a t' 1 Bm8:-S1.50PJ!NtM OUR TOWI~ ÂND OOUNTY NEW SERIES, NIUMBEB 682. B3 OWMÂN VILLE ONTARIO, :ai APTERWA2RDS, M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PRoBi~tOEC)I, SF1T-IIýL' OCSofi VOLUME ÂÂÂVII. JNUMBEE ~9 nnhIlIlI JOHINSTON #& CRYDERMAN [uuuuI Hlave received direct from the Manufacturers S4VERAL CASES 0F Mi-MThe SURPRISE Waz YOU want your Cottons, Linons, Flannels aiway ,sweet, clean, snowy white?, YOU want "the wash"p dlone the easiest, the clean- est, the quickest, the cheap- est way ? SURPRISE Soap "the Sur- prise way,"' without beiling or scalding, gives these resuits. - ~therectns LADIES'~EAD 'hIuRN' i GERMAN MADE JACKETS AND UL STERSt, 'These goods are elegantly -de- DROP US A POSTAL Iyou want samples and prices wfUl sig ed an fi t p rfe tin.of anything in dry goods or gn sign d a d fi to perfctin.,eral merchandise. Ours is the largest retail store in ail Canada, Every Lady is'respectfully in- with over threeaacres of selling afte cies. And a postal card is wr vited to, eal and inspeot ou r stock enuglov bigaltefclte of the store to your home just as 3royp ofth sego ds W HI H RE AL uch.as though we were lrtd wt oft o eg o s H C ,A E A L 'nyour town. ronto Fhink of a cierk-educated to vle N E W and the finest assortmient knwqfasiPfl changes, ierchan- lesi being at your beck and cati when- Jb- ever shown in these counties. ever yourwish. wdr i3owxnanvilte,~~~~~~~ Set OGJH SO t's shopping by mai.tu, 1891. , ORNSO & YDERMAN, 190 tb 200 n:ge St. Toono Sryi Stenh Boiavle et ,19.One Door West of Post office. ____________________visitei 0 rows. -HPYTHOUCGHT RANOEU 0 There are more Happy Cr cure- Thought Etoves 110W in use inl spots; Canada than any ptharatg.; Made in 48 sizes and styles ITt's easy eno«gh. on by fail perfect in operation, ele- -the BaIl corset, That's be- t, gant in appearance and dur- cause it has coils o5f fine wire le ýïable in construction. The Springs in the sides, They7ttu externalappearance -has been clasp the, figure, closely5 bt Vc i, p bell ho 411compleétely changed,_ enriched yield to every motion. ing sî'l and beautified, the internal Thy "give, 'but theycorne for F. construction is perfect. ifback' Sodoes your money place s1 -.you want peace and com~fort -if you've worn a Bail corset istied 'ou Sa in the household buy the two or three weeks, and fipl ton i .Happy Thought Range for that you don't like it. btoar wood or coal. For sale by Coucin JoinesToN & C.x'- ilg .. ___________________________DEs-RMAN v siitin f____________________othes-1 MIE CHAiMPION R~ANGE is a cheaper but excellent range quite c in, 62 ses. Cai and examine the Champion cooker. To t/te Ladies of -Bowman ville in Tor( INHEATELt the popular iRadian t Homo, base burner, and vieinitq. Emedo and the iUniversal base hurner have no superiors. They are both cheap 0tained Clandal and elegant in design. Ail the leading styles kept in stock. IPLEASE REME-MBER enjoya Caladinspeet. of Darl 'the Economy Warm Air Furnaces for warninfg dwell- MIS S SHfIAVV'S feund ens of ingafy, Sclèojs, Churehes and other buildings are taking the lead in R. Woc Caniada: made by the J. F. IPease Furnace Co. This is the furnace'that boys di s0 mnany of the churches and dwellings inr Bowmanville are heated by I L N R Y (ad ou srvebete atisfaiction., The eompany, has over 35 year's ex- ?JVII*kitINEI1Y pers-ence and mnake over 60 different sizes and styes -o ilSave (' E ~ ~and MÈ k ony y calling on me before ordering, a Furnace. > ing tri AIl the above makes controlled in'Bowmanville by wvhich will take place .Septemb'er' 3Arîbti 22nid, 23rd and following days. lhankfi .~......,I..L.,1,Master t 39THEIRONONGRY, owmn7ile. 1 have dacided te open my Show-rooma nvin wiha grand assortaient of FALL and novic of Dissolution of IL-, o 'T iE a n WINTER 'NoveIîc, and a sici display nTiiýLù ____of iNew Yor-k and Paris Patte-ns il. J. Partnership. 1-aigsvrdm oncini- h finrn Mornn god rcat.Wdwf Emmwe te attend te ail es-ders for Casting andi repais. Crape H-ats,-al suitable for monrning Notice," la es-eby given that the partnaship Remember my motte fa "Nave tee late te, A cu hceeifs-a aubsiss-ing b5tween us the under. mand.", Repas-ing a apecialy-Sewn Mach. wear. siged ronas leudryan nfiMachinios ait ies, Guns. Revolvers, Stevei, Loc, Waah. Ibv opaesoko iide' the lown of Powmnaavidle, undas- the naine of ing'Machines, Ws-lngars, Reapra Mowe-s,IhaeacmltsokofCidn' -.ey Ilosken &, Weakes lias this day been disEolved Plows. Maya mad@ and fitled; PItpa juing us ala aud Bonnets-tsa newest in liseRok Lsy mnutual cosent. sud aul genas-al repaira. At ps-osent. (unjil 1 muuket. wheun c( Ail debta o-wing te fâc said pas-ties are le o t a lp suitatilé) ail os-Sers left ait Ms-. J. an easy p aid toiJ. Ký. GLrÂH, ,ioicitor; Bnwman. Jelf'yesStar Heuse. os- ny house. Li4sacly nSt, Ail kinds of Birds' Wiugs and Feathairj, I si Dated ai B w nianville ii lrin day f Sep-' my prompt attention. te'llorbeeeOtbrissf-t,11.near181 Ms-âeiMsla -a~sovl eev ihtisfer pntinet tes nPubasdadi t~ a-, sil ,.H. J. WEEKES, ~ nIn o auig -tteIt wiîî _____________________Popular Millinery Store spig M . J. WIEKES. 5_______________ ' kîdneyu -tFDaoebtusis-easwitl be omtýaue'd ly m,3 IT rAf DO NO U5IfAtl trti remun Que door Est cf Poat Offm, King 9t., plexian aî eltaesuîheîÎPerterl Etese. Warin Poefrq If jori, eIa5iqWaR*ng, fey- *Imn~l 3i l I5 S~R~WU. oer fre<fr U4.-J a50 .g.NFfIELD. ryant, Tornito, occupied last Sunday afternoon.... fterson D'nd wife, formerly )yer, of Washing-ton Ter.,, 3 pendiog a vacation in re over.Suisday.. . Anong r. Edger fluribut, Owen M. and Miss Emmia Dyer, lin. - at a horse recently, 7o eaten poison. jA YDON. otley', of Winnipeg, is Iaughter,Mrs. S. Siemon. well. ....D. Grahiam and have bouglit a new steami id J3raham bhas bought )erty., .. Another oldl set- ýwaý, MI.. Malachji Mart. y laat Monday morning, 5ig of a blood veisel in irles F'erraud, of New- last week. eason for Living olove and l oves to lire, kil, its a sin to bc aick; being IRBYr. VU irVlêLfl .r.,ja giving t hefstow thef r affections on A very interesting sncial ovent took Ieryalte\amr u1 Creator inteuded; being si, place on Tiueaday afterno il, 15th iat., Nchave hre fn~armr n rp is a dlity bo cure yourseif. at thse residlence o! Mr. Wmi. B.Kelley hcavent i;edtrsig n e 1 theàc days ,need an invig- Perrytown, foi mlerly of Kirby, the occas - nic.. Woinout teachiers ion being the twventieth auuiversary of the Epiwrth League meetings are dresamalers, iilliners, and marriage of tise hoat sand hostess. There tended, te interest bein)g contin il te tiresonie labor, bave were about 40 intimate friends and neigli- the increase. in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- hors present. Among whom we noticed Rev. Austin Potter, of the Guo ia a soething and ,3trei-tli. Mr. snd lMvra E. Coýbbieick. Mr. and 'ference, preaebed au able sermco ýe induciug refreshing sloop Mrs. G. Cobbledickç, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mefthe3ùi tciurc'i here Sunday w. ondenqy and reatores to full1 Jewell, Orono; Mr.. and Mrs. D4vid ipetites and affections of one's W'a!ah, Clarke; Mr. and Mu2. S. Caldwell, Aiways avoid harais, purgativ soj aeiiy drugg!ýsts, under a Mr. and Mrs. E. Crbett.. Mr.. heynd Mrakeye s _i adth, 1 ils niakers that il wil], in J. Dutibar, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Siith, you contipaled. CarËer'u L:ttlt ive satisfaction, or price($1) Mr. and Mrt,. 4lex. Wal!h, Mr. and Mrs. Pilla refiulate Ithe bowela and' m pIiy refunded. Jas. Gardinier, Postnster Purc2li, Mis- *eIl. Dose, one putl. -Annie M,3Murtvry and Rai'. F. John',on -HAMPTON. andl wife. They hrought with îhemn weil ladlen baskets. After taking, possession BLIOE 3Pascee returned tast week of th1e premiises and rnnmg shinga in On Wednesday Sept. 9th, Rev. ml visit with frienda in Tor.- general, a prosentation of a sp!enidid easy IIaig, B. A., of ilyde Pat1k, Ont. _J C. Wilson and wiff, chair wasacale fo Mis. Kelly and a fine the talae David Haig, of Battimot ek. .. .insGeo l rtrud M.asy couchl toMr-. Kelly, with ani appro- united in the banna of holy matric oeu i.n . . M i ss e r t ud e M . p ri t o d d r 3 -. T h a d d i c s w a s re ssd b y M i ss H e le n R a a , e ld , a t d a u g h t or t u n e f er a l e n a s a " t M s C b l d c , O o i . R . J h . A l e x a n d e r R o s ,-. o f G r a f t n n . T .2EW -UA YEN. mi, S Moultov, Orono, liag been enjoy. ing a visit with 1'Vlss NI. E. Vancanp... . Mr. and Mr3. Jas. Vaucamp,Port Huron, M;i'h., after an absence of 30 years are apending a few weeks with relatives hero Miss Nanny Grange bas returned te her home in Chat tan noga, Tennesee, after a proionged Visit with ber sister Mrs. Casiey Trul.. .. Milton Hall, West Toron. 10 Junction,' fa here on a viit ... . We are sorry to record the death of Mr.. Frank (more familiarly kDown as Fariner Frank.) He passed away peacefully at the age of 87 lesýving two sons te mourn bis tuas. Hie emigrated from Yorkshire, Eng. at a very early date and bas heen iu busineia as a farmer for over haif a ceutiiery. In politica he har een a stauneh Reformer. The relative3 of deceased have the sym- pathy of the entire commuuity.1 A Warma Day. TFie beat ethod to resolve doubt into cetity, if any auch doubt exista as to the elficacy o1 St. Janoba Oiit 5le se il and be conivinced, A warm day iî a good day for experiment upon any form of pafn and for such St, Jacoba Oit hats ne eqtsal. CL ARKE UNYION. Mra. W. W. Henry is rapldly regaining her usual health. Mr,. F. Glagcott, Toronto visited. Mr. 3Joseph Fox, Sunday week. >section, bringing- with him a ife. Miss Lena BallaLyh, Starkville, fias been viiting at Mr. Wmi. Staplea'. Mr. R. Rtails shiipped a .cargo of applee Saturday week for Toronto market. M. H. Arch fa engaged packing with hira. "Why, now 1 cannot get enougii to eat says onse lady who formierly had no appa. tite, but took Hood's Sarsaparilla. KE~NDALL. Mr.. R. Fallis is packing apples for th3 Toronto market. Mr. Chas. RiveIl intenda leavlng hoe for Detroit ' Mîcb. Ja.mcCormnack Wi th his femily intee"da snoviiig irto Orono ,-Te Methoc)ist fn-,end holding a supDer on the 18th and l9th of Oct. Ys in Ibis viUiage l sein t--e-ar Ïfo. Ameng the visýitera:Mssand Mr. 'MissAnni and Master Howard Palmes-, Hullier; Miss Turner, Ms-. Mc. an retun-nd from Toronte last Kinbley, Scugog; Messrs. Gormtey, Pick. tes- a very p1easant viit ... G. esing; Mr-. Thos. Gibazon, Maryboro... on and %vife, Oshawa, spenl Sun- Rev. R. B. Denike, a former pastor of 0, . - -About lwenly of eus- citizens the M. E. cisuih lies-e, pald eus- viltage s Toro"ntn's greal Show. ... 1is virit the oliser day in company with Mr-. oachis visiting Ms-. Tisonas Bus,- Mas-gacli of Port Hope. Tbey were s-ep- resenling the Sun U'fe Assurance Co. of which Ms-. Denike ia Inspaclor. The, ýf, Sure and Painlesss sane day Messrs. Junior Lodge and Le.w Kerr- of Port ilope woeobase ts-ying te a wvos-td of mesuing this cltaIe- druai up poticy bolders for tise Manufact- ibodies. Jial whaî you as-e look- us-es-s' & New Yos-k Equitable .... Dr. fa itlone? Psstuarn's Painleas Gao. Binigtam, Isabella St., Tes-ente, wSs tractos--be great sus-e-pop ces-n bere oves- Sunday vîsiturig bis parents. -- ls in Ibis way. Il makes neosos-a We wes-e glad te sec Ms-. XVm. Mottey of le, acta speedity aud witb cestain- WinDipea, lere agaf n booking about as snd mildly, withont inflaming tbe fresis as whau be went away. . -Ms-s. E. tniessly. Do net ha împoEed up- C. Vistue o! Montreil 'vas visitiug rMs-. àitations or subatitutas. John Vistue's familv la3t week.... .Mss. J. J. Vistua ara viaiting friands at St. TiR1 O.NB. Catharines. .....Mr. David Chers-y bas saaac Coucis o! Weslon,, Ont., ia leaaed bis fas-un on sisaras te Ms-. Albert visittIo bis old borne for a short Gilders. -. -Messri. Stevena &Kers- ave re cemmencinLa bis atudies aIthef r wagon off tisarcad for a few days tunivessity...-.Mis-s Etta Camp. and have asats-eng force aI work picking ecused at situation on'tise teach- apples;. . .Ms. J. W.,Vistue, machiniat, o! Ibe ModlSeot, Port lopa, was off wos-k for a few days wf 1h a lame ainainider of the tes-m... .Rav. band .... .Mr. Thos. Rabbisina digging iyamcf ingtonis n avis petatoas for Dr. Mtitchell opanied bis eyez on, Ms-. F. G. Biam of Ibis in amazement wben he struck a tuber of Ldetivered a vas-y good avauget- tise Early RZose vasiety tisat waigbed 2tIbz eus-e in tise Mathisit chus-ch Rav. Mr. Gow', a former missienas-y te atis avenlug., . . Rev. J_ J. Asis- the Nos-lb wast fa suppiying tise Ps-esby- ýs giving bis long deisyad expos. tesian pulpit lies-e for tbrea, monîlis. thea L-d'a Supper witb black.------- u ustraliona naext Sabbats mesr--Co U-8 ri C.~ Ira. Cookz, Gt orgetown,lias becMs-. and Msa. Dunkin Blair, Taunton, as- naother, Ms. O. Stock, -s-i visitad tlier daughfeos, Mrs. Eli Osborne, uda.... Our- Army friands as-el racntly. ... Ms-. and Ms-s. R. 0. Cars-ull- ltad it.tse gooad mase aEdgntes-s, Pis-karing, speut a day os- two with e....Ms-. J andMaser Egarrelatives lias-alast waak .... .Mrs. Jackson, iRaglan, are viiting at Ms-. Gie. jOâawa, is viiting lier daugbîtes, Ms-s. n1s.... s ielCrsene-Win. Cons-lce... .A few days ago Master umi-tber o! lies- Young friands vos-y Clas-ence TrulI, son of Ms-. Cames-eu Tril, on Satur-Jay last. ... Anothes- whfle riding a liesse test bis balance and rida' frin , a h ts ais-' mhaid-fel aith ie gsouud, hreaking hi3 as-m. lie >rife frm amng te far m fa- secovrîng nicely ... .Ms-. S. Brook, ripusa. We wisb Mr. and Ms. New Osleans, wlio bas apaut tise grealer ley oves-y succesa in hife. The pas-t o! tise summas- fn Englaud is paIlg sot forgat te asenade tbem. ..- bis annual visit te relatives liers. . . - Ms- Yiglit bias asrivad home in s! aty and Msa. Jas. Oke of Alvinston, Ont., tripaud. . theMs- su d s-s.pW.tR.asd daugixtar, Ms-s. Ballsb, Alymer, have i',glad ... r.andMrm W.R.been renawing oid acquaintancas as-ound May Clemîens have beau visit- hara aflani. absence of oves- 20 yeara. - da1, at Little Britain ... - Mss. Gao. Tingle lias s-alurned froun Manit- fa vas-y low at present.... .Mr. oba'mus-b pléased with bis t "p. Ha is sen.'sa nyfradsetuy gseatly taken up wilb tise counts-y sud te hear o! bis onvalescence. - - bas ps-ocured a quarter section et baud .Grigg, Bowmanvitle, bas beau near Mulets sud purposas meving cul Rt Ms-. Jos. Penfouud's. - -.A Iberefinhe Spsing......Luther Hancock brtainaient in tise fDrra o! an ; s-s-usides- li caïe o! Drs. Hfllir' -ai Matchl was provided attise sud Lammimitu bis trouble being cauzed ou Tbus-sday evauiug atù, Ms-. yoe etnInfrgonasimbt V'ers-y, chais-man. .... Mr-. Gao.byoe-bsiglfsinonatem ot -.. . Mss. Jas. Pas-kir, Moorafleld, visitad n and Misa Maud Emmerson lies sous and otisas relatives bas-e last week g Pals-boe frinds..... Thos. F. Pas-km -was home t'som Port FR CONSTI-PATsION ANÇD HEAD- Rep3 Ou Sunday..-, . Ms-s. Wm. Crydes-. r.% 'Suas Lanae, wie in tbe man sud daugistar Mas-y, Town, we-e outafus, discoves-ed a reet that gueasao! Mrs. L. M. Çbuitice ou Suaday bid witli othas- basbs, maka ,. . .Tises-e is sus-e te ha s higcs-owd at 9 id castain cure for conaumptfon. 1 Ms-. Sams. Giiblett'e sale o!f!ss-m stock,1 0 fes-m of ds-y reotsansd leavea, implemeuts, etc., ou Thuraday, Oct, lat. vuj as Lass->0 a'a1miliMadicine Oui. inimitable auationeez--S. C. H1unk-1 ,e iolk-beadacie sud f is e hast idg-will wli lte liammanr. Tise biH4a dhaine for thie hlood, tiver aild arQ poalad ait oer Ibis section.t nd fos- cleaning u.p the cein-1i does woad'es-s. Dssgists a it You ahoutld sec Our. bOy'esud lmen'i s-$1a'package. 8alits. E>ttfson & Ces- gdBat- las section )rt an ex- Swell at. sualty o011 etph con- '01 in the eek. 1 ie pi1as àen leave Je Livr a9,ko eu îs-avoEîing costume o! fawn cbolii, COnibin-. cd vil russel plus. Tha bsideamnaid s Miîss Crs-ce Ross, sister o!flise bride, aise' wos-a brow.. The bridegroons-o! cous-se vas attirs-difaclesicat garb. Ha vas sup. ported by bis cDusin, Ms-. J. T. Haig, Front R Žad vagI. The tride was made thie recipieul eofnu-es-eus, isaudsome sud ccstly psosntsg. 'Tise happy couple left on thse east-beund express fors-the Thou- aand Islandea amid sbowsa'o! rice sud * NEWTON VILLE. Tise Metisodist obus-ch S. S, anniver. sas-y wasassucs-esc. On Sibbatb tisepast- or, Ilev. R. T. T. Cous-lice, proesad lwo good ses-mens. Mosi day there was-e a capitl tes, readings, recitations, music, good speecheas by Raya. Massart. Peake, Leslie sud Ga. Osa Wednesday avening a social was beld as previalons vas-e in abundne vus more readinga, siugingm sud music-. Total proceeda $47.50-' Ms-s. Mclntys-e sud two ciildren o! New York are on a visit te bier parants, Ms-. sud Ms-s. Penvas-den.. . Miss Richardson o! Manvers bas beau viaiting aI lise Matis- odial parsoage.... Mr-. and Ms. L, Truscotbave beau visitiug thisas son-in- iaw, S. R. Jonac, Esq. ... . Wa notice ]Rein. R. Pus-kia o! Bewmanvile at bis son-m.ý law's, Rev. A. Lestias'a. .. Mr-. Wmi. 0v. ens lias hies trials: A feavw moutha ago, bis wife wastaken tetiseasytuai. Lasî waek' bis 19 vear old daugistes-, Lana, w-as, breugbl homte a ces-pse from t'ho- States aud bus-ied, fa Newtonville cameîe-y... . Miss Sas-ais Grahsam, aged 30 yeas, daughtes-'e! Jas. Graisam, 3s-d concession o! Clar-ke, died on Sept. 131h . ... Some weeka age a tiafentee-d the premisas efo a liard working rantiug farmar o! Ibis section sud stele a bs-an nae set of haru-' li there evas- wns a specifie for any ena coînplainî, lisen Carters Little Liver Pilla as-e a sPaciflc forrasck lezdacise, sud oves-y voman sboutd know Ibis. Ouly oe putl a dose. Ts-y thom. The Methodial Magtezine for October. A copioualy itlusts-alad article on "'Jamesi Calvert the Miseieuary Haro o! Fiji" by Rev. J. C. Seymour-. A residaut Con- sut gives a graphie accouaI o! "Pasant' Life in Switzerlaud, with ils picioreaque- nasa, ils liarsdipe, sud ils meagre s(- was-ds. An admirable ports-ail of Jas. Russell Lowalt, with a concise seviaw o! lits works; J. W.' Baengh, Edilor et the Gsip, coulsihutes a stsikiug pes-m in tise Wilt. Carlton vain, eutitled tise "Waï Cs-y an incident o! Salvalion Aruxy ýTlife, il is accompeineci by oeeoe his or. unique. vignettes. "'Amoug the LiWte. Greay Bonnets" fa a graphie accoont cf ,tbe nov Mathediat Sisîeriseod, by à New Brunswick lady., "Methodiasu sud Miss- ions"ý' is sasIs-oug sud slriki' ug papas- l1'yit Rev. Dr. Ely, o! Japsu. "flie CaUses af Social Iseooalent' is anioiser-tr-eng paper hy Biifiop Iulngoas i-,a ah ana, "Y Bielop osa on "Q aiaoeima for ica m: eu ay strong numlber. P14~ s'l yea- $1!e Ix menths; '20 cosai "par iâurmbes-. Wiiliani ~sBrîigga, Tes-*anto, m OUR TOWN AND COUXTY Z;J, Ibul, fC VOLUMIC XXXVII. ~,-, 4 k