TEBM :-LIOPuEÂrnuM.OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY PIRE Nzw ERIE, NtMBEB683.BOWMÂNVILLE ONTARIO, 'w pnhIpu JOHNSTON &..ORYDýERMAN UuuuI Have received ,direct from the Manufacturers ~SEVERAL CASES OF LADIES, AND OH ILDREN'8 d-- l,-t -9t Mr A l0r 1N i INT 1 JACKTS:zDITERS, These goods are elegantly de- jgnedand it to perfection Every Lady is respectfully in- -viedto eall and inspect our stock of these go ods, WHIOH- ARE ALLI N E W, and the finest assortment, ever shown in these counties.- COUCHI JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN, i3owmanville, Sept. 8, 1891. One Door West o! Post Office. HAPPY THOUGHT RANOEJ1 There are more llappyl Thouguht Ftoves 110W in use in D Canada than any other Range. Made in 48 sizes aitd style al perfect in operation, oie- gant in appearance and dr j able in construction. The M' ~external appearance bas been Q completely changed, enricheti and beautified, the internal constructien is perfect. If you want peace andconfort in the household buy the Happy Thougit IRange for wood or coal. THE, CHAMPION R~ANGE is a cheaper but excellent range in 6 styles. Cal[ and examine the Champion cooker. .1 ý1 IN IIEATERS' the popular Radiant flome base burner, and the Universal ba3e burner have ne superiors-. They are both cheap andt durable and elegant in design. All theleading styles kept in stock. Cali and inspect. The Economy Warm Air Furnaces for warniing dwell- ings, Schools, Ch.urches and other 'buildings are, taking the lead in Canada: made by the J. F. Pease Furnace Co. This is the furnace, that so many of the churches and dwellings in Bow manville are lieated by anti none give btter satisfactien. The company has over 35 year's ex- perience and maàke over 60 diffrent sizes and styles. You will save miouey by calling on me before ordering a-Furnace. Ail the aboya makes controlei in Bowmauville by 39 TaE IROINMONGERY, Bowman.ille. 'Notice of Dissolution of N OT_ CE P artnership. vn peedm oncin ihtefr te attend te ait orders for Casting and repaesm. Notice is hereby given that the patnerahip Remambar my mtte te "ýNe-ver ton tata ta heretoforea ubsisiting batweeu us the undar mend."It epairtng a speclalty-sewixg Mach- sgned Iren as Foundrymen aud Machinis t neus, Guns. Revolvers, k4iovas,, Locke, Wssh. tije tovn of Bowrnvilla, under the narne et' ug 'Machines, 'Wrtngars, Reapers, Movere, I[osiken& Weekas hes thts day beau dsî,oivad Ptows. Keva madeanad ftted. Pipe fling by mtul " ' 1 and ait genamal meaars. At prasent. (outil 1 .Ail dataçîwing Wte haid parties a4re te ha geaeshepsuitabie) ait ordars et at' tM. J patd te J, K.t GA IBRITII, Soliitor, BOWmnan- jeteays Star Rouas, or my honse. Libety St, ville, on or before Octobar th fîret, 1891. near Mr. Levi Morris' raaidençe, vili receivi 15ated t Bowmianvifla this frai day or SeP niy prompt attention. tcubar, 891. H. J. WEEKES, Witnaas, o.ivle Gaea«a eines. S ÂML. J. IIOSKEN. omaii il. J. WVE~K 'Mo aboya business vwiiiba couinaed by me t 1W (AN 50NO NIl R ét, r FeemasLà as evqlotro the.Portem k>ttato. Worai lewdeae.M Ye r 1dId 4 leauliWg, ev- W.RGt2 Qil er.ai or fr*14aL. SURPRISE Way YOUwant your Cottofle, Linons, Flannels always sweet, clean, snowy white? YOU want "the wash" done the easlest, the dlean- est, the quickest, the cheap.. SURPRISE Soap &'the Sur- prise way," wthout boiling or scalding, eiveS' these rosults. ,.., Dt'the diretionas REnDonjthe rwea * A GREAT DRY GOODSi PALACES Wlien you corne to Toronto, bear in mind that i90 to 200 YVonge Street is- a meeting andi resting and waiting place, as' well as, the biggest store in Canada. There are reading,7 and sitting rooms for you ; telephone, telegraph and mail facilities. Youi- parcels il be cared for without charge,. \Ve try to make you welcome whetlicr you buy or net. You I:now that there is no worthy thing for wear or home use but we have it. 1 F you can't corne te the store,wrt for, whatever you xvant, sam- pie or goods. Shopping by mail lias corne te be simiple and certain. A few, scratche2ý' of a pen, and ail the facilities of the store ai-e yu 111 short, iv'e shop for you; as we wolC l'or orselxes, 4 THE WORLD ÂPTERWARDS. [ESDÂY, SEPTEMBERt 30, 1891. JL4MPTON. ltas A nnie Asliton in quite iii witli in- ,imatien of the lungs. . .. Owing tea sposîtien Mr. Steplien Waehîngton1 ; iot abl!e te, take lis appoinimentA oSunday morning. . ..One, of thea tdings recentiy refered te cornes off ;wek ý... .A large number of reda ýeta were çcapatureti at tLe county fairv exhibitora froni this place.. .. Mr. sl ans froni the U. S., was viiting et f Or. Thea. Rewe's last week. . .Enocha vens lias renteti James Mcan's farma a terni cf yeara. Mr. Bamn'ond theai ent tenant purposes geing te Manitobav tlie svring..Mr, end Mrs. Jno. t ýy of Enfield i esiteti Mrs. J. Y. Cola week. V'e hear that "Dan" a Rifiernan hre r ied by Thos. Baker bas trottad a mile he Agrieultural track et Chicago in 8 andi was receit.ly sold for $12,000.. lias Nancy Williams lias gene te re- 3in Bownsanvileé fora wt...,.. Wm. relieof Taiunton lias rénted Mrs. Trini-a sa farm.. . .Thie chool board lias r-en - cd W. R. Tonkin for another year..1 ,V. L. Law of "Garden Hill.-Farmi" won firt prizes on grainse t tlie lncttostria'l Mies Ennice Awdeis vsiting et New- de ... W. VanNeat',s sale o! herses 1cattle je Oct. 13.1 mis stock is very Ibird..,. .Recent visitera: Mra Thos. l'e, Chiarles andi Miesa leya, Dr. J.. , ant iNIMas Emma Clarke, 'Toronto, ire Waahingtoa anti lady from town. 1Mika Rebecca Bray., An A-wful Tragedy! rhousaandîs ef]ives have hean sacrificeti, homes madie deselata hy the fatal mis- eo of the "old oheel" physicians:, stilli î itect in b> soea,notwitlitandîng the it tlirewn upen the subjeot hy modern aarcli, thet Consumption is incurable t la net. Conaumption ia a sorofulens ese o' the iungs, and any remedi> Lich strikes righlittthe seat of the cern- int nust aiTidwýil]cure it. Sndb arem- yis Dr. Pierce's Golden Madical Dis- ery. lt is e certain apeciflo for alacre- ôus complaints. It was neyer kLown f ail if given a fair trial, anti that is why e manufacturersseituneayoiie emiorcy raid. for it will be refundedl. IJOURTWCE. Rev. T. Brown, Roseneath, visited rel- ativeshere lapt week .... The Misses Annis, Port Union, were recent guestsof Mr. Levi Anni . ... Mrs. Lent lias returited from a week's viait with friends in Montreal.. .A. E. Pelton took first prize for cheesje at Bowmanville . ... L. M. Courtice was a ver>' succesaful exhibitor of South Down shieep* at both Whitby and l3ownianville fair&. J1ohm Oke also woniseveral prizesa at the latter. . .. On Friday morning Mrs. David Clarke, af ter a lingering and painful,, illnesa passgedto ber rest.- The futneral was very Iargely attended on Sunday afternoon there being about 80vehicles in procession beaidea enough more et the chureli to make 100. Rev. J. Lildy and W. Ever- sun oonduoted the service at the church. Mr. Liddy preaching an appropriate ser- mon from the wordr', We ail do fade as a leaf, etc. Referring to the death of Mrs. Clarke lie said lier testirnony of trust in Christ as lier Saviour left no doulit of ber having gone to a botter world. To die te lier was gain.' The choir sang two very suitable antliems. She was buried by the aide of her firat husband, the ]ate Rich,. (ke, in Ebenezer cemnetery. A SRnING MEDiciNE.-There are few wlio do not at this seascn feel tlie need o! a Spring modicine, and te ail such we redommend Lane's Family Medicinema the beat, This is a pleasant herli drink made by peuring, boiling water on the dried roota andi herba. Druggists sali the packages et 50c. and $1. It is the best as welI as the pleasantest cure for constipation and headache. Miss Rowe of Howick is visiting lier uncle, Jne. Virtue. . .. Mrs. Usher andi family are visiting James Stainton. ... Geo. Coakweli and sons of Pickering and Mrs. Waltera, Tyrone, have heen at Post- master Rogers'. 'Ha atiddresseti the M eth. odiat sabbath acliool laît Sunday. . . . e. B. Mitchell, Oshý4wa, andi W. G. Mitch- ell, Toronto, spent a day last week with their friands, at Dr.Micl'....Mr and Mrrs. Jos. Treleveni, Ploley, were vis- Irvin, Lindsay, were visiting at A. Me- LauighLin'a snd Jolin P'otter's .. .. Dr. Mc- Cullongli is home sick.. . . Miss% Wadge bt.dlier miany frie!ids hlieagooci bye and teek train for Winriipeg last TFhursdaY. ShéA is ç,retlv iminroed îinhealtli liv lia MA31A E EIo N POXIIB VOLUME XXXVII. NumBER 4) .1!N LIELD. Mrs. Niddery, reIict of thelate Robait Niddery, J. P., wli die I lest Tliuraday, ageti 84, rettled here wlien tlis section was au unbroken fore3t andi las resided licra ever since. Rer remains were fol- lowed to Enniakillen Saturday afternoon by a large number of frienis .. .. Cliarlie Raya of Toronto lias been visiting f riands, lier.... W. J. Bray lias returnad to To- ronto to resume lis ttudies at Trinity Medical Collage ... . Our villagers were roused out Seturday evening by thé burn- ing of a pea straw stack .... What is the reason that more of our anterprising young farmers in this corner of West Durhiam do not figoure conispiuously at the agricultural. exhibitions? 1Why aohould Enfield lie behinti Solina and other sec- tions ? ,Webe up, young fermerai1 The Harriers. Tlie membera of the weli known Raune- laghll arriers Club o! London, Eng. know what is hast wlien one wvrites like the f cil- owinv, Mr. W. F. Jefferie3, member of tlie Club, b apa: 1'1 fint St,. Jacob's Oil the best remedy 1 haïe ever useti fur aprains stiffneBs and bruises. lt quickly removen, pains and sweliings, andi if rubliet into the muscles,it wiil be f eunti of gre it benefit to, ail atliletes. lin i y elso add tliat several, frienis of mine hava founth le Oit a care for rheumaismn and neuralgia. NEWCA STLE. 3 Mr. Chas.,Litwry iri visiting his moLlies rbefore entering on lis studios eat Knox Coliege.... Mr. Montague,wlio spent his vacation liere with relatives h-is gene to U. S. wliere hý is prospering as manager of ra minîng company. . .. While out driving 1the other day our 'wirtliy Reeve, Mr. .Treleven, was run inte byanother rilz, 1thrown eut anti lad his leg broken. ,Ths driver of the other rig, the son ef one et our citizans, drova on leaving the reeve lying hy the reatiside, where lie wasfound an l4our 1et*cr anti renovet te is home.. à ..Large quântitieýs of grain are beinq shippeti from this section. We have twe ýgrain liuyera this yenr andti liy ara ru4h- iing business .. . .Several o! our sportsmn have been trving llieir luck at Scngog.. . . Mrs. (Dr.) iunter, o! Toronto is visit. in-g ler Bister Mrs. W. T. Lockhart. AUCTION SALES. and such service costs you P. 0 Vil)E X CE . tee revîiasrm,..XO C up fa'ring ,evarything must ha Bold. extra. John AUn, Frank Blckhurn and ~ o! Clarke lias leasati the Dean farm ad; Sl tipm Sspsea .O nothing eta JlnA lliwhe have henBlackbraptnda>W.joining this village ... .Peter Barclay, 14 Sale it, 1au), iene eor.)ses . T. EATON & CO. ythm. Ms ernat Misa C împreving has residenca with a ceat e! 190 O 20 lone S., Tront. riih are viiting friands lie.. .. Rev. peint. Wm. Tortiifflias a retumnofe 1,450 SA!IrIDÂýY, Oct 3Srd, thera wil ha oiti on l~0 e 20 Tnge , Trane.l. Ashton preachati a very interesting bualiels o! wliaat freni 45 acres. An ex. Elgin streat, Bowinanville, the be-utiful _______________________y tra yielti aven for this proliflo ya.,... Hou i(e anti Grounds of Pl, Barrett, alse aii "thard's assenover". . - . isc Or sportsmen are meeting with gooti the Househiolti Furnishinga anti affact0j. 011 "Tlies rd' aneirmsting fr.. iass succesa; on Setnrdey 19th Jno. Potter Sale et oe o'cjlock sharp-Lava. A. W du te Wst.Fre ba wh lis benand John Young limeuglit home 7 part- Teiectner 4' ' 7sericiii>' sîck la gadualîv ecverîn0 itige and lest Seturda>' N. Byara anti J. SATTUDAY Oct. 10. Vi1ra. John Sinclair, Aibit iglt i plwin t 11fa fomer Youngsalot 4 racceons, two partriiges 'il sea on the 'Mýarket' Square, Bow- Ths1Ke îoi aaaîgnd sema othar r amailgrme. The>' sot as manvillaherhlou-ehold furniture,effects, ]~y ren)tatib>' thaKetir i lavn it for tesettîe on oe near New onvillea t e wn tiog. etc. Saleaet i p. n. Ternis cash. Seo .Mis Ide Osborne xn attending Port b~---- ills.v. A. W. Toims,, auctioneer. Hope Model Sehool andi 3 S Somers, E tIXRTWBrGHT. 'IUESDAvY, Oét. 13 -William VenNest, W. Allun anti E, W. Smala ara attonding Our faîl f aim at Black stock on Thur.-day. lit 29, cou. 6, Darington-e.ne mlewest ]3ewmranville iligl Scoel. . ... This sec- Attend, it promises te ha a gootioee.. . o f Soice-will selt a lot o! valnable, tie)n was as usuali>' wall raprasentot iet A number frern hlera attendati LintiLa> Clydestiale herses ant ihl grade caL- Wrst Durham Faar S. Allin well known Central Fair ... . The new cerno storé ta tia anti aquantity ef turnîpa3. Tlîis sala as a breeder e! Storthorn cattie anti eccupieti by Moore l3res; W Coweua willi cesassr> hecause of the burning of 1"ï Shropshire theep was ont with a goodiy resitie in the semae building bef6me remov- allh haf arrrbuildingas anti aeasen's cropi nuini ber nti secureti 0 ofe the beat ing te Burketou where ha expectsta teu- foeod, etc.. This is a grand chance for .77'evel. br o À Pen- P., 's; W C Blackburn, an John Elford coeet Quigla>'. Dm. Wannau occupies thae emr egtsmawl-rdsok ho(Ltwe fine flooka o! Leicester sheep northemo portion bM the building .... Ra- Saleaet 1 e'ctock. SeoabhIle ýLEva. A -Kabo. The "bones" in the and John Wight exhibitet is fine 2,yr. cent visitera net elsewhere mentieneti, J. W. TeLE, auctioneer. B."& C. corset are made of i t e'i anti i yr. old colts; S S Bragg anti W Rehil and wifa, Janetville, Mers. Dr. ------ SC. Blsckburn aise sheweti sema fine pige, Wood, Gx. Beaceck, Wmn. Clemenca, ofOnteTrsod -warranted for a year, too. W. Crago hie mare anti colt. No othar Toronto; Win. Evans, wife anti dauglitar,OnteTrs ld setion lu the Unitaed Counties enu boaut C. Girvin anti wife, o! Wcatamn Ontario Wlien we oseé a f rail anti lovaiy creati. It's a corset you can wear o more "rad."l A. Sanderson, Miss E. Ferguson, Pater- ura,atantiîng on the thresholdbetweengiri- a few week,-s, and thonge bore, Miss Gilmore, Palmerston .... An heeti anti wemanlieod, we shiver witli a yor ony ac i i d ent > '"Don't Gare to Eat. intoeasting avent took place eit John Bea- f eer o! whet inia>' a, beceuse we hava seau wiilî tha greatea confidence thatcock's on Wadnasday Sept. 23, when a se men>' auccnmh eat this critical pariod e! suit. Hloos wtSah reailai eýcofience t ferlarge numbar et friands essembledt, tewit- lifa. What isneetiedtitthis timeý ise ton- suit.IlooI's Sr, ndarglai ecmnsmedeacfor nasa the marriage ef hie dauglitar Kezia, ic anti invigoant-something that will But it's pretty sure to suiL adessofapetoes.Thie im.adicine gant. te W. C.' Fergusori. The bridasmaiis epioie pro)per functional action of the unesmîatroublmch ees iesin wera, Emma Beacock, sister o!fle bride femala organe. The ont>' remdy te ha. -else it wouldn't bc sold so. 'y >ousih sonali îi1a, iàste, clRane Rigge, cf Enniskillan. The depentiat on is Dz. Pierce'a Favorite Prel a3cti makea oea"real liuagry. Peril bride anti brîdasmaida oascli er, driesacrîptien. Tis tuaqnleti madîcine, For sale by Coucca JOHNSTON & Cary:liM delica'etealth, after teking Hoal ra ee îl aue twr niwil ee îesspche owmn OEMnSrsEtparilla a few tiays, finti theniselves 11e-a.clrwt aua lwr n hc ue3dsae euirt oe ___________________________ ongiLg fer anti eating the plaiveat food ' mai rtty eppaîmenice. The groomn is especiali>' vaiuabieat the period when wtiuneXpectedtis as supporteti on the riglit b>' Re. H. T. the girl crossas the thresliolti of womnan; ---------i------ Fargoson, brother, anti J. S. Ferguson, liodt. Us9at t ucli a trne, it never feuse §Io ffie Ladies of Bowmaiuilié, cousin of tha groom. The ceramon>' wes te preduce-armat baneficial resuit, anti and WtfttY.Mme T. TYRONB. perfermeti b>'Hava. W. Kenner anti J.J. Marly' a fragile girl lias beau tidati over and iciiýy.Mrs T.Gardiner lias bpen visiting lier Fargusen, anti took place on the lawn oeao! life's Most trying paiodas by it. PLAS REMEMBER dauglitar, Mes. H. T. Wlcl, Cobourg.. wit ie beautiful apmoce reas as liack- PLE SE. Mr. D. Bingliam, Maripose, bas beau greund. Aftar congratulations wara over T SS SEl ~ vaiing Darlington friands.. . .On Setur- the bridai part>' moyed te ene ida te Our Count.y âodael Sehool. M ISS Sday 1a k- the roains et the youngeat give place te C. Robtien anti S. J. Boa- Tefleigaetanre niai - 1> 1 ay vchît o Ar. Gao. Lane, Meriposa, were ceck anti their hritie's, the object haing h olligar h aeadd buieilBthticantrhaorgeteciitiuo!titoîtle ef- craeEl o! cfthaModel clasfor the prosa nt bured n Btheda emeery th coteg th chistnin ofther to ltteues, terni, now in attendance et Port Hope.- prceigfrem Mrs.,-Lane's olti home. This part o! the programme baiug over Mis.i, e py owavle S. Phlads.- ..Mr Lei Sinnr tle part>' proceedadti t the dining r)om "TlePet lia unuetioab>' hafineat ficck of wliere a bountiful rapat was spreadtieo Berthea McCullocli, Hlaîpton. TIT~'ikTT, ~ Sbropsiree in the county in proofo! which ample' justice was doue. The Margaret Reers. oikiaî wiceh nota the number o! prizes takaii et bridaI part>' e!îerwarerttek the savon Elcicg Nawate whieh will take place Septemblue theraceunt Bowrne nvilla anti Whîtby exý e'clock train for Toronto, Mounu Ferest "Isaabel Wilson, P ~ hiitiens.. ..Tlie firat series o! mentît>' and ti er places.in the weat. The lappy IeOhme 22nid, 23rd and following days. evangalistic services was couductat b>' the pair > ere the1 arece pients of man>' ver>' Ia Obrme, Orno 1»p-itor on Sabhath aveuing. .....Anotlier hantisome nti valuahla presaents. Wa al "Aa iklPotHoe I have dacideti te open my Sliow-roeni e ttempt et liouse besking Seturda>' ev- liiP ni irii.vching thelu auccase in their "Ei> amm witli'a grand asort'nenit o! FALL an1ý1 aning wlen sema miscreant triati unano- j ournay througli lifa. " Ale amilI,Gadnbh WJNTER Noveities, anti a idi display casýsîîl>' te enter Jebez îeores celar.. q» c'h g i-ucs ~iIleoo o! New York anti Paris Pettemna .R11ev. J. J. Aahten's black boadeer, ta-Lie eL ghtfng "Âdtiae pluas, Betlianyr. 1 Mourning go cris a specilt>'. Witiew m "on vas ver>' interesting and instructive The rapiti actien o! the greet pain cure,, " Laura MoNail, Jenetville. -Bonnets, Dres Caps, etc., 811k Bonnts, .. m .PllrLnis>,seu làoo' evîni rl igth ot "Jassia Hawthorne, Charlecote. CpeHats,-ail suitabla for . rn Dea's liera recently .... Mr. Wmi. Jawall intense pain je a matter wontier te all who 0 Mr, Thosi. arhui, BownManv.ie. -ae ber erni~las rentati a f&ram ithinthe the limite cf have uiseti it.' Thare la nothing surpriaing " Joh n Jollow Ier haeac1lt tc i Whilby corporation. Wa are aorry te ln its resulta, for it is matie o! the sten- I hvea cmpet stckofChiicren,, lose Mr. Jewell anti farnily but whhh tîern est, parent ant imoat efficient remaudies John Lee,, Enniskillen. - '.s~,.Herbert Saudersen, Bnrkatoa, bats anti Bonnet-thq eewast i '(31all ucceas. .. »Tlie officera o! T>yrona Dîv- knewn in medicine. Nevliscures twnTuiSnfri mîîýrket. ision, No. 126E,. for the ansuing quarter toothache iuatantly;cap nfi- i-FEd.barTon, CanleoL. Ail kinty; ecBicpde' Wiga antin- ahearleare:' witl i te st ida lu Planus@he ebtiWM P-Nelhîa Menning; W A-Cera utes; neura!gia a!tar twe applicatto]Êa; " ran allGrnU. withthe newst he nPuhW n *erry; R S -Rboda Walters; A R S- rleienmtism lsaet once aelieved by its use,; Normargu; anillrerr. il *Satins fer paînting, tet Colini Canrapbell; F S-Heur>' J Werry; anti the sanie me>'ha saiti of ail kinds of John Grahani,, Canton. 1Di--vmlar Miliiiry Store, Trea-J T Weldh; Clap- Emilie Conali; pain. Sampla, bottles casting mal>'y e____________ * .~JJLLLu .L~LLL~~JCon-Fred Pe1nfouti; A C-AMunie Jew- couts et an>' drug store. The large bit- Onotisr aeto! oa Ofic, KnZ S e~i il; 1 S-Jas Soucb; O S--Ison Rbcd- lies 21 sauts. Polson's Narvilina s0141 b>' LLAG S 'P*ID DffIONS o e, I B.oavfl.~son; P NW P-J R Aliip, dlrtita anti ouatry daalesv. vwflhesel luultt, M.A. JAMES EDITOP. AND PROPItlICTOB, la A