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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1891, p. 3

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LIGRT ON PLANT'S. VARIATIONS 1N THIE LAKE LEVELM. ALL ON A.BOOX MAE,.DO Evi~rirent InEletri Gadcnng. They Are CzeiseIl Eltirely by fise Differen. eIr months ago, says tire New York h aitos ~ f 1 ft~ ra ~n~and AeofNoa le inand ~[ *menits by whjch Coli in. France esto akeS have heen the subject of study for Th te a ~n ouet A nFnnand Spechneif in southern ussi ma'ny year pasl, and varions theories have sde me in a second-hand, book store, and have shown how great an influence mnay he hen aYvanedi to account for the . when the Cierk came to wrap it up for mie w Jr ~exerted uipon plant lif7e hy eectricity, and years ago ail available data regarding the' he pjut in as ahbook mark a Clip of carfi board I ~r wo eas Isuferd errbl sggested that everitually it might bh os- flutuain eecmiesoigteon whjceh the following list was printefi: sible for market gardeners to nse the eiectricmoeipratcngsnthlorlke ýt tmach trouble, and was for current profitabîy. In those experimients the between13 dI~7 ihafwfes AGES 0 OE IsADWMN ,a' that time under treatment by a electric mrrent was applied to the seeds, as to e- ceptional phenomnena in earlier years, NmeBr. Diei. Age physcian He inaly!tftertryig ichtepa eego in 1 859 the United States Engineers hegaîl Alexander the Great, B. C. 356 13:92 33 IMporter, Manufacturer and the air iinnmedia'-ey ahove the surface sYstemnatie gauge readinrgs, and the work is Ahtoiniette, Mare........ 1755 193 3 evryhng ai toaciwa botof thesoil, but it does not apopear that the siicnme.Bcn i rnî....16 66o SarcopaiTa etH :11. out, and that I would have to !influence of the electric light upcn vegeta. The highest known level occurred in 1838, Blackstone, Sir William.. 1723 1780 5 a7 an cease eating solid food for a tinte at! tien was the subject of inquiry. It is 110w when Michigan andi Huron rose twenty-six B chr Marshal. ....... 1742 1819 77 a n e eeyW r 'least. I wa owa htIcould reportefithat a market gardener in the town inches ahove ordinary higli stage, and Erie 1 1Bonaparte, Napoleon..17 69 1821 52 Grai not work. Final on the recom- o Arlinigton, Massachusetts, ssamed Raw-,- and Ontario eighteen iiuches. The 10,owest J uru, bert ...... 1759 1796 1 oeP7ats son, has become couvinced that hie can use level was in 1819, when Erie fe11 about three Byr on, Lord ............ 1788 1824 36 M drate Prices, L t, mendation of a friend who had used the electrie light to advantage. The results andi a haîf feetbelow its uual plane. The cnrutuý, Marchus eî5 3s Naeil. WI Sy o u r preparations of bis experiments are not wholly iu accord fluctuations, apart froui those which are B.C............ .J.. ..80 36 44 etàa ril. W lb Aworn-out with beneficial re-I with those of sirmlar experimunts made at annual andi those cansed hy the winds, are BnuIyan, John ....... .... 1628 1688 60 of work. Give suits, I procured aiCrnl uber uyht they certainly de- of periodical occuorrence, arnd are character- Calsar, Juliut. B. C....... 100 44 5 Strncs.erve to ho noticefi. Iu 1889 the town lbegait izefi by aremarkabie approach toreguiarity. Calyle, Thomnas,......1795 1881 86 Stmah. bottle of A ug ustl ic igetaeso tuse electrie lights lu the streets, and une Snetehgetwtr f13 hrehv 9nhs hitpe. 451506 71 Flower, and corn- of these lights was set np near his bouse and heen alternate periods of descension ad a.Dces hre....11 80 5 menoed using it. It seerned to do inua place where its rays feIl upon several cension of the evels, ither five, seven, or 1D iKin,B.C ........ 1090 101575 mie good at once. I gained in'bdsoflowers whose growth hafi nover eight years in length thec seven-year periofi Eiot, George ............ 1820 1880 60 ienu satisfactory to tise gardener. These being thec most frequent. EuroR .....10 827 strength and flesh rapidly'; my ap- lantson n bega.....inq to 88 i peit bcanegodlaanIsufeed soonbg t thrive and to grow As we have said, varions theories have lEipmeî, Robert .......... 1780 1803 23 petteba effet ofod n dwa I atfée. rapidly and vigorously. Believing that the been advanced to account for theose changes. Frankliu, -Benjamin. .1>~6 1790 84 THE EAST EN D PAI no bd efect frm wat Iate i lectie iglt as the cause of this change, The winds, of course, cause teusporary and G 4oetheý, J.W........._1749 1832 83 feel 110w like a new man, and con- Ithe gardener set up lights of the samne kinfi local fluctuations. Erie, the shailowest of i Grnt, U.S.,............ 1822 1885 63 where will be found fullli ne sider that August Plower lias en- [Iu hisIarge hot houses, where cucumbers and the lakes, bas been knowu mu have its love] GCuenberg, John ......... 1400 1468 68 Mixed Paints-mtxed to ord tiey ue m fDyppiaù ettuce weCre producefi in the cold season. raised seven or eight feet at onie endi andi Liiicoin, Abraham ........ 1809 1865 56 tiel eird e fDypesi i us ntise winter of 1889-90 hie pmuved tu bis equally depressed at the other hy a gale Le, Robert E ........... 1806 1870 64 Peerleý worst form. JAMES E. D]eDRICEK, own satisfaction, we are told, that hie coulfi biOwing east or west for several days. Ir. Lon.gfellow, W.H.._....1807 1882 75 1 arn prepared to do hou aueisNw or.raise a largor crop of lettuce lu a shorter reglarities and variations of, atmospberic Lois XII. (France) ...17,54 1793 39 kzinds. Brushles t a o W. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C., time with the help of the eiectric liaht! pressure aiso cause cFanges of level, and Luther, Martin .......... 1483 1546 63 nuolfresal rte: Ihv usd ouAgutthat the qualsty was btter then before, and there are tides on the lakes as well as on the Mîiltonn, John ............ 1608 1674 66 mine o a l-any shad Fwer forhavDysesia u ind it that bis profits were larger by 25 .)er cent. ocean, tise higist known spring tide risinig îMar iy Queeu of Scots. 1542 1587 45 Floer or ysepsa ad indit n e foufi the arc lights more effective than about three luches. Sun-spot influences, lo, Lord ............ 1758 1805 47 excellent remedy. 0 the incandescent buruers. Last wlnter hoe ton, have heen assigned as a cause of the Sot Sir Walter ........ 1771 1832 61 failed to obtain the, necessary lights:, and fluctuations. Richard III. (Englanf)... 1452 1485 3 Reid'sBok poieN' THE ANAIANSIA ESM N frthsmnsoncouild net continue bis exý4peri- It soeers, however, to ho well establishefi Siskespeare, William... 1564 1616 52Bok ppst e TiE' E 0AÏMAments, butheinteniis tsesume the investi. that the periodical andi general fluctuations Shieridan, H.P.,.......... 1831 1888 52 ESTABISHE 18Mgation in th e cominig winter months. are due to tire variations bu rainfal, The Semn W.T... ....... 1820 1890 70 ESABIRE 1MThe experiments at Corneli university curves showing thse secular variations oflake lmotise'%Wbse, B.C .1033 975 58 $e 1 pr annm lu advance, oturbe~.î eemd uafmbgbuedvdf yalvlapoiae s lsly te those of Wïshingtont, George .., 1732 1799 67 subseript ions always payable atth i1 o i - hadpartitin, one isaîf bi ujetdrabufaîl as te show conclnsbvely that the WligoDk f 16 828 publcaton.Advrtbin~rats u .esïbyc) o to nlatiral conditions of ligist and darkness8 ris and falof the lalsesby periods of yearsiAn xhat a list of the worid's great peu. L A rani, 10)cýrti Per ine, npariol.firs3t bsstand the ather recelving nlih ydyaeeenetngecce O an rdp i 3 ob ue sulihtyda ae epndnrontie ycesufranyan p- t stohosue.It is curtons, amog Ond 5 cents par ie ah subseqaein.- Loclo,1ýcnt ir io and eeti ih durîng tewoeo dyyaswihsbmilarly"obuide witb tise otiler tings, to see that many of tire great- M. A. JAMES, Publishe part of the night. TIseresults are descriised curves showing temperature cycles. A suc- est things whiçh make up hstory have been pTHE FAMOUS IIEA lu tise Electrical Engineer. Tise general cf- cession of wet years produces excoptionally ït accotuplishefi by tise yonng mon and women. ruo ENT.Forterin Of years, GL feet of the electrie iight appliefi during tiehigs~aeascedo fyyasex. Tinkof Emmet stirrbng ivilization as hieMA .1. is -1<)aces mle to 1 !ey n tire niglît was ta boston maturiîy, epe -tremely iow water. Theme is alimit, bow- dd-ndMAIt i g a ets.H a gcod t: tid:eg and subi Admir'bl- or stock 1ally ibuftie case of lettuce, spinacis and imi- ever, to sncb cumulative effects, for wheu 1only tenty.îbmee years old. Why lho was or Salî,-', i c o an exteusively iqtc ar plants, whieven rau ta seed.before tise ater la high lits ovcrflow le mure rapifi a eadiessbo when they hanged hibm; and r~'TT R f Torpta ~ usiess orstok 'aisl ui eilelaes1r fî e.Grawth se ac- tsais hen it is low, ndan a tmatic check ye n , eIng witithe blod and exampe ai "' L I B 4 0 nmer eau s, .;' e., be proficabitaln al!S Aee py . -~o~Whtb. 2 î~ceerte culi cacey o roitbl ii ~thus providel. a long lino ehind bm could have bo Marketgadn Planlts wthbn five foot of mr bnfe under accusation, more hernic USE IT ONCE .ANIE IÂt ( SL Cnssigo 3 hlmidonftetsyamotîie nE]leetFeeneoi eaio more mourned by bis conntry. a onatd jmt cnl»side tise corpra- soul.Raieswtb six foot weme n a on thanbh. Thn k ai tise Alexander we M C L ' A dionOstan o ff fB)wmanville. There is eadatth,,ebed of y ri As i wo't consent ta my marrysng autsgrtcqumnawmdadd.IN guo hue lm, ad stabe outhse promises, sicies urme tsein e, 'uoigtoOlp ia tse g oth qeity-î lîr stai us vlso oassî o f youug urcisor nuw be. ssayre mbrta by appiying tise lectric temn of my chaice rrgigt lP iL tti g ftit-he!Ms fu 'bl -aeor ad a striait runuin4creok of culreni't tothse seeds and afterward tte wtshm detrh loaRwo, l ae 0111y begun telive et tisai oge. And A ~ ~~ gr~~ atraosethe,ý property. Eveiryihingis soil, Spe>-chuef cansed radisises ta grow 17 antly, ta ber father, witis a tos ailier bei. yet hole was; a king thirteen years b ...'..J. godCniinand state ai cultivation. Tise -Aefor2ZBe( Prupe)rîy wilI beisoW' oheaD and on easy terni incises long and 5ý1 incises lu diamee. n "Are yau, my dear 1" soid bier father- w,,itb ingsm igapan oqoo opa en.Aiýpiy ta L. A. WTOLor Tuas tire crops iin tisesnormal hall ai tise Cornelli viso h -tisbe bye,%vasthseeditorof tise"Week-r meal ambition. By tlise way, that saIn SnavBamavîieont. 45 forcing kanse were about iwice as great~l oe,-uel."V1,i' at ail Alexndes could have founrai worlds eoogh Sthese lu the lhou exposef ta tise electrie a bafi idea; it'il make a splendid article for ta 4nquer if hoe bad only turned te tise O T~I'dL~ 'tF~U~~L!JL~NU llght. Wben tise ligisi was inclosed inl a nsy paPer. Jsist thinlk how weli tise bai-stieada ats aî ieRmn j gobeai hît "pel glsstie efeu aiitlino wii eafi : ý'Elopomeut ai tise Editor's we 1e Iaiea looking for fightbng fans about tisat Ladlie' and Gent ' ,woer of ail kînfis, Featîs- upon tise plants wos soirenedl, but das stili Daugiter l' Why, tise circulation will go tinç, andi could have kept hlm frous griov- ors, Gboves, Ribisans, Laces, Curteins, and injurions, oxcept with.mspet toilettuce, tise up by leps andi bounds!" ing ta deatis at least. True, ail bis tradb. a%Ï i1 lans ai faiîcy goods Dyed, Cbeaeofi c condition of whlcbî was imiproved. ra dn' ean .to say, pa, tisai youi'd ho tiol, turned hlm ta Persia, hnt a richer 3r>tCleanief. Work positively guoran- Experiments wltb flowers showod that snc rt st pbisarpia oUoiw~as tise Italian poninsulo. w l e fund i teedth bet No peddling wagon empioyed. tise colors ai tulips were mode deeper and affaire ta tise worid ?" askofi bis daugister, Ad poor Marie Antoinette gabng ta w l beIP- id i A mehabie gent u ovey tow. noer far a few days, aithougis aiterward with a hommfied look. d ath iirty-elgbî, wiîis a nation cursbngao r BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC C'Y.y tisecpina nesiywslet e "Most assurediy I xoud,"was tisrepiy. ho, ,hnter o lufe ai ail tise pleasure o quoen 0 t Cod edibi yes.hoa flawems gmawing near tise electrie lgit ol1r ue is a chance afinicroasing the afVjiFice could finfi. Scorcely les sad se GodMdlstDes irculation ai my papier. Lot me sec, Jusiahic ie1hugs f 1kn'edaistsesm Mustreai, Toranto,, Ottawa and Quebec. were uniiarmily iujued; tise laves were Stubsis he maofyu hieinl? 11, ugfi'ftrkgsdahtesie Agent lu Bowmauvsble, emali, tise flowers woee mail, and tîsase on s stsemnai .orcacie o1~ when lho aas only a year aider tisan J.HD BO, TTOE. tise lawer part of tiecsese mmed israwu Waî a isl bas ed hair, because 'she , hume lived ta tiirtY.sevon, tise fateini andi died isefore tîsose ou tho top opened. tiees oiinlaati butmf sar mf g ones, and loi t hehind ishim a logocy C" eTise com nio scarici, dark efi, bloc and pink sjha vil eer 1ho oxhaustndl. For te~ w flawrs es sositumod t a mayeîs isie "He iasn't ed hair !"interruptefi Clamla, naisa ot -tonal iief The 1 gist caused ptnapat ago alangriiy. "It's abeauitiful auburn. sîgstF>Ot tsl' yonwe ore e h e p and sIender, while they iloomed esmier and "lOh, auburn, le t tif? new tisere was yeetr *yaUngeIr, býut how deeply lie isod drtink0 ',. Save 5u mustard Peed andi hring je. ta mare pmaiuseiy. But tise flowere ,fadedi someîiig 'huminified 'aboutit, it looks 0asisooddanit ilu.WsntieP. LOc G X. ..L -orWor osee radTun alnuder tise liglît and boeusme pour bu quallty. worm. Of course, I choul have ta give o per- final sumiu)ig up doos came itis probable -Ou r, loseat rad ruk a" Exporiments simiier ta tisose ai Lem.sonal descipi n ii, ondIshouifilike ta tise j idlgmis ai tiste wold will hotsac h Roafi, Oahawa, wheire thse lPghest markeî stram aud otîsors wiso have applied tise say sametising as foiiows :'Wbsen ail tish ui(sr sle Hri"g thaor e ia price will ho paid lu cash hy MtE. L. cument ta seefis and ta tise soil have been \vorldwaso'leep, savetlsetwaiovbnghoemtsof earlti isn asy otiser mon eho bas llved. 'OLSTE, hosucoes r. outerasmade et tise Massachuseetts Agrienitural ibis onantic elopement, tise soit moonligisi Hie t b irtysix yeers really oompress -withiu C maO aeSTr , of u cc8ieede th o ura er o lle e and tie resu t w 111 so n ho m de r , a mdbie stalwa t ferra and handso mne t e a cai vofexecution and enjoyerea.. Ccc a..s mac age ai aur bus nes th ra.k ow s. Lem troin nie sured tie influence face of'-D ear nm e ! w hat a sism e if is hoe The lbst ai M a rha i B uc er's l ufe, O u tie N. B, KENEY & oN, aitise ourressi upais growing wiseat os xwel, booms sucis a iorridiy cammoupiace nime Os tirbuwsrii its ls.Wlig lapon segetebies, procnring 50 per cent. Josaei Stuhilsîn! But it'ii have ta go in- m o lived forty years aiter bis grendesi ao- FAMSFR AE.more wheat frm à snmall tract om whicî,tires'arnd Indsorne face off Josaal Sti-bbles, as! conplishment, but le flevr Outived the by e net ,vorhr ni wires tison w grown onbis lady-lox-r, wtls peipitatiig iseari, and 'bnsorýt ateroo hlesinPusadacsey our.t 8ya wl purchase 76 ocree au adjoininigtr-actoaisimlar soil'wîere n love weling np lu hem heautifîsl oyos, an- Walîer Scott had botter nover been bomu. for IMen and Boy ltOO il good hause and gouf euse. Whil Oitibnildîngs an electricity was ts hil tse"ms tae iul wie saariasA vn elAnd yet wisat wse in utise man's succees- :Da7 Icains al i aîeà; have >beîngton,'veld ieyond a tlonb: tisai tise fnsda.Isy es that con atonefor tise pain of a bankruptoy R blp e wipurchae good homne gota ay plents is greatly accelerated -Dehoquetpel"excaied loa $o~J ? n 4mb con.. Darlngton,con. by applyinig tise electria carren' t aifraita witis a pont. insaiiity tiat mode hlm boîbievee h ad pasd thtone douse, afterwamd t t e ind tise 'Ltm s, er ,1shonld ts-1e olr ia b wdrIwuduaie bmsbdb~s. acr s, iîî pur has on ai air jus i eove tie surface ai tie gr und, like ta w rite s am ehisg a ter tie style aiofo is~ lid n ver been w ritten tisnS e i a $150 0 willpurchse o ebndiîltb a ,maonty ai tise plants wisicishveilic egon but hweuI? Josiais knawiacoet a man wisat if oast bim. atn $ 11 000the bosi fatrasbetwees n ue i l eeprmem r otijrdStubisies ias'i oa talwart form ; he'e oniy <ion cmprasd u on eas i ibasiîy wa nvil îe a d N w o m e c n e u n by s nob tr at uent, it is a Ies sw n tisai the about fiv o f ot w itlou i. bis high-ieeled -tisroeIl mre tisn royal onors, but aside frc u acres. <as 10 ac es a id g ow h of fl ,,i g las i~ ndu,,cedl y boots, and h ' a y h ,i - u- -ns me e $ ~ i l l p u r c : a s 1 0 0g m o r i s - - f o w e i n g s e ' e n t i s i g i e n d s m e . 1 1 0 t i a t i c a d e l i s v e r m s o a b o v e t r i b u l a t i o n . $2 0, 1 Mnvr wthgndth l ig lit, a f scammonîy ue b as-or-auburn bair, e crap ai ireckles ail Hia oariy 111e was discsîmsmoing; his loto ___________________ buildings, ail cleured 'gond si. isaexhaeustive -and unbnaithy. It dons net ts ya1rud and altogetiser be eally, a years w-,ere alnsast desolate.9. acres ai land considered ta e, îafllaw, isowver, that under usodifying con- mosi unxvsome-loaklng yanng mon. Tlis*ink aif hose twonty yeers ai Napoleon, O mie of tise bezt farus, on Con.iiiasyî ah1acraie y Coefu Agaîn, yan ca'î elope irra nyanr windofon70ta10.Hweetdblte Darliegton. good buildings, goai îccaîîty anc ,yttob scrane yarflWo o) 70bd110n' lebatadb fee meaib01od- For anY of above propertbes tests, tisligist caunnai hc nsed Leac0000lerete der o t its aiedJsasc the wrdabout like a teunifs hallholi pplyta ftisegrowrh of snob pieuta and fiainevege. get round ihat way. Yon'il bave t smov tdwtsont lving ad 1deal oyefi iet LEVI A. W. TOLE'tables witisout causing1 oxisusiion or ls isemi' mosfn ieeruflngist7,anfi cois uci(tiug; aw lie semate wis breatlss Real Fetete Agent end Auctionner. arigqn'alhîy, even thon Josiahils itand a goofi chanceJ termar ý oery nationai tise eartis, and yet peîrngfi ieisg I"mn n b";- and, praperby speaking, could niot fasen ta bim witis isoaksenduring TN E O E L~aJosials ouglît ta have a coachs and-four or, a cbiagli imend xvho wouid onîhive caiausiîv. ibe g tLU n un THE KEY TrýýBear H1untiug uin tise Rookies, aitishe very Ieast, a carrig-end -pair, wi.Meniy tisinge considered, Napoleon diec Boo lunin, s gnealmueI u oting aitishe end ai tise lene. Bit I don't tisink vory voung ai fifty-two. rnanvilîe and surrc ItJosiasa ons xii mmm ta a carriage-and. aq nbdarnorel ieb e timk wo i na ~iiss.reIsn pair-heoanly gots thity chillings a iveek, usarkabî)e usanner. At tise age ai sixty-five, ha e b ught out j - n raher veryyou knaw-and, isesides, thsore isn't a loue aller vbi demoîsstmeîed a learnng equall- usne and trubewared fo ritinsautb O nearer tison ton mile. Tisa wl() hotcodrno ielis tiseworîd ai htiseure, ai tom ess -Bu sin ess f Thero is isardly e portion ai this . frfo o ttainyus arinsvîf ee ie ig, and tise Irmsodeqnalely; anspenth inn'bselting Ife îeai do ualthellarevo t idn îoafîytea me trogeog acar1o.Pmoulya 1 avn aepiels evc o Unoor~ai te rape îugsur tary m e."L t avvn Wisss is ovmment scout, woigisodsiRve"tiimî,wibauieslewn' y Leake (myseriousiy).-Cn o -A dmdpuni.Colonel Pluke.ti, who8"bas isutea sl, hasisba atudie e (ep ia.seret ? cleaned, Died, Pressed and Repaired hy oniguniuiug rancis ta mine, and Who bas TeYox rn Jsai Suises ŽOdCls.-Wliy? Aren'tyou ia? T1AY Slre aroom ion oy mou I know aifrund, Clora Raweos okeclnpatclic.ITH U b L i..- ~ ielageiwiicsif 1 reuscuser view 0f iim and cause t-.tise conîclusion tisai --TI PUREST, STRONCEST, r~~-îghiy, woivgh_,,ed o'gtbunlded pound. hie sair was eily rd, and tiatie ireck,-A om nh sie Tr .JD er ad U te C ae. WtrDsfeTie ee. les hdlueitken ablase o hsface , fau t !SusailBoy. -Wbatis nogotisi 00cdm warrented te ho as ne one Wllhknc Bofinsudin, ad a ssubrebotsos îîoooîInsituton as es~ fri, ti e wes't ties ort aiyoung man for, BgMo. îob talks about hisenf theonfmu new whea done. Sol b~MS ' eo Ds~ggs,, dLL ,i naverage ai five hundred peopr agod oiggirl tae lpe Wilils. jwhl oare auising ta telS about yoursýelf cl er Kîng and Ontario Streets, ~ ~ yoisr aince h was fotinded. t's all over beweenheus -P c B w avie UCNSALL' -anviile Ont r, and Dealer in Monuments, Tombs ,adstonîes and ail kinds of Arehitectur- zin the best Eturopean and American inites and àlarbles. tDesigns, Superior Workmanship and Je happy to qnote prices on any kinid eln a cail before purchasing. ZT AND, PAPE R STORE is 110w open es of WallI Papers from 5c. to $2 per roll, .er and sold by the paund, Putty, Glass, ss Machine Ojis, etc. lsepaintingo, graining, and decoratinog of all rpainting and kalsorining, Mixed Kalso- Le desired. KIRB'& SHRIN w Hlotel Buildinfg. 14 .VY BODIED) MACHINE OIL )E ONLY BY )s.A & Co0, TORONTO. D YOU WILL USE N'O OTHIER. LMOUS CYLINDER OIL. ýST IN CANADA. R LARDIN- his old .shop, next door Express Office, 1-NvJL E ý constantly on hand MUPLETE AssORTMFýNT -0F- and Fine ys, Women and Children. -S, etc. .nks, Valises, Satchels )n given to Repairing. 3e to the people of Bow- ounding country, that I the, Tin and flar- bormerly carried on by , intend to carry on the the same place. Any iything in either Ilino wilI ne a eall and compare g elsewhere. tiIg goo(t goods at right prices. )oWf to furnace work. We would be me of the following who have had 1can speak of their qualities -- erson, Esq., Sam'l McConnachie, Esq. cClellan, Esq., J.,J. Mason, Esq., John Esq., Mrs. D. Galbraith, Mre. Moorcraft' reliable Hftmphrey in the Harness iw LOCAL AGENT FOR Dominion Organs -PIANOS BOWDTMINVJLLF - OT -OF-

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