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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1891, p. 3

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HETl-iFliSPGONT AS Il IS. > The Nairowv Ncck of Water Tha Glis'es Englazid, Ustîssîa, andi Turkey So lWuch iJnrest. tee4Lesusicr Uasd te Perforaui 91 iVenserrlul Aqusalle Feaîs te Bte iviih Bfis Hetoe ,Tlie as-isole civiiiljzsd asorld avasaiartiede 1 i- as-cotacge et tte repent tisai a dettÏci -ci meu et ue jacîreis and emarnes tnom Bnr iIl iron-clad, aiccmpan7isd Ily a liciter, .t fieýd pieces and'sevenýaI(i tiisg gns, taý landell on tire Turtisa islcssd et MiLylerre fcrmaliy ocepying U lus tIhe nameocf ils Quu eto Emîgiand. Thons sacs an elcînent o trutua le tise report. Tiseindiug lsadtisto place, tut the EnitaI fsorce remaised un rIg isiand but ts'o deys. Nes-enilelesa i hla( ttc effeot et aitracring attention te tia perennial casten questions cnd matisg il( atýorld one wtet bsoud i t;ie ssci mes' on tise Ennopecu pouitî,Lcel clesa-board.'1 Tise s'holc esaîter resoives itscîf iet very simple propositien,: ShIeu Resala las' Constantinople ced drive ttc Tunt- tac lu Asic s'lenco lie cainle? Since tise year 15G6, ueaniy a hnndred years et ton Molammec [ltc If. storrnsod Constantinoppie, ttce Rus' zass and Tenta have licou fightissg. Th( varios aers have tees cemplicated liy dit. tersai issues, tut ttce plain olijeci os th part et Rusa ia beeni te obini comma-nd cf ttce hitteu nd the sec cfMe oa andi ili lýýia-e an ont-Ici for lie- vesacla lis ttc Mditereucsa. rying the.e centurie, thea-cses bens'eying uccea os liorî aides. hIls ls noever les-t an opportusshty el pi povetki-u e quemrel. ln -1853 alue s'as, tl usgasead made(I ovn, ouhe triviilai pre. tesxt thlai thc hioly places, lu Paîss1iu' serc, improeni leokjod cf ion. Tente' us'es rnsd lu ihis atrui.gis by EngIand and lf'aae and peýace wes pnocliÀne atter tire faîl cfStaopo lu15 Tliispec trccty of Paris ucrttnaIized tis PIiatc, asi and Tairkey alie egag- arsenal iler)IO-rsis tililri Tte ovsn-tisow ef Franiceý in tte waýr of 187C and ttci cenuecquet hsolation et Eeg- land led Ruissie te, dcecare ttc provision ci ttc inecty et Paris, s'hichl exýclnded ih sips et as-an d its ansýenels frosai tte Bicot saa to e io longer lu force, Iii 18S77 tise ad- inist:raîhon ot geveriumeint ha Turtey tarl greava more cerupi thani es-en. Some Toirt. lt provinces lad nevolted, and masusacresý on thc meait tearful chsaracter lad tateni plae in Buzigania. .Turkey could gis-s ne mccdlise- casnity t on botter govemsiment, se Resala toos thie eppntiity or~declariuigwan.TieBl tans wens pasued in usidavhniter, Adrianiople s'as eccepied, and tte Turtiat ansaies sa cre capinred or essmilated. Thc victies Russaee marcbed te ttc very auburta et Constaninople, te St. Ste- fane, whison peace s'as, eoncleded Mardli 3,, 1878. Great Enitais nefusd te agree te tle prcvisiens oftte treaty asîd sout lion foot te ttc Dardanelles. Thts tad tlie, desired o5it andtise tnsaty wes met! ified ty a Euro- cougcet ýs aemlld ai Berlun. Ctx et Eniais as-hi noi elos Ruasia te tate pesas-saien et Constantinople, Licceuse i s'ouid te a menace te British powvern t'le fan casi, It is tise Ilagl rocd te India, iliat 'lis-ighcan. joasel oftte British crown." Eegliaud carrnes os an enonsacus trade aviLl Asiaie counitries,, and thia ste -consîders wourld lic endangssed as saeli as lier influence iupieby R osa ccupationa et Constan- tinople. For thls noasm tîcre la alays e pewcrfni hia fleer in tise Mediterraseasi, csîd ttc Enigliali chais et enipostu, Gibiraltar, Isalý1--Cprus, aise ttc Suez caual-ttc laites be)ing ceatrohied ty Great Britain- are tepi tusliy eqnippcd and gcmiaosed aui ready for cny emergsucy. Tte Dardanelles, the narres' oteesel scperating Europe frosa Asic and uehting tte soet Mao nr virli tte Creciaus anclipelago, la tte lie et contention that lias caused the British naval demosntration ai Mirylens. Several trecîissieavee ttc fis-e greci poeaven and Tnrtey lias-c confirmed ttc prosies that se stip cf s'r enloniging te assy naion, sas-s Turtcy atould pesa ttc Dardanelles wiîiuoui ttc express consent, et Turtey, c14 mnianL,ît slips being aiso e nqirsd te slowý iem p-es te tise Tuirt-iala autilenitiea. A RsinvesselA oomning froili tIse Blckt se,, nsccuîhi'ty avelnt permiiticed te paus, 'on ted soidieru on board. Russie proieated, tle thp s'as clled te go trougt, ced ttc sultan et Tnrksy pnacticaily uspelogized. Engiaud vies this action on tise part cf Russie as %tn effort te get le tle tisin sud et ttc avedge tisai ttc prevîson et ttc trsaty ssay liecerne a decd bieter. ,Tise Mitylene incident is te as' tot Tnntey ced Ruasia the Enrii lion lu goieg te bout aftionbia cavu isuismeats ai ail liezanda. There la probably ne pari et the s'onld that seý teemai s'it ti 'stonical ced myiliiccl assocliations as ttc Dardasellea. Wtilc saiiug iliou1gIl the ctarnlc anfi ste)pping ai ttc foirts, as, eil s-ais *Pe oliiged te, eue teels in aacred s'at cnu. hti litt ancieni Hellespont, avideiy kneavu froeails thenoy ot Homo sud Leasuden and trouu Lord Eyron'u suecesaful atiempi te rival île anciesai savimmer. Here Xenxcs cresned liy moans cf a ýbridge cof bouts, anud Alexander ttc Great p)er.ý5rmcd e similar exploit. Xenxes crsoýsi 480ý E. C. te ester Europe, ced Alex- acden alsuosi ai the saine spot te enter Asie nsanIy 150 yeans latere h oas ttc Dirandnies iu atnongly defsndçd on tot aides s'iil ton- tiftiions nseuntieg meuy- guet et sacre on basa posaer, but somc cf them lig et imi- Masm dIL., anid le 18530 s'as repainssi and fitted as'it1i itergn for tliros'iuýg ling atne aout.M ni etîle guu lias-c gene, liai clse lieside, it stands ils formnid- ableNanaxic~-bitery, îposa avhich are moueted naodr~.a guns e fitee te ghteen Thle arian rose. TIc'L Outornan cresceni andi tefiag fluiiered lu ttc blny breeze, andi . - . ......... -iS, -- ~S - The Sagacity of tue Dog. An Engliat papor prests ttc folloaving acceenit, wtict sets fotithe segacity ef thc dog hn a unomer whioh will please ail its levers. Ttc peper says :n'. A serions ac- cident liappcnsd e few day ago te Mn. Plant, fermer, et Knoll Wood, viso migiilit as' sufféed eonsi-israly sucre iuseons-cîien c than lue did liad lie net tocs aceempanies liy lis Collie dog, an animeal wortly te vie, as fer aus ielliicen-e goca, wiili île mest giftcd oethtie cassnesacs. Mr. Plant-sa-an îeading a youug terseadeug an untrequseut- cd ced narciy nsed ty road wiscsstte animel k nectcdliim dewssandinj uned tims sesevere- lythat lac lad te rensaisoate graendsvters lie foîl, lieing quire ussalle te stand or mue iis %vay home, wiidi aas a considorall distance awcy. There was neolieuse noan and snoncesahosattention could libcitract- ed, se Mn. Plant sa-oie a tes' words upon s piece et peper and, faaîes isg it te tle dog'n nnect, teid tisa te take hi home, This flisc dcg' did ai once, and led tise relief party stralghtttackto te îre bils master lay. TIe latter svhen cenveyed hume and medicai cff procnred, wes found te have sustilaed ts's severe fractures cfI the leg, armigtIt havi la:is mesy bisila, iey li.-se loseiy a place lad li et poseseda Cellie e: sucre ttau average ýcintel1igence. Here isa anotteri canine stiy. Iis cf s dog iiai eu tell tte time et day and that is oavued ty Coi. F. N. Bartudale, s gentlemuan on the staff otite Penesylvanlur nailnoad. Ttc dog acquired is peculias ftalent ini a very remrakatie way. Coi. Bartsdale lacs a fins dlock ilaat urkes 0s13 eu îl on th ud then very siowly. Tlie colenel got ie îleheway eofxakiuug -thedo1 rap witia lis foot ai ecdi sirote et the dlock. Fiuaiiy te.get se lie would rap ai thcelieur withoui lieing told. Jusi lictore ttc clocis strikýes i givsc a uitile cleet, and whenss'eu te(dog heaýrd tis, lic woîld pro e is crs,, rlue lis pe, ced gesiy tp lia 11-,peaw i sc(I sirote witliout ltiing told. Attes willeget se thai wten sen eluce liketb(lett ok te aonid get lie opUaiton and s'ait for tiselstiies. ne waa fer a ong tinso conte aed ai uet Iearnug thle, dock, liat citer asahile tcgan isppisg lis pas' aîsys'y. Ttcheuartall e oi tht tiafier asvhiîs l ie reonemliered lies sisny sirotes wcne de ai cccli sncceedissg heur, se Liai neaowlicen- ever tle colonel c lie acgels jute position and tapu tc numbofeturnotes ftus cloec aliold ike SOX tinse. TIcs, at any tisas etter 10l'clectlas tpa eleven timsc, afisa 4 'ioct fia-e tme etc. Some learned ucieitiýsts arc gohîsg te luvestigate île usat- tto tece whetter sice dog actucliy posses- ses neasouing facîsîties. Bedtime Tales. ht uss ositebc. long ttsnc ge, lu, days et boybood sas-et, W bs ou as-et"c m y big brother hue And I usas uitile l'etc, That asbm en t 1oot sacupto astait Andastowvof me isto bcd, I trsncd, wben ihad " saisi ny prayo,' And '-rll a tory," said. And yen, eld beyasa snsimons tisg Yen toid, cf ltaiking bearq, And poules that dois' by on avunga, And djinàivith golden aares, Ans incesses lu silkes goaves, And Robin IHood's boids aamps, And peor p oung mon wbo built greact toivea By rufbbisg usmagie lampai Ansi soon! ithai drkieesroem etf ours Became c fairy hall, And evcrywbcrc aNere gorgeons Ilovena, ,And diansend s over aIl ý, And glittering liglits froms tone te tone Eier acemesi te dent ansi leap, Ansi strains cf munsc floted ou, Ansi thon-I toit asickP. Ah, dean olsi bey, I cannet been Those tales i ou tolsi again, Tha tiunie lr a p estow mauy a year, Andabothiiof us arac men; B3utuamy iÈý(cerne01ls ansi l il itile, Ansi visions nuete -vies', An tn n imnies I tiie1 sece Those taifjry seuc itb yen. Fo ere ine laeuea little tyke, Wboi, wheuatlae nigbt is uew, Commiianda sthi fairy ermy like lis papauscî e de;l Ansi there te idq bis omît I greci Those scenea et long age, Whe, mi kuosv, -as utile Pets Ansiyen aere broiten Joe. CARL SITH.nî is RIJSSIA IN PERSIA. le ic Bugliel Influence in thse Shah's Domains of a Thing of thse fast. )n- RU~S1'S fDOMINATION ALL sBUT tW British diplomacy taus lest la Persia,. g That, at least, la the prescut appearance rof ly affairs lu the oidest empire cf the worid. ve For ses eral ycars extraordinary ei'lorts hv )y- been made to extend Brit lishintluonic the.ý le The British Gos-esnment lias cffliily donc cl- aIll i s pjwer te hold the favor of ttýc on Shah, and te get, a grip upon the who u we Pensian administration. Private efforta' si too, have ni licou wantimg. ,Net so vecîV a long cge la wîas exultîugly proclainsed tliat Per,!Sian infantry immoderately as-ail them seýlvcea of the services of the longsuffering donkeý-y,tte physical streugth and endurance of ttc sàrbez deserve recognition, the more 1thatLthe je very unsatisfactorily fed. If lie is wanting in discipline the fanît lies with is auperiors, who cornmanid iimbadiy, teach t1is afly and set him a vcry bad example. lin Persia, as la Tnrkey, the moral qualities of soidiers ef ten becomie dteriorated as they 1 ise lunlgrade. Ttc rank of vakzil is thus ttce flrst step toward imoral muin. After the -dk-, or sergeant, corete nudt(lieutenant), sultanu (captain), yas ar (major), sarheng iLutenaii. colonel>, and sartip colonel). Bythc time a masn becomes colonel lie is topcesily lest. FACTS ABOUT RALROADS. f -~ lu the clear moruiing air the fez c(appe Turkisih seatries paced hirI eyrolan omi ttc parapýets. WVe wer,issdeed,, in th lud of Byronýs -"Bride of Aboýydoas Beatiful is tise scenery cf the Asiali stores of the Dardanelles. Tht tewC Kilid Bahir is pictunesque, ttcelieuses li nearly all tiddeu ty ttc trocs, and ther are geutle alopes ýand bills lu streng cen trast te the Europcan store, whichi generally ateccp ad rmuggcd. A caicque rw wrdýv mm,ýs us-ceres aiesi side with a Tnrkistoffcie and sturn boatmenci. Our papeýrs arc e-ýiainàed and Iv roceive permniss,,in e1 oc- douour voy Cge. The delay, towover, gave us ampl time te take la thorouly ý-our, surreund ings. Theýreare sevoral forts ccd castîcao boti ides of thc Dardanelles, but the tR' suoi ipotan ees reClicýn-Lk Kalloss edKldbalir. Te are distant tut short mile frein cadi othor. Prýom ttce'e treue tse Enopen ankis ýttc tigier risiugiatrcply bLýu)e'p, iptusyfron tte-,%ater's dg t ah ug'tf rosa10Ô fee t2fot . Ar'- t iîIIldBîir there is lev grouud lbets', 11 is at au t c [lehul t tind, nfi mtel g iatcn in t uligat arc fort y-ton Krnpipj)guns, saime of %wtkie are moustcd on cnteka esounliar hotte. Aliove ount cetof tt i tiI ome lin alileblatteries. Teeqotrt b rae d-nger tean adIvitnciug ilcet, a ronthei clevatien tthe siot et tte fleet woald pas. over the]I, wlîile'they -svosld te ablie te piaý upon ttc dcks, tise ost vital part of iras. clad sip.Ttc curreut, tee, is lun fas or o ttc forts. Au aacendinig squedrýonwoul fiudtc edao t"Lsel e di-g taa tie Power,'1ni guns cfttr Canl attenluý; cf Klisd -Bahir. A ficet WouIld te mnet asI advanced iy tise firc cf lid IBahr nsu Chanakz, i wouid pesa tle guns eftlt1 former wvithiu psolso,jasit crossed tR wardCaak it wonld 1 , lie kd fore ans aft by- te guns ed butilorsauld <as it loi, Chauak it wouid blic similerly inakIed liy oiher fots, rcceiving tise fine of Kilid Balhr ou its broadaide. 1 Clanak la net se strog naturally as Kilid Bahir, but tise fortifications are mueh strouger, the gens lieing for ttc mosi parq in casemates. WhIen it la rerensbered that in addition te thiese veny powerful fi ns ttere my lice torpde ia ttc sarrow otCan- ne, it wililie accu that ttc difficuities lu the wvay cf foncing ttci passage are enormrous. Later ilu the d]ay we iroectd ,he Algean arch1ipelag,aud wcewltiain a fcw miles on thc isianýd of Milenoeor Lsewhich la: ce our 1sf t, ia wrmpurpie lla swrappcd is a soft dreamy Isaz, hsaquite near enengl te th lcDardanelles te maLe totRussia assi T£urkey 'tel unncomfortable'stoeld 'Great brital take possession et it. Ttc islantl, liy ttc way, recaliod Stakapeare te mind Scveral scesses in " Pendces, l'rince of Tyre," are laid se Mitylene. î-a be~ens greindau En 55 ii ii Ail average locomotive coss$10,000. Ir, corpor-1ation ty wlicth ibwould alisolutiy nepr lcnca et hta .n estre iinflussoscf is Prs~u suire LIcicnbotrain maldng 125, miles an hour et for te ncxt ltundrsed yosrs. Andit h_ tesre700feti hcht on ) Icoue a cemnntoast that 1itist Iiiitra aed eure700 etlawih ec le- aûTelhern bavelong telafarmorudarlîl.c o-t at cdort thaveniafe r soiîest ut e Ttc gasîge of tte Roman chariots 2,000 st at out ti-u a tc rat uttogtier.yeîs gewas4 teet 8-.1luches-same as Lt Tisere la still freat lu mind an a(di-ess ni destandad raifrcad gange of to-day. se ty Lord Salisbury, lu wticstat 1tt m-Tt ailrolids of tteccuntrry employ 700, th dwelt ai great lsngth upei ttic eitad îrnnEatyrteybc,00ftes ,r- reseurces et Persia aced ýttccoerlain amtrl ld u 000 ftosa that nxiaIo,, n-t-ieenitanddGreatBritaof.thnnirare n- Itis tas teenanfool's parise.T-day Tisre ar over 1, 100,000 railroad cars asnd 1- l mievieutths.f uasi ne ony ua gt fr ~ locomotives lu tise United States. st -- ah fGreat Bnitise, tut has _ actical, 'Two tcmsudred styles cf locomotives are irwntc gesaine. Persia Ila stil.-osnaylumd. ýsa deodn.Btil la a lietisennw rai:,road i lae built between Chii afad8practi caiiy as imuetiai pa I r t1 thCiola tehave a i$500,000 railrca Id Cz2arsa domanluasslaT-irklia rtieCaucas- st-titm uili liy the Illissois Censtral. ld uis. A!rcaýdy3tihe foreigu ri( 'oIaIetP(rsia- Ovr 1,000 miles of raiiway are projectcd S. arc ncgetiated ty Russinîs iniston i ua u<bia etew weeks all Persiasa legations lîrugiose Nc Vrk Steam Raiiroad, Men's Union n ttc world will lie atclistcd and thiuie Is 500icmes t tioens will lic oenly exortcd ty tise Rsli ii en are stntion agents on the id legatiemîs. Thon a «protecterate," vill e 1- wnloal rilay. c proclaimed and Pcrsian.sovereignî,y will boan TtcI railioà.dscf tt satces arececllectino s- îhiug ef ttc pasi. $30,000,000 os ery ycar ou ficticions bonds id llow- this state of affaira lias heen coaIdI stocks. ft possible la intoresting tooliserve_. 1lu Perdsi, A eeuspany fromn Chicago la te tnild a lice r assenter ceusties ste liasseteute uit i,- et , ilroad i, Nicaragua 200 miles la lengt s jugate, Ruasia lbas precesded ty ceiîgtruta rnet coffce rocion. antagonis agaiiat ftlc sovereigu.Tto A femnale eugiiseer, Mias Ida Hewitt, la Id la ne donlit Gmt Nas-edl-Deen la a tencugli rc-g'ianly oseuionce cCaine & Kanawha tl angloptile. Ris preference for EgariVlc airoad in West Virgissia. rj and Engliat thussgs la moI mark ed. And M n niiroad telegnapli openaîcra lu tte t tlicse nlay lie sald of bia great IMinister, West are giving up thein places te tecome Ls Mirza Alil Asgiar Khans. To thesa Britisth ienenbrakemnesi on swiictnieni,liecause - hlandialiments have licou dinectod, andud li I licsoiucnî1saîiens are payisg botter than ce th-eîn British pelicy lias sncceeded. Ttcy tigatsg haselico roay tegrat alsoateuyiii.gTis directera cf ttc Chicago, Burliegten nLord Saisbury miglit esk. But ttcy are, & ic alra a'ht h tieo ai after ail, net Persia; and witt Persia ît-~Qic alodsyta t tieo y self Eugland lias nover blisselufavor. Tahinouiseers Ii$6, ecr0 cgecea0tt if war whict Lord Palmerston waged againsat loPsPainye aei at $6,ouutsj. d4in si Persia lias nover licou forgivesi, and te ttis t isacrtofaurailraiane oa duning d day noouonecf Anguat os-en same rnostteimlest i~~~~~~~~~~ da. eeelas itelyhtd i tcms little oven soyons per cent. For Lt ef Persians as ais Engliasiman. B ytms '0l",Year ttc ineroase lias been about $17,. 1fendacas for itunopean ideas and mauncra )lG0 tt .1 lc Shah lias givoîs serions offence te lis ýTise flista railrocd su Canada was ttc people. By hi especial Clultmplain & St. Lar e --itwa tu FOeNuNý'SiSaFOR ENSLNSfifien meilesilIegîls. Je 1832 tisechanter lia lies inteus3ilied tisat feeling te sucli a de- was ehotaincd for its construction, and it was gros that people hase actuaily talked et firtinsedilu 1836. depnsîsg bila. And wlsile England lias licou Ttipe acs recsnîly shipped from. Phila- 9 matin g up te ttc Shah, ste lias licou really deipt;ýia te B-rsesi a carge cf railroad machin- weakesiing lis autliority and swellisg tte ery te lic uscd for uew nailroada building in -oppositien te hm. Reisala,ou tie otiser tend tisac7ntry. This cargo was valsed at lias eddressed tensoîf te ttc Persiasa peopleie 100 and lias se skilfuily insiuned anti-Esîglisis 1Tise "Psnes3 s building a locomotive Iideacrnong thons ttat the pressure lias i Altoona, Pa., that will te tîrce now lieceme feit upon tte Thrcno c f Liglis. ttcorinr lengt, and wil libe attended d nplaie words, ttc talis laconqnered liy by -tw dm-mn. 15w Il -i'ula tr~an nt public opinion, aed la liicra.liy forced,ý loaed -41freigiaht cars a uls long. Iageisat lbisil, te thres'hirnscif MLi.t, -arma cf Resala. He lîad ttec ciice eittera(nrag ayield te Ressaa-or te lie awcpe r als Woai Sff gin New Zealand. limone liy a tenatical nevolitiosi; asd.teSii George Grey, ex-premier etfNoew Zea. -blas chosen. la, ibas onîdone ail otten chivaîrous e-t- Euland lias becu ciways a linderer in ticuta la inteaîf cf womani suffrage. Hie e lierdeclingas it Persia. Ste lias nsed iais imade a proposition, wliich will be sut- ettrsais and terce tee seucîs, aed net enougl iissstted te telieuse cf represoitativea, t1at ,rEseislinon have scttlod in Persia te exent aIl iees upper etambor lbc fonmcd ini the gev. any social or commercial influence. No-e- crinet if New Zealaud composefi cntincly wvîere ie ttc worid arc Englishmen more et wo'en, aud that ih replace ttic present sscence. Tlicre aire a dozen efthrem ait fise upper chanstber. Ths plan, if succestul, eT-heoz consulats. Art te Britishi Rosi- would lise verdoiîsg ttc mnatter. For tise ydeucy ou tlic Persian Guifthiere arc five or les t fifty years wemen have teen clasnoring esax. At Ispeian thene are tave missioncnios. toean equal stars witt men inetthegevera. SSu)me tlireet fouir commercial agents anc alI- nient. Tiseir wildesi vision nover discern- soite li foui-d, and there are aboust fifiy iede- cd âuythisig licyesd this. Nosv Sî George egraph operaters on tise Totoran line. Thai cenes for war(lwith cil ttc chia ry cf a ais ail ;atout seveuîy-fis o Eni'hmen in lucl melieval kuigi and wislica toenttirone and IfPersia. Assd how nsany Rumsians? Sevea- ens)ry -ous y gis ieg te tison alone tise iy-five huudred, or more. higeibgiirv uteiyhTi oe Ttere is eue strong tend et sympatt-y ai '.Iresent conisists et fitty sueesters appoint- ci e'ween Persia and Resala, sud tbatislatîseir cd ,y tise crowss for lite. It is tructat le apcrsecution et tise Jews. Ili Persia tere te liars, o f ttings fiacre la ne valid reaseon are neaniy 20,000 Jeka, cnd they are ail wtyv this upper etamber shLild net prectîcaily outlaws. Evsy cter religiona consist exclnsivoly et wemen, as it as la t'-"rated. Esen ttc Zonoastnisus, un bihlreto cosîsisted exclusia-ely cf sass, yFire-Woretippers, are trsaitedl witli tle tut ttc louciesi protosi againat ih enimosi respect. Bui evcry msan's ban sîf aweuld cene trena wornen tises- againsitihe Jews. One migîse, say ttey are selycu. Wtat tliey waut, and wliat ilcy te chatds cf vanicua pctty officcra. Thus ha"ve licou ciamening ton la aplace ty ttc riii eacci province, a certain ta-S is asacssed aside of moen. They do net wisli te mieiga - AGADNST TSE jEWS aoe evea if tise higleat assembly wers s whso dweii tîsrein; and it'isabcliet tisre ) gîveetotlisî. Sr George in bis excess of zeai v fnies as iseavy as ttc tax againat any etten) for woen defoata lis owu ends. Let hlmn rpeople. This tex is sold. Thislate aay, jlte ipoderats an d national lu lus donsanda, as 1some eficer et ttc, proviece py t ie woiteeu themacîvea are,, and Ey degrees lie Gevernor, and thon sets ont te nsjnsiburse willa ec that pplnsnisn attn hîlmsîtfrosa te Jcws. 0f tenslise pays a cara et ailtat, and tlat wome are gradual-, s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~l prmeoontcpiiegadtcjtl ycming te have alshiathe publie offlices kssocked dlown-te tcenman wlso wiil pay tise an je inaliltise perquisitea that publie oflice e , igget presaiesa. Tison ttc speculater sets imupilea. huordinate ciivairy savons et us- s et, rsnd sitl tI fe auhsoityet onded sentimentality, 'or, cemisg as if e u, and the ulli t t trcmthe d~Is this case frein oee killed in siro- a es ndo:as rmnchamore as lis avarie pulig, hi ntsofso.nepoliticalmoie. Wo. e uake possible. No eeever siates hlm give tel guard agaiesi exces ofetceurtcsy, and ce auacceunt cf bia coliectîrg, aud it te wivngs eapocially against tîsescventres lu bc aring -froua tliseJews twicte anseunt oetftisetax, gîitas ___________ lie is se muols ichser and tliey seaunachl Seeinez Gofi. poorer, and ilat ila eh. -repr nhat-hl e .Ti Tiso silitary power et Persia ilasnet groat, "Ts ueu iataalscGd u yet itisas great posabltities. Tise regeler, promise dees net is.ply gis-e assuîrance thet army mwaa stablistefi by Shah Alites3sirza isoe o oliy Ced i isli tcshal hbave is 1823, but ttc preseni S4hlswas tise firstii eeasdeesoet leliolding Min la ttc lite te organize i on a European modal, whiech te cous,,e. h moansa thai tise ebedieut ceild tie did liy tis e crploymsent et Germas cda Cd stallihave Ced nevealed tto ise ii Austni55s offissena. Tli0 Peîsiais srsa -nsst this, lite as a cosseqnes'-eetfthisteurt pssniy. ot 105,000 uses, cemprising 5,000 ycoussmsts Througis lis oiedience lie lias untohded 53,000 iifastry, 31,000 regeler and irregular sitýisin hies nsw Ipewers etpeception that cevairy, and 7,200 militia. Lessa lce-~ la y told et dis-les thinga. Hie lecomes third cf thlia force is rnaimsaieed Ii service ceescieus ef ttc presuce et an invisible derng peace, and tIse wl.ele et tte steadine sntelligence witls wtens 'ha seul tolda aay eesia on a peace footing doesa ot'0cseein n noawo i r exceed tise total et acds e officers ini these lier cudowmients et pers mai lite. Just as Russian am. yttc senses btng hies ie ocensciouaneset army. Bytise materiai world wticli -urrounçl hlm, se TiUE SH5Jl'S DEOR>EE tbeinewiy awatened ausccptiliility cf tise et Jnly, 1875, ttc army waa ferftise future heartesates tisla aware of ttc preseseset te lie recrnited liy conîscription iustead et Ced. We become conscoohetc ouiward occasional levies, asdftise period et osvie visilel wonld lieceuse osîr senaca are respoîs. &Wglidir Cry for itoe' atra div - s FOR SALE-BY J. HI1GGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE. B OWMANVILLE, Headquarters in Wvest Durham for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, Glassware, Cr ockery, Halîl, rarlor and Hand Lamps, Fancy Cups, 8aucers, Vases, Water and Lemonacle Sets, etc OUR1FA MILY Is always well supplied with the very best goods at Iowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm' Produce. Leading Seedsrnen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. inspection solicited MURDOCH BROS. vie) oria Building's. Bowmanville. 2 HAINES, CARRIAU-E WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER CFý GARRIAQESe SLEICHS, GUTTERS9 WAGONS> &GR KING STREET, BOWM ANVILLE. Now on bond a number of veiiceeanduJ N maaufauirtuirg a.great many more of the Iatest patternis and best finish, which 1 arn ofléring for sale at the 1owet price consistent with due regard to workmaush,,ip andi quality. 'The folowving is a list of the principal vehicles mianutactured by mie Double Covered Carniages.................... ................ $150 Upward. igl h t n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 OpnBggy ..... .......... ............. ...................70 t Top Buggy.... .................................90 Demnocrat Wagons....................................... 65 d Lumber Wagons.............. ... ..... ........... .............. 55 Liglt Wagon....................... ............... ............. 40 d Express Wagon................................................. 75 Skeleton ....................................................~ Sulky ................................ ................ ...........40 Possessing superior facilities for m<tunfatuniag carnae, intcufi to seli verycheap for cash approved crodit, aud by se doing 1 hope te ral ices my numiber of sales. We soli the wood parts enly, or the gearnugs of buggies ironed. Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired At tbe Factory 1 aise do Planninig, Matchni, Turnîng and Sasviug with Circle, Baud or Fra Saws. and prepare ail kinfis e soi ' f or pnters aud others for building purposes or-namueiîtal-and Plain Piokets for fonces in cvcry style requirod, made te order. for Infante and Children. 'Casto? ais on wen adptmdto chidren t at ICaox crs0 ,Cnsiao, 1 receimnend iti as sperior to any prescipto IS Stomacli, Diarrhoea, Eructatiosi, kImwIS to me." IL.à- ÂxSCRi ,Il. D.,gilaWorms, gives Sleep, sud promoÔtea dt. 111 Se. Oford St., ~ N. ~. estion, mdcaIn ni 80.OxfordSL' Broldyn, Without injurions eati Tnm CaNiiRÂc CompNseY, 7'7 Murray Street, N. Y.,

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