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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1891, p. 6

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NEW' S fluient stock of gold, lias made itspuhse 1ATE FlTIMf NEW S of grain and produce in trne, will be abi to Liu.~ ~u1Lrdw.N sail through the panic. t 0ý ~ rbu Brusseis is to bave an eievated cable road. hom es Thyoare fsotedish tlo n s;oftn Tasmnania bas djcvered silver mines tar Sierra Madre Mountains, in abu1 3 ýe IT "richer than any in Australia. north latitude, wh!ere the fert i le Casa 9ý ~The Amterdani diamond cutters are do- Grandesa vailey gives them iplenýty Y,' ric3h plorinq the restrictions upon the output of land te tili. Soea of these settieýrs md ýLIdiamonds effccted by the S-olîth African hme further east, but they are retrcating The mnajority of well-read phys- diamond trust. te the larger settlements Cîcar the noun felans now; believe that Consump- St. Mai a nonbscnutrwo~taîins, wlere the climate is bettermaulhrops, tion is ~ germ dîisease. luI other a marquis ; a count wvho earns bis living by are casier t as.Plgmu aîigs wo)rds, inistead of being in the con- making mouse traps, and a batlîing man it is s-aid, are coutrac tod withý imp, i ty. stitution itself it is caused by ininu- whose titie is Cotait Raoulde la Begace Kennedy Sm-itb, a veteran psiu and merale sallcarsiin ith Marquis de Chaînhbery. gu1c-ide of tile Dead River district in Maine, inerýle 'ýIal cratues lvingin te lu a game of cards near Trenton, Texas.bas a highly prized relie in th e fortju et Ia lung havng n busnessther andCharlcy Ban'ks put up hic pistol in lieu of pewder hemn which' ho found in an 4nient eating them away as caterpillars d(? cbips. A dispute arose, and in tihe strugie deîerted bouse near Dead River. 'IIi c',hemr the leaves of trees. for the pot the pistol wient off, soo n is eiaborateiy earved, being comqi l ley ,A Germn The phlegM that 1S Banka through the bead. covered with designs cf birds lh deer, and chips, and bears the inscription: Joýhn Diseasor coughed up is those Over the door of evcry bouse in the large Shannan, bis hemn. Made aItîcneo~ D l e à , parts of the lungs villau e ef Gojumura, Jpan, s t e-ot. e t y 2,76 . ld b letaae ,eo t w h ichh a v ebeen T"Fruga l i iltinslioral poibtc.]y been picked up near the bue 1e h dhi onbleesi oa pin and as ho'-n was found, and it is supposed thnt the! gnawed off and destroyed., These every oee as joiîîed the'ranks of total ah- atce r eis-fBndc rod little bacilli, as the germs are called, st;ainers neospirita of any sort eau be bought areticesaretelu1ba o endotAtni are too sma '.ta be seen, with the ilu the place.,eoebstu.weou n ril e nalceci eye, but tliey are very muti dlive j ust the saine, and enter the body in our food, in the air we: breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and *ncrese wit frightful rapidity. Then GeýrmIan Syrup cornes ini, loosens them, kilis themn, expelis themi, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short timne consump- tives become gerrn-proof and wefl. a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISfHED 1854 SI par annum iu advanco, otborwi a ¶1.53. Subecri.ptions always payable ai, the Mffi "f publication. Advertiainc rateunl', b3by 0>1 raot, 10 centi par lino, noap36ill firsi ingart on, and à vents pgr line nantisubsequeaLini- se tion. Locais, 10 cents par lino. M. A. JAMES, Publishe M ÀA 13ETAFT ASTýHMALEN'E A STH ~URE~erfail ; send y'our addriess, and we w lC R OTailrfrues trial bottie DR. TAFT BEOS., ROCHES- TER.NY.Can ac uDept 186 Ar1eaide RE St. W., ToRtoiiio, CANADA. T"O RENT.-For terni of years, "(lleu -1.. Dhu "-300 acres, 2 miles from Whtby- «Cod buildings and souF Adiîrable -or stock or dairy. t saince for ooing extensively intc Toronto milli business or stock raising foi mmerican with capital poli Asad apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby, 32 tfP OYEIHC ANDCLEANINC Ladies' and Gents' wear of ail kinds, Feath- ers, Gioves, Ribbons, Laces, Curtains, and al kinds of fancy goods Dycd, Cleaned cr French Cleaned. Work positively guaran- teed the best. No peddling wagon cmployed. A reliable agen- in every town. BRITISH AMERICAN I3YEINC CO'.,, Gold Medaist Dyers, Montreai, Toronto, Ottawa and Quehec. Agent in Bowmanviile, . H DOBSON. STATIONER. Save your muatard seed and briug it te our Waro Bouse at Grand lruuk Rail Road, Oahawa, where the hghest market price wil ho paid in cash by Mit E. L. OLNISTRE, who succeeda Mr. Coulter as manager of our buàieýs thera. N. B. K1EENEY & SON. FARMSr- FOR SALE. will purchase 76 acres cutbuilding lon 10tCo)-,, Dariipgon,soil gond clay loani ail clerkl $ 0,;j0 d- âwili piaecnase good home $ ~i 50 uon 415 con.. Dsrlington.eon bauning 10 acres, good atone house, gond out- $[5OOOw ilprhae one of acres. wilI purchase 100 acres* $ 0 0 0 O n Manivers wiih good buildings, -ail cleared. good soul. 4Oacres of land considered to be i c0ee of the best larms on Con. i, Darllngton. gond buildings, gond locality and musi be aold. For any of above properties applito LEVI A. W. TOLICI Ràal Estato Agent and Auctioneer. CON ST PATIO, H ADCH lBlod , e s an rerounsty o alins oa ateloatr fcig ud untire. te :uses euequAls 20 cund Sai oda COSlSS>AilGOe,-s AnSPsAgnts 1 One resuit'cf the cpread et the Molimmed- an religion lu Atrica iste make tribes that formeriy disposed etf ther caphises by cau- nibaliàns save theun and soul then fer slaves. A Batiat rnissbýonary lu Busnsiah is prend tsay that hoe numberi a Bueddhîist pricît Zaînong bis cnsurs. >Iltla very rare iscdeed hhl prieol Te c 4hi faitb-aauon bis religjin. ?eeye-ans mg-Ibtiisparti- celar Lpriesl wo'ed net ai-t on iblsa. olevel wihh a 'Chlrîstiaii,' nom t ak csu muclwi as a tract Irons bis bauds. Ah tisingi are chaug- ed ainee bis conversion, Ho bas casl ofi bis sacmred robes,, ta ken a mite, aud settied domute oa usefut hite as a biackussili mihe preachiug ou Suudays. Thirty-tmo millionseofthtie Russian peas- antmy are nom destitule, declares Senator 'Basinoif, aund1-il îomaici se for Ion aur utha. There are sense extracrdinary exampica et colt denialin the provin'ces. Èrinc(e Rtniski Kýasokoif. the bead cf one o let the nobhec familles is Russia, hibIviug ou ge),se wmort bread, as an example te blis servants. An- othsr ianded proprieter bas turiied ever bis pst pemtyte the pasamits, aundriredaughters bave laken situationsý as goî emnesses. Robert Shaw et ISnow's Falls, Me., meut te, sicep lu a fild the othar day, and irben 'lie amokLsebcmac minus a geod pair et trou- sers. Field mice, mhlchscir nsuluOxford ceunty, had grsamed the garment unIe abreda aud carriedûitamay. The superstition et aaiors tisaI eccîccias- tical associations brin g bad luck te the csip wilh be rmeugtbenie by the receul explosion cf the steansiip Ex aogel's belles eos Pusget Sound, by which three mon more kiiled eut- reclit ansd five otisers hadiy hurt. Evangel bad been a gospel sii1, and mac buil by small contributions fres a groat number et churcb- es. A Pasteur Instilule for the trealment et sables bac been lunexistence at Bunos 1res hhreo yoars. Duning Ihai, lime 828 patients bave been lreated, includiug ahlarge nuniber et porions iho had been billon hy degi aclually mmd as mcii as stuspected cases The resusîts have been exbresneiy satiatactory as ouiy eleven dealbs have thus far been recorded. Steansmhmlibg vessels have nover yet heen empioyed in tise South Pacifie. Il nom ho- gins tle bc ueised about that mhales lu Ihal megion are net se ueamly exîluet as tusey meme repertesi te ho, and Ibal there is reens for the profitable employnEýnt-ýoftasrn halers A mbalissg bamk misich loft Tasmanla on Aug. 17 captnred lunlire days lire largo black mhaies, mhich yielded ambergmis vahued aI The largesl doem s sovelinuthe world is digging outh phosphsate un the iisesat John's Islansd, near Charleston, S. C. Ils moighîis 56 Ions. Il eau dig te a deplh cftboi foot belowir is track ansd te a distance cf forty. tive foot on elîher aide. The dippes, mbich eau swing threugb two-thsirdc cf a circle, bas a capacity ofetuce aud tlssee qluartera cubie yards, and about tire dippes fulliceau be handied lu a minute. Tbe tirsI hespital lu the Kbauale et Bok- basa mas rocently opened miii imposing coremenies by the Russian Govenisuseut agen ts ansd the asîtherities et the country, Tise Esir et Bokhara bas esbablished the institution n lucmmomorabion cf the lncky escape et the Czarewlrch in Japan. AtI le epeuiug cf the heapital the reprosontahive et tbc EmrnI pronouuced a toast in houer et the Czar aud bis Isoir apparenst., Oniy Rucciais physiciaîss have been appoiuted on the medicai staff et the nom istitution. ,More letters go te tise Dead Lettes Office trons Saratoga during Septembe- than trous any other Post Office in the United States. For nine soütsîbofe the year tise pestai buisi- ness there is 1Ihal et an omdiniary loin, but dnring tbree summer menthe the businsess le thal et a city cf msore tIbm 100,000 popula- tion, and irben visitera leave the hotl they neglocl tolebave addmesces te mbi h 'lettons may ho tormard cd. It 1e said thalt uily 251,000 deaths occusrred in ene of the recent epidemies et sînaîl pex in Guatemala, but nolmithstanding Ibis figbttui morîality anJ the frequency et email-pox ecourges, lbe Governument lias taken ne pains te inimoduce aîy uehesie et vaccination, and the 51Statembîwihout any vaccination lame aI ail. Luibtis respect Guatemiala isfasbeinddnseoettheneigihor- ing Centrai American cousulmies. A ns adical Society ini Guatemala bas taken up tise cubject aud mili endeavor te persuade tise Govermsent te, adopt pmoper sanitary lame. The reports tisaI the expoîration el î-ye f rom Russia by may efthe White Sea ivould ho, probibited, bave canaed the Ambassados et Smeden and Normay te aak the Russiais Minuster et Foreign A flais irether tisere ha meaily sncb a measure isicntemnplation. Tise Minuster ansssered that the Czar's ukase about the exportation et sye dees net ens« brace the porta eftIhe Wbý'ite Sea se long as the ahipsont in tlsa ports does net cx- ceed ils normai proportions. The Ministry et the Iruiperiai psoperty bas been intormedl-that despite lioe existiug me- gulations, It ose are wmnen morkîug in tise mines lu the Polilîl provinces, aud that ho. sides the bard imbosrlshey bave lo erorer under the ground aud the rude trealmeul te mbicb tbey are snbjecled, tbey meet mitb accidents more trequeutiy tIbm the mou. A sot et lama bac therefore beuspianned by mbicb lu Rusia, as lu ail other European ceuntries, excepl Beigitns, wmsen miii be prohibiled frein working in mines, aud a heavy flue impoced, on those who emiploy thons aI sncb rk. A St. Petersburg paper predicta a gold panlo in Europe, nceoqe 1o-e te A *mercy, terfces unveiled iuntk n cadep contrition. They asked the Sultan te) have mercy on their hîîsbands, their brothe9rs,, and their chldren. The next dayIthey conitinu- c d thiscr piteous waiiing, and iu the evening ;the Sultan badc thein eturu teahci homes dand seud their hnsbands into camip.lHe ýcoinforted them with themasurance ithat if their tribe obeyed hlm and refraIedfrom bighwny rebbery hie would net attaclt them aagain. * The people ef Afghanistan, groaiiîg n- ffder the heavy taxes their ruier impo.,(,a, are 1skipping over the border at a livelyr rate. aThe last cousus shows that the poptulation ef the Candahar district bas decreased 10,- 000 as compared wiîb the census 3taýken in rthe time ef Shere Ali. Many Afghans h3 fave sold their possessions aud gone te !'>itish India aud Belechistan. Iu the noirthern part of the couutry the exodus bas beau stili tgreafer, the people emigrating te the Enssian tpossessions. Iu Tashkurgau, foriuî,tance, Iwhere, wheu the preceut Ameer atesc sthe throne, theme were 16,000 ocpe bouhases with tnats The Amieer's country used te ho called the land of mn tanîd clones tbut an Indlian journalIsuggeats thaýt If the aproseut flight, continues it v%-ll become a laud et atones alone. i Mr. W. S. Cainie,,a preminont ex imember c f Parliament, said recently iu Edîuhîîir gh that Englaud had forced intoxicants upon the people ef India and hy lber liquor policy had sprend terrible muin aud misemy amuug the native population. The British ýi:scev- tered a huudred years age that absolute pro- hibition was the attitude of the old n ative Governmeuts, lio said, and the peýopie of Indla w'ere by habit, tradition, auid stili more hy religion, total abstainers from iiin- toxicants. Forty years ago an excise syst eni was introuct under whicb the Goveiuiment farmced eut ardent spimits te the biddm mlie teck the iargest quautity, and lu addition, aquired and no'w bolds, a mnopoly in rthe sale cf opium andbhang, the latt er des- 9cribed as the most madderng intoxicýant1 in existence. The system bas spread mvin and desolatiou amnoug the nîatives. Semethiug May be learued froni the factthat the tem- perauce retcrmers nave rocently secured the closîug et evor 10,000 liquor chopa in Madras alone. Manx Rumour. In thIsle cf Man, as in Scotland, mnuch of the humour, says a irriter lu th- tIIi- day Rerieiv, depends upou oddIlSusis cf -jex- zpression. IlIf aver I get te beavoîs, ps' t[parson]," said an old parish clerk, 1' ]t'Il he, under your patronage." The noi on boee Sis fuuny cneugh, giiig a vivid g onps f sthe future state as dcpicted by a macilirbo slbadl sldum beeu ontside bis ocm pairish. tOr tice humeur mnay consisl merely in the unexpecled use cf some particular word. A àqucer old character whb ad been given a snom mutiler and kept it caref'uliy mrapped cup lu paper iustead cf nsing it mopiied te ail eremeustrauces , I'rnRot gain' fur teu nake a hack of ilt a l."-Upon another occasion hoe remarked te a visiter mise had heen much benefited in healh by resideuce oui the 9ialand . I"Yen jas a much battes gentlemian ncw tili yen -svas.i when yen carie" mwith mhich may ho, comnpared the curtly minis- tcr's 'wbo pntteth bier ladyship's 1 nst lu yTbce." To those who teck bis Nordsý liter. eally, another expression cf bis would aous nd a musing. Deacsibing a former mit eash said, Il We mass falilin' ont reg'lar the first two yeam, but atter then I conid mianage h ter." Met alhe meantby the lastphirase mas that maltera had run more snuocthiy. aSome fnasny sterleg arc old about the mar- riage service. Oîseeot hem relates hemI an old man brouglît rather unmillinigly te the altar cculd, uer be induced te relieat thec tresponsee. I"My goodman," at lenigti ex- claiincd the clergymnîa, "I 1really canîsiot marry yen unicca yen d (o as yen are teld P' But the inman stili remjained sulent. At this unexpected hitch- the bride lest al patience with ber future spous, and burst eut miii.-'1(Ge con, yen old tact ! Say it ator hlm just the samne as if Yen mass mcck:,n' bin." The c amne difficulty occurred iii anotheýr case. sThe clergyman, atter ,,xplilng whîeb ias f ecessary and goain« over the rmses 7sevemal Limes withent the simallest effect, tshopped in dismay, whereupon the bride- groom enconsagcd hlm mitb " Go alî]ead, Îacs'ss, go ahead- îhon'rt doin' brav ely ! Upon another ocaini as, stringehy encngh the ivoman who could-ilot ho pro- vailed upon tea poak. Wlscn the cle(,rgy- man remonstrated milh bler, aiel- dignantly repiied, Il Your father niariried mc Imice hefoor, aud.hemasu'taxin' mecany cf thesu imperont questions at ail." S-osue- tinis, as bore, tbis nncouscouns humuar is apt te bie a litle -diaqiieting te tise pond>n te mhom it la addmessed. A certain aiithor, ba-iug explaincd the nature cfiiis occ.upa- tion tean oid Maux wemau, was lsatrdly prepamed for the comment, II Wall, iveil, irbat dccc il mettersa long as a badymiakes bis livin' hones3thy ?-te ords heing ,evideutly mneant te put hlm on beIttes terms mitb hinsselt. But -worso stili famed an IEnglish clergymanfor some lime vicar et a Maux gparish and, frons ignorance of the people and Iboir mays, net a vemy pçspular eue. Having received preferment else mbere hoe started on a round cf tareweli visits, but mithoul bearing a cingle regret th&.l ho was geiug. At at eue old moman to]W mne she was "mortal sorry." lu bis delIgt the vicar lot curiesily entrun discrction, and lie asked fer lber reason." Weil," said ahe, wilb touchiug candeur, "we've liad a lotoe' pasa'us over borest rom Eugland, aud each oee as been womse than the lad ;and, Stiits are ne botter lu conversation than un a foot race. Eî'e mac taken trons Adans's ieftaide, but afler she mas made she almays una-ged le kssepn 'the ight aide oetli" -MR. ABD MES, BOW8SE1-,. Ail uabndage '"stealy."They miii mon~~~ aln i ih or a xvcek or t wo as geod as pie, auJZ thon aillof a suddeu and wvitli ne va Lid excuse they mii b 1reak eut in tise mccl snrprising mnannes'. when Mr. Bomie,.rleft the bouse atter lunchthe the daîy ho was lu great good hum-or auJ stop- ped te0 Say I 1tlîink l'Il stop and-get tickets for the theatre to-night and we'll put lu an eujoy- able evoniug,'" $c ',;len ho returned at six hoe asceuded the stops with a scruif ! semuff ! scmuif 1uiock- cd the front deor, ga ve il a kick and made 5bis way mb th te back parier te grown: L "lMm5. Bowser, do yen prelendte morn this bouse on a cyîte1c?" "l.Why, irbat is wmoug, dearv " ase quer. ced lu reply., "There's-lots cf thinga wreng! i ad ccarcely let t the office i'cvheu tîsia evo>rcoat buttos causeoff. I laid this ceat off the 5tlî cf lait May, and yeui've had five menthe te secure that button."1l IBut I didn't kuewil it as lo&se.' Why didnt yen tell me? IWhy haven't I bld yen ten thousand other tisinga that eugbhtte ho doue ! There arc wives irbo glanc.- at their bîicbauds' clotbiug once or twice a yeam and discover what mepairs are ueeded. I wanh a damning- needie and a piece cf stming," "But l'il soir" the buton on." No l'Il do il iysoît. I don't want te take np yonr valuable tirre.»' Aud despile Mmi. Bemaer's cutreaties and protestations hoe tbreaded .ibe needie mith. a piece et shming aud sat down aud sowed ou the button. Ho gel it an inch out of lino wcth the bulton-hole, et course, and cf course 1h wouldn'l bave slayed five minutes in auy ievent, but hoe had carmied his point. Wben hoe bad laid the coat aside ho asked: " 'Have we gel a brad-awi and e piece et maxed-cud lu the bouse ?" ."I dou't think ce. What doyeun ale them?", "Toe odmy susperuder, of course. 1 badn'î gel a huudmed foot freim the bouse tlis no wheu il bnsted ou me as ucuai. If there's anether bouse lu the United States mun libe this oeeid like te bear cf it and go and ait demn on the doorstep for hait an heur. Perbaps I eau ropair it withi a piece et chothes-lineutil I eau get dom tomnr again." "But you can't blase me, Mm.,Boirser," Sbhe said. "lOh, et course net; yen are net te biame for an ytlîing!" "lBut hem did I knom youm suspender waa meady lu break ?" "Tbat's aillight, Mmc.Bowcem l liget a pieceofetcoltiies-lineorcmbarbed miro aud make mepairs and yen needn't womry at ail!i Thero are wivcs and wix os. " 1Are me goiiug te the theatre ?" ahe asked as lie began paciog up and domu the room withbhisc bauds, under bis coat-tails. "Xhaî V" lie shouted in a voice which. jumped lihe cat out et the reom. Are me goîn g te the theatre ?'- "Theatre ! Theatre! Have yen gene crazy ? Mrs. Bowcsem, hock-a-home aud thon tai k theatre te se V He uuiaced oeeoe bis shees aud kicked il off, and theme, ah the end et hic big tee, mas a bole about as Ilig as a nickel. 1I m as intendiug te go le the theame," hie said as hoe ctood and poiuted aI tbe bole, "but I can'lgetamaythic eveunftg. I have got te day iseme anddam my soeki. Thal lie theme bas ctarted a cern on my tee this very day." II Mr. Boirser, those -ocks more bran nom yestemday memning when yen put them ou F' exclaimed Mmc. Boiser mith a good deai et energy. 1"1 Oh, cf course ! 1Iprsbably ent thaî hole with the shears! I maut a darniîsg-needie and corneString or sometiig. As long as I've, ge't etke came et ucy ciothes through the roet mry hito I might as wmou hegin t 1 c- night." Mss. Bamsem pretested, butle threaded a slamniog-Deedle witb e piece et red string and uaed up about eighît foot et il ini daruing tise isole. He appeased te ho growing geod natnred, and she ventured -te ack: "Amon'tme te go te the Ibeatre to-uilîi?" "If me geltbrongb lu timo e miay." (lot thscngh mItlsi whal ?' "Mss. Beirser," lho saisi as hoie enoved hic ceat and tuned h* back, Il look at the back etfsssy voit!" I cee lv but mhat's mrong?" Wrong ! mseng ! Is there a hucle there! Put on yens glasses audJtl i e if yen can find a buckie anywheme on the hack et 'ny voit " Il1 don't seceue, but Ibis la the flrst tise yen huave called miy atte' ntlion l il," "Exactlv. Wh>tt mac the use? Thal bniý-le bîssted off three- yeara ago lait Thalikcgiviieg Day, and yet yen haven'l noticod ti ilI htheme a spase bîsckle kickiig crennd the coliar or"lbaîsging up lu the gar- mcl? If net I suppose I cau beat the steve poker and bond il uap ho animes." oYe onhy geltatIvoit thrceeusontis ago, Mr. Boiser, and the taler neyer, put a huekIe on !" ahe exclainsed as she pulled-ah the ctrap. IlAuJ Ibis ceat, Mms. Bowser," ho ment on, rezardiess oetlber protesl, Ilfeoh iniIlss peeket! There's a bole there largo eneugh te iot a cocoanut!I've kuciu ilter yearî and yoars and I've been mailing te sc it yen would flx il. Have yen got a pic fbed-cord aud hait a yard et ohd Buslcapet lyng around?" "Wydidunt yen tell me abouti" Coarse aL'ýnd Fine for Men and Boys, Women and Children. Rubbers, Shippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention given to Repairing. A GHOSTL.Y VARIqING. cntortered muith my run for a liaIt minute, -- aud lu both cases bad caved a ite, but Ibis A Itatîroad Inîcident. did ne good, and I sami hal a ropelition et "No,, I den't heieve lu gbocla," sabd a yieiding te my imagination as hoe caled il loceomotive enginoor on eueetfIhe lmuuk îenld probably seau sy resignation. It hunes running cul et Kansas City. " 4Most hsappouued tisat I mas requesled te lake the et the pheomeua me rmn acres a eoex. place et a tiend andJ mn back ovor the read plained on seine botter hypthesis, aud et that vemy uighî, and airhouigb I had lest a these thal ca'l tho majerity are due te iii- groar demi et sioep, I could't refuse. When ness. Yes, I have liad coine experioîseec me appmoacbed the Clark cwich and cross- mnysoîftIhat I couid not expiain at the tise, iog I mas vesy uueasy aud nervons aud toit aud nover aluce beoui able te, but 1sI lii hhiat my imagination mac jeal in condition lieve they imust have cerne intionai explana te serve me any sert et a trick. lion. One efthIe sîraugeat incidenta in my IlW,"e stoppod, aud as I ctarted np agin ii lite occurred xvbeu I mmc uuniug mss engine heard that volce 1 kuem se irel day, mltbh on t he Chicago aud Aiton trens Slatreh perfect dîstincluiese: Roodhouee. Yeu noei these is a uitIle -"'Stop! W/ait aminute ' station ocam Cenîsalia, Mo., calhed Clark, IlNom, I thongbt le mnseif, I muet net irbere the Chicago aud Aleon aud the Wa- yield te uny imagination, ike, a cbild1. Sol basb cro3s. At the crscing me aisvays suade ne moveoseul te stop. have te ecuso te a ftuhi stop, aîsd, thougb I - "She spoke ag-ain, and caid lugn y, a have gene ovorit a lbusand lises, Iusve l eee gok oer ilmithsout a sisudder. Whenevem 'Il" *For Ieavena cs ake stop' CReverse l tak aývn englue ever thal creasiusg a lady's But, inchead et doing se., I gave hem useme veico as gant le aud as clear as a iver bell, steaus, andame m e met tonmard I1, imagincdý almays saya te sue piainhy aud distiucIiy: I1iseard the cuiue cyng;meîigaJi 'Ah rigbt ; go ahead.' Tiserolsîve beenoîiy 1know 1I heard the warning vol ce ilu oase, lbree -limes tisaI Ibis'hisc net been doue. cryîng: "Oh, dear!1 Oh, doms 'I 1" Whou1I Once lu 1883 she sabd te me: case back ou my etum ir earuedthat eur "'Stop! irait a uminutenle train bad man over an old man, ih iived a "Se accustoined lsad I becose le obeying towm iinutes, but mas nover indontified. I bier thît I stopped aI once aI the unuseaL moal eover the rmon once or tisice 'af Lemmardc, commmaud. Leoking abead I sair by sny but that isearîrenderingcry et 'Oh, dm lseadlighî Ibat a man hallcaughl bis, foot Oh, doms!' rings lununy eam every tise I g lis tIse trog juat abead, and mouid have been paci Claf k, aud se I tohd tbc superinteiud-i cruelued if I had gene ahead. Ho hinsseif ont auJ bandod ili my rosigual;he." ssidl iws a J-J ose rali, b,îron learmu. Il"AuJ yot yen doî't believe l gin s? ing Ihat lho mas 'bbc editor oetocaofetthe said a itener. 11111e country meekiies et Missouri I dîdu't "No," lue repiied. 1, 0f cva Icar,', ex- tellhin lm -by I isad si opped, foi, I bad ne p9i 1ibr lma aecon eaîai Jesise le have il publisbei,- sny 1'queor' ims- explanabius." agination having already caused untortun- aIe taik. Some Practicai Ilints3. Il Af tes thît, for a yoîr, everything ment as usual, auJ I mîmmys heard the damne gentie veice say: ' 'Ahi rigbl : go ahead 1 "One day atter I had corne ho a Jead sîmnd-ctill, aud isad sîarled up agalu, the iaJy's voice caiJ le mci, in quick,axiu louesi "lStop!1Xait a mninuteo! You'il bh oce late ! Reverse l IlI folomed bier comsands as quickly as possible, auJ a itie goidqn-biaired tairy mas pickod up tros just in front of tise wheels eftIhe locomotive. The mother, irbo mas waitiug tes a Wabash train fâiuted, aud mas stili unnceious irben ire it ou, but che attermard seut a handsonse checke te the1 divisionÎ superluteudent fer oie aI Slalom. Nosv, the ctrangeat part et mii Ibis la the facl Ihal ne eue ever beard the-se commande et warncng except me. Wbeu me lsad caved Ibil litle girl I mention, the firensan aaked me if I ami the ehiid auJ I aI once said, No.' aud, et course, 1 thon hmd le expli hwy I had slopped auJ movesed, aud Ibis eviv- ed the talk wiclit ad been very conssen a yemr or more betore with regard te sy "equseer'wirys, but whicb bmd been dropped. Wlsen the supesintendent, haler sont tor se te give me the check tisaI had been seutlih askeJ me theo fada auan I teid his the irbee cbery juat ns il realiy exislcd. Ho iooked il une a little quecsiy ,'isen I gel Ibrougîs, assd said : 'Yen b ave beeuî'tee long mitb us, aud a 1e tee -serviceabie tes ns tho maul tle cyen, but ive can't bave auy atonies ike Ibis cir. culatung. Il mil injure our service tee badly.' I suggested thal ouly twico had il ýaniy porions flnd cp eedy relief for uorv- eseaache hy machiug the bondhrboeughi- iy in weak coda mabor. By usiug a pientîfui supply et mars mwater ou tise face betoe r sting rnuch Jamage Su the ikin la savel, auJ sncb good lemarda sile prosorvalien ha accompiished. Oid petatoos should ho peeled aud Ibrown lu a pais ef ceid 5vaer le pros-cnt thein frein tumning black, then dss-iued trousil tauJ pnt te ceok lu boilig mates auJ a trille et sait. Heavy suppers aud excteseut are the princýipal disturbers et cleep. Take a lighî supper au heur or tire betere bedtisne, auJ( i gage lu remdîug, or aomebhing cf a scolhing nature, seineoflie before rotimiug. To make petato starch pudding, use eue n quart et mille, boiling bot, put tons table- apoonfuis et petato starch,,lbree eggs, auJ a littlocait, mou rnixed, and neaten tegether, and your pudding is muade, To ho semvedI vit lbricb dauce., Siighlly mouston a bandtul et bran, auJ( ose ilinsîead cf he tea-icavea in ýCCepiuig the carpets. Tho bran nol ouly gaIe I'i up Ihe duat, but briglIoens be celours , - ibe material. Dou'I use tee liard a bmushýi or smoep tee vigosonsly. For a sssollen tee joint coak lu marsmater in mhbchs a handfnl et saltIsladissehr'ed, Dia- coive as mach sait ho a quart botîle et bol mater as the mater will take np, anI use Ibis as alotion. Wet . sveral thieku esses et linon te use as a pad,,pour ou iltfour dropa eto arnica extract,apply the _arnicale-l si.le te the joint, asîd cover witP >1l1-mdmo. ýay. fitting boots or shees aneý en~& B-owni anvillie, Ont, Jn'porter, Manufacà(turer, anJd Iealric Mnmns,1rb Sarcophagi, Tablets, Eleadstoa 's and ail kinds of Aci C1 ai and Cemetery Work ini the best Etiropean and A ela Granýites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs, S uperior Workmanship;ý and Best Materials. WiII be happy to quote puices on any in ý;d of work.(Giýve nie a cail before purchiasing TUIE FAST END PAINT AND PAPER STORE is now open where wiIl1 be foutid fulli unes of Wall Paperà from 5c. to $2 p-r roll, Mixed Paints-mixed to order and sold by tha pound, Putty, Glass, Peerless Machine Oils, etc. iarn prepared to do housepainting, graining, and decorating- of all kinds. Brushes to loan for painting and kalsomining. Mixed Kalsoc- mine also for sale-any shade desired, Reid's BlIock, opposite New Ilotel Building-. 4 will be found in his old sho-p, next door aoor to Express Office, whereokeeps constantly onlhand A LARGE & COMPLETE AssoRTMJrNTr -OF-

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