SAR SAPA RI LLA FOR ALLA IMPURITIES 0F THE BLOOD.ý, Descriptive pamphlet with ful dlirections as to Treatment, Diet1 ta any addreass, on appication and guarantee unquesionable ameliora-1 tion if tise directions are adbered te The WINDSOR Mfg.ý Co. P, 0. Drawer 2050. Montreal, P.Q This is what the pediars and so malled manufacturer said wben try- ing to get $2 and $3 for 50c, spect- ýacles. Since we offered to end our -Pebble tester to tha publie free, these men have found that their fraud bas been exposed and they dlo not offer Pebbles any more, but they stili continue to charge from $2 to $3 for spectacles such as we- >,4ell or 50c. STOTT &'JURY. If you have bought glasses bring them in aud have thent tested. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. QOING EAST OcINQ WEST Passenger.. .4amMaIl ........ 555 a m Mgxd. 3 23 p w1Express* ... 937 am Local.707 p mi Mixed... . 323 p m Mal l0;9mMail.......827 p m BowmA.NVILLE, SEPT'R 23, 1891. Local and Otherwise. Cash for eggs at West End House. STATESMAN 10 uaw subecribers 15 menths for $1. Faîl sala now going ou at "tBig 20" everylhing away down t111 Oct. 1aI. W. W. Batchar,-formerly o! Toronto, a well-lruown advertiaing agent, diad eI ,London Saturday nigist. Everyhody attend tise fair tii week. Fine concert lu bise ereuing under tise auspices cf tise-R. T. o! T. Look aI Jno. J. Masou'a new adv. lu stuother column sud note tis pecial Uines tisey are shewing this week. Calkat- Philp & Edger a s tee tise new lmproved Road Cart-juet tise thing. Something entirely new aud very cbeap, toc. Reduced c-rbla rates by Allan sud Dom- inion Linos of Steashipe from Montreal te Liverpool. M. A. JAMEs, agent, Bow-, umanville. NazI Sunday, 2815 iust., will ba Cisild- iren's Day at St. Paul'e cisurois. Appro. ipriate sermons will be preacised hy Rav. R. D. F~raser, M. A.,' merning sud evan- Ing sud at 2.30 p.m. a Harvel Hoe service O! reaponsiva readingu sud song will ho giron by tise Sabbats Scisool. The public are cordially invited. Tise longer I arn absent Irom my native country, tise more- do I approciate tisa weekly visits o! "TisE STÂTESMAN," tisaI excellent chronicla cf current local avents. But o! aIl o! your splendid. srray o! cor- respoudenîs. ha or sise o! old Enusskilleu takes tise palm sud deserres tise eterualj gratitude o! every wanderer from tisa cityj on tise bsill -WiLL J. MILLe. MiTLiNERty OPENiNo Sept. 23rd ur atock is fast approachingcoompietiou and we Sare iu a position this waek te attend bo 0-orders. Ne hava a stock o! bonnets hale,i flowers, featisers wiugs & Rihbons Vol. dete ln aIl tise sisades We bave cisoicea stock repiate witis every requiste in Ibisý kmi, sud especially meurning sud faucy. geoode. Stampiug doue and hats reshaped, next deor te Ms-, Prower's Bowmauville. MieS. DINOMAN. whA SpniNcI MuniciNaB-There a re few 0ais do uot at tisis Bjessn leéel thse ueedý ef aSprng nedicine, sud Ie ail euoh we r.eotnmeudc Lau a,'s Family Medicine as, ha hst. This le a pleasant herb drink made by pouring boiling water on thse dried roobga. ud hierbe. Druggibte sel Lke packages aI &Qû, sud $1. Il is tise bçzt as well as tisa pleasstesl oce fer crtgswpotu.îsud hegaacbe.1 Clarke fair aI Orono to-merrow." Bowmsnville Fair Thursday and Fni. day. To-day sud Tisursday are tise big days of Whitby fair. STA&TESMAN te naW subecribere 15; menthe for $1. Mr. H. J, Weekes bas a card la, another columa-read il'. Do yoa want a farm? If se, read tise advù. 1"Timber Lande." Advertiae sîray animale in Tim; STÂES- SIAN wisich everybody reade. Mr. Thos. Werry bas aold eue of tisa colts advertieed in tii paper. Mr-. John Foster, dreyer,. advertises 100 steers fer sale for fattening., Turnipe are Dleutifal. Drees goodu lu ail tise Newest-, Materiass and Coloriage j ual opened eut ait Concis Jisoneben & Crydeiman's. Everybedyle iuviled te satise new Germait made Jackets sud Ulstere aI Concis Jobueton & Crydermrau'e. Tell your neigihor about our offer o! TnE STATESM&N free for thse balance of 1891 10 flOw subecrihers for 1892. How are yoar furs, ladiea? If they te- quire repairiDg taire tisem te Mayer tise Furrier before hie hnsy season opaes. Don'I wait tlI you need them te wear. Farmnera, if you failed te read tise article in at STATESMAN about raising blue poe for tise Eagllsh market, look up the paper sud do so-il may be money la Vour pock. aIs. New Drees Goode iu Tweeds, Serges, Estamens, HeurLattas, Cheviots. Plaids. etc. Aitogetistr tisa finoat stock ever seen in Bow1manvillo, at Coucis Joisuston& Cryderman's. Hats doue over lu allbisa lateat styles. 1 anm sole agent for tise TorontoflyeWorks. Don't forgeat tisaI our fait opaning laste ail waek. Se callsud see us while passing. Mrs. Dancaster. It wss surprising te see tise numbar of person% leeking at tse uw stock of fancv Japaneso goods I-st Saturday aI Big 20. Dou't fail te caîl wisea la town. Big faIt sale from uow tilI Oct. lst. Bargains. .Ladies hava you seau tisa aew laced kid glova being aold by us. They are cisoice, Every pair guarranleed. Corsets, Hois- ary sud gioves are extra good valueata our store thie seasen. Jao. 3. Mason. Wa araesisowing thie seasen tisa fineat assortiment of black sud colored Drese Goods la Serges, Heuriettas, Fancy Plaids with lstest novelties in tise newest trimminge, that wa hava ever ehown. Wa cannot fail te piesse yen. John J. Mason. Mise Alice M. Fletcher will coatribute te Tise Century La 1892 tise reaults o! her studios of tise American ladisin L a sarios o! illustratefi papers. Tisey will give au intijuate accouaI cf hew lise Indisu act- ually lires sud tisinkfs, hie music, hsome life, warfare, isunting customs, etc. As a special inducemeut sud te give our patrons an ides o! our work, for a whole monlh Mrs. Daucaster wvill do eue piece of stamping, free for any purchaser of fif ty cents, worth o! gonds. Our faîl stock of Millinery bas srrived sud will ho ail open- ed up before fair lime. I have a splendid assortment of fallgoode ln Frenchs sud American styles. Tise aua] meeting o! tise Victoria County Rifle Association was held at Lindsay Sept. 16, when tise foliowing offices-s were re-eleoled: Hon. prasident, Col. Deacon; president, Major Sam Hughes; vice -president, R1 Sylvester; second vie prasideut, Lieut. Wiliiamson; secretary sud treasurer, J. A. Bucknall. Tise aunual faIl match will ha held oves- thair range thora on Oclober 2. Tise committea in charge of tise s,hool games isas decided le isold tham on Fr1- day afternoonOct. 2, on tisa drill shed grounds. A large variaîy o! sports bs beau arrsnged for. The prizes are bsand- semas. Attractive programmas will ha cal Lu s faw dayd. The D. O. & P. <Jo. baud will provîde muasc for tise occasion sud a meut enjoyable time for young sud old may baanlîcipated. Admittance fea only 10 cents, Proceads te go towarde decor- ating Public Scisoole. SA very nica set of collocting plates were preoeeted 10 tise Metisodist cisurcis set week for wisicis tise hauke o! tisacou- gragation are due te, a circle o!f.young workere cof tisa old Qoeen atreel churcis, known as tise "Buay Bees," wiso iad euc. ceedeî in making smre usef al articles for wisicis tiey found ready saleand isad a nice litto mauraintise treasury attsa time of tise union, wisicis tiey hauded crer le Mna. Mason le ha esiuent in purcbssiug these plates. Tise hast officers cf tisaI seciety were: Mre. S . Mason, iseuorary- president; Mrs. W. C. T. Jaukins, presid- ent; Miss Mabel Nortiscota, secretary; Mise Edibis Carscadden, treasurer. Tise hodies cf the bwe young mon wiso were drowued off Por ar )lingîc, Septf. Ur clear islebeglus cnnsept. lth. Ellsoa & o. W. unoerw sow qursevqp. te ha uu4erl mold. Ellison & Cv. CleaiîgSl resMS biiors ho>Y I I POINTER FOR ADVERTISERS. STATES)MAN circulation weakly, 2,1lStJ W. D. New-, circulation weekly, 7C)8. Daduet exchanga copias sud copias seýnt to advertisers and THE SYTESFMAN h1ýS a circulation tissea timas greatar tisutisa Naws Tise- rates are about tise sanie. Klrs. Din)gmnt's millinery opening te- day. ur citizens went iu erowds te Terna. to's Big FaITrIst weekr. Mrs. Susan Welch offers for sale a cosy country bhume. Sea advt. Read Miss Sfsaw's mîlliaery announce- ment. She isas a Iovely %hop. Mr. John Ballagis, near Newcast le, ad- vertisea t o ou a farm very cheap. Demoorat sud phuSton, second hand, for sale. Inquire of M. A. James. Mr. Jos. Doyle, Pickering, advertise a geod farm cf 50 acres for' sale or rent. Grand concert Friday nigist in the town hall, Bowmsnville. Take your girl. Mro. R. Squires advertined bwo farime te rent in STÂTESMAN sud cbtained 1ien- ente for botis, Bro. Sig. Ladmana will give an so. ount cf hie visit te Germany aetishe A. cO. TTJ. W. lodge Friday nigist. A Magnificent Assortment itf 1Naw Clothi sud rweeds just opening out at Coucis John ston & Cryderman's. Mr. Jas. McDougaîl. C. E., Toronto, brother of Mr. Robt. McDoupall,of this town, ia engineering tisegradïng aItisea bridge. TisaI "Happy Tisougist" Mr. Edeaill ed- vertises is tise range tisaI in se poplar wiîis ladies. No steve in tisa market' le ils superior. M. Mayer has received hie f ail stock oýf Feit Hats. &il bougist for caqis, muet ba soid for cash, se come aiong sud gel s bargain as tise stock will be sold ciseap. Ail ladies visiting tisa fair on Friday are invited to inspect tise magoificent stock of New Faîlland Wintar Goode jîusb opened out at Coucis, Johnston & Cryder- man's. Judgiug from tise immense quantity of New d.7oode whicis are daily beiag opened eut atCoucisJoiston & Crydermian's thay muet expact te do a tremendous bus4inuss tise coming Fesson. Tise Sons of Scotland will prevido a Scotch entertainment for tisair friandson let Tues'ay ta Oct. Members may oh- tain tickets for their friande from tise cisief or sacretary. EXCIrNçG RAcE:-ln tisa herse ring aI tise Agricultarai Exhibition on Fritlay aflarnoon, Master Blonu Job, o! Euxnis- killen, wilI race hie dog sud cart, againet a.ny pony on tisa ground. We undarsland tisat J. J. Mason a made arrangemnents te do tise <rade ,i Ladies' Germoa-mado Coats this fdll. Ho bas a very large choice in exception- aîly fine goode. Lîidies yenu shouid uot fail to give isim a caîl. Capt. sud Mrs. P. J. Rowe ara no)w ,mourning tise loess of their infant diaught- or. Tisa child died suddenly on Wedýýipg- day anid wss takon te Bowinanville on tise mixed, Tisursday afternoon, for in. terment.-P:ckering Naws. We take pleasure in calling attentksi te M. Mayer's, advt. Ha bas s nice lot of new Faîllaud Wîatar hate in ail the fashionable styles sud i3eeslliajtiem very cbaep indeed.' Young men who want as fasisionable hat s'sould cali on Mayer. 15 Monthe for $1.00. Tell your friandesud naigisbors tlýat we will send TIIE STATESMAN te, new subscrinere from now te tisa end o! 1892 for $1.00 paid in sdvance, or for 25 cenàts te tise end cf 1891. No agent recognized Money muet ba paid te M. A. JAmEs, Publisiser, Bowmanviile, Ont. The Home-Maker for September is sa superb number. This splendid monthly magazine in odited by thse popular la~dy writer, Mrs. Croly (Jeunie Jane). S~ Zcription, $2 a year, 44 Est l4bh streot, cw York., Tise Torouto Presbyterian Review for September l7tb and 241h centaine verba- tam reorte of Rev. John McNeil's groat sermons preached La Toronto 131h inýt. Address Preebyterian News Co., Toronto. JOHN GILMER S.PEE]J followa up hie ar- ticle in tise September Lippincoît's by contributing 10 tise auccaeding numbei s papar on"The Common Roadeof Europe." He shows isow far aisaad of us tise great nations cf Europe are in tisa matter ýof ronde sud tiseir administration sud main. renance. JULIEN GORnoN has prepared s tisougbt. f ui paper fer tise October Lippncott's, an- tite"Hestis Ioron."1. iso declaime -Mens Suite te order 84 lmbas tissuaul. Etllison'a Co. Al dres goode chap, sreat aI ssf ice. -Ellisan & Co, Tbe action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasaut, m.lld sud nataral. They gaentiy ebimulate tise liver, sud rcgu1ste thse bow8ls, but do net purge. Tisey are slre to i~e Try bhmi Pompton Puifs. 11Y MARION HARLAND. 3 cups offl1ouri 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 teaspoonful of sait, 2 cups of milk, 4 eggs whïtes and yolks -beaten separately, r- beaping teaspoonful of Cleveland's baking powder. Sift flour, bakîng powder and sait together twice, chsop in the butter. Stir thse beaten y.i2ars mb t te milk and add thse flour, then thse frothed whites. Whip,, higis and: ligisi and bake in cups in à. quick oven. Usee «&, CleveZand'r 6aking .powde4~ t72cpax4auarc made for that. Hot biscuit made with Cleve-. land%,. baking powder may be enjoyed even'by those of weak digestion. Cleve- land's is the anti- ~ dyspeptie leaven. ~Y~,,4f ing agent. The ~~ le aven cornes from creama of tartar and soda, nothing else; n o ammonia o r PERSONAL. Mr. A. Barber, of Cobourg, was In town Saturday. Mr. A. 'Dudley, of Coîborne, wss in town st week. Miss Lillie Patte, of Oshawa, is visiting Miss Maud Fogg. The Misses Power have been spending a week in Toronto. Mr. Mounce, of Guelphs was visiting at EMr. Jas. Knights'. Mr. Neil Yeilowlees, of Woodstock,has been visiting at home, Master Cecil Maynard, has been visit- ing friends in Toronto. Miss Brock, of Toronto, has been guest at Mr. J. B. Fairbairn's. Mr. Joseph Brittain has retnrned from s visitta hies Fons in Califoroja. Miss Bella Prower, of Bishop Bethune Collage was home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. James, of Wingham, have beau visitit.g Mr. i%.,Allen. Mrs. G F Bronston, of N-ir'alk, Ohio, is vis ,iting with relatives ini town. MisElls Rogere, Enniskillen, has beau visitiug Miss Hattia Nichols. Rev. D. F. Gee and wife, of Newcastle, visited Mr. Fred Gea, Pickering, recent- iy. Miss Mabel Nortiscote, Le in Port Hope, taking a course in-music from Prof, Sing- leton. 3 Messrs. C. Bales, J, LeRoy, H. Jack- 1son, F. Janee, of Oshawa, spent Sunday in town. Mr. L. N. Hogarth has returned to Phi'adelphia to perfect himsalf in the Dental art., Mises Lena and Eduaý Moore, Brook- lin, f pent Sonday with thse Misses James, Lorne Villa. Mr. Thosi Paterson bas retnrned from a veiy pleasant vieit tb England, Scotland and Norway. Messrs. W. B. Couch, Joën Lyle, aud Tises Biugbam, have gone to Montreal to thse Exhibition. ,Mrm. W Fishleigb, of Chesley, County of Grey, has been visiting her uncle, Mr. S. W. Sanderc. .Mr. Wrn. H. Orr, Toronto, and Mrs. C. P. Orr, of Newcastle, were guests of tMr. John Orr recently. > Suite made Io order by tiret cdais work. 1men and in fi'-et clae style at Couch, 1Johnston & Cryderman's. 'Mr. W. N. Tulley has been appointed headmester of Bathurst St. night sohool, Toronto, with three assistants. 1 The fineBt assortment of German made rJackets and Ilsters ever seen in these c ounties aow showing at Couch, Johnstori &Cryderman's. Mr, R. H. Nott, of Toronto, spent Sun- day in town. Mrs Nott and family ac- rcompaned himto1 the city on Monday af. ter la three week's visit bere. Miss Eastwood has returned to her work at the High Scisool after a prolonged vacation during which she visited Scot- lanïd, Englaud and the'-continent. Ladies' who visit our fair on Friday wiil miss the beet part o! thse show if they do not cail at Coucis, Johnston & Cryder- man's snd tee Iheir lovely new stock of Drese Goods and Mantlest.. Mr. Levi Morris attended the au:a1 meeting of the Ontario IJndertsker' A- sociation at Toronto last week and was eiected on the finance committea and also vice-president for the ensuiog year. Cnî NovCM e. missMud Grant of Mouintain, Ont., writes: "l can recom- mend Dr. Fowler's Extracî ckf Wild S#raw-, beKy ryfr ummer complatat aad diurkoý,a. b inig te compote vithit si 8ucceeedgeveia ln the, eevrrst oaas." Every day large cases of new goods are being unllnaded ab Jno. J. Mason'a. They are certainly going to have the stock and the prices will e the lowest as usual. NoýiîCE To PAY.--By mutual consent the books of Cawlter and Allun will re- main in 0J. M. (Jawker's possession for collection until Oct. 1, 1891, aud after tha~t date ail accounts not setiled will.pass cit of their hands for collection. 0. M.' CAWKER. i 32411 JOHN ALUIN. Notices of Rirthg, 25 cents; Starriages. 50 cents; Deaths. 5o cents, eaeh Insertlou -but FRiEEl OF CHJARGE, when the funerai ca'*ds are' brinte't at th5ts offce. BIES. CaEnRy-At Lorin, California, the wife of Mr, Robt. J. Cherry, formerly of Bowmanville, of a son. LEIG.H-In Orono. Sept. 10, the wite of Mr. A. Leigb, of a daughter. FLINTOFF-In Darlington, 3rd inst., the wire 0f Stephen Flintoif, of a son. STUTT-Near Wroxeter. Sept. l6th, the wif e of Mr. James H. Stutt, of twin daugliters. DUSTAN- In Bowmanville, Sanday Sept. 20, the wife of Mr. W. H. Dnstanot a son, MCHOWELL-BRYANT-In Cartwright, at the residence of the bride. by lLev. T. Reid. on the 6th inst.. W. James McHowell, of Scugog, and Mrs. Mary Anu Bryant, of Cartwrighit. HÂrn-1toss -On Sept. 9. at the restidence or the bride's f ather. by 11ev. C. S. Lord. B. D., assisted by 11ev. J . R. Gilchrist, Helen, eldest daughter of Alexander Ross,Grafton,and 11ev. W. M. Hlalge, of Hyde Park, Ont., PATERSONi-FAIRBAIRN--At Bowmanville, Sept 16, at St. Pauls chnrch, by the 11ev. R. D' Fraser. M.A..H.M.Paterson. son of John Peter. son, vice-president R. and 0. N. Co., Montreal. and Georgie Yole R third dautzhter of James B. Fairbairn, P. M., 'bowmnanvllle. TONKiIi-MOuN'JO-At the Manse.Oabawa. Sept 15. by Rev. S. H. Eastman. Fred J. Ton- kin,and Ida. daughter of James Mountj oy, both of East Whttby. WERRY-AD An-At the residence of the bride's parents. Whitby' Township. Sept. 16,by the Rev. J. Edge, of Acton, assisted by the 11ey. C. W, Watch, of Oshawa, Mr. Jas. H. Werry, of Clinton, Ontý, andMiss Charlotte, L., daughter o! Mr. John Adair. GRÂA'fAm-In Clarke, Sunday, Sept. 13.Sarah beloved daughter o! Jas. and Martha Graham' sged 30 yeare, TnEmEriiR-In Whitby,on 15th inst,,John Tremeer. Sr.. aged 79 years, GuLÂTT-Drowned near Bowmanville, 9Xh !net.. John P. Grillatt, aged 22 years, 5 months. Rowa-At Pickering, Sept. 16, Ethel May, daughter of Capt, and Mrs. P. J. Ro we, aged à months. STUT-Near Wroxeter on the lGti mt., in. fant danghter of James and Annie Sttt-one cf the twins. 9MATTHEWS-11n Bowmanville. on Saturday, 19th, Matilda Maith 3wa. aged 91 vea-8. heloved wifecf John Mattflewo. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J. Mfflurtry, every Tuesday FL0l3ItP 100 Ibe......... 82 35 to 82 70 WBEAT, Fali, P bush ... 0 0 Il O95 Ji Spring, si........0 00 et 0 95 RYz, Il............0 00,,0 15 OATS, té .....0 00,,0Q28 B.&RLRY, P bush, No. 1. . .O 0O00 D 48 AS il q2Z.. 0 00 J 0 45 n 'l i 2.;.0O00 110 40 Ji 3.... 000 e 0 38 t, n Two-rowed 0 50 tr 0 52 PEAS, Blackeye, ýP bush... 0 0 teO090 laSmall, té 0 . 00 il 002 JiBlue, Il O 0 0 JiO070 BuTTEB., beat table, P lb... 0 00 te 0 15 EGOS, P doz .............O0 0 if0 13 PoT.&Tois, #1 bush ....... 0O0 etO025 Posta, VIcwt ...........5 00 ilO0 0 RAY. , ton .............. 000 et 10 00 J. T. DIUSBLII, - ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. L.PARY, etc., offices, McÂrthur's block, KNing Street, Bowmanville. Money tolban. 37. C[DER MILL FOR SALE.-A double pressecider mili. For particulars ateply to A.H. STOTT, Hampton. 38 2w. C HEAP FARM FOR SALE, 145 acres 1 mile east of Newcastle. good buildings and bouse. woli watered.- JoHN BALLAGH, Newcastle, Ont. 38-5w STEERS FOR SALE.-One hundred feeding steers for sale. Apuly on WedneE- days and Saturdays te JOHN FOSTErt, dreyer. BOwmauvifle, B ERKS RIRES, FOR SALE.-The u ndersigned bas a number ot cholce voung berkshlre pige, bots sexes, for sale, lot 20, con. 6, Cart wright, Reur, PHILI,,Cadmue3 T AMB ASTRAY. -Came on lot 30 sud 14 31, con. 6. Darliugton,in Septemnber, a ram lsmb. Tise owner is requested te prove pro- erty, psy expenses sud takre hlm away. jAS. cORÉ, solina. 393w, TIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE.- ~LLot 8 and west; ç lot 7 la tise 2 con. o! tise Township of Pickering. 250 acres on which are 3 flrst clase barns. ail stene foundations; 2 dwelling bouses, well watered. no wagte land. Will be sold whole or in parts. Price sud te5rms te suit purcisaser. Apply te H. B. TAY- LOR. Whitby, Ont. 39-t!. tIUEAND LOT FOR SALE.- l-b inhait an acre o! lot 4, con 2. Darling- ton, a outfo a mile forth of Sando's orner. on which are s framne dwelling, stable and woodshed, gond fruit trees and emaîl fruit. AppiY te SUSAN WELCH, on the premnises. or to J. K. GALBRAITH, Barrister, etc.. Bowman. ville. 36-2m. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-r J'A gond farm cf 50 acres in tise South.west part of lot 12, con 3. Pickering, 6 mniles west of Whitby, 1 mile eassisud 1lý miles north or Pickering village. Tise land la v ell drained and in s higis state o! cultivatien. On the Premises are good framne dwelling. 2 baros,, drivlsng shed. gond stables,hard sud sofit water at bavnansd bouse. 2j acres o! orciaard,2 %cres bearing.1 acre small fruit.5 acres o!frail wiseat. On tise tarin are a number o! evergreens aud Scotch firs. For further particulars apply ou the premises ta JOSEPH DOvLB, Pickaering P. O. 38--tf. BISHO HEIHNE COLLIGE, MRi. ARTHIUR E. FISHIER, MUS., BAC.,,T. U., TORLONTO, Asseciata o! Tise Collage et Organiste, <Eeg.,) sud o! Trinlty Collego, London, <Eeg.,) Professor ef Piano aitishe. Bisihop Sîrachan Schiool, Toronte, sud Professer of Harmony, etc, aItihe Toronto Couservatory o! Music, will attend at tsa bove Collage eue day a week bhroughout thse seasen, TuoitOuGlz USi1Ruge1riG lx PIiANO PLAYII .VI#«EN. MÇING, W Ê-8TE - DH --sI The Bowm a n- ville fair takes place -on Friday/ next. 1VI SITOR S to Bownianville on that day, should. not fail to see the EXHIBIT at the West End House New Dress Goods, New Manties, New Mantie Cloths, New Flannels, New Tweeds,, New Pa'ntings. Our store is ful~ 0f new good s and so cheap. G'wROýuCE RmYr DEPARTMENT i s 'conplete in al unes. T EASa SPE)Cialtyp 1 llhest price paid Èor ai! kindis of produce. - JOHN McMURJRi BOWMÂNVILLE'S NEW MILLINERY OLD STAND BTïvNEW NAME%- To TIIE LADIES 0F BOWMANYILLP. AND THE SUIiROUNDING COUNTRY: beg to announce that I have opened business in thie store, just vacated by MRS. DONNELLY, antd take this opportunity of ý your custom, llaving had an expoince 2oý over fifteen years in- this businesg, Iarn prepared to do any kind tif work intrnsted to me in the latest and beat style. WFNEATNESS an,! DESPATCH guaranteed. A full stock of Millinery cou-- stantly.on b'and, includiug F1owvery, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces, Yeilings, Plushes, Rats and everything kept in a No. 1 Millinery Store. Also a very large. assortment or Fancy Goods, etc. We are stili selling tbe balance, of our Summer stock at a great raduction in order to inake room for our Fall goods which are arrdv- ing. See our 25c. Rats, mostly al of which are worth a Dollar at Iezsù. Our FALL STOCK has been selected with the greatest care. Rats doue over and re-shapeï in ail the latest styles. Ail kinds of STAMPINU c1dene chfeap and wcl Priees Iow anti satisfaction guaranteed. ,Mrs. Donnelly's old stand i'- stili the best in town. Soliciting a hreo your pat-. ronage) I rennalo, Yours respeecftufly, 361 MIS. DANCk$TEIL Apulication to lha male bb I ay Prineipal - rVepLairi4û1 ûf the Col!vge. st r,,ihr.95Joses&vJAUW5r da7vmde-t 5e,, greite. . Br~sis~ l.ewXu w y