4Keep your brain free from the fumes of byaiso, forI like-tle stocék."- The father alcohol, your blood free from its taint. of these boys, without any extrar.eous aid, Avoid tobacco as the poison it really is. roei nln fonpvrytocmeee. Keep yourself clean, physically and moral.- - en in this land of large opportunities, ly. Givo your body the care You would and with the heritage oýf their father's good give to any machine of which yeu require name and the incalculable advantage of bis much gcod work. example andtraining, will become affluent Choose carefully the work most1 congen- P. T. B.inýum. jaand for wtiich you feel best ftted. If you)t cannot find it a4 once, tae the bes Brepd Improvement, place you eau get and do yourbetiit doing. In the pursuit of this purpose'he was aster are known. As Osaka covers an Area sntercepted by the American Continent, of nearly eight square miles the damage doue wbich stretches from nortb to south ;so thsý-t must ho cousiderable. In this great city, as far as he was coucerned, the disoovery af which bas somue haif million of inhabitants America was. purely accideutal becau$5(,, the destruction of buildiogs is immense, but China was the oibject of bis voyage; and as,. the loss of life is placed at only 300. The he was by nmeans the first white man ît-o 1055 of life at 1Hioga, which received the reach the Western World, he is not iustly worst sbocks, will doubtless be far greater. eutîtled to be called its discox-erer. Hiogo is tire old Japanese part of the town The Irishinen, the Nortbmen, the Xesb of Kobo and is beautifully situated at the and the Basques were there ages before e entrance to the souud wbich separates the