Si 'e esutateut isa ,oyl.tIe otthe Toronto THE 'AITlFU1L EFOMJIE- niroitegatJus huta uiu ~io1egeut hysuîse I 'iryici---roLbiars cacao rush -inl. ced me be t is U ives'tY, P ieasir v sî.' It is plain tubaieseon i ot Uihe rmaslen ut1ïn cosEdnkngs. i5Oua îlgs ooustinluoieseiin, e e fscbouse is nul har," saiti oua, I"or the its stooti hors ago, s stafely canfle, 'ritî tours rouidt nul have been ef t otieni. I'r "àDýiS.DILiEIL ýýtîî srueg'-ails anti ofty fou-erýs. The nays cri xonter 'rbat ixe 'mlithinit 'rbculie neturius or4 ~lX iCANs u uG E_.ýIî SETC. fthe seîting Suunfellimhouglu une outhlie urr- au tirdutu lais hoe luruine, anti bis beautitul Tb O&o Co.Churcli ai a Temperance row wundows anti restet loviugly un the tiaughter gon,"se ~tRigh1ealeattenio rD. Biller- blonde hisuou a uitile girl. The clilti xas PucI ic Moc te l a sate place, 'rbere Ei W, C Ilsaî'e, M.D. neeiing ou e large chair lite île widoîv, lley coultivuatch the rolibers witbout heiug ire B. MAnsunN, M. D. (,',M. 'rin. Unir- andb vith lier boat la n ouier pliimp,lu auy dangeroutbeing transîioti npun. Tlcy !l VFo or, t 'tin, Mcd. Cologc Jirupiea is a, xvapf slsuntiy, but hltterly. couit sec the mon en ter fhic cala, bhng oui b Member ColilPisys. Surg., ont. IlO Margaefagret, wiry du yo'estay iviat tmasuros tlîy conît fluti. Thonnlthe an -/ aulong 'i' loblibe itie one aI ast, as servants, iaving beau cahot togetisar hy Lb Dit.. C. MIRTcllElE, sue glideti trun flic chaair ant ran toward Geno, appeareti eut atfompiod fo detendt lise ý1xýEMIiER OF COLF-GP 0F' PlIfl-iIANS the d6ooi. But fhe atch ives beyond laoier ails. But tle rckbemîs wereviery powertul, b]t ",;, - Surgeons, Ontaruo, Croner. etc. Offis a d eruloce. Enikihil. 74, reacli, anti nu souinti pierredthetb thick oausirc sud a bloudy battle fobbcwed. _________________doors. Fintinsg fiat liercries- wcne valn,, Poltar Pool:," sbiEperej Mechilhd, pf 0B 11 ElE SEMPSS>N, slie cimhed mb tiste easy chair again, ant II savo my brother tnoer these cruel ma-noc Y->RBiuhilh1 R SOLICITOR, &. OPrTP uponi leranrs ou the linati vit'v ,) Tale nsy cap tu lirns fIazlie iîcay put Il u, E 1J> j CK , tulnairB, King Street. BOWlaru sil, waichcd the suis nntil if saisir om anti escape." sale.doîcie fr ir Otai loen t e vioxvandthougbl thelittle louis fioatlug She van abouftuelabo the csp from hem til lliateiessybueod.tis lwes rinltire sky oohet i bie w-ite sivans twîua- Irat, when PucI cniet 'No,0n, youms-nuu ~.C. IffNKING Ming bu a pur pie ses. TIson il grewv tartoor kocp yousmcep un, on flic obbens 'iii sec yout, itý anti daîher, an-i finaiiy the stars bagan to sud vwill certaiuby carry you awey. I -shal e IOENSED AIJCT ION EE R FOR peep ot, silîl Margaret, tbc nurse, tilt nul go to Garo, anti save hlmt if I caon." ch L tise County of Durhiams. Sales attcnded cpe heu the lie Bro'rie 'rouI seXly s'ay, o en shorisît notice asti lurest rates. Afiti comIlo-I Cunanes P. 0. Me . ehtlMechtild," suçldeniy cniet e for lie toamet inbu lving Cern lie irugît bose li ______________________________-voice, andt urning arounut, the litfIe girl saw lus oxvn lite. But going lu tle youutb, uel fo Pianos Tunesl and tepaired. lise fine un ihe hearilh bsmicg hrightly, andti ouI off hiu cap, anti placing It un Gcro's an lu lis lighf sto a uitile Bioxyde, uol ncsly ieat, sait : " Wih ho bue'ritis your sie."',sa su langeasu Mechtilit. Tise hItle tello'r bat The mument tire ille Bmu'rnie remuvet ne PARTES ISIINtI tH1PIAOSlon'g golden cumin, lauglng bina oyes. snt e bis cap lie 'as accu by fisc ruffians, 'rbo, ft E. unci o nesirn cnuveîlrei aileodefi rusy face. li w'ne a scarlet velvot sit eut thiusiug liat he belongedtol some bandtht lu byea,;.'tChaIlir-DomisN'ON eA- ' bots stutitiet wtbpears,-while lu lie haut wblcl by magie art w-unît nee ecache, se Ovrq n eg, Bow'nayheAfrielsfa iarne i uiegoo e.puercedthefli lte telîow w'il flaeir u'rords, ae 55WOelg l Ieireinbo._____________ "Wliu ave yuu, anti hoîv dit you gef anti lie toîl lifeless lu the grouint. us RORE. YOIJNG, V, S. haro ?' eskhetiMchîilI, haitf igbbened t but Af the saune fiuae the o'ruer ufthîie castle pr FFIC il TU WET DRUANLIgety pioaseù aiIthe sigît rot a xisitor. anti lis mon retunnet, aud the ruhhams flot m ens BlecleTINsEE WsErSîT Du essisiDon' t yon hno' me ?" laugbcedthîe lu haste. Mecilîandut Go rgieveti long v7 V News lfokamtere m. NigbocassistBrownse i'y, I am Puck. You crtain- for their faf tbf nIfriand, sud fhey noywer ton- or vill bcfund frü'hodietit 9hile. uanviegl by tlebgaph un teiophune iili receive prompt pecedt f n50a diffrecioking porion. Andti iera. W, atention l7l-yr I eer sot aiways suhaudsome. When I am th 1.A .Tý,Lwith cross, tlisagreaahb people, 1Ilok wriuh-' Russel Sage to Boys. ba L, A W. ~1Eloti sud ui, andimy voiee is sîrul snt un- The boy îvbu is wauteti bu bhe business UC-T' -.ONEER, APPRAISER, Roai pleassut ; but vvitîn you I S'hall ahnays lie am vrtiu ody i o dctt, asRs Secals stediAn yptfronvineOlu. I amn ho-day. I nb-aIl serve you îvhan I cen, ccii Sage lu an admnimahle article on "ITinoP' tu ur ar utPrvine, anti play 'rilbyou ivîcu Margamef ieaves IBoy lIai is Wecfet," lunflue Nuî ienr I A.A P ,you alune. 1-iuw xi lirat plocase voiruV' Ladies' Hiome Jocual. If bis parant cau- P basio' r li son,sI Mcri t nnt afford lu give liera high-oouonci A ROHTEOT.Plans anti Sp-cifica- buba vrspuaiueilice dean mrnia -ioeetincatioc,lho mut learnu lustndy -jÉ' iens Pfcpa1ed for every clann of building. * dai u w papa lias tai' ns bruiber Gero u h i faahr u tr " y nr i Speiaal attention g7veu ru beatung bise taeig thm ndte ntietcouf beabutsanesoern, lus fi early nru- a9-1 hot waiir sud lu saniiary arrangements. home for yecr. Do yon ibinkto hah Mer- -gbtoebsiesl1gnanib teie - Odbfce: Guano Block, Wlrulby 43 îly gamof 'ril suors hing cao csy sipper? îIsa. g atter business houri, hi cari nu longer _____________________________________blietrunfbstny saidt lal an odiscation is out, T 1 m gettir.gvory huîsgty." ut any one's reacli. 0cr splendid scool as R. "Manero isluolins ciîtig wtb be ysteer, ivîre une can siody by day or bin ~aALA'.L flin srvats u lill u yo," su hsoo-thc evccbng, bas Iput the pricalesfressr e ti Geteenîs Olothes made to Order. 1p1y, Ilbut 1 shiah seoi ricgyouu uoîseîhîg utan education i vilin lime eaci uf al. ire Ca gond fotrh fli pmrty." main tbing, lu thae hegiumng, that, I wooit C AnsdiPucI rau su ý)close lu thie fine fIat ipe8uo by-son ftegetcm : Mechitidcnt : " , do he caretel, un Yu" maudunents, "lonor thy tather andtty a' LI'L il hnnn yonr preffy clothes. " mottrer, that llsy Jays may bie long hinftxe baud r, The Bnowaaîe uuiy isuglietiant i nu suo-'rhicli the Lordt îiy Gotgivetis lIee." The -ment disappeareti. If 'ýas ouf very long,' boy irbho respects bis ftiler anti moîher, a ouwever,util lha agaie iboot Letors fhliut - 'rho reats bis sisfers asubthrs ivill91 tleie hli e lad lus hauts sut pochefs ful oving kinticcîs, lias lidit a good toundationsr ut cales. To Meotilds astonishut i iquir- tn ucetlcner o mid imre isas lu w'beme lhegaI Ibens Pucitangieti parents Itelyou, ndart sfcortany beartily, anti sait : Wbeueven I p! btctny uî i u elmry ugta a this uitile green cap on my licat I t on,, frontyonn sohool boule. hie cires anti ne- hecoux bs ile, anti can be 'hrbeI 'iii cspousiiliiias ut huýeslsite 'rilr came soon Wheu I left yoo I weîrf diectly f0 lIse enugîs. Go b sohool as long, as yoen au,T kilcîsen, w'ree le rvauts sro havucig asd euebr e r or let us u feast. Il 'ras great fun tlu sec tlengazeaieeiinouryutl vii h or ethins b 0O H A N E N L D insurprise whienI snetcbîedt tse cakes juil bu etter lite. Rosi gooti boule ihe Bileha itradute ottireROYal Coleg cf Dental ausilîcit 'raeblouf ru cafther. I wisu hv I.Mk oisi cuibdwi sungeons, Ontario. coulti have bronght yen noune outhle otlier îistumy. Study île progresu ut nations anti OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFECE. guodtlhirngs tho lied."Ptecreso m h aemd 1tosÏ But Mechit fwae veny 'raîl satilfie t vl lecnesutt0]'h aemti cic ILLIG A PEClLTYgreat. If yori lave rnu ibrary ut yonn osvu, ~OL FILIG ASPE JA t he cales, andst ie cxcuiirg pasmet pleasant- jubus une ut' thenunmeromss associations tlu hot AIICALTEETH INSERTED WITIouoe ly 'riti r n uoxvrient uctil tfli lbe girl loinstin uailIcilie, 'rîre gouti, elîtul' PLATES. liegauî lu gîosv sieopy, sud Ilien lIa Brownio booki ssy lie oblairedl. Sf uty religionS ~re reucilues lu pice un aul Deta sait: Cuni ou in ihaf big Cbair, anti I uhali W m. iaîstiAir,. cunstenllyi use pro sing youtlu alop." scence, statocraf t anti hisfony. Learu lue te u Panhe eroaions. Peniin teral en n sfe rergnatiinlligerîfiy, so fref you may bru lu ' nu0nnti 0 t egl tio tChiltien'Ek eci - l, at ien lt, Margaret relumieti, practical use iluste ifete re natlilgauiti -~~L OR WAR4rTD- e xpectiug ofn liltîle charge ru hears, yosm yVoufir. Be sure yuu beglu rbgbb. Do 9] Bracli Dr ~sic tounu tMchîili Sleeping i'reetiy, xhile not 'raste lime in rcadiîsg fmshy books. h 0170,10ucter'sOr th Ie moon raya faliu g -lîmoîn -ghthe wiudoxv - - hisseti hiem softihein anti nusy checks. Fon Abolition Of the Grand Jury. e sevenal deys flic vomie 'rai voy attesnthx-ea lu the cîilti; bof she gre'r careleas agate, Sir John Tisompuon, ftle Dominion M- i is-i -7 7 -',anti rau off lu tire kiioben, Ieavicg Mecbti d tlrof u Justice, some tisse egu atiressetia cr- ri alune. But Fuekl it l orget hlis utile cnier ler to ail tlie jntges lu Canada I trins. sud tiua attorney generals ut oacI provinuceil "No, Mechîilti, we ehal have Sonne fun reive to île expctienoy ut ahuiishlig bhec to-niigir," sait the Buoxynie, "1 harve f unctioni ufthfe guand jury. Foriy-cigbt z brougbt a lithoe cap for you, anti 'e usal replies favîret eboliiun, 41 're agaicit, f hclp ounnelves f0 'rhefevem w'e want." snd. 12 bcd nu opi'sion lu gîx . Jutige t Tire lilfie girl 'ras lu 11gb. gice over tire 'Hugbes uf t ' Thouias, 'l'olias heen Ibonglit, aniputliisg ou their capste leî'r County Juige out Elgin for 37 yenrs, volcus 11f lie peuple 'rishiet theersebves in the lit- thie abolit joîisl s' ca use briefly. lieiSays: dieu 'rîcre tise servants, seafeti arounctias "ln îpeakiugxvitb menof long experience,t fable, 're ealing snd drnkicg. Fucl anti-as ivebi as ibsuse belongiug ho the egal pro-. Mechitid'rouI fronterie plate fu assoflier, feesiomiand sti îer meuu in positions affurding teking a picce of meai home sud corne broat opporionities for obseervation sîstreflection, è VETEINIARY SURGEOfi. lIsera, euijuying ail the tinae tise starlet lisvo,wrfli verytfe' excaptons,fonutansal-t looks Iba fîsotis causeti. Once, as flic cool muel onanimous conclusionî fIat île lune- ORONO, - ONT, 'ras raisiug e glasutf'ride tliser-lips, Puc t ions ufthIe grand jury are an expensivec ol flic glesutrounlier liant, anti, aîticirelie outfimen 'icli isave uu'rtiu paisilel,i Offie -Pest Offise Blck. dinkigfheîine, put theglassoen iishale. anit blt thene existu nDfthle senallance utsa Cibla5 b Y teegrapli or telephone receive 1er Wlien Mechtilit sa'r lu'r righliedetihe neoesîity for thc consiluosuce of a systetu IliCeliate attention. cook'ren, anti what a queer face uhe mate, 'rhicla ias once anuscfo uone. she couldti nulep lauigliug eont. At the IlThe abolition ufthibe systee w oulti raes-i TT~,T~PT~/[ fl(i/VD sountioutlhan vice Margaret amse f nom the sitete ea'rite change id the preenmtCoidu tJoiVl.IJL IV11U MJIV1I) fable set sait' r:Iltiainro Mecbild is caîl- fion otaffairs. SIoulîtilresutitl Ire boI- I E ing m s nreenee l oer, aitieofuthflicmagistrale eppointec toirbus DENTIST. mg e, h us etrdtierosepoitieal influence adwo tpid ees, foundth ittegirl loi ut fthe 'n- ooe oti esuif ah easf 'rouîtlire ofeiot.f tiuî, auJ langhicg hearfily. Thc agitation has heen in motion for souse OFFI E:- earof essrs. Fuel provet a taitîstul filendte tficloue- yeas nanti action is iikoly fe ho laken very by chlt. Dnniug lire long 'Ine ivas suon, if et ae." Higginbotham & Son's Drug 'rubli er uesnly eveny day, anti ly means ut thgf e green caps, tle fîvu mate visirs mbt dis- The Head Sureeon Store, (IOW11 stir tatle auds, w-bieefleicts.nshone hmngîl antio eial-opn Store (dow stais), ransd flic s'rct driwcns blonssed. TIi-y 0f lhe LübnMeialCmpn s nu, aicu weuh mbinthe colt landsuouthîe nortir, aI Torntuo, Canada, ant i uay lie con- BQIVMANVILLE ron uy anow, ant i bec sre u lie seau. suteti cîther in porion or by letton on alî e chronie discases peculier lu mess. Mou, When uprung came Mecibtid n bler young, oIt, or midtle.eged, 'bo findthemn. la l aa0 mmi dob, trient 'rentemeti ver île nauuctarss on selves nervous, 'reato au exiausîci, who are ________________________________ g, anti expeof lu carry yuu off as their nînung, napiti ant irregnlar, the secundi bail p 1soe. h ave bronglit youutle green leat quieler fissu tli first,pain abuut the ca, anihvicg if, you cen easily escape." brèasaI hune, etc.,ea pu'ieyhoue. IýP Iu Meiltraomeanid stfen hast ily dressing, No cure, nu ectlda1 psy. SenX ton boul. Attnes oa.lnduCle. t eIhs si 1gir, iru puf on lie green cap, wilibutire Bruwuie M.V. LUBON, 60 BrunI Street E mc, Tur. thdnai ee. htthe. e ru io ,ii' au "PSthnPa gave he. ouno, Onf. ,Y on FALLSSI CS S .tie onffS et. 1 warrantl 1"Now,," sait Puol, "'e sisaîl go eutt o ___________ t~raed ur Sue it e sase.. oietieru t-iesmeef flic onemy. Vie sisîl op eirtos ,,ifor t resu ecer; mg a cure. seud t I or ior a tneatise esýda irýe B.euleof mny ltu4îie anti gales nu fIel fiey msy enter 'rifbout Mints ut modemale calibhre urtnaîily con- re-,ed.Y.ive-i EasEis rosv FtjcE. bteigt'nIb rii im verythiug iviich is beyund Iheir ~. 16 D~Aî5 T. Mechilti as to figlile thi toi rangc. f hinà like 1,200,000 bales. TIýe latent available figures true Buuenos Gibbon (as he goes omt).-Bab Jove, Bar- Ayrçs show s tofai ut 66,701,097 îineep in kar, fief ftellow Chatteriy is siîpiy 'ronder- Arginfinea, of'rhich 381,012'rere pure biood- fui. Ho, d'ramatic île -'ray lie ftclls bis cd, *4,ý22,2l4 native anti 42,002,871 erixeti. tunny stuibon;bu te o squpre cile ut terrilury, anti 17ý' heop per know, lie gots theer ail freer theatre p'ro- capilaI ut populatioin. granunes.-[Pnck. OUI~OU8 AI~E. CONVIOT AND qCOLDIER. n RxraeîlinvyintsutiSessu ue ol-A Ti-egekly of Siberia. urulbia River iPnLcu.There cumes from Vladivostuke sunyne Th, ne are lu the world niany bakes sud markahbe for its paithos aud tragcdy oven adseaseah haYýiug -w&,ter peculiar tu arnong the diktaes that miake up the re- ~Iî. ostinoted of thoeeis heDeadsea, cord of Slbo.-i-in lie. At that drty, as bas Lesurface is i,300 foot beloýw tb-ît cf the aiready been annuounced, the construction oe[av. ice sd oe depth is another 180 o t te trans-Siberia'ï ralroati ias begun soie ani hlagstis e ~Caspian ceii, also n lo o tS igo. The work ivas forcis lly enter- the aaalsd withanuofathumnabiebtto. c iupn vith impsing frmahies ai the ~ Exlratof utthe American coutînont bas finie of the visi fi c Cý z,,tËwitch. For tis del -xoaed numiber uf saline sud alkaline prpsaa n-cuber cif couvicts -'rire taian c ai's aI twhicb are abovo sea 1lovel. SaIt thitise ,t bab rors, uder a sfrong rmiitary J ho,1 the largeat aud Du2rhariatheoidest, ha a rd. Arnog lb' se couxres was coie strl e Aliud t4,200 foot. Laite Corne, ilu whitle-hairedl old ma,, f p-atriarchal aspect. 10, e ii i - wS to utW oudàers,"' iîî 7,0U00 te t Ho ',vas a native of Koorok, and bad sIwasi lb p il; the mountaini, whlti- uilaro bas loiss bcou a law-abidirîJ subjeot. But on oee1efi 7iai 800 footitude. The wAers ut tce occasion itho Goverusu icrvoyors; werin r ri rvo are uite hi-ackisli, but lgbf cuin.- meainriug off a slice of bis ground, wili areti -witb 8ltlako whoe e-'ntnîare '20iliey pnoposed te seize. TIC uroteited. alid sul orcnt. sait, being but little iigbtor then iii bi eaOrurituess, ciauceti to step oîponflic beal ses water. suri or's cbaiî, as it Iay ori the gruuud,- Tîke waters ut lakes Owon aud Monu, beture hier. Now, the îurveyor vins the re- li, eatr soouttelire1hv o prosentative of tiue Czar, sud bis Chain for nayebut tbey are îuncharged with su the finie beïng represeured t'ne 1mperJal mmu'. compoundi. Borax lake, lu soutb- sceptre. The peasenî's msi ethenefore, fhE 551cm Oregon, le unaiued trom the buraclo wasaa st not onby ut groîs disrespeot t. ce lhi ra"euf bts watprs. the Little Failier, but bigb treasun itsel.i. 1 Ai' these lakes sud seas bave a visible lu. Theo coîprit 'rus iustanitly arreted, put lu Mi tt, a~ f resu 'aton supply, that compensatea iron.sasud lockedin2acell. Ou bbinbouglif Bt fr ovapuraiusi, but there lisa liftlo alicallue to trial, boîvover, bie iscceeded iru cunvinc- -e and 'saline bake în southern-Wshington, inîg bis jrîdgei tIsat bis faulî ivas accidentaI Gi sys f!tie San Francisco Chroubcie, fliat lias sud nul butoufional, sud accordingiy flic toi uo visible inlat or outiet, thie suppiy coering uferost lcsiieucy ufthtîe tribunal ivai exteuti pa fonm tmro biddon spriugs. It is sitnafed ou efi f0 bii. ou. ho groPat Columbia river plateau, 16 miles jei- , t -ot inteu>ed to deatb, but 'ras thi sonrhi,,t froux Spokane sud 2,300 feet sent to foil in a Siberian cbaiu-ganig for the un abox, eý t1e nier of the ocean. From the ne- remainder of lii lite. lat iolIxirtueî ut the water ht bas been Sp- Workiug outhie railroad et Vladivostoks, foi 'ropi ateby called Modical'lake. Itiliesiluthe ibis poor old maca one riay noticed the vo, id . uIto a great basaitic region througb suldier wbo, witb loadeti rifle, acted as hi,, eid, l the granite crops out occasbouaiby, as guard over hlm sud bis cuerpantues. The W~ utllevesernshore. Thelakebed,,tou,iî-said soidier looket ionuderfully familiaer hlm 15 oe graite. A higli basallo nfidge tu the sud tbe old mn gazed et bici su sieadily as iel re,'adisa shaded by e plue toroît. On f0 nogbect lîla work and f brng lupun hlm- thb tho uppoct side is thre tbniving littie vil- self troru the overseor a reprieranfi anti a il 1 cgeýé 4t Medical Lake. ilîreat ut the knout. After e lime, tbe work pi 1 r~cal bake liai a maximum deptb utf 60 mern edged bis 'ray su close te the guard suý et, i l ait s mile lonigand txlce aiwide.. No that hoe could spea7k to hlm, sud lho asked an piant urows close teor lu the 'rater, anthebo hm wbho ie as and whossce hoe carne. The nei Ltat reigni over'lie Jerk puni is lun- soldier, ut course, mado no reply, anudtitifte pre' "i vc. The water lias been described as noftex'en notice vibo was addreîîiug hlm. ut msrcolored. If ember le, daî'k '11h a The ni iitary law ebsol-etely torhidesa soldion luE greeii tinge tbe description le good. to ipeai te0a counvlct or te notice hlm i luy ae Frcs-,x.ater h t ote otîntiouly a tew ted way, unicîss lushoot lîlci if lho fry tu escape. ut elowthle surface, nut more than 20 foot .But Ihose ut bis comirades who stooti neen 50E muni the, ba7ýke shore. îa'r the soldier tîirn deatbiy pale, sud tison m Anmllte ltelake isnotqiuîtesoscarce b -race hierseif up w11h more than ondinary air iant lite. There is a bug 'rhicb sports rigidi Ly. an un Ibel_ surface, e specias "of erepin liviug But tbe old man persevered. Heedless ut be noru o the bottont, anti a Curions culerai the Ibreats ofthlIe uverseer, hoe threw duwn nt calleft.he "w'allîiug lbb," -wbicb seldom bis tools, loftbis xvork, sud staggeîed 1ip lu co comis te the surface. The basf inmed, the the guard, wbo menirained ilent aud motion- ly axolott, hs qulte nemarhable lu appoanance bess. Their cyces inot, the obd man's Streams- antio ue the most iurcresîing ut Auserican mg itîs tears, the soldion's dry anti fixoti reptiles. as thoseofu the deet. M The Dame 1'secrctary fedpole" wculd ha " Alexis, osy son !Tf is on? If us thou " nusý saprprs s sab1k ing tub," toir the cried the iioary-lieeded convict. Wl 'is atýic-k ouftbbiitIsehead lu a way lu Stiîl milia y discipline haIt the guard as a remi d ne uttise sctary bird, and hmu ehbile nud motionleiss a stau. sfc oes mb1es s large tadpolehcing uiglifonue ivas s pictune ut morfal forent. TisonSa ache1s long. A fiuoy membrane extends despite bis efforts f0 control blînsaif, blus D-, aloeg the bacir, continuing along the rupper quivered, lii kuces tîcnîbled. Ho awayed eb and 'lut-ver sities ufthe couipresie i l. The te and hio,.lHe grasped isi rifle couvubsix ely S- furs ffeet have tour tues, the bluden five. aii dne'riimersaf itp as if on dreassparade. B? [h ysare ut all aud oifbiouf litis. The The next mioment bis arns elte 0 is sides, isîii iethe bead, is largo andi ugiy. bis rifle dropped ltiste grounti. and i vitlîut tet Ousr ltural histories speak of the axolutt as a word, un aven s groan, lho fll et hie ftfl- Pi r Met-,ican reptile, aud it bas been gix on a en's te't, eppanently a corpse. i sepacete genus-siredoii, If hs sh undent The convict I hrew lîimselt upon bis son s di, in itiè4xican lakes as lu bo s source ut foodi body, covoning it witb hisses sud iteîing as ufo ùiratis os. Notunutil the discovery nild cries ot endeerîcent anti ut griot. The of laze Como, Wyuuicg, 'ras it kuuwu tirai ovenseer anti the ufîrur gurde, aoeiîîg ix aI the apiiime1lived in the Unitedi States. lied bappened, but nul undterstanding if, Protessor Marab tuok somee ut thons to New 1nushedti uthe sput. Tbey suppusedithatt flin Hayon frnmthis inuuntain ishe, sud Ihe olti ouvief bîad attacked the soldier, perbaps cu rceîý,iculi rnd as surpniseti to leeru thaf k-ilied lins. If wes their businss teSuppose A in ge new surnonndirgs they passeti thai, anywsy. Su îbey reiseti the huitis ut g, tbrnogb i olier metimonphosis, bosinrg ibeir Itheîr rifles ant inluaemouent would baveu gill, 'anti finniy adoi vineuts, while thirir Itochefi ouf the old inan's hrains. But une a .rihetondeelpeiuugsepneslt sugriostori that they shrouiti finît tdrag ftle 0o they, wouald live un flicopen eir sud thein cuiit trotu the suldier"s body, lest seine ofthb syc; Wvere protected wrtb lide. lu tact if is the"n blows shouiti faîl upon tbe latter. Tisc s fruo amiblystumna, anti liedbeen wrongly they tiuggled ln vaiu to do. Thougl laIt hi sa~,nover hsviug lu ifs native babibation a duoîrn of ilions tugged at 11cm, fhey could al reacbicd mure mature, existence then the Dot sparate flic two bodios, snd the old ri lerveji stcte. The existence ufthoe xclutt muan neyer noficed themerceu, but kept on, lu MIiie'ai hhe ni- even the existenîce ufthfle kiseing bis unconscious son anti uttbong bis ti lake ilsoît, is, perbepi, naw lueinuit wilti, inarticulafe cries. hý zoolo1, ists. Il le also saidte sport in flic A cent wss thon brouglit, sud fthe lwu tresh 'rater ut lako Waslsatucna, W'asliiug. bodies, iuseparably claspoti togeth or, wcre i ion, laid lu il and taken, nuder s strong gurîrd, d lu the boîpitel, wbene tiese urgeon 'roulti Pemarkable Sagacity. quickly cul off tihe obti mau's armes anti thus WVo-tatke Ihil.,acounf ut an exhibi- part the fwo. But whou tbe surgont saw o lion 0f tbe reerkable îagacity ut s daim theru, flic frutl dewned ninol ieri. lie f ol tit troma fle Baming,. Cal., Herald : Lait tlu iodiens, sud fbey. îvho bail been esqer s( Suuiay C. Sweoee andtihIe writem were te bossflie oit eran on their bayonets, ussanci- driviirg up flic Wafem Canon sud as wevo off '11h tban floxvicgto'rn tiroir cheeks. tnruçti a bond 're sexy s due andiPn young Pmeseufby the toctons guI ftle oltimmri lu tawn drinkirig fruer tle atone dicb. At lousen bus hultilupon flic solier's body, anti, ou_11 appmoacb the suiuass ivre stanileti, anti dreatitul tu relate, beo'ras lnsfantly taken iu attempting tl urn andsudvntise pour iash tu nheumeis Ton fhoy' fuerte litIle tawu lusit s balance andi fellitio tels, eiboehswrk hnthytre dutoli. As mauy ut unr readers îînu', the fîseir atteunou flich sobtiien. Unden Iheir îvm er rime very swifty ant in groat volume effurt s lie soon regaineti cunaciounuesa, but sudut oure fictaw 'ri cr-not meassn. lie 'as uucnrably mat. Tliey tnp thore, ado oretefanwsCr ouk biler Ilielnighl lu au esyluer, The ccxl ried dowu streser. Tbe nioflier deer seemet od is h lie tl si slltar outlus andti ais alung ilieedge u ofr,,kseain. a rsmrioiofl lire 11 toili trilg tu reachblhem oflsprng with "But lien'." ccrieti "1RHow ery hem Iseati. Sadderîly sho mati aiead ut tire tsmyornIshl . re "Y( fotigfewu ton ,,uiiie lithoe distatnce. Sil e n pluneti b ie dieliirhii be heti dîvu Thon une u'.the soldions ton tise firsf lime itreeni anti lier lhiquarters foward Itohero eiay pdisilienticuette tawn. She braeot lier tre foot firmîy iskuov pnîuet lire crovices ut the rocks f0 resiaftirh rush" Yonr sou," hoe saii, "lives ; but lie la ut xyýtern aseo- ve aw w ' asb- lopelessiy insane." on ts nolîors hck ntiit nsînc- At fle word the olti mac staneti, hunîf ed ý, np is ohrsbckadi ntn-into a pesî ut teartul lauglîler, sud tollton- fivei]y cbssped b or neck ivithirfis fore legs, adi ovusos hy are i he doe theis spmausg frocs th iretîcîs 'lui vai lu turivusitansd Trom tcarnete ho the tirxvwn on lier back. She bey down antid s uls opta, nitonteel b t*baby deer rollbd 10tirte grunt in au esylum, where they put hics loto the oel tl~nex ri l bis son'%. Theme 'rere fîren two ulte!byexheuistet condition. Mm. Sw-eos . - +- GRATEF1L-TI, ~PN-G. BREAKF3AST. tharough knuwledge of thr naural owhLt govern the operatios of iote ,d nuitrition. and bty a careful application, of je tlue pruport!ei oË well-s.etetdcea.Mr, pps has provideti our breakfas-Gt tbe with a 914eateOly 4fiai ored beveraza which miy save msuy brhavy dotorj' bills. It ie by the id oiOOS c ue u? snob articles otf iet shat sa )stitution may bc gradualy bnitUp until CeGg enough ta reast every tendincy ta ease. iundreds uf subtie maladies ara oat'igarolunf us roady Io attack Z~ereVer ce i8 a weak point. We may escape jnany fatal shnaft by ireepiug ourseîvos well fortifleï th pure blond andi a prinerly nouiuthd ame."-' Civil Sesrvice Gcazette." Made siniply with boiling, water or mik. od ruIly 11u pichets. bY Grocers. labAll Pâ thas: J RES EIrS &A<Co,, lHemoopr'hlle Cheng f. Londoen, Englanil Whiat Salisbur'y Thinks. Lord Saiisbury,it is said, bas decided that he leadership of the bouse of communs shahl evoive upon Sir Michael l{icks-Boach,who ;uiow prosidont of the board of trade. Sir ichaei is a happy medium between Mr. ilfour and Mr. Ùoseheni, and wil do very 7eli until afier the gonieral election. Mr. oschen il oo muoli of the university pro- ,srt eapopular leader, w hile it bas ap- rently bacc agreed that Mr. Balfour .gbt neot et the proseut crisis to leave oi Irish office. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach iites iu himscif the genial qualities of the ite leader, aud considerable uf bis aptitude Dr busi Dess. Hie dors not obtrude himself ry mucb on the bouse, but wben hoe speaks ai stateints are lucîd and convinciug. Vbether ho will bc able to stand the straîn 3douhtfuil, as not very long ago hoe was eportefi in bafi bealth. The leadership uf ie Irish party is causiug ranch discussion. rhere does not sern tube une of the present nrliamentary representatives wbo xviii bei uccessf ni as a leader, owiug ta jealousbes id heariburuings over the fate of Mr. Par- elI. But there is une mnan un wbnin botis actions would probably unite, and wbife ot a brilliant man hoe is une who would spire confidence. This is William Shaw, .Protestant, on whose shoulders the mantie ,fJsaac Butt, the fatbcr ut home rule, de- cendod. Mr. Shawv is uow living lu retire- ,et, lu the enjoyment of goud health and iple fortune. Hie gave way tu Mr. Parnell Jr bas dune mucb. for bis country. It is elieved that Mr. Sbhaw would ho wiliig te tep intu the breaoh and lave bis uubhappy ouutry from the coutinuance of the unseom-ý yquand lnow oxisting. For Over Fifli' Vears ,fs. W1'SLiW'S SOuvrnNG Syncua bas been sediby millitons uf mothers for thoir children hile teething. If dîsturhed ai nfgbî and ou eof your resI by a sick chilti suife ring id cryiuig with pain of Cting Teeth senti et' ice andi get a bottle uf 'Mrs. Winstuw's iotbing Syrup"fcrobildren teething. IF wiIl elleve, the pour luttle suifi-rer immediately. )-pendi upun it, muthers, there is nu mîstake Lbutit. hi cures Diarrboex, rp-galates the onsach and Baxvelsi, Coareq. Wind, Cle 'ftins the Gumg. rotiues Inflamnation andi vos toue andi energy tu the whole systern. tIrs. Winsluw's Suothing lyrup" for cbtîdren eedaiuig je pleasant to the ýteste and is the )escriptiou of une of the uldest andi beet te- aie physiciens anti nurses in the United ates: IPneu 25 cents a boitle: Sold by ai tuggiste tbrouehont thre world. Be sure anti lSk for*MRS: WINSLOW5 luraif d UP A Frenchi Fracticai Jokc, A terrible panic occurreti the uther nigh r the picturesque southeru town uf Beau ,ire, inrmurtalsed by Tartarin de Tarascon. A bord ut wld cattle sîcaped fromi the ,round et Bellogarde, where they ivere tieti Lp, and ran nul tbtrougb flie townl. The nimals or orturned the chairs and tables Dutelde cafes, goroti une of the oldest in- abitants of Beaucaire uamed Meissonier, eerly to death, upset a milkwumean with or pans, knocked down a Loreadur whu, attempted tu lasso themn, anti would have rippefi lis choit open bad hisot receiveti assistance inenioucis uf tîiei. Au excep- touelly lavage bull impaled a citizen on its uorus, andi carried hlmn on ita head tbrough astreet until the man wes diseugage1. lit is said that the animals woro elo bse designedly by une uf the Bellegarde peuple wbo wantod lu play off a rouigh practical joke ot the kiud pecnliar tu tbe southeruer on bis ueighb<'e ns uBeaucaire. in eny case, tho temporsnily emancipeted animais bati omte revenge on those wbo are fond of see- ing tbem badgerod, baiteti and hacked tu noeces at the local bull figbts. When Baby waeslsck, we gave lier Casior!. Wheu she was a Child, se criefi for Castonis. Wbonshe became Miss, sire clung to CasIons.- Whee sire bad Childreui, she gave tben, Casturia. ~~ ~flA-DR TAFT'S ASTiSALN AS H ~~~ne,,yer fa k enftria your address, and we wil1l i bottle. lYSTAFTBRSRCEE M S . TB-Dýo AADA. Manufacturer uf PURES, TRONGESTq DEST, Couteins no Aluer, Amm'mcnia, Lima, Phosphates, or amy Injuniaiit% E.W. GCILLETT. Toronte, ont.