Ume911= 1. Mn. Chianie Elis, Cleveland. Ohio, la viiigbis mother, .... miss Rowse,Peter- boro,and Miss Rikard, Loudon,are gueste of Mrs. E. I. ROW158 . ...Miss Edwards, Toronto, la visiting bier sister Mra. H. T. Carswell... ,Miss Straiten, Godenicli, ia the guest of Miss Nellie Ma.... .Miss L., A, Wilcox. ate of Oakland, Cal., and Miss May G. Darling, of Brighton, are viitlug Miss Velma L. A. Gould. . . Mr. John Leggett, Hamilton, is apending bis holidays lu .,,w.....Miss Alice Gen, Brooklyn, N, Y., la guest of Miss Alice Woou ... .The Misses Wbiteslde, Liudsay, ,are guesta of Mn. Jnio. Larvi .. .. Mn. J. A. Darmer, St. Marys bas been gucat of Mn, W. E. McGregor .... Miss Nellie Mc- Lean is visiting lu Buffalo.. ... Miss Fan- mie Frencb l is iitiug frienda in Toronto ...Miss Kate Lente, Brandon, Maniboba, àa visiting bier aunt Mrs. Demill ab the collage .... Mrs. James Martin and daugb- ber, Collingwjod, Mrs. John Hilsdale aud Mns. F. Rogers, Enniakillen, were guests~ cf Mns. Henry Canawefl lest week .... On, Sunday menng ug. 2, a 6 year old daughiler of Mnr. W. Marks, Mary St. whie playing on the bed fell backwards over the footboard sud dizlocated bier lef t elhow. ý Too Careless with the B, an ghsh .La.nguage. A clotbiug dealer, ie Boston, advertised all-woob panthoons for $2. advising the public. to mîke haste and secure the great bargain, aaying. "They wili net lest long." Probabhy tbey would net. Neit- ber wilh your heailh let long if yen do't take cane of if. Keep Dr. Pierce's Pleas- eut Pelleta ie your bouse. Tbey are in-. dispensable te every family, as they positivehy cure biliouanezs, with itsend- boss train cf distreaaing ailments-mick iteadache, iritability, constipation, dizz- loess sud indigestion; a inarvehous apecific of iver and kidnoy troubles, and a pure vegetabie compound.. They ara sugar- coated, tbe amalest puill made, sud the best because tbey do ail tbey promise.- Ail druggists seli theni, and the proprio- tors guat'antee thein, aud nefund the pice if bbey fail. KENDALL. One of M. Samuel Cowan's beat herses staked himself aud as aothlug coud be doue laewwas kilhed .... .Mr. L. Peýppen is rapidhy sinking .... flarvesbing is fairly under way' anc4 cverybody is ou thbe qui. vive te get the banhey lu se as te bave No. 1 bîight .... .Mr. Jas. Elliott, jr., bas pur. cbased a new Braut'ord binder. .... Mr. aud Mis. Jas. Thompsen sud Miss Tionipson of Pittsburgh, Pa., bave beeu guesta of John McAllister ... The Misses Cuucannon of Lomard visited boe r r cenby. . ... Mn. Chas. Suttop, Toronto, aud Miss Jennie Wiusbow, Xilibrook, have beau visitiug et Mr. C. Underwood's .. . . In a boett9r te bis family Mr. R. Cow. au sys he im doing well ia British Colum- bia... .Mrs. Gee. Elilot, Midbsu'd, bas been- visiting bier sister, Mra. John Eîlhott îit& ea... A new feuce la beieg built ,round the achool yrd.. . -MeEsrs. Stew- crt aud JamieBon are preparing fer the f511 threhn-,. . .. Miss Diaona MoWalters of Loekpot, N. Y., bas been visi ing fiendainl th!s vilage... Miss M. E. Me- Lean, Miss El'zaa Palliesud Moreby Failis -were viatitg at Lindsay receutly.... Mrs. Jane Freeborue }bas ro!d ber farn te Fd- dward Robinso for $2,300,.. Mien Ethel Sutton of Toronto bas been vimiting at Mr. William MeLean'.... Ms, Win. Cooper, je., continu-s very lo..,. Master W. Warren sud Miss Laite of Toronte have been guests cf D. Comteck, E4q CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Thop,. Wood iteuding te Rive up fantning bas esed is fanai te Mn. Jas. Willa .. .. Mr. William Spinka bas beeu, improving bis buildings by puttiîtg a atone foundebion under bis bain .... lb looks like weddings 'te coma wlten go mnany bouses are beirg gushed lforward rapidly; ou creferfnuadjoinifng tht, nec- tory by Mn. John McLaughliin; vnre ou Mr. Joshna Fergusou's farni ciOnu n(he Johnsp f~r be7ogýngt) Ur, John qeneïrel appearance of bie fari by ~rcÎga rew barn. . ... Tho boanuWul, dryiIng weatber cf the past we ek bas ou'- abled the majority o! Our farniers te gar- ner their barley sud nmake a stat cutting wbeat .. .. The sick reportE:d lat week are ail ncovenig .... MrJohn Edgerton'a daughter who bas beau ick for severai weeks is te the Rreat and.- glad surprise of doctors and parents recoverig .... Mn. C. lobden of Toronto bas beatu vlsiting at Mn. John Beccc's .... Mn. Fraudaa Crozier is building a new bouse sud mak. ïng improvitieuts ou hie barn. .. .Mn John L. Power bas purchesed the Ayor fanm nean Cadmus. BABY WAs SicI.-M y baby was, sicl witb diarboes and aften everything ela, bad faihed 1 bied Dr. Fowler's extraet o Wild Strawberry; the firat dose gave ns ief, and a perfect cure soon resulted,"- Mrs. John Clark, Bloomfield, Ont. Mrs.Wm. Jeweil an d daughter, Oshawa, have been visiting at Mr. Geo. Beer's.. . . Miss Maggie Jerome was viiting friends in Cobourg asat wEek. . . .Miss Ida Kelly, Tilsonburg, bas bean visitlng friends here . ... Mr. Frank ]3atten, Toronto, ishome at his fathers. .. . Mrs. Whitemau and soun Frank, Toronto, were visiting at Mr. E. Hall's la9t week .. .. Mrs. Webb, New- catie, bas been visiting bher brother, Mn. L. Tourjee .... Mr. Wm. McPherson is visiting at his uncle's, Caningto.... Mr. T. G. Thompoon, Toronto, atteuded the funeral of his sister-iu-iaw, Mrs. Hl- Ien last week . .. Mr. F.- Hili and wife and Miss Mlary Goddard, Oshawa; visited at Mn. R. Jzil's receitly .... Miss Maggie Dinginan, Bowmanvilie, is the gueat of Miss Maggie Stewart, sixth liue. ... Mr. Thos. McComb is shingling his residence, painting the fenca ad fixing up, his pire- mises ... . Mr. N. A. Jerome was laid up with a lame back ast week. . .. Miss Editb Fielding, Minden, is visiting at Mr. Juha Rickaby'o, Oîh lino.... .Mrs. Tice and amily, Hamilton, are visiting lher aister Mrs. Anmos Samis.. . Miss E. iBraden, of Betheny, a former teacher in Orono seahool hias bean visiting at Mr. A. Pol- lard's .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith and daughter and Miss Edna May have been camping t !Scugog. . ..Oun old and es- teemed townsman, Mr. Reuben Werry, bas saiied for hie old homne in Cornwall.. .Mn. Wmn. Winter's horse ettaehed te a ight wagon ran away Saturday week completely demoiishing the wagon ... . Mr. Frank Stutt, the genial and obligiag pos- tal lerk, retires froua the office to take a position in 0. G. Armtrong's store. Miss Melita Moment, daughter of our worthy Post Master, succeeds him and will no doubt disebarge the duties most efficiently. . .. Mr. Samuel Copelaud, of Albany, Wis., el ter an absence of sixteen yea rs is a visitor teOour village .. .. Mrs. Eliza An JohnstoD, relie of the late W. Hillen died on Sunday Aug. 2, She bail been suffenîng from a lingeriug illaess, but about two weeks age was taken mueb worae which eulmineted in death. The funeral, took place from the famihy resi- deuce on Tuesday afternoon and was at- tîeuded by a large number of oyiapathiz- ing citizens aud friends. Services was conducted at the bouse by Revs.'Messars. MeKeen and Leslie. The romains were interred in Opouo eemetery. In the Morning. 'J'Four years ago" wrltes Col. David Wylie, Brookville, Ont., May, 1888, '11 had a Pavere attaok of rheumatism, and could liot stand on my feet. The pain was excruciating. 1 was blistered and purged in true athodox style, but ail to nopurposo. I was advised tu sry St. Jacoba Oit, which 1 did. 1 bad my ankles welI rubbed and thon wrapped witb fiannel eaburated wibb the remedy. lu the moru- iug I could wak itbout pain." Many get up and walk in the smre way. . C. RICHARDS & C.9 I had the muscles of rny baud so con- racted that 1 coutld flotuse lb for two yeari,, MlNARD'S LINIMENT cured :me, sud 1 uow have the use of my baud well as evor. Daittousie. MRs. RACHIEL SAlUNDEËS. .C.RICHiARDS &Co., I had a valuable Colt so badl with mrin ge that 1 feared I would losie hlmn. MIN. ARDS LINIMENT oured hlm like magie Dalhousie. CHItISTOPLImi SAUNDERS. M1onthly rýlze BNS an~sd 4Girls. The "Sunlight" Soap Ce.. Toronto, offer the foilowing prizes every mna ll îifurther notice )to boys and girls under 16, reslding in the Province of Ontario. mwho aend the greatest nmber of *l3uanlight" wrappers: let, $10; 2nd. i$6; 3rd. $3; Ith. $1; 5:h te 11, a Handsome Book and a pretty picture te those who aeud net tees than 12 'wrappere. Send wvrappers te "Sunlight" Soap Office. 43 Seott St., Toronto net later than 29th of eech mc.tb, aud narked *Ccmpetitiou"; ,aie give full nanie, address, age. and number cf wrappera. WInners' cames wýYill be publilhed je T4g 2Toronto Mail cru 6ir8t Stupdey la ei monuth, ION ill ~IL! FZEMA T EËR!L1LE Sui-PËt±KUS OPIALE axBABY. tSEvEiI DocTRiS àNr»Two HOSPITAL% FAIL. CTIED 1W CUTICUA. My baby boy, 5 monthe old, broke ont with ;eczema. The itchieg and buruîeg was Intense the eczema spresd te hie limbe. breaet face and heed. antil ho was nearly eovered; his l tortening agonies wero pitable to behold; ho bail ne peace aud butl litte rest elght or day. Hoewaa under tneatment at different tmes ai two hospitals aud by seven doctors in this city with. out the le set benefit; oery prescription of the doctora was faithfnuy tried. but ho grow worse ail the time. For months 1 Iexpieeded about $8 paer GLU FOLKS' PAINS SFuleofcqmfor o i aema ia th. uictaAuti-Pain Plasten. the kfirai and 0111Y pain lilling strengthon* 3e inq plaster. JNew. instantaneons, infallible, Economy: "100 doses on0 ekllar."' - Menit: "Peculiar te Ibsef." punity: Hood's Saapailla. .Importadýýnt i Faots Please Read Them We respectfily ask your careful attention te, this statemeut, bief but important, and whicb we ýwMI divideJ ito three parts, viz : , THE SITUATION; 2, THIE NECES- SITY; 3 THE REMEDY. I Bt. The Situation lHealth depeuds upon the atate of the blood. The blood conveys every element whicb goes to make up ail the orgaus of bbe body, and lb carrnes awayj aIl waste or dissobved and useless material. Every boue, muscle, nerve and tissue ives upon wbab the bhood feeda te lt. Moreover, every beating cf tbc heart, every drawing cf the breatb, every tbought lasbing tbrougb bbc brain, nieeda a supply cf pure blood, te be doue igbtly and welh. 2d. The Necessity The humant race as a whole is lu great ueed of a good blood purifier. There are about 2400 disorders incident te the buman frame, the arge majoity arising from the impure or poisonous condition of the blood. Very few in- dividuals enjoy perfect healh, and fewer stihi bave perfecLty pure blood. Scrofula, a disease as old as antiquity, has been inberited by generation after generation, and manifesta jîsehf today virulent and virtually uncbanged from its ancieut forma. 'If we are se fortu- nate as toe acape hered itary impurities in tbe bbood, we may coetract disease from germa int the air we breathe, thie food we cat, or the water we drink. 3d. The Remedy In Hood's Sarsaparilla la fouud th., medicmnte for ahi bhood diseases. Uts remarkabhe cures are its boudeat praise. No remedy bas ever bad se great suc- ceas, ne medicmnte was ever accorded se great public patronage. Scrofuha in lis severest forma bas yiebded te its petent powers, blood poisening and sait rheum antd mauy other diseases bave been permauently cured by il. If you want statements of cures, write -te us. If you ueed a goed blood purifier, take H"uood 's Sarsaparillia Sohd by diruggists, ,; six for $5ý Prepared. enly by C. L. HOOD & do., Lowoll, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar Pick the Ripest Berry First. When you seo the busbes, hanging Full of berrnes, ripe and good, And the brambles, intertwining Bar your entrance to the wood,* lu the climax of your flurry Stop and thitak what may be best, Know there's nothing gained by hurry Pick the ripest berrnes first. For they mnay not long be for yon, They may drop off one by one, And you feel chagrin and sorry, That you've lest them ail too s on; Pick thema then with heat so thankful Knowing they are net the worat, Jif ou'd ,eathçrin your handful And in choosing your profess!on Reason tells you do the saine, Çoiisiideçr1l Q.341 occupation That is known to mod)aértufàme; And the one that's suited for you And you're fitted for it best, That success may surely follow Pick that ripeîàt berry first. If the news paper you are taking Or whatever you xnay need, If in harvest, or hay making, Then this counsel always heed; That ecoinomy's deceivingl That choo3ez work ment worst, Thoughl les money they're receiving Pick the ripest berry finaL. Then as yeiFs, aie onward rolling And you wisb to choose for life, Search among the busy toiling For a help meet, in a wife; Do not choose the sof t and simple Though penhaps you think yon chrst, Dd not take the wild and wilful Pick the ripest berry first. Taire the one with blooming beauty, And the rosy tint of health, Take the one well skilled iu duty, Rather than the one of wealth; Take the one so ripe and cbarming La accomplishments we]l versed. Take the one that knows no harming, Pick the ipest berry first. And ini seeking gifta of heaven 1 Seek that place of greatest price, Thal, tu us is freely given And eternal life in Christ; For a home, a heavenly mansion Where the weary are at reat, We may go with a Father's sanction Pick that ripest berry first. r I your store, or shop, or farming, Or your intercourse with man, Or for war the soldiers arming, Or working a raiiwày plan, Or whenever or whereven *Your lot ini life be cast, Be sure you must neyer Pick the ripest berry last. W. M CnxFwsoN, H untsville, Muskoka. *Prampt relief la sick headache, dizzl1- * nes, nausca, constipation, pain lu the aide, gnaranteed to thce nsing Carten'a ]Little Liver Pille.. One a dose.. 5mai]- price.. SmaUl dose.. Snaillpill. 'ASON'S SUMMER SALE momazm>-'4 Men's Ready-made Suits, Youths' Ready-made Suits, Boys'ý Ready-made Suits, Men's Cottonade Pants Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps, GENTS' Furnishings-Braces, Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Jersey Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Fiannel Shirts, Regatta Shirts, Undressed Shirts and Dress Shirts. EVERYTHINGGOES AWJT Z]MITYCEFjD Il;?IOE8! -In our Ordered Olothîng Department wV:m -A-Ul MLAJE~I1TG- Men's Suits at Special Prices during the duli months. We have j ust. opened out. two cases of NEW Tweeds autd Worsteds, and beli eve they are as choice a lot aa we have ever shown. We would- like intending purchasers to see themi at T. UO. MARSON08 LOu"T HI1NUC;S TuOrE KEEP YOUR EY E o- on this space and cali at the store and ask for tbo special ines we offer in thiî colunin front week to week. By doing so you will save from 25 to 50 per cent. mn your purchases. We are constantly on the 1ookout for bargains to offer eus-. tomons and as soon as we securo any special lino that is far below its value we announce it'in this colunin. We do not- mnake startling announce.ments simply to attract attention. But the publie will ai- ways find the goods at our store to back up what wo advertise. Bt you nust corne soon after the announcement is made. for soentany are on the lookout for our special bargains that often ai whole line is cleared out in a few days after the announcernent ap- pearS. . Juist note a few of our speci- ais thii week, a lot of sample Para- sols at prices that will make you buy even if You don't want thern uritil next Bummer. The Parasols are ail right but the prires have been eut dlean in'two. The indi- cations are that we will ha ve sore rvery ho t weather this rnonth- Just the weather for our Straw Hats-prices rnarkcd away down. IYou should see a line of Oriental Laces we are se]ling at panic prices, They -are elegant patterns, used to sell at 15, 30 and 40c. They are now rnarked 5 and 8e. Quite a corne do wn. .We' mustn't forgot to mnention thoso large Pure Linon Towels at 5c. per pair, Fancy Bon- dered ll'd'f's 7 for 25c. 'Men's and Boy's topshirts at prices to dlear from S50c. up, double fold INavy Serge at 35c. per -yard, You may wonder at somne of the se pricas but we have a two-fold Inoason -making room for now Fali goods and we want, money. We just want to hint at our extensive punchases for Fali. Already ship- ments are aniving. Our stock of Dress-goods, Staplos, Ribbons, Hos- iery, bfats and Caps, Tweeds, etc., will be complote. JOHNJ. ASON, J GHGIàBOTHAM I& SON CBEMISTS &»RJGG1SI S. A FRESH SUPPLY 0F Pure PARIS GREEN For destroying POTATO BUGS. Pure Insee t Powder For destroying Flies and ailki0nds of Ilnsects. Inseot 'Powder Guris. Fly Paper, ail kinds., SELL ING OFF* -e M. Mayer is offerig his entire stock of Hats, Caps, Furs and Gents' Furnishings at and below cost. Now is your time if you want a cheap Hat, Cap,, Shirt or Underwear. Now is the time) for a. Big Bargain. Ail outstanding accounts must be settled at once. I must have m6gaey to carry on my business. THlE FAMOTJS HEAVY BODIED MACHINE -OIL MCCO MADE ONLY BY MCOLL,,BROS. & C., TORONTO UJSE IT ONCE'AND YOUJ WILL USE NO OTHER. MCCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER'OIL. FINEST IN CANADA. DRY GOODS & JEWELRY. HUNTSVILEHAl-PTENs. -1 have nsed ioxNTE."aufrdcnl~ ____________________________Dr. Fowlen's Extract o! Wild Strawbenry pale from cauker of the stomacli snd n1é wTANTED-AR-USBAND,AYOUNG iu my family sud eau highly recommend face sud body wore aimoat covered witht VIman, muet ho a blonde sud of good hab- lb for sunamer complaint, diarrhoea, etc." pimples. 1 triod Burdock Bhood Bittert,, ls,3 te whom 1 'will give. If ho Proves satisfac- Mrs. -Geo, West, Huntsville, Ont. tefitdseociudsigtpanbu tory, $5,0010 in cash and $10.000 In. bonda ou the h ie oeocsoe lgtpibt day of eur marriage. 1 arn a aideYouneg lady Phip sud Edger are aselling the ',opu- 1 scon found relief, sud after taklng y f-ve of brunette complexion, wigh about 160 Ibo, iar phieton cart ike bot cakes.' lb w the bottlea 1 became compie]ey cured51,A 10 yeara ot age sud Wear My owu teeth sud hair. The youeg min muai net drink or use cart that "takes3" every time sud ie .re tbiuk B. B. B. the moat pl>)werfui remey profane lanunage, but aboya ail thinga he te have a large sale. knowu te scIence. "-Stephen. Edge, N muet promise me taithtully tg get hie shavlug sud hair-cuntting douesud buy his tobacce sud FiEEtiWAx's wORM iPOWDERS destroy obet, P. Q. cigare, omekena' sundniés. etc., et W. E. PETII- snd reanove wernxs witlioutInjury te aduit, MnrsLnmn ue aduf îe',orst i .. pmuli.264f. er Infant. iadaLnmn ueDnrfî Smocks, Overalis and 'J j '7 i J