WEDNE",SDAY AG 19, 1891, Or P CANADA. Caplital paid7usp, S*OOO2 5o, $2 00 1This iBajnk -il preparod te, do Legiti- mate iBanking in ail its branches. Farmer'u nte discounted.; Dcposits1 received and 1Interest paid on1 accounts of $5 and pwrd in Savinus, Bank Departrnent. <ssned and Collections made in Enroe United States, and canada. WY . JONE9, Agen Gwents' Clothîng Cleaned, Died. Pressed and Repaired by THOJLS. P EAT, DYer and Clothes leaner. Gonds warranted to be as no ene will know them from new when done. Corner of King and Ontario Streets, Bowcnanville. ONTARIO BAINK continues taaco a Qeneral Banking Business Bowsnanvillle lranch. BEPOSITS Recalv0d In Savlngs Bank Department and on cail and interest aiiowed at ourrent rates No notice0f withdrawal neceasary. Aldeposits Payabie On demand, EXCHANGE -B nghtand soid and Draftas lsud upon Kuropo Unted States and Canada, aiso Gold,Siver and United States Greenbacksbouuht and aold. P. OmPtly made et ourrent rates uxion ail art 0' Great Brittalus, thse United State an t he 1 1E InlWon 0ef Canada. Telegraph Transifers à~ Ede cr le(ruiismaflilat Canlada. Th!is ta eseipealalbY ladvanta"geot ler. c meliving fil Itianitoha or the North-jý est 1 n t Èes lthe IDEndmavailable atonce !aI the pliat 01 payment. Bi ÛUXE, A ccountanit. 011o. McGýLL,1 Mariage Y d b~earned at Cor NEWtliéoofook, IIflhI -opidi>- .»d hoaoethel 10, Wofnoh erystg.w,,ar ya.KonS.~ uo ';roroe, t an( more afier lite eaperience. de cao faroijh yon thearn- 1>1oymret and teaehye 25. o pctorltSr.Fo lnfor=,a5on FREZ l tUE & No p . - l(ST, SIASCe. u JAMES'BEYMAN LOCAL AGEN T FOR Dominion Organs A LEAX IN' A GASPFE. liew aP nPiscber Neariy Lost Uts tifs b Beiag .asensse l ai Air SPat", TChere e i-a-ýw c c e oudonardc llealth te tloi l ecttliat apil uwleue ul t water pipes supplying the lieuse are tre- qneDtly laid te aveu 1rnuning tim up in thewcalie. Sehclof a prolegue le neces- caryblefore I tell yen that I arn a plumber by trade and that a couple cf years ago I crac lnuineses at Fulliam, a southieasteru district cf London, wliere a large number of emaîl, clieap housse have recently been run np, A twelvemeontli age to-day I crac called te 47 Mimosa street te discov er and stop a leak in a gaspi pe. The leakw-as 1reiably under the ,iorlg' lecance it was lu the ground ficor dining room iliat the srnell cf gas war, se troug. The house liad only receutly been repaper- ed aud painted the ne-v carpet laid decru and the roo. prettily, tliough heavily, de- sernted. An immense antique oak ideboard teck up nearly the wliele cf one side craîl, and the rest cf the turniture wae cf thecarne description. Mrs. Thoruton aeked me if it would net lic possilile te fiud the leak citheut disturli- ing the room, and as se wac a good payiug customer 1 said I would try. I had a mate with me, but lie rac a hig man, whsrescI arnquite small. 0f sour-ce, 1 kuew aIl about the open space, beueath the boeuse, and I guessefi I could crawl lu under and find the leak. There crac a menus cf doiug this first frcm just below tlie kitchen doerway, se after a short consultation witb Jirn (my mate), in whicli the irnpossiblity cf hie crawling under was ciearly dernustrabed, 1 off with my cent and prepared te make the exploration. A smali dark lanteru, a littie white lead and a few toola were qnickly lippsd inte rny pocketc and away 1 crept lietween the bas annd raftere under the lieuse. 1 lad ne difficulty lu findiug my way., I just made fer the front cf the bouse, draggiug myccîf along on uy back by menus cf the beasus. Then guidtug myselfbli the feenda- tiens- cf the front wsail, 1 soon got te the diuing roem fireplace, and sure enougli bers I fouud the leak, It was net mudli cf a leak, any way, and I crac net rny minutes before 1 lad stopPed it wlýth white lend, teeted it cith an liglit, nnd crac begiuuiug teô crawl back againi. Sornelow or anether, jnst as 1 had got about hlai way back, I remembered that 1I7 had left my big- pincers behind me, and I côuld't well spare tlsem, soI1 turued nrouud te go back and fetch them. Iu moviug I kuocked ever the lamp, anud it weut eut, leaviug me lu total darknesc. Well, I tliouglt, l'Il just ksep niong a beain tili I reach nacrali and crawl aloug te the fireplace. I made another turu te do tlijs, dien snddenly I found tient, lu turu- ing, I lad got myssif ovem upon ny side,aud3 that 1 crac jamned u li etween two heams, wlth oeeof my legs ua Edierneath use, and I could net move oe way or the other. Here wca pretty predicamiieut te lie lu I fiad net the remcotest iden what position I1crac lu necording te tlie topography of the bouse. I migit lie unsder the diuiing reorn, the parler or the kitcheni, but at any rate I cas a fixture, nnd the nmore I struggled the tigliter I1et fixed(. Neither biad I nuiy very clear iden eflice )eng Ilied beesa undertire ficer. I liad beenae t and trne nasses THE TRIPLE AL1jIANCOEý îWiIl rfauJeta iItis4esay,.sd ansd Iltai. sic asrWilhelm started rupornbis pre- sent tou, e given an unusual îinterest to the, Enopaneluaticu. Thiese are the re- neafte iple Alliance, b.-- whie2li G er. mauy Ausriaand Italy leguei tem,- sevstogether. in a o esv qnat the isit cof the Ki11ýUIPn due Itit,,-o that 'portion f h Bi t;ish flet at prescrtent l heAirate an-,dL the h,,arty andenhiai wemac -percr. !ltitese eVeuite tht 1is0hlast two, haý 0epolitical sgnfCance fw tre dis- fposed te doubt. on the contrinenit, and nen d 1ocit at licrq as well, the opinion s~gen er- ally entertained that while Enliglandl( lias t Dorrnally eutv.rpc into a comipact with the nations ernbraced under thie Triple Al- liance, she lias virtually ,ornittL(ýd lier- self te espouse the cauise ()f ail or qany of tliem ehouid they lisettckdfrern witliout. Nor je this au onin meely,- seeing that Sir James* Ferguson ihaistte lu the flouse that it ie thc intention (cf the Britishi Goverument to maiiintain the cf tus quo iu the Meditcrritarrean This meaus that England has eetvdte proteet Italy against tie Frech fleet, and as Italy le tihe enly point ac which France could use lier fiset-ag inet the Triple Alliance, the alliance lias receix-ed 'Jngland as anaval ally ferthepresent. Natlsraîly in viewofthisuew dernutration cf frieisdliuess ou the part cfEngland towards Germiauy Sand Italy there .arses the quesýtioii, what will the next move be lu the gatîicof En- ropean politics? XVili the other nations bce content Ù) lcekupon tliis powerfuilomia tioi witliout making corne attemnpt to offst it byanother alliance? Althouigb thbiiis a questlion tliatnoue aea cidý:ently auswer, 'hiere are net lackiug important riiiiors con- _.erning the matter. It le repIovsd that France and Russia are abiont te eutpýr jute a jcompact and ti at Servia, Greec and -Mon- (tenegro will probablyble added. Tliseriumor Ss rendered credible by tle circumestance that France and Russia haive rnaý,nifestly tbeen drawiu nearer togethier of Isate, and aise by the: fact that botli kouutries eare greatiy irritated ever, the grea t dm strations made by Euglaud iin houer cf Frauce's greatest euemy. Se exasperated( do they feel tliat itis statedtliat M1. Ribot, tlie Fren ch Minister cf Foreign Affaira, lias ap. proacbed the Russian goverurniet on the subjeet cf a coalition againet Engianid, oifer- inýg te co-opeate with iRussia lai the seizure cf' Constautinople and tlieformiation cf a ue Trish State ini Asia, esipraciug Eigypt, under Frauco-Russian protection. Wliether tlie rumor is true or ne not ii be detsrrnined, this at least is ce~t, th, the re'lations between Englau-d and cermanyi on the oee laud, and France an.ld-Russia oni the other, are cousiderably strajued lWlat then aretlie prospects fo)r thie pesco f Europe, and is it likely te lie rendcdred moe precariene by the recent occurr(,es? Sncb is net the popular feeling lu Eng]and wliere it le gyenerally regarded thiat t le, otoome cf the Emperor's visit wil lie to reuder pseace more secure. lu this -c'Illiction lie utterances cf -tlie ycunig Xaisv r are sîÀguificant. lu hie address at Guildliall lie jes reported as sayiug :" My aim abllove al is the maintenance cf peace, for, p~eions car ivre tise confidence neccsýuqr-vte a lieatby e-vlopmut f scenc,trtaid trade. -11y se 1og wae peace reigus are we t 11h- ertyte eetw srusthtouglits lupon thei grea-t )probiee stlie.olution cOf whlce.hin fair- usness and equity I considler the mnost promrn-, euti dutvnof ourtime. vo- nl,, h -fO: ls will be found-in his old shop,,next- door aoor to Express Office, where ho keeps constantly on hand A LARGE &,COMPLETE ASSORTMF'!ýNT [ "T su s te Yin heur leh u baidpciye legênea i tr ubiacstaimgy un r -treiriu re.Eby-M lIchns u-tc veyht tttC) [PPO ýlflko e eeal nacn o c fle 11pra usa Tlicunubeliet that stnys tic hand of Cbnr [l'ilin RU N NU ;-ng h<t' cr! Fis-ine utI~to w er hij ac n o r a-warcitieGreat Britain, France anu Ieotusushmsrnfuiy1 ewayi able d i .~e r~- 1- e U is Worth rospairÎ7ng. we aeau-do) it, ~e~eabiastt~f u k -nostyuoud. n - t - ~ ~ bs f~dtnn innttnb r-[o net have te-keep any -peddl71ers andud iy eS"ppy rsial-acns 1- 3b a d - 8i e a a it u t w is g r s n la-M Lff ie r q : t O n itl e i u n f it hi sa y s, âI e n t - _~ ~ J ienh uat' wlu odm netat cee s oesisiti up, nudthere yycs- weroi, £airLe.,d dwâd i,0rverz, - y ,~in gs~,. î e an tferusha woule cne,a ud tAtL3 SHM À ýbetweeu the ratters and the plce cf Lacsr-or lu Yunýuau. Certaiuly vinthed formulg" a wu e," wud Cr tic section cmli inke a ittie. Did't cre 1 is not alioneyuccayte isoy8c01"'l oe nleivrsen rgad iet t. emnil.FORTER'S (1 l'J - hU ave yen eut qnisk, tee! And the lady made sbonld repent itseif lu this instance, and ns put yen on te hier swell sofa, and lent us that the Germart mouarcl shoid attempt te vliing te occupy a position icn whisl lie a mattrece te take yen home on, and sent force tic pace or te exert hie influence sea. l tk nothuseg for granted, uer trust a aarh.I Ut this bottie cf lbrandy toc; and uew, thnnk opeuly ne te acaken opposition or cempel arge or iecser hope. 11s cr111oeuîy believe --Sml pl SÂN' ITET Jgoodues,yeu'rs al nigit again." And then bîmsesf te cmbark ou somie foolhardy enter- cnet lie m'uet. 0f what value, then, le bis CATÂlImiHÂL DEÂ.FESS H.&Y FzvE-A Internal medïine required. Ciires ttl Y h link ti i dti iimuc besenescd Inttî dt le i-lie ili uer be reen et ail. Thisio nt noce, etc. leaviug the ski- elear,'h'styptscra cr-ue I ' r eih.It re einadcrtv e ptnd the ideboard, and ne hnrr cras1 neut and tînt even nec tics situastion le net cf Gdle o rlr Ns tbeoloer Sufferers are net generally acare that are posaessed by ne other remedy. &21ç yo j ~~~~~~donc te anytlsing, ancd M m. Tiomuton gave abslely fraes trous disturliug cislmente. 0I as his trusiful chidren.*tesdsae r otgos ~tn hyfrSÀNSiTET F m a of my e iesilnsfrtersaeO hs fi nuht eto i eeet LmAN SoNs &Co., Montreai. NWhi osnLs AI snc e rn ecenfie clliug fr thsr car 0fthse t e eonli e entonus cîmeLookedSuspiciuns. are due te the presance'ofivnpaste o f ticecvork. I crac ail iglt eext day, but' duel le the Erperor's onecrearioiiuanud by Cosa ffeosiowrcisa -eo-fo- cksil hl1IL pe ossdtenite Germau, Squirc-Morning, UcisRutu. Scl Iehnnfebaeo Iens u _________ __o - ns i,1teyau1Sît-rnd cie elve-ye'_ gl-e neiîir US.e lu ser eutwobia -tubes. Microscopie reserch Wl ô s~ uito B ites geppe. l or Cnstern's Lengue as'&gainet tIc rect tiers. \Viat are they like ?" [hewever, bas proved this te liea eatstand Fer ves- Fiftv wTeess -eser -r~~~~ -~~ cf the corid. It-is diffieIt te sGie hec sncb Unclle Rutus-Ci't elwvays judge liy de tli6 reanit cf Ibis discovery la that a sim-Ms.Wsnw ovcaeSRrhet Su n urn ~Tht'man cIe iscaitng telie hppy il a union outhtIcpowers nnmed eu lic carrisd eppearauce, SsabtçV csiepie resedy basa been formulated where- used by.milirofnfmche or o tissr cud $-, ànext ya t i ieb atn tl.f glsw'at by caterrb, câaerrieni deefucas and hey chile tetbiug.F dtisi.irbed a, nigh SThe iatect ted lu Seattle, Walh., i ae Englidli trade xvhich w eclake Britishi don5t kscp lewis. tever are perrmaneutiy cured iluoeete and eryingcuwtà pino upfQtiïngT;ettren fl bats ~~~~~~~for ladies. They are made in various jenlcusy. Eicgksnd is abeve ,ah1i thiigs cernhe i aapiaiosmd.thm nead a GteO M'A styles, and blin siu nuny pretty eud shocy merciaI. Tie syupeîiy cf Irer gux ent ce t heis porsibls for that seso' te iresml ltonscedlet ooe ndget a bp"oit i en et "Mr. ig -, Me REW UP0T T_ -,epair by the patient once in tce weeka. ehigSr"frcsdenttig.t an- tn nyafwcnt ah r p e elikelier wcres, te tise micapr sket. crIes usembers thnt bihil!,re-1,cns N. B.Tîis trtatrnent je net a relieve the poor iitie cufferer iu it REFSESUS~lTTESan cstugonl afs cutsac, reptte~ would net lie surprissng, tissistue, iiP il fre enst~oihv bs i-aouti, u hrsDiarhere Gi.1s Ls- become quit e pnlar. ODepn -nimteeteelau ih BE ~~~~ Choicesbutter slould niweys be wrapped cithin n fscr yearc Eligland sssiissI 5ftig e sffill p51 <Srl vtiý'iionci niB , Cre.Wcud',Co WITH BFFWRAPER luthec li**tpapet maSs for thls an effort te detaci Iteiy frcm cun riî,s ,'snst{ ii,"AI'swht1cd îuid. pe xsoftens the Guerna.reduices Inflimmation ta pumpese. Iti i ihdean, whilte anS wouid se serioushày olistsuct tise fmeeslossso. u ?ssite tRnsosis '- f.plaiiîsis g il is inow ireatment la sent free gives roue andenergytothcoisst s 1 _i,, h,11Mra.ewo,1là, ý r ifl nr cýto luptopypsae i Winaiew's Seothing Syrup" for clesidr euS, if il tastseas cel ns it looks, e good tînt couid inean Itaiy detnchcdtosss io fflescran ls ectlyG ixn&C. 4 etKn t o-prescription of eue ot the cidesi and beeat s AUFATLIED CLV5V uctorneis le cured. Wheu reiale line niît w eldscac orrosîf t'se %%imîsuce itait eynte Canada, -Chiristian miepyciu aS use i is Ui ?O N'S ETURACTGMPANsy, daîry ceuldacTriple Alac, adthtagnain lde eisiisg oauA,.cte male sPics andsutesibottie S nIte PONO EGATCO A enRccrî vcry diy atesus te uttermak-Gerrny anS Anstria 1sf t elons te face Ru§-,,doues htowlie st. ' Prsttuyvellet present' Sufferers frein Catarrhal troubles targîstes; rough25cnootise nîcI Bý ure -70 FI-AEWYOR5. ed cith Is l breud. ia euS Francs lu au unequalistrie tics man auswered;butouiime ciii show."'should carefully reed the above. uk cfor "Mits WIsN WS SOOTUXNG syli ~QhiIdren Cly for Pitcheir's Castori*a, r5 MILITAR! .EXEO LTION IN IEDIA. The Calirn Braves-y of a maue About te bc Biowsi fsena a éanaias meuth. UzrnuAtzul Khian, being a strict Mcliam- medau, w-ss scstenced by tise general court martial te lbe executedl by lieing blown from the mion5 cf a gun. iSaturday, tho day after ther Sbbatli. whicl is~ our FVriday, was the dlay, epoiuited, subjeedt te the approval cfi t lie " finudinig"ý cf tic-e Cmmandant. The Commandant approved cf the findin-g cf the court,nand the execnrion parade tec place the following Saturday. The native troope, ail unarmed, fcrmed twe cides cf a square o poite te ens another and facing inward, Tewhitrop forrned oeeaide. Tliey para-ded witli fixed bayonets and loaded witli hall sartridge lu view cf the Sepoyc. On the fourth side cf the square a twelve- peunder gun crac pocted, the rnuzzel point- ing incrard, lu charge cf the Enropean &r- 'illery. The commandant and staff stccd lu the centre cf the square. Preently the convjcted subadar-major was marclied into the square and halted lu front cf the gun facing tlie treops. Tlie cliarge finding, and sentence -%vere rend liy the Adjutant iu Eng- 11db and Hind-utanj, and the Commandant asked tlie pricouer te sà sy hic mest cords. The priecuer, who wac, te do hlm but justice, a brave , seldierly man, said lu a firm voice that lie cac justly puuielied for hic grecs breacli cf military discipline, and exhorted the Sepoys te adhere te the Britishi Rai, whicli le said would bce successful as it lied alws.ys heen. Fie rac then tied secnreiy te tlie muzzle cf the gun, hie liack te it, facing the parade. The gun was loaded witli au extra charge cI powder, witli a clod cf grassy turf liglitly rimcmd home. The man's face wac ýpale as death, but lie stili hadl a recoînits look and did! net tremble eue whit. Hie ccrtaiuly died a birave man. The word crac given by the Comm'nandant and the Ian yard pnlled. A dull ex plosion tollewed, and tlie unliappy nrretcli u'ss iauucled jute eternity. blown luto fragýments!1 Ie, ho wcver, liad a certajn re- ven ven lu deatb, for bis riglit arrn, being tiglitly drawn back on tlie gun', on the latter bliig fircd, was violeutly projected liack, striking itb force a stalwart cergeaut cf ~Illery on the threat and hurliug hlm te tlie ea-th. Tlie sergeant crac six menthe lu li1ospital before he recovered sufficieutly to joie hic corps. A party cf the deceased nsntineer's regiment picked up the piecea very carefuliy, ns te miss any cf tliem wcnld entail mucli suffering lu a future state, and carried the remains off te lbe buried by hic iriende. You Pull the Cork ',Harvard" D oes,t'h e Re st "I have nsed RArVAD RNOIA YR Il il, the rmost sattsf1actorY CugFemedy I baveevrcrIej, andI know ha hrougýh its use 1 have reeovered from a very bad eold." Rosa Mackenzie, C. P. R. offiesMotal There la nothing in the world e quai to this re edy for sore Throat, Coughs and- Colds. Plaat to that-Gves Instant relief-Ab- soueyharmiless. Large botties 25c. Byaill drirA. J., Lawrence. Montreal, Sole Proprietor fer Canada M AR BIE AND CRANITE WO RKS, Bowmanvî1le, Ont. (Established- 1857.) ]Zou SAua Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in M1onumentsý, TomSs, Sarcophagi, Tablets, Headstones and ail inids of ýArchitectr- al and Cemetery Work in the best European and Americani Granites and Marbies'. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanship and Best. Materials. WiIl be happy to quote prices on any of work. Give mne a eall before purchasing. TEE EAST END PAINT AND PAYER STORE is now open where wilI be found full lines of Wall Papers from 5c. to $2 per roi], IVixed Paînts-mixed to lorder and sold by the pound, Putty, Glass, Peerless Machine Ojis, etc. I amn prepared to do housepainting, graining, and decorating of al, kinds. Brushes to boan for painting, and kalsornining. Mixed Kalso- mine also for 8ale-any shade desired. KRIRB'Y & 8HERIN.- Reid's Block, opposite New ilotel Building. 1 Tliwarting the Saviaur. "And lie did net many mighty works there, because of their tnubellef. "-Matthew xlii., WIf a sad fact, but as incontrovertible as ced, that a man may hinder and tliwart the purposes cf God. If men may in corne happy coubination lie "werkers together with Ged," tliey may aise stand in the un- happy position cf 1"'hinderer cf hic purpese sud plans." Man's ail but alisolute freedern isa terrhle thing te conteneplate. That story iu the Book cf Genssis, wbetlîer a simple taternt cf fact, or largely an aI- legcry, lu sither case, the record precents a grand and awful vision ; a vision of a man standing alrnost peer witli God himsecf, free te eat or net te eat cf geod or cvii ; powrer te cheose lite or dealli ! Ail docu the long roll cf the years, uman lias used this freedous sineetimes te wcrship God ansd sousetirnes a golden sait, Sensetirnes te follew the lie- lests cf heaven, anud someti 'mes the salis cf tolly anuýkselfîsliess and slu.luIeueneofthtés grandest cf the Psalms cf Asanli this whole, Davis DW