v l YSIýCI1A N S, 5IGjsET C.1 StpNgt el etîended fromfl)r, iillier s W, . lca.ssM. D. B. assentarM. D- C. M. Trin. Unir. Telon' et Trie', MeS. Coiege, Member Coel. Phys. Surg., Ont. Dli. J.C. MITCEEL.ý ~A MBE 01 COLEtEOF PIIYSTCIANS J nul Snrg nOnarie, coroner, etc. j 4 tR.t Xtir, ing Street. BowMan-ý vile.Sode fo te ntriBank Nitata es lbancS ettiete1west e-ais S. C. RUMLING L ICENS!ED AUCT ION E R FOR 1-the Ceunty of Durbam. Sales attended o cuebsortesi notice and lewet rates. Addreec CrssesP . ëO. BOUT. VflU, V. S. 0)FFIEIN1 THE WEST DURHAM a1, Nws Blockvrhcre himBeat or assistent nvi' ha tcuicd trom Sain. toq t.m. Night calte at rssidanicedirectly oppositeUnîtllSed, Catis 13y tlagrapli or talaphene n'flt raceire nop ttention 171'yr IL. A. W. rsr.r. AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Reasl Esiate Agent. Bewncenvilla. Onterio. Fiates attendeS lu eny part et Province. A. A. PONT, A ROHITECT. Plans and Specifica- l ions prepaed for erery otees et building. Speciet attention g en îo heaaing by stTsmn sud bot watar and te senitery arranigements. Office: Geins Bock, Whutbp l3-iy Gentlemen's lothes Made ta Order. OHARNUVEN L. D.' O2taduate ofihe LRyai collbegof Dental Sue gens, Ontario. O FIGE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OF'FCE. EOLD ZFILLING A SPEOJÂLTY £EIILLTESTE INSEItTED WLTEOUT PLATES. Rrelat Reduottens in price on al Dota Work. Vitaizas- Air, cee'ta'y in use pro cing PainlesesOperations. Par.ýytiCular tren Cu Patd te tbe eagulatlon et Childran'e Test- Ë-ý ULL WORK -WARR4NVTD- ±rau-ch office, Dr. Ibiuthrferd's Oreno ORONO, -ONT. Offi ce. -Post Offi zo Bieck. Oeils by telagrbpts or telaphone rasirs i flue liais attention. J.M. ýfBRIiIACOMBIi DEINTIST. OFFIC(,E :-Itear Of Messrs. lliggiubotham & Son's-Drug Store, (down stairs), B3OWMANVILLE LOCAL AGENT FOR Doinion Organs -AND-- BOIV&ÂNÙLE, - ONT. THE CODK'SBEST FRIEND -ARGEST SALE lUN CANA DA. I ___WORMPOWDOERS 4!t*snt a.'Cctain lntoet Pic afrveC. .La topse ean eý IVcaISsyI nor p ntmen sel S Tep5 Ms an tins d as ahe r etrus ;n us sd i CnorIae as- 15ýreisaene STen et' onc fora E Lts c K5tE55a cfcis t nd. wrrn 555 wsret caEes. Iiea Ms st1icc le repcd6.OinsEXP caS O5TOFFCE. Wssr, orrcwi,-b Il Ao1EL.AIoE ST, A.GRIO'EJ2F'LT iTR AIJ nesl"ýized their r nýigmuafl chue (ettcsprioe ipaid by tis nlsi ecnïurfr les et tfancy qe'altty. A 'lge pocrte The E'sactcal ideol'Dairing eOu' tancy clicese le still. retiled eor 'fIe senal sacqut t tcs iaen'l eciy-t1e ceuctere in Ee'lad as tsucy teg men'c Board etof rade n'as iseid onmtise dtb lislisCisoddar. Ail tise het factoriesein the iust. Listoeo bas aiready liscoose svsdeiy 1coun'try sheuld branS on tise iseuse, as e'e kuen'n as tise contre et an extensive, dsiry- as on ths boxes, tise word Canadian se iecg ditriot, eud s place sehero large quan- thut it couid uet lcie istaken ie'Ee'g-ý tities et fine ciese are niachoced every land. The diSeienco on tise rotasîer s soeed Tburcday.'fie offriugoetciess oicute j'EngiauS bctwocn ciese ofe tles ttis nas oer 22,000 boxes. 'fbe àa..nuai tsecermon qnaitv anS cicose of s banquet bac becoeoa feature et ensetftise ifaucy qualiîy ise Irom 4 te 6 cents lateet market daye et >the seson, sand lie- f pet pound. Tise difféencebesuecdons cex- tsveen Gland 70 topresenttive saleomen etf' ceods hiait a cent per peund. Ont i et fac- factoriesud experters et cheese st downn tories t hel nci e tchighier pice, together. Mr.WXIisos MNesser, et bluevals, [;toviding tis extra profit,' hich is rttem- presideut oethtie Board et Trade, n'es in the ed b tise Boghei reéteiler ceuld lie breuglit chair. Prof. Janis W. Roberttson, Dousinuion te this side. Dsiry Coucmissionon, was tise firsc speaker.j An effort is bcie'grniade ticreugli tieexpeni- Aî'oe'g etiser tisinga lie said : 1 mental dats'y statious te change tise practios bistoîvel is fotruate in ite situation and of tise dairy farmere of Caulcaa roos baviug surroundinge, anS tise adjeining ten'nsisips ftiseir con's dry ail n'iunten te isaviug butte'-- ows mersetftiseir presperity te tise exten- nsakiug carneS our durng tisat ponied of the sien oethtie dairy business than te any eciser year. Onseofthtic dvsutages tisat n'euld brandi et agriculture. 'firougl tise dairy iaccrue trous n'nter dairyîug weuid blitei businoss oenly hledit lise' possible for s inscreased quetity etfiik tisai'euid lie tewnnfetus ize, sud eveo etus enterpnise, realized tro every con'. A cuar nili give te n'in a continental sud aimost n'onild-n'ede about 30 per cent. mors rilk durung 10 neputetien. Ne diry market je' Canada je meonthe if ebe caives letxvsen Otie u watohed sith more cure or cocurented upon December tien if sise clves bet'ee' April ie' iieprose more nidelytise' tisaeonselield unS Jure. Tics cosson pracciceofetkilliîcg ie' Lisioe'l. calves froua Jeciy cnn's je a mest n'astetul Serneicdy's clear tiikiiug precedles al i eue. A n'el-lireS oeil bias in itsE lie tise pes- nationial action tisat esakes fer ticeincprovs- sibiiiiy et eaving$20 otprefit fot-selocly, msent efthtle social, industriel or comercial eren if tise lite lisct sisotaethtie end et n'erld. Meetings enclu as have blisselciSby jtare yeaseas san'eu fatteeced teer. 'fue' ibis Board eft 'rado belpi tebing eut tise ainter dairyie'g n'ilusake t possible for lissi tbengbi anS tise iest actioe'tisat are in Canada te deveiep se' expert tide in butter, the seversi memniers whe compoe it. 'fiee'n'isich max' by sud by exceed liser present the good namne sud tise superier neputateeni expost et cheose. Durng thc pasi yer tise n'iich Lave licn ounntr tise tacterios in tise total relue et eut experts etfclisese' round biston'si district, bave createS a mneusure ef figure senas 39,000,000. Great Britainimpori- enthuciasos avicici las lied e vcry bensficial 'ed altogocicer about $20,000,000 wont1s et influence on tise salesmen, on tise ciseese- cheese. From this couetry n'e sent aitege-1 mahers, sud on tie theucende et pattons eft 'ter about 42 per cent, efthne total qe'etity tise factorie, Any individuel or ee'y action itisaitGeai Bitain pondisseS abreai. 0f whîch lielpe te inspire eue wiib confidence butter Great Bitain icuprted abouit $40,- ie' bimscot anS ioe in tise future et hic 00,000 n'onih, we Canadiens ceutrihuieg district anS country ise met cemmccdelile. jte lier aupply a littie more then eue hlaitoe 'fisse furie' the bsec pari et a counry'eI ens pet cent. 'fireugi witsr dairyiog anS capital, snd sisould lie encourageS and oei- tise altnning etfciccese fteteries n jecreancet- serveS by ovsry possible meane. h le ealies forthtien'inter seaeec,, it is quit pposille g rea t sake ffr eos or oison citLizens Ite isuilS up anSdsveiep an expert taesine et eu cutty te depend uffin sny outeide,j butter te a grescer umagnitude tien tisesÏ fat-off,,or foesge' source for îseine'tise se-.[presenitiy attained liy eut clisses trede. luteon et tic dificloties tisai ueet thin e'IDure'g tise presentiancien tiiecbange n'iii tise prosecution oetchit ownnbusiness.'fie lie effected je' tn'e cheeca factorieseine' i liard tienes in a couetry cen neyer lie mae Oxford dfticts. hLic expecied tisetopere- te yieid entineiy te any sert et legisiatien. tiens et botis places n'ill begfin ticslOtIs anS Dairymen anS echer people need nleyer ex- 2thoeic utrentmnuntis When the biet- pec te aately rely upen goncrnumen te te sn'oi Dairvrnen's Beard et Trede continues legilete geedtimes. 'fie uly teabasic r trus caktheii year round sud isas an offeu'le'g subtantiel, permanent.,anS progressieofe butter equai in qe'aniy te ite offeing ie' prospsity, jtis1Le application et ie'Scstry tisecisese brandi et the iudustry, tise n'iole n'iti skcillintesery spliere et endoavour, tise section n'ili fec!tise effoct et the jusee exercice et soonomicai trugaiity, senS tain prespority smong tisé deîry furcîsers. deaiin elitn'ee'ail men sud classes. 'fises, aith this lessings of Providence sud geod AN LÂRTHQUÂKE. henvoste, abuse ars adequste te bring sud te kcsp geed times. Suiltise attitude etfithe Theusanlseo' Pastls Millinte .ape'e, govrumnents eftot-day je rnost friendly te- Adrices jusi received tronc fioge, Japue', n'ards tise agriculturai intereets, aud tiey report that the terrible ertisquake etfIVeS- have lent airnet erery desirable sud practi- uesday lest destroyed tise tewns et Nagoya, cal ie'p te tise tarmie'g ceemnity tewards Cite' sund Ojaki. iucreaciug their profits sud imptoving ibeit Ailtise public buildiuge anS mut et tise condition. i maller structures je' those places n'ono 'fie Dominicu expcriîuentel ferme arc tise Itbron'n dewn. outoome eft tiat attitude, sud tisy a-e quits le' Nageye, oescethtie finess cities et the liissnlly sud oissrtuliy supponced by grents empire, fine broie eut sud compieted ttsc tro tise Parlisnent et Canada. Tise ministen non etf destruction. et Agriculture is pcrsonaiiy greatiy ie'teu'55t-IL je estijuated tisai net lese tien 3000 oS je' their succese and sares neo pains te humen beinge beestiseir lives. mnaie tIsit n'ek efficienti sud usetul. hIle'tise viciniîy etfiiogo mae'yvessîls are thini sic saien usigt liesaiS sitiscauSer repenteS arecied. et the expeimentai farta for ths provine, During tiese eisecic dicturbances tic anhicis bas lise' je' operetion su Guelphi tonr waters et tise laiesje' tise surreuinding coun- înany yeers pasi. Tise an'akiuing sud ie' try aers vioeliy egisated. creased intelligence aesseg tise fanincre bas Fexv portions of Niplion islsuS esc2podý the put greet powven in tisein bands, and geveru- effecîs et tis eoastiquahe, but tise îennoe mets are n'iiling te de their bidding -lisen- Kelibes entIèreS cornparatsvely litilo Sain- aven tbey ailI sot together euS ton tiseir age. cemmon good. 'fis objeot of tise Dominion Tise rnoue wagon roas are bioied expeimentai fermes is te diecever ton anS te liy immense beape et demris, snd railtead diseoninatse moe'g tie tarcuers information, trefflo is sntirsly suspouded. that aili essisi tisrn lutheir n'ok ndu5Ownîg tte ecomnplets prostration et tise n'hici tiey bave ne oppotunities et findingI teloggrapis linos, fullb details efthiis terrill ont ton tisemelves. 'fisougi meetings snd clamity cennet yoi lie ascerteined, liy tIcs bulletins sud repentesn'hicb are A Yokohamas diepaîci binge anoîlcern d plilleled, they endeave r te, shed tise kcusdly even more terrible stuc-y et tise s'tuîertue- ligit et hnosnboedge jute the homesos e squaeo.1 h uisulesit arusers oethce land, 5av eu as lutte Se soSSdenn'as the Sicasten tisai aiti the those etfn'idsn anS mors fayoteS eppotuni- firet nunuliingeet tise enrtitise peopleaers ties. Lu tise improvenuftets grain et stricion aiti panic sud n'ore ornelied in the country oe beneficial change is beiug ths ruina et faling liuildinigs or tbrownnly effeciod tirongis the action et Prof. Saundersj crumliieg ebris. je' istibutie'g vrnoues et grain etf tise lesi fise lavocn'as incise' taeos sud unprs- quality aud imest productive habits et cedeuted, An enurmecce tract n'as laid groavili.desolate. Most efthtie Sainymen in Ontaiaet non'Tise terrer siicien cren'Ss tlceughi et taniliar aveu tbe commencement efthtie aven notlijng isui ascape trom tise yan'ning jave et tise Dominion experimentai Sairy stations, et tiseertis. Every experimentai action lies nithin isecît Tiese wbo aers majosed or caugisi-enS a awtlpns tsrie ila i is e i fflicted teavos tliey nuinisered bund-i sibiity et dlecoesing csoe tact'thai n'as rode -n'ers loftite dis a lie'gerng deatn by1 listor n nne; t aise bas tise funictien oethtie sides efthiousauds et cetpsess, iiiusiratinig anS tescbse'g lu an impresve No-chers wene tie effunis et tics apeses n'ey tise aS'. ntages tlict resut from tris lesi officiais adoquate, sud tîcero n'as but iitile prectices et procodure- Thesorzott ise eut- doulit tiet rmauy theusends et lires uiglit siSc lirancis stations duneg tise peet suïiinuer have lise' seved baS thers 'bocu enyciing lies lisse'mainly invostigatiecus et soatiers luke a syctemanjo service, cenneccted nitb the manufacture et cheese. An appalliig feaiuï-e oet tis natjenal dis- Tise werk et the axpeimental dairy ai, Ot- ater cnes tisé tact.tliet mauy oethtIe sueireds tawa lias lise' directeS tewaerds' butter- etfn'eunSeS pensons wn'lij'nie nsaSrucses inahie'g. In tise investigations wlicb have forý saftiy n'ers lefti oteir fate, died eot lise' cc'nriod on in clisese-maiiug an effort oniy item exposons, but tronc siens-stien.i bas benu made te di2ccover tise relation tisai 'fltwe's et Okonsau, Kene uanS Kessu-, exiats lisiavosutise penceutege et butter ft mutslbave licen litereiiy aiped eut, lut in mili anS tise quantity sud qnlity et tis era'ttty oettise untotunaesinicabitaiisi ocen'iioh eu be maes rem ih. Fuit escapofi. parîlonlers efthtiai ven ili lie given in tise 1 At Cite' 5000 bouses n'ens desiro0yed anS annuel report sud lso et ithe annuel conven- 5000 pensons iiiled. tions efthtie Sainïmsn's eseociatijons. Mean- Eiglitsen tisoucand lieuses aers vrecieS ime t rigbt lis saiS witisafetsy tistasvsry anS 2-000 pensons lest ticein ires et Onagoraý. lange number et oxpetiucutc pointitise con- Fifty mulse et raiiwey ihave been Sestroy-j le' ibis ceicncctieu, oesmattat le et import- fnul oetes, sticks hie noesin the waeter, sucs sud coucetu toevsrry Canadian. Whis taies anothar moutil ul et3t, egain dipe chasse linyeresud expeters have Surng an hie nos in ticeaater, eudS e oui centicually avrage et five ycans paid tic higiesi io5 until bis grain is caten up cloe'n. He dieu siba pica n'ici seulS lic affrded liy the proceesethe utme y aith is hiayutil Englici mariai fer cliees e' ibis ise e s consumeS ealieral suppiy. I he'ts country, eut lest tacterieselinsveltwa e laveride the Suatin e' icgrain. Order cnite Iron Crown upon M. Pasteur, who k nowee'titled tc. style hîmselt Baron Qs' Vic.toria prolonge ber stay et Balmural !Castîs weli on into the t ail. She wi1 li robby remain there sentil the latter part of Novensb r. The bracing air at the Scotclcati suite the Qucen far lietter than thse m0're reiaxeug clirnate et thiie eto Wight, wbere i she usnally passes the Christ- mas holsd ayev The Nhls Sophie Gue'sberg, who )was recentiy ýprix ateiy execeted ina sia prison, wasi said te be beautitul, andi pesses- sed a finto few people couid resiet., Francis Wilson, the comedian, le said to leave the cecres ni tbe theatre ali behinfi hirn wh.en ie gots home, and to devote Lins- self exolus,ýively to bis wife and two littie daugîstersi. When he le net on the road, he is gcieeerally in hie heautiful borne at New Recelie. fiers lie bas, on tise top fleor, a theatre cap able of accomrnedating 150 pen pie, wbere bhis cidren deliglit in giving recitatiene. 'flicyounger, Adelaide, is re- perted te show aiready signe et having inhetritef,[iber latber's talent. Nfr. Wilson's ewn p4ivate " den " is fernisbed witb odd bits ef furniture lie bas picked up jen bis travels, and tihe fleor is coxered witb a rag carpet wvhich Mr. Wilson shows with greut pride a)s tbe work et bis mother and little girls. lie declars himeif a farmer, as lie keepe cow and raises chickene. Mr. Wilson isof Quaker parentage. Since r etrie'g te Hlie'dlead te finish the work of, bis lite, Professer Tyndalilibas been sulijeeted to aunoyances trom disehuiging neighbozswhicb might tryevena philosopher. First, te preserve needed seclusien, lie n'as terced te liuy a large piece et land wlucb a speculative beilder advertised in building lots as "eOverieoking the grounds et Professer Tyndall,"' He left the preperty open, hon'- ever, and picnic parties and wild-truit gatherers bave made frce with the heath. More reqee'tiy an adjoining tenant started te bnild a stable clos te thse proieseores favorite waik and je' fullvien' et bis etudy window, and perieted ie' deing se, altbeugh lie was offereci a different site free et cost anti $500 in meney te chang~e bis purpose. Vo preteet hini self ýagainet thse effence te hie vision, if net te bis nestrils, the philosopher had te erect a ecreen of larci peles and heather, an'd non' carping critice speak et hie act as un gencrons sud churlieli. Jolie Ruekin bas made a record as a by- draulic engineer by selving for the inhLabit- ante of Filkiug, a emaîl ten in Sussex, lE'gland, the preblem et ebtaîning an ado- quate supply cf drinking water. As an evidence et their gratitude the people have ereeted a tablet " 1te the glery et Ged and in hOnor etf John Ruekin." David Chistie Murray, thse Englieli jeuruiali'st and nos elist, who bas recently mnade bis debut on the Lendon stage, je about fqrty-fonr ycars eid and six feet tail. fie ran away frem Oxford te enliet in a cavalry f regirnent, where lie distinguished himself as a rider, fencer, and boxer. When ho tired et seldisriug lie became a newspaper cerrespqe'dent, and was at tbe front de'ring the Ruesý,o-Turkish war.' 11 A traje'i on n'le Jay Gonild n'as recentiy r iding, ever theCehicago and Nertbweetei n, 1{ailroad made a rue' et eight and oe-hait miles in five misntes, an average et one hundre4- and tn'emmles an heur. Tise aimusing pictures et people in London society whichbhave appeared for sOernany years in Punch are net caricatures, the artiet, George ,du, Maurier says, but taithfui repre- sentat i of etthe ridienleus side et Society lite as lie Isa' s seen it. Bishepe and flunkis, hie admlits, are bis taverite types fer illus- tration, and many et the absurd situations n'hicli lie bas depicted are actualeccnrrenes. TIhe gown!,s and bonnets lie dîaws are true te the fasliione et the times, Pud are cepied frein tho-se wern hy hie 'if s, 'sud cbrec danglitere. Mr. du Maurier lires ou1 the top et a greati bill, at tise sdge etf Hipstsad fleathi, je' a lieuse funlletfn'orks et art. A littie gr-andsen and bis doge, wheotten ap- pear in hie pictures, are amog hie cempan- ions. Amid these homelike surroundi.nge, tîcismani, wbe bas dranfn te for the Englisis- resdieg, public durie'g thce lasitn'wenty-seven ysare, leade an ideal lite. Willi 'am C. Wynceep, et Colorado, is te head an expedlitien soon te lie sent te Atrica frem London by a cornpae'y et Englisîs capitaliËs in searcli et Kin'g Solemen's mines.; They de net rely entirely upenl Elaggard's romarnse, but go ou the supposi- ti on that the mines frein n'hicb much ofet Ring Selemense wealth was deawn have neyer yet been discevercd. Tisa1 depeud upen legcnd and tradition fer locating the mines et Ophir. Mr. WValter Pclham bas revived n'hat lias been alosee)Ft a lest art, sud corne beautiful spjecinacus etofhie tta sekili have olicited higl i prise fro-n ceitices ad connoisseurs, Certificates et enarriago and etfliaptisin, on creamy veilum, iliurninated in geld and colore hy Mr. Pelharn'elirueli, possese tho sefine -se and delicaey and sumethîng, et the exquieits charm et mranuscripte and missels treasurod in eid monasteries, and patiee'tiy wreugbt iii the Middie Ages. Mre. Elizahetis Beatty, once a maid et hiouer at tise court et George 1 %T, died ie' Elizabeth, New Jersey, a ts'v daye uago, at ths ageet cigbty-cigit. She n'as forerlry the n'fe et a Britishi efilcer, Tise meet pepular patrouese et athîstie sports in Franc5 s he Duchese d'Uzes, whe le hiersei a fine sportswoniae' and herse- Thse driver auswercd: "I don't know n'betb qt you are a mare or a boss; you look as mucli, like a mon s I eer ses anybody." Ha is 'peoreet whe lias laast love in his heara, OUWIOSTY0COUlVTN Rain-Bettiug ini India. Ie' EnglauS iorse-racie'g is tic favorite objeci et tise gambiing propensities oet men- inS; le' India il is "c'utis," on wast is cahîcti tain-beuci*ng. Calcutte eesete lie quite as niucis sddicted aseBombasy te ibis uknS et excitenent, Ou a Satnrday nigisi in lest menthi i jest iated ihat a rsry large sunsofet neuy chan igeS iss1nds je' tficsfermer city auce-g tise i'arwNvais sud ethers n'ho cengregete ie' Borna Bazar, Cottucu street j sd oison bsyliseunts. Becs aene made on tise-question ofet iser tise ieeg-îo.sked-fet rame' aold tali on Ssiundey nigit, sud ths Mýaravani svoisouaintained tise affirmatiave opinion 'on, it ic saiS, liy exacdly thirty uinuites, "«Lt 'nas s -0e tIiug," edds tiss account, "suad tise oxcitemneut as mideigisi approacised anS a sterns avec seen te be nec- ie'g up fro tise bey jc desoibed as iseving lise' intene,s.Anecierliaitlient etoftih nainîes, enffocecie'g-aeather aviicis lia neyer neiaxed de'ing tise pasitires xs'eks anS tise specolatuug publiceaveuld have 'speiled tise Egyptiens."' A Noces Bouts an Engiue. Sunday, Jul y 12, ases short train et fiait cars avas rnnuing np tîce Duluths sud Wimuer peg teeS inse htascac cunty, Mine'.,1 a large mose n'as dieoovred uran tise treci . 1hI an instant lie fieS ahi'S t the train alencu tise olS tote peuh useS by the icudins andi aveodsmen betere tic rieilway wae busl. ThIe pts le closetote ecar tmach sud perelill aitis it. As'tiers are ne neguler trains.eu Suuiday, tic engineer lied ae ear fielS, sud decermined te sien'tlie meose' lien'te ri'a4 'fli itou herse enorteS anS boueuSeS aieng oerrbie mrach et steel, avhlle abb on liea5d inteutly aatched tic tacs. h n'as, a tour- mile traigit-sn'sy rue'. 'fie moose's gait n'as an indesonibale tret, sncb as euly tic meece cen exhilliu; lis linS foot lauuing bics ans, hbis tengue hanging trem ie i mouti, erery muscle in lice btcdy mering, aviile hie paes e aepperent- ly tave rode je' lengri. As finss is n'as enly a lirtle jeg, bus se cie englue bogan te do' uts beet tise meese let himselt eut a mnoi ai a urne, sud al tie mysionieus poaver et eteacu ceuid net prevail egainet tuis mouercli et tic teresi. Fester anS tester sped the engins, but stili tise frigitened moocototted ie' tiseresu, letting ont lis tengue.another lini, sud aS- ding e meot, as n'as necded, te lis geir. 'But avien fouit miles baS tinsis e' traverseS, tise centestants cerne upon e clearinîg avere men avece genicred. 'fins driver. fnem hic pathwey, canS terceS te abianuden waaeeem- oS a playful pasticue, thise onte asised scnoss tise mach cuverai rode je' trent et tise englue, anS s menenit acet, n'irisent award et lis ael-erued isurele, n'as lesitico siglit in tic teret, ies a Brick. Peniaps ne biitfslan'g ie eny language' se more an cient tien 1 "is j a brick." Tic ecery ef tus engin le given liy Plutarci in hic bitsetfbycurgne. An eusbasder trem Epinus visiteS Sparts sud waecgreetly e'- ceteined sud sdiflcd by watai h e'S uniug lic stas', bot one thing puzzleS-,[hlm, tIse city bcd nos aals, Inquining tise roason et s piscuomenen se ratere'ntiose asanlis urnmes ase a ity avîieut Setensire aonsg,lie n'es pronciced an encaver, on tishelen'ing day.j At sunnice, tise nexi merniug, isen'as escort- eS te e lange plein uer tise ity aviene as use Sparian tnoeps avere drave up in battis arcay under tise comsmand eft tieir Kin'g. "flore," saiS bycurgus, Il are tise n'eue et Sparts, sud cvsnyminslea lbrick.'- Johin O'Groat's Hanse, Iu the neige' et James IV. etfSoc lanS Johin OGroat sud bis uve breihere uvlalcjelm anS Gerin-ennincd ai Caithnes sud bogitîles lande et W/arcs anS Dugisliy, on tise beecis et tise moîcti of Penîse' finih, the norriseasuern extremity efthtie mainland et ScoohenS. Iu urne tisir tamilies increased until tiere avrensght beuseheide et tise ssmsneme. 'fbey iired as neigibors lu the greetespeace sud emity, holding an aninuel toast je'tise camehisuse. At lest tia question et pre- cedsucearenesamoeg, tic yoongen membere, anS chsy disputeS as te avi s suldsii uer tic. beoetthe table on enier ithe neem irsi, OlS Jehuiy OGreai waecmaes rbutrecor et the disputc. Hc promiseS tisai t eonscie neYi meeting lie n'ouidceîtlc tise question te the satisfactionoetalcoucenuied. According- iy lie liniitian igit asideS lieuse in nlijcb te bolS tise annuel dinuer. This ectagensi bouse waecfluteSaiti e Seer nde5sa wiedu on eci ide sud a round tals in use denier et tic reens, se tisaitiheisead ofe ccifamily et tic O'Gneete mîghi enter by hic onn oor sud sit ai a table aviiol n's prectioaîly "avithenta lise." 'This fanions lieusesnas situated alitet a mile sud a blait aveet he i poîint et tanS calteS Duusliy Head. 'flicsite et tiseisouse s lenexvmanled euly liy soea grace-cuvered mounde. Singullar Instance cf Longevcty. A certain heuselireeker n'as cendemued in' tho latter part efthre lest century in France, euS under pculian cire emetauces, te eahue'- dreS yeer n luhe galseys ; anS,. strenge te relate, ticmennecsutly maesbis ppear- ence lu bic ewn native province et tise advanced age et 120, lis being about 20 yeenc of ates vise' tic sentence avieci cendenînied Foiiy muet liolS ie tonue vhiie e aeng the aig etfn'icdem. 'fli art et gciting ici consiste net ini udustry, mnucli lees in 5ev iug ; but ie' letier irder, le' timelineceinle' iing asticheiglit ePet. i GRATEUL'-ý-Î-ÔM'.-ýG. BREAKFfAST. 'By brui nweg tianaturel rews n'Yhi ýh geere' the.prîtn t ieton suid nutrition. anS ly a csreflapplicatiffont eppe bas prevîded our breakfast icables with a doicately fi arored bereraze whichenay sare ns msany heavy Soctori' bille. t teatcy the indicions8 use et snob articles et diet chat a Ontitutiee nsay be gradua-y huit up untîl streng enougli te resiet every tcuee'ecy te disease. Hundreaeoe subte maladies are Seoau cg around us ready Ie ettsek wbererer there jsa weak peint. We may escape mauy a fatal shait by leeeping ourseirs nell ftortifiod 'titis pure bleed d ae preperty ncurished trm.- Civil Service Gazette." Made simply wluh boîîing waetr or tnilk. selS onlyinpeokets, by Grocen,. iabeiled tbase J' NIMES tFPS .% Co., flesnSopattuia Chais if, tendon. Engleans Mess AuniB.Nc's VEoGAcsÂ'. -Rcte'rusd travelier;-,I bave otten theuglit ot that yeung Mr. 'fesse, and& hon' heuseS te ton- osent Miss Auburn abouýt lier red hair. DiS se ever get even n'itli hios ?" 015 friand: "Long age ! She marieS him," Fer Orar FIrtv tsars Mets. Wr' suon' sS oovesîre Syatup bas bien useS by mil'ens et mothers fer their oidren whle teetjsiug. If dîsturbefi ai nighi anS 'brokendetyeuýr test by a sick chuSd suitlerlug and orying with paie'oet Cntilng Teatti sonS et' once and, gar a bottle etf Mre. Winslow's Sothing Ssriu)"terobidren teathing. Lt will c sucre tise pour l1mb cufferer immediatsly. Depend upen it, meibers. there is ne mitake aboutie. Lt cures Diarrboen. regnias tbe Siemaçh anS ldeweie4, cures. WiuS, Colie. gires roue anS ensrgy ta tse wbole system.. 'Mrs, Winsleev's Soothing Syrup" ferebidren ueeihing te pleasant tetho, teste andS jetbe' proseiptiqu et eue et the eldest and bosito- mate phyàiciens sud nurses in tb3 United Stetes:P ices 25 cans a botte;BSitS by ai drucggiets rhree'ehouetihe warld. Be sure sud ask for "Mas Wiseuws Sueao Srsup, 'Ps, ",saiS littî Cergie, «"1what je a mtaoroiegistl" "Why, mybey," theuglit- tuiiy replieS tise f ather, "liveu't you eean the inuwie comes te look at the gas-meter non' sud then? Weil, lci j a meteereiegist.'" The Head surgeon 0)f tise bubon Medical Coempany se uow et Teronto, Canada, sud mey lie cou- suiteS sîthor le' persen or by letter on al chronie diecases peculiar te man. Men, yunug, oid, or middle-aged, wbo finS them- salves nerreus, waak au exbanstei, wbo are lireken Son'n frem excese or oerrwork,, rssulti n e many efthte tollewie'g symp- toms : M entai Seprossien, prcmattcteelS ege, lose et vitsiity, bs et memory, lied drosmes, dinuuess et siglit, palpitation ot the heant, omissions, lack etfse'ergy, pain in the kidnsys, beadeche, pimples on the face. or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wsating et the organe, dizzines, spechesera thseyoe, cnitcbiný'g Oethce muscles, eye ide ae'd elsen'bcre, bashftuinees, Saposits in tirjars tinu, lees et wili power, tendernese et tise scalp sud epine, n'eak end fiabby usl s Sae te slccp, failure te lie ratd l-sle, constipation, Sulinese et ieating, e t eca esiro for solitude, excitebilty et temper, sunken sys surrouud- ed witb LE-AL'TN CIsiOLE, oily iooking skie', etc., are ail symptome et nerrous debility that isad te ie'enity sud deatb u-nlessý cureS. Thle spring or vital terce haring lest its tese sien evory inaction n'anos le' ceoneuds. 'flose .'lio tlirough abuse cemîivted in ignorance mey lie permauenciy cureS. SenS yeur addrese ferlieck on ail diseases peculiar te man. Addrass M. V. bUBON, 50 Front St. E., 'ferente, Ont.Booke sent treeseaied., lisant Siseasa, the sympteme etf whicb are teint spelie, purpie lips,,numbuese, palpita tien, skip beats, bot flushes, rush etflilood te tie lieS, Suil pain lu ths heart witb beate strong, rapid anS irrogîsiar, tise second licart' beat quicher than the first,pain about the breast lions, etc., ose'pesitireiy lie cured. Ne cure, ne psy. SenS fer lieok. Address M. V. bUBON, 50 Front Street E set, 'fer- ente. Ont. "Hello, eld 'chap 1 Congratulations!1 I hast yau have marrieS s lady n'ith su inde- pendent fortune?2" 'No; 1inmarnisd a fortunewnith an independeut lsdy-n'hecb i§ a very different thing n'hen yeu werk it eut." Whee' Baby was siek, we gave ber Castorta. Whee' sica was a ChulS, she crieS fori Casterta. Wben she became Mise, she ole'eg te Cetrit- Wiceustuclied Chldrn, asegarsthsm Cesterut MRS. A. DAVISII Ma.»nufactuarer ef FINE HAIR 1 a "Il theu aIletb Styles TONIOS tise betIt'118 «e-, market. SHAMPOOING and HAIE CUTTINOG DONZE as usuel; aise STAMPINGin e ail ius branches. Neede' Block, ovr Mayor'e Store, Bowimeii BEs, 1 1