIýng animaking u ls ,aspectacle. B>oots ati av llîs ave ,ajIdso nmuch abýout aur feet Ithat we muvs' tedunces if we d1d no', kiuow that auor feet aie a vr im- * prtat temsu urgnera' lu mae-up. Shuenakes, rgetoauby tise dictatos aif fashion, baive giveil us narraw sales, hh pinleillns i!lmost lbeyaniendurance, and bigis heels wbiclî miake us walk upon aur tacs like a barui-yaird fowl auon loy moau- iulg, ndwe îubmjit gaiuy; but büoot- bu1titons are taO ni a saurce afi ueyer-ceaiiug arnnyance. Wthenlever aiYuybdy gaes ta dreis lu a hurry, thon tise bot.bttons fly. Who enu dresi without Iaîiuig anc or mare ai these ucëesîary little pests-? HTt im nossible tai ho calm, and use the buttan isaak prapely when aonc expecti evcny moment ta ear2ý, tise whistie ai tise appraacbilng train wiih is ta t'dAke her ta t1wnaiterfreî niho &COMPLETE-ASSORTMPýN T -0F- Coarse and Fine for Men and Boys Wornen and Children. eRubbers, Slippers, etc, Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given ta Repairing. The old Porter Foundry is stili boorning. are ready to suppiy ail orders for Castings. of every deŽ-criiD tion, the only place whecre ail you can be supplieti on the shortesý notice in the, shape of Castings, large or smnall, Plow Points, the celebrated diarnond steel matie for any plow.manufactureti. -Large Fuiirniace'I(ettie's always in stock. We pay 'the Highiest Price for .Scrap Iron. and reqîtîre 50 TONS AT ONCE, Stove Castingýs of every description supplied. IMachineny'ofai ahkindi, Agiculturai lm plements, Staves, Bicycles, Sewin.-7 M chines, in faut everything thiat eau, an B gEn int 1R 1 N il isWorth napairing, we car- do il. 'W do ual have ta keep any petdionsz anti ouiy -eupplY reliable agents. S. J. H-OSKIN,, H.- J. WEEKES*, PiROPRtIETORS, FICUNDIRYAN MAHN SHP Corner Kmng anti Lsbet y Su, Bownîanviiie. PORTERS C]] C Uatarrh. CATARRHAL DEAFNEss-HIAY FhivE-A NEw fHo)mx TRETMENT. Suiferons are nal geueraily aware tisai thoee tseases are contagions, o antisa ley are due taelise prosonce ai iivirsg parasites lu tiseliiîng membraneai tise noie sud euîtacisian tubas. Microscapie reaearois isosseer, bai proverothIis tela oactaanti tise nesuit cf this discovery iî lisat a sim- pie remedy bas been formulatot wisene- by cataris, catarrhsal deafuesi anti bsy lever are pennsanently cunoti in one ta tbree simple applications. matie aibhorne by tise patient once in two weeks. 1N. i.-This Irealment is ual a einuff or an olulmeut; bath have iseeu dis- cardeti as injurions. A pamph et cx- plaiuing Ibis uew treatment is sent re on receipl ai stamp ta pay postage, by J. G. Dixon & Ca., 34à West King SI. Tor- onlo Canada. -Christian Ativocale. SufféeenesfÀrqm Caitarhal troubles shouiti carefully readth ie above. XIeW te Cure 1,11 Skia Biseases.- 5iýnply apply "«SWAXvcxS Osa'TMEsec' Na internai medicîne reqnined. Cares.btcter, eczsma, îleS, ail enupions on tise face, in di. noue, ýetc , Ieaviug the skin dear, 'wile andI healthY. ILs gnons healing and curative psî-vE)rs. are passessed by no othernemedy. Askyeror druggist fon SWÂvYNE5 OINTMENT. LYMAN SONS & Co-,Mounea.Wholce .ý,Agu 1Fer Over Fifls' Vears Mas. W -WsS sSOOTvrNreeSvnus'as been nîed by millions of mathens for their ciidren while teething. If dîsiurbed at znlght ainl broleen of yaum rosi by a sicli child. snffceinge~ andI orying with pain cf Catting Teethis eu l ý once and geL a bottîe ai "Mne. WàLnîboy e Soathing Syruî"for cisildron teethlng. 1,, lllý nelieve thse paon little suffemer lmmediatoly. Dapend upanq h, moticers, there ld no itik about it. Iz cures' DiamrhoS%, regulates the Szemnois andI Bowels. Cumes. Wind, Colla soitens tise Gumi, reduces InflammatIon an4 gîves rone andI enorgy ta the wlcole sysELm. -Mmi. Winslow's Saothing Syrup" <or cisireni teething le pleasant te tisite And Jle the prescription ai one oi tise aldest anti boite-a male physicians andI nurseslnta liseUnited States: Price 25 cents a bottle: SeitI by al dru"gists thnaughanit thse womld.. Be sure ani a.k Ca -MeS INWtu' egg yeus Oilidren Cry for Pitcho>rs Cestorlad YOU Pull the Cork len, Âo, Does the Rst t.have used 11 aTV-nBR3l0fýjAswa î.SyRUp. havÏe ever îtried. aa 1 Ikaow Itatthrolls Liti an UB81 have reoveLrecl fro,ýua vory badco,- Rýosi acte C] , CP. iR. o i ontreai. fx a There ih no9thiigin the worldequLal to this remedY for Sore Throlat, Coughs and Coldi. en Pl'ýat t I asteGi vesinstant relief- Ab. delrs A- J. Lawreuc>e, Montreal, Sole 'Up Pro prietor for eauada. ch 0OUSALL'S SMARBIE AND" CRANITE WORKS at Bowmanville, Ont. Ile als (Established 1857.) ken R. o is m Il-poterMAanuifacturer, and Dealer in Mo»umneits, T1otnbs, eeSarcophagi, Tablets, H-eadstones and aill kinds of ArüliteCLur- he ai and Cemetery Work ini the best Europeain anid Amnericari ins Granites and -Marbies. 11Y Modejrate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanishlp an4' 1' Best Materials. WiIl be happy to quote prices on any klnd o,-Ë of work. Giveé me a eall before purchasing. le tTHE EAST END PAINT AND PAPER STORE is now open where will be found fulli Unes of Wall Papers frQrn 5e. to 82 per roll, ic Mixed IPaints-Mixed to order and sold by the p)ound,ý Putty, Glass, Peerless Machine Ols, etc.1, I arn prepared to do housepain-ting, graining, and decorating of ail kinds. Brushes to loan for painting and kloiig Mixed Kalso- mine also for sale-any shade, desired. h' , KIRBY & SIERIN. Reid'a Block, opposite New Hotel Building. 14 will be found in lis old shop, next door aoor to Express Office,ý where he keeps'constantly on hand A LARGE. a, 1 5y 1 è 'Du BAVES

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