V1JLLI STOCK 0F SUPPLIES. Opecia1 attractions in my New 5c. Exercitse Book. ';Ever Ready" 5c. Tablet, 'Student's" 5c. Note Book, iBig 9-00 page 5c. Scribbler, My 5 quire package of Note Faper for 25ets., thie surprise of ail. Fine Wîiting Paper at close- rit prices. P,-,TIREBILCOCE. BOFWMÂNVILLE, Nov. 18, 1891. TH ANKSGIVING. A Very Large Assemblage in The Disciples Churon. A full house greeted the ministers who vddrèssed the meeting in the Disciples' chur4e on Thursday morning. Bey. Geo. ]Purkis and Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., assieted in the devotional exercises, aud 31ev. T. W. Joli iffe and Rey. B. B. 33arnes, pastor of the church, deiivered addresses, both very suitable te the ccas- Ion and highiy appreciated. Au rnany of our readers had net the oppertunity of attending a public Thanksgiving service that day, we give below a summary of Mir. Barnes' eloquent address which waa ex- ternporaneousiy delivered, and which will well repay perusal. l'ASTOI BBiRNES' ADDRE88. It is a natural impulse to which we re- spond in awsembling at this hour for our Thaiesgiving service. This is oe day of ail the year's days bounded on every ide by prayer and praise. Earth under the blesoiug cof God has yielded ber fruiti with an extravagant iiberality and in re- turn, the thankf ni man offers the giaddest Yhomage of the heart in gong, in prayer, in conaecrated life. This day's service is a token of what ouir whole if e should be. Froin the time that gratitude is first awakened, away back in the cold grey dlawn of life's imorning tili hf e sinksbe- hind the purrie twilight of the fading a£-1 ternooni,,it shouid be a sang prolonged, au iineffsing p'ayer î,eliing of the Father's goodnéss from a heart which knows fual welI its own gratitude but is toc, eften forcedjinto secre-cylby the mercilesa poverty of speech. Let us acknowledge the Gre-t ator's cars for us and, at the same time,( that our hearts ariý as barren of the liv-t in ratitude te which we aspire as the fields are fruitful. Followiiig as we do this day the example of "Earth with her -ten thousand voices praîsing God" nîay "be inspircd to sing a song of lof ty praise, t-,' ' us knocw ýthat lthe tonguel e,-er c of Nature is louder,, reaches mwe o ars, sinks deeper into the thoughtful mînd than the grandest speech that the might-E iest brain could frame or that the flamingi tongue of eloquence couid tell. God'st works are filing et every moment the( "stariight aisies" with praise, and shall man be dumb before lis Maker ? lis works are seen on every band. Theyt speak to us. Every blade of gram telsi of a benleficent Creator, the summer new1 dead and buried in the boundesas grave-( yard of the past tells of the eternal sum-t mer with which ileaven is stored; and let1 this hour's service tell us of the time wheni hurnan stainmering lips tuned to the1 snatchless music of heaven will accornpanyi the innumerabie throng of harpers harp- iog with their harps. A splendid bar- vest bas crowned the year's toil. Thei inilliçmn acred filds of wheat give te us the.promise of"bread for the sater." The -unriyalled riclinesof the yield of every progeny of the soil tell us of the rivairy which lias been going on day and niglit, through heat and cold f rom sKeed tirne to harvest, and ail will ingly have paid their tribute I o the mastery of man. A pro- chained between poverty and want slow- ]y wearing ont in its struggle te be free, the extended hand, the ceaselemis cry for breý(a ahSpeak piteously te the posseszbr of 'wealtb. Then is the timbti t show how thau.kful you are. Every tru ou l respond. Think always ofGdsgnr tWity te yen, think of the, heipiessus cf the poor sud of your power te belp. Let me ask cf yen two questions. If yen gave to God in proportion us lie gives te yen bow mucli wonhd yen give ï,ff God gave to you in proportion âs yon give te bim how mucli wouid yen get ? Think on these things.11 But the prosperit>' cf the year teaches us- mors empliaticali>' something cf Ciod's cars for us. Wbat shail we est ? drink ? wherewithal shaîl we lie ciobhed witb man>' are the supreme questions cf ife. Iu the terrifie battis for liread wc wear ciurselves eut net more liy incessant figbting than b>' incessant worry. We are show te catch the mesning of Be net auxieus for the morrow. Our trust is almost stified b>' the streugtb of cvcry ether effort. We must surely say,If God se clothe the grass whirh to-day is sud to-morrew is cast into tihe eveni shahl heunot much moe clothe yeu, Oh ye cf itthe faiti ? His power iu this year's harvest shonld cerepel ns te belisys that hoe is alle te fulfili evar>' word cf promise wbicb bie bas nttered. We fret sud groan toc oftben under the tbought cf bread enougli toeaet wben we ahold lis trusting patiett>'asd hopefuhi>'. To learu frone God's works the trulli cf bis words shouhd lis the dail>' study cf ever>' in. God neyer belps those wbo wiil net hslp thereselves sud ha bheip le always conditioned on our efforts. M'lien our work is dons faitlifuliy sud there se6s seme great gap in the plan cf our life wbicli se far as buman siglit can see must ever remain sncb, wbeu we struggls lind- 1>' te read tbe ever opeuing riddle liefore ns cf our wants sud poverty, wbeu liow- ing siowiy to carrh unuder tise weigbt cf auxiet>' seif-imposed, then is the time wben tînat whispers words cf hope sud aboya tise truc heart bendîng cioser witb our ueed is an ever prasent Friand in every tires of trouble. Sncb au eue is the God cf harvast.1 But in spiritual matters as in temporal we learu that men are co-werkers witb God. Aftcr ahi, the csrth is the Lord's sud tise fulnezs thereef. lis bhessing with-behd marks ever>' effort a faihure. The busliaudmsn me>' rise witb the sun, toil tihi the stars liid him cesse, areid the consumiug heat sud the devonring cold, but if the cari>' sud latter reins are want- iug in due seasen ail is vain. Se in the kingdom cf grace, the rnost ardent toiler me>' do bis best,bis works me>' le open te the knewhedge cf ahi, but if God dosa net sanction it ià aimeet as if the>' lad not been We look for God's lessiug sud rarel>' is it wtb hehd. Trul>' iere is s ceuse for thsnkfuluess. But we mnust have workers. Workers wth beart sud head and bauds doing with sîl their miglit whatevsr the>' find te do, leaving ahI te the cars ofi Ced. Sncb are the eues ws need in God's vineyard. The fields arewhite slready te harvest. Too ofteu the le rusts iu bauds wlsile we tliink cf the work-. Tlirnst in the sickie 'tis harvsst time sud idiers must îlot hinder the svork cf the wilîug erre>'of toulera. But more tissu ail, the day is s pro- phecy, sud it is the fuifillirnt cf pro. phecy. I hook on the prophetie page sud read of the tirne wbeu the wihderness sud the soluter>'place shallie made ghad sud the dt sert shail rejoice assd hiossore as thse rose. Surel>'that time is come. This year bas made cf thabowling wiidernessa gar- den. Iu part et least the propbecy bas' been fuifilied. But the yeer is e prophecy cf days yet te come, cf the tinse wben right shail triumph evermore, wbeu tise iglit shail clisse esate>hie sbsdows sud wben thie eartb shahllie as leautifui as whien it camiefresh from the Creetor's hand. More than thsat it tells cf the time wben ste shalha>' our wreetb cf garuered sheaves before the Ged cf barvest. GONE TO HIlS REST. Thie 1ev. Canon Mecuali, D. D., rector cf St. John's church, of this towu, lireath- ed bis ast et 4.20 p. m. Sunde>' et the rector>', in the 80th year cf isis age, sud the 40tls year cf bis incumbene>' as rector cf Darlingteu. On~ Saturda>' the 7tb inst., lie officiated et a funeral, sud contracted a cold. Hie preached twice ou Sunda>', the 8tb, thougli feeling verv unwshi. Ou Monda>' Dr. W.S. Boyle, bis physicien, found bim suffering frore s severe attack of pneumonie, sud thougli lie received evsry attention that medical skihh sud kiud friends -could givs, lie passed te bis rest quiatly aud eppareuthy painheesl>' et the heur stated, the ultîreats- cause cf deatli leing heart feilure. lis son, 11ev. A. W. Macuali, of Omaha, Neli., wes tel- egraphed te corneborne ou Frida>', but did net arrive until Monda>'. 11ev. Alex. Macniab, D. D., rector cf Darlington eî'd honorer>' canon cf the dioceasan cthredral cf St. Allien the Martyr, euh>' sou of Si mo n Fraser M-ac- naI6, rmsu>'years e Goverureent officiel, sud graudseu of Dr. Jas. Macuali, regi- mental surgeon te the United Empire Loyalists, was boru et Belleville, count>' sbie, c -tsud .- 1-- euca -d11de Morru' Oarriage Werks I15oe of t.he huit>'places lu towu. The>' have a great î-n.h cf work on liaud aud new orders are eomiug in mpiendidl>. Minard'a Linilmant .xreus~espr StAN et $2 75. One cf the recet uselul patents we have seeu for tcres time h s asafety tng-holçier for ciriages for wbich Pbiip & Edger have securad the soie riglit for Btrrbaj aud Victoria couutlE.s. Ei'cry horss-owu- er should have one. THIE ANTI-CHRIST. Dr.lJobu iloskin, Q. C., cf Toronto, lectured ou Anti-Christ in the asserell> room cf the Hligli Sehool ou Frida>' niglit suad waîs istçnec te liy a large sud appre - ciative audience comspesed of our liest Icitizeus. The chair was ocnupied b>' Col. Cubitt who suits'biy iutroduced the leeru- cd lecturer, stating tisat this is the first cf s series cf lectures to lie given under the auspices cf the Higli Sebool Board during the fali sud winter terres. Dr. fioskin hectured bers in Januar>' Iast ou "*The Great Propheeses in counection withGod's dealiugs witb the Jews aud tise comiug of Christ, " sud several 1Who beard hinu then rsquested bure te gi-vse nother lecture on tise Prophecies.. After the chairmau's opeuing address, 11ev. Adaiu Spencer, M. A., leed in prayer. Like- Dr. Fioskiu's previens lecture, this eue is the resuit cf mul careful study of the Bible sud the stateresuts made are eudorsed b>' Saripture passages throngbout. ris did not attempt te show wbo Anti-Christ wilhlise, but lie is a real persouaity-one of t'lise' Devih's Trinit>'; Satan, Anti-Christ sudtise Feise Propliet. Accordiug te Daniei,he, wilh le e Jew sud will corne eut of theBoman Empire. Somne bave prsdicted thet lie willie e Pope or~ the papse>', lut it is net se. The Scrip- tural references w«re principahi>' in theô Books of Daniel sud Bevelation.Q. We canuot de the lecturer justice 1>' s sy- nopais sud therefore shah net attempt it. The wboie lecture 'wonld lie eà'ahuebhe addition te prophéetie literature. WVheu in London, Enghand, in June hast, Dr, Ficakin was requested te deiver this sares lecture lefore the Prophetie Con- ference, but ais affection cf bis voies pre- ventsd hie cempiance with tise reqncst. The lecture occupied nsarhy an heur and a balf in deiver>' snd the meetinsg was ciosed 1>' ahi joiniug lu siuging tbe Box- cicgy. Miss Armour presided et the Pi'ano. A NOBLE MAN GONE. Tise man>' frieuda of "Dr." Jack Gar. rstt, throughout this cit>' sud ail over the stats, wihliebcdespi>' grisved te learu cf bis demise in tîsis cit>' which occurrcd hast nigist. At 8.40 p.rm. et tise Morton flouse, the sufferings of this wehh known trav-elling resu were eudsd, sud the spirit cf oue of eertb's reosi hehoved sud worthy young resu teckitsfigltto tise realimcof the unnown. Tise cause of bis deatlih s quîek ceusumptien. For sorne tires it wss known b>' iis friends bers that it ivas onhy e question cf a short time until tise chapter wouhd blieneded, as bis lu e hung euh>' b>' s tiread for several deys. The anneuncernenet lest evening cf bis heing in a ver>' how condition, sud that deatis was lieble te ensuse t an>' time, beiped te prepere bisresu>' fsiendsin this cit>' for tise wcrst, but uetwithstaudiug this, tise grief cf thsose wbe baevsaready hierd cf isis sad demise is beyond mneasure, and serra w wihh fil tise heerta cf those wbo reed of it for tise first tires this recrning. Mr. Garrstt, et tise tires cf bis deatha, was ie tise ampiey cf Parette, Au.drce - Ceý, cf Chicago, iu wbcse empie>' lie hiad lies for tise past tan years, enjeying theý entire confidence sud respect oif is em- ployers. For sacrestimlis be as imede tbis mean in tise ait>' had lucr te ftienda, or posssssed more tise unssifish love cf car citizens. Fie wes kind, meuh>' sud gen- erous te e fauht. 0f au inoffensive suid indulgent nature, lie made men>' friençis xherex'er il was bis lot te lie, sud bis friendship wss a source cf pleasure to alil who possesscd it. Fis was s prominent reereler cf tise Enreka icdge, K. cf P., cf this city, sud no eerber s-ver cae nearer personsfying tise hofty priueipiss of the order. W heu il wes ascertaîned yesterda>' that he conld net ive but s short tires, tise intelligence xvas wired bis ereployers ins Chicago, wbo iremediatel>' toeerapised Mr. L. W. Parette, s mereler cf tise firii who happeued to lie in Oreaha et the tire, sud et miduiglit that gentlemen arrived in the cit>', to iste te ses bis faitlifuh cmi- picyse ahive. Mr. Parotte will preball> romain bers until it is ascertained wbat disposition stihliebcrmade cf thie remei)s. Imurediatel>' after bis deaili, word 'wss sent te hie father sud motiser who are travehliug in New York, lut up to tise tires we go te pres othiu'r lis es lss heard frore theni. Jack, as lie sas cahhed 1>' bis friands,1 wae expecting te les-vs for bis home in Canada Monday, but the grire meuster came upon bure wben least expectsd, sud now ha bas found salirigliter sud more Ihissi home, wberc unions are perpetual sud sorrow lias fonnd ne entrence. The loas te that earthhy home cen fiud no -measur-e,--aud until the-mcnring whcn the earth sud ses siieli give np their dean and tise upriglit sud true shaîl stand forth in triumph over destb, tisere williec au irra- parahle x'oid in tise hearts cf thet sorrow,- ing home. decase amng hepersoans eniýtitike ieet '-aV n eard ouly te the clairon cf which ntcshhhave beau raceived as above re- qnlred aud tise sald exocutors will net ha responsible for the assetB or any part thereef so distributeS teauy persan or persans cf whose claire or claires notice shaU mot have beau reealved by them a tishe, lime of suais distribution. D&ted at Og)eaWà " h ~hday 0f Norember il. I. MORPHT. 5oJLcltar tI, thoe Fxsmster METHODIST MISSIONS. ANUAL MEETING 0F THIE DAY ov Q17INTE MISiON--&Y COMMXITTEE IN Bowm.&NyîLxE. The annuai meeting cf the Bay of Quinte Confereuce Missionary Society1 was heid in the Methodist, churcli bere last week. The snniversary sermons cf the seciety were preacbedl Sunday week; in the morning by iRev. J os. -Young, chair- man cf the Uxbridge district, and in the evening liy 1ev. Oshoru R. Lambly, M. A., president of the conference. The congregations at lioth services were very large. . A very pecuhiar incident occurred in connection with these sermons. - Rev. Mr. Young preached an excellent mission- aryý sermon from Rom. 1, 16. Iu the ev- ening 11ev. Mr. Lambly preached from the samne text, bAth having selected the saine Seripture lesson. , Rev. Mr. Lambhy ivas preseuit at the morning service and Itev. Mr Young at the evening service, and each was welh pleased with the other's discourse, whicb thongli from the samie verse were entireiy différent in character, They had better tae an extra skeietou or two along next time. On Monday evening the missionary public meeting was biehd, when suitable and able addresses were delivered by 11ev. Wm. Burns, Oak- wood, chairman cf Canningtou district; 11ev. Thos. Campbiell, chairmian cf Lind- say district; 11ev. T. W. Johhiffe, chairman of tihe ]owmanville district; 11ev. 0. R. Lambiy, the presideut, presided. Tbere was a good audience and the collections and suliscriptions exceeded $300. The choir sang saine appropriate anthems. The business meeting on Tuesday was attended liy the followiug ebairmen of districts aud la>' representatives:-Rev. O. R1. Lambhy, M. A,, Wellington; 11ev. C. W. Watcb, Oshawa, secretary of cou- ference; 11ev. Thos. J. Edmison, B. A., B. D., Belleville; 11ev. Edward Roberts, Cobourg; 11ev. T. W. Jolliffe. Bownjan- ville; 11ev. Jos. Young, Uxliridge; 11ev. Win. Burns, Oakwood; 11ev. Thom. M. Campbllh, Lindsay; 11ev. Jos. H. Locke, Peterboro; 11ev. Win. Johnson, Tweed; 11ev. Wm. Jolliffe, Tamworth; and Messrs' J. A. ilolgate, Foxboro; W. R. Ayhs. worth, Deseronto; T. C. Demihi, iNorth- port; S. Hinman, Dnndouahd; Prof. A.R. Bain, LL. D., Cobourg; E. T. Crowie, Phi. D., Markham; J. F. Cummings, Oak- wood; Judge Dean, Lindsay; R. W. Clarke, Mihhbrook; R. Gordon, Tweed; R. E. Joues, Finton. 11ev. O. R. Lamhi>', presided. After devotionah exercises. 11ev. Win. Johnson, Tweed, was elected secretary. The sumi of $12,243 was voted to the couference by the Central Missiouary Board, but the sum was euh>' suffi cient te give to each of the mîssionaries 63 'per cent. of the ameuuls ssked for hy the missions. As the grauts are made on a higher liasis than the>' were a few years ago the ministers am~ better paid. Beys. S. J. Shorey, Nap- anee; John S. Clarke, Brighiton; William Buchanan, sud Dr. S. P. Ford, Norwood, were absent on accounit cf personai or family aflliction. At the afternoeu session the la>' dele- gates eiected Mr. W. R. Aylsworth, cf Deserouto, as a inember cf the Central Board of Missions. The entire field cf nissions within the lionnds of the confer- eues was revie3we, suad special cases re- ceived special attention.' The next mseet- ing of the lioard wl libe heid in George street cburcb, Peterlioro. A cordial vote of tbanks was passed to the citizeus who entertained tise delegates, sud toa11ev. T. W. Joihiffe, the paster of the churcli, for the compieteness cf the arrangements. A SEA VoYACE. A ses voyage is au x- pensive sud extensive prescription, esppso ialiy wbeu aqual>' good resuîts as regards bsaitb, are te lis had liy sîmpi>' taking Burdock Blood Bitters accordfing ta dir- ections. It is s specifie for dyspepsia, cieauses the biood, regulatesl the Ilver, bowels sud kidnsys sud remeoves ail im- pure matter from the system. Notice to Creditors. In the mait ta-of the Estcste of Mar-y Smith, deceased, relic tef Daniel Smith. Pursuant bo Section 36, of Chapter 110, Re. vtsed tatutes of Ontarlo, 1887. notice ls hore-. by given that al oredîtors aud others haviug dlaims againat thse estats of MARY SMITH, late cof tise Town cf Bowmanville lu the County of Durham. deceased, relict cf Daniel Smith. who dled ou or abouet the 23rd day of October A. D. 1891, are heraby required te deliver or saud by post prepaid te John K. Galbraiths, of Bewmanvjfle. aferesaid Solicitor for Williasm Scott. of thse Township cf Pleker log. Iu the County of Ontarlo.Parmer.Executoi. of thse ]ast Will sud Testament of lise said Mary Smiths deceasad, on or before Monday the 22t -day -af -Deceinher, 1891, A stateinent- of their, names aud addresBses aud a ful stt.eetof their claires aud of their securîtles If auy held by tisere. And notice is furtiser given that after tise saiS Sist.day ofIlecember, 1891, tiseexeciitr will proceed te distribute the ass-ts cftihe said deceasad ameongtise parties eiltitled thereto, haying regard ouly te the claires of whlch FOOTWEARt OF EXTRA QUALITY. Prices unquestionably the Flowest. Put the dollar where it does the most~ for you! We will give the limit in quality and value for it- You shall ehoose from Style, Variety, Beauty and Merit. The splendid stock of the season. Guaran.. teed seasonable, warranted reasonable. Corne night in and you wrhl find our stock well filled with the best in Men's Foootwear, Ladies' Footwear, Boys' Footwear, Children's Footwear. New styles ail through th( i1ze. Low priced attractions on every side. You can't help being p~leased. Ail Riglit Goods at Ai Riglit Prices. If you are asking yourself where you can buy the buet and eheapest you can get your answer by calling at 49. Sigu cf the fig Boot drawn liv Two Herses. ]PR £0-1E R VE A-.ND BEAUTJFYe your STOVE-iPIPE"MS by using our celebrated also for ail kinds of IRON WORK. BEST IN USE. Sold by in 19111 THAR IUUIGGISTS MVy stock of 'Fail and Winter Hats is corn plete --- all the NEW Styles. I amn going to seil thern very cheap for cash on ly. A C-ALIL 'AN"TD SUE TH'EM. Gents', Furnishings in good variety and will be sold exceedingly low., Cail and inspect. 1E M1D.A1 E?; tIT, Ž1c3-- Persons'having Furs to be repaired are requested to bring them in earlybefore the busy season begins. AY JR ~Farmeira or thrssha wauting a barrel How ar eyour furz,, làdles If they re- cfbest amhine cil very cheap sali at~ quire repairing take theua to Mayer the STÀTxw&wi offimo- We have three bat. EFunie befoeghia busy seson openii. re furDon't vait t.il you ne.d thesn te wear, We are stili adcling to our stock no-w uines of Stationary and office supplies. Account.2ooks, Memorandums, etc. Paper, Envelopes. Inkstands---a large variety. Stationers, novelties and specialties. Leather goods, Wallets, etc. Wall Paper---very pretty andi neat designs at VARIETY HALL.