RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, LlAmbago, Backach6, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bru isesqBurns, Etc. Sotd lv r 'ies and Dler e" erywhere, Fityensabot. Dretions tu THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Blaltimore, Md, Canaaîan Depot: Toronto, Ont WEDNESDAY SEPT. 9, ý.1891. STAI'IDARD -BAÀ1K 0F CANiADA. apfial pald ap. uiLooý .Itest, $26à.J O0 This Bank is preparod to do Legiti- mnate Banking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; Beposits received and Interest paid on accounts of $5 and upwvards in Savings Bank Departinent. D RAF~TS Is net and collections made in Europe unted States, and Canada. W. J. TONY", ONTARIO BANK continues to do a Güend liTiak-'oIg BRsine.s 13oo Rnanviilc AgenQýy. DEPOSITS RecAived In QSav'lnw.. Bank t)epartmoent and on calIand interest allowed at current rates No notice of withdrawal neceseary. Ail d<pasiti plyitble on demanti, EXCIJANGE B ug>tand solC aLd iratts isaupon Ruropo Ufnited States and Canada,alao Gold,Silverand Ue lteti Sta.os Green backg bnnezht anxd sold, COLLECTIONS Pr -1rPtly matie aL curren'. iaubuponailpi.rt of iGreat Brittain, the Ulnited States an- he 130 rion of Canada. Telegraph Transfers -lOe]o largu r amati suai ualsau arb of n-ada. This la espociaIlh advantage .j s ta Percns living lu Manitoba or theNortà .% est à q ekes the funtis avallable, at once at the Place af raymnent. Other particulars cail atthe ba'ik. PE0DIE 0GiO. McQILL, Accoutant.Manage VETERINAR.Y SUPRGEON, àiowxIANViLtE, OIvT4 FOR Inseot Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Fee, §0 erfess jo bnuel fr is tstaihie ays antido Ieun us t aia a u.nsa.are, nsealet ii tise Sula s presemîco. chenget hiesintd. liere was isothiug in il and was caîcu by a shark. For bten ae C -i o alf of the wolt toenat kusow isow exp tise venions pille anti tinsbhohati bier busbent hes toue uoting but ittpt b e zc2r half lis-es. Iî is juil aswel prescribet for ber, anti whiehse bat cane- - saukî,anti up t a taeiha&lautet ahaut 3.20 or :us.it caves thosnst faidis-onces iully isoantet up issteati ai taking tises. of Ilion anti is still flshing. n- yclauses ai famiiy troubles ge nenaîly. Fore tyn eW S There lias juet been discovered abr OROED IHER TO MARRY 111M. aoetsr-Marne a band of boy rù)b)ersj their .booty in a cave like Ali Baba ant ilhie s jnney to eeolîisîder. Forty Thieves. The chief ai the buirglari- Juneges Rogner, of W ashingtuiî, the alther, VELOCIPEDES IN TUE BIiSSIAN ans confederation is a youth ai 14 na:ned a ai ereanulnLh .rig Vincent Legrad. Ho .was captureetilua a adarl e re nuln 'lerIri A M .field, and gave informaetions about hie cp Chrle E. Recti andi Mary Stewart 14c- -- pnion, wh wer arrstet by he gud- y, contracted November 19, 1890, Miss i~~'~ vs-e ii ~~ arm'nes as they wcre preparing to enter their se tecmliat leigta Smot ere inMud pam shehad been farcedti thie marriage by cave. Twa of the precociasi rascals Were threets. Tise story tald in the papors filed aniy 11. Tiîey lately badl entereti a villa, -lcurt, je a very irregtslar anc. Reet is' SE\TERE FLOUDS IN GTERMANY* and lied abstracted therefrarna ap'olnc:hindMsM- prvsosand a large qtsantity of heap ai about twenty-five yearsai sdMsMc priios.wu 'u Kiuiney abaut a year youngeî.' They were A Bad 0 llo Bughac~ A au ai ravry n th Itlias Alineboth clerks in the censîus office in that City, Vý'elacipodes haviug been istroduced in tfi corpsis reporteti. A iew days ega the -131d ,a oiitspas that Reetiad bproseti unar regiarsericeai he ussan rmy asre-Alpine Campany were returniag irom Bre ir et isMKneyat enrjcei ta tise Lertice St Bernardiawhea Lieatereau t appears irom the testirnoîy thet tisei parteti, an officiai naine of Slavonic origîn te, thefitle S* Brnrdwhn ie ta parties were botîs clerks in the pension office, libas been devised for theni. The new name holdntiouthe udge tili bis companiîons Cinesnta en e alvM~ihMs te esaskaty, le self roller. " t Q N ln Ç acnh iloy andi belies-ed that Ilshe -laved hin, Aii unusually large lianîber ai bealIs oders je Ieaed Lieutenant Frer*i !-libut did mot kîsow it," anti, as lie afterward notîced this sumnmer in the aeighibarhood oai soldiaeausapereti. lt onti,1t',ahud one ai lier fionde, that she titi love St.Petersburg, This, accortiagto the'ex-meiaftey oeita e ontatntliei't ahim, but she sait shetiid mot, andt teh penience ai aid peasante, pragnosticates ths e Aithd er on so fiobudtht ie i o nwbe otr bnee iihrsi. H whichbat bllonan ta he sotien as 50presset isiesuit urgently and constanfly camngai svee watI.tlick tilat ho conît not alone remave i t. 11,it protestations, promises anti threats, Tire Ruesian agnage je ta, be taughisnii called for belp, anti many vounteeret ti1be, Japanese echoals., For isi ups a w. ogatNehtwsnoit is asserteti, declareti sbe ebouît marry Go ornaient ai the Mikado serds a number I eutwas loweret inta the crevasse0, v chc, oeeortstishddntmryh of tudntstol\ihe wonld kill hier. He woulti take no refusai ai tudutstathe Uuiversity ai St. Peters- was 8Oit deep, anti moît daugerose, 1bec4use caine home with bier from thse office, met bung ta prcpare the'mselves as teachers ai below it there was another abyse. A",tonr lier in thse street, wayiaid bier beint troc Rassian for the rieiag generation ai Japa. wonking for ans Iotîr, ail three werc palleti, boxes ansd came ont ta surprise hieraet inter- TI e Municipal Board ai St. Petersburg usvd. sections and resenvations. This persecation, lias under ats-isensenta projeut ta plac àp Specalating as ta, tis'e probable caît o h she eeys, Il destroyeti my heaitis, bath ai pliances for Ilratjouai. gymnastic ' la tise recesît raiiway accident ait St. Mentie, a mimd anti body. 1 wae mot able ta eat or parkisanti public squares of the cit o iePrecrepnetey -Thoe Charentoal sleep or tado amy wrk et the office. I didinot benefit ai tisose wbos mens do nat allow collision lu September, 1881, wlsich tn ansmcare tago ont af iny hanseet niglitar esen ta them to get physical exorcise in rural places respects resembled tisat ai lait Sua4a y, coi,)t walkalong thse streets iîstiytime." Oneabter- in thec summer season.1 the Paris anti Lyous R aiiwayaearly , 00 noon as they came from thle pension office hie Two boys quarneleti avor their play ais the Thsdosnet include sne susli-liie auimtni- made lier promise ta meet hlm ; se dit sai, remparts ou the east eshore ai tise iCpen- te adta survivore who were dependleut ettea wu ate as iRe.Abr hagen, and the larger anecheaseti his amaller upontbevictims. Tise ,estern Colpt.ny 't Re icy aitise E cîtrson 9th anti S piay-ate, a lad ai 8, towa tise grassy siope Clch î i t ý £9,0 cmestion hr llestreets. She says tisat Ilon the way npI ant sent hum sprew!ing inta the mot, sii .L .Cmeyj oeas n sksapo with hlvgiasa ofoc et a spne. Ton he tan away~. *fhe littlëe cmrî ubut hosait that was hie doster- was fouati emotheletinjustise mut hours oint ai nover goiîîg t a li .Sa) ferIsle uinatioislhe wouid mot be stoppet thon, after. astrn ailwayhec had scanceîy aîîy itiI suadftlat if I sbowet signe af isutrees or Accrdig t pis-tc di cc frie ussa ges ta, pay. The Western stands, higîlst agitation tsrough tise ccremony I munst tlue din reat ircaate hy lfrinRusaintise respect. 'Vhen th,ismemoabahe sufifer the conseqnencos." They went ta. tileret ocaraua y Engiilis eirepepers 'accident accurred betuweeu Mont Pu~ jt u os a iemntrat iii82 gether nofl osoftemnse ad Czar'cntr by touriste is feuse. There lest their lilses and a great meuy were lu- the esarei~utcL ,ONebign are maumrable:koteke ia the bauds aof eth us elni a nEgih wituesees. Neither theo minister lmor Americans in thse streete ai St. Petersburg cmpay,;-tiOs c opnsain ge an tlgùht any one chse saw1 anythirig strange in tile anti Moecow oery day. No cameraslisave accasjonu amoutindtao-or £125,000. teinarranttheba eead swfeptedithie Ib con seizeti, anti noa amateur pbotograpbers ts nirtuiu ie hr e ah u h ave been laterieret with. consuiniation andthie untter, was eta h Experiments have boom matie ta ascertain - ow te Bathe Without a'Bath. kept secret, but tise licease got ita tise whte osqouud nt mate ta do valu. N aO -oo 5 1iithne n paper anti tise nîrriagebecemepublic. Tiscu, whetîer iogi mot e Norequired, ad hre e t bis requet, sise met hlm attiise office ai Mr- ablhe sertvice intiie ai war. Tisey were et neet for tise ordinery large tin bath, or t ubs Des-id McK-niglit. Mr. McK. sys : l"She one time trailledtet bite tlie legs ai the ai water, or aay oatie usuel parapberlalia, egreet ta nieet liisiiii ntise day appointeti ouemy's borses, anti were ai greatvalne. It oti ficuIt ta procure or tronhiesomeL n oiidhti ecme to yofc sDofu are hep heds' dogTise hater ecarry about lu t ravelling. The at lsimmetiately aiter 4 o'ciock audsti 0dit ebe. usfiae hepit ta o bten e cnt hotakeni tise batiser's het-r:om immaetiateily 1 steppeti into an atjoining roanu, where I leve trinettaobe st owofead cantise on gtting onît ai bcd, antitise oniy rqiiiSI' eant the conversation. She aske i hjm why tado toOe sWi seute heep tes are two ordinany bo totwelg ta holiewantedtota seelier anîd lho eplijedthties Tiecniio tteposaea ts pe rougis bath towel, tlie rougiser tise btter. tboughit tisat, as this neriage lied houai 'Ine cditinftse emin very ahanmiug.Uncovor tise upper part of tise body, li'ng nmate publia, tliey sioult batîs recognise it forst istics, s bcomngver alrmig.tiselimbe, frai tise loins tawawart, cas-en- eut live together. Tiiet proposition sile Tisey are suffeing irons the groateet ila- et. Apply tise rougis bath towel ita tise x- decliiet. Se bîset jta tees-s andt begaîs unaation that bas been expeniencetinlatisose poset part of the body, Iviths finîn ant i tpit ta pleat w ith isies1epare bier furtiser hanîn, districts since 1854, ent they are in danger friction, aiaor. Take apaise ai tise bo-seying tisat lie biat wrecket blerlue alneady ofa dyiug tram stenvation, as tisey are eut taons taircle, previousiy steepetý in e 1iltile ansd wes naw breakiug hie promise ta lien off framn communijcatjon witi tise test ai tise water inthebasin; press itout, so as taas-suit She ni-ie sucb an appeel ta hlm as actuelly cauntny. Tb'ey have only tise weter ai tise tnipping, tîsea welnuis the wholo uppen ta usas-enme ta, tears. I conit 5seclin fraie Spree ta drink, andt ta is politet. part aiflte body witi tise wet îoweî, pai,3-wiere I was eut hie set tisore like e stane, ~5 ais n lte ran-Caîcasan ailoat i îg it aven tise shoulters andt taking tiseeulteily umniovoil, seerniiag ta hc tuteriuinet progteeeing eatiefactorily II Tise contingent oeethnnemnbt aust ci bta couquer lberaedt inake lier ue wth hlm. oi iabone'-e consiste ai 2,aL00 soldions, 900 tsebeck. -Wring onIt fie towel anti paît it Hie bat pneuiausly tolti nie 1I1bave greet con-jes e lird abn, 00Sbenaa xilsagain aven the w haie trunk for tise iret try, cottal aven Mary and wiseî we caine 400rwbcl abtionngsy ilavn t tgether I will take eau-e of the resuIt.' Hie 40 ree, anti 1,700 Ciîaunen eudthtie dry towel, and thon apply bicýtiajli w i'naner anti worts ta lien wona polite enongb, Coreus. Besides this 125 Russejass andlth ie bath toirel unuil tise skia is ia an gle wbit quite determinet endt colt, andtihie 300 Chinaînen are emplayet in lthe stone w-heu put on tise Rappel untie acett tai- irestt wes tisat sile fol into a fit of hystenies, wonlts. Tisis arfiy ai laborers 1dligs not ilîgit wel u1p)beiow. Tioî rptiaý l tie weeping, and fisîally se jumpet up antirtan inte the iigiser officiai, suci as otugi- wisoie aperationk on the lowen part ai ft111' ouI ai tise taons, ieevsg hins Ibere. Whien neers. architecte, inspectons, &c. body.Vonuînay open Yaur '-nowt et 1 u-eneteredtIhe roons be sait. 'Weil, tis Tise exportation businiess ha Odessa je eit a an abiudeut supply ai axs'goli, antIl'ouisl a singular way for a girl ta act,' eut hoe perfect tadetili. Tise owaers ai foneign ougist Lta tke a tunibIen ai- t ofai resIs colt' ipae altl eln htiwsqst ireight vesseis offer ta carry goode ta Eng-_ waten, in sips,tuning tishael)ian ai1 i di igutet witishin." lent eit 10 shillings per ton, but nmo exporter ing, aiter whch go ou nt tise open air ionr,. will contract with tilentos-en ion Ibis ciseap bahf an isoar belote breakfast, yanti yoa ill I To Serh for thse North Pole. pnice ior euy lengtisofaiieIF, comsquence retais wlth a most uncoipnonsising ,app e. oe ai thiî a scancity ai coal la expectet fan tise tite, andt iereaiter go tbrangh tise 'labor Notwithîstasîding tisat tule watt "failuire" coming Winten, becanse tise veesels wisicisof aicsedehwitis a hnoyaaey, nase 1pd te swrilteu au ail tise expeditions tisaI have carry Russian grain anti protince ta, Engiauti eiatiity thet wili ho a new ant iteligils tl itiîerta stanteti ont in searclioaiftie nnrtis came back ta Odessa with oail. experience. pale, Dr. Nansen, tise Narwegiau, wha oen- It bas oit'-' been oberset irequently how A sensatioDai stas ,,'atue client 1îîbt I joys tise distinction ai beiîg fiue iret Anctie pensons ai weak intellect dsplay cansier- Europe iiarno-,vly escapet wer lest winîn teiA le.ploner ta cross. Gr-eniland, wlii-h jouney able talent ion music. A Germais doctor îisetime isat Empressv reterickvsiite Pars ie h aceomplisiet ami foot, eut whig me soan ta bas been mnaking e systemratic neieiauscauesinam Jacrmîes St. Cern, tllseetitoroi tise start ou anatmen palan capetitioýn, etili en- ai this nietten, anti lie aow puLblihaetise ne-Filano, wbo assetttst"tieaeegaettintseoeohea g that spto saltes whicb snAy astoiis mauy. Aunoug 180 eut sigmet outers for iuiabiijzeîioand et1iltsIhie s urface ai tise nantis wien ite axial nisa- idiot ubtîdirea bie bas fouat tise greet ina- IL w-as only becanse tise iiiary staff telayet tiaoit je prectieally »si. Bis plan, tiselletails jority ta, poseese coissidenable saia pow- eenting.aut tise anters ior onu dlay tis nai' ýî,r1 fwliei are too lonmg ta be inserted lîeîe. je I ere, antissie aithisen ta ho neaily lighliy waS pat beguIs. Duniîîg tise aigit," M>. t take ativantage ai tise polar curnents, ai entowod nusîcally. Cote continîu(,,"a telegnuemn caine, fi-ajtm wIhoie existen:c hoýthinikes tec-an no long- A young gunemitis in Dramnsînemi, away, Qunen Victor ia begging William ualta,) or ho anyrasale donbt, anti wheîu fut- calot upon liess eetlieart on hie returu iromnumuvrage a e t -bal -ai realîy not ai iuseîtita .tuer navigation bicomes impossible sua .5e-ý aginiangpxpetitiou ta show- lier wisatholise eEmprees, aii lat tish a ise ania t coustit aithe peei ce iun those frosuen het shot. Wbile sbowiiîglber tise loatet gfuîî'a deepatuis faonthe Vfiina Cine iiu regiosue, ta caunuut iimself ta, the"eeusrente, in tise doansvay lie careieeely raisedthlIe bnshat gat wint aoftise ortets ionrsbi ai 'ouu 1w-biis lie beliees N il brnîg Iiuont again mertant letit faîl. The gun useut off, tise __tigt tth' 'ei ' npot facse~ afuirons tille st coaet ai Gneeslaittor girh feU ,luad, chat thîrouglhuetise îart. bel/i. l oeqcc tteellgassts etcaîa ptbre.Ho alsa-bolieves Tisepolice foýunt iber laver croîuehing b htie Kaiser annlledthts ohtnt eae it tiI l is cour'se lie vill pees os-ar, on near body, aeshriekiug, tas-ung iîaiiiac. 1 arters. " Hows-r.ieitrutis tisereis inîbtar toi,ftle abicct e i is seates. Witls a sip Tise Wnmr Zeiimq draws atileution ta itwolt ho bdifiscuît losey. I utb oreseilycoîuruCted tai nesit tise prssure a.liloraty (ci iaity aif some value wiicb bas iii sintitisaI it coine roieian uiate (Il ailiseice os, setis epicket crew ai oftn or laIely been ieoseret lu tise library ai Hent I1 eeeuiu Oaitise (Getusiaus alti ai ttil' Youiig twelveonfnta ieaiw m lb ,.lii>s1qualiIfs-dtcta asake, scienîffie observ-a, MaossMaleuinher. Il consiste ai tise Eluperou. thisIsceîtaishy 1-t i")e)Il- lons asui nvestigatiaue, wiîis flsat ep- Pentateacis with cansuentanies, Raihl anti ticed aunje ike L l bbguly co->loreti Iliilisadcl ufiet(>as orf Nachusanites, ent came ont ai tise cehbrat- rmccîýiiurlaie wuidota eil t t isepîisat olsfiin als o i- et Br oinberg Collection in Veuico (1571). Il Itaditionial isainis ait. ycais, and withb SatnIe c t oIso prnvs'iius westis fisI ninet ookwbih lsue irns ___________ta mieet flue coniluiigoais fsistpwneck, thia, wtis frtpitdbo hh sïe oi entliutiastic explorer proposes la start oaui î;e-Bromberg Pres," ant ishiosne oitise Tattooiug the Loge tise esipedtiiusa- oias - ieceisary pro- his8 ebRussiboosennuint te boutail 1Rîitaues.setstotme, Due oai'tie,& eîparationis catibc homnpetet. ,Enternsg tise- Th Rasia Gvenmntisabuttoi sngular istiset ai tattaaing tisepensou brýoi 1paanwateiiàtlurouglîi Bebning tatle h isuilti a niew eiroati, desiiedto1cr iite tiselise waist te below tise kaces, wilu ïa, s Ii, e te enuerge by way aif tise- Greenland TrausCaspiaîi muet uithi thsâ town ai in blacklik. Eî'ery imou un thieeshal-afinr s tihuee o<ue ai tus-a anthree -yoans. Sarekhs, on tise RusaTrkjsls frostier. Rurnîis h is ue atoniiet ;ant, tutlees hii ic ing Ibis expedilion iDrNamienchins- Tise noushlie, wiliu seili be 216 miules loîug.ekin ho inusially tank, lie. looks lit a I lile self oay " Il will bha pia holiday trip, tis will be veny impotat fori nillitery spot - distance as if ise werelatied inju a tug!it it- -Il it hurouglis tegianswhene thse days iaal alloue, as il will make tise distance betuu cous îillg pat ai kiuee breecises, enys ts t LI ausx uititlii,.aldtise iigiseare sic. charIot- Rui iin urpeat 4eap merats-hyLamiBpuli:_ui "sI.;a uuanba' ; il ut î, lu sisotla i lsAusetisA w &go Neyer have. fine goods sold for lower prices than we are now ma.klng on Ladies', Gentlemnen's, Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. Corne see and wonder at the value we give. Fine goods and plenty of th( You are sure to find wliat you want. Corne in and seo the bedu ý everything- in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, T7runks, Valises, etc. Reliable, Trusty, Serviceable Goods rnarked at Rock Bottom 40. Sign af the Big Boeti drawn by Two ilorses. IMUCH DETTER9 Thank You! TUH18 1 I7E SYNI ERBAL r ET..i MONYroI those Who hase sseffredfrom VJIRONIC BaRONCHIT.[S, C0170H8, COLDS, OR ANY FORM 0P WAST- ING DISEASES, afier thenj have fried SCOTTE EM'ULSION Of Pure Col Liver 011 and SYPOPHOSPHITES -Of Linte and soda.- 12 8i (O As PAL1ATAE AS MILI. Ir 18 A WONDERF4UL FLESH PRODUCEqz, It jesused andi eiereelSsjPfsicieuns. Avoiti ail imitations or susstitutionss. $Ibolt s aU Drssggisis ent 50e. andi $1.O00.j SCOTT1'ea2 Bf>WNE-, BflM i 1 have used the Ftax-Seed Emulsion in sevts cases of Chroale Bronchitis, and heeaclysaeso Plithîssaid havebenelplad rithrsl. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. Broothn N YFel h. 188 1 haveUse r Emulsion a icase of Phthii (co.n" sump "to ih beneficial results, where patient .ou -Pflt useCodivcr Uit inan y form. J. 1-. DROGE, M. D. Brooklyn N. Y., Dec. 2Oth, 1888. 1 cati strongly reconnuead Flax Sepd Emulsion as heiptul Ita the relief and pasibly tie cure of ail Long, Brancial anti Nervous Affections, anti a gond gen. eras tonlc ta pliysicaI debility. JOHN F. TALMÂGE, M.D GKEERAL ûDEB LU y 1 rooktyÎN.Y.,Oc.lt,1. M 1 regard Flax SSetiEnsY'.s n s raîîyspeoro thse Cut i ver Oil Emulsions su generally sn i. (l D. A. -G0-RTON1 M.. 137 %Vest 84th St. NizSew YIi~ork, g ,88 mur tIa fs6eiir-i-t was marvelous, aibg con- anti humanity ah large. M. H. Ù BE~T, .D SoId by 0Drugglots>, P ricle $ 1 .00. FLAX-SEED EMULSION CO. 35 Liberty St.. New York. SHILO'S -, CCNSU M PTION CURE., Tise succeas of ibis Great Conis Cane le withont a panallel mn tise history ai mediaine. Ail drugg istm are antisonizei ta si il on e pos- itive guaranîe, a est tisaI no oteoc sc- ceislnlly stand. ia t il mnay ie= t nan tise Proprietons, at an eaosuixpense, are p .aZngaSamp. Batle Froc juta every home la tise United State sudCanada.hI yon bave e Congis, Sore Tismoat, or Brancisitis, use il, for il wili cure yon. If your chilti bas tise Croup, or Whoapiug Caugis, use it prmnptly, anti relief le sure. If yaa dreadthtIa insidions dieatue Coasumption, use il. Ask your Drug 'gist for SIIILOIS'S CURE, Prica 50 aIs., 5 au ,anti $î.oo. If yonn Lungs are cane on Back lIame, nie Shiiob's Porous Plastat, 1'rice 25ets. for aLJN otNaau-urfus et P- oseu s<rsTE foasssam-eoiraOv Lteu sasasifLotsE îctm ur 5-t toIs fo Fattioni ReeBti 5 usitt.b e-. S .xugs s- -s um- Siair Headacise ad reliete ail tliu troubteà imcf- detltoae bitionssetete ai tise systems ecî as Dizziacsi. Nansea. tiion sineus intess efter catiag, Pain sis tise tt W & hilethei m.osit rema.rkable succeas hi5ýi bben îhtuvuin gurini Ileadache, yet CAisTER's Lusras LELus-sue PILU are equally veluable in GConstipaisn, caninr, and pneventîng thîs auoying conspiaint,wmmi .thcyaacorrect ail disottn i & soel lnslte eiver anti rotilawth ie bowelg Es-ca if they oaty curet Achse they iroulti ho aliit pnicetess to tliose irisa suifer irons this distnesslag complaint' but fortunatettieir gootaes oes upi11 bore, ad tisose w-lia once try thens wllh fuit these 11111e pille valuable ta 50 mens- ways tv thes- mili nol be williag ta do irithouut Iiuu But aller 'nail dhead lise liane oaiea mens-lis-es that hère j isere ire meke ont gi-eah boast. Our pll cure fi whrite oIhso t . CAaERsT'LuLSLis-maiPILLS Mare ui s, anti very easy ta taire. onse or two F.l malt6 a dose. Tisèy are strietly- vegetah" and dôI 'lot gripe or purge, but isy tise-j gutle tîsillon please plui isa use themns Ii aIs hâtt58oentg: r fis-e for $1. Sald everywheué, or senit b)inaif W PU MEîCISun 0.,Dise, iîk. - BUSINESSCHANGE. I beg to announce to the people of Bow- mnIlle and surrounding country, tàhat I have bought out. the Tin and Har- ness Business formerly carried on b L. GEO. QUICK, and intendý to carry on tý.he_ same. business in the same place. Any person requiring anything in either Une will do well to give me a cali and compare prices before buying elsewhere. You mnay be sure of getting good goods at right Prices. Eavetroughing done away down Particular attention given to furnace work. We would Le pleased 10 refer you 10 somne of the tollowing who have had furnaces In for years, and can speak of their qualities :- J. B. Fairbairn. Esq., Thos. Paterson,,Esq., Sam'I MeConnachie, Esq., Francis Bleakley, Esq., John McClellan, Esq., J. J. Mason, Esq., John MeMurtry, Esq., J. A. Johnston, Esq., Mrs. D. Galbraith, Mrs. Moorcraft. P. S -We stili have the reliable Humphrey in the llarness Business