A J,.MLU f-, 1),%r. . tH.Gradu esaiae c te Rya I teof 0,o Toronto, SU R GEJ à , ETC. P Oife: Cr. Church un i Temperence c3P ight ï cail ttnded froui Dr. ittilier s LAMMMÀN M. . C M.Trie. Univ- Fellow oetrin, cd. Colège, Menber Ci. Ph-yB. Surg., ont. Weed.Surgens, Oterio. Coroner, etc. Offleeand !àeidece, EnniBkLilln. 74. B ~IIST R OLIOITOR, &o. MOP RIS SIcCXfr, uptal,fi% ing Street, Bowziae- vile.Scîcîorfor .Ueo Onteri Bank S. C. n;j2%klNG L I8NED AIJTIONEER FOR L ic cOunuty 0 1f Durhams ales attended hD on hore notice and icwest rates. Addres OuecP.0. 36tf P-1Pan OS Tuned and EIePalred. P A'RTErSWISHINO THEiUFfANOS un'e dor repecreu can have ttoir ettended te b leving worl utthUe Domîisox 0OciGÂN C-rwîcci, Bowmasnvllle A. firat-ciee sman 1w lethoir employ O FiCEINTHE WEST DURHAM News Bick. vihre himgeci or assistant wîll Le fcud fron -9Sa.i. e .nNigýht catis SytlgaPh r teLephene ceiii receivelo rompt à, t'ý171.yi' A -,ý4c-2 A, BW. T vi.e, nar ACOrnTE"CT. Plans and Specifica- Spe ai ttenoL.i lanie eattng by eteans sod ot eter-andToc, anitary arrangements, OSfiË: Grl icWlctby 43 -iy Cnge c ir ocasionally i8jeilanbsolute IE.A.LTIL necesity to mostpersons, jnd!eed îit jegood for e îerybod-y. Jarmers understand tha n'bildre e Teh sty 0f change of pes urortheir Lýet geeddigston i t uppelitee nd a-n;imais better than for their wivcs ,iand h*eaih uol , asSakser.Hcaith children, ccd gi've thonthe change,. Change wili fe vt "wIt n it fparxents i;llof air iuccessitates change cf cec nd ou- allOw t-eir own alid1thei;r ccde et ditions, and these are as good for, health ',t- become e 11 1Mass Cf decay " at an eýarly as the change of air. Per.3ons whose per. ege. mnancnt homie is near tic sea aiiould go to There is no one point on whichi peopie arc the mo'cntains, and vic rn-ea. Perscus whe so carelees as the proper careocfc 1 e'slive inland are usneliy beninefitted by cross- first teeth, and those of the second set that Iinag thec earl,or by living neair it for a tume. erupt betweeu the fifth aund îeventh ye-arscf_______U!___ age. There is neo e condit ion that tends in a à. Tale of Two Citie. creater degrco te, produce good health and It isse celdone that aunlconest expression vigorou.s grow,,ýth cf the body than a go0d of Torosito's greatoes cornes frorn a Mont- Sound set cftccb. eai source, that wc are tempted to qucte, People do poct relisll the idea cf bcing toid cf apo rti clein orfcutis ticvar aricsor1o, butictewon.ad a portion thearecarles orwSs, bt i wold'sue cf theo JVtee cf tîat City, in Soeeni thet a subjeet cf sccl vital importance wmhicb the two cities are compered. In this woeuld receive the m-ost careful attention.1 case simple justice je done Torouto lu the Incacluiable blien ce donc to hoth the'ccmpariecn. Thbc Witneà o says: - Iltcamueout heaitb cf a child, and te the ictegrity cf the tbrough the receut cecîsus tlîat Toronte anti second set cf tccth, ii aloýWInDgthe tempor- Montreal arc about the only places iu Cen. ary tectlî te becoeme decaycd and abscessed, a da xshich are really proepering ; and To- carrycoig pain and suferîng and frequcntly routo muici moretdieu MoctrealI. Owing to indigestion and ail its accumulatcd evils. the wise policy cf the railways in arraaeging Tice naînher cf chlldren who have de- cheap trips between the two cities during ca, ed teeth, anud in many cases, a part cf the exhibition timte erge iinbers of Moutreal- fiIse t golie and tho second Set badly ers havc'just visited Toronto. Thpirinterest broken dowu, is toc great. in that City bcd hecu awakcncd by reports " Negecet is the , mort eemy cf the cf stertliug progrees, and their eyee wcre tcetbi." If tic irst sot cf teth is lost beforo wide open, net oniy t e c the evidenceocf the proper tiece, the second sets suifer inuch that progrees but te learui the causes cf it. frcin Iheir loss, and in score cases dccc not If what Toronto bas addcd durimîg the lest crupt et al. If deceyed, the first slîould fieyeaîscolt8 b placed by itsecf it woul be filcd witb plastic filhing mareriai aud let forni a larecd bircglarly beautifîji City. remain uctil their places arc ready to bceforgione hý g'aveîntl enbj pi h taken by the seconcd teeth. expansive and fani-like outskirte cf Toronto lBut a greet deal of good can bc accomp- wbich are probably no, excelled in' beauty li ,db kecping the tccth brnshed and of architcueb u it eint b claud.bc rpatient shoutld be lauglit te wcrid. The e are micny Ibinge i luichi brueli bis cwn tcetlî and use teliepick etter Torontocoutje Montreai. Herretail trade every rincai. Il cviii do the parent nei harni is, in sonre lunes et leacl, cf a superior cis te praCtice t1iseleseon oacaionaýliyv h insceif. and muore comrpetitive. Tice people cf To. hithlis inanner oee ea save nacre teelli, renite' Ihougli inuicli enalier in number, iîsi noi-_ý,ruentsbutil-ii-ii andhav a arge puchasng ap 'it pik(and, by thle way, oue sh8iç use4 noth- then those cf Montreal, and when we ing but e quill tootie pick) and ,illc tbraad, takirinto accornit the surrcunding couutry tîcan ail the dentiste oaci by perforneing fbe diifeu-euce ils Very nuch increaset in their usuel dental oeaiostaver cf Toronto.' i jetoc cocu to meke Il muet Dne t h infrrd lthAwc eau, bY cemparison bctwccu the Toronto exhibition any means, olay r in evc ry rase avoifi andithat cf Montréal, but it is acknowledgcd, tire nrcscity cff iiinýg liildrcn's1 teFth. But on ail blande that Toronto bas enormous wlîeu cared for properiythie defect would ,deîgeoe oara ulc u be detctetiet se arl stage tiiet tuetrprise cf gett ing ccp au exhibition, beiug eneration fo er -Lr.arfilinl wc-ulrl ho nain.-1- OUIRIOSITY COLUMN. WdefiEciose- Au -(!Oc emni a repetitien et a Soundt causeih ls rticlonfroue some cbstacle oftli aniue No dietilîct echo lehada iec-e Ierflclgscfc do ring the few months cf lufe leftlism. The I R&EUiCO FRIN; etmn vsflr-st nsarriedwcblu ii 8h GATFL-O FRTNi lue Milton, wbo bore hlm coreebii. Atte cgc of M100 he ev as b an ani cc auan a imzunonality anti forccd to do penenceb stnig ou the pereh cf Aiherbury P-arieh REAKFAT Church cicti oniy lu a sheet. "Byea thojru ronhkole h fte natuel utvelcre reinai-kable t','ntl'arrir le Iws wi b oeent[ec ertes fdgote icu ttýPtdfr tle Dl!rraP"f ttcat cf the Case cf IHenry Jcjîkine, e ie-lc copcsseowiýfetdCca r whn oueccorfitburitcove) eto, îiY kiir, Who, acrugte the iit('aspovdti r breakfast tblswicth % ],_thn11 t of At that distanceilecounit of Mc-,. ,AccuSaville, li dto be 167 iîaoy5sreboraewlhmyse L'ýk tL tillabe o a a O &,,e, r mre L"'ý ý fi Pa i,.l sny h avy dotors' bills, It le by the thiois ackhe estcliahec eOie e arecfcg, r i teu or tie eiPai-,idicion1s cIcf sucl articles of diet that a wbendoule hatdisancethelestw cyi- Iulier meueeire, cehiac 'Onies thec constitution mey ho grecluaicybuiltup util- bic; clin tre ties112fectbe ai tbccplate taken froîn au origliaiiiîig, she stycng' eneîîgh te reast every teodeocy tu i cliasûe. iîcdred3 cf subte maladies are syliabks, ant1i so ou. VWbonthe distance c f sýysthat aile day w henlhe cainle t t i g arcuu ns ready le ettack wherevor the ipedi suface, hWev-er, le les tiiexe ite sourcit albus, she desined i iisîvîte tot truiy there is a 'weak point. We nsay escape meuy 12 feet, tisedrc acreflccted Sacle arc I lî lihe ceas. 1He teplied tiat. licevwasld102 a fatal shaft by kecping ourselves wsl fortifieui cofunei stiecngl tregbct et c o.wth pure blond aieS a proerly nourishtd a t franse.a.,d"'an t;sisciviService Gazeffc,ý' kuowe esresneec legrodcet, ani Iis ~- -Made simple- wiîh boiling waetr or mîlir. cf n cbesvd l halle aundilarge r oiee. To Thlere Were Giente tlu Tlose Days. S On611Ylu packots. by G'occrs. labetteS Ibus: iclireonucal thatisle cceseery is te J à MES EPPiS et Co., lUonSpatlcie e properl1roerthe ceale ccii tapestry or Juel tbici loyctcrs tcventy-two cchsi SI, ]Loyadon, Eugaad other cloth .agigeWnhii are very b" iccog aîid fonrtece lu ind-ietei'. Siihwce _____________ refetors c (f "scuuid. bbc multiple forieily fout ic tîce iniaci,1 sea ce-st e orolfalIohr erboes, iwbiclî repeat lice sanie nord jYunia anti plcnty cf lihe big clihe aie etili Gni-leCrelty hya ter cr touresserl ti'ncs, -are Sa,îog the there. Tho vileiter ta sean e acoutry ac- A. osct horrible case ef crcceity to achciât moet wondeýrful cf their class. An eclio cf qneinted only wltlî ocr 100 te the plo it cast by ite neother bas corne te, light lu Parie, i ibi kiti u he liaeanofsinonetta-, 'ivale ce eaîd esked te order oystore ciighit cec f the bec-est etreets in the Montmai'te. lu îtaîy, repeate a nte îlîirty tiues ; at neakze a more ridiculouce iisiake than tire quarter. A local Commissaire dr- Police, lu- Woodstoclý, in lEîcglandl, Ilîre is eue w hidi traditional California latdy mwho ortirci 100 forcred cf tlec;i-semtancesby aui ancciymc'es repeals fions sevoteen Io te uy syllabie; saddlc-î ci ak u aNv Ycrklbotel. Pordu' ccdici eter, et oce proceetiedta rthe 1liuse of anti e reinarkekble finle eco occrs' benetlî Orejeîciao. the f emale ln question, e charwoaa andi the suspeuýnsonridge acrose the Menai Streit dcmauticd 10 sec her sou, a boy et ciglît. iu Wales, ý,Iiicli retuiruslice seundcof a biow flifferentCîoocrg ofGoid. The ndicer, thcue laken hy surprise, was. witb a lhaiu3tuïr oi hicpier il u cucessionc tronc ohliged te contint Ihe ofilcen ta a filtiîy cadiîof the oreabeamîi at support thai reati- «Most people suppose, says anr assayer sort cf cuphoarti net fit fcr a dog kennel, way, antifiu the oppo-site pier, ate distanice " tiat ail goid je alike wloe refineti, but thie cehere lie founti the wretcheti littie neortal cf 5767feit; an iniu addition te luis the Sound le liot the case. An experienceti iman eau oneplcteiy naketi, witb ls hbands tient us man ii lcnes repeateti hetwecn the n ater tel et a glaîcce froue ce iat part cf lice werld tightiy ta hie legs. The boy wes worce teaa andt thce r,~da u ol ftc h a cohi picce couces, cuti in Sonne cases frocu ekeictec, is I heati was ca mass cf ceres, andi Scines hefinýý msteotcuiar. lu the eclîleper- wetart0otaeparticeilar golt i dstrict the lisi body nas black ancd hice ceitb bruises. iugaiey St. Paul's, London,, lie faileet otlHcetant.1ee d aise heen mutilaiefinluaemarineur tcu Sound is cnee froue eue side te the other "bbce Australisu golti, for insthance, je horrible for descrintion. bbc woeîaîî wb of thed it 'n in tie Cathetinal of Cîrgenti, distiîîctiy retiden tlceîî tbe Ceilonniasu, anti wes airesteti ackîciowledlged tîat sieliebd lu s]i ,tjecightcst xcbispeu- isbornece-ith this difference in ceoloiscicays perceptible; inraltreatcd iîecld inlbis siîckigcnmariner perfct ilLuruess frein the ,reat western e-eu wlieuîtice golt isl 1000 fine. in orden te piease lier lover, ceio bcd tekeit dloor, wliertý the citi confessionel useti ta ho, "Agaîn, the golti obtaîneti frein lie plac- a dielike ta il. bue police are lookicîg out ta the lîlgil citer, a distance et 250 , etecrs le yellowcr Ibasi that wbich is Icîken fer this mai. Tire victis bis heeci placent Tbc cchoes ýf tire Laike cf Kiliarney are alec directly fros quartz. Wicy Ibis shoult in tl the leespitai for Chîltireni. wonid-fccuc~~e. Ibe case is one cf lIce iysteries oft'metciiergy, I___________ for the piacergolitiail coine tccm the veine. The Read Sureon (Juriocc Watclie.Tbbc lrai golti islice s eitiet fouti ay- UucvsWace.wi cre. 0f the Lîcisn MetilcaI Compncy le nce Aur A r.iicun traeleler, whcse nains <1Ye e çFew people kuocethie reai colon cf gcid, et Toroute, Canada, and neay ho con- Curionsw bs ogleonce saw a rare as il Je seition seeunuless heav-iy elloyed, sultet i cther in persan or by letter ou ail anti wion iJpeeetiupa e ei- whirh recuders il retiter tiau ce-len pure. chrcnic digeases peculiar ta mari. Men, scribed l it cýs heiucg lu c trame tbree fetedTbb punest coins e-en îmadte were tbc $50 ycuug, olti, or mitdile-egeti, whe Sund thons- witie ani ie1e fretlong. renreseciting -a econ- nicces that cceed ta ho co.minoin le(ittenia seles nec-eoece. wcak au oeaccted. who are