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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1891, p. 2

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WEDNESDAY DEC. 2, 1891. Frost Baese spai]ca Bruises,_Burns, Etc. Sold by lirugel-Is and Dc- tcn vcrywhese. Fifty Coes a bottle. inee uss THE CHIA7LES A. VOEEil Go., Bailmosrt, M&. 0F CANADA. Thsis Bank is preparod to do Legiti- mate Banking lu ahl its branches. Farmer's ntes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accounits nf $5 antd upwards in Savings Bank Department. DRHAFTS lIasd and Colletions madie in E il o0 l lUnited States' and Canada, W. J. JOM&BE2 ONTARIO BANK continues te do a General flanliug Business Bowmaus liSe Agency.- DEP'OSITS rec ived Ilu Pavmsg'- Sank.DIepartment aud on cal an lu uterest alilkvod aI ecrent rateF No noticeotni tisdrawal ueeessary, AlIl 'posis8 Payable on daiund, E-XCHlANGE B ugtan soet ~ usaxeisâtned upon Europe Unitezd States aud Canadla, also GoId,Sive' aud Uoitedstates ansasu'eaouetsd sold, COLLECTIONS prsssptiy hmca n ýr£ snces pon alil ps' of Grseat Brssîssu, tise United States anause 050 nfinon olCanada. TelegrapliTan er sîs 3 t" ge ( Cas î'r-asmun atlart eliea. ,This I seilyavstgust pcrusllirg l ] Fsso&rîe îhest place cfi svssert theýr iariculars caîl attisel c-k e ~ o ~tant, GSO. McGXLL, Manage VETERMINARY SURGE ON, hOU NIAIVlèL L E, ONiT Ail men Cani't be Apolos of strcngth and formi, but al May have robust , liealth and strong I 'e ' -neî-ves andi lear mintis. Our freat- Ment makes such men. Tihe melsotis -are ontu own exelisively, ansi where anythsisg is lefa to buildiupon, the VIGOR 0FJMEN îs easily qinck- i'estored. Weakness, Nervousness, IDeb1ity, andi ail the train of eviip from cariy errors or later excesses, tihe resut of ove -worlç, ickness, sworry, etc., forever cured. . Ful etrength deveiopment, andi tone giv- en to every organ andi portion of thse body. Simple, natural inetisots, Im- inediate improvement seen. impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanations ansi proofs mailed (sealeti) free. Adsiress, ERIE MEDICAL 00., BUFFALO, N.Y, 110W TO MAKE CAITDY AT HOME Saicxcellent( ia.ffy may ho mý,ý ýiatie by bak- n]g one quart -ni moLassoýs, ani S ali s pounti if buttei r, ant 'îihing Oe Iso unî li lSe us bikn. hua solllakeahoutl Sali au sni. T111isonstir s i tS a spoon uruil, ou aSýiug mut aluttle sffy, il beýonses hait on inimersion i luseotiwater. ,_Talte Sali a tes- cupo ni sioogar, pour imb tisesmass, and tiri for bssu a minute. Thon pour tihe baffy in o buttereti tins, or disSes, anti set amide to cool. Take thîce pountis nf cugar, a quarter pontiomibotter, hidi a teaspoonunion eiam-of-taiîar, sud atit sufficieut irater olnby 10 dissol1e au,-gar. 1Boul isitiout stirriîg until il mill easily break mnhen droppeti in coiti sAter. Tben pour inb a weli-buttereti dîipping-pan, anti, olsen ah- ast coîti. out lusto "mail squares. If de- aimeti, a ush ni lenuon may Se atidedtih ie mixture St-mie pnttiusg on te, boil. Eight dropa soiih be u'icnt. THEE NGI1{EVEUttO't TAFFY. Everton taifs laeancalieti Seeuse matie piiariiy liEverbon,Englanti. Ibisia ne ni bbheinost coothsone o nIal candies, anti, obîseIl matie, ih deicins. hake cuie pounti nf butter t0one pount nf sugar. Put the bustrcinlutise pan firaI andt it lmela lithoe, tison ath te mugir, anti boil until the mixture soll baiden sohen Sînuglut imb con- tact soitS colt soater. By baking somne chippeti cocoanut, pea- nuls, aimonta, nirsoalssis, sud fliigiug lison sulo cither niflise aboro mixtures jnstbch- fore taking off tise tire, ouï ecas make somte very fine nult candy. Aisother ides la 10 eut open figa, ISen pour orer [hem the Soiliug isîxturo. SnatE T3OTiSOME utîldER CASNTY. haSe onecup nifsoatertbo ne anti a-hall cupa mf augar, anti boilutil, onapplyiog youî fiuger t0 tise dmup, taking a uittle on the tip anti quiekly dspping il mb 15th soater, ut soîli roll up imb a sacii all. Filavor mith1 essence oi gingcî or posotereti gin1ger. RubSmousse ni the augar agaisîtt sites ni the pan soillia sonoden aponîs until il lurus swhite" thon pour imb butteicti tins anti put away su a cool place. Leucon, pep- pomment, or almouti dandiy is -matinl thes camie way. TO ILAVE tlOOD 1BtRNT ALMONDS, Taise Isopousini offine engar, antiSoil until, ou goutly dipping tise hp ni youî foefunger sîto [Se ayrusp anti appiyin)g ut t youm tîsuniS, tise sugar forma an fine tbiead on boing tunîleti spart. hisSe ne pouti ni Jourdan or Valencia almontis, blauscedt and driet, anti put ilo the pan soitis the augar. Ssii, lake irons be fire, anti suse the sînsontis sibibe s uisungar as possible. heimneeter you dleaire bbc nota, the longer coultinue tise pmncosa. Fiai or soili orange finiscm rchaer. THE XIAKING OF MASS E ngS. haSe oneSali as muuel ster as niaplE mngsîr, conS soitisoul alirriug, aid iries aimnat ticue put mnss snali piece of botter. WSeu it begina tn liarden haSe if off lis tiro, and ti lr rapidiy until il beconses caswax- on substance,. hscu imide ifi m baSchs sut incluse oeS h all belsoccu IsoSalves on Engilissocînuls, aud put on a greusoti plate te, cool. SOMsE 0000 cuîoc OLATE CRIES One anti a-SlI fenps ni gîsteti ciocolate, forcupa nifbuoueNgarýim, nue anti a-ls11 cup folcolti soalu, au cgsztpeen n toi, anidtwo I1 epoil n ct iea Boil tSi, jusi-rlure mssk a atone oror a brieSkfir until il Secomses bîlîtbe cou mmsîersion ilu soaber. Do uoh ai, bîutshako the noise' sole hoilissg. Wbeu finiabeti pour lusto v boîter aud Ilcuret itash, anti divide off lutc even squames sohile coit. A tiasni leusos or vanilla, sas' Iso ablespoorufula, gives t15 caramels a tainty fiaror. cocoANsUT utROPS. Take one pounti ni tesi ccatet cucoanut hall a pouistofnipowrtereti sugar, andtih(i wohite ni an ogg. Work, ail togeîber, roi intc lie balla la the baud, Scise on bul t eredti [ns. CitOCOLATE nANILI.A PEnAxmS. halte twn cupa ni pulverizeti sugar anti s Sali eup ni creans. Boil for fine uminutes anti dinudo off luto halls sohile Sot. Take ei mueS gîcteti ubotilate as is uoeacy au( mIcas over a tea-ketthe. Wlseu soit, enve the Salis andti mc 15m.away Lb hardon. I you wsheS b luce a vanilla fiaror, att 15g excaîseome puttlng onstore.- C000AŽstJT d5tEX.ut QNDY. haSe oneanti nue-liaf pounda mf granu lateti sugar, acuth1e miik iroin s c ica Mix logetbou, andti eat aiowly until, anga im mllet;;lisen boil for fine ouiinles. XVe boileti, stitine cocoaniul, tin elyV gîteti, au- Soul for ton mnutes longor, stîrring cor stauthy lii Seep lb iromu uumuing. 9WSc dionc, pour on bubleret plates anti eut int squares. Thies wll take about two cisys tý bharden. CIAUIS ANDY. Boul Iso ourle f dnet boarbount ini pisîit anti a-Salini sfoater for hudf asur~u Strair, asîdiati t bîeecutia-hall ponuts c browsonagr. Boil over a hot fic nuti sufficiessbly lisard ; tison pour nutl mb fiat socli-guesset tin,,ant i tiide off inst iek or sm-dl squares witS a Suife as soosuai cool enugh 10 relain iba shape. FolIo wtlb saune directions for wuubergueeu cnty. N EW-ORLEASsMOLASSES OCÀOs'. Faoil deaimedti htsn cet in ecti ater. Stir quuckiy usîtl shite, thon Ibroîr lu 15. nuts. Pour, mb ofiaI tis, andti cul mI squares. IIICKORYNUT SIACAFLOONS, To hiekorynuls grouateti fine att mnixo fthe liinsg si-ho socre near kin 10 hlm, as reevt teotnSbs lueo -es if tlîeyyearned 10 pour sulo theecars Itha soutIen h 15e ime-keeper, i r tie uasl yet couklihear bbeim peut-up cspaqtisy. charge ni the store wa nnt requîru -si Ant i ue tiseme ore soio autiont S bcte ratings of tisenmen upous the pi1 b deleti, -Sots eaughî 15e liai da oDf liii cois, Tbe doeînr'a tout iras a.tri ie:7 res sriuging Ilsaîn, anti saying: but hissoffices nigîsb asipîs'hae b -ciJ t-s Re wfesas t10rue aiso liSle a fether " anti, Se Ilunthe caddie." He w'sai omnuiiy w grountiÀ ausplice'sud notmog. Make;a irosI- "My boy, youir fatbers nuine wsi open au ing as for cks Stir il)st5e meats andui( door te you aiand, "C hildiren ni snob a ir lpeca, ptting lu enougisOnly t10 uake sIilianea rt a trimiiony in the world'a debt e-unettolibandie. Fleur thehaisdl, alrd if')lm"lasni,"S;Ince su-e eau eer payitto assae tiniturm'bhalls about tbe 5ihlm, Ii, blden uIcollectt 15e laîheras ni a ssustmeg. Lay ,theonn ngrease,ýtiwilh deIbt ni lov'e sd niegod-il wellwased btteasd give thons i oin h rau ise tf ory -,1for, au boumi, liit spiroadl. ïBakie nluqick os u. tlime foiîbadle. l'Ibe uetrai t raI1 in dpari.ý, anti we Iweut 1bccýk t1 ,-i. GREASI AINUT0"1111(coldunuego Ita1k to tbu wibb sord(idi 'take lino pounýd s oite sugar, a tbeaicilpsef1s) ea We hati isen "ii, ahoiyplce ni sater, ansd Soituntil it Ibreatis. FLanor 'l'le poul,if pt 10 opapor't, ouI unIcast se- liberaliy uitS vanilaexîracl, antithon lak oîsîs, but insist on writ ing te an absent fonîbe fic sud stir unlil soite sud crosmay. flei iIb tis gond man's111îr anlsiated. i -Have wainuts prepaîed ; makoe cand(iy I oh, how poor sud nmean seemed the1 inb a'mail, round caltes, proe ss aiuts loýto - peîy strifes for htaussent gain! H11w( the aides, drop lu gransîlateti sugar, ani put cossemptible seemedtbe -"iamanusis"sems asite 1 cool. [h etthe keeu, 15e sbrewed, the uxEspi annw.1billiant, sud uniiscmuipiwnus m a ans tise Diss9olve Ssialapound ni white gulMa',ntlsiestreet--fho clerer feibow solo " aiwvaysbeats 'lu ose plut niofu ater. 'Strain, ai add baSf - Sf," suin hons so Suty(stermonHning bad, s pousîi ifine sugar, sud tPaceo over tise egadedasan ielhsou'ry swr lire, stirring. constantîy until tisb irpc s u coparion si,15ihe i rauk,,openi, essng, dissoiveti sud al is ni 15e consis'bency .in1 i' fie i theblameics antipure man whmso lsoney. Addt gratiuaily the sohites niftour isi.. losI. Thereis such anameles sowcr in. eggs mou beaten. Stir the mixtureiuntîil iucoiî-istorma 15e citatici nithe buman1 becomes somewbat thin and doosnI ailsereI hesît. We aurrendert10 1e man ni ranls. b~~~~~~~~~ tefge.Toporbalisigstypreul Sonesty, sutibe may lei uls cptivese dusteti suith posdereti stareb, n o in-aI hls wiii, Thon, ton, how the embeof n >dfosor, sud sohen cool timide off mb itosasucaieSa 111e hurn ou long aller thecIvital spark Sas fied. 'Society deligbts te remembor 1te squaes. APPLE COMPOTF. ciaracter, quobo bis opinions as authority, bis ivords as oracles, bis acta as precetienta, 'nt souse fine applea in haines, pecitoml witeui bisr issding tSsu theg clleais out tise coîca, antiddop thons iito printeti code. These embois Soin on long,1 coiti water. Having takon tisout, proý- 1i11 aI lasI swhite asiles Orly are ici Ite marki pare anme sirup Sy îakiuig two pouis i>, the spot wb e a brave soarrior once pîtobeti fine sugar anti bnîling unstil tihe sirup "p'us 1 his snowy tout-fer Ihe Seat ni mon at lait mb oa Ibreati. Boi ynnr applea in Ibi s a" I) !pare lorgotten by mou. TIbereSe anmewshorn unîi they are soit. Plaýe rthons inchn or wc mnake haste te lorget oven before thoy are glass disîs, anti aller straing ý-ýtis smu delad, as if soc daroti unt wish thons tiati, thmnugî a flu clone pour the s o1 bt sili seek 10 puth thons entiîely out ni bise apples wvience the cores bias e been cui li mmd. oul. "15e mesory ni the List," isowever, "la * OstANnîl COMuOTE. pcln..It ih the srame ni tise ieketi The oranges muaItnItSe boîleti, as the'lir soSuis abal rot." juiey nature sil nIt permit nifih. P What a sealth laidl up, mùrenneor. Thecre fthons. cut nt u lices, anti take noutl the edala býear(lth 1e universai comurent, ' 1He linrei anti core. When Ibis is donc, aiel simu among us a baueealiie.', D', 1 tbinkIle -prepaîod as inthe twoiastrprecediugýrreaeis. 1I deti i tyl, tisa toy eau isearI au The juire ni an orange nm&y e atidetl tS n, Say, 1yt ,I dare hiûè opa. lsupos ativautage. tlises do rot ; suppose tise tswecitsîprales î___ofnithe Sither idle ni the atreans arel ou o A NOLE IFEENDD. lisl arîher saide Lamit [ho initier oulogie s e A NOBE LIFE "DEDsou doue, gond andtifl,thfl servant -enter imb joy. " Yet a biamoiesa man fore, 1cr StARKLSIv bis poat.-mor esu praisos3 ; net slfias- "HIomn is Mi. B--bissmerning 9", 11muirblisely, îhough lu iact daily Se knows "Master isliso etter, thack yne. 15e lb einre dcutb wlîal uncion ili say on imi, anti bouse is nery sadl," arssîerodtbbc e.o 0bscslie vic le hhS epn hcîrteti servant aI the door.wý foi' Sun. Mensaîy Ibese tîiDs inl bis lin- " sSadi, inticed, nsy good girl ; sud se, also îng cars , andtebe St ni it lbis oison tae [holne neighbolisood," I rpsoas I boas-t asys as musch, Goti bearine situtas. 0burnedte descnd lise front stepa'. igWhsite, ou the other baud, a Sudinian turneti, 1 met aisotiser nieigihor, Jme-,, enter- guityni a tisousenti woussds, inreknons that 'f i15h ae wih esfel ýLt te grave is unie nerl -, that bis departuro irglstc gali, o ier housiîy ht ro u i_%ll1 be but 1he signai forsa Sosl ni oxecra- se a lion jar, bot i':loru, eus sica omassth e up onuthe secoud sinry, sud belsisi io lid tion, corsesuIouibtdepoerte stono front, indeeti! dciii lion, woieu dog bcars. Anti shat But Ibat carefol landling niof e îtesi fsc steehaeor Sa at c~~~~~~~ snxlarwt lwsiscs.a iesid e--luns '-ourses atideti unto curses rising nf goîtiesl symnpsIiss anti tender ciitu 'ýde np frous the sailli tbey bave leit Sehinti, soc blosing îlirougii bbhesu'ioie street. W ee until they are forgotten? ail walcdtias on iptee uuong the pan%-osmeut _______________ .epaît that bouse, whrbeli lay B-- 'prostrale sott bs evr.hi vi- tatesîe'sbO ARILROAD CAMP II N .MTISII COL- -unre1.nLeste d, trr ep thei razy veiieples, TIMBIA. crecj ing giugeriy above 'ehe s tones. 'Ahi, I socs just abou te1 ask, bsois le? dWbat do tisey say ?" saidth 1e latesî cosuiier AnIncSiscdet or' çC. E . cousasriilloaa. ifte nie. There were nîber campa on bise lineofni Iis "e ' No botter. It is a daîkeneti Souso aiid a sooris, and t is wsorthite tsioe aid a uord sastie outisîunuity," I1 padc, Iabout their management ansd Ibe systons "Iîsdecd. you are right. B--laý a nunast untier whiicis tiey w-oie maintaineti. lu the blamcless isîn. I tlsluk soc ail lhe ltfirit pIlace, oeS camp le apt t b Se 5enfit mian. Great Heavenii must S!e indLee1 dUe, ni a contracter. Tihe soole work ni building anti a lsy othr ino on theîr sOVis a railrnat ist lot nut in cou tracts forportions i-ýs ie IW cuotsstebrn esprc'y nifine, ton, or itou miles, Evn n w bos - dot ~" P gîcal jobs ni 70 or 100 miles are contractoti Os-oreu nt1is;eîiy il waa tise saniýe be1u1,fuforiluonue piece, il la cuaînmcry for bbc cou- Ssentimen trepeabtd. Meun auoi mt tis ractor te dinide bis tasis and sublet il. But ibualeal affaira Io aîk us bosrsrs O- f a faîrly reproenlative biit ni me,-uitain woik a- course, uc suould recover ; sucS i enmust la that solich I oud Danu Duruai uperin- O nt dic ; tlise wrmou enuit -i Iigt on sitoul tenalng, as bbc factotum ni 1he contraclor -~Ilions. Schemes of grand insportsoel,,ay- Whbo untiertook lb. le cd tltii1'i -gels on bis fot again. We eau, If eacnbîa'-tor cols aa "lboas" himseif, do îîotbing itisout hlm."IlYoung mouiir as ho tays lupon bhe groîînd ; but luinIbis case sa id, caume gravely ho bis oifice, m ïiaioî,ýity bbc conhîsetor bcdl otiser undertakings lu su Ibeir hearLs deeper ISsu tisei sordls ex- baud. fnebs rauon a ou pressed, askiug tise tînsibieti cicîkas ien his Nvaiking boss or general foreman. Dunul le [bey really thouglît B--wold ge over lsaa nof nieans, anti is hinsseif a cotrat. agasu," anti snosvug 1mw large a cfientage toi by profession, wonas soorked bis way tliero reaily iras ni detoendants, ni youisg up frosu a staît as a laboror. lires lîopiîg iluil ie, ni trouisîct1 ilnos Tise camp tesohicis soscaime was a port- lecuiu oulusoi grnd 11e n lîexpriee-able cify, couipite exeept for Ils lack nf - eti linos iooliugliîabiîuaiiy te Ibis ope irisa'wo,,nel,. Il Ssci its artisanss, ils iuîfessionai slue loi ativice. Anti 1 kues how hall anti mes, ils store antisonekahopa, ils seal ni is fluteriigbbhargsrecliie socs. Sosenoin goncmument anti offleers, sud its policeman, t the sîart I icît blat B--wolit i nover gel lîs amsusement bail, its soork-a-tiayaud social r socil. Poil aps wo leaneti upoîs liii to sides. Its main peculiaîiîy soas tisaI ils If nsucb. alo~ tia.blncm boss (for it la iike ail Amoîlcan cil y lu 1he ce Weli, il was alo tls._J,) possession ni ISsI f enoionary alan) hsci su- up Irons doson town, camne fronih !l'aani nounceti that lue 'as goîng te mono lb a scores, cause fions factories,sian ven ii -cosupe ni miles ssnay on tise foiiowing Stin. latine halls. Yet lb waa Lise busie lt onida.Oelntsc15asbea',visa tis. a.le sot c nto h iecapacinus Il corral Il fonýceS lis iear by for walk anti patiently soated ti n Cli hO, maso 1he Looping of the pack-hsorîes anti mules. i sinels nifsolter. Thua nulusitiecrmr cu is1hcorps of assistais -socs a large enus ; for, Mnt unIisar bbesoord, tsibepacî, d obdetse pack-isisca Sdcossuectedtibue i pesiorce llîcy isiesohti for tsesslva.O,e apasbolroitleaiteepn gray-hsiretd akrict oamng a1 ial tue " grade-hoses,' se calleti-those to hnr hugsfrmc sharn ade naîl soieS traso the clone ant irt caîts andthie O hmnabeti j 11111edu'îsp cars on the faise trac'a set up on Le ' Diti yoen kuow iu, nMy th? j1e eve'a nearsobere "filhiioe"or Ileutting"I "Ay, ir. Ant ilksu esery nue e(le, icus is tube dois'. Another 105, scst1e bIseit- bis for my gond." i aîia oht epr'asisa aSothe tîro moi shaook banda nulit, one wiîhl busy man, ehargeti uitis al bhe bol-sharp- r. lSida, flic otiser wiîls calions at bal bud tuisbbýcacre ni ail the boîsea' foot, anti 'f usadeequals us tise loive they bor, e i -deathebbcrepairinofniail bteioîl.ivork niflIse Al mna.Thoîs another sati I hls,-aîusa-andîis's t n sbop t, Ho iesaveti ny 11e." I brkewassh, carnsscias t-erap te s No e Is lAnti îy chiltis lufe !bkisi u ide-eatber-messdler. Iunbluescetie cf tIse tinp), Is ]y gentleman, intantly. liS-e a loir ctatiol, rose aî mouesti ni lo gsansd le Aindisolen they Sîti gone on pra on f ea r th- bearîng onu a ign fbbc sinîgle iord CATAI4RHILDrxs'xIss-HAn FscrE-A NEw HOME TnEAitENs'. Sisff-rers are nI gI-noms iy aware thal thssas dsesîses arc conta-ouis, or that bisay scie di u tise pueseeofni iris g parasites in biseliinsg membrhane of tise anseanhid eussachîsu tubeýs. Mlcrosco'î-lcreseaich howerer, Sas p'-oved tlisa 10 Se s st wad tho resuit ofn.iSu tscovery is thal a s'm- ple remeiy lias Seen forînniateti m-Se- by cataîrh, cîf),arrliai deasmogs sud îusy f-ver ariii pir.maniietY coredtin555oà Ct> îhrec iu-haol4aisu îadeataIhome3 by the pfi-r it otit wo neekq. N. B.-Ibis tr ,aunent 15 nul a anusf or a-s in rîsel; Wbuis bave I-e- i dis- cartict as injuiions. A pansipi et e- pliiig this sisesotre-alsut e nt aoullie sui reuc-upt ofninto npsy p'st-soe, S3 .. G. Dixun & Co., 345 West Kiysg St. Tom- onto (Cauada.-Cistian Ativocate. Suffe,ý'ý-ifoins Ciarrisal tronhes shouitos iui reid lise above. The Gliasgowo eagitratos liave becu fumerg cyclisîs 30s. oeS fou ritiing aI nigîsI withou't lampa. A man's reai possession is i"a mu(y la iiothiss cIao is lho rieS, in utsu lsl hoe pani. "1Hello, nid ecp 1 Congratulations I bear yun lihane maîrittd a lady sitis ais inde - pondentifortue?'" "No; I nuarrîcti a foîlunewsitS an intiependeut lady-sobieb la a neîy diffeicut thsing soicuynnu vrS It ont." Mliutlly g's-ses for Dora an s GîIsh The "Sunlight" Soap C'o., Toronto. for lise iollowing):j mies ecris'moumh islifurtisernotice ro hâ uanasd girls under1li, reîiding in tise Province of Ontariosoho send theise esot - initier ni'fiunligisc"wsraupersi: bat, $10;2nd. $8;: ird, $3; luis $1; 5 h mn 14, a Handiome Block dO L pretty is'ccure 1teisoseo snod iso, es i h-su 12 srapper,'. Pond irrappers te "Suo I SPose Off ce. 43 Scit. T "oronto sun Iuri than 29h of m nd umarked i-ü Computin.Â"; aangsne isolSnaisse, edimess, c.Ars n;uihu-i of su-ris. Wians,- o %iiIlb- pub li-.h 1i-s ÏT'or-onto Mail lirs Shtatud s' és oeS hmonts. RHiLOH0 employed by the comflany, but each mani was "ldocked," or chai:rged, seventy-fivej cents a montb for mied ical iervices whether he ever needled adtr or flot. When I wvas in thle camp t lerecwas only one sick! mlanl--a 1rheumatic. 11leha a tent ail to lmsiand l hl' meals were regulairiy car- ried to hm.Though ho esous -4a strauger to evr asthere, and baid worked oniy oeday bufore ho su;irrendered to sicknss, at purse of atbouii forty, dollars had been rais- e(l for hini arnong the mewn, andlise svas to be I'packed"5 to Sproat's Lauri-ding on a mule at the Cornpany's-oxpeuse wheneviir the doctor decreed it soise te mos e hlm. Of course juvalidismi of a more serjous nature is flot infrequent where mon work in tise pathls of slidinig rocks, beneatb caving eartls, amid faliing f orest trees, around giant blasts and wlh1 heavy tools.ý -Anothler nue of ltie tpents wlas 1that ofth "bsspake."Hoseritede te trans-) portation of upisoih aktal hs "jno20meni," as nstyled blis cmp e3mployýed thirty pacýk borses anld mules. The packl trainis (consistled of ai,"bi-ore and boy, and ilsix horsýes following.Eýýchý animal soas rated to carry aburden of 400 pounds of detd weiglit, and to sequire three quarts of meai tbree times a day. Another ofiesal habitation was the "store- man's" tent. As a rule, there is a store-mass to every ton miles of construction work; often every camp lias ne. The orma keeps account nf the distribution of tLe sup- plies nf food,.fHe issues reoisitionjs luponi the head stnr(,bousýe of tie comniiiy, an.d maltes out odosfo ec d.ysrinsfromýr the camp store. The cooks are theurefore under him, and this fact suggests a1 mentýÀi osf the principal building lu the camp-ts miess hall, or 11'grub tou t. " Tbis structure was of a size to accommiïo- date twD bundred mon at onc. T\vo tables rau the longth of the nbroken nror tables made roughly of'the slabs or ou tiUde boards from a saso milI. TIse bouches werc hunge troc trunks spiked fast tupon stumpijs. There was a bencb on eithetr aide of eaich table, and the places for the men xvere caca set wit a tincup aud a týinpie pl-ate. Thei bread was beaped lsigh oýn woodeui platters, mustard, pepper, and alt-wreilucaus that bad once bedcndssd miik Tise coqlks svorkýed lii ianopeu ndefl,,I extensýion at tlie rear oni the geIro.Te la ithv(1e e ok ndto ckes te each sxymn fhile u wa a nw arrivai juist ndr goinig irinoduction, the mon Who hiad come iu from work, and wbo bad -"wasbed up " lu tIse littie creeksanad at the river bank, Ielanto seble in the I'grub tout "for suppr. bey ereespecially intercsting te mie because there svas every reason te ho- lieve tbat they formed an assembiy as typi- ua.fv the humas, d,,tsarn. of thi border as ever was gatlsered ou tbe continent. Vcry few were what migbt ho called boru labor- ers ; on the cosstrary tlsey were mainiy meo niier origlu wbobad failed ilucobler civilizatins ; outlaws from the States; mec who had lsoped for a gold minse until bope ,was ail but dead; mens in the first fdush of goid lever; ne'er-do-wells ; and lsere aud there a wos-king-mian hy training. They ats as a gond many other sorts nf meu do, witli great rapidity, littie etiquette, au-! just e ýnougb unselfislsuesa to pase eacb othier the bread. It was notsceablo that they seomeci t, have uno lime for talking. Certainiy bbcy liait rned the rigbt to beybungry, and the fond was gond and pl entifil.-Fromn " D)an Dunu's OittdI," hy Julian Ralpb, lis Jlrp cr's Hogazine for November. (JroiisAbout Coins. Certain passýages in the llliad nf Homer wouid iead toa thoinference tîat coisof' bras we e src as early as 1, 184 years B. C. Tradition affirms that tise Chinese h-ad bronze coins as eariy as 1220 B. C. But Herodotus, " thse 'ather nf His tory, " ascribes thea11"ln ventýion " nf coins 10 tihe Lydiaus, about nim centuries B. C., aud there ilsno satisiactory evidence that coins wcre known prier to that date. The original procesa nf coiniug was very simple. A globular piece nfi metal, baving s defiued weigbt, soas placed ou a die, engraver witls anm aionýalor ireligions symbLlol, and struck with ý a!,ammer umitl il lad received the sprssn. 0One nf the msf051anciciul Asiat ic coins î%as theo Persian Darie, a gold coin struck durinig the reign of Darius, usaril five centuries B. C. The first coissage -in ÎRome was about the year 600 B. C. The metal used soag bronze, and the uit nf valus 'sas one pouind lu weigbt. The coin was calledl an "a-"; was hrick-slsaped and stamped with the figure of a sbeep or an o'c. Silver was first coined atRomp in t lie yar 275 B.' C. The, drst Roman gold coin was issued vnly about 74 years B. C. The Saxons coined tihe first British plos about the year 279 A. D. Tise first colonial coins issued lu Ibis cousn try were struck lu Massachusetts linlis 165 2 Tbey were tlîree, six, and 12 pence pieces. (jatarrli. New orkCit, Set. 9, 858 1 bave used themImoSec Ei c la' se- raossinfCbson i bileci rs, Stee. tgsc JilS- -K.,C.OMD -cockls'n S-Y., nci0. Bocia acc uue 0-r ou~s ins u a ca nidti'g tesi ic iii don) w tebeil îs-t, .l.rep.ts lroo YsnH ., Oet- '0thSb18,122. icfltte are li se a 2p13li checoaly supLerig, trhe Cou i su phyianuiis'. I nue 137 VTest 84th St. New Yoriz', Aug. 6, 188. S 'ave uedlynur MFiesSeeS mlsen Conponc rince than boped fer-st ias -uses eliDus, and con- unus. 1 reco-end St cheerieilv te tihe proiession and bumanits' St large. M. IL. GILBErTL M.D. Soid by -rLîggists, Price Ï', FLAX-SEED EMfULSICN 'O 35 LibertY St, WYorik- 1 havi a cositivea esscdy for the above lie;bri use tiîonss.s of cases of tihe st SaSad dcl Sng ,,isad s e aem eueed. Iàd s se tr,.g la ny a,-, in lta eOcu, thmt 1 wUls end T505TW ùLE5 !S "rnsw wSts a vALUAiiL5îraxR-ATSusnlIsSe diecaîs I-s sufferee vhse seusenii ne iSce S 5aS5ai sriese T. A. SLOCUM, M.C . P 186AV~aîo,! ST., WEST, T0IIONTO ONT. Ch~rnOr frp 1 brs itra p the druggists ý;,arl atiet soiouaos pl)acing a Sasîspietitte ie ltoevryn,~ a Cough, Sors Isnat, or U-onchtiaý, usc il,fo it miflicure yocs. If yuisriltibsthClp or Whoopîiug uiuit pmi y , sud rle is sure, 71you d!11'ýIc i tiaI nîdnrdies Consmptonuse it.Ask you m oggsfol SHILOH'1S (CU[,-, Icob CS, 50ct. ssnJ if .00 I y ur Lgs a-re soie or !Baclm ~s bihsPorons PIastor, PicCe 25 cts. 1 IS1WETIrE UMVERS.IL E51 JGDISE 71'"SSafler esist ssc 0-f Pure cedLve itad S HYPOPHOpHIFrES Ir i15 ALMIS'A 'L A eadorsed bsjPi jiia.A Vo"ld al al Dru', gists est 83 ile 1>. 1 ick Hleadache and siiv mal-is roubles inci- 3 dent Io a bilionis st te of:[ho sstens. such as 1 Dizzissess, Nausea. Dsoýsvsos, Pstres te oaig anin the Side,&cWhltei i remalhe success lia beLnshoson uin e IrIasdace' .y-te avn5Lsc ir îs Il oro cqualiy vnaînale .u.Constîatinu curný l. und preventing this nnyngcmpait wi they also correctaidsoesotto omc. stimuicato the liver andreglat is nw Ache tisey would ho almost priceiess b thoseLRf e lso sufer froiu tîsis distîessiug supeit B u t f t u n ae ly h e r g o o d u e a d o j f o n d Osr' anSths o nosce tthonsd", "u vIiSd y ~ ouIl illavinb1 lua en'wydta e le vlinth illing t. o I ýth1ouî tisens thý l'ut ernlsii Wa a Is the hane n nmns io ta oe sshr uesao orgra sf.Or puis cure t 6fhte thrs do, not. CÀOrsus:'s LiTTLE LîER 1 11,U are r' asusail su1d vers'ayc t:,yu tako. O - ori npilis nak, atdose. TOe.V are sîriest'veet i aS o siot gripens- purge, but by their geie ato piease aiulin house tlsem. Iis niais ;Il CI cets T irs for $1. Soid overs'where, or sent 1hy imail. e Âi~~iI~ Dls o~

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