Dis [eAGLI EITII IAILHU U ~U lI~ LA REINE LE EL. Orrwzcn -.MoRRie BO, Bco, iwmÂrViLLM liA 1U4'BRIISH NEWSlVY) fI>e.J.W.McLÂuGsaaîrs,1 Dr. A. BEiH. Gradu niwts qic genste ese ala 7tlgeo Pyices uite cf the Royal e te of the Toronto * sei Erd ember ef the' University, physicalu At Deutbigshire Assizes, on Wednelzda 'Y, eausto rtîe l hebous e o i-l Iteyal College of Sur. Il brgeon, &c. Catherine Roberts, 30, a ciarwomiin a 3 mnsu ss ac iablorg ics fiy red a Edlubrgh. i snecdte 20 years' penaiserviudefoithi-aawrtetelnlstcpind fhcuanlauhfr c he ileàîtemate femaeic questionýs en flic paper. Presently, with no D119. RLIR&RCi!ItIV, citwoosehds befdte onga1pparent raso.the enter doors cf tb TIHYSICIANS, SI 1 . O- , ECf- huhr calywd pn r hî u fne-o.Cirnan i Temperanceccr.e .refaef hce, ud ,,etdeeceeper stands guardliug Eo ih Offlce:-C tendedhrch î-cDr. 111111P;rý 1I Mr. ,T.Stead, who lias becu apeiegizing tfbcm, peilg 1ltougb a tiny wicket lunfthe ezidence. I for the Pueince cf Walcs, snggcsts that foi deor, as i! he ceý,lcted an inconvenient don. C.,â inRe .D finie p)assing h le sbonld bc made the head Buit ine;:the doors have cnhy been bocked on B. L AM N, M. D. . M. Tris n. t of a commission 11te elaborf e a normal flche prnia that the ifebosnth Fellow of Trin, Med. College, standard etfflic necessit les et civilizafion." to eneptîe u an hftegfswe Mfember Col], PhYB. Surg., onf*t.miI ý1àCansuh at-we Two more deaflis are rcported hy diexen- they sec au Lindergraduate appreachiug lu DR.J, . ITEEL mgruCounty Douegal. Two yonng mien froni order te have-t the pleasure cf oenîug thein 55EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHY SICIÂ.NS 'Roenliowiagh were ,ouf boafiug, xehen thej again-for a cenisideration. What the con- and Burgeon», Ontario, Corole?, etc. , boat was upset by a squsil, and bot h xecr sideration ofe t u erkeper oethfle bouse cf Offiae arid Reoîdence. Ennlsktllen. . drewned. "ommans ocsy he is nef ku ioxen f0 flicpublic, DnBcRissaSIMPSON, A cy cling corps bas been -added te the but flic xery insýtant that flic stranger sp- "ARISTF R SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRITS equipment f efi Salvatien Army. Fiftty preaching basmaefrc modeaf tape ou ' " LOCK, upàtaire, King Street. BOwruan. ye'nu men have been requesfed te volunteer flie door tlic vatcbfinl attendant flings if vilILe.'Solicitor for the Ontari Bank fourflirce years te fravel oie xheels. open sud anuonucesý the visiter wifh a sten- gi1v*te Mnecs loaued at the Iowa 3t rate The oldeef churc i licEurope is saidbY terian shout cf 'BLack ied. " Slowly dees sorte wlio are discussing flic question te be flic eldcrhy gt)1eleaii lu braidcd uniformn S. C. 11FKING St. Martin's,Canterburxr, whieh was built as who bears flua ttie sud flic short yod fhiaf .ICENSED AUCT ION EE R FOR a churcli before the end et flic fourth century., cocfers if advauce up the floor cf fthe liuse, tte Connty or Durbam. Sales attended Sf. Mary-in-fhe-Cast le, Dover, wss builf bowiug emupulocly three finies in bis c en shortest notice sud lowest rates. Âddress about this fluxe but for nearly f wc hundred passage. COUanosi P. 0. 36:tfr __________________________- years if was used as a garrîson fuel depot. Arrived at the table lie stimulons this ]Planos Tuned and Repai1-r ed. The Baddchy brothers, xeho won the honuorable bous&e ic b namne et the croxen doubles laxxu tennis chauîpiouship in Eng. 1inmediately te attend 5f flic bouse cf peers land this yesr, sud oeeoet xhom wvon e he te hear flic royal asent gix on by commue- >PARTIES WISHING THEi&iPIANOS chanxpionship, are more like eacb ether than sieni te varions iles. Having given, hic U.Tnned or relsaireacan nave thonr attended flue twiu Reushaxes. Ir is said te ho abso- mtessage ie shoxly retires backward, boxe' tby evn word at the DOMINION ORoAQÂN ey mosil 0.ureeR, Boxemanv1lle A jlrst-clas man ltey mosibetelleu fim part, unlese îng again witix the uiyefic fhree boxes n 3-w celngiu their eaxplco' tbey xvyear some disfinguishing mîark iu Witbeut s word ahlinriieubrs rire in tiir' OB OU , ..dress. places and the speaker leaves hie chairsud fleur roïyc, . s.The Hon. Arthur Montmorenxcy, Mr.j joins Black lied, who lias been wvaitiuug for 0 FFICE J1 TE WEST DURflAM I Dougas Johinstone, Mr. Percival Broxevne, bine at the bar cf flic bouse. Side by sie '.'sxsBlock. wbere hiniseif or assistant dMr. Ralpb adel idhpe uii rtelcovsehywakffllw vvil'e feund fron'u Sa.m. to 9 p.m. Night calîs board H. M. srmou.red croiser Warspite, flic e dby flie sergceaîet-ar-arrniqsud f io or thxîe at resideacedirectly oppoie Dril Shed. Calis fifagslilp on the Pacifie station, are missiuig. members as represenfatives offleic houiec, Il. sud Caldwcî, midshipmen oulu hrotberly ceîverse tliey xvhk off, foihohe atytlpho tntiononl eevepoptWe hs ec hy xeeilutwo Indiaie whihe strong-lunged policemen lu flic hbb tenon171.yr canees in flic Straits. A searci bas been belhoxe ouf: I' Make wsy for Black 1o ." iA, W. TOLU~, insfitufed for fhem, " Mah e xay for flic speaker." A U-CTIONEEJI, 1AppRAISER1 Real A sad fatshify was reporfed on Suudjay te - lui thie bouse et lords a qusînt but nof un- E.ý. tsate Agent. Bowmsanville. dntario. av ,crrdaf St., Bridge's Wehl, near mpecivisetacle axaits nie. Tbrougli Sales attlnded lu auuy part 0f Province, flic ciffe et Mober ln Counfy Clae, whjch heficstaiud-ghass windows of flic beantiful people visit lunflic beief fIat they wihh he chaniber flic sunlight is strcaming, lighLing A- A- PONT cured cf certain aliments. A maux cf fwenty- up flic riclily-carvsed woodwcrk sud flic 1 , seven ycars, snffering freux partmhysi of flic decorated c-i'ling, sutd makinlg flicte A ROHITO Plans sud Specifica. eff side, wben prsyiug fliere 'Ssippcd and bunches belo e senix redder than ever. lo tionis prepared for every lase of building, .ihcdfreetif h wisdbbudeo h icrc h oseîd rmo OpeCial attention gtven, to heatung by steam iea o'ms notewladbigdeo h lo ftebuerd rmo end bot water and to sanîîary arrangements, poxeerleas teo save himacif was drowuied. rcd, lste lisngle note. Row unen vexe cf Cilce. 0Gorre JBlock, Wbitby 43-ly Tîvo boys, named Cuicigli sud Gard, crimson benches, ahi euupty, and on flic aged 15 sud 10 years respect ixely, living atxooisack fbrce silent peers rohed lu yod. MA . Ta lor apled sniatChs he cbarrite posesode, ofet th atle nirl. oie ntebaeo u$R.io a yaiiecarfridge te whicb one ef them re, la e ili lient clecha lu wigad Genleens ~otela£le to Order. sud oeeoe the boys bad tbree fing crs sud Builiv his finie ftxe< speaker sud hile thunî l hoxn freux eueeiaud, sud t he other comipauleeue have reacicd fixe bouse ef t lrds P> qmv,ý-alad had the ight et eute eye dcstroedni sud iLave packed theniseives in a littie peu, addition te other injuries. They were a poiete elaksd lcfioe Eb ,once cenveyed te flic cottage bespia. There tL.c, stand, patient ly or inmpafiei, Chiarle H. Atkleucuu, s boy cf 1M, Nwac flrooltimt tbe cererrouy. crgýed at the Liverpool Police Court11 ont Tblirsi t'business istflicr eadiug ýoi fli Modsy xith robbîng cblidren lunflic street. oumeiu ppeiuting certainu peers ,ta acf The police bad heen lu search of hini for 1 ouhaîf cf ber uiajesty. îb oueti menhH shhec ehxebon euk jxery lonug snd very hegal. The iunnber Of inig £1 a week. Tbirfy recentcaexer peers nainct e srv, oi li ommissio rend eut, lu ahi oh whîch prisoner aduiftedIseuxlgo.TerlehePlucetWac rohbiug chjîdren oh mouicy \ ryinig freuxs aensd the Duke eh Connaught ; thîcre is "flice An Australian l Y1 fs a edeaorto 'et the condition of Mumian GR ATEFýL-.OMFO7i' life upon a distinctly Cliristian has jItî When Tyrannys retiring flood, a t-p e rn ntL nle'ïii -'ýý lied w-itli the stain of kindeed blooil anatep t'rig fnttmil Sanrk, -fair above the wter45,\- elivemost th1roughly that whenCrs d> Autai!preaceà h Kig o , Ci Shestofi sd ror ler ealeq ecîg lot for a me t f ths an, eýlsiiaiegnization, 1but offliOc And sitreches id4 lerstines hdjtht hee s ulvoe ayteh ig iit e PP-bs rotdd urhrykae ale jha Te al the parnotree an oiaitcstate, and ati o ~~~letl ivrdbvc~ewhich malr save ne mny eav docori bula.It is bythe Sweet with tthe 1jfmioeoet nnsh1e 1:tears, Yncntwh)ip ienl poo, r-ehd- -, uCOsouinmay hagrajailiy bil u Ur lie, Brili wîhthejo o vnihedfera cn~tatneme itofatrnl ove Boter sron eou o es3iet every tendeoncy te Splndiwit bod, es al go,(!:iit, taniti i ,ýLdt1 fase H;re of aubteie maladies oeM Splndi wth r' uu o coîl ycrs hodyesailgod mn tanin te~eberj loai gÉ around us red o atack wherecver Aurt ralia !foote es1î eet il, ys;btna-there is a weak Point. We may ef s0apoe many To Thee alone sic bends lier kue hood- first, Personsai liberty, first. The a.fatal haI by keepirgýouiroelves3wedlf ortifed fWith purp il ,,od sa apropaerly ntrse She asks one gift, aoe rmThe ideal brotberhood-, is net a labor union o ffam"CilSeve zet, Thy blessing onhler iîity! machines, but a lahor union of independn aesmlywî oln wtro lk Asue raei. Soid only in packets. by Grocers. litbelled thusi. NO more h3 jealous discord riven If socialiini means tyranny, then let ah f'ýlp EÎPS «t CO-, IUomSOePathie chem- fier sons for Thee and lier have striven loyers of liberty fiht it. If the union oft , tLoneadon. England 0-gurd he g -at urai t given. labor means the stealing of the riglits of A.NUGEuT r RBERTS9I)N. Man, theîi let ail friends of hurmsoitv do The Head Surgeon their best te, break it. No ; true sociaiisrn melans honest and genuine aud loving 0f, the -Litbon 31 edical Company 1. now The Tue Mlleuium.brotherhood, and bas ne use for bri 'khsts. at Toronto, Canada, and înay he con- And the union of lahor, if it il te go ou, snited eîther ini person or by letter on al liv <iEOfl{iE 1HopeiS. must proceed &long the lines ivhich Christ chronie d'iiscases peculiar te man. Men, "ýJndge net, and ye shall not bc judged laye down, must persuade and not compel, young, old, or middle-aged, who find thlm ondenm nont, and ye shah flot bc condemned; uth - ligtin ih obr od elves nervous, weak an enIsausze-Z, w-lmaie forgive, and ye shalhe forgiven , give, anud aud no liard bands, enouraging tbe liberty broken down from excess ot overwsryk, it hhb ie noyu odmaue of ail men ani psying ne court to tyrany resulting in many of the folloxsYing symp- pressed down, nitd sliaken together, aud " ive, aud it shall be given unto You," toms. Mental depression, -premature, old bosoni. Anîd "geod measure, pressed down, and dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation cf flie Wheiî nobody any Io ngr judges or con- baken together, and runnîng cx er l w iii he heart, emiesions, lack of energy, pain luntihe demois.hie neigh ber, su n l hin everybeldyl its sure reward. kidneys, headache, pimplei on the face or gives aud forgiVes, then ive 'sili bc living in- The kingdom cf Ced bas ne plac-e in geo- body, itching or pecuiliar sensation about the the beginnihîg oethfle illeniiiuin. lit needs :graphies. The kingdem of (;odle in the scrotum, waatisug of the organs, dizzi.ness, no rgmetin ;is ,,-iIdiülb-syto iguý, bearte cf men. Yeou know how they ueed specks befere x. Lacye, twitching of the ne argumtet, lu tac thi ol o uhstngus te ask Christ in the old days, over and over, muscles, eye lVs and elsewhere, bashfulncss, tha. Al hatwee a.f e uowishowtewheu the kingdoni et Ced should coule. But deposits in tIl rine, bs cf will powes, hring that state cf thing about. Christ telle l e set ne date. 1 etrflic kingdom cf Qed,tndrescth alauspneasd saý:1lat itispossib)le te div-e'aIl unkinidspeechî thle itillenniuni, the rig et righteeusnessfiabhy muscles, desire to sleep, failuretolj ýe eut of therld and te puit generesity and begins wheuex er snd wherever any man or rested by sîeep, constipation, dulînes (,f fogienseinth pae of it. The millen- wo man stops utfcring unkind judgmeuts sud hearlug oss cf veice, desire for solitude, nium is possible. But boxeuncalled-for conde mnationis, and begins witb Eexctblt ff m esne y uru d We 10o'kiinte the booke whic gix u a new earnesfness te give sud fergive. ed with LAS CIRCLE, oily leoking lkn p)ictures et the t wentietbi centur, sd offer And the kiugdem cf Ced wlll full'%Tcorme etc., aie ahl symptoms cf nervous debîiity te gidee in'te the promised land. And and earth wili be given anether mle adthat lead te insanity and death unless cured. the baud iieog and attractive enougb, be christcucid lheaven, on the ery diay The sprînjg or vital force having lest ifs feu suda got del c a iîprx eeutupn te lien iii the umen sud al the wonîcn sebe ien every fialction war.es in consequence. Domniionw of Canada in this year ef grace, live upon it shall have iearned tlîat lso Those who, through abuse commîfted in 1891. But the -way over te ii jenefse plain, cf eternsl love. ign-oran-e lmay be permanently cured. Scud IVe iilsonehîo ge thre, he repets And se yen sec It dýepende, as I lad e your address forbook on ail diseases peculiar te l us mh there ilthasocalroufen, ulpen princes, net upon par] iameus, etteman.Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front there will be a cenquest cf the classees by the upon saints, nct tîpon socialistebtje t.Tsot, Ont. Bocks sent treesealed. nmasse, therewillbe this andthat and theofher, upon our ownin dix iduai selves wbe h e Hcart d1isease, the symptoms of which are crisis, catastrophe, bloeming ont cf the new uilleuninni shah cere. Net from withont, failit spels, purple lips, numnese, palpita. life fronitheflcod-T and thuen is'e wiîî ail love biuf freni within, is retermation te hc ieoked tien, slipý beats, hot flushes, rush et blood one another, and the bretherhoed cf maie fer. Net by new lkw, but by new lov e, il te the head, dull pain in the heart with beats àvi li ise nvra eht.Teseciety te bce uplit tee, sud converted, sud- strong, rapid sud irregular, the second heart trufit is that wicile we aIl want flic mlilleu_- 1set riglit. And ven sud I must ialetue lieat quieker thani the firsf,pain about the iu bdyeognod sqiesrofbeghreiait boue, etc., cnpositivelybe cured. the way te it. The blirid are leading flue Don't wait.. Don't loch, for leaders. Be- No cure, ne psy. Seud for bock. Address biind, sud Éthe end oetsncb leading is prettyý gin yeurseif. jigenoct,,andqeelbixesoon M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street Est, Tor- certain to e he 'sutder n alinjte an unepe4.etý- "yen w ili, stP bearîng nkind , cýomnte, nt, W t cd dlitch. 'Cendeoiixu-e, il otcewh-at -anex foler- 1 have ne faith lu auiy dramnatic begiuuiiiig 1suce sur.d eiarity xill coule jute the speechWamatr of the imuýlleuini. d ntelieve tehatjetofah whe 'tail~ lý thi Yen. orgive, and ye Wt Ute f2cnsprpudki- the curtain et cieud wil roll up at the tinkie shail be forgiveci, sud ydur example wilh mid milk at 9-5 cents yercewt., cern foddler of any refermcer's, bell, and beheiti a newe axaken, tboughiyoum nenw t a newI at $5 00 per ton and a cost of $15 forwa'm hel . ... vrnu.u eose of flic uossibilitv et forgiveness. Give. i,,z water ion vs for 40 ctows. tefln ùlt