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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1891, p. 2

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WE ~N. NV.25 ,91 Neuralgia, Sciat;cap , Lumbago, BackachG. Headachep Toothache, Sore Throaty Frost B!tes 9 pirainsI, Bruises,_urnâ, Etc. Soid by Druggîsts and Dlealers everyvhere. u ifty Cents a boute. Diretions in Il Langt.ages. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, M&. Canladianl Depc0t". Toronto, Onit. 0F CANADA. ,1 This Bank is preparod to do Legiti-1 mate Banking in ail its branches. c Farmer's notes discounted ; Pepqsits received and Interest paid on accouints of $5 and upwards in Savings Bank Depatmient. 1DRAFTS I"cie and Collections made in Europe UJnited Oltates, and canada. W. J. .JONvES, ONTARIO BANK continues to do a G suerai Bauing Bii 1usiness ]Bowmsanviile.Agency. DEPOSITS Reeplveil In avinga,, tiafitpart1ynent and on ca I and Iinterest allowed mtouront raSsI' No DOtIcecf withdrawai neces3ary. Aildposits payable on demanti, EXCHAÂNGE E iigh tand soin. andrirtss ssueti upon PlrsOPO UJnited States andi Canada, alotold,Slver sud United Staesc Green backF- ouoeht and i olti. COLLECTION S Pr'MPtly mausabaren, roui, pon ail pirt cf Grat Brittain, the Unitedi States ant, ihe DO0 aion cf Cansida.î Telegrapli Transfers M5 de ici- 151540 us email swins on al 1art of 1knada. Thiis l espiecluiyadvantageo s to Per,cnBs living in Manitoba or theNorth.-ê est ,t ' Pts e us eavailable at once at the Otheýr partieulars eallatthe bankr. -"on etant. Manage VETERINARY SURGEON, IR 0WMAN VIL LES, ONT. YIOandSTE f'or LOST or FAILING JIANHOOD, 14,'eneràI and NERVOUS flEBILITY, Weakness of BODY AND H4IND, Eýffects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MIAN- HOOID fully Restored. How toecen- large and strengttieu WEAK UN- DEVELOPE» ORGANS and PARTS OF BODJY. Absolutely -unfailiïýg ,BOXE TREÂflIENT-mBenetits li a day. Mien testlfy from llifty States and Foreign CountrIes, Write them. Book,' explanation and, proofs mailed (sealed) FgIrm ddress F-E1NIEDICAL 00.y e BUFFALO, N.Y. HIOUSEHOLD. Saturday Night Thora is a cestfui sour! about tIse meu- io of Satorday night. To the cich iman who!(,oissaonr!all the cek, trying _>u matu the icslow bouc pass cbosvie, it ipay noS rean couc; but Su iiea ea ahn orkt t isours a ýday for six sý-ys osîtof the sevcu lb bhas asgnlace means rost.i, hiens guing Su ber!antIs- nrS settiug thse alarni-cloet su that it wili ng ont aur! gui the bouse astir aS fis o 'dlock. To the busy ioii"rs lu ur factories and wockslenpc Satucday ssigbt cornes as a biess- ad ccief-a break in a weary rnonotuny.. TIse loose onds o0f tIse wet's work sri-s stisered op. Tihe honsewife sets the gond iy àrray of ustahies m etIse eobuai-, aur! tinks, Il To moi-i-na1I ili rcst." She di-aws ii-r batkut of îniending toarard oer wiSh inarard satisfaction, sr!d arne the stockings sud seas on thse buttons wîth a sente ni celief. Suie ailrocStuCOmorcuw ! The childruu ailpau aovay theli- toycsud theur school books, sud gather round tIse dcc oe cear!tIse weekiy papiers andlook aS tIse siciures. Saturfay nigiet!1 No moi-e wurlt for thirty.eix boucs ! Thiit-s.ix boucs of >cixty minutes cach 1 No mure monoy catîug, no frettiag,nu business cares, n rying Su malte oks balance, uts scauîoiug ni stock reports -unrhiug but i-oct! TIse farmer looks about haic aell filler! arnuc aud over hic grnwing ci-upc, anud b auge p hicscythe lu îlie appie Si-es y thse grind- roue, sar! paye hais.hi-r! man bis aeek'c rages,' aur! cungratuistes hineseli tIsaS an-: tIser week le over. Hie is tirer! ; lhe bac ni-kef bair! ; hcbi-naro cs aeS wiîb tIse sasat by which it aras saif if nidmins îouir! est hie breaf. Rli as amer!tIse i-est which le cuming. Hec pute on a cean euh-t, combe hie aset lokc, sud cite duan StIste supper abicba laour bas given bine the rigiet Su est, anmd he ailiity S te a itboni kiiling hiena it idigestion. Aur! the aay tIhe viauf s isappear les asigbt to malte a dyspuptie huai witIs euvy. Ou Saturfay uighîs oui- filefi-up in, and talk over thoeiseas, sud tell us abat je n the pi pers, sud compare notes ou tbe weather, anr! givo us a f etailer! histury nf the aay Aunt Maria bar!tIse toothace, aud s-bat te deuitt saif aur! boa Uncie John saf au atiaut of choIera coi-but, sud Aur! as urge tisen i S stay longer for it is Saturday ulgiet, we tS.11theeýn ;,sud w arcari oan StIshe gate aritb tIsen, cerik ou tise beauty of the sight, soifasuer if it va-ii rain to-moi-rua. Aur! we go Su ber!, tirer!, but hsappy, sud refleut that au can lic un bof juet as long as we p Icase, foc to-cuti-na is Suday, sud Sunday le tIse day of roiS. ]3oiled Meate. Boibiuig is tIse musi commun aay to coot moats. There le mure wasatehy thiswnetbod tIssuby auyother, ulees the ator lu ahich the meâS is cookef jc utiliser! as soup. Iu tIsaS case csuy sensible peuple msy say tIsaS a pour f icbof muaS nor s ceatScoup rnust hoctIse resuit ni trying Su cake Saru fiches out ni the matecial for one. Tieme are cocoe meas that are sarsays boler!. A iug ni cution is ucually more excellent huil- er! tIssu absu conter! lu any otber svay, be- eansç thrîi S ua';Jlfy aaiug a o mrut on, iarlcbresîd1erc 1! not as gond a meut for, rnasiing as heef, vesi or lariii. Veai aud iamb are oiSon icade into se an sd put-pies, but are nus-or hoilef, Shat le im- corser! lu boilingwater sud conter! till teuder. Boof le sometimes boler!, but more oiten jà le cuokef lu a pot-musS or bi-aiced tIssu huiler!, Coi-uer! bec!, howevec, ic ai- as boilef.e Where corner! beef lis nly ladl pci a e days, that ic, le lu a I lighet cunu," it shouif bu tresSer! lste rech, or lite a leg o!fses oion ; it ehoulf be plungef lu bnjliug ater sud cimmereri vecy eloalytilliIt isthornugbiy dune. \Vheu tIeheubef bacbeen thnrougly corner! h shouif be coveref aith cuit] ater aur! brogbt cloaiy to, the boiiing point, thon sinsmerer! tili doue. All boler! mesS chouif bu stimmef aitor it brais huiler! gently cuverai moments, sud ir is nul usuaily tsecesssry Su stini it again tili it is dous, Airy grosse tIsaS bac risen Su the tnp 1sf tIse pot shouif bc stimmef off as soon ai tIse coat le doue, sud it shouni thon ho tatou up. I hIeuaS is lifted onS hcfui- the puStlestimmnedi l ail] briug antIs i cuneiferable grease. Boîile1 meare requi-' au suif vegetabiauor sauce coi-ver! antIsthon1, andr!foi-ibis resuea capoc sacae s consmoril soi-ver! anti boiled motion, andi a mouif ni cpicef coi-rants or a f ish o! suif apple sauc le very acceptable aitîs tisis roctS. CabbsgE sud beets arbicb arcefi-essor! itith vinea are tIse proverbial accumpaninsent o! buiioc he. TIse liqoor su vIsich mutton or frest boul is huiler! cakes a dellujous snup; bui corner! boul imparte su noucisof its salin( qualitytSuCtie ater iii aiîicbh itic contei tIsaitIshe liquni- becuoes partiesslsriy value besc for soup ; murcover, sait measelus( littie onnuntriment lu boiliîsg ; by the procusý ni corniug tIse juices are ceaief up sud df nSt expesur thenecelves in tIse aatsi-. Foals andf tnrteys for calaf, croquettei or auysilmilar purpose arbore Soy si-e i-e qui-r! cuidr!ie boledr! hiis case the aae they bave buen huiler! lushouir!always b, caver!aur! user!asa stock foc ahite 50oup A foai about s year nid or a lew month oifer, botnoS a tougb nd idbe, shuif t4 chosen foc calaf or croquettes or te ceci once su Ineuipencieseo o dcous sud s( vjhoIemome as8tIse oif ticsgingerunts.Tise, wece erisp, thin and rcub conigh to havee flue nuuty fias-or. hIle none commun na t( fluf nif-fashioner! gingeirnuts or gingercnapi mae as tIey once arere. There ai-e gingei se as Cs gil its mI ho Ca wi fut ly th et wi Ti et st te ci Ca i- th th are diametricaiiy diffecent lu methof. Tse tise munutain prusents ase mass0 difficul- fi-et une, lu ahich isuouk or ater i se-,-,, tios as any of tIse Alps aitb tano or three i bas s-siy littie fleur, arbilu the othor is nebi- oxcepiione. lu l comparstiveiy easy to11 or! quiSe siff. asceuf MouonS ecla, sud ibis climb le made t every once lunaa bhy onue or cocu tour- Beaieged By Wolves,ise A Sedan (Kaus.) correspondfout of thse Lu ÂWFULLIY MIXED. t Anîgelos Times telle tIse fooiing1nr u0 gil's eri-ible experieuco: MarylBoobem, li- Cn ssyh usiD.Iacee10 ats iug antIs ber parents usn a farc we.,st ut 1. ltp hraianeereusus laion Fcity, had au afventure one evoniug ecentily 1lu is tatef hy a cociety paper ni thse east arhich.aili cause lier Su ho careful about bu- tIa e."Tn"Fost sgigt iSg aaay froc home aiter f ariluthse future. s- iu 1uhe olr.DiscBce oni Shbr!been tochuirch antIssucnfe iindeahvlo nrnythduheo r al lîvefd oser ru toan tIssu site dif, su aen i'ladelphisa. TIse doctor, snt to ho ont tbey arest home Mai-y toif tise noS su (lis gosng Su mari-y tIse titighter ini bother about guiuq on alth lber a~ s i e.Forsyth. hS icSueho hopef,sys tise rnoouight, asee aas nuS si-aid. Shie KanssCity Tintes, tIsaStIse four1 peuple suai-et SuaaithtIe balfmile tSulber lhomne.,,mset concened lu tIsis mattesr appreulate s About balf asy les afesrtef cahtrs stxnîng tboroughly tIse curions complications ilu usai- tise mar, j ucîheforeshegot tisere less relatioucbip tisaS ave houer! Su cesult' friuc abat che supposer! Su ho ber dug in tise roaf d.csnb unions. A 15-puzzle is an easy probleneS SIse caibed it, but tise animal susakef wy esd t sund she ihen foaref h wasssa olf.aaSKi heode at Is there jc Gen. Forsytb, arboC sooir caar evoi-ai others, sud as tIsey carnue wa idr!himee i ef up as folu: Suarard lhecrsbcian Su tbe cabin an foiý i. lie ailhoDi-. Raches iather-iu-laa. t tha th dor culdbc asined Iiii- 2. lie aili bu Dr. Baube'c son-in-Iar. suais tSi-ed Su ger lu aur! scratcher! aur! guar- 3.tep-mo bcthîîsem. flisdugte ef aS tise four. qe-ohr Miss Boolsei-trier! Su mate ber it ai e Is hshufniles aub but tise rallisnitise cabin effectusuý,iy fcî- Ser's îtepdaughter.t enef tiesouer!, snd it lmuter!asifsie auir! . 05.He aili bc the hushauf ni tIse daughtert have Su mate a night ni it, but bieri itiser uf els sn-in-iaw. iih hecame alarmer! at ber continuier! absýence, 6.tHemina trwl e i tp forluekner tsa tIe auir nS eay S tse TIse ielationship migbu ho cas-ef out ad-r nigsoresealgs aur! be strtofer.ntsiinitue as lu stands, but if chilf ieu ehouif bisy eu Sutsueabth ecomwle o er sreculS froc buSh unions use family Si-se aili Shisl ey naoftIseircabluîioy eadtIsear, vsbu lu truble. Geni. ForcySI's cbiufreu aohcefief aS tissu-apransd bey calthe auir! h ie bali-brothers or sisters ofc Suor tsei h asarerefsndoposief ttIse tises- step-grandnetieer ; tueur onugrand-c four Sb saf tIaS he rasunS migtend, atIsor aouif c ho ibr otber-în-iaar ; tbeir1 fo tsetnartiaSîby ouf oSgo i,.ur fathor amuir! be-but Sbere is nu use in car- ehe aras sure tIsaSbier fatheraui!coins . ater lber beinrelho amuir! lot ler staý aaray rysig ou tIserelationehip furtber. 15 be- froclisor home aIl niglît. 'Wobv-es,1eP i1tcocos Sun complex. iful su ibis cnunty, but tIsis le tIse fi-st instance of tiseir aîsacting a hrnuan hçinig, A Ransomest (Jheese. aur! 15isloedbtr upon as being a bar! sîgn ; One day reuentiy au Austin gocer recuis--t for if tbey ai-o su boif ouar, Shey wvilbcoerm orlsusa stock ni gonds, aur! among thora inucb arce ahen cuIr! aeathecr sets in. aras s case ni axis grosse put up iu seaul wrooden boxes. A Bird'eUs at of s\Ve While unpacting it, aunid negro enSet-sf Suc iuecetsg oeeratinsreîtin SutLe store, sud siter svatebing tIse gi-neor foc tIs crgiaitratcuto!anodehybir ccses ticas,lbu aster!,Il W'aS yn' goS in demn arere receutiy brougbi by M. Fa',tie boinreVle boxes, boss l tIse PIysiual Society o! Guneva. Accrdiug "Tls cc es e." Su the Medîrel Record, lho quoref thse case "O, l'l l you lise booitncet o <f tise suipe, aÀ oer nidoteti oheeryef h 'lltyuhv abxfrtncns engager! lu copsirîng dameages. WitIs its oceII ioi on rceésatsI. r bak nd eatersit ake averyere " Yee, Ii iogfoisyonme cracers ntIs. 1 drecsiuig, ,sppiyitea piasters tSu1bleeling e,'lgi ynsmcrkrswt o arounus, sud es-en secigah-osu1mit hy esîsto sstouriginre. bosu ýi-1-b 'Weil, I 'levs-eil'Il tate one, bues." si chue us iller! asîsipe arbicI bar! on ts ietTIse grocer gave bini e ossfnitIse boxes sud -a large dressing composuf nif(ou-n tatous audfui nifusacers, sud lhe aent hackteS frocn otîsci partc ni tIse bofdy aur secniiiely 1îsheiear of tise store sudst doaru on a, box fixer! to thes aunr by ths coagnîtef blioof ruest tbein. liearas gone but a far min-t 1' ic lire bar! hmugbi home enipe aitS u tsc, sud Sîssîscame saunteriseg backtountIse to-rovon icathers sti-appef nue S Ise csite front ii tIse store. i ni tIsefracture cofnue or otîserlieh. ~'ci" Well, oncle, it did't taCs you long tSu tmo3t interesiing estampie aras tIsaS o! ,sàcuipe finish yourc cieese," tIse grucecyman remai-r- oi brttbof abuse legc lie laf uufomsunsîtl.ely or!; p broken by asiectef shtIS. Hlie ocq-r! 'IlNo-no, 11l' l ouy', boss, dote crack- o tise animal oiy onu tIsc day foiloarmug, pur! ol rs aruz fine--dcy auz îuigbty fine; but, eet hon sufounuftIsattIse puni-bird bar! o- oss,fst aux de asoesocctchoute fat h ever e Sivof Su spply pressings sud a coit of spilut struet." St tu buSh lichs. [in carrying ont Shit operia- e ienscoine feathers bar! becotus entanigier A Story of Freîterick Thse Great. aour! tIse beat, asif unS beiîeg able Suuise yits cias ungoS iid of Sheto, it aras slieloet A serigeant o! tIse Lfe Guards, very vain, if deadfrfcnnuîgor arien diseoseref. li, a but pocsesecef n ub bras-ciy, ami-e saateb- 5e case recorder! hy M. Magnio, a suipe arlich(is ain Su ahicbholiebar!fastenef a neuskt e ars phervf Sufy aay ntI s bote ihll, being ton pour 1lu boy a waic. Tise r aras substqueutly fouri Su bave foi-uer! 5ýl 1 King, bas- îg heard onithis, aishef te expose d fragmente loto a paraîbel positionu, tIse ine ridicule. Stepping up Suetise solfier, Sfragmente reaching Su tIse tîse, sud secupi-c ed tf! St Shere hy menes sof asciiou g baud o!feater, Sergeaut, you mocu bas-e heen economi- le aud nensintermingied. Ts beseeaeecal ; Issu youu aar a wasicb-,cmne Selus me d.f riual tukb tIse ap ni i, fa t is 5 o'clock ; boa much les-ours? pamtculaiy s-udtby aplictînu TIse solfier, guessing tise intenîtion ni tIse ligature o! a tbfni of at-lealef grass Kiog, but rutbing faon! or!, icmofisSeiy ;e arounri round tIse limb, ni a spiral fuori, asud fos" frhtsebIaig e0 fie! yme-s1ia uSigle "Ycur Majesy, my aratch le neitbeu 5 nr 6 o'cloot, but it telle ose, ase ofuen as I A One-armed Man. lootkaSi, tisaS h1must ho es-r resdy te dis - TIse doctors cay tIsaS a enan cao isel ntI-foc your Majets-" rn tn utIse ai-m thst bas beeuout otf, butStlîaS l I-Ie,-nsiv riend," addredthe King, muuIs is nnsense. Arly man abo bas les ai -m mos-or, "takt hus o kna tueo precise hsour or a le g aili Seii yen tIssu tIse duersa snd alto io ableb to fie foc ce," as tIese ame ,stues ou tIse cicsiug nemenbrs eoncetimes ýget time givieg bine bic oan poctet timo-piece, je ase unir as aoy orber part of hic aoatouey., I stuffef ajth jearels. tl new a mat awho aras shor hontise amu a ýd ShiloIs, an ilaftem tIse hattis aras os-er hoearas "fardening Ohildi-en." ortakeoutSosface boute e uai-by, alors the fl doctors periormed tIse amputation. 'l'le Giest carsesonif bc tatou,sys Dr. Juil, dman ni tIse bouse puStIshe ai-c lu a ca_! u noS Su expose tire upper part o! tIse chesS iu box, nailef inp sud hurler! i lu tIse o-order tSuIlbai-don" cblidren, asenurses xiii chair!. TIse uoxt day tIse wandef solrieu Ssii you. A fear chiîdren neay rei-se tIse n- cumplainef tisaS his ai-ms troubler! Ihw. 1I, ardening procees, but the nîajority aibi te aras ail doubler! up, bue saif, sud tIse figeps nt, for thse powrer o! rscistiug culil youug 1foiS craîuped. lie grochief for tan or Cme c cidiif es ery feehie, aur!tise fset o! a fea Id dasc ithout acyhofy payhug mucb iýýteu j- eing tufficieniiy trong lu consttution Su le tien to lime, for the bouse aras fou cf s-,ouresit such exposure ile nu argument in or! useon, and tIse dotors acre ton buyS a-u isc ichoospatc.Sc ht spare tIse time tSuloot ai tei- au amtaIit tef cibren gi-na bealthy lu epits of, caSher le are, but funaliy tIse eau becauc e SOtroule- thaIssnuconsoquonceni, sucb troatcent. I , cocu tIsaS hey concludef Sutry a lits e, mraiy dosnot mch mater abats le tIse fd pommentl. So arthnut teiiing ic abaiit theyshape ni young cbiidren's eboShes, providef r ere goiog Su do, they aretto tise orebahd, sisey are cnfficiesitly waransd alparts ai-s re dog up tIse sim, tout iot -S ni tIsecamp(ije- 1sdequaSely and nnforciy protectedfrfio t box, laid it esraighS, placer! hs fingers 1!i a externaicoif. Thsey shouif nes-os bh in auy natorai position, arappof j5 inju tto wt ay huas-y or cunehercomo, aud cares sioui 2_tiug, putinsinu a longer box sud hiiait ho taloue Su mate tIse bouse, -So as tm afford 1 i agaun. TIse man feciaref ho feit hie psne perfect freedosu, of mos-snet. )relies-sf aS tIse sery coment absu i dey lg arore ttraigbtesiing thse miseiug much -Ler, udl A new way te Propose. oss-svr compiainof again. TIsey Soir! Ilirni- He-Can yeu keep a secret ? It ntbieg of wasS hey 1usd doue unthi sears se-CexrSainly 1 eau. about Su ho diechargof froc Vthes hcl , li-Tsuh' iet Suyutsa si and thon gav e ic tIes tnry in fuil.Su goS carrier!. - She-ynn dou'S say su Lynivereal enper&c nluestuug asuld drin k lie-Vos, sud h don'V araut anybof y but n hu niquadruple hs genersil healtissund you ito huma i. n0 ad% ea ulise as-rage lije o! tIse race. ________ __Physicisu Su convaescent patient --" My T 1- aks ru nath ts the ngestn. 9 naps cold, it is true, in ail the grocories T1'H1 LOFEIEST BIT Of ICELAND.J id balte chops, but they resembieý the ndd akes onv in name, The oid-fashiouicdl ungercuap haýd nu coda or anything elsu ilA Snswelnd iosasWltsWaAcee- ts cum-,rposîtîn te iaise it. Ih wac, howevurt c e ts is Tss aS 'rmr ade so thin tIsatit couid noS hy any chae-i ThPe higliest seountain 'n Ieelaud was s- s doýughy or heavy. The nid rule for this j cenîfdd ast sommner for ihe first tione. Tihe utcý calied for a cup aud a bal . ofb1utterv,i a iicsceu]l nnoutaineer was Mr. F. MT. W. Up of sugar and une ni Porto Rienornoiaýýs1 Htiveho svas encoragcd wheu he starS- a tbiepooininI ingr.A teaspunui- ter forv IcuIand by infnrmation frone the Roy~ai r! o sod coir! o adedbotarasgeora1~Georaphicai Society that the dificulties in y omitted. Oniy four enough in mul n h way nf climbing ihe OroefaJokfuli wcre îe cake was stlrred in. The dongh wasiU supiiposer! 50 be insuperable. Tie munnialu i onit asthin as a 50cent picce and eýut suý,i iý ar tiesoutlheast unsat,sud is ais impos- oued cakes withs sharp) tin cutter. 'tO~u ihfnstIse e. Mr. Inwell made -cit be baker!in a mor)ato oven. seya atmp n1890 tndlimb tie montain wi1 dry firne and cus cp bef ors tcyort. u eas defuete by th e wuaihei. hey shouir! be a rich brown ii colnioA.1 On Aug. 17 lacst ho left Saodfeli a littie .lainer cule for these cakes cails for bl n sttems on tise coast near ise base of the îp ofso'gar a cuofnimolasses; blf icp mutiat 4 A.M.. -wher. nof course, ih )t biing water sud a bal a cnP n ofl!tter w ,'as broar! dayight in that latituide, ie wac irred rogether and pouced mboton tIe, acenmpauied by two Icelanders as posters. nolasses sud sogar. Twn eventabieý-poon- 11Re struck tho suowsiopesat 10A.M. audit ils nf giuger are then added, and an 'evefi, tiok hlm nino isosrs and s issu Su reach the saspoonfui of coda dissoiver! in. T ho dougi top of the montaiu whose sides are quiSe soulr! be raSher stiff ; knead it alittie, theu ste,,.epaur! covorer! with ice aud cnusv. 7oi it isto very thînshcots, sud cntit inSu Tb ougie this neounnain is the higb est in le- ,kesasud balte oxactiy as yen dif the riclher ianid, its elevation was found hy Mr. lloweil skes. A great îsauy cooks whn tise ms1lk to bu ouly 6,550 feet, bot owiug to the lati- n place ni water tu mix these cakes boll tho Suids the phenomona ni tise. snow clopes nilk with tIse teaspeoful f s oda ansoil' er ompare mnost favorably with Shose of soise bot uver tise butter, m4ilasses ami moontains 10,000 fest highlu i Swiîzerland augar, -which Isad beentpreviouslY mxr c Howeii cays that iciclo galories in the ogether. TIse flur was thn stirref in Sf1 uppor crevasses are particuiariy fine. This se dough was ctiff. It was thor n acçl is undonbtedly one ni the inoct succesclul n., rolied out snd baker!. Tîese two cules f ot,,, ,f climbises of thse ear. for Gents' Clothing Cleansti, Died, Presseti and Repaired by THOS. PEAT, -Dyer anmd Clothes Cleaner. Geods warranted to be as nea oms wlll know theinirom new when dons. Corner Xsng andOntario Streets, *iowmanvilie. :f n( ri PEARLJ3 OF TRUTII, The esseustiai peculiarity ni the Christian life is that it is tIse complote harmnny, the absoluîe sysith-tis, of bote kinsîda nigond. No tie eau be su close, nu love so stroAg s- Su forsu au excuse for telliug a secret ich beintisto a tisird party ;aud it le a altoe seutiment sud a mean jualnnsy that voold coquire 15 aS she bhauds of frieuf or lover, husband or wife. Every one is ai liberty Su decios te receive sncb confdeue «f ho please ; but, baving received it, hoe bas no cight to imspart it. Kunwledgo aiways bas a value of its owu but it may lie latent sund uudevelopud like ful Shat bas neyer been iguited. It is the evolistion of power, the constant exercice of faculiies at wlsich are chouif aim. It is the musy bsands and tise busy braini, botis work- seg, nt for tbeneselves, but for resuits to tho worid, vhiceh are desecving of honor; and whýatsver contributes to their ability s tise mot puteut factor in ail culture ; we sc thisplaîiy lu iil occupations. SSex of the Egg. A qnerist jutt laSely inquired if it be pus- sible Su lletect the sex of the chicken by the shape or fomm of an egg. The camne question bas beon arguer! over and over agaiu, but stili there are those lu the worid wh9o have either forgotten tIse controversies or havte nevoi- huard of then,,su therefore, perbiaps Lt ailbu beneficiai Su briefly reveri Sutiste subjeet., Some aiuthorities have asserted tisati i l quise possible tu fnreteli thse x of the fisture ehick by the chape ni thse egg, and thugie Shece said have-pio-uv or! Sheir tbeory correct in corne instances, they have been ail aS sesaS other rimes, sud oui- nan opinion is Shat lu s acîl-nigs im- possible Su ho abcoiutely correct, sud that it le quiSe a maSter of chance, though thers nmaybehomre attending circunestances Shat heip Su confirm the seleciion ni eggs wirh a view Su produeing whichever ex is deglred, sud Su these ciccumetances reference will ho meade furthec ou. Mc. Lewis Wright, le bis «I llustrated Book nf Puutry, " cayeu- 15 tbac oiSon been sid, that ths ex of the future chicit conld bo foretoîd from the egg. The opiuion le as oif s ac St as Horace, alto affires (Lib. ii- SaS. 4) Shat the long eggs ',would produce cuekesuad are savee tor than the rounid !" Gium laauthes' nid aIIthor,saIIys tis ame. Any sounid lnowledge of the formation of theeg wouid pi-sent sncb ith.surdities from beirg believed wihtboket absuluite pi-oui, wbich. ias nover yet heen obtainef." Tlsnugh certain indivifual species do pro- duce a prepondereuce nionesex ovor another, there will ho iuund vory litile diffoceuce iu the formatin of thse eggs. It will ho genierally foud that eggs laid eaily in the seasons ai produce more coekereis than puilets, whilst laSer on the reculS ailbu quiSe thé opposite. A gain, if uuly aw fe issus are runniug with a cnet the proportion of coukerels wili ho greater-. Th ho hape nf the eggs vary with tise age o! thisen ; for instance, eggs laid bl pullets ot Si'e fi-st yuar i hl b lnger aud more pninted lu shape tIssu Shoco laid by tisamte bird wben tano years nid, Shough at thse commencument of ber secnd year's laying the eggs will stili be s littie longer than Shose laidl subcequently. lu ailihereinre be ceeu test it is quiSe as impossible Sn fore- Sell tIse inure sex ni a chicken fi-cm a cer- tain egg as it is to tell thse prnguny oifasey animal before it is boru. hi s onu of ibose mysteries of nature tIsaS le beyond man's coieprueuesion sud thoce that assume the ceii-imposedî office ni a diviner in caS- iers have lu the ouf Su accept Shings astsoy come, foc Shere bias nover yet heen the maru able Su conuithic chiens heinre Shsy aere hatchef, neitîsur anynne tIsai cnuid Ssii fut s dead curtainiy the future cux oi a chicken froc tIse formation ni the sgg. Tuvice out ni Shi-ice lnclt may favor tise waui ho prog. isosticator; the third lme bis caiculatins sud prognucticatins are ruîblessly upset.- [Loudon Fanciers' Gazette. Monthiy Frizes fer 1SIeNs an 1Girls, The *'Sunlight' Soap o., Tconie, offer thse foloioang pisesevery menth it ii fu-tIserntie to boys ianti grlssede 1reshdieg ln the Pi-ovines o! Ontîcio. abo sendth legre'steet nimber u Onlget waoo set.$10;2lid. $;3d, $3: 4th, $I; à h to 14 s H-and8orne Book ant api-u-picture ru those whosend flot ]cas than 12 araepere. Send waeppers te "Sunlight" Soan Oüff ce. 42 Seýet St, Toroute nos laSer Shan lOti of soochmeunt. sud maiketi "Cumpetitioo"; alco give foullusine, atidress, cge. anti number of araoiers. Winners naunsswcill be poblishet inhaTise Toronto Mail un first Saturday bunosaIs month. Prince Damcoug , tIse brother ni the Kiuj of Siani, evIo ig aS pi-osent lu Paris, says hit thints tIse cusslouacies lu bis eontuiy pu- tIse cart bfore the hocso. They begin, IsE cayc, by pieachiug that ail the Siami-ese tîsus andr ail Shuir bulief in Buddhisnrare euSii-el faise, sud tIsatIshe oniy truth le tIse faitl which SIsey proponr. Then, aitci- pcejur!ic iug tIse penple againtt thene iu this way,the, esîabiish schouls aund do sunse goor! work Ho thinks they nugbt Su bogie by 1openiinj sebouis aur! perfiuing other Iselpini soi-vie whicb tIse peuple eau appreulate, nthueSsi oulighien tue public as ru Sheir tencts: an, while expiainiug tbeir fsith they shouir! no utteriy coodermu Bufiddiisin, butshouid teaul 1abat is gond Chrisîiauiiy aitbout condemui iug what is goor! in tise native iaith. (Jatarrli. The success of this Great Coug1sW C4'reis ,xithout a pa-raliel in the history of med 4rine, &11 druggists are authorized to, sel it on a poe. itive goarantee, a test that no other core car! suc- cessfully stand. That it inay beconie kn,>eFr the Proprietors, at an enor nous expense, iý piacing a Samnple Bottie Free into every honii, ini the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Soire Throat, or Bronchitis, use il, f'oG it wvill cure yuu. If your child haPs the Croup. or Whooping Couagh, ose it promptly, and relfet is sure. If yuu dread that insidions disz-a Consomption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SIIILOiI'S CURE, Price io cts., 50 cts, and $i.oo. If yuurr Lunga are sure or Back lamet use Shilolh's Pornos PlatrPriCe 25 ets. :,ovare Fou?" "Nicely, Thank You." 'Thauk Who?" WVvhy the;.;euorof WVvhilccrïedmnie oft CONSUMPTIO-J Give t1janks for its discovery. That it ducs flot make you sick when yen take it. Give thanks. That it is treetimes as efficaciaus as the old.fashirulced bcod liver oïl. Give tkankr. That itisesuch awondeèr- fui flesh producer. Give thankr. Thatit is the best rexedy 1for Cnu pin eoia Brýon c/itis, 7rasling .'ZDis- eases, CougIzs and Colde, Be sure you gel the gen uine in 'Salmon color wrapper; sold by ail Druggssts, at .5oc. and $i0.o SCOTT &BOWNE, BeileviJ]e. s Sick Headache and relieve a'. t 3 toub eml- e dent to a bilions state of the system. sncbs Dizziuess, Nausea. Drowsiness, flistress after eating, Pain in the Side, &-ý. Whiie tieirinue' remarktable succesa lias been sbo wn In eurii, Hleadaehe, yet ('ARTER's LîvI T ,,£RPInsf are eqnaily valuable in Constipation. curiqý y and preventing this annoying complaint, whil< t1heytaiso correct ail disurders of the stomacx timulaite, the _lier and regulate tlie bntwela sEven if tliey on]y cecd y Achtey wuuld be alnost pricelesas thn who suifer fromi this distressing cnpit ir but fortunately their goodness does fO end boe, and Ibse wbo once try them vOlfind n these little pis valvabie in sn mnny wiys that, tliey wilflotlie wiin. ud ibuttea But ater ail sick head is te bns f suman lies îot orele ,vIere ve maireur greatý boast. Our 1 ils cure It wbule others do ot. CÂRTERs LITTLE Lva1~tsarc (ve"y mall and very eas:;y ru taire. One or te o tu ýL ialîre a dose.. They are trfctly veetaleio do fl tot gripe or purge, toit by their gni 1tOf 1. please ail1 wbo o se them. lu ialaW 1 mts k tve for ' Sl gewhre1,mt yna d ÂT3~IS ~,-~ 1 1a---c d ie the. Ax-edEm-1sonii, sec sial PhtLiss, ud bave bens wl pcand vsit'tie resýuits. JAMS K CROKm.D. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb,. 14', 1889. l ave use,, yesir Emulsion in aàcaseo f ihlhis'e (cnuipin ith berecisi resoîts, wherc patient ceuld flot ueCod Liver Uliin asnv foras. J. H. flROGE , u. D. Brokldy,, N. L, Dec. 20th, 1888. 1 cao tongly rcmecd Fia Seed Eniudse as e' plu te erelief and posibly te cure of all Long, BronchaI and Neno us Ac ins nd a good gclx- cria Loaie suphysical debility. JOHN F. TALISA EMD. Brooklyn N. Y.,Oct. lOte, 186. I a rarFisSeer! Emuisionis ssgreatly supcrior se. lthe Cod Liver 011 Enaulsions sg ealiy 1le use. D. A.G ORTON, M. JD, 137 West 84th St., Newa York, Aug. 6, lm8. 1 bave tiser! your Flax-Secd Esiolsion Comýouud in a, sec cie of Mal-nu tiin and the resu t wa7 flr Is oped o-it was inerveloos, and con- tinuons. [ recommnid it cheerfullv te the profession andhIumanity et large. M. H. ILBERT, M.D. SoId by OruggiSs, PiucO $1.00., FLAX-SEED EMULS'GON lC- 35 Liberty St.,, New York. use thousands of cas8es et hb, --t S"ld ai S f t îtaeding bacs becSeed. eded se atro l-Y 1,yfisi, in is eflcaey that 1 will iecd tWO5OTTL!ES i-REl, with a vALUASSeS TRFATjSR se,.S<1;,i, eseha. collert e,, oui ceeSmetlbsie EXSl',' ' d5 SaS0srsc T. A. SLOCUM, M.C 0., AQýLAUDE ST, WEST, TORIONTO. i1 pC i

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