a ~ m fl Y tor almost two weeks .S1 ' ' AIm n. a ok 'oyous?-" irginia Su etter se in 4 hour. "Oh ha ba beau polife, of course," it Io superler te Copüiba, Cubeb, or iulec Flocîle scid drearily. "lBut if le juisf le- tnam freo £rema ait bad mmculi or othaer causeha is a gentleman, and don'f count. I Sueonven1eiice2, -maî lie basn'f spoken f0 me on, purpose as SA N T A L-M ID y i5l ad(ue if. ha wantad to, not one." vMcbewiilie tis erel "That doas look odd, " Virginia adititedl, ea<,,wlteu~heis51e, ie555U*l6%.~,5 iknifting bier hrowS again. , 0 course, tic moct 'plausibip eaxplanafion was fiat Lyla EIRRIRS 0F VOUT1-. !Zerv, De. Richmond bad! not refurued Flossia's fancy, y, Seinal osasadre treDay and discoveriug that gossipe wive conpling promrptly auà permafnenfty eured by their naines wes quiet]yvavoidingauiy faricbr 0 V ca-,usa for: sncb talk. AÀ lacs honor1ab)le manii hîi ave showed cli tise partîalify ha hiad, l3anoiteirwit idie or usual eenpt1on wlfhout f1eiug-_ enlythingi, but sice lied and fully resteras lesf vigor and ureefe, thiouglit L 1 Rîclimond mr euuos m~&ho.Priesi $ par box. oî Proptor, H. SCHOFIE1D, Sehlo- 1' don', uude(iresiL1 if, &aéýr," slic said1 lled'Drg toeELX STZEET, 'TOONser. fankýly. "But thiere mniglîf lia iaîf a dozcil setifacoryaxplnafns.Chear 111, and ____________ lil s;on fisîd ouf wiaf ftbe mlaffar le ... "You co' nia m any betfer,'ZFlos8ie aniswered boeesl, nr smairfar aither. -And I bleve lie bas found somebody more - - -~- ~ suifaila f0 hsm." r ~ Q * Perhepse has s" Virginia edmlfted. 'J N But thire's time anougi fo ery over spilf ni]k wlsen you ae sure if is spiit. Iwouldu'f ,,orryyet.' 'lie neyer said auyfhiug defluite, " thc yosger girl sigbad. IPerheps 1 was a LIN ~ \ goosa fo feal so but -Virginie, wouldn't you 5 ~ [~0 ~think if meant somatiug if a gant laman put 136 Laxington Ave bis erm. cround yon, and kissed you t" K'w orCtySet 1,l. "Depands on the man. Wit~h Lyle Rici- 1 hae sisesi tise F1ax-Seed1 Etnulsion in several mioud, yas. Did lia " oefee Chironie Breneios, and tise early stages ot Flossia noddad. "lTîaf moonliglhf nigit lPhtlhisi, anmd haîvi- been ivell pleased iSisi tise ressil'i.wewraiouintcoa-rd.lid' JAME K. ROO, M.. 1 a rigit f0, fbiuk ha meauf somcfhiug ?" 11You sbonldu'f bayeaellowed if, " said Virginia graval1y. Broob1lyn, N. Y.' Feb. 145h Ils 1I know, and I wouldu'f if if had beau 1 1iaie iises your Emulsioii iu a case of 1'htii auybody aise. But Lyla Riehmond-I ý(ceesemptien) ,ith benelicial recuIts, whcre pestent couldn't inculf hlm, by as oa ascaying to CesilÎ. net us Cd Evr M. D. hlm, 1 You aren'f bcevingqike a gentleman,' eould I V If wac so inanifeet an irnpossibility for- K ER O uS. PR 0ST M l 1PU 1 fiusid liffle Flossie, fiat Virginia did nof Broolyn, N. Y., Dec. MOeb 1888. argua the pint, only askad, Il Wiaf did haie I cein etrongl recomnmend Flax Seesi Eiuulsicn assay lselpfl to t anrle d possibly the cure of ail Lug. " lyaopisnt Ifogbprap BrohitcNrvouis Affections, andi a goodu"i gais hmifba sampidet sou thgh uorh utti zr;ci tonfîilu pi1yscat debility. h ih aesi oehn oe u h JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. others werc se neer, jusf bayond flic rosa- ftrfUIIT si bdge, andAo-" GENEIJLDLIIT Sha broka down lu confusion. Brooklyni N. Y. Oct. 10th, 1888. X irginia lient and kicsed bar, a liffle eux- Iregard FirSeed Emu2sioA asgreatly superiorto iousiy. IlThan, dear, if cll binges on tise Ced[ Lîvcr 011 Emuionas ge ne-ey le. us. one question. le Lyle Richmond capable of ^# A OT ,M.D. triflin4 wifh a girl's heuart or nof V If hae is flic prince yen tink hlma, yon a-rc disfress- ing yonrseif for not iing. If nof, you are well rid of bini aveu et tbe cost of a 187 West 84th SIff.fwweýo erah.Cui ilf New York, Ang. 6, otuta ona h apt. haj àse ylrFe-ees nulsion Coipouedno sicepe" iýc .,--j-cçaseocf.Mal-nutrition and the resuit wac But if wasn't easy. Lýle Richusoud's ,,.e fla ioped for-it was niarvelous, andi con- tnliLeis. I recornnes it chieertully te tise profession perfect polit enees and complete saîf-possas- Valdhumancy et lar.ge. M.HI. GLLBERT, M.D. sion ware an armer of proof, wblcb aven Virginla, bold as shc was lu Flossie's cause, lied nf courage to et teck ouf rigbt. lawas as picasant and fbougifful as ever of Flossie SoId by 0Drugglats, Price $, 1.00. hleu tbey mat. Truc, thera was cornet bing mnissing fromn bis voiceaend manuar, but if FLAX-SEED EMULSION 0O wasa vague, intangible somafihing, bard fo 3 5 Liberty St., New York. 9nameor define. Se more tien e fortnighf eA test, perliaps, wflîcftyou are in the 1i habit of applying to your young lady, friends i" she asked slowly. 111 have often ased it. -You sure]y coud not imagine 1 wished to test you especiall]y, Miss Thorne ? "t "May I inquire if tlie resuits are genr aly satisfactory?" Vîrginla asked, 1,eepi-g ber voice steady with an effort. lier cheeks were burniug. What a goose she had becen to harbor that fancy even for a moret ! This then was the secret that had cost poor 1 littie Flossie s0 many tears. 1 "Not uniforrnly, I arn sorry to saýy," ichmonid answered with some emharrass- meut. "Ilihaves;o oftenlbeeni painfully sur-1 pri.sed to findl such liberties permittled iflo-t1 absolutely encour-aged that it is with the greatest of pleasure I recognisýe one wvho is so thorougbly imy ide-al lady. ', "Ithink 1 Imust say go- i t Itis growing qulite Chilly," was the brief an1swar. Il Iut surely you1 are flt ~teddnow,1 thiat You nnderstand ?-now ht Iha- e cx-t plained my motives?" he nrged. «"Mr.ý Richmond, I mast thitok it over before deciding wbetber 1 hav e or have not just grounds of offence. At present it seems to me that your course bas been suspicions and disrespectf ni, to say the least., "lBut 1 assure you my respect for you iý increased tenfold."7 1Il--1 IlI amn sorry, because that simply proves that your i espect for me, until to-night, hias been of the srnilest. Pray excuse me, I woujd ratbr say no rnoee without time for thoroug-h consideration. Good nigbt. And she swept away, leaviiug Lyle Rici-' moud bewildered, mortified and confused.1 lier standpoint was so utter]y ne.w to him1 prudent to make sure of the delioacy and diceon of any lady -who begani to interest1 hiad never before hall one taken it as Virginia did, Only two or tiree, even of the haîf-scoreor so -wblo bore the test suçcess- fnlly, had ever reqnired aniy expianationi, and they had been completely s;atisfied, car- enely content in his icreased respect, and agreeiug that a man must be on bis guard against itdelicacy or folly. Vrii' oe view ofthe snject dismiayedl and troubledtý him. Oould if lie possible that bis tcest had been discourteons or ungentiemianly l Atthe earliest hour allowable lie called upon her, eager f0 have the matter settled. thesibting roomn was deserted at his entrance, thongh scattered needlework gavetoeno hasty departure and an embroidered prt. monnaie loftf open upon the table amid a shower of smalchange, while both silver and bille peeped from ifs depths. Richmiond smiled, but with a trace of vexation. 11She seems very confident of the servan)t's honesty, i would net have thouglif ler 80 I careless," lie muttereci. Virginia came in soon, smiling p1eaýsaritly, but wifh a mistbievons light !nlier ga eyes, and greetad hlm as-if lait ni.ht's mis under.tanding had neyer occurred3, Almiost immediately, she pickedup ber portemion. naie and counted over its, contents withl every appearance of anxiefy. Richrnond smniled, reniarking. "Rather imprudent to comn u ocore ne coulu make tumngs sfiraight b)y asking 'yon to marry him! What a pity 1" "SIu lit.tle goose 1" laugbied Virginia. <'Wh~t-venfaint, possibslity of sucli a thinig there might have been last night, thera is lione niow. Men make love to womcn wlio please and flatter theui, not fo those who overtuirn tlheir ideas and mortify them" "Soine imen, mnaybe, but Lyle Richrnond isn't littIe if hie was mistaken," persisted Flossiê, still loyal f0 bier bero-worchip, and, undr ler ra th she addedr 17"And ibelieve hie wi_ r 0wi o o is wife yet, miss Virgiîiia, and l'il hielp hiiswüoing ail I1a. Ï,roin wbich it is plain f0 be seen that littie Flossie m'as nieifliar resenitful nor heart-Ibroýeii. The Habit of Borrowing. iIt is the easiesf thiïg in thle world fo lie- gin %vroiii, a, ewspaper, tlien a paffterni, then a ep, thenl a book ; me, day a go-Wn is orrowed to look itf; another day one is hc.r:rowed to fr2 o n to, see if if would lbeemn ; then a littie note goes asking thaf a~ fan be lent,; and the fan ones borrow- ed if hjecomes the easiest thing in the world to ,et~ eithier a bodice, a bonnet, or an em- broidered pefficoat. Now, wheu yon began, if anybody lia4 told1 you-'that yout were a rmoral 'thief, youI would have beanu most in- dignatit ; %lnd yet that is just what you are. L t wotuld bc muchmore bonest to borrow youir neighibor's money and neyer to return it, thiain to keep up a constant borrowing of your iieigblbor's belongings, ga-tting ouf of thiem thie wear that is not ycnirs and tbe plPasure that is by rights youir neighbor's. Wh)at the x istress does, 1the mnaid does. In flie kit chen they dlo not besitate to borr3w a patent coffée-pot, and neyer returnit ; a pnddxg disb, a littie flavoring extract, some bakîng powder, or Bome oi. If they were mse~it rliey refurned ail this, they nd answer: "Cartaiilynt, why wewouldbei justLas gladif0lend to themi." Andthe re- suit is thiat your: servants, imitatiug your example, become, systernatic plunderers of yonr neighlbors. My friend, do nofgetint o the Irsbit of borrowýing. It is one of the most vicions you can possibly acquire. It makes you losealal respiect for the riglhtc of other people, and it eaui certainly give yon none foryou-se]f. Th'e persistent borrower is a, more or less wall-spo'ken-o.f thief. The borrower does nof bide, ber light under a bushel, for ini fime lier friends and acquaint- ances grow to know of ber weakness and avoid beri. So stop at the book, and do not permlit yourself to drif t into, what it is char. !ty l eau, a very bad habit., Truitbis violafed byfalsehoodand it may libc nal outraged by silence. Two Irishrnen were working in n garden, -whlen oue of them snddeniy disappeared, the covering of a drain having given way., Whan lie arrived on terre firma agail, the other Irishinan (Felix by namne) said-"l Bedad, An 1wItlioughf ould Sandy bad corne for.y Oh, no," said Andrew, " it was on;ly Providence takin' me ont of bad com- pany." yongold, or miEdle-aged, who in;à em salves nervous, weak an exhausfed, who are broken down, from exceses or overwerk, resulting in mnany of the following symp. tomns: Mental depreasion, pramature old age, loss of vitalify, loss of rnory, bad dras, dimness of sight, palpitation of thei hearf, amissions, laok of energy, pain in fthe =iny, headache, pimples on te face or bdiching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wariting of the orgains, dizziness, 7speeks befrre tha eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye iIs and elsewhare, bashfulness, deposifs in '211 Urine, io»SS of,. will power, fendçerness of the scalp and spine, weakl and fiabby muscles, desire to sleep, failutre to ha rested by sleep, constipation, dlulîness of liearing, lose4 of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of femiper, sunkenayes snrround- ed With LAEN CRcL, oilylooking s>in, etc., are alil sympfoms of nervoués dailify that, lead to isanity and dcatb unlese cnrad. The!spring or vital force having lest its tension -vary function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse commitfed in igoace may lie permanent ly cured. Send yoradress, forbook on ail diseases paculiar te mani. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Sf. FB., Toronto, Ont. Books sent freesealed. Heart diseaseî, the symptoms of Whicb are taint spelîs, purpie lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, bot flushes, rush of blood to the liead, duli pain in the haart with beats strong, rapid and irregiar, the second hearf beat quioker than the first,pain about thie breast bone, etc., can positivaly lie cured. No cure, no pay.- Send for book. Address M.V. LUBON. 50 Front Street Easf, Tor. outo, Ont. It would ceeus that Mr. Leary, the farn- ous New Brunswick lumber marchant, bas at lengtb discovered a method of construct- ing=mxnsthtimber rafts so, that they eau liIucsfly fowed frorn one ocean port f0 anôotier. 0f five atfempts to mun a raft fromý, St. Jobn's N. B. to New Y ork the first resulfed lu a total loss, tise second anâd third were badly broken up and, only por- tions saved, while the fourfh and fiftb were, entirely successful. Mr. Leary is biniself satisfied that shiprnestî in, this mannar is quife practicable. The last raf t, wbich landed at New Yorkpnly a few dlays go was four-fiffths of a mile long, and con- tained 3,500,000 feet of fimber. Two tugs were empioyed in fowing if down at an exdpense 0f '4,'000 each. Hlad the old me- tho been.ernpioyed the cost of transport would bave been $0,0,ac the freigbt rate is threa cents a foot. Moreover if wonld have required forty schooners to have doue the work. Wliet ber the success would bave been so prononnced bad the weatber been lacs propitious remains an open question. Ples: Pfles 1 Itclxg Ples, SYMPTOMS-MOisture; intense itcbing and stinging; most at night ; woree by scQratchsng If allowed to, continua tunsors form which often bleed aid ulcerate. becoming vary sorce SWÀvNE'5 OINT2MENT. Stops tise itcbing and bleeding, iseais u]ceration, and in rnost case3, removes the tumors. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents3. Dr. Swayne & Son. Philadlphia, Lyman Sons & Co.,Montreal. Whlelsale Agis, cW.ETTW PURE FODIER 100 PURESTW sTROCEta BEST BeadI for ne javaauly o mkn O 5oftnin~Wate. i>slnectigana nreohe Weil5. A 68" oquu i0Pounde a oà Sold by Ail Gs.oeoera nd 1ruislots. DR. FOWLEMiS -EX T: 0F . CURE halera 1Morh AND AL.L SUMMER COM PLAINTS AND FLUXES OP THt.-BOWE Là IT IS SAFE AND RELIAàýE 915 CH-ILDREN OR ADJLt$., i ~TWO TESTS, passed, and Virginia was forcad f0 oncidetol rfeptatio-_n aroonnd like tîsaf, isn't that there nieyer lied Lbena ayth)iing o i f sv AD ~. ~. FERRIC part, thaftihe caress of whicb Flossie togi ighasesdntf er h aife 71JJse mucli was merely a passiug gilanfry Ilcaf he mioney wsal tee;te he "Bsy, Flossie ?'asked Virgin-la Thorne, boru of flic roas, the mooniliglit, an 1 Flos- if ac ide u turne 0hlm wîf bbaaiýîng s- wl-if is i? Iu trouble, dear i"but hbardly singular, and perbeIuieeu iessodighe Yen !bave passed She took the chidicb, sensitive face bce- pinewce net aiways faultiese. the tcsç iocy My respect for yon lias fween lier- hands and fnrned if towardc lier. Floscie hadl recoverecdbier jiite lu a (incrpasedtcfl" = Floccie tried ftecsile, but the red cyes and eaf tmeasure. "Hie only tbouigistue a Rcnod trda br nospeed quliversng lips could ntledigie.Vir-child," cie conciuded atîsef. "11o'fcara iiug. Idntudrtudyuc iMs ~ gîi lrewhe]Lgently dowf osi fie louagee. -xucli. 0f course fhere'c nj1oodylikelusi, Ton T 1 ~" TliGouluailbutitpa. all iît fien if was bard work f0 be always try- "If Is a io l 501 disbOusy-iuj- W cise cenmrldubillour moinfainef0oaamolethi . ideals. If's casier f0t'Ocoriiipiiible intifhjy is ,orae"ihd Élfuyl Rchod 1ü l" oh olswho like xne just as Iar.Vîrgins, t he cc t lis coucealing fie regarded Flossie, sf111 a timid aud mari, but-" lier tiuflnisbed set-c wcfole cautiO onf apply a delicatec test te sesiiv hid tseventeen, wifls an almosf m ore iguificant than auy ors]sic couild ber ftns-iemicsan opporfuiý t f -,Q moherlyv affection and care. lier strouger have added display their cliaracter, prove thu eisoe of .~M A m I ~iF nature, col, sensibie yef fendai, asc IlHarry Nelson lias the very ess5ence of abnrl fwr.Ians laa 0fn Flssec efg we cuse wthsauegentleman," Virginia answered decidedly'. gnlla orset himseje f f00 uucli N eurallgia, catc or sorrow over corne îrifliug blunder or sharp "1le las flicfaculty of seftiugevery oue tsop--- L.umbago, Backach&, word. So now, thongh' the ýyoungar girl afý case and drcwiug ouftflic basf sida of tha h ,opd hreuralaau.Ll ea Ea etonly sodded and inret info fears, she hs.d eoupany." Rcbonds row Was thundarous lu ifs H a ac eno idea of wthliolding lier confidence. Vir- 'lruth ft ti, sic fbhought Floccie would wref]s. Nof trusfting bimself f0 speak, lie ginie suiled a lit fie, then frowuad, but ha f as happiar with liarry Nelson thain Lyla funafi sud strode foward the door. Vir- To t a h ,Fiossi's cyesvwarc hidden on liar breasf. Richimond. 'He was fer lecc 'princely lu ap- giniacv ered ersaif and sprang befora So re T hroat, ' Poor lit fIe girl !,Does if make bar ucck 1 - ne;wt'ý ioeadbn iheeaddtiig achete trech p t hisidel high ?"shelass clascice ducation, but every whsf as t rue biaud Frost Bits pa ~ ackeda hint of irritationeiav en iu the loviug ad honrbleand what lic lackad inufastid- "M (ýiiRicbon,prayîdou'tlook et if o. 8 r u ~ s e s , B u r n s u E t c . m i c h i e fo f l e r t o n . ' " Wl h a f a s l i a a i d i a s te. r a d c r t c l j g u n f a s u d ee a t o o f n et e n w h a t t l an élr vMhr. or done now iup lu qastd' us, ck.sympaflsy and unfailiug gener- cia o~tf tUe sseSWb w toidg Drrrrit ndDire crywbera. Suae knew Lyle Ricleindbilfetd osoity. Tic shy, sensitive girl, wbo had nu to recoguize bis own words, "Lyle Il't C ntS utes. Dretansun tet, and critical judgment. To love hsus neyeàv*r darad forget lber' demeanor for a.umo- Ricbmocnd, s1 did fhink yon w are smuart iT4E CHARLES A. VOCELER CO., Dallmre . miglifindaed ha a good aducaflon, to para- eu u ,paccaof lber fastidn rne nul 0cefiogiemilistone wben Candiiu ept:Tornt, Ot. phasafle od omliment, but if w" by was parfecbaf ca. ese wiscn with liarry Nai- tliare was a h-ole lif 1-"2 no spi eot oono nt 1 eans likeiy ftelis apleasura for one of - -lia itoped and '4ared at lber then as ber D'S o r IF losîe' sesitve af ire Si lid be~s Sb, f Iongi Richimond w as as attenti've m-uDii g 1fishc upon hlm, coloured parý sory fom he ire fif br lt fe cusi sas ever to the cousins, Flossie generally slip- captil y. (YRADE MAOKnIÇ rno fancy lied faken f bis furu, iaue as if wes ped away, lcav ing bar aIder and nmore self-' "Ms s Tisorne !Surcly if didu't soitud -r' ~TYle Richmond iras a prin ce in appear- possessad cousin te ajoy bis soiety. like I nc, educafion, usannar, isot iackin~g isu Thus rclievecd trous anxiefy, Virginia had "Tit1at !1"Virginia aucwe,-ed wif b 1u Tealf b, nor aven fia lasser maffar of mrlvame ogoff Ae n emat fer l fi hecx ipeî s ile."Wyot?'Aest y. Oh, es, àa prince aniong men, b ta>plIaý a me. heywerasan in l alilioiest imen as picnfy as lusueion,, rince vcry -alaaeof hcowatfrac- mooiiglit tg-l istecsiug f0 the imc]low and quit e a hable f0 imposa ou fb-c nnwary? ïns, and- ecrinied fnoaccept notlùu glece usi- , sg-ptou-abadn te ivrWy ytesýt tees ju ofi i 1nror2e su- oui for h7bie,~artl i hl Bugo evn -afu ny man; Virginia tlsougbf, ku-tisg ier, Virginia c ier ompnl n'scrst,,al lie v"dauokn ly."3r. Ricimond, u'-abtifl carceiy fair toex eQ lr, aound lier-waist mid1td l trt ladeys e 1filliwe are comning-tfo deep wcter lu thaf rttebe-avaaessof~aon-naeuuue~. ~ ~~-~ w~,ui~-hay, ou4ls-. ircton N-w i- _s nese- Iavntte The Sabbath (ýhiMeî, Upon the cros ambrece; For use didsfliear the nail s anieer And msanifold disgrace ; And griefs and formaents niusilub0erlas-, And sweaf of c'gony. Yea, deafb itseaf; anciallit fo en Tllaf n-as fhine enansîy. licen, vhy,O0htesd esu Christ, Shoutd I net blove Thea wcit I Not for tic hope 0f iuiniighiica e, Nor of ecapig bel i; Nef wifth h ope of giuing asght,1 NZor séecîttig aàs-warfU; 1;;t La, Thi-sei hatlo-due Oever 1c)ving Lo rd.' And mY terualKiing. Golden Thouglits for Every Day- Monday-By Chirist ianify a1 moral 'motive psea is sîUPplicd, î'ihis fer baffer tien e-ny facftor enactuseuf lu keeping socîefy tf0- gethber ; and fiat is flic charify fiat is net easlly provokefi, tic Inva that works no 111 f0 bis sîigiboî-. To the motivas which fend f0 insure weli being in tue world if adds fhe loftierhopas, the nobier aspirations, the baffer purpoces fiat bid fie Christian man to an enflass future. It halps hlm f0 liaa baffer citizen of fie world in feacbiug hlma that he hes a citizcnship lu ieavan.-[Bisiop liarris., Tuedy- Iney uot always kiiow tic way 0hcriu Ood teads my feef;- But thi-, Iknow, tisai rousTid ;my îsth Hic lov e and wisdom mccc. And se 1 rest content fo know Hec guides suytact w hereer 1 go. Sonsetimes aloiý e tise pati 1 trecd, The loud ing dml ark cnd low;_ But thrW' tha gloom,ï, or tîro' fie nigit, 1My lheart no fei au know. For close beside i aIaîk aFriend WVho shispers lov,,Uittthse rnd." -mey no1f alw ' , *undcrstand --- -z ouebtrgrief, sonsheLios But toug Icannox (e-e "'August' FlIower" iMr. Lorenzo F. Siceper is very ~wel kownto the cîtizens of App1ée, ton, Me., and, neighiborhood. He, says: ciEight years ago ï. was takeu "sicir, and suffered as iao one bta dyspeptic canl. I then began tak-, "ing August Plower. At that time 111 was a great sufferer. Yeveryýý thing I ate distressed me sr, that eghad to throwitup. Thein in 'à "few moments tËat -horrid distresa would cm on, and I ýwould bhave con to eat and suifer For that ":again. Itooke Horrld "icine andfeltmuçli Stomaoh ::better, and. aftèiý Féellng. :'Augtust plower ü1 'Dyspepsia Lsp j"peared, and since that tinte 1 I have neyer had the first sign of ifi! "I can eat anything-without thè least fear of distress. I wish al cthat are afflicted with that terribLý disease or the troubles caused by "It would try August rlower, as 1 "amsatisfled there iq nd Medicine "equaltît 1 1