x laT'Tl lie startedt off to say sornethiug about the ,,1M T H E Tb n ha r memberd thatwas folishue A 5Q7fli o ~ E u STU l.DER u F iriv rr L1. bayPams.,aga, but ail be said was - 'The Aspnflo ______ aptain was a duckl,-meaning no offense to _îug wator wil WYEDl\ESDAY NOV. 18, 1891, Von, sir,-but tbare was somethiug on bis fuliy. - C(CONTINUED.) " Blowed if 1 have,' says oureatai back Chat I've forgotten. If yoti susp~ect 'hlog'esy,1 hr' o uh That's your lonkzout.' «'Aua when the ship began tol move drop a little tin, "'Chllog,'he cys ' hares to mch 'Buyedif s,' aysthaDutli aptin, The captain sys, ' Quack-quack." o h wtr trafflo here, and thaf's why tbe water's so c'accordiug ,to wht they tall me; and l o1edtecpantuuvr a atrbte r st ~aak si ts theunsadfe whofleeofwckbos too.' and angry,, and le says to himself, 1'MY 3,olld You1 è_hrigs and the steamers that do it,' lie "Gm y cstacpan tsafoolish fonigne's mn awcy with me aga'n. keep dlean! V 0asadal h ieh lssekn1or' ieeleaaywy mstbV go forward;' and hie went forward, and wauts is frcados J lie was thiuiking, ' Lord, Lord, wh1at look at th s. You comealaong salter ime a ace h elcino isl uthe lpeng. a cazyfoo I m 1 Callng aif uoh-sco', as youu can;' and down haie edbiunacle brasses; and hae saw hat hae tiring. Sleep il infg, bcaueb oinfsekawr that very uight, round fhe heal of caes 3a standing thiere aud taiking mother- the fresh air can fEniîsh excepf say,1'dami,' and ha said hrea days' eteasu Co Flores Headad e- akdn!rotcfaI tas silrs adgreatest secret ii hat wliere You or me would say 'yes.' met a Two-streak liuer, very angry, lie- h rau into fhe fo'c's'le bowling most est in life. By 'Dowse,-ay down oss-tiue planking -of -the ing- out of -the head -of the -Strait - aud tice grievous. Ha anust--ha'- gorene srked--for -and ride- if h-ar( Lighf wth bis eye to the crack, sud lh a sw mrhn ati aeurSre hpweei:î ou the Light, and Challonlg o' course wak pyu the muddy water streakiug balow, andh oehu bsmd foliavngireksnover noticed it. Cbaiiong was swimi'batinolc neyer said a wo)rd Lil1 slack water, because uuhre u hs aro aesau at ounid and round the sbip, sayin' 'dam o ilmk the sfseaks kept hisu tongue-tied at such ing bis compauy's COa to please tbe men and to ha took aboard, be-abtte Ou- imes. At sicck water hae says, 1 Cbalkýn g, "Isn ai 'mn, asorcpan cause hae did't know anly botter. oua draebchu ir Je we must buoy his fairway for wrecks' and I do't care whoase fauît t i, ayatHe "Danse didu'tteCll whct bappened after sneeoC holds up bis bauds several imes, show -ng merchaut capta iu, who bcd cmaaboa C ti, but seemingiy our Survey ship iowerad frydoso that dozan ofinrscksoudtcoma peak tu bin juet at dock- .,hefalsrw ýt t wo boafe and weut over tf0 Dowse's buoys.Crepitaco thc fairway,; and Challong says, 1 airo'utin T' y aCool uneub SOethr o Dam. hoke wit ~vrck eoughta kock Iso e'y is e suudiug, and thon fludin ly lui ogtaro N urlga S iaîa, " ht er ftruoule udCalon îiouha ocgae j Car ig4~ csai correct they cut the buoys hat yet seal to hem goas te Wurlee, the village lu the woods mssts stickÀiug up just undel rmy fa'_), Do owse and Challong bcd made, and let tise ivary housek' C,.n3a o hat the Liglit nas ncmed cftc-r, and .uy Lord la mze-cy ou us l' lha scys, -- tide carry 'ani ont 'tbrough the Loby Toby afron t~ H eadîache, canes, stacks and stades of canes and cosr ro-infi 'The place is like RageurSrn t enfi uf the straîr ; and the Dntch gunhoat, ofie second wife o ta h ,rope tbick and flue, ci sorts,-and they c hut summer uight.' elle sant twon'eu senashore to ake cura of tise Use a moplunx sets to work making square floats hv IlAnd au it was. They two lokes at Wuiee Liglît, and the Britonsarte, slle bc ashamed- to tq lchigofta aastgethr oseFoeftriai"ta a lgt n îrnetawywtîDowsa, leaving C h brts my feeling: S reT ro t si h oo oneroartsoefcash ohr strung cos cf long to try to follow thora, c-caihing ' dam ail red and swoll F rost Bites, Sprains, than might have beau ueeded, becausehe Dowse, lie aleeu ,tisarecners - dam' alamoisg tIc wake of the scren', wcter. Wear g a rajoicedin tise corners, fhay beiiig there befuro dark, and ha sai to chllus[g asddliaitiseaving hiimsalf out of wafer anddutaswi B ru isesB s, Etc. square, and the streaks lu -bis haad ' W'iî give asu, sou-etlting tu o aile.Josuiîîg bis wahvelby-foot bsands together. Hes gardon. If Gofi Suid y Droggiats and Dealers averywvhere. iuuu ogas alse h e clt~sil-scdio osyueudrupped asteru ini fiva minutes, and I sup- Chou for Gud's s8 Fifty Cents a bottie. Directions sn canas together, criss-cross and tlswartway , andi bang theru up cloncsida o' the erlc pose haen'en t back tu tfhe Wurlee' Light. tihora olten lu coi Il Languages., -auy way but lonigwas, -and they made up lour ligbts. We mueSýt ea#1'u - to goYou ccî't drown ain Orange-Lord, not aven Dotcokt THE CHIARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, MG. twelve-foot-aqi-sare floats, 111e rafts. T b n dlluFhres on firufi-ide. o trwt round by the mbyPassage, or th,,'i ha11-aitnossnrwFI ame steppedIa - unr nf cet bigaois--r ahblloug -- uxowse coma acrusme n'heu lbacame [tomafoos for a jof'cessans in the centre, and tu the lîecd of ool a haader off tise lighthouse , go abtrdCo! ugand with the Survey ship, citer heingLaowuaobi [Chat fiselashad alig-sir-faot - W- letter,cailI h--e- ekinprw, wsefi 1s icoutea c oe f hnli'e lf n liemt r, and cured of 'tirstwhan il le gr-- emen t anteWadwpitedasa fletcrk l' csdciCe'kles i ldmsehi- ereaksby n'orkiaglsard csnd not]ookiug fomatoas and ti STADI A1ANjK ~genadth 'ie a rc-uY acutihe began to show isisilghts, foerall sr tsia uatanh oldhi.Ha amazed, perhcp, should ha paiuted. Bewe eau thesu Cwo hay Clou nea and bal c dozen nen' ligîlts îsuu me whct I've old yen, sir,casd lbe was fiavor that dopai OF COA N A D A-. m es a round dozen cf these îsaw kiud uf Qh~Ep~esc..we itecoets.~tt555ft C'aptalpaid up, 91,000,OOO6.9et, $26aoO I dKOuyan rasatw onnj.nater. Thon ha 'eitto ailîthe sparohî1isatubanhi dwst ko wlf]em iabttr Thare n'as nu big traffic, uwiug to it heiug witiî ail lis sp:sr ur uiln eilth antsn osehu rohrC ic Bwr"X This Bank je preparod to do Legiti- un the furu of tise mousuon, bof v'iîct flore '-are un eas ery polo tlisaI ai goj t , -e, -Ïbottoun'itls isis bioyiugs auj bis liglitiugs Chat l HIrew branhes. was D)owse cursed et, andi Che strecks lu his santdvn ea.S yî otcig~ cs cho likme. fe put it lu me usany imes,Gltoyiavi mate Bcnking in al its br Dces ts ead, they rail with the fides, as usuel. n'ltb n octera n0as lu"V ulaPib si ea-h flue usure and more aura hc a is clcssed if dru:vie Farmer's notes discounted; "ois lDay acter .day, su soon assacbuuy wa for I risoutheaiopa b he tIres at ometlsing bcd happened lu tiese traite iuttoîsy, Dot drL received and Interest paid on accounits raady, Challoug would ake il out, n'ith fr arswnkbostsewsugu ebcneu him. I1 think Catdisýtracte-d him- _et the tiesceet Ch big rok- Ch t- idi sz imuete pmO' nCtkeuueïosmw1frorcih etr 155 ît iease I -nnd-hinr tnlat tFsîveoadayi buttorcm olan~cd -up wa rds inre &xingsJOi - cbciuboo rpaaddo t eds iaisg sacL oen upestthtsem 1re ý1ilwlsu era"0 sey -pYigb-aboute-Sathtoss Lod snrsa Cra- ili AFTS and Dowse couid sec lim of a clear ulight, wre-~uee~te rCct ~'ss ormediii4 Pirate Te ke ro icba IaauA ndCeiiateus-mde i EGj nlRT'-~a~husa&clmhie hosIt-e u1cxiukediitociïidttYeîteufajiljtC auti fue h hneonmf k- eil Usedt~~a~rcnai~ ~ bîoy4Clina 1 rF, hu.k,, 'a,,-,f0 IjtXli ee,"')l t'T,,itO~ {re ii MEWD SUGTGESTIONS. powdrad oraxin the ries whiteui thecotewndr t leadt in the drin1king wte oture o' cochinea,,lt e) If a bine col'or shows" in thýe rik sometliing aise bc bandsome? Yes, then Vash freeiy. Ai lhe skin. 1n to act. Eat regulry and Brush your teeýth1 beore re- i a cool "roou udknuthat m get inu! Aud perhaLps the is-have somo eýarnest inter- aill me ans cul tivatûe a hobbyv rd. Sueh axercise tends to soul and that brings your b>m. your own Cologne! Pet into bhal ounce of nil of lavender, roselnary, two dracbm-s es- 3 draehms essence bergamot, of cinuamon ; over this pour soi. Two "1cbums" eoould nthis, and cnt expenses, and iven in their sweetuass! saeper should take a nap each will tend to delay the adveut in the bouse ! vashiýng- your dishes. Dou't Lke are of your bauds. It gs to sea nice shapeiy bauds leu hy bot and soapy disb- ,loves when you sweep, and as wban you work in the hblassed you with uceebands saka taire cars of them ! Pub or meal and vinagar. ;omatoes in an iron vessel, an iron spoon, To -cook 6deliclous stew: put your itter into,-thse> cooriug- dish Àbessng bot pour i'îUr thnsaison. Yoýu wiIl ber, ps, tof fiud the diflereuce in mds upon wbether you put -mT5 Skk Il the- dent te a b)Illous state of the system ý scb as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Lisatr,-ss after eating, Pain iu the Side, &o. While t!llýir mlost rexucrkable s uccess has beau shown m coermng broths -Ha fac-vai!" W haf's for - gravas of the gready. " ce, and by thea cîcient Jews iskeisess. That ias tisesin, snDkeniiess !-Chey feli into hssbried wce callefi hy Chie uiders oe regu]at ï,t'hýn and wek, ortify ad build up, iy 1h.u eof OF PURE 6CDD LIVîE-%r WLANO HYPOPHOSPHIÀTES, Of M1ime and Soda. Patatable as Milk. AS A PREVENTIVE OR CUJRE OF COUGHiS OR COLDS, IN ROTH jt-HE OLD AND YOUNG,JIT 18IJNEQUALLED. I Genuine made by Scott & Bowne. Belleville. Salmon Wrapper: at ail Ilruggists, 60c, and] Readea - are eqis umeait bowel~ 5 f -, -1