va I O~.JW.MoÀvGHe. D.A-.BEITE, radu c 3utlate of the Royal 1I tteof the hToronto soeg 0', lember a" o the j Unlversirty, P yciciau R>ýya1l1 ole tSur- lýurge)ofl,& z dons. Kdln;bnrgh DUS. YHVUIER «t I i 'q JIA¶ p YSIOLANS, SU R-, ONS, ETC0 0 ce :-Cor. Church ani; Temperrance Sto. Nilht calls attendeoS from D Jr. 1 ir C.1ILLIER, M.»D. B. LÂT.5MIMAN, M. 1). C, M. Trin.i Fellow o! Trin, MeS. Colle, Member Col1,Phs Surg., OnUt. * DL. J. C. MITCHEL, ,1EMBER OF COLIJIGE OF PHYSICIA.NS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. O)ffice and Reeldence. Ennlekillen. 74. »â B]IUSTIIR BOLICITOR. &c. MOPRIS EL00CK, upetaire, King Street, Bow'u&ss. ville. Eoltltor for the Ontari Bank WE1vate Moutvs loaned at th3 1Q ait rate TSSUER 0F MjAB;RIAGE L11ENSES rI IENSED AIJTIONEER FOR ORIPLED EOR LIFE. ma'eyeas amewibo ama';s Stature,1 staglor ette u tevct' as lIeva e er odwe thppnd ope a3 near as it evere is -il 0this Aarger boy pushed him op')on the hie of tewrdnTedr eylvSnt efuec play-ground, atair'It .ý1,lit fiow [.lue aliov1ed Tedr.Theodor-ie means, bein'g id 11otgetl np. %We udre tat hadid itrpee ,-ift of Gd" Suechwas ha. nt, aSwerit "obs asisî7ce. 1e- a L ike some prùCious spring bursting frrim nleyer u !e bisfeet sin c ha sehtook re -hremnwere blasting forgo, fro the Scbool-room 11door tatioori, forty Ilfresh anI:S!de-ar to mca hen he fever 7for years ago. lI goîbas beenfogot.Snb astis poor We ai wenthome ýwii hl. that day, ma 'rippled cid of whiom isate more than a score of bo:ys ; :some t ugging att Seamled pouddreame th flat heushoul, be the little sleigh ini which we pe S hlm, two the dirof horsesý. rnngonibefore to beak te neS t his e ~Spoke of it'L3as we partel-wo1nld ha, otrone for th-p111 iaChebalance seiosl,1chose toe exciange places 'wlth forming the mnosî touhigrocesision of saS us, or any of the old group, and stride out young faces tlat ai er was- seant. The big into-the roisy world Nohehehdea- tellow who carelessly, it malicl*isly, bort [ed to lhanik GoSi for that caeee hrnst him stopped lat th,- gate ; hae woffldnfot go s. whieh-had cr(i"pnled Jhm for life. Then, ini a WNe cau sec hlm now, vrw, but Yat, a sweet , rich voice, dt,~ grand syiii sungth niera lad ike theý otlher,standing witii bow- One HulndraCdLi th Palm.Ney-er to ba Gforîo edhead upon folded arms, neyer oncaelookiçng tan the- mWlesty of tke Ibird verse: ho up tlli the physician sid lwe mitusta al go ye that tba Lord ia (ýod &aloile. It s ieti away, mwheu he fioed.lia turneS to bath made ns and nqk .we ouv8elvas." us, aking:sik joan was the giant; antd we. are th "Boys, do o hi Iink iiother wold weak lgs, - lieto punïisb me fe l'ilS, go 1rigbit lback to ber. Oh, my hearis broken t, iTf~Idg Days came anS wena,,. Thet' he r of tiei l3e Beneft of 1kn' littie cripple for ltewaý a poor niau, Soeil e hs a'id tt w era censtis lo the driver of _the villaige stage to the lha taIke n o any- of ous!- inodIerru towns anS cars- in. the uext îown. NVasoonknaw-that- citias it eould h ou1tliaI o11yniy avry few the~ inird,,v wast,- o ctifon,,,, t,,-+n, , psànseinenpýeceef a1th; itvm,,, THE MAOQRIS, New Zva1asd' Aer1 tee The Mursformianunega orinof the coûn1muniîy, it rco liapsce' and rigts It~snot cp)nsidarLed atai improper for a 111,111 n omar a Maori girl, espa Hy fsheis heires ha ateof good an.They araa ilesaedsîuggy face, andl tbîougb anme say tIhal- Ihey crelyn ont, better uhoiia aill tha Ih are holing anSd iilcontinue to bold thei ow. They bave rpreeuati 44lu 1o1 1flous1es of Par7LIi asud auy of thasa, 1if unabie to- speak En,!glishi, le silowed auý interpreter, whoG stands - p beide lmand translatés bis spechl sentence by sentenýe. Thbis Oioible-barellicd mamb1ersluip looksodd, but it wor-ks wall. 1 heard 'Xaipua, ona of hse four i l the liese o!ferSuttvs n ak speech ailer Hhis roanuer on a prooosed native. lande biLI As a parliamen. Lary uterace ilt was -a iracle of condena- tion, iparhlaps bacausa ha hLadlima tu, thinik o'ver whvlaî halie sgoing 10 Say inaxt, wbile Cie interpretarapaue in English whjat ha had sald. "- ou'hava passeS twaîy acta qL-bour or lands lu as manly years, and they have Ailbeau bat. This te le worut.Yout propose to(taxour lad. 1ad you Bot better leave !thiemalter to ourseivea iOr. asi I ____________________________________________________ for Infants and Children. Caaowaieowflaapedte&'de ta m4meTam uCeOH& e.OMpatlofl T oommread ita seuperirtos nypr.ipio gour Stomach,Dirhe.rcttOl k»W 1 me,, H. . m SWomu, erreus leep. and rm lUse. Ozforà st, BrooklYD. x. y. 1wiC" InjuionS =Medio Tau sraC-eT uii o;f!x, 7-Murray SretY. Y. FOR S',-ALE EV J, HIGG-ýINBOTH-AM & SON, BO N ,MAN VITýLýLE few at a tiii .BUR1DEN CW CO.. a