FOR ALLI IMPURITIES 0F THE BLOOD. -»escriptive pamïphlet with ful directions as to Treatment, Diet, to ans' address, on application M=OW PSI W'M!RID and guarantes unquestionable arneliora- tipi% ià tha directions are adhered ta The WINDSOR Mfg. Co. ,P. O.½Yrawer 2050. Montreal, P.Q. I I I ST&TIESMAN ta new subscribers 15 PERSONAL. months for $1.1 Farmers, attend W. VauiNest's big, Mr. John Reid, of Chicago, was home stock sale next Tuesday. . last week. We have out down late arriviag cor- Mrs. W. Mills, of Burketou, was in respondenco for want of space. town this week. The annual meeting of the Durham Mies Hattie-May, Oshawa, visitel Miss County W. C. T. U. is beiug held at Port Maud Fogg recently. Hlope ta day. Mr. John J. Gilfilan is atteudiug the Loat in Bowmanville Friday night, College of Pharmacy in Toronto. pocket hankerchief with goid ring rolled Mr. and Mrs. John Cawker, Oshawa, ini it. Finder pleaqe leave at STATEbMAN spent Sunday et Mr. C. Cawker's. office and get reward. Mrs. William Edger and family are Mr. John Fositer, drover, lot 10, con. 2, vislting her father at Meaford, Ont. Darliugton, Manvers iRoad, will sell 75 Mrs. W. R. Knight and f anily have young ateers by auction next Wednesday been visiting with friends in Peterboro. Oct.14. armes atend.Miss E. S. Rowe hou returned f rom a Very xnrry birthday parties weres giv- very pleasant visit with Rochester friends. en last week by littie Misses Vida Huines, Mr. R. A. Lee, of Port Hlope was in and Ethel King. The little guests en- town on Saturday, guest of Dr. Hihler. jûyed themrielves thoroughly. m onRi u m.J .Mry Our High Sohool students have adoptcd wer thngue anMr@J .BiMata red and cream as iheir distinguishing lsweeke.etio r. rdia.ta colora and respeatfullyrequest the town aiwek merchants flot ta seii caps or jackets of Mms. Wm. and Miss Effie Porter have those colora ta others. taken up their esidence at 707' Spadina If needingl a new overcoat this oseas- Ave., Toronto. on it will pay you ta inspeat Jno. J. Mme. F. J. Osborne bas been visiting Mason's stock of nobby overcostings In- ber parents, Mr. aud Mrs. John McClin- ciuding Worstedsi, Cheviots, Meltous, tock, Port.Perry. Beavers, etc. We guiarantee the fite. Mrs. D. Poilard and Miss Alice Power The officers of the High Sahool Foot were calling an Oshawva and, Courtice hall club for this season are: Prest., Mr. friands lest week. D. H. Coates, B. A., Capt., J. H. Elliott, Mra. S. Wood,' Base Line, haa for the Sec., F. Maoney, Treas., T. F. Wrigbt, past twa weeke been visiting reatives and Managing Committes, P. Morris, J. A. frieuds in Toronto. Mountjoy. The club wisb ta arrange a Mme. Montgomemy and daughtems, friendiy game witb nome other HFigh Chicago, Il]., were gueste of Mr. W. R. School, R. Cawker, last week. 1The publishers of the Dominion Illus- Mr. John Keene, of Essex Centm 3, was trated have in preparation the most a guesýt of his bother-in-iaw, Mr. F. G. magnificent Christmas number ever issued Flu ,.,,.,.tinav OMIMuAT. ! NO- 46 Breakfast Vanities BY MRS. DFAaBORN,' Prihtdla1 Boton Cooking Sche/ol. Mix and Sift tagether i pint pastry flour, M4 tea sp. sait and i heaping tea sp. Cleveland's Bakiug Powder. Mix ta a stiff dough with milk, using ouly sufficient ta make it stiff enough ta roll. -Toss out an a slightly.floured board, rail out very thin, cut ia small squares with a sharp knife or pastry wheel and drap juta boiiing lard. Shake the kettie gently ta facilitate their rising, and when well pufed up tur them and brown the other side. Drain on paper. They should be cooked in fat hot euough ta brown a piece ai bread while countiug sixty, and are quite hollaw when cooked. Serve with maple syrup if liked.-(Copyright, 1891.) Use on/y Cleveland'e eaking powder, thepropýoticnt are made for t'kat. Pure crystal erearn of tartar and soda 14 make a perfectly w holesome leaven. leavening power in Cleveland's Baking p Powder. STATEsmA&N ta new subscribers 15 months for $1. Democrat and phoeton, second baud, for sale. Inquire of M. A. James. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance RoBT. VIaRusm, Ageflt, Bowmanville Dres gods in ail the Newest Materials and, (larings juat opened out at Couch Âhntn& Ovemn Noctices cf )itrths, 25 cents; liarriages, 50 E cents; fleaths. 5o cents, cash insertion I R -but FICEE OF CH&HGE, whe the IU fumerai cards are npritited at thtis cilice, BIRTHW FiNLEY-In Leskard. Sept. 27, the wiie o!Mr. Saundcrs Finley,of a son. ArDÂms-In Clarke. Sent. 23, the wife of Mr. Thos. Adams, of a daughter, WADDELL-Ifl AZtioch. Clarke, Sept. 23, the wife af Mr. Geo. L. Waddell. of a daugliter. FARRELL-In Darlingtan. Out. 3, the wite of Mr. W. Farrell. jr., of a son. MARRIED. PAINTON-BITROWS-At the residence of the bride's uncle Thos. Burrows Esq.. Hampton, Sept, 30, by Rev. Jno. Harris, Mr. Jas. Painton of Bowmanville and Miss Tryphenia BarrowsB, daugliter of Jno- H. Burrows. DIE». HAMBE.-In Bowmanville October 3rd Rich- ard Roy Hamley youngest son of Lewis and Mary Hamiey. aged 3 years. KiEiTn.-In Bowmanvllle. Octaber. lst. Jaiie Keilh, widow ai the late Alex. Keith, aged 92 years and 5 days. J. F. DUZULI3, 0bÂRRITER, SOLICITOR, NOT- J-»ARY, t. offices, McArt.hur's block, King Street, Bowmanville. Money toloan. 37. fOUSEMAID WANTED. Apply to MtJONSIMPSON, Scugog St. f. ÇIENERAL SERVANT wanted at once. '%WApply ta Mrs. W. F. ALLEN, Beech AVe. 40-tf C EAP FARM FOR SALE, 145 acres 1 muile east af Newcastle. goad build ings and house. well watered. JOHN RBALLAGIH, Newcastle, Ont. 38-5W S TEERS FOR SALE.-One hnndred 0feedling steers for sale. Apn)ly on Wednes . days and Saturdays ta JOHN FOSTER, drover, Bowmauville. 0,ERVANT WANTED.-Wented about, Fiannels. .... DON'T FORGET that we sell .... FLANNELS away down.- .... The stock comprisesFancy .... Military, Plain Military, U..Fnon, avieso, Freyi ...aniny Ai eW, Frey l ...Wooi- Plain and twvilled,, ...(large variety of prices), .Grey Unions, Saxonys, etc. Cali and inspeet. Dress Goods., .... The stock of Dress Goods .... is very complete and lte ...range of prices is -very .... large. We have a special ... line in Serge goods that shouid see. The price lowv and we have ail colors.