.NEXffSEIMEIS, N-UMBCB <679. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY B OWMÂN VILLE ONTÂRIoi SPEGIA L SALE _Dry Goods DuxLiug the Month of Juiyr JOHINSTON& #<RYDERMAN. uuuuiII, Will seil ail kinds of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices. A lot of Summer Dress Goods -at haif price. Ail Parasols, at,-and, under Cost Frice. Lovely Flouucing Embroidery at Oost Price. Thïs'is 'a Genui'n'e Clearing Sale ancd lhese goods will be sold exact- Iy as ad.vetised-. COUCU, JOUNSTON & ORYDERMAN, .l3cwtanviile, July 8, 1891. One Door West of l'est Office. FOR THEý BEST Make of SINGERTW/,NE FErNOE- ,W/RE se $.ED SALL ,BOW 7MANVILLE". Nolver have fine goodssold for lower prices than we are now rnaki ng on Ladies', Gertlemen's, Misse' and Ohidrens Boots and Shoes%Come see and w onder at the value we give. Fine goods and plenty cf them. YVou art) sure to find'wliat you want. Corne in and se.the'best-of everything in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, iRuýbbe, Trunits, Valises, etc. Reliable, Trusty, Serviceable Gçols marked at ýRocklBfottom Prices. / 1 1 0, §Sigu of the Big Boot drawn by Two Honser. The Way _YOU want yaur Cottons, Linens, Flannels alwaYs sweet, cienn, ânowy white? YOU, want'.,&the washïi dosie the easiest, the dlean- est, ,the quickest.,the cheaP- est way ? SURPRI e directhnsU We've hundrcds ofemployees, three-score separate decpart- ments, and sales are counited by the hundred thousandl. Our business is dry goods and( home outfittinigs; thatis everythinig for pcrsonaj« and1( home Use. You and we may bc quite, a distance apart, measured ,lby miles, yc 't, by, reason of our mail order facilities, \ý,c're v;ii- tually next door to you. No- thi ng in the entire establishi- ment that you can't hiave pre- cisely as if you stood in person before any couintcr, andl at exactiy thec sarri price. We send samiples of al mailable mierchandise, fi-ce, of couirse. If you wvant a liouse- ful of Car-pets or drajýries, a newý bonnet or a tooth-'brushi, xve expect you to buy ini per-~ soni. But Youi doni't k'nQwv wvhat a hielp shiopping, by mail is tilI you have triedlit. 190 to 200 Ypnge St., Tento. -the B.& C, corset. It is perfect In shiape and fit, iS Ti th boned with Kabo, vhich wvill flot break nor roll up, and if you' are not satisfid,4ater h* wearing it two or three weeks» return iand get your nioney. 1'or p'ale by CoucH -JoiiNSTON & CRY-B) DER-MÂN. ed COL UMB US. The village.cf Columbus was visited Tbursday byHou.-Jeha Drydlen's travel- ing dairy, which servesuas ell a% anytbing, wo kniow cf, te show the utility of biaving a practical furmer at the bead cf tise Pro- vincial Departinent-cf Agriculture. The meeting -was well attended, sud interee't cf more than au ondiuary sont was p'aiuly manifeat thnougbou t the- proceedings. Amoùg- the ladies present we' noticed 'Mesdames McKenzie,Ormistou,- Ratchiffe, Ganfatf-, Aehton, Belman, Stocks, F[cdg- sou, Ierrisan, Weir, Groat; the, Misses Doolittle, D.yden, Roberts; and MessrE. Cur, Dyer, -Hoîmau, Grienson, Burus, McKenzie, Ormieton, -Garfatt, Stoc~ks, Robeit3 , Purves and Coryell. Prof. Dean deivened a practicai address on dairyiug, Mr. Brown chus ned 7 lbo. butter frolu 30 lbs. dream, 13 samples cf xilk were tIested, sud after the dairy uteusils had l-een tborougb]y iuspectred, and the butter well tested by thore preseut, the meeting pated. A Solid Knook-down £low. The whale blows wter whlle ut pis>,* The trecs blow iu every clime; The sweetest fiowers biow iu May. But wlud biows ail the tirne. There's lots cf blcwing in this world. Suiferons froin Catarrh blow their noses,, sud quacks bllow aboutthein 'cunes."- Dr. 'Sages Catar Rernedy ;s ths only, infulible one,. Its propnietors bick up this dlaim by- ififtng $500for every caEe tboy fail te cure permauently. This is ý uinawenable blow at bumbuggery, cern- ing frein men cf sterling reputation sud aumple capital. Nasal Catanrb caisuek ne- siât the potency cf this rarmedy. It Etops diacharges, leaviug 'the sensea scnte, the head dlean, sud the breath normal. 0f aIl drugg9ists, 50 cents. for M1 bisa 'WORLD ÂFTERWÂUDS., Y, AUJGUST 19: 1891. ___________________________________________________________ I NBEw HA VEN. Redclef t and Vincent,of, Omaba, guests of Mrs. Levi VanCamp. thresbing lbas begun ln thia ho- the yieid la good. Cis well advancerd bore. coo. Le'ddolI andsoni, Vineland, S., are enjoying a visit ut Mr. i MNrs. J. Hoît apent Scunday in aFergusoni, cf 1Milbrook, visited VanCamp recently. Grea.t Gamnes. at Arnerican game, Basebail, in, s, sud] tbe great Englisb garne,- iu 'the Dominion, are in ful d it is apropos te considor what td pitcher says: Mv. Louis Rush *) St., Detroit, Micb., U. S. A., "Iu pitcbing bail I strainod rmy applicationis of St. Jacoba 011 ." If you want te be ready for day, tny it. re.opoued ou Mouday. irner bas returned fron vieiting ls In differeut parts of the States. mii and Luther Courtice aud R et'. y spent a fe-w days ut Grirnsby, utiy. Mr. -Rezzlewood, Oshaws,, for -Mr. Liddy on Sunday. lv mako of tbe D. 1U. cheese hia. 1 te Mr. A. A. Ayen, Montreal. id Mn.. D. Pollard aud. Mrs. T. re guests cf Mn.. L. M. Courtice r4flfl 4Wc st lad a el ýon's pupils 'iciuity at- ;reeni point Jine. ,htervisited Johin M~ichael, 'Toronto, il Fraulde Brownj, Rose- g friend8 bore. JIAPLB GROVE. Farmers are getting well on with har- vest. Mr. 0. Hezzlewood, of Oshawa,. very 1 ably occupied the pulpit hore on Sabbath. Some of Our youug people spent Sun- day at Solina. Mr. R. Snowden spent Sunday with friends in Pickering. Miss Polly Trenouth, of Bowmanville, has been visiing at Mr. J. Snowden'o. Mr. J. Crumb hes returnel frorn the States and le spending bis bolid'ays at Newrnarket. 1Mr. John Crumb'has returned frornaa fo ur meonthe stay in Meadviile,Pnn>U S. Mr. T. Power aud sistera have been visiting in Hope. ýRecent visitors.---Misses Pearl and G. Pierce, Newcastle; Mr. E. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Reddick, Rochester; Misses Florence and I-da Gibson, Oshawa; Mis&' N. Axford and mother, Toronto; Misa E. Rundie, Ebenezer. Mr. W. H. Foley bas a pea vine 8 ft 6' in long, bas 15 pods and eight blossorna on itl;. Grain here ie rneaxly al eut; a large 1quantity of banley h i's been colore 1 by re - cent raina- Corns! Corns! Corns 1 Discovered at last, a rernedy that is sure, safe and painlesq. Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor nover faila, neyer causes pain, nor even the slightest dis- cemnferb.- Buy Paunarn'a Corn Extractor, and be aware of and cbeap, dangerous aud fieah-eating substitutea, in the marlket. See that it i. imade by Poison & Company, Kingston. Mn.. Edwârd PaEcoo~ ha8 beeti quite ill. Mliss Edith Argrue ha. returned from a pleant viit at Teronto. SMr. and Mrs John Fletcher sud farnily have returned home after arpending their vacation here. Those having thnii.sbed report large R.ecesifr<visitors. Th3ie s5sHthn MA.JAMES EDETOIR AND PF.oPituarOB, VOLUME XXXVII. INUMBER 834 THE TRAVELLING DAIRY7 MEETING IN BOWMA.NVILLU'TO-MORROW. By order of the Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, it bas been ar- vsnged that Prof. H.I H. Dean, B. S. A., Professor of Dairying, shall speud two rnontbs in giving practical instruction in butter-rnakiug srnong the farànera of thse Province. ProfeRsor Dean takes wjth hirn a good btutter-rnaker sud al sppliances-such as thermrnometçsr, eau., churn, butter-worker, &c.-ýthat rnay be necessary to mnake a fair, churning of bu tter ; au d will lecture on feeding cows, bandfiiugrnilk and 1cre am, the best' methods of churning, working,ý and piacking butter, &c. Professor, Dean will test amples of miik, and any one *ho wants the milk of bis cowls tosted wili, pleaso bring soamples in botties or jars. In order, te get a proper sample of a cow's milk,- a cupful of bier miliK (af ter it ia well stfîrrQd) should be put into s bottle or jar in the eveuiug, and the saine arnount of that given by bier the followin« xw)rning (sftir stirring) shouid be added te it. If suclisamples of * Milk given by any bord of cows, are properiy hbelied and brought t9 the place of mipetîn ', t'-ey wil hoe te.%tel, and the resulta kiven privately tu the owner. By thèse meatings itis intouded to, reach those who mako the butter on eaeh farm, snd tu assiat them, as f ar ai possible in their work. Henco farrnerq, soas, wives, sud daughtera are specialy invited. Such a dairy meeting as 4.113 wiil be beld under the auspice of the Farinera' inistâite at Boiwranville sud Orono in the drill sheds on Thuraday sud Friday, Aug 2thaund 21t at 2 p.rn., respoctlvely. Piëe.e rrnge Bo as tà corne or senti souieo f the membars of youir farniiy. - S. ..Notes. Durng Toronto Exhibition week, there will be the annual -8. A,. demonstrationii ini Toronto, whiDh are expected te bu cf a i;trlking nature. Cadet Smnith of the TraiinugGarnisoný farewelled Sunday 9th. She i. apending- a few day. St ber berna in Guelph before- procéesding touiser ppointinent a3 Lient- With t. eariy s3tages. nI puts hi troubles, purifies the bfuh action te the lug.- ives blemisbes frorn tbo ýonest Dmedicine,' aud au insurnac. policy wbicb aliowed te' lapse. Al rutl piping cf the thnesber's atearn is again heard in our, midst., yielding vony.wolh. - ijs ity cf the sehools in the towu- ened on Monday. suies MeLaiughiin i3s ick. aturday weeok as Mn.. Johnu r. was descending a iadder from, or foot rilipped' causing a falLsud scture of ber wrist. 3Beacek is berne frnm Tenonto. f. Planton aud Misatottie Brown inned te their bornes ln the West. Philip, B.A., Principal cf Feneast sool is spending u fetr day. o re. B. Ferguson bas nented Mn. W. aria on the '2nd concession., Vater Cei.chtcn, B. A., preacb. tai sermon in St. John'. Churcb ty moréeug. arolinie Scenies cf, Prince.Aibert, or cf No. 5, speut Sunday bere. was the Lîttie Woid aadvertis3ed -day eveiiIg? d Mn.. Rehillaspent Snnduy witb Mne. Geo. Suiggitt. ýte the nurnber this wm(4 a very creditable Eoglajd a ýrade on SundaypeS.S ýad church was veîy ah. oaubiful fibwera their visi f riends m byntesitei of rue erer,wnue ' eusnct the minister, was beautifully ýwrought, "Cerne Siu Our Pledge" and- "Love, Purity aud Fldelty."~ 1 ev. P. Saudersaen preached a sermon frorn Genesis '4: 9 suad brougbt forth moine excellent points, apoke very favor- able cf the grand old order cf'the Sons cf Temperançie aud urged tbe members to greater zeal lu the good work. Seldorn have we beard a botter cormon. The cburcb wes crowded te the dloors. Asmong recent visiter. are Mr. aud Mn.i. Jas. McCullougb, Prince Albert, Mn. sud Mrs. Jacob Stepheus and farnily, Maple Grove; Miss 'Brirnacornbe, Mn.. R. Stephenson,' Mr. sud MTs. Goo,, bcd, 8Scugo>g lsland;- Miess illien, Millbrook; The Misses-Stainton, Miss Annot, Zion; Mr. and Mrs.ý Samuel Devitt, loartwrigbt; Miss E. Bn9ad, Miss Hattie Nichols, Mas- ter Oscar LàBelle, Bowrnanville. Mr.'and IMrs. Chas. Williams bave been visjiting friends at,,Port Perry and eyrtle. Mr. J. W. Virtue, jr., commrercial trav eller, bas been speuding bis vacation with bis brother, Mr. R. C0. Virtue, in the cnty of Simcoe. Miss Canne sund Master Wm. Roers are berne fer a few days from iPickeingg." .Mn. John Lie la back f romnbis- outing at the a e. pIUllu HAMPTON.11 Miss Lizzie Dean bas retunned te ber acheel at New Park af ter speuding a I~eî vsions- as ilaRuepeaat vacation arnong ber friendd. Franýe Brown, Wiil Landor and Fred Miss Lanra'asud Masters A lfred sud Stoût Toronto, -Mr.. Myntle, Poterboro, Mrs. ,Frank Gui, Exeter,Mns. J. Bellamy, Harold Mitchell' have heen spending a Mooe'jw, N. W. T., FredMasoi, Pick- week iu Pickerng., eiig. Mn. F. R. Brown bas gone back to Seyçral farmnens in this vicinity have duties lu the city. threa,,hed; grain is'furniug eut fine. I Conigratulations te Mr. sud Mrs T. A. An liarveat home ehtertaiument will belI Brown. May thein life be a happy aud bold liere, last cf thlis manth. useful oue. Mr. A. Penungtou isb ,uilding a church We learu that Mr. Jas. Neabitt bas at Pontypool. been consultiug an oracle near Orono. Miss Sailsbury, junior teacher, bas ne- We would advise that "Grit" te returun tustned .fnom Mitchell. ', 1 1 those calves. Cheeo Co hae sod baanc of uly Grain i3 turning out exceedingly weli - bvein this section. Barley lu some cases 50 cbeec te Mn.,J. T. Warrngton, Belle- bushels an acre sud wheat 30 bushels, ville. The ucrtbernupart cf Hamptosn circuit Frank Parr, oun efficient cheese maker iz, nilMutVenusdEns will eçimpete for a pnizeonoucheese at Can- EllnfedMon rluadEns adu's Fair. Toronto, this year. nuale appointrnts will hold their an- nulHanvest Home festival as usual Sep- Pe, . McCulloch's family have the tomber 6tb sud 7tb.- The eoqueut min- symipatby cf-the entire ccmmuuitY in fster frorn Mankbam, Rev. Jos. Young their sorrow caused by the Rice Lake (chairman' cf ,Uxbnidge ý District) wil dlrowriug clarity. pneach aI the above appointments on F. A. Colo, F. Groat sud compauy ne- Sabbath sud give an address the evening turnedl from Scugcg isat week. cf the supper. 0 , TbiitÏ white Leghorn houa lu this vill- If there ever was a specific for auy eue age have laid frcrn the middle cf January complaint, thon Carter'. Little' Liven te the sanie date this rnonth 200 dezen PilUs arc a specific for sick headache, sud eggs. [Thiat là eggs tra-ordinany, but every weman should lsnow this, Only willi it not disqualify- tbem for making one pill a dose. Tny them. chieken pies for the harveat bomo--.Er). s3 given te snnounce large nurnber of oid A Friday night. vpry Glaver who was for- merly stationsedlnera. Septennial Benevolent Society. Tho Executive Cornmittee of this society beld a special ses3ion at 42 Chunch atreet F>ýidaY for the pui pose -of cousidorng the a.jctioin of the Governnent ii h eoa tiort cf the charter cf the aocie ty. The folhowing resolutioln was iutroduced sud adopted:--Movedl by Dr. A. D. Watsons, seconded by Mn. Aiberc Ogdeu, I'Th~at the Executive Conmittes cf the Sopten- niai Benevoleut Society desgires te sffirra its cenfidènce iu the legkal -rigbt cf the Se- ciety 1to carry ou its business us it lias been advised by erninent legai counsil, and thereforethe action cf the Goverurnent, in the opinion cf the committes, i3 ex- =teml arbitrary ad uniut, and in view ofac egai adylce'we furth1ur desire te uffirrn that theGoverneut esxgt fn fair- nesjansd justice have submittedfi question te the H:igh Court cf Justice fer Ontario for its 'opinion, befere preneunciug a judgrneut hich Ii its nosuîts wlh operate 1. iuuiouqly upua such, a large body cf respectable cjtizansý of thisl Province> neventhoiesa lu vioev cf the action cf the Lieutensut-Gov.ernor lu Councii revokiug the charter cf the Septenuiai Benevoleut, Society, it is therefore crdored that im- modias stops ho taken te cosnply with the erder by thse voluutsry wiudiug Uup cf the Society. " A fnrthur nesoluticu was initroduced ' auth'onizing Mr. A. J. Pattinscu te proceed,- on behaîf cf the Executi ve Comrittee, with the irnrediate windiug up cf the Scciety. A lodge cf this Snciety ha ee in existence for aev- oral montha lu Bowýmanville.- DISTUICT NOTES. C. F. May,, cf Toronto, bas purchased the statienery business cf R. Wellington, Oshawa. snd iis lu possession. William McKay, cf Cobeurga prisouer aàt the Kingstou pouitentiary, jurnped into the lake and eiscaped frorn theguards. The seven year old daugbter cf W. Marks, Oshawa, fell over the foothoard c f the bed sud dislocatod lier ef t shoulder. Burglars were eperating iu Brooklil recently. Among theplaces visited were the G. T. R. to-.d bouse sud station, A. Mili's; hardware store aud lHeliday's store. The action cf Carter's Little Liver Pisei. pleasant, siid sud natural. They gently stimulate the liven and regulate the bowels, but do n6t. purge. They are sure toeàse. Try then.' The Milibrock Reporter man bas norne f un witb bimeolf as fellows A. councillor said te ns the other day, 'IWby dont yen boom the town, 'V Yes it i.ail very fine. The town will ait areund, aud watch'us endeavor te boom the place, and do nothing for itseif. ---~ 4 1